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The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1961, p. 10

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Wednesdoy, Morsh 15, 1961 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, CHAMPION WANTS MORE FIGHTS conference yesterday, that he wants to fight more than once # year and that he will prob ably next defend his World's Heavyweight Cham pion, Floyd Patterson, still wearing a patch over his left eye tells reporters sl & press 'SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' Trail Lhe for (not total points) for JACKIE MeLEOD, leading goal-scorer Smoke Eaters. and top wa cores entire totrnament back in Regina yesterday and besides pointing out that he hadn't been to bed for about three days == he also voiced the opinion that Trail's 1-1 tie with the Czechs was due ice, That game was the third of the night = played on ice that was not treated or repaired beween games, Since the Czechs also played on the same ice---and since the "Smokies" won the World's Championship anyway we think it would have been nicer for Jackie to have kept his lip buttoned, They won maybe not as conclusively as they would have liked to win but they won and in the interest of the game and all good sport =~ the les sald about it the better, You can find it in your heart to forgive a disappointed, heart~broken loser who may "spout off" but we haven't much time for a winner; who still isn't satisfied, We appreciate Jackie's feelings but they shouldn't appear in print to poor from leg TORONTO LEAFS are getting a stiff jabbing Dame Fortune, "Red" Kelly tried out his gimpy the other day and promptly went back into hospital until playoff time, at least, Yesterday Leafs found their star goalie, Johnny Bower on the limp again has a pulled knee muscle and It may sideline Bower for a week, Actually, this forced rest might be a blessing in disguise for the Leafs, ag they get ready for the play offs but it would seem certain also that the loss of Kelly and Bower may greatly hinder thelr home-stretch hid for first place in the NHL standings, 1f Bower © the "big one" tomorrow night in Montreal it be the material for a lot of alibi=writing, The way see it, even though Canadiens face a much tougher week end than the Leafs (Habs are at home to Chicago and visit Detroit Sunday, while Leafs are home Boston and then play in New York) this game to morrow night could decide a lot of the 1960.61 NHI awards == such as the league title the NHL scoring crown and the Vezina Trophy, About the only thing it will not settle is the Hart Trophy, One of our alert readers recommendation that the NHL have two Hart Trophies one for Gordie Howe and let the rest of th NHL players vie for the othe: Not such a bad idea, elther, Johnny mi could we on at to sends in a one BRIGHT BITS: Ullman last night for Red Wings as they won at home 5. Bert Olmstead, when he was with Canadiens, in 1955-56 points JEAN RELIVEAU has been credited with an assist, that evaded the scoring lists and that brings his total to 56 assists, tying the record set by N.Y. Rangers. Gordie Howe added two more assist « « CANADIAN sports fans, who look their TV sets for their major attractions, will be happy to learn that Carling's has contracted for a wide-scope sports program that will include National Football League games, on Sunday, major league ball games on Saturday and top horse racing events ST, LOUIS CARDS (football) with Sam Etcheverry in the line-up, will play Toronto Argos an exhibition game at the CNE Stadium, on August Ind US, FEDERAL GOVT, has served Ingemar Johansson with a onesmillion dollar tax bill and told him not to leave the country, If he ever gets out of the US he'll never come back, that's for sure. And come to think of it it the U.S, Federal revenue and authorities can - display much authority why doesn't the same government do somes thing all that fight game? Western And Eastern Pros May Play Of SEATTLE (AP)=A challenge from the Eastern Professional Hockey league for a postsea son plavel may be accepted if the Western Hockey League playoffs do not extend too late in the season, WHL President Al Leadgy sald Tuesday, Norm scored four goals 9 « Over earlier to meome sS0 about the shennanigans go on in the The WHL president said he has not yet received the formal challenge but has been advised of it by telephone 'A similar challenge was made last year and we. could not accept because our own playoffs lasted too long" Leader said "But we are interested. 1 will put the matter up to the hoard of directors at a meeting late this month. If it ix possible to complete our plavoeffs by late March or early April we may 'accept the chifenge " | title ! against "an unnamed oppo nent' sometime between June | and September of this year (AP Wirephotn) St. Louis And Sam, The Rifle, To Play Argos TORONTO (CP) hack Fichevert and Louis Cardinals will pla onto Argonauts in a pre exhibition night foothall here Aug 2 I'he game will the de but of Eteheverry, former Montreal Alouettes quarterback National Football League he Cardinals signed him in January as a free agent after Montreal tried (o trade him to Hamilton Tiger-Cats in a move that breached his no trade agreement with Alouettes The appearance of Ficheverry in a Cardinal uniform aller nine seasons with Montreal 1s expected by Argo officials to he a hig gate attraction, They are counting on him to draw a erowd bigger than Argos gol for pre season games here against NFL clubs in 1050 and 1060, Crowd of 27,770 dinals clobber the Argo in 1060 when the NIL team played out of Chicago, Last year 28.870 watched as Pittsburgh Steelers trounced the Argos 44 0) The Toronto-St will wind up Argos' four-game pre-season schedule, They meet British Columbia Lions in Tor onto in a night encounter July 20 and then travel west to play Calgary Stampeders July 25 and Winnipeg Blue Bombers July 27 hoth at night Quarter Bam fil Tor SCAKON game mark player saw the Car hh-20 Louls game Duplate Hockey Finals Is Showing & complete reversal of form, the Ofice-Quality Con trol Combines knotted the best of three finals by wallzing through the Cutting Department team to the tune of 94, Sunday afternoon at Whithy Community Arena Coach Jim Claus had his charges playing the positional hockey they ave capable of with each and covery checking furiously and harrvassing oppos ing forwards at every turn I'he losers started out fast with D. Layton flashing the light at 16 of the first period and it appeared as though the Cutting team would continue where they left off when they bounced the Office-QC's 105 in the initial game. | A. Dennis, Office QC rear guard, ignited the spark and the resulting explosion which led to six goals in the scoring two goals along doubles by R. Planke and Wilson Ralph Turpin potted one for the losers and the period ended 02 In the middle canto it Ralph Turpin again as the Cut ters put on a determined bid to get back in the game and al though the Office QC out scored the Cutters, two to one on goals by J, Konarowski and hard-driving Jack Kellar, the losers held a fair margin of the play Both teams traded goals in the finale, which was, as in dicated in the first game and in this one, «be reserved for heavy thumping and bumping lack notehed his sec ond with H the Cutters' final he scoring at 8d Don Tuk played steady NY ane with H Was 8 noha shooting to end Cruawy tally first frame, | Ullman's Four Goals gw" Pace Wings To Win Dart Toumey Storie Park still cling to top Narm Ullman of the Detroit fretehing a spot in the CRA Neighborhood | Fed Wings is one of the fore ss! most exponents of the expres sion that action speaks louder than words Off the jee, the eurlyhaired centre is shy, silent and retir Pet gna sreak of at least one point a Association Dart league sired of fourth place and &# herth in the Stanley Cop play offs, The Rangers are fifth and oni of the money The four counters raised Ul man's total goal production for the season to 70 among fast and Woodyview No, | as only two the The week fietrni lished CHM The Hed great night winger surpassed the previous Ponts Wgh of 4, estab teams Siman earlier ths Players doubling in and owt ~ EB. Clark 1, D, MacMillan 3. ; Wings had a wioe Waite 4, ¥. Cornish 2, B. Cor separate three top "hihy by | Loy B. Ross 2. T V. wil 1 wre already #8 B. Clark Craighead 7 # Were 5% Howe isted on two OSH, COUPLE, WINS HONORS Olga and Tom Twine hrought fiirther honors to Oshawa and 7" the Neighborhood Association "Dart League, as they won top he bonars in the Molson's Open previously uncredited sived Doubles, at the Sports fiddly men's Show in Toronto, last Sal The ass earned in Chi yrday, This tournament intro Bunday night when Cana: duced last vear for the first diens defeated the Black Hawks time, had 48 teams entered 'and 62, It came on Montreal's fifth competition was very keen gonl, scored hy frion B:15 of the period. The goal was Geoffrion's place winners th of the season, leaving him prizes also A py, NE short of the record 50 made awa couples hy retired Maurice Richard in|Titterton and Mr. and Mrs the 1944-4h on Harold Newsomeoof the Cana The record of 56 assists in a dian Corps Association, It can SCABON Wi el in the 1955-H6 easily be seen that the brand of eason by Bert Olmstead, then darts played in Oshawa and dis with Canadiens and with/ trict is tops mm. or al, veon y AN RS City -Wide Is In Finals For First Season ist on the goal and only the one assist was included in (he City-Wide Answering Bervice their first year of operation sili that Montreal league One om his Wid CHEn were won hy Osh an now at first telegraphed report, Subsequen after conferving with ref Frank Udvari, the scorer gave an assist also to Beliveau I'he charge gives Beliveau a total of K7 points, including 31 tly eree Hori in Frankie Carbo And His Pals Seeking Bail LOS ANGELES KING KT, 3, 8T King Street downed St R90 ts 0 | ame, 3-2 taking the two ge pionship play-off finals AD po cast-offs from the other (AF) Wielubs, to make up a four-team extortion conspiracy trial of|jeaone. However, Bradley, an Frankie Carbo 4 day while word was from the United States Court of| ed City-Wide into a real power: Appeals in San Francisco as 10 house, He brought ' " Detrowt player ing. On the ice, he's nspectae: ular hut probably one of the LY ORE THER ik f 4 in oar Hockey lagers in the league to score four times In game, outshooting the Bangers g 1ohnston 1, Uliman «% p10 4. 4 for four| one game this season was Tor- 4519 5. Shobbrook 1 is Tuesday night to lead the, nto's Frank Mahoviieh who Meanwhile a pulled leg mus Fouine 1 d Wings to & 572 vietory over registered the feat twice : ele has strained he henge 5 Of Wilson 1 New York Rangers in & game Ullman tallied his 25th, 26h Toronto Maple Leals' goaltender c..4 1 P. Crawford 1 that was meaningless as far as And 27th in succession--a gen Johnny Bower in bis Wd for the om con 2 D. Crawford 2 the league standings are con line hat trick. They came within! $1.00 Vezina Trophy Crawlord 1. BR cerned uo 11 minutes in the first period, Bower injured his right 16g In poser s WM. Parker 1. ¥. Par The Wings and propelled the. Red Wings Sunday night's Boston game and son 1, J. Goulding 2, M, Muir 1 - us imo a 30 lead may be out of action for Thurs 4 Pelow 3. A. Cnnmer 3. J The Rangers came fighting day night's game in Montreal Coniatond 1. 0. Crh 2. Foun y hack to narrow the score lo 44 The veteran has a six - goal, ralghead 1, 0, Clark 1. D. Rae t 1 wut Alex Delvecchio"s Mth goalliead on Chieagn's Glenn Hall WRetl ak % Rael od at 17:52 of the third period for the Vezina, awarded to the, i ' / ' and H, Vayle 2 saved the Wings from New goalie who has played most + | l 0 | eepees York's mounting pressure ames for the team least scored (i gh Tver Darts A 4 ry WEARS WEIMET upen 7 0 h g f } A. Velow 100 f p Ullman, wearing # helmet 10 125 and BT. CATHARINES (CP)="Tor- protec! & black eye he Faced ed » ase batl One Inning 5 / onto §t, Michael's scored a rel-|in another game against Hang ] B ] (Clark 5 owe 5. V, Ross tively-easy 4-1 win over Ht lars Sunday, supplied the Wings ean e iveau J. Craighead 5 and 7, Rae 5 Catharines Teepees here Tues: with added insunance at 18:97 Team Standings ~ Blorie day night to take a 2-1 lead in with his fourth goal a 1 ecor Vernhill 69, Wondview No, 1 . o are scoring for the Rangers sii & 50 Vastvies ithe best - of - seven Ontario Scoring for k i tundle No. 1, 9, Vastview {Hockey Association junior A Pat Hannigan and Andy Heben A haya Randle ng T. 58 Wiarish final oh or SISLS sourhmend 42. Woodview No. 2 The Majors, playing brilliantly Gordie Tne nw Dn Ts during the entire #0 minutes, MONTRIAL (CP) ~The Na opened the scoring @t 7:05 0 1G SEVEN tional Hockey League an [the first period on a goal by HL B nounced 1 Yoan: Be Bruce Draper and never looked N liveau of Canadien bach By THE. CANADIAN PRESS has fied th record of " " y y 4 / They added a nec nd " hy Detroit's Norm Ullman scored assists in "ae screaming drive from She Hlus. four goals as Red Wings de of & line by de h i Fgh of feated New York Rangers 520 5 OMaliex . riod a "the Detroit Tuesday might io move i y ' a a mae wil of wore in 30 in the third onlinto a sixth place Le WIR, Bek Terry Clancy's goal hefore Muy: Kelly In the race for 4 tong ray Hall scored the lone coun Hockey Teague scoring honors ter for the Teepees The star centre now a on Hall's goal broke ® two-game goals and 42 pant , " scoring famine hy the Teepees points, compared od 50 Assists on home ice, They were shut ord of 2 Sonls and 99 out 30 here last Saturday night The leader a Larry Keenan put the result at out of reach of the Teepees in Geoffrion, Montreal a 4 i the second minute of the third Beliveay Montreal } i i period, bouncing a 10-fool drive Mahovlich Toronto 4 iu off the right leg pad of Roger Buthgals New York 244 1 Crozier while Teepee capiain Howe, Detroit a4 o 4; Fay Cullen was serving a high: Ullman, Detroit udp ZA sticking penalty Kelly, Toronto 0) 50 70 PAUL'S 2 112 +2 as the) downed 8imceoé Paul's Street 62 For Westmount Il semi: Was A. Griffin unassisted, 7 final six goals to three It was Dick from B, Morrison the h p Lean from G. Oshorne, and Graham With Jwo Unibssisted, a dearse 4 Griffin fro } } ! Lloyd {fom ' Pearse, 4d Bonnet(a from R, Graham, Goal 5 nd I n Whiting un. SCOTErs for Simcoe Bireel were . L nG Peyton from 1. Cockerion § ) 3 {| G, ' A sted, and 9 Jiewin fom Us and C, Macrae unassisted, Wes! ra ley i for each team, mount advances into the finals alien series A" against King V 5 ance in serie 1H I Ring Street advan ow now Iolo Street Saturday, March 18, 4.30 e " / Ph A - > when they take on Westmount WESTMOUNT goal, G Saturday, March 18, at 4.30 Stevenson: defence, J, Dick, M ING S1 REET : Goal. D Densham, M, Plancke, K, Cobh KING Vi w. P Groner | R. Clement; forwards, B. Bon Hare; de abt TA hah ily (i. 1 netta, R, Graham, A. Griffin Marlow, 4] & D. McKee, B, Kirkpatrick, P lowed to post ball lop, along with Art Rennick, Carbo and four others are ac: Gerry MacLean, Herbie Tran cused of tireatening the life of and Bobby Trip, all with OHA Los Angeles fight promoter| junior experience and with five Jackie Leonard in 8 move tol gain control of former weller weight boxing champion Don Jordan Federal Judge Ernest A, Tolin| has ordered that Carbo and | ihom an air-tight defence, three of four other defendants "yn (he finals, City-Wide will remain in custody, But they have| yn. vaeting last year's champs, appealed for bail to the higher! purne's Garage, City - Wide court qualified for the title when they Leonard and his wife say they | gusted City » League Juveniles have received more than 200(9.1, in their best-of-three semi: threatening telephone calls. But finals, while the Garageman Carbo's attorney says Leonard! disposed of the once powerful an important prosecution wit-|A's 2:1 ness==i8 sife hecause he is un Naturally Durno's are favored der police protection to take the best-of-five final, due Assistant U.K, Attorney Ro: (to their all-round balance, Head: bert Hinerfeid, however, argued! lining the Durne's personnel is that "there will be quite a few scoring champ Don Tureski, other penple whose lives will be | along with sharpshooters Lucky equally in jeopardy if the de. Wills and George Westfall, The fendants are released." (defence team of Doug Cole and On trial with Carbo are Phil.|Pill Olesnuk rate as the best adelphia fight manager Frank!'In the lague, Joe Melnick; who (Blinky) Palermo, Truman Gib. copped the goaltenders avard son Jv, of Chicago, Louis Dra.|dWng the regular season with £0, Aa 3.75 average, is more than Osborne: forwards, L Jor, a Dick, B, Morrison, B, Stewart CArse By Ss, 4 . i Porry, R, Harding, B, Gomme," lark. Ri oC. Burch G Bury G, Perkins, J, Magill defence. M. Bureh. J. Hewas R wo HEH g I,, Cockerton D, Cockerton ST. PA nas. 3 forwards, M, Hewar, RR, Brown, Muir, obs : A. Macrae, W, Peyton, | Weath { y . erbee, D, Bowen, I", Murdoch forwards, Deter Hollingsworth, R, Shepherd, G, Peyton Lh Paul Hollingsworth, P. An drews, J, Andrews, D Mackie, | NORTHMINSTER 8, B, Durno, D, Chernick, R, Nich-| ST. MATTHEWS 1 Northminster advanced into ols, B. Morrison, D, Parker, W the finals of series "B'" as they Kewin y a out « scored- §t. Matthew's 11-1 w estmount in their two-game series Northminster's goal game, series were J, Todd from C, Griffin from W land T, Alexander from C, Grif fin and W, McGahey, St, Mal thew's lone goal was scored by R. Brabbin from R, Hayward . Two penalties in the game, both to 8t, Matthew's, were A, Annis 1€ for hoarding and W, Barker for tripping for the Oftice QC's, vecelving| Northminster opens good support from defencemen Series finals Saturday, A. Dennii and Ross McMaster, | 18 at §.30 Rill Seymour, assisting on alll NORTHMINSTER four Cutting goals, and Ralph|Alexander: defence, K RY ti aah ), Wragg, J, Preston; ' 4 a: Turpin with two markers and|J. Todd, 1 J TRE gna of West Covina, Calif, and| : / i Li ah) turned in good efforts | forwards, ( Griffin, W, Mos ih Call, andan adequate netminder )g pod a AT Joseph Sica of Los Angeles (? Mpst ge \ series The large turnout of support H Boi we Hawkshaw (5 former president of National | Bowmanville Arena with game ers was encouraging to hoth ha i ih Po N| am M. Boxing Enterprises, {time scheduled for 7.90 p.m, teams and they were rewarded |" hh phan, 4 i J Lid with a goad contest and free re me MATTHEW'S doal. @ freshments supervised by Social Davey: defence. 1. Walker. L and Sports executives (of Du Dodsworth, W. Barker, L. Par plate), B. Chute and R. Har gqice" K. Allard; forwards, G lowe Carrol, B, Carry, G, Denby, R Hayward, W Marchant, R Rrabbin, RB. Marchant, R, Dav 16 ies, W., Melntyre, A, Annis, T 5.18 Buckley 92 03h KNOX 1, HARMONY 0 nh 10.80 In a real battle in series '"R semi-finals, Knox and Harmony wound up their semifinal series at two goals apiece, forcing a third game to be played Thurs day, March 16, at 4.30 The winner of this game ad vances to the finals in "RA" series against Northminster on Saturday, March 18 at 5.30, The goalscorer for Knox was G 1.56 McKenzie from J. Clarke and R. Knocher KNOX rank team Bill Gearing, the former Orono Orphan netminder, and young Cliff Godridge combined the goaltending duties and gives goal, D Bradley, D, Whileing; Mi R MOUNT 6, SIMCOF 8ST, 2 swept the two rers YA" semifinal kat BR. Wicks, MeGahey in. R" March goal, J Hardie, I Zim SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER COME SEE! -- COME SAVE! Canadian Made BICYCLES Ist Period D. Layton Seymour) Dennis v0 Planke Planke 4.» Dennis 444 Turpin 1, Cutting (Turpin, Office Office Office Office: A Cutting' R (Seymour) " Office: H, Wilson 4,44, Office: H, Wilson (Planke) yyvvvis Penalties == Wilson, Hubbard, H, Cruwyz 2nd Period Cutting: R, Turpin (Seymour) Office: J, Konarow (Pilon, Northey) Office: J. Kellar (Wilson, McMaster) ,, Penalties Mason, Dennis ard Period Cutting: H. Cruwyz A R R 11,08 18.01 Lamb, ] 10 anarowski Martin; T. Park goal, R defence, RB. Rowman, 10.06 7, G. McKenzie, B, McKenzie J. Neshitt, H, Neshitt, G. Smith, D. Miller, R. Knocker, G, Me KH LOOK AT THESE PRICES! MEN'S, LADIES' 36 QO Dougall, J. Clarke, D. Clarke, A BOYS', GIRLS' R, Fisher, D, Lynd, B. Grey, --- (R, Seymour) or de pllice Relat cont io NE ARMONY goal, R, Begg, 4 TERMS: anke, Laylon,getence, G, Fleury, J. Danniels, DOMINION 5.00 DOWN TIRE STORES | 200 WEEKLY Wilson, MeMaster, Konarowski P. McGill, K. Storey, D. Bracey: 48 BOND ST, WEST and: Mason forwards, 8, Roznik, N, Hall, D (Corner of Church) Scorer Officials | Crowe, G. MeDonald, W, Ormis RA 5.6511 1 12 H, Shaw R, Gaurdian and H, Balsom. jon. B. O'Neill. T. McNaughton nD, Orton ON WAY HOME MONTREAL (CP) Trail uled to arvive in Vancouver at Smoke Eaters, 1981 world 1:95 pom, EST Sunday, Trans hockey champions , are sched: Canada Air Lines said Tuesday (Oshawa Pair | Acadian Cleaners Miss Playoff Spot The scliuguled league play in Halian boys were worthy wine the Toronin City Major five pin ners after a great team effort, league ended rather rough for Bob Gallagher was top shooter the Acadian Cleaner club when for Acadian with 1348 followed first shmtorsi of the season proved Oshawa trundiers on the day's Vagmin bowling sv a the victory gave the 1277, Tom tight one, unths the ninth frame when the Oshawa boys ran into a heap rigo's couldn't do a thing wrong it 1238 for. Acadian the next three games crew Darrigo"s 1167 to 1084 due to their bowlers competing al the hey the Himmazng in Gordie | whether Carbo should be al: Myles, the former Whithy Dun-| players, has moulded & high game to V1. i's a club record, are closely followed by Fernhill, edge In play throughout he pick 2 W. Dowe 1, B. France | Malian noys 0. Flymn 1 playoff spot ! ' I I mens to bowl for hi Aled Bernie Geof (otal of 18 teams entered from Show and completed his second second! Oshawa and along with the first: five there with another big 1270 second and third (o take the Mr, and Mrs, 1an howled five games against Ozzie in the Oshawa Major Hockey lands League, have reached the cham. championship he Oshawn boys suffered their by Dick Adams with 1238, Lieyd Sabins 1683, John Wrico 1956 and Darvign's Malian Voods club Wonk Sarmovsky 977 toe good for the Darnigo's were led by Prime 1366; Vie Terminis Lenzi 1291, Prime the series and a Valcion 1246 and Jack Matrais 954 9 be Acadian needed a five game slrange as WH may seam, the M. Wilson 2. Midge wit to make the grade and a) Acadian Cleaner club finished I. Honston 3. B. Craw. most took the first game which thei ream 190k Crawford 2, G. for Acadian wage schedule with » Darrigo's team average of 1206 per game 1125 but still failed tn make » play. olf spot Boh Gallagher, Dick Adams and Hank Barnovsky all finish ed well wp in the high average standing and will compete in the Singles roll-off for the Singles title, Hank's average may just he enough to qualify. While i was a bitter disappointment for the club not to make the team playoffs, there is still hope that one of the boys will cop the singles crown 'the torrid pace over the week- end caught up with the Darrige dub on Sunday at Playtime Bowl when they fell down badly in the first five game block of the team roll-off Pasquale led after the first vith 6076 followed hy Me Coinness 901; Tuxedo Junction Vormals 8; People's #07; Bowling 5646; Darrige's The second five games of twenty game series will be howled at York Bowl on Satur: day at 2.30 p.m George Weiss Is President New N.Y. Club MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) Retirement for George Weiss apparently means # big new job and two salaries Weiss, who left his long-time job as general manager of New York Yankees of the American League last October when he passed the club's mandatory retirement #ge of 65, was named president of the New York National League club Tuesday, He will take up his duties immediately although the team is not echeduled to operate everything it with 1152 against The second grme was also # of trouble while Dar was 1373 for Darnigo"s and The same pattern followed in Darrigo's to 1166 tor the Oshaws Darrigo's 115% to 1085 and yr Both clubs were shorthanded the Sportsmen's Show @nd conagition seemed 1o upsel Acadign club much more thelr opponent Veteran Tom Lenz of the Darrigo club, wa hero for his club with an display of good howl ng and determination. Tom wwled five games st the Sports Show for a 1381 total hen rushed up to Willow Bow) club and rapped dandy 1257 five-game Following this, he rush the Sportsmen's Is Fay who 15 the da 18) n tring hack in round Teammate Gord Longarini Keeler at the Sportsmen's Show and then to Willow Bowl and howled two games for his club and helped to win the series It was a double vietory for the Italian boys as Longarini went hack to the Sportsmen's Show and eliminated Ozzie Keeler 2580 to 2315 The team scores were Dar: rigo's 6115 for five games and Acadian Cleaners 5703 and the REMEMBER WHEN? , . By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canada's Belleville McFar: until 1962 won the world hockey | The appointment brought up al Prague two!the question of whether baseball years ago Inday although beaten|law will permit him to receive Winse Bradley, coach of the 5-3 hy Czechoslovakia in the!salaries from two teams, City-Wide entry and who also|last game of the five-team round doubles as the league president, robin, Canada and Russia eachla consultant to president Dan has done a great job in forming|finished with four wins and one|Topping of the Yanks, He is re. City-Wide into a top contender (logs, hut Canada won the title! ported receiving about $35,000, The City-Wide team was com-\on the hasis of goal averages, hall his former Yankee salary, prised earlier in the season of(21.7 for Canada and 20-10 for three| Russia, The Czechs were third (and U8, fourth with 8-2 records, {League club al §70,000 resumed Tues ambitious young man with| awalted| season long additions, has form-| Weiss, 66, has been serving as | Fistimates put his pay as presi dent of the new National A year, forest; tones NATURAL COLOUR IN Canada's best known quality sult, In richness, in distinctive character, in performance -- here is the suit that "speaks" for itself, RNETTS GA TAILORED EXCLUSIVELY BY Proeness Baanp Clothes SEE THEM NOW AT ONTARIO'S SMARTEST MEN'S SHOPS | -- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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