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The Oshawa Times, 12 Mar 1961, p. 7

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SAIL ABOARD M/V VULCANIA Pletured aboard the MV Vulcama us she salled rer cently from New York are Dr, and Mrs, }. J. Metcalfe, Ade: laide avenue east, who ere off for a vacation eruise of the Mediterranean PERSONALS Mrs. G5. D. Conant will open the Bt. Patrick's Bridge to he held this week under the aus: pees of the Oshawa General Hospital Women's Auxiliary, Af: ternoon guests will be received by Mrs. 8, W. Bassett and Mrs A. W. Armstrong and in the evening Mrs, Bassett will re: ceive with Mrs. 4. D, Dancey Mrs, Douglas Brown, Burk street, has received word from her sister-in-law, Mrs, Charles Higgs, the former Miss Bheola Brown, who is living in Lahore, West Pakistan, that during the Queen's recent visit Mr, and Mrs. Higgs attended the Gover nor's reception at which they) were both to the royal couple Her Worship Mayor Christine Thomas will open the Irish Tea to he held this week at Westmount United Church, Dur: ing the afieynoon a program will be presented by Mrs, Douglas Lander and Miss Eleanor Cals vert, soloists, Mrs, Clayton Lee will give a reading and Mrs Marie Moore, ARCT, RMT, or ganist of Westmount Church will play plano solos, A variety of oll Dalnbings done by Loeal women will be on display, Con veners of the booths will be: Mrs, Emest Hyderman and Mrs, John Cook, tea room; Mrs Emest Parker and Mrs, Perey Neal, kitchen; Mrs Ebert Small and Mrs, Alvin Hicks, ng: Mrs, Harry Bennelt, ean dy; Mrs, Gordon Brown and Mrs, Rupert Harrison will have charge of the program presented Mrs, Harry O, Perry, Ross land road east, sponsor of the Ritual of Jewels Group of the L Reta Sigma Phi, entertained at tea on Saturday afternoon, The new pledges from Ontario Gam: ma Epsilon Chapter were pres. ent, Mrs, John O'Drisenll, Mrs, John Reaupre, Miss Doreen Laughlin and Mrs, Harold Rall, Assisting the hostess in servin Swain VanCamp. Winners of | door prizes were; Mrs, 8, Bweet, Mrs, H. W, Dressing, Mrs, Wil liam = Baldwin, Mrs, William Underwood, Mr. Bert VanHooft, Mrs, Gyles Harrison, Mrs, 1, Huxtable, Mrs, Gordon Bher lock, Mrs, L, Barteaux, Mrs, R Brown, Mrs. Earl Campbell Mrs, Harold Irvine, Mrs Blake, Miss Beverley Stange! Mr, William Gauley, Mr, Harold Messerschmitt, Mr, Btanley Pre. vost, Refreshments were serve hy the executive and room mo: thers Teas, birthdays, parties, wed: (ding anniversaries, coming and holiday plans are always of ine terest in this column, Write, telephone or visit the social des partment with your items of news for which there is mo charge, Telephone RA 3.8474, Following the induction of His Honor Judge Alexander C Hall on Saturday, March 11, the officers of the Ontario County Bar Association held a reception in the Councll Chambers of the Court House, Whitby, Recelving with Judge and Mrs, Hall were His Honor Judge M, 0, Miller and Mrs, Miller, Cobourg; and Mr, John A. Cameron, presi: dent of the Bar Association and Mrs, Cameron, Presiding at the tea tables were Mrs, T K, Creighton, Mrs, N. C, Fraser, Mrs, J, P, Mangan, Mrs, C MeGibbon, Assisting were Mrs G, L, Murdoch, Mrs, Bruce Affleck, Mrs, G, K, Drynan, Mrs, T, M, Moore, Mrs, R, 8 {Jones and Mrs, 2, T, Salmers Among the guests weré the Honorable Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr, the Honorable Mat thew Dymond and Mrs Dymond, the Honorable Justice G, A, MeGlllivray and Mrs, Me Gillivray, the Honorahle Justice K. G, Morden and Mrs, Morden, Mr, John J, Robinette, QC treasurer of the Law Society of Upper Canada, and Mrs, Robin ette, to name & few, Also at were Mrs, Mervin Perkin and Mrs, Perey MeBain Members and friends of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club met in the recreation room at the Children's Arena on Satur day evening for their monthly night of cards, The soclal com. mittee had arvanged a St, Pat. rick's evening and green was Vthe color scheme in decorating and the parcelling of the gifts which were won by Mrs, Orlin Lint, Mr, Jack Plath, Mrs, Alfred Metealte, Mrs, Jack Hunter, Mr, Ernest Richard: son, Mrs, Willlam Dewland, Mr, tordon Pirle, Mrs, Stanley iihbs, Mrs litte, Mr. Jack Mouncey and Ir, Alfred Metealfe, The beau: ful basket of daffodils donated Lv Mrs, RB, Reed was won by | re, Wiliam Dewland, Fallow: g vefreshments, Mr. William swiand led in the singing of veral Irish welodies, The wil get-together will be held Saturday, April 18 The Dr. C. F d School Association held a peessful 8. Patriek's night of rds at the sohool on Thursday ening, March 8. Winners of © progressive euchre were: r. Stanley Pravest, Mm. C. RB mphrey, Mrs. Fred Goodman, r. James Saulmer, Mrs d nomas Fairhart and Mrs, | tipatrick, Mr, EB. Game, Mrs, "Hush-A-Bye DIAPER SERVICE Diapers supplied . . , san itized ond flufty soft Canisters available Gift Certificates CALL RA 3-2139 i Benjamin Tunni.| Cannon Home| | tending were the Ontario Coun {ty Court judges and the invited mests included the mayors and reeves of all the municipal: {ities in the County of Ontario and their ladies Mr, Clarence BE Young, Saguenay avenue, recently cele brated his 81st hirthday with his family at his home Miss Sophie Holmes, presi dent of the Ottawa Husiness {and Professional Women's Club, {has been a guest of her sister, Mrs, T, K, Creighton, prior te attending the United Nations Seminar held at the Roya! York Hotel, Toronto, on Satur day, sponsored by the Ontarie 1 oF ' (St. Gregory's CWL | Hears Talk On Simcoe Hall Mr, Herold Melisill, director of Bimene Hall, and # member of the Wellore Board of the City of Oshawa, was the guest wt the March meeting of] ft, Gre the Crest Coun el of the Catholic Women's League, held in the parish aur Sitorium on Tuesday, March 7.| Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor isl RA 33474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Merch 13, 1961 7 | (Mrs, A, C. Love, the president, p gored by Him ene Hall ~ ewiurgl, recrestion | 8 and educations, involving #il| classes from children to the Yover 8 members of the Golden Age Chub, The many services given 19 the needy, the aged, to handl-| capped children and to entire families, and in rehabilitation #le., came Rs A revelation Lo) mont of bis Wstenerw. Most bm-| portant of all, Mr, MeNeill said, | was thelr work with children in an effort to teach them good citizenship and to teach them the Golden Rule, Of particular interest was his statement thet they worked closely with fed-| eral prisons through the John Howard Boclety, who will es tablish an office In Oshawa in the nesr future Mrs, J. FP, Mangan thanked Mr, Melieill and presented him with & small gift as a token of the group's Appreciation, The director, the Very Rey, Dean Dwyer, added his thanks those of Mrs, Mangan Mrs, Love reminded the members that the annusl meet:| ing would take place in April and asked the conveners to have their reports ready for that time, The election of officers for the next League yesr willl glen take place at the April | meeting and Mrs, Harold Brain, Mrs. A, Mowat and Mrs, J. 1.| (Riordan were appointed the Imembers of the nominating | eommitiee | Ms, M, W on health and welfare wes read in her ahsence by Mrs, James| |Conner, During February family had been visited an | supplied with bedding and cloth (ing. Thirty-seven patients had heen visited at the Oshawa Hos:| | pital by Mrs. BE, C, Egerer, (Mrs, B, C, McAllister and Mrs { Hanley, 11 of whom were from by Ueheti) pre lout of town, Three visits were made to shut-ins, Plans are he ing made to resume visits 10 the Ontario Hospital in Whitby Mrs, James Conner spent @ total of 86 hours hairdressing al Hillsdale Manor, Mrs, €, ( Murty, convener of Iimmigra tion, reported one family te goings of guests and your And is 4 LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNSHINE REBEKANH Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No 222 held its regular meeting in the Lodge rooms with Blister Greta Drinkle presiding in the Noble Grand's chair and Bis ter Margaret Gray, in the Vice Grand's chair, Blister Gray alse reported on the members whol were ill A feature of the evening was the draping of the charter, hon:| oring the memory of the late Sister Inu French, This cere: mony was performed by seni | officers of the lodge, all) wearing long white gowns Some discussion took place concerning a penny sale or bazaar in September, | Members were reminded of the euehve party to be held at Rathe Park Club House on March 37, ¢ 1] wesident of the Bowman Gill, usiness and Professional| ville Taylor of Bowmanville | Mr, and Mrs, C, BE, 'Young, | Saguenay avenue, Oshawa, and| Mr, and Mrs, G, A, Young and son of Toronto attended . the diamond wedding of Mr, and| Mrs. H, P, Graham, held re: cently at Markham, na FOR BEAUTIPL. | ORTR 40 King £ RA 5015) Weve chos 0 simple to hang, For Further Information | 34 KING ST, WiST, WALLPAPER ISN'T EXPENSIVE IT JUST LOOKS THAT WAY! EDGAR"S PAINT and WALLPAPER OSHAWA RA 3.7350 {Group president, (Mrs, J, W about 100 mothen 12 the ehild We decorated our living reem for loss than $10.00, 5 Plastic Coated Suawerthy Pre-pasied Wallpaper tv cations When these do not exist, nes vaginal delivery Is Q | am absolutely terrified by sats, Is thew an wme this phobia A, With prope ance it is afte possible 10 aver ws ¢ c "Talent In Parenthood" Interesting Discussion At H&S "Talent In Farenthoos" WhS( the topic chosen . f discussion at the Father's Kiem program of Mary Street Home and Sehnol Association Mrs, James Allen, viee-presi dent of the Oshawa and Distriet Home end School Council, whe ected ns moderator for the otherwise sil male panel, wes introduced by the parent educa tion chairmen, Mrs, BR, 8, Me- Murdo. Mrs, Allen introduced the panel members: The Rever end 8. C. H. Atidnson, Mr. Wen- dell Brewster, community re creations! director; Mr, Kelvin James, principe! of the Duke of Edinburgh Bchool and Mir Frank Ball, father of a Mary street student In introducing the sunjeel Mrs, Allan seid thet parenthood i valuanie occupation, oF parents to instil in ehiidren the very best of culture and Lo im prove the race of which they fre Bn pan Regarding the question "To What Extent Do Influences oul side the school contribute to the Education of a ehtid?" i was sereed that any outside influ ences were a part of education and these influences might be good or had depending on how they were used Mr, James felt that the par litera ehild music, The terested In art ture and dramas Lenore Group Dessert Luncheon The guest speaker at the an nual Lenore Group dessert luncheon held in Simeoe Street United Church Memorial Hall, on Thursday, March §, was Mrs Lilla Tillson, who spoke on "De coration in the Modern Home" Introduction of the speaker was made by Mrs, Harry Kery and the thanks of the group were expressed hy Mrs, Kobert Holden The guests were received by Avs, Frank Black, Lenore assisted hy Dyer, president of the Women's Association of Simeoe Btreet United Chureh Mrs, Wallace Butler, the group treasurer, had charge of the tiekets and the luncheon was convened hy Mrs, Bruce Buck Door prizes were awarded to: Mrs, W, A. Dewland, Mrs Norman MeAlpine, Mrs, J, D Saunders, Mrs, Arthur Brown A home baking sale was held with Mrs, H, | Wells, con vener, Assisting were Mrs, C i, Bouch, Mrs, J, H, Halliday and Mrs, W. Gardner SOCIAL NOTICE MARRIAGE The marriage of Anne Estel daughter of Mr. and Mrs , Shortt of Oshawa Robert Carlyle McLeod, son of Mrs, Robert 0, MeLeod of Adal Ia K Business and Professional Clubs, [phustown, Ontario, and the late \fys Also attending were Miss Mary Mr. Melead, took place on Sat: kindergarten with Grade 4, In the parson Street United urday, March age of Kimeoe Women's Club and Miss Lend Chuveh with the Reverend J. K [social eonveners, Moffat ofileiating Bottle To Cup ® Bottle te Cup ® Vitamin € ® Cesareans ® Cat Phobia (Q Ar what age should a baby [he taught te ume & sup? A, All babies should prebably be trained to the sup of the first year chosen bo the harder MN 4 and we're |! A, School-age ch before the end The longer a a bottle it is ta wean him lowed 12 have , How much vitamin € does 0 body need? fren and adults 5S ma. per day, In the requirement Is ow using daily wed about OQNANCY ma, d ily f abaut 150 mg QI cesarean anstion is hearme Ios, why aren't all babies de Hvered thiv way? A, Wha said ce \ seetion is The operation invelves ards 10 the mother, 110 fuhare ehil There are medical for cesarean section harmless?! nereosed | DET ing nal best by for way Navan professional guid NY) i Kann 0) 1141 KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION APRIL 12% and I wd shovld not he forced into 8 choice made by bis parents Mr. Ball stated thet in bis opinion sports played a unique! role, Bports should not interfere with formel education and the participation aspect should he ¥° too! § {stressed rather then plac much emphasis on competition Regar: religious education land Fespect of other religions, Mr, Atkinson stated thet per: ents were responsivie for this raining nd should set an ex ample bo oth in religious training] 8 | f : in the home snd Lolersnce of other faiths Mr, Brewster leading in ihe! discussion on whether TY was discouraging hobbies and erea-| tive art in children felt that it was the responsibility of thu parents to ereate g sound hel ance between TV viewing and tol profession and it les with sll Lime Spent in oiher activities ¥ ' The concensus of opinion was that TV could stimulate the imaginative and encourage chil dren to be ereative Mrs, Allen in bringing the discussion to B conclusion stated that children helped parents to develop their talent for parent hood Special { musical entertain ment was an added feature of packed in vacuum bottles, When! stirring occasionally ithe Father's Night program Terry Keyes, son of Mr, and Mrs, Harry Keyes, chose as (violin selections the "Marka Hanley's 1eport ents themselves must he In: soiiowed by two Irish medieys He was accompanied at the | piano by his mother for the opening and closing of the meeting, Mr, and Mrs, Glyn Morgan played a8 medley ar ranged for steel guitars, My John Weir thanked all the par [ticipants in the program | The business meeting was {presided over by Mr, Harold B., Armstrong with the monthly reports being read hy Mr. Bruce Sonley and Mr, John Wels Room count was won by |Miss P, Taylor's room in, the Alunior division and Mr, Gerald)! Harper's room in the senior d vision Mr, Armstrong that nomination forms would he tion of the nominating cpmmit tee composed of Mrs. William Broadbent; Mrs, Leonard Hur ven and Mrs, Wilbert Clarke Convention delegates from Mary street will be Mrs, Bruce Son and Mrs, Bryce Brown Embossed white jerseys will he purchased for Field Day with a rummage sale set for May 2? to help offset the purchase price of these jerseys Mr, Armstrong drew attention to the announcements on the mental health with Mrs, A, § Venn in charge, He also ex tended congratulations to Carol Weir for the 2nd and rd place she received in piano at the re cent Kiwanis Festival Prio to the meeting a bake sale was held convened hy Mrs. | Hruee Sonley, Mrs, Bryee| Brown and Mrs, Wilfred Ham ley, Preceding the opening of) the meeting and during the so eial hour quiet recorded mu: sie was provided by Mr, Bryce rown | t- Refreshments were served hy | Migs Ferne Ledgett's room and| Harry Keyes' afternoon Mao: | [thers Mrs, Stantey Wood and (Mrs, Kenneth Hann assisting the) Mrs, Lloyd |Rorgheck and Mrs, Joyee Dunk, | Mrs. | one should he entitled to his Chee eves also mesisted at the piano annount ed| mailed shortly under the direc: | EATIFVYING BALS A Rich, Creamy Chowder Carries Well to Work or School God soup recipes are g vital part of every homemeker's col lection, Boup ean he served ss a meal in itself, or as an appetiz ing first course; Ws excellent when eglen ai home and carries beautifully to school or work levaporated milk is a principle ingredient, soups become rich and ereamy, yei. remain quite economical With this in mind the home economists have designed two delicious one, a hearty B the other Balmon Soup, Berye Cream of Celery either with hard, crusty rolls| apples for al and erisp, ies meal to remember and repeat) niten SALMON CHOWDER (Makes 6 Servings) cups sliced carrots medivn-sized onion, sliced cup chopped green pepper | tsp, salt cups water flour cups (1 large can) undiluted evaporated milk 7%-07, cans salmon, drained | and boned 1 tsp, garlic salt 1 tsp. celery salt Y eup chopped parsley V4 ten, thyme Combine carrots, onion, green |pepper, salt and water. Cover! {and cook over medium heat un [tI tender, Do not drain, Com Fecipes Chowder | 4 | 12 thsps 1% ? HOUSEHOLD HINT | Never put the blade of a sharp kitchen knife in a flame, as this {damages the temper of the steel | and makes it impossible to keep! (the blade sharp afterwards | | | Electrolysis warts hair Ren superfluous and painless! moles end permanently vés Over 15 Years' Experience RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshaws ot the Genoshe Hotel, Marsh 14:18 PHONE RA 3.4641 for wppointment an these deter {FREE TRIAL VISIT 4 § i them and green beans MON CHOWDER bine flour with small amount of evaporated milk to meke #& smooth paste Add remeining yaporated milk, Stir into vege table mixture, Add remaining ingredients: mix well, Cover and cook over low heat 18 minutes OF CELERY SOUP 5 about 2 quarts) cup butler 5 cups chopped celery | medium-sized onion eun grated carrots 31/8 cups walter Vs cup flour 2 large cons (1% eups each) undiluted evaporated milk Balt and pepper to taste Chopped chives or green onions Melt butter, Add eelery and onion and eook 10 minutes over medium heat, Add earrots and Cover and cook over medium heat 20 minutes, Blend flour with 1/8 cup evaporated milk, Stir flour mixture, re maining evaporated milk, salt and pepper into vegetable mix ture, Cook over medium heat stirring constantly, until mix ure is thickened, Berve topped CREAM (Make 1/3 grated walter Left-over Ham Or Canned Meat Blends With Beans Sim milk wer is put is fragrant, sub 7 4 smonth, the oe eup grated old Canadien cheddar cheese cups eonrsely erushed potato hips Cook green beans secording 14 package directions; drain thor oughly, reserving liquid. Add suificient water to make 2 cups liquid. Prehest oven to 39° ¥. (modernise). Mell batter sancenan. Wend tu floor snd salt. Cradoalhy str in lipid aod silen mil powder. Cok over maine haat, stirring constant, by, wet smonthly thickened Str In ham, persiey, fges and cherse. SUF wntil Reese RENE Pisce covked heaps ib # 29 casserole, powr aver Rem wx ture, Soriglie with potas chips {Bake fn vichenied oven shout and the 18 minutes "VENETIAN B LIND "DRAPERY Thick 'HUGS SPREMY;S ANNOUNCEMENT! as smart as you are PICKWICK STILL IN TIME FOR EASTER Pickwick Cleaners wish to remind their cus- tomdérs in the Rossland and Hortop district of the opening of their new branch store ot 6272 Rossland Rd, W, Let them keep you and your family looking For pick-up and delivery call , . , RA 3-4832 CLEANERS Ready To Serve You Even Better! { with chives or green onions, Ladies! GIRTH CONTROL YOUR PROBLEM? ® Poor Circulation ® Always Tired ® High Bleed Pressure Then we urge you %o try # yourself, as others have, how mush, much younger you will look and feel, OSHAWA'S HEALTH STUDIO 204 King 5, ¥ RA 5:038) one-month sours and see ford| O-Cedar complements fashions in wool OCedar "ZOOM: ALON", plus culoties in seft feminine wool ereate light hearted housekeeping that looks a6 easy as itis! ne phobia b "tolerance For panson clon building up example, the progressively graded In texture ¢at-phebia hanglle and appearance from very unlike cat tur ta very much like sat fur frabbit) The last handle a live kitten sep Is 0 It is much he same as condition ng & ehiid who is afraid of dogs by giving 0 puppy, The puppy friendly \ and is nough unlike a grown dog to be opted by the ehild, Accept once Is arded along as the PUPPY grows, Later, the dislike tor all dogs disappe Promptoess, dependebility end price faimens are the watchs words of 'aur prescription de: partment, him Is playhal ang Questions directed 10 Selence Fdivon, PO, Bex 97, Terminal AY, Toronte, Ontarie, will be oarporated Wm these dlur when possible, nw (=oy hh you've probably notice taking care But how are you making you never send us, Or, mone the ironing beard? The reason | bring this uf Qoross some useful time-saving I'd pass them along ta you tad mat you other tinet other hand yOu save time 1 needless etic Pa you always sont aut you start ironing? This saves time, ¢ since each group should be sen required, temperature, Da you take and most Hut on the a care that all ¢ end evenly 151} This may pays oft in helping you clothes that are too wet that are 10a diy force you t me ow Do you always spread eles YOu to prevent large articles pleking wp dust? Are you god condition? on, \ a boa Sa mush # Aon-washables etticiendy why, send Give Blood It's SEE wns | svi aaw and again that we can do en expert fob here In our shop of all your dry cleaning needs Start fist with these requiring the lowest iron TON Quies AR 1 And, Hinolly, are you parhaps being tee conscientious, (roning articles that don't ally need ironing ot ni TAR NOTEBOO! Read These Ironing Tips 1 don't mind reminding you out at hams with the things wpecifisially, how sre you ot ther day | ps abayt | and | ¢ y. Maybe these ¢ PWwive ran ught re all things do by inters will help 3 is that the Ving already may nese § 1 when ironing v articles in groups before you lectrivity and scorched clothes, od according te the fren hast lampened clothes are smoothly ke extia work, but it 1 efficiently, since fown your ironing, and these fen them again n papers on the Hear around Great news i ZOOM-A-LON is the me can't mat or tat no matter it attracts the dust, then sh the wrist a mop with magne- Next time you shop for an ZO0OM-A-LON, it's the miracle fibre all the fine particles left behind by ordinary mops O ye [+14 For Light-hearted Housekeeping n dust mops! dern mop a mop that how often you use or wash static action that actually akes it free with a flick of C-Cedar mop ask for that picks up om trailing on the Heer and J and agces y equipment In oli? As for the washables Ins of oe se SMITH HARDWARE WILSON RD, §, AT SUBWAY CALL RA 8.245) Badly Needed Raw. Aldea Fonlp ot. WE ANE Na ee LH.A, SWAN'S HARDWARE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CALL RA §.7513 i ----

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