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The Oshawa Times, 12 Mar 1961, p. 8

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r THE QUHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Oshawa Groups Sponsoring Dentonstration Of Marek 5, VOY MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Should She Spend Vacation With Priend Of Her Husband? Pear Wary Baworth: | visalie oF Proper (or & WmaITR % her late Bs 19 peeom ee = st & wai ois e's p wif io 2 Warm mate for pt least $ weeks? The Gotan RAyiacs {oF the Hak HA Re Res ASK LAWYER Pear DE Cooking fam "huts How | ng i Fiatik $ " pany # mw ed Ewin Ws we BL ke ber for company chm 15 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES If Wags of pewanny 12% wor EAR Hise Ther han Charge of of the Kann guest Bowse WESTHINSTER WF Marek mesting of West ted Church Wom Hel eR s With the Mrs. Kenneth Tong The wminster Un en's Feder PRESIALTE ats ol Mrs, Leasnard Carrington wa phe comyener for the Gin Guide hananet ta be held the end of A AR elim de om the cost of fing the hsement celing was reessyed 20d work is 18 oom menee WIR & Short Gime das SEHORRIIRS FREGRE bi A pi ERRTIRIRER Mrs. A. 8. Allowey closed the ERIE With Prayer Home and Schonl comyention fn W Lovin wy Faster week. Boom pe was won by Mis. Ber men Down's Grade | room Befreshments weir served by RA Ers A Sade § CAINARY BAPTIST WHS The WHE of Calvary Baptist CRREER met Fesentty Aler & song service led by Mis, Henry Matiher, the grow had ns guest spesker Miss Au FOR BITS AND PIECES Have you & wey ox? Every hine showid have one ov two 7 least, to have "ev Wis place, nd poids everyting". Use simply # slot pithor, or # ® hi Hastie wasleackel wold wey Keep # Wig stock of all Fike Re PWN s WwW log grand. J YN Ae corti wend Scripture was read by Mes Arthur Jovnt, Devotions led by Mis. Jack Westicke was "A Story of Lent". Prayer was of fered by Mrs, Glen Crawiod A Risenssiom period was held by guest speckers Mis. IL. BR Richardson, Mrs. W. C. byes and Mrs. A. A Crowle, concerning the changes to take place in the formation of the United Church Women Refreshménts were served by eonveners (or the evening, Mrs. Arthar Joy, Mrs, Jack West lake snd Mrs. Glen Crawiord WAXWEILL WEIGHTS HS Mrs. Lioyd Akin was the sperker the March meeting of Maxwell Heights Home and School Association. Mrs. Akin! who came 0 Oshawe from Je Spoke oR eitizenship.| introduced hy Mrs Bartlett and Mr. Ear ed her. I also i there The woman complains thi the, 7 dayn are lonely and mona nmi and the change wowd 46 her good, and her Pushand agres if went, wold i be # Ne bd Smprope tL BEE ERSIRCIET & Arey Burien, & missiongry whe has recently returned from Bi thrmgh the yea geri Where he serve WRAer days, showers, weddings, the Sudan Interior Mission. She yerseries, new babies Bois biased her remarks on 8. Jo ete, -- to save frantic laste Vith chapter and showed pic mine dashing shout, Have age tres of her work in Kano the other "Tnsy Box' for mending largest €ity in the north, 140.000. materiale, darming wools, Iron There Were Some WHETesting on RICHES scraps of pictures of the oidoor markets or delight & ids heart w where sil sorts of things are p "busy box" of coloring SIA and an INETERELINE PICIWIR: Pencils, CTRAYONS, of & village on fire. Every grist stacks of paper wm nasoried id {covered hut in the village was end ediors, (The latter destroyed. There were gle some box" is & good ides in # pictures of siayear-oid baby less home for occasions when sitters with the babies strapped friends' or relatives' children on their backs and Pyramids come 10 visit!) end MRS, JANE WACKENDIE | Mrs. Jane MacKenzie and) Miss Diana Dee will direct the! demonstration of the Consum ers' Gas Company's "Pans Sorinutime' cooking show ghican Church Won to be held in the Central pry, Centre Street Collegiate institute Church Womans & Au awn 16 one of the 16 On oo ue Sea Boo tario centres to he Visited y iliary Women's C) Costs of tim tour will be hore Temperance Union, Lad ay What would 9 by the Jonsumers Gas Com lary, Canadian eg it tf ' pany "nd proceeds from Heh No, 43, Boroptimist W ' wn 2 forn benefit local chub and district, Busi : married man across the Rak ' aif aided Professional Women's J et? am pretty The following groups are par- Oshawa, Sorthmins Mes sh ticipating: Albert Street Upited Church Come Doubles Church Soman's Auxiliary, dies Auphiary, th 04 Simeone rect United Church Scouts, First Baptis Woman sxiliary, Albert Women's Auxiliary, Bireet Onmted Church Friendly Circle Maple Grove Couples' viub, Holy Trinity An- TOPS Club wageed WOULD RUIN REPUTATION " Pear AB: Certainly i isn able or proper for # war to MISS DIANA DEE Wn an away for we with another You eonid ha lunacy knows WAH GT be GETTER Care 2nd ay a more i _nyhanYy or you do meics WEDDING PRINCIPALS 80 you think, for ex fs dno next She Was Fine Hi rst than father Hii Crekaj and aw on £74 sale trea will ava Was i ! frieq ri ans Wee B Ron (4 hrids of Mi Ler nied w i sup had ' Wi gonad wilensance of fathers ber mind or Rer sen ' (77) EF 1 WE sok ene ang you f f y differer BOmiInGLnRE commitiee was NEW ZENITH Signet HEARING AID he smallest Hearing Aid ever from Zenith! Imagine a hearing aid with all the darjty and realism you'd £F formed to bring in a new slate of officers. Chairman is Mrs John Shepherd and her commit KEEP IN TRIM ce is Mrs, Perey Hayes, Mrs Stanley Ogle, Mrs, Glen Glas | pelt, Mrs. €, V. Thomas, Mrs . 277%, | Agree To Reduce Together v in the eves of conventions : A id fl It On Point System Reducing Plan judged goth ou Lo 4 Lerms for the halancs fog of EH YOUF name in of sip will forever af aped irrepar-| your Wr ter Volunteers were requested to Belp with the TB program at the schon Mareh 22 and 27 were reminded of the om Perey Mountjoy and Mrs, Har TER BE BORED Hembers old Beard yl prohamhity would ying the piper immed ; fh promise oOnik expect from Zenith--yet so small, so slender, a ring will easily n the se o running Ly w sult If she can get into her. POW efi ia the telephone fit around it, A marvel in miniature - the new Zenith is worn nilet of embarrass he y vedding dress has inspired one 10 put CO ng I tales. ai ; inconspicuonsly behind the ear yet lets you hear the voices eneou ers) io 4 WF) } ave | ) " SE AH mo hel hil! need id you've heen missing | VOT fet ¥ A ig i og The new Bignet includes all these quality features to bring Re 1: PRCTEMR By oiy you Zenith "Living Bound" performance~ministurized trans nd never skip. § #istor circuit, volume control and separate on-off switch, pointed out that Bee the new Signet today at your Zenith dealer, He's listed logger to slim off inches| I the Yellow Pages under Hearing Aids N he § & IR ~ thy {] ; Srcise than it does tol hein) Price Af vod min 13. Fenith Radio Corp. of Canada, Lid. Dept, CCE 1 reduce weight through dieting, | 14706 The Queensway, Toronts 18, batarie (7.7014 /] wey, om 7 id 4 In fairness to the exerciser, a Please send me completes dnformation on the ! eorne ald } JIM JL By IDA JEAN KAIN progres eALH Wek BeNsE (or a homemak f On rom on the orld w of ara proeii JHrpase A ake yourself ridiculoy unhelieved if you tried fo hing" to the au the you set Action isthenics y Aefiniig day hould he £8 Journey 4 wetition ne I reduce Lik with ex asked f sten friend reduce diets ton Mas. From $80 ts $680, ony m id Money: Back Guaranise, and 8 Hy ain every aier Better a thousand times he and bored in a monoton routing than scorched by mockery and personal ; in the wake of an . mst alist, ahd irreversible blunder, You get al the point, I hope? Btay home MH GUARDS MYSTERY | Dear Mary Haworth: My | grandmother died last summer ol ithe only parent I ever knew | (Whe h had reached an age to "I am the short, sqdatty type, generous frame, is 154 po i | Hh understand, she told me that my| EAST ER PRE VIE 3", and weigh 142 i The {parents were killed in an accel Wa doctor says shayld ook whe A Wo pound 0 dent when I was an infant. This By ALICE 1 pot n by tn e 1f information satisfied me then, | Fram: / | ; 4 ize 18 After she passed away, her)... "0 of the fat padding the ! : flattery waist. and 1 canldim for f I urements: | lawyer hrought me her strong id Fl Ela hy 4 | hox containing honds made out Squeeze 1614 bust 4h ' abdomen 36 to me, jewelry and my father Cloud-1 my : hirth certificate, The birth cer both fe y 12, waist The [tificate puzzles me Futficn My surname Is Eden ol and wund in their point system. ! Nonetheless, the slimming re: turns through exercise can have ee 4 Fl positive euphoric effect na hips. [inch om or Figur » mn with the reducing Ih streamlining duet. May both erfectigals he good losers and al Ui winners a think half-inch lost could equal al new, smaller, more powerful Signet ne ddd ou public Femorse neasure ------ i I sr IME HEARING All ---------- ori A ded Lose recon he onaer pounds hulging syslem need than | nent to more but I must lose Thus the point one point for each pound lost and for each inch lost in measurements 141% ounds she will the irned new one paint dial mind ght At 145 pounds, the friend would and fee ahle my 1, m and) gant BROOKS i» J {| cause { hust your n softs gulan with Sprir both tomach into surement nips news to to chet imple ero-harely Ble Here ht crochet | Bust aster ai Lat aceent THe 38 two friends are to report 7 Yet my| nb | {of pieot mash I: di for I 124 Thirt tion bend thi he accepted) 1 Time Househol Oshawa, Ontario AME, ADDR re real meaning of "No" without using the hand to give hodily on the child's hands or |thighs, without smacking or pad dling him, Therefore, I main tain that a parent never should granchildren of "No unless ready to use| NUMBER, JUST OUq Martin Farrow 1 the Y vand if-the youngster doesn't | Needlecraft Bool and Mr, and Mrs, Freeman |ohoy this word, I also maintain|signs for home f | Hepburn, all of Oshawa 4 that "No" should not be said to|fashione kr ~Photo by Ireland the youngster until the parent is hroider | sure the child would profit from|to gifts, hazaa (eons) cannot Oshawa Dept, plainly \VT'TERN Our 1661 12h de for em pal SISTER AND BROTHER Children of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Hepburn, Stevenson road north, are Cindy Louise, one year old, and Carl Free man, eight Cindy Lou and | ofher parkers ORANGE PEKOE Carl are the Mr, and Mrs Ad nisning crochet quilt 'REK veil cents A FINER BLEND YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE! IX No Ry G The CLOTHES ster To Look Your Best, Have It Cleaned and Pressed D learning Its true meaning design ular CHILD GUI ANCE { The parent who consistently caps Quicl ( ) connects pain with "No", needs TODAY How To Teach Y Child ow 0 eac oung 1 IADVICE TO PARENTS Fellow-parent of the tot under : "N "ow five, wateh yourself, so 0 espec eaning 0 that you never say "No" when ou shouldn't, or are ready to kind young woman who(means but he pays no attention do say it, Then you will rarely oples this for me from my|when I say it," say this word, You won't repeat hard to read handwriting | = it in the same situation and you wonders why I often urge par. PITIED BUT ADMIRED won't shriek it, You will say it ants to teach the child the| I always pity such a spineless just ance, as information, know: soul, but admire her for admit They do it," she says, "but mw : : , ; If, however, you do say "No the meaning they teach is 'Yes,' oh mother Means to 5 shot and then discaver you should When they say 'No' the young: fa, *n0 n Wl When she Says not have sald it, tell the young goes on as if the parent Ne She dos ahi want all W005ter you made a mistake and had said 'Yes', or nothing at all, | 40 What he is doing or is about ura sappy, But never let it go by head that he should also learn 4 y Sho: a 4 ing disobedience hh he oontinued, Neth NO that, when she says "No, hel (nee your little child really attention to the wor 0, must desist from doing what he | 1oams to respect No" said just b Maybe I've Hogh wong May 18 about to do, or is doing, or ho one vou have cleared the 0 the average parent just sup lecks for having no end of af poses 'veheen telling her to say (He should learn that if he Ra R , not obey "Nao" promptly he will it's obeyed or not, Maybe I've always get discomfort or phys: PARENTS' QUESTIONS not heen writing plain English, ical pain Q., How many students are Often, indeed, a mother writes! don't believe for a minute enrolled in America's colleges? me of a tot three or four A. 1,080,000 rarely to use the word CLEVELAND MYERS "He understands what " hack it up with pain when vou meaning of "No." ng it will be obeyed promptly ting that she has no hackhone to do, It has never entered her vlup a "Most of the youngsters 1 default, else you practice him in won't get the thing he wants QHOs 00s taotionate enjoyment with him "Na" and not ta bother whether that anybody can teach a tot the With life insurance GARMENTS ARE RUINED I can be sure... by good pressing statt LOANS for INDUSTRY EXPANDING or DEVELOPING YOUR BUSINESS ' Proper equipment is necesse this handled at home pressing and equipment by qualified can be found at your dry cleaners You con secure full information aboue LDR "++ Sure of an income for my family, if I shouldn't live to take care of them financing for businesses engaged in manufacturing, essing, assembling, installing, overhauling, revonditioning, altering, repairing, cleaning, packs aging, transporting or warchousing of goods; logging, operating 8 mine or quarry, drilling 'constraction, engineering, technical surveys or scientific research, generating or distributing or operating a commercial air service, or the transportation of persons, or supplying preinises, machinery er equipment under lease 10 business mentioned above, Get in touch with wm LDR, office or see your auditor, lawyer op hankez. eton Gu ERS AND EARCH the following members of LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE (ONTARIO) ¢ INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS " CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD., Whitby HARWOOD CLEANERS, Ajax PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS, Oshawa WHITBY CLEANERS, Whitby ALDSWORTH CLEANERS, Oshawa BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS LTD. BOWMANVILLE ranteed by +++ Sure of an income in case | hecame disabled Sure of an income at vetivement an income which 1 can't lose, and can't antlive, "I'm playing it completely safe. I've made certain of income for the future under any of these possibilities through life insurance with substantial savings values," Today is a good day to talk to a London Life representative London Life msurance Company INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK Head Offiews dvi Catia

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