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The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1961, p. 11

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COMMONWEALTH COUNTRY Relations Improved By Cricket Matches WD, BN. Z (CF) been taking 8 major ole in woroving Common wealth relations in the South Pacific mw the last few months An adventurous and herd fought Tesi series between Aus tralia and the West Indies has drawn record crowds and raised enthusiasm for cricket 10 a new peak. The sporting approach of the West Indies players has won warm admiration At the same time, # British tegin bas been winning similar applause in New Zealand, The ination was & match In which fom Commonweaith na tionalities took part, (9 the yast enjoyment of the largest crowds ever to wach ericket in New Zealand The presept governor-general of New ZLewand, Viscount Cob ham, is #8 iormer noted cricketer in bis own right, Before the wer he played for England as Hon C, J, Lytteion, before inherit: ing his present title, He is also a former president of the Mary lebone Cricket Club, the senior and Pustrious of cricket organizations THY. GOVERNOR'S EI Largest on his present MCC ean tour New Zegland and i has played brignt attractive cricket much admired by all followers of the sport The highlight, however, was a maich in which the governor general's own team played the visitors, The yernor-general invited two leading West Indign player Australien bowler @nu notable New Zealand of post war years to make his team Althougn now 52 and long re tired from serious cricket, Lord Cobham led the himself and took hs full in the mateh on all three The outcome was days of gieat cricket, fortu nately" in perfect weather, the largest crowds ever (to watch a ericket match in New Zealand and & narrow victory at the end for the MCC team But AUCKL Cricket has Hos! VEN tive, the sent 10 init Was E9 famou th most keters rie team part days a full three result was of little moment, The spirit in which the match wae played counted for far more, West Indian, Austral: fan, English and New Zealand players all delighted the experts with brilliant demonstrations of the finer arts of the game WON CHAMPAGNE But the star was easily Lord Cobham himself, He excelled not only as a good sport but also the : GOVERNOR-GENERAL GOES TO BAT process won ®& magnum of As an inc idental, Lord Cob- Po offered by an anony- ham gave & lesson in race re-| mous donor for the most 1% tions For the duration of the L by the obvious vast enjoyment] ap rig Bs Rydges A I by match he had as his personal he extracted from the game, guest at Government House the living example of his repeated|small boys demanding his auto:| ouersens players he had invited claim that sport should be for graph, Already he Is being seri: to play in his team, As 8 matter fun ously canvassed fof the award of course they included a young He demonstrated that he isof sportsman of the year in New West Indien player who Is & still #8 mighty hitter and in the Zealand Negro English F.A. Cup Play In Semi-Final Stage over Sheffield Wednesday in the of their good days, It Is quite quarter » final replay was ac-conceivahble that they can [complished by a brilliant dispiay knock oul the hburs, and hi The lof cultured football, and if they thelr chances of the League anc " lp : can show the same form in the Cup double LONDON == With the replays semi-final, Spurs will have to of quarter-final drawn BAmMes|yo all out fo Win LEICESTER FAVORED out of the way, the line-up for Although Leicester City the semi-final vound for the DREW IN LONDON truggle hard to knock English ' A, Cup is now defin:| Tottenham and Burnley have third division Barnsley in a itely fixed. Three first division/met once be fore this season, in|veplay in the quarter-finals, | teams, Totienham Hotspur |a memorable game at White expect them to go safely through Burnley and Leicester City, and|Hart Lane, London, At half to the - final in their game one second division team, Shef-[time, Bpurs were leading by| Against Sheffield United field United, form the last four|40, and seemed to have the| The United are tied on top of left in the ecmpetition, and two game nicely tucked away, In the second division with Ipswich, | of them 'will go on to the final, [the second half, however, Burn. 8nd gave a great display in| at Wembley on May 6 ley came to life, scored four|beating Newcastle United, But In the seini-final games, to he goals and kept the Spurs score: Leicester are up among the! played on neutral grounds a to earn a well-deserved 4.4 first division le aders, and re Birmingham and Leeds, Totten:|draw, This stamped Burnley as) cently beat Tottenham, Un a ham Hotspurs will meet Burn:(a real fighting team which [neutral ground they should win ley, and leicester City willinever quits till the last whistle quite handily, to go inte the| have Sheftie ld United as oppo: |is blown final, nents. The big game of the] When they meet on a neutral| »0 I pick Leicester as one of| draw is that between Spurs and ground, in the semi-final on|the finalists, and think that Burnley, with the betting aboul|March 18, it will be a battle of Tottenham have the edge to even, as fo which will go|giants, Taking form on the|take the other place at Wembley | through to the Wembley final, whole season, Tottenham should on March 6. But, as I have said Burnley's splendid 2:0 victory!win, but if Burnley strike one before anything can happen in| HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS 1¥ hid and Sheffield United I will be watching at Wembley By THE CANADIAN PRESS Quebec 20 34 2202220 60 NO SUMMER SOCCER National League Providence 2442 0307300 48) The manugement WLT By M, McINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Correspondent had our N {on cup tinal day, A APt Tuesday's resulis the Football 20 18 10 240 182 88 Rochester 2 Quebeo § 38 18 11 224 167 87 Tonight's games 28 2916 180 178 72 Springfield at Cleveland Retrolt 3 H 1 un al u Providence at Hershey ew Yor A Western League Boston "ead gh 14243 30| Bamonton § Calgary 6 esday's Game Northern Ont, Sr A New York 2 Detroit § Kapuskasing 2 Abitibi 7 Games Wednesday (Best-ol-seven semi - final tied New York at Boston 2.9) Detroit at Chicago Eastern Professional WL F AR, HullOttawa 41190 8263179 0 § 8 Marie 3127 8231207 TN K. Waterloo 30 36 11 213 208 71 (Best.of-five semi-final tied 3-3) Kingston 2733 8 250 265 62 Manitoba - Thunder Bay Senlor until the league has a general Sudbury 2533 9208 254 59/ Winnipeg 4 Port Arthur 0 [meeting on April 14, If the) Montreal 19 35 13 160 212 51 {Winnipeg wins best-of-five final new league cup dates are adop Tuesday's Results ? [ted it will place five of the Kitehener-Watrloo § Montreal 1 [leading clubs in an Sudbury 4 Sault Ste. Marie 0 position, These five Spurs, Hull-Ottawa 4 Kingston 8 {Arsenal, Wolves, West Brom Tonight's games © wich and Sheffield Wednesday, Sault Ste. Marie at Sudbury Jinn to enter this competition | American League {last fall, If the new proposals | WLT FARM 'of seven EO through, they will either have 4520 1510188 9 to enter far the League Cup, © 131 2200 198 68 find themselves without matches 13 31 1230 240 G7 St. Marys 6 Sarnia 4 on the twa Saturdays on which 42333216 64) (St. Marys leads best -of- five league Cup games are being "0 on 3035 0202235 western division semi-final 3.0)/played, {of League Montreal Toronto Chicago Detroit | {summer months, They think it would be a better idea to start the league season in September thus cutting out the last two (weeks in August, and letting it run on to the end of May The league management com mittee, with this idea in mind, | proposes to devote the last two |aturdays in August to the first | round of the League Cup, with Maritime Senior | Glace Bay 1 Amherst § (Amherst wins best « of » five semi-final 3:1) {Saint John 4 Charlottetown 8 basis, Ontario Junior A Toronto §t, Michael's 4 St, Cath arines 1 (St, Michael's leads best-of-five quarter-final 21) Manitoba Junior Rrandon § Winnipeg Rangers 7 (Winnipeg leads best semi-final 31) Ontario Junior B awkward | Springfield Hershey Buffalo Rochester Clgyeland committee | has | {turned down a proposal that the | {soccer season be changed to the| games on a home-and-home! Decision will not be reached agin came wp with a WS, Eon Swartz 10 and Mike Paulo 998 In the fifth game, B wis Kent's with 184 with Te Pauley coming through with & 77% or Up wnt] this point Padione Tize, with a score of UL pod bowled over 1299 for his y and this game feptired by first four games byt ren ints SOME Bighy £9 ef in Whe final game firiehing & of 1450 made wp of vr 5. 185 for bis five Western Tire Finishes In Style i was the Onell day of the em ing schedule in the y Major Lay Ee Kent's Western cnme through Was " F atime started off dries RA Ren in the tenth frame they defeated the Bowiedes he second game sew Jobnpy team by & score of 549, winning Kent § team come Bp WHR Rllowed by Mike Paslo with # 2li their five games, They were score of 1218 and agin wes score of 1278 (187, 297 . gided to some extent the fact Padlone with 25% and Vidas with 2/8); Vidas 1146 (159, 797 that the Bowlodrome team was 29 y) Bon Swartz 1149 short on man power. However, In the third game # 2 (171 Wm. 1%); Bil they bowled enough com: score of 199 (195, 72% 172, 15% ing wy with a score of Wik The fourth game was their Wig 177). Bill just couldn't bit those In the first game i was game th 1272 when Paolone pins st Plantation These 1956 Chevrolet Hardtop ny 1957 Chevrolet Deluxe " Arthas League last ans Tire in fine style dit; edad bot py ga it cial 194 & gt 2 head £6 when was & fine effort for the bowier. Pavione was (6 i] bry dd well West wi very ref Cs nen 184.4 WE OF Sd NOW ONLY good buy ¥ rie IE An with custom tor t high other feoture wey dowr i, ter, bt 2H For the losers, ££ was BS Kirk with 1292 snd Ant Me Genckie with 13897. The losers dmoly could not de anything rig For a team thet wae logether for the first time, Kent's West an 'Tire bowlers #4 very well wo = fhe tiked series fimiched for sernnf Jace, thes gohnts evey from the Winners They had many Opportymiies during the bowling season 19 pin one of the series ut 8 was either someone being ewey oF sornetiing else happening that prevented them from Aving bet in all, the team Hd very well and gave g pond se ont of themselves thrmghont the entire season and were ver 90d when bowing pgainst the toughest com petition THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 15, 1967 11 HOW YOUR LIVER BILE HELPS BREAK DOWN FATS INTHE DIGESTIVE TRACY Cantar #hisiia Livae Ps eaciciamoy fommiin of Tag, 8 te phe aor iavas m Ay tony. Ab pl RL sree th Ho 4 navi BWR (8 [BT Gigrntive § wb ronniiny ot -L. 4 AHH LATE ROW ROTEL vik mencieling 18m , satisfy Isis them down. It fn on AWA fant, That, whew ves bie # Rican 16 [ity wii e. Che eis pie hes BOA LTR BORA whi fu ka yom digestive tua, Boer bie klipe tans deown tote the sme way oy 4 of the fore yon sah. rach | the A, Eo when yon Ao REY REE . a tan Carian' s Fs Livi Lives Pivie. og ii J Carter's went eve wregRoeiby, prove the flow " dd 4 i Co a BREE BITE KIA EE [5 Rem, SELECT el Top Value Cars 1959 Oldsmobile Super 88 yg And just like new i 4 p with radio, hester, power brakes end Hearing tone finish, And with white wells tee | really good $2595 fe wiry car try this SELLING AT 1956 Buick Hardtop Is is an 4-dogr herdtep i mode! v's fio and tre GOING FOR "+1395 = 1995 BOB JOHNSTON NOW ONLY 1957 Chevrolet Wagon "Her stot f oth e's @ big 2-door or to toke @ | style Hao Hing aulomath transmission / NE +1495 THE PRICE 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air Bel Air sedan in beautiful Red and Ivory combination. A sparkling car in looks end performance , , + ' 0 own "The popular Chey It's $495 come on aowr i try er glue at 1 NEAL GOING FOR ONLY 1958 Vauxhall Sedan "775 1954 Oldsmobile Super "88" It's complete with Lots of power, lots of 499 MX THE PRICE "A luxury cor going for & good price power steering, hydrametic, ""get-up-and i take @ loch A STEAL AT ele Come en down » " rRe rE 1959 Chevrolet Special eat little job has only 14,000 original miles chalked A 2-door model with 1955 Chevrolet Deluxe f life left "This 1 up plenty of room and plenty of pep. Like new, NOW ONLY "Ti in this 4-door sedan i" irive ere's still plent comes complete and radie. Why de give it a try 1955 Oldsmobile Super Blue sedan will give you many miles of pleasant driving, "Finished in Regatta Metallic, this sharp 4-door It's 699 1955 Dodge Wagon wagon designed to take @ goed worth ¢ look so come on down and see for yourself," SELLING AT "A goed station lead Complete with automatic and radio. In spotless condition to GOING FOR " "+845 JACK HUGHES OUR PRICE 495 JACK DARLINGTON 1960 Chev. Corvair |v 60's, A compact sar with 5 of the bigger ear el complete with radic pr Plat! 4 his ene is the de! f te walls windshield weshe and finish 0d In smart two-tone com nation. ght ta this ane new It was $3100 } i i © NOW ONLY bol AEN +2195 1959 Vauxhall Sedan amy ¢ar with plenty af gy I 18 G ane-awner mode mileage, Give It a 'lock THE PRICE s1195 STEVE ROSNIK RITCH MeMAHON 1959 Plymouth Fury "Like It says, "Fury" + 8 fury of power with v's peppy V-B sngine. A real car somplate with automatic, GOING FOR s1795 1959 Pontiac 'Anather goed buy w this popular 4-deor sedan complete with radie and automatic, Really sharp sharp enough ta try at this price" SELLING FOR s1795 ce Werth a high perf radio, et¢ MITCH KOWAL OPEN FROM 9 AM. till 9 P.M, SATURDAY TILL 6 P.M. 1956 Ford Hardtop 'Complete with radio, and aut tig, this 2-door hardtop finish "5995 natic has plenty of pep. Sman rox taming black yorth trying SELLING FOR 1953 Merc Convertible like the pe here's OVER 90 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM "For those whe convertible od adic we 10 touch and feel of @ Has t ne Y automatic steering. A really sharp ...sbTH power little sum NOW ONLY mer special," { 140 BOND WEST ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Lm. OSHAWA RA 35-6507

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