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The Oshawa Times, 12 Mar 1961, p. 3

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ig BARBERSHOP MINSTREL SHOW BIG HIT AT BOWMANVILLE A enpacity pudience was in | night when the Oshawa Chap | ment of Barbershop Singing in [ sftendence ot the Bowman | ter of the Society for the | America, Ine, presented thelr | ville Town Hall Saturday | Preservation and Encourage | minstrel show, Chorus seleg. tions were presented ms well Rs numbers by the Dulcitones and the Sportsmen Quartets while & Dinieland Band added CAPSULE NEWS OBITUARIES HALBERT LESTER JAMES The death occurred at Oshawa on Seturday, Mar. 11, of Hal bert Lester James. The dec raged a. his Bh VERY id not wm Eeen for two He had of 128 neath "fl Keon ronda Students | Win Grants LOBDOY, Ot, (CP)~Feliow- performed hit he ships worth S1L500 each have gain cons iousness been awarled this year 10 #4 . Canadian students, representing Sen y NIVERSITY Posy ia Bn increase of 40 per cent Over Pe J 4 4 pe ) = Dr br hur He giy Vorier, Avan o the College of ind the VRIAEQ yER¥ Hugh Taylor, president of the Engineering at the University of pig jife in the Fel. Paskalchevan, has heen In ent ars Wilse ation Yoon ido N ona pointed the first professor of in Toronto and Ost Award winners may attend any dustrial eh ANEETING #t the Uni qualified graduate SNOO In versity of Toronto, effective Canada ond the United States Bept, 1, 4 was announced Bun and are encouraged to use this day, He will be the first mem experence ws preparation for"! of the university staff 1o he careers In college teaching, "The associated zolely with & Course fellowship pays full tuition! InAustngl engineering which daighier Cosis superseded the engineering and DUSINess course two Years ago HEADS BANDMASTERS WATERLOO id rid 6 WIN DEBATING Ervin Meaford Sunday was YONDON, Ont, (CP) elected president of the Ontarig- °F 8 College outpointed Univer: My Quebec chapter of the Canadign|®'Y of Ontario Saturday Win broths Joseph Bandmasters Association, On the Ontario Quebec (English: grandchildren tario vice-president 1s Frank PPesking) section of the Inter: grandehildren Banks Lindsay versity Debating League The funersl service will he competition The Lennoxville, held the Mecintosh-Anderson AKT SEIS RECORD Que team will represent this! Funer Home 9 (41 TORONTO (CP) An exhibi- section in the national finals at da 14, Rey ( H tion of Van Gogh paintings at|Ottawa this month, Topic of the Atkinson minister Albert the Art Gualiery of Toronto was|debgte was a resolution that! Street United Chureh, will eon attended by 113,600 people, &!neutrality is immoral duct the lee Temporar record mark for the gallery entambment will he in the Osh The paintings, on exhibition TL) BE REMOVED Union Cemetery Muniso days, drew an average daily LONDON (AF) Movie star leum. Interment will he in attendance of more than 3,500 Elizabeth Taylor took another Smith Cemetery, Woodville, at 8 In 1951 the Hapshurg treasures, Pp toward recovery from dow: later date on view 41 days, drew more ble pneumonia Sunday with re than 133.000 and the Dutch moval of a yt heal Breathing | tube from her throat, The tube masters in 1055 drew 88,410 in Afiliation 8 days WHE Inseried in emergency sur ' By MIS, R gery nine days ago to aid th CHARGED IN DEM star's breathing, TE (CP) Hugh Eng oT Cmte' heh Tati ¥WCA WOLDS DISC USIONS, yo, HEY charged with manslaughter in! 8 ET ER BOROUGH (CP)= the death of his father, John)" ome #0 young persons dis Englert, who died Sunday in| cussed divorce, the question of Ponpitel Police said Mr. Eng |® open Sunday and unemploy BLACKRTOCK Interested relatives and friends of the Fx of the United Church gathered in the Christian Fduea tion Friday evening for the Explorer lee of affilia tion with the Was mn heen Years This k failed to re gt Port ed Born hie Hoover, Ont son of the Jame Hh wy tra art deven Henry Wi 5 A ana 14 wiack the He went renter of wWonaville aren ne had hved in awa, Mr. Jame an adherent of the United Church 4 last ap Yee 7 Vredeceased by his wife Robinson on Orval d hy Viola Mrs and Mrs and one the in Mi thres Wood Lexi ets son former 1944, and i JR tori Sir My Foromte Oshawa Tr Blateh John Jame Yish | ton, Oho Oshawa sur Jiilie ol &0 sister ving Vieury fre a Toro Oakwood and 97 great to # EL at i pm § of Mar ery AWA C, my plorers room ar WME repeated thelr Rey P and ex Albert Strant March 87, PATRICK'S Tea United Church, Thuy at 280 Admission Challenger Group of he BUNNYSIDF da cent WA Nei Hhhor hos wl Park have Tussin ALLia counsellor, re work, Fol Good News presented Mrs | [A who is Pre of Affiliated plorer troups. In her reply Mrs, Leask thanked the girls ind congratulated them on thelr falthfulne A play Romeril the i pageant the treasure Port Perry etl ear the hasement Chureh RUMMAGE Knox Preshy Mareh 18, 1.30 pn ale In All ls terian Wednesday, | neon i BING ET 14th ADMISSION BUSES 83 and KINSME! TUESDAY FREE EXTRA tert suffercd head Injuries in A iment as the 1961 young adults i y, § k ment early Baturday morning turday onference the me ) A omerzeney operation Was Young Adults Face Bocial Prob n emergency lems it Smoking More |. ii" Romeril led in praver OTTAWA (( g f anadians| (, nded a welcome smoked a record number of Mr Dominion Bureau. of Statistics! y,.. ofl reported today 1 Basing its figures on govern their {bureau sald 34,280 554,000 cigar hyterial id last year, up 1.4 | per cent from the previous rec Cigar consumption hit 355,524 [000 up 6.8 per cent from 1060 and 2.8 per cent ahove the pre fall downstairs after an 8rgu conference of the YWCA opened COMING EVENTS Canadians motto and purpose bel Cigars and cigarets in 1060, they iowed ment sale of excise stamps, the 1.eash ord of 33,822,125,000 in 1050 | vious record set in 1068 Birch the "The Talking Rar was presented tirls and after the inging of another hymn, the film strip, Lit Lit Makes Dreams Come True Commandment |v, own | A question and- disoussion| Unheeded period was: held and Mrs ei . [Romeril presented a Blue Biar DAR - ES » BALAAM, Tan: {to some of the members and| ganylka (Reuters) Fhe Gold Star each to others who Canadian Salvation Army [have campleted the work major put down his silver The closing ceremony then rumpet, looked at the sea |qq) place, followed hy refresh of attentive faces akoo market place, TEAMS JUBILEE PAVILION BINGO ET. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING EAST AT FAREWELL EVERY M Jackpot i ow MONDAY NIGHT GOOD PRIZES "POP CONCERT" BAND OF ONTARIO REGIMENT | HAPTER CHORUS in Kerls yoni of hot chocolate and and | opened his Bible to preach | cookie on the Bight Commandment [PERSONALS "Thou shalt not steal." Mr. and Mrs But when Maj. Charles [and Mr, Harry Sanderson visit Stewart, of Chatham, Ont, |ed Mr. and Mrs finished his exhortation and Millhraok bent to piek up his instru Mi Arnold - Taylor, ment, it had gone, others from the Quaker Police sald today they are (Company, is spending a looking for the thiefs=and |in Chicago on business the trumpet, worth $300 were most fortunate missing the severe {there Saturday Mr, and Mrs, Fred Griffin and boys, Enfield, were Sun: day supper guests of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Ginn at Orono. In the afternoon, they called on Mes, Jean MeLaughlin and hoy | Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Larmer {and Douglas were supper guests of Mr. and Mvs. Donald Tay. lor at Solina, On Sunday they and Mrs, Ernest Larmer visits ed Mr, Ernest Larmer in Thorn: [hill Hospital My Ms and My |) (Mr. BE. Larmer pected he My, and [Os hawa, visited Athert Weight an | Fred day Mi THE J. A, Johnston ol SWEET ADELINI (30 Yoiges O.C.V.l, Auditorium MARCH 17th 8pm ADMISSION BY TICKET 50g AT IX { i! with| Oats| week They| in just tornado f QF ( WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE SUPER BING MONDAY, MARCH 13 $100.00 DOOR PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. 52.57 2--$500 JACKPOTS 52 NOS. OR LESS. (IF NOT $250 JACKPOT, Neos. 52.57 -$300 JACKPOT (IF WON IN 52 NOS, OR LESS, (150 CONSOLATION) 20 GAMES AT $40 17 NOS, OR LESS. (20 CONSOLATION) 5 GAMES AT $30 $2,350 PRIZES 20¢ PER ADMISSION WILL BE DONATED CHASCZEWSK! FUND "THE EXTRA BUSES 6 RED BARN ,Bqmmusss, ADMISSION TICKET GIVES YOU FREE CHANCE ON $100.00 POOR PRIZES IF WON IN REGULAR THEN GAME wsalation $25) 5 nd Ralph Larmer Larmer visited and it is ex oan return soon Mrs. Wdgar Horne, Mr, and Mrs, 1 Mr. and Mrs Trewin and bays on Suns & Must Go IF WO NIN TO THE | | YOUNG LEADER Canada's youngest prime min: ister . was the late Arthw Meighen, 48 when he first took loffice in' 1930 {Marie "Rey JOHN ALVIN BUSHBY John Alvin Bushby died sud Aenly at Wis family residence pf 7% Toronto street south, Ux bridge, Vriday, Mar, 16. He was in bis th year Born in Ushridge township he was the son of the late Ellen Albright and John Bushhy Raised in Claremont, he had spent 40 years in Pickering in his trade as tinsmith and pro prietor of the Pickering Hard ware Bore, He was a member of the United Church at Pick Enng Surviving are former Annie daughters, Mrs (Fileen), Malton Daly (Jessie) one son, John the two his § wife, Pay James Mills Mrs, Ronald Searboro, and of Toronto Also surviving are two sisters Mrs, VV. Tee (Kate), Brooklin and Mrs. Floyd Jones (Flossie) trooklin and one brother, Wal ter, of Oshawa The bod MeF.achnie Is resting at the Funeral H ome Pickering, Funeral services will be held from the Pickering United Church at 2 p.m, Tues day, March 14. Interment will follow in the 8 Cemetery falem FRANCIS LEO OVCONNOR The Oshawa Mar death oceurred suddenly General Hospital 12, of Francis 1.e0 of 224 Hal He was in at Sunday (Frank) O'Connor let avenue, Whithy his 67th year torn in Whithy, he was the {son of the late Mr, and Mrs |1, 7. O'Connor, He marrigd the (late Madeline Longwap, in Whitby, He was a lifetimg resi: 0 nt of the community Mr. O'Connor was a ember lf Bt, John the VFVangelist Homan Catholie Church aps was employed at the Ontario Malle. Abin Iron Co, plant in Oshawa He is survived hy a brother Wilfred, of Whithy and a sister, also of Whithy and two brothers, George and Basil, hoth of Detroit, a sister Mrs, Norm Coffey (Kathleen), of London Lars, Dent Chadwick Montreal and a of Toronto The remains are Town Funeral requiem mass in St Fvangelist Chureh at Wednesday, Mar, 15 Temnorary entombment he in the Oshawa Union Ceme tery vault, The Rosar sald at the p.m. today MRS, ALBERT PEARCE uneral services for Mrs, Al bert Pearce, 418 King street |wesl, Oshawa, who died in the 10s hawa Goneral Hospital Tues day, March 7, were held in the MeIntosh Anderson Funeral Chapel on Friday, March 10, at 2 pm I'he hrother, Jack at the Chanel Ww 10 am, conducted hy RN, Ward of Westmount United Church, followed hy in terment in Oshawa Unlon Ceme tery Pallbearers were Wodnisky, B Pearce N. Pearce and R RErvioe was Ii, Ktone, G J. Pearce, Pearce N John Rowland] | and Mrs. Merlin Shanty and boys were Sunday guests of { Mr and Mrs, Harold Martyn land boys | | THAT BETWEEN SCENES LOOK Actor Orson Welles smokes a cigar and reads his role of fellows (Helen) of for John the team will land mis will he Town Chapel at 7.00/1f they had one [Gold Medals For Architects | OFTAWA (CW) One gold Imedal and 19 silver medals are jt be awarded this year lov outs sl anding fitectural work, the ? (Royal Architectorat Institite ow | Canada wanowneed today The awaeds, known ws Massey Medals, were started fn 1959 The jury will consist of Pietro | Betinsctn. dean of the school of lgrehitectone at the Massachn- isetts Frofit te of Technology, (Boston, John Bland, Sirector of ithe school of architecture, Me Gill University, Montreal, and Peter Thornton, # Yancowver aremitect Preliminary selection of en itries is to he held in June at | Ottawa, followed by final judg ing nn October nu SMALLEST WIRD The smallest bird known 16 man is the "hee," a Cuban ham-| minghird that grows 10 & length) of Ys Ine ies 10 the quality of the show, The fewtured salaint was Murray Oshome, Been here are the members " the chor AT RICHMOND HILL THE WEATHER OFFICE gions of southern Ontario and says there will be ine hee, Wel snow cloudiness today In most ve: | and rain are expected later regions, today and Tuesday In most (CP Wirephots) WEATHER FORECAST Wet Snow, Sleet Becoming Colder TORONTO (CP) issued al 5 a.m $t, Catharines +... Hamilon + revevee Muskoka FERRE IETDY 2% Killglog ,rereveense 38 Faron seseeeesere 15 Sudbury coveeereer North Bay coeveeee 28 White RIVEF 1ov0es 16 Monsonee TALLY-HO ROCM A good Place To Meet and Relox HOTEL LANCASTER Whitby Pee Wees Stopped In Opener By CLIFF GORDON Whithy's crack little Pee Wee eam found stone wall in Richmond Hill on Friday night they topped 3-1 in fast hard fought game, This was the first game of a hest of five series and is the OMHA Pee Wee semi-finals for this classifi ation, The Whitby team ilthough defeated gave a fine showing and the referee ing left lol to he desired from a thorough stand point Three the winners were scored while the loca team was short handed, All the winners' gosls came in the final period of the initial game Gary Chureher and Doug Achomb re the hig guns fo) the winner; as they each fired a pair of goals In & winning cause, Boh Stevens added other Pat Bremner was the lone light blinker for the losing Whithy team who lost their first game in playoffs in this en counter The Whithy team fast in this game scored on & solo effort 1.66 mark of the first period, | The Richmond HUI team battled beck but was met hy a) strong defence on hehalf of the Whithy téam, What players and| shots did get by the de | fence werg capably taken eare of by Chgviie Brown in the Whithy on Both teams mixed) it up very well for young fel lows and the goodly number of fans were treated to some mighty fine hockey by the little EV IVIIE ! let's see you go out and score two gorls The schedule for the balance of this series is: Saturday, Mar 18, here in Whithy st 2.15 Synopsis. There are indica Monday, Mar, 29, in Richmond tions Southern Ontario will be Hill at 700 pm, The fourth affected by another in the se same i necessary, Saturday, ries of storms which have swept Mar, 25, hore in Whithy at 2.15 northward out of Texas and pm. fifth game, if necessary, Oklahoma during the last two in Richmond Will on Monday, Weeks Hazardous driving con Mar, Zi a. 700 p.m ditions are expected The players who earry the Lake Erie, southern Lake Hu Whitby colors are; Goalies, ron regions, Windsor London Charlie Brown and John A mixture of wet snow and rain Adams defencemen, Mark ehanging to ran during the Rowland Val Brown, John Nor. afternoon. Chance of a thunder: Dave Lane; forwards, bryant, Geo, Reeson, Nell CITY AND DISTRICT Gibson, John Goddard, Mike Keenan, Vat Bremner, Bryan Borichetti, Bryan Bhesrer, Eric Bandlord, Claude Niro 1 he coieh uf the Whithy entry! PERFECT CRIB WAND Pete K ichera and the man:| In a recent competition for ager 1s Bob Lane The Bishop Trophy at the Bar. SUMMARY geant's Mess of the Ontario Re 1st Period giment between two eribbage Bremner oo... 1,55 DIAyers = Joseph Jackson and nd Period Stan Cooper ~ Jackson came None {up with a perfect hand, three td Period ln wi and the Jock of Hearts in his hand an @ Vv ) Richmond. Hilli Churcher, g| Hearts turned up, This is the | second time Jackson has had {that happen to him in compe | Htion today, northeast 15-26 Tuesday. Hill +00 Richmond Hill FESTIVAL WINNERS White Rever, Timmins-Kapus: | Patricia M, Visher of Hamp. kasing, James Bay regions; verre storm tonight, Cloudy and cooler Tuesday, a few smowllurries likely, Easterly winds Ineress ing to near 40 today, hecoming northeast 15-25 Tuesday Northern inake Huron, Nig western Lake Ontario southern Ceorgian Bay regions, Toronto, Hamilton: Wet snow | and possinly some sleet and freezing rain beginning this af: ternoon and emmtinuing through) the night, Cloudy and cooler Tuesday, snow tapering off to! light flurries during the morn. ing. Light easternly winds, in creasing to 0 or more this afternoon and shifting to north-| east 15-25 Tuesday Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali-| burton regions: Increasing cloudiness today, hecom ing overcast with snow late in the afternoon or toward evening. | Cloudy and cooler Tuesday with! snow tapering off to light flur-! ries by midday, Winds light, hecoming east 20-30 by evening. | Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk: land Lake regions, North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny, becoming cloudy during the afternoon, Cloudy with a few snowflurries Tuesday, Lasterly winds 20-30 Forecasts REE i ERFR very el / i" goals Wood Andy y, OPENING THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING an 1. Whithy broke out! Beoring Bremner #t the an 'At homb, Witser Richmend Hil: ( hurcher, COrAON seveenereererse 16,50] . Richmond Hill; Achomb, Dalas, Worrell ,..... 1740 e first with & mark of Bunny today Cloudy and mi « Richmond Hill; Btevens, 7m the ih for plano solo, tonight and Tuesday, A few Hutchinion seesererere 19, W at the Kiwanis Music Festival flurries of light snow Tuesday " at St. Peters Auditorium, Fri- Winds easterly 15:26 day, in Peterborough, Lynne Dickson, of Oshawa, came first in class for plano sole with & mark of #3 Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Tuesday; [Windsor cernnenere 80 ah CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | Thomas seveses 80 ah SUBJECT London ivvevennee #0 LH] The indestructible nature of winenam ,.,.,.,,, 80 EF] {man's spiritual faculties WaE pont po 95 [stressed pt Christian Befence|*0ronto d L church services on Sunday, Mar, | Peterborough ooe00 #2 a 12 |Trenton ..... FT ADMITTED T0 PRACTICE | Werner Euteneuer, of Osh:| awa, has heen admitted to prac tice of the profession of engin: LL the Association of | Professional Engineers of On: tario FURNACE BACKFIRE The Oshawa Fire Fighters were called to an apartment | building at 308 Saguenay Ave-| In the second period It was a hattle of goalies as hoth the little fellows came up with some Glen Hall style saves and look ed like big leaguer from the word go, and thelr parents musi have felt really proud of them as they saw them kick out some sure labelled shots. The Whithy missed some great chances to increase thelr lead but were hurrying their shots ied the pen corner In the third period the Whithy team gol the bad eye, of the refers The local team gol a num her of very cheap penalties and ax a result the home team man: ONLY DOWNTOWN MOTOR HOTEL Jarvis at Carlton Street Opposite the CBC Tawer, One block from Maple Leal Gardens fan F, Munro = Manager ges aged to capitalize on the extra man power for three goals, Only [two of the winners' goals were geored with the teams at even [atrength | Bo fellows, let's see you show | those Richmond Hill lads a few] tricks here on Saturday and keep out of that penalty hox as [vou ean net win any games or| {feore any goals In there, The referees have a job to do, {sometimes we feel they give us| la raw deal but that is some thing we have to take, Remem- ther for each penalty you gel I nue, Saturday at 11:06 pm, It was reported a furnace had [J backfired, No damage was | RO U DC | ported 0 54 | 54 SIMCOE NORTH | NORTH HEADS COMMITTEE Oshawa Chamber of Com meree President Willlam Hart today announced the appoints ment of Charles H, World to the chalrmanship of the Cham» her's Public Affairs Commit. tee, The main concern of the committee is local municipal activities, A member of the public affairs committee is in attendance at all city council meetings, Mr, World is distriet manager for the Consumers Gas Company, The Oshawa Ambulance made six routine ambulance calls over the weekend, SHAVER, CASH TAKEN Cash totalling $63 was taken from an unlocked safe at the Clements Service Station, 102 fimeoe street north, sometime diving the weekend. Also stolen was an electric shaver, The break-enter and theft was dis covered by a constable on pa trol at 1:12 a.m,, Sunday March 12, Entry was gained by break Ing two panes of glass, in the rear entrance | STREETS CLOSED The following streets will he closed for construction today March 13: Bloor west at &leven: | son road south; Stevensdn south, | from Gibb to the CPR; Steven: | son south closed at the CNR; | Mohawk street, closed from Pontiae avenue to Redford ave: | nue, Champlain avenue, closed fram Thornton road south to the Cromwell avenue cloverleal and Sherwood avenue closed at) Chevrolet street, ENSATIONAL MEAT FEATURES! Tuesday and Wednesday Only! SLICED 30: Breakfast BACON Ib 29 SKINLESS ¢ a4 TENDER CLUB STEAKS Ibs, 1.00 LEAN MINCED BEEF | Yow caan borrow to $5000 Without endorsers bankable security from PTT dN: 0 RT M3 THE FASTEST GROWING ALL.CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY 17 SIMCOE ST. N. CALL AL REKUSH AT RA 5.454) Benjamin Franklin between scenes of the historical fim a Fayette" being made at Nice, France, (AP Wirephoto)

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