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The Oshawa Times, 12 Mar 1961, p. 6

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The Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Wewspopers Limited, 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont, Poge 4 Meondey, Merch 13, 196) Bigger Canadian Effort On Research In Arctic This summer again, Canada is resum- ing its effort to unravel more puzzies thet lie under Arctic waters end ice, This is the third consecutive yesr for the Polar Continental Shelf Project, The 1961 operation is the biggest so far with some 70 scientists and support- ing personnel, an girlift and a fleet of sirplanes and helicopters, and a budget of more then $1500000 provided by the Department of Mines end Technical Burveys This "shelf" is roughly an extension of land under a shallow depth of ice covered water running about 1500 miles from Greenland to Alaska, The shelf might run anywhere from 50 to 200 miles out into the Arctic ocean, What- ever that area contains belongs to us, The problem is to know the physical qualities of the water over the shelf to help in freighting supplies up there, end to test the composition end strue- ture of the ocean floor to probe its mineral potential, The scientists want to define the dimensions of the shelf more precisely, They went to know if it does hold 8 vast store of various hard minerals, or supplies of oil and gas like these which have been probed in the archipelago of islends there, They sre concerned with the possibilities of under-ice navigation in the western islands particularly, and whether marine life there could be ex- ploited es & commercial fishery, and many other things, The project might well be called Operation Catching Up, the Montresi Star suggests, We are woefully short of knowledge about Arctic waters, And the fact is that an embarrassingly large pors tion of our limited knowledge comes from the Russians, For years they have made studies and soundings in Arctic and passed this information glong, or & good deal of it. Recently gt a lecture to the Arctic Institute of Norh America, a McGill scientist who ited attributed this in expert; waters recently vi Russia erack to a genial Russi "Nou should you Ca for all for you." send a bill the work Know, we nadigns to we've done Bologna To Brains It is trite now to say that automation is making astounding changes in in. dustry and in daily Most people accept it, if reluctantly and with misgiving - speaking are delighted electronic our lives, personally, we fantastic ally makes a from some complex brain resounding booboo, because it restores a little of But whether we like it or not our shaky self-confidence, the pro- cess goes on, sweeping from ridiculous to fine partiality, It even makes bologna in Troy, Ohla, where the rocket brain of an electronic sublime with mechanical im- computor is coding holes punched in yellow, green, and brown cards; telling what meats are on hand, and how to make bologna from these, Then RCA comes along with a type. writer that takes dictation, and turns the spoken word into printed matter, This machine is still in the experimental stage, but will, without a doubt, be ulti- mately perfected, In England, work sort of artificial brain A professor Young, at the University College at Lon brain contains is underway on a don, said the human 10,000 million cells, but it should be possible to produce an effis with far now work. very cient mechanical brain fewer, He and other professors Ing this, and secret, The has a are on their work is thus; "It built in which can decide which professor explains it kind of sele problems are important, and which are Secret weapon ita tor not, When complete, the machine would be taught to recognize shapes of letters to store in its memory "We ask ours selves are we wise in putting ourselves at the of eletronie A contemporary issues 80 much mercy robots?" The of is that the robots are the slaves of the peoplé who ANsSwer, course, service them, Pollution From Oil There is an old saying about pouring oil on troubled waters; it comes from of using oil to keep down waves when emergency ship-to-ship take place on the open sea, But another type the occasional practice of seamen transfers of pouring of oil on water is making trouble on the Great Lakes and along the coast, the Cornwall Btandard-Free- holder notes, Some ships have been polluting the water oil their tanks, There are no immediate apparent by discharging from reasons why this should be done = at first thought oil seems too expensive to discard in this way, But tanks have to be cleaned and repaired occasionally, and thus the oil is being dumped as the quickest way to get rid of it, All around the coast there have been reports of damage to birds and fish, Perhaps even worse, there is constant pollution of some beach areas, the oil making a beastly mess when it drifts ashore, At present an International Con. vention for the Prevention of Pollution lye Oshawa Times The Oshawa [Times combining The Oshawa Times {estat ed 871) and the Whithy Gazette and Ch s (established 1863) published daily (Sundays and statutory holidays excepted) Member of Canadian Daily Newspag ety Publishen Assoc n. The Canadian Fress, Audit Bureau eof Circulation and the ( 0 Provineiar Dailies Assos slation fhe Car 8 a exclusively entitled 1a the use n of all ww despatched In the pag credited ta 1 a ta (he Amocaled Press or Reuters ond elisa the local news published therain ~All tights ot special despatches are alsa feserved Ottices: Thomsen Building, 42% University Avenue Yoronta Ontaria. 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal, P.O SUBSCRIPTION RATES Whithy, Ajax Prince fay Delivered by Oshawa Pickering Liv Greenwood Kinsale Raglar ste Pontypool and Newcastle. not 'over. 4% pe week By mail (in pravingg of Onlana) sutsiae carriers delivery areas 12.00, elwwhers 15.00 per year Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 1961 17,223 to the Bea, by Oil is considering the problem, It has been argued that foreign ships 'offshore cannot be controlled and theres fore the cannot be stopped, However, most, if not all, shipping lines practice have assets in Canada and the United States and thus would seem to be res. ponsible parties from a financial peint of view, if pollution can be traced to At the same time there an on the part of vessels that are controlled here, a fore ign ship 18 no excuse lor permitting such obvious practiee Other Editor's Views IF THEY HAD FAILED (Hamilton Spectator) Hamiltonians their good neighbors that it is ridiculous te even that British forces and Canadian militia didn't turn back the invaders at Stoney Creek, If they had failed, this part of the cantinent would have become a star an the US, flag long before Hawaii and Alaska, But perhaps the anger and attention stirred by Miss Deyell's fall from patriotic grace will have the effeet of acquainting pravineial and federal legislators with the facts, s0 that they will assist the town to enlarge Battlefield Park and recognize the location as an historic national shrine, CANADA STILL YOUNG " (Lethbridge Herald) Canada would do well to remember it is still a youngster in the family of nations, It is growing up and develop» ing at a reasenable rate, In a few years it will be in the position of the young man who said, "When I was 18 I thought my father didn't know anything. When I was 21 1 was amazed at the amount the old boy had learned in three years" Bible Thought ~Matthew 5:44, into the world with a song of good will, and he went out say- will agree with suggest Love your enemies Christ came ing "Father, forgive them," » IT'S A DO-IT-YOURSELF AGE PROVINCIAL SPENDING LAME REPORT FROM UX. Council To Build Palaces Of Youth By M. MeINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Carrespondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON = Middlesex Coun- ty Council plans to spend in the neighborhood of $225,000 in the next two years to provide "Pal: aces of Youth" for the young people of tie county, There will also be more modest youth cen. tres, coffee bars, playing fields and athletic tracks, All of this is part of a program directed at providing focilities, under train. ed supervision, which will keep INSIDE YOU the teenagers out of trouble, and help them to develop into well behaved, self-reliant citizens There will be four of the more elaborate "Palaces of Youth" One is to be at Heatham House Twickenham, an old house near the town centre, Another will he located in a Georgian mansion at Ickenham, Bites for the other two, which will be completely: equipped recreational centres for both indoor and outdoor recreation, are still being sought, Ways To Amuse Ailing Junior By BURTON H, FERN, MD How do you keep a sick ehild in hed when he wants to race all over the house? First, let him out of solitary! The living room couch makes a fine sickbed, providing he's an- chored with sheets, blankets and pylamas, Street clothes are an open invitation to run around A busy child soon forgets that he's shut in Toddlers will put in a hard day's work eutting colorful pie: tures from old magazines and greeting ecards If you give them a pair of dull seclssors, Young ladies can string macaroni neck: laces, The wmacaroni's first painted with bright water colors, HOMEMADE PUZZLES Jigsaw puzzles amuse adults and children. Junior ean make his own Jigsaw puzele hy past ing a picture on corrugated. carton cardboard, After trim. ming the edges, he euts the pies ture into pieces, He'll also enjoy watching Dad slave over this homemade jig saw puzzle after supper, TV, radio and records ean supply entertainment for hours Almost better than a TV soreen is a mirror at the foot of the hed. This will let Junior waleh his favorite oharaeter--himself, FISH AND BIRDS Watching goldfish, or birds feeding on the windowsill, fas. cinates every child, A few jar lids glued to a piece of eard hoard make a fine bivd-feeder, The cardboard is held in place by the closed window, Special treats like a gifts wrapped ten-cent toy and a note from Dad (written the night be. fore) brightens even the eloud: lest afternoon, Junior can work on a placed across his lap, PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM If you plan to live in the poet's house "by the side of the road", you should have a sound: and smash-proof house, illow or A Manufacturers ave often oritl cized for "planned obsoles stence', but doesn't Nature pursue the same palioy? "Careless driving 1s a dis ease', says a psychiatrist, It isn't so much a disease as it is the result of a defect commonly referred to as "lame brain", "The smallest worm will turn, being trodden on" Shake speare, True perhaps, as a rule, but the taxpayer is a marked exception, Has anybody ever heard of a shortage that wasn't serious? larger, more level work sur: face, open two legs of a card table and rest the table top across the pillow CONVALESCENT OCCUPATION As liness fades, child can begin helping with family chores, He can match freshly laundered socks into pairs, fold and powder Baby's diapers, ete, Older children can start catching up on school work, This back-to-work movement stops the sickbed habit before youngsters have a chance to he come addicted! GALLUP POLL your sick The council also plans to open coffee hare in its hid to attract teenagers, The first will he opened at Willesden, and others are planned in tough" areas, and on large housing estates in the country where there are few facilities for young people A spokesman for the county's youth service said "Thesoffee bars will not he set up Judit as competition for established commercial enter: prises. They are an experiment, and are anmed at the 'unclub- ahles = youngsters who would not normally Join a youth club Young people will he able to meel there and discuss their problems over a cup of coffee," TO SPREAD CORT Waikk on the "Palaces of Youth' will he phased to spread the cost about $112,000 each == Over several years, In 1068, the county council will set aside ahout $420,000 to spend on youth centre projects, This will be in addition (0 the $225,000 which will be spent in 1061 and 1062, The "Palaces of Youth" will be all-purpose youth centres, with elub rooms, a stage and facilities for handicrafts and in door sports, Eventually, however, the council plans to have ordinary youth eentres in each town in the county, along the lines of a $00,000 community centre which has just. been opened at Heston, he councii 1s also negotiating for a pat of the Welsh Harp Lake, off the North Circular Road, at Hendon, It 18 proposed to use this area as a youth train: ing centre for those interested in salling This extensive and costly pro. gram is bang launched by the Middlesex County Council as a step towdras eurbing teenage delinquency, and will involve a large "stall of trained youth workers and recreational ex: pers, Vote For More Trade With U.S. Increasing By CANADIAN INSTITUTE of PURLIC OPINION Canadians today, split very closely as to whether or not the country should buy less from the UK, and more from the Commonwealth, As heads of these nations meet in London this week with South Africa, heralded as one of the hottest issues, other' problems are de veloping in Canada. Only four years ©:0 those who felt that Commonwealth trade should he increased at the expense of the U8, business, had a sub stantial lead aver those who ar gued the other way. Today the segment who think our ties should be closer with the U.8, so far as business goes, has grown considerably, Those who think our ties should be closer with the U.S. so far as business goes, has grown considerably, Those who think we should concentrate more on the Commonwealth Canada should Buy less from USA Not buy less from USA Other suggestions No opinion Regionally, Western provinces and the Maritimes line up in much the same proportions = between the strongly pro-Coams monwealth attitude of Ontario, Canada should Buy less fram USA Not buy less fram U.S.A, Other suggestions No opinion Just why the nation's view: point may be shifting from belief in the importance of away have shrunk slightly in ratios, If the trend continues, the vate for still more business with the States could move into the lead, Industrialized Ontario is most favorable to the idea of streng: thening ties within the Common. wealth, Here almost half the adults think business with the U.S. should be cut down for this purpose, Quebee has an almost diveetly opposing paint of view With world s wide interest centering this week on the Lon. don sessions between Prime Ministers of the Commonwealth, the Gallup Pall assigned its ine terviewers to repeat a question last used in 1957. The shift in national thinking is shown clear: ly in the columns below, The question: "Do you think Canadians should make an ef fort to buy fewer goods fram the United States and more from the Commonwealth, er not" 1957 Today 0% 40% 29 1 f 7 A 14 100% 100% and the belief in Quebeo that it is more important to develop trade with the States, Three regional views are shown bes low West 43% Nn Ontario 23% 4 H 30 3 9 1] i Quebee 7 1 1% 100% 100% buying more from the Commons wealth and less from the US A will be analyzed in the Poll's next report OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON OFFAWA-"Tidings of renewed : Popular support for the Diefen 4 government in all parts of Canada pre heing brovght to 4 tawa, by the early -srnving dele gales this week's national rally of the Conservative party To Conservatives, these wide aprend r " 'xd an in F PRI's popianty are as welcome as our early spring Sunshine in this subarctic cap: Conservatives thought that the 4 the Opposition; they defest themselves, The performance of Dhefenhaker had stained & peek in Grng support when John Dief- led them In March the greatest electors) in Canada's Wistory. rime Minister Diefenbaker them sorring even higher, Wily 1956 a public opin- ed & massive #0 the voters "follow. more than double the ie r ¥ 1] piltry eras hehnd their rookie leader Mike Penrson, TWONYEAR TORY SLUMP From that pinnacle, the Con servatives shipped slowly hut steadily in popular esteem for mare then two years, while the BY-GONE DAYS 15 YEARS AGO A Mothers' Auxiliary to the Beout and Cub Pack of North Oshawa was organized and Mrs, A. Bramley was elected presi: dent Harry A. Newman, KC, well: known farmer of this county, at tended the famous International Shorthorn Show at Perth, Beol- land, during his recent trip to the British Isles Mervyn Owen, Gibhon street, won first prize at the electrical apprentice classes held at Dan- forth Technical School, Toronto Plans to erect a #75,000 addi- tion to Hotel Genosha was an. nounced hy M, GG, Lawrence, manager, The Mary street wing was to he extended hy four storeys which would provide 20, 000 square feet of additional floor space Ron Douglas had the distine- tion of receiving his King Scout Badge at the 7th Oshawa Troop's annual father-and-son banquet Miss Irene Makoff, talented violinist, was a featured artist with the Oshawa Skating Club Orchestra for the "lee Frolies of 1046, Gales and zero weather com« hined with snow and walter spray had transformed the shore of Lake Ontario, in the New: castle area, with lee peaks which ranged from 14 to 20 feet in height The King's Quintette of To. ronto were guest artists at St, Andrew's United Chureh for the re-dedication of the church organ. C. J, W, Taylor, organist and choirmaster, rendered spe: cial musie selections for the oe casion IF YOU Have Left School Without eliot HIGH SCHOOL vou are invited ta write for Free Booklet that shows yeu how ta earn a High Scheal DIPLOMA AT HOME Prepare for College or a better job. This is a Cana dian High Scheel Course AMERICAN SCHOOL 100 Dundas §t., Peserante, Ontarle, NAME ADDRESS PARR EY ILE ELE LEE REEL] city SIE ES Our 63rd Year . NECESEATY jobs in ur need of repair work, John enhaker's first step as Jima minister was to order all such steps, such as In creasing the old age pension, broadening the scope and the value of unemployment benefits to cover Canadian workers left out in the hunger by the Lib. erals, and revising our out dated immigration and defence policies FLOGGING DEAD HORSE But while this good work was going on, the Conservative lead- servatives In trumpeting the Liberals' previous ervors thet they EHiirely Ov he need (o Lrempet thei own pres Ct. RETREY EIRETHS Example #lier example inept Conservative Ence Was shown zine probe and the And then too, { to realize that w enh humanly possible Ww our economy and meanwhile 19 help the unfortunate, Then the Liberal rally came, and seared the liberalism off all free-enter- prise Canadians, Thus the voters are tring hack to the Conservativ ership showed two astonishi g weaknesses, It had the psycho. pathic passion of & dying man to relive the past, devoting sll its surplus energies and length ened working week to fighting past battles Every major speech we heard, whether in Parliament, on the hustings, or over the airwaves, was a jeer: ing recital of the mistakes the Liberals had made in those days long ago and hest forgotten Than ton, so husy were the Con. EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Required for showe Professions! Office Apply in writing te; Mayer & Brrozowlez ARCHITECTS + ENGINEERS Box 642, The Oshove Times FOR RENT MODERN OFFICE SPACE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ® AMPLE FREE PARKING ® RESTAURANTS NEARBY ® BEST SHOPPING FACILITIES IN TOWN PHONE RA 8-623) 'Prisoners Parole and The Public" A Timely Subject to be presented by ALEX EDMISON, Q.C, Prominent Authority on Penal Reform and Crime Prevention at the HOTEL GENOSHA - Dinner Meeting of the CANADIAN OLUB of ONTARIO COUNTY to be held at Thursday, March 16-6:30 p.m, PICCADILLY ROOM For Tickets and Further JAMES MeCANSH TREASURER RA 3-2200 Information please sally PR. €, HW, VIPOND PRESIDENT RA 8:1661 "BOOST YOUR CANADIAN CLUB" INFORMATION ON HOW TO PREPARE YOUR 1960 INCOME TAX RETURN Official representatives of the Taxation Division, for the purpose of assisting taxpayers in this area by providing them with any information required to complete their 1960 In. come Tax returns, These representatives will be available for || consultation at the Post Office, Department of National Revenue will visit OSHAWA on MARCH 20th to 24th Ine, Taxpayers in this area are invited to take advantage of this free service to the public, LET YOUR INCOME TAX OFFICE NELP YOU

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