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The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1961, p. 12

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BE 15k warmer bttrrewy tr ww rrnyy rroween rer tows i i ~~! SPORT BRIEFS | SPORT OUTDOORS -- Bv lack Sords rrr meme: MIAME BEACH, Fla. (AF) (George Weiss, retired generql | manager of New York Yankees will he gopointed president of the Mew York baschali club of the National League iaday, The Associated Frese learned Mon day ment, Weiss refused 16 com firm or deny the appointment The Associated Press wise learned thet Casey Sengel, re tired Wy the Yankees ss man ger after last year's World Series, is not involved in the | ig " ' move, There had heen rumors da + ; AAI that Stengel would he pppointed ot ¥ SN dears ANZA TH manager of the new (eam, " tig A Ade A Ad 7A re 4) BONSVIEL PLANNED y WINNIPEG (CF) ~ The see at all I. D orm. A DRUG STORES will be held here March 2040 wih or compe Mond Saturday March 13th - 18th Tonks. from British Couming, onday fo Jafurday arc th - 16¢t Aberin, Saskatchewan, Mani taba and Borthern and Southern Ontario will compete, Bowth- ern Unkaria wes hk vepreseied One Time Offer! Save S246 0n § soft, absorbent "Snow White" 3 4 ' in 1960, when an Edmonton rink won the wl | MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS i Bathroom {FACIAL TISSUES BOLY VINISHED FIRSY | vy PENSACOLA, Fiza, (AF) = BOTTLE OF Onl 08: THe ne Veteran Tommy Boit of Crystal 500 TABLETS y ca e ¥ Disposable handkerchiefs Af ind River, ¥la,, closed with & 34-43 GOAT ® For baby care nn trs ~#] Bunday for a win In the v i (66 SECTION y 4 geoli ¢ i i . OER PANG HOLE FOR WE, of st SHG LATA $2000 Pensieoln open golf ® Magnified dial ® For removing cosmetics PT a tournament with a 1i-under-par . \ |» Guaranteed " : b : WW AVIATION STYLE 400s (2-ply)=BYs x Win dd hdd hid hhh ddd ad A ------------------S _--- . EE Te-hole tout of 275, He won g2000, Gary Player of Bouth Ww A SUN GLASSES ene yea Africa was second place with 4 REG 95 WILL IT HURT ? Fo E 27%, 2. 63° 217. Player won $1000. Dow G fen REG, 98s, | Finsterwer lds 270 took third ain Wh 79° | 54 49 (place and $1,400 In rigid case . POPP PIPPI AM ARRAARAR aritimers May Ivliss RETIN CHEAVE | J MIAME BEACH, Pia, (AP) IDA R 4 1%4 pound bag of » lay 'atterson, who retaine JA, Fieavy grade, Their TV Football Games i": \WAX PAPER "oir. C, 2 for 5 5 KERR'S HUMBUGS ,.. 39° HALIFAX (CP) = Foothalliand rugger only 8 few years fefraion of Negro and, white Reg. 32¢ "You know they're geod when they're Kerr's" h : has developed into one of the Bgo i Minmi Beach was good and major sports in the Maritime, Foothall in the Maritimes has } : Maing but fans and league made tremendous strides sinee that he Is returning A guaran : L iad ai pA wondering what!it was infroduced hy navy|l6® cheque of $10,000 to Feature Each tablet 5 grains, S ng Cl nin 1 effect it will have if profes-|teams during the war. But its Sports, Ine 4 » Dee-Tee Brand ¢ vi ed J a sional football isn't televised in| biggest step forward was forma: In addition, he added, he is [] N .: 100's and 300's YJ the region this year tion of the AFC last year sending his personal cheque of y of $10,000 to the National Associa There's no doubt that thous- [through amalgamation ands of youngsters have started|leagues in Nova Beotla, New tion for the Advancement of | to throw foothalls around cor- Brunswick and Prince Edward Colored People 1.6.A. BRAND : PARADICHLORUENTENE ner lots as an autumn pastime Island | When the Patterson-Ingemar i because they see the pros do it Johansson bout was announced Pink, Yellow, White ( C I M h c ' FLAN TO EXPAND for Miami Beach, Patterson ex Regularly 2 for 29¢ y of rystals on TV ' n : ans t f to add! pressed concern regarding the there 1s some question Plans are heing made pr ( MeErn garding th But ther i | 2 pound bag 59 now that the Mariitmes will get/® Newfoundland representalive segregation problem. Feature to see the games this year, The to the hoard of directors this Sports said there would be none CBC whieh for several years Year as a first move toward and put up the cheque as for I.D.A. ° brought Big Four foothall tol Pringing that provines inte jhe feit, Tt was to go to NAACP if White, 70's for [ lost its bid for TV|Ieague, No organized foothalli patterson found any segrega l this areas, los bid fo Reg. 19¢ V4 | Save 14¢ on rights te CPTO, the private Tor-| has ever heen played in New: tion, Patterson, a Negro, agreed onto station, While CFTO Is ar.|foundland but as elsewhere, (here had heen none | IDA. EASI.GLOSS ames oe thall on television | ranging to deliver the games in| 'seeing foo . ad |has encouraged the kids to get PERMIT ENTRY Montreal and Ottawa ove Prk out and try the game," Carr CAPE, TOWN (Reuters)=The I.D.A, BRAND | Floor Wax problems in other areas where 118rris said after a recent visit South African government 0 16 and 32 oz {i Pound tine-Reg, 5% stations are affiliated with the|l0 the province granted permission to a South Reg, 50¢ 85¢ ) : v CBC Buch men as Howie Meeker, African Indian Tuesday to com h » 45° 2 tins 89° former Toronto Maple Leafs pete in the South African golf MAY HELP w " hockey player and now a New: championships beginning Thurs | hil Carr « Harris, president! foundiand sportscaster, support day, making him the first non | 3 of the Atlantic Football Confer: the idea of introducing foothall white ever to play in a national 1.D.A, BRAND HEAVY GRADE | LJ nee, 7s whe question Is! there on an organized hasls, sports tournament in this coun. 16 and 40 ounce ( ( TRI- SODIUM PHOSPHATE whether Maritimers have heen] The Atlantic region is grad: try, Interior Minister Jan Dek: | exposed to enough foothall, both! yally building up a group of |lerk announced the decision to Regularly 65¢, 1,25 V 4 i Washing Compound of national and reglonal ealibre,| men with foothall experience. Parliament hut said the golfer, od TIPO N NINN ee to stand on their own feet with-| Carr «» Harris himself was a Bewsunker Bewgolum, was he out the Interest inspired by tel: lineman with Toronto Argonauts ing granted permission to come 1.D,A, BRAND % GRAIN TABLETS if A great aid when washing ceil Pound evision, when they won the Grey Cup in pete in the tournament "strictly Bottl f 500 and 1,000 i ings, painted walls, floors, Just Pkg, "If it turns out our league Is] 1045-46-47, Athletic director at hy way of exception" and with. 0 oy a 79 (, ( mix with water as directed en 19¢ ' as firmly established as we Bt, Francis Xavier Hniveraity out ereating a precedent think it is, the absence of tel-| Antigonish, N.&, is Don Loney i . evision _foothall may help us. |former Oftawa Rough Riders] RUSKIAN CAN'T RIDE However, the key is develop: star, His team 1s unbeaten In ( HAYDOCK PARK, England ® the package, y ' ; AP)=Viadimir Prakhov, cham. ' CSO . ment of minor foothall and the|three years AP) Via | d GC S S interest our league can gener:| Another is Harry Wilson, for pian Soviet, lockey who to PACK OF Every ay ift Wrap tationery pecial BAC OF 5 ASSORTED te among the youngsters, mer quarterback with the Uni. ride one o p J ef ; ae hang 3 hy fin am mer 8 of Toronto who coaches|in the Aintree Grand National | 5 Suitable for most gift eccaslens, Con. 1.00 Value 30 sheets of Gage "Stuart Hall"! vellum Only Cellulose S onges may be compelled to support | the Dalhousie University team | fteeplechase March 25, was told tains three 28¢ packs of paper, 20 tags 59° writing paper, 6x8 Inches and 30 mateh- 49' p local football If they want to see| here, And until his recent trans. | Tuesday he can't ride hefare the ASSORTED and 40 matching seals, ing envelopes, 4x6 Inches, ¢ the game at all in the absence | fer from the RCAF hase at/big race, Yurl Alexeev, leader se --_,LLl- ; ! 25 of TV, At the same time the|Greenwood, N§, to Saskatoon, of the Russian group, toed EET TTT -- ba rep youngsters would have to keep|Tony Golah, former Golden Boy (the idea because "our Jockeys tossing footballs around home!of the Rough Riders, was the [might fall and get injured" | Tory Cloth for ¢ HOUSEHOLD or the sport would slip inte the best known of former pro|Prakhov wanted to ride an Eng: Reg. 19 each ! Rubber position it held behind soccer'stars in the Maritimes, {lish horse before the National, COMBS Ic H with 48° | 150 BOBBY PINS init 39 | wir pau EASTWAY LANES MIXED TEN PINS Vida Morey 416 (348, 174); Aldine Hard: | 800 Singles --= Evelyn Stenson was | Black or Blonde Marked substandard lew Malloy was top man with 578 ing 414 (231, 183); Bahe Long 414 (168, hikhesl with, 20, followed hy av tats ; 4 whut still very good 5, G d 848 230) and Eisie Riley 410 (233, 188) (gd, Anne Baba 230, Mar athersi ] , G RA i Hood" 54 J 200, Maude Codkerion a 1 tn Wile tu ieahelle Cranmer . tia, Isabelle value at this low price, p 208), G. Vaugh f 0, | hia M2, Ad ankin 831, Parley [King 8235, 318; Wh opelan 430, by vit ig Sous} he [¢ on Houekiex a, Hejen darie 814, vi hides LL an i hy Two LADY'S PLASTIC } 501, p h 484, a 208 0. White 216, Nan Bennett 315, Li Aan, Co Biviun rl HR evers 4A Hiandings = Modern Up 3.16, Gold |eilla Mranton 913, Mari Gloseti' 811, BROWNIE STARFLASH M. Johnson 478, F, Guelielmi 477 and Medal 0-15, Nu-Way 315, Jury and |200; Babe Lang 210, Blanghe Norton | RAI F. Ward 473 Lavell 210, Crowella bio, Metas Li 1810, dor of ols Rutden 208 rene fev I ©. Collis | 3:10, Jordan's 4.0 inlogh's , Pea: [ars 806, arian amas 204, 0 | wilh iih fh Peet ii, Si SIL its 05 ANd Misfioe 04 Haman B00 Audrey. Hodgsan, Bina Protects vous aie n-duale. oF dowsaus 1D, PINK or WHITE hi) D, Mason 401, J. George Je. M | Thana toy the Rote Mabel The girls ar Mar) Vaughn 201 and Mary p COLD CREAM J 475, 8. Shelenkoff 466, J. Peel, are glad to hear that you are home, Ki 2 i A ¥ a akiey Prin M Tavior a, 0 [and well on the road la resavery | Pat Brown had a 209 last week, Budget-priced for colour slides, black- N CREAM 80, M. Cola 414, L. Balvas 403 . | Cakes, Rockets, Haney Rees took all and-white or colour snaps on 127 film SOAP Ditfer 401 | WEDNESDAY NITE LADIES LOE, lgaur polis fram Lucky Bleven, Bea i Nl ¥ AMF. 4, 84, 104, Marian Auta! The storm on Wednesday Nite must vers "Buttons and Bows, 0. Busy Hees, + + + Indoors or outdoors, 8 8, 48, 107, MeMurtry Ins. 8, 46, 103, have affecied some of our hawlers teak' 8 points. from Echoes. Kitty | each Reg. 2 for 29¢, 6 for 85¢ John Preston's Men's Wear 8, 45, 104;( 600 Triples and aver = 8B. Grant 618 Kats, Atamies, Chippers who \eak ane y Complete with You get a Bobby Comb and a Curl Comb Ro-Peen Restaurant 8, 44, 119, How: (262); F. Barnum 618 (241, 300) and B, [5oint' cach. Bluebirds and Lucky Six / 2 f ¢ f ¢ y , & M0, han's 0, 43, 108, [Oliver 600 (340) ap a or or } a LT, Ne | : OH nthuch | 200 Games and aver--G, Murphy 268, Spit with twa points each [ black camera, As 43 4, 1 Team standings Cokes, Rosettes | 0, 88, #6, Hyman Real Estate |B. Bkinney 348, 5. Powers 236, M, Grant 18, Lemons 17, Honey Hee le | Ll Bu now an Vi Ww L annon 233, | 1 ' . 8 16, Echoes ) ou M2 b h 96, Subway Lunch 8, 36, 81, Hel. [324 5. Hobinson 23 HB, Hrennan a, 13, 'Wiuehitds, Kitty Kats, LR pi k four I 5 y L] d Sa e on I.D.A, Brand i vial 7, 35, 04, Doveen's |B, Daniel 811, T, Hrawn 210, M i 3 A hi da BY gale 1, Ah, Gavara 038 me Bi, Brannon 6, J, Fovke i Wading Mallet, Rate 01 Hoan: ! bitten i HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES Ideal for sufferers from arthritis and rheumatism Sth No | Lomen Venous == N. Blasko 1h, 1 Fived YE 304 nowy ng Yoh | AAR Hig An excellent source of Vitamins A and D. because it gives warmth with least weight, on rtd of in tt fh, Se RA cons TAMAEARE vp Wale Wom a ECTRIC BLANKET Being tows tows Wbwuel A: 0 Diesen dudond ins oh itl we! wom Go \ ue Mirch Sale $1 0 VR] Rn 89° Reg, 1) Reg '5a Laurel EL R se rb i gM Fh LEO See Shi i wih Yoo Pats Special , 3 ih ¥1.89 sh 93.49 Equals the warmth of up te three ordinary Catharines dnd the other' Abhibrin ear Mtdeds, = With Pag.t soieh lad ln clon 41 eating: Ata' Bie blankets, Just set the bedside control for the you're a good bowler or peor: every pin Jokers 4, Beatniks 3, Misfits 8 and Lem RAL AD | Jras had ey comfort you like rs temperature automatically counts! ons Iheat Acadian Cleaners 3.1, remains constant, Washable, n Doubles += M. Nigholson 431-208 and y In Group 8, Heffering's ¥ lal WwW J, Braiden 433-230. | FRIENDLY & {moved back inte ihe oy gH CA S RUS iy 1 An ) J. Hall uh eon" ad all this week, Winnie out Al's Esso, Loeal 3984 were i PEPTO.BISMAL SAY GOODBYE TO R A H B H o nm 2 Bradley 314, A \ ta a split by Star's Fumiture an oll 314, E. Burrus 314, M Melsaae |, d08In Laura Coline, 313, Ann 180 Conaing's took foup paints fram A CONSTIPATION | Attaches ta any standard Va-inch garden , 0. Ellison 310, K. Bradiey 38, R hai dalle | For Upset hose, Flow of water an be controlled DOUBLE-B D Dale 308, J, ig A 208, B. Rutherford Paints, Hopefuls 3, Has Beens 0 Hellarena Cabing shut out Fred's Re. | Stomach b h | heivde a Clapp 305, Nicholson 308, Vv, Headpins § Slawpokes 0, Satellites 2, 'grigeralion tn Group 4 and Bow lead | wie New Improved y twisting handle, lidge 203 and Ann Black 301, Mayhells 1 and Jokers %, Jesters 1, [(he section by (wo points, Visser's Relieves, Moonheams took 3 pelats fram Jo | Standing Satellites 84, Hopefuls | Texaca upset Meade's serviee station | estes; Luckies took 3 paints fram Usilon 83, Jokers 23, Jesters 20, Head Pins 40, and Norman Beal's won from | pleasantly and n Maids; Blow Ouls took 2 paints from 15, Mavbella 15, Has Beens M and Oshawa TV 31, wick! n Cc . Happy Gang: GoGetters took 3 paints Slowpokes 9, | Sel Himes lod the scoring with 867 a Ld Fresh Fruit from Busy Hees (300), Gard Whyte had 793 (340), Jack ' - hs Team Standings - Go-Gellers 24, NICKEL PLATE LEAGUE Mebanald 81 (300), Alex Mitchell 7a Extract, Nature's Luckies 84, Blow Outs 33, Union Maids This week the Aulomatios and Pal Ed Logeman 786 (363), Sonny Schwarls Qc 1 Herb: 4 V 25, Busy Hees 13, Happy Gant 18, Moan, ishers split the paints. The Shiners 762, Stan Seneca 745, Len Tyrrell 134 » orbs arg a beams 13 and Joeltes 10 took the Tankers 3 points to | and!Avt Buller 792, Earl Jordan 716, min B) the Mixers clobbered the Gyros 4 to Harty Lysun Til, George Oliver 04, | NEIGHRORHOOD LADIES ail H. Hogarth 688 (300), § "Stevia 67, E 39 ¢ 75e¢ Two of our bowlers Aik the 700 mark] In the 600 or better division we Landry 682, K. Code 689 (318), J. Pop this week: Ada Cravlord was taps with 'have "Moose Wilson with his first ovich 688, A. Anderson 684, R. Wilson . FIR (340, 236,42); Mid Muir was next 700, W. Beach 667, F, Tavier 683, | '680, A Klishoenko 678, K. Cohn 677, mr] with 700 (231, 201, 268). We alsa had /Marvisan 680, B. Thornburg 655 WW. Palley 675, LL. Tyndall 67 V same very good 600 triples: By Camp |"Auke' Vyfeshaft 631, HR. Balser 635, Macson 667, DD. Linten 666, F. Mack 3 bell 631 (288, 205); Ede Reading 6431. Gibson 633 and J, Smith 02 moe (30d), MH, Heldenrioh Si, FS py aii Retr Pearse - 0, Wis wa wm he Slow shel Wo Murray a G Me Knight 663, H Nivea Creme Dat ein 6 Mi; B { 0 3 io § chett 63 i. 8 al, 3 aan a3 ab hua Mil oi Hal) Hc Eien EI vows Hh 0 CE a agent 0 8 als 0 C 241 KING ST, BAST 1204 WECKER DRIVE 360 WILSON RD. §, i Ho! ris Calling 607 (300, 248) 2 Fildhes 21, G i, Smith al, " hat, PPR «E> q Fuc jo! Ho! an ris ins ! ton 382, G. Fitches Al, CG. Billaee 1 A Qtmok 617, BE. Blgga ontains Eucerite RA 5.1 169 RA 5.35258 RA 5.8711 hee Alexander tod the singles group E. Wakely 288 "Vegi Hulching 2231, 633, J son 63 Aristrong 0 with 373; Javee Clapp 3%: Kav Manilla R. Lindensmith 313, J. MoGillivary 2311 27, VV. Wil M1, Mary Hobbs M1, Gladys Knight (G. Care 208, D. Saunders 308, B. Tal Cameron 633 M. Rem CIGARETTES Provides 2M, Vi Nargis 2331, June Yuilll 331, Helen bot 2306, M. O'Reilly 204 and V, Vasey bridge 6233, B. Polley 6206 H. Arm 20's perfect skin Legge 330, Mary Chinn 236, Cleta Well 200 Wilsen 617, W. Radaley care for all man 283, 313: Bea Russell 220, Payli Wonder of wonders there are na 613, B Hugsins 611 and W, her Barnes 318, Muriel Rosnik 219. Belly [Leman Leagues this week! ford 81a bi Ruther 36¢ J the family | [] y ¥ Campbell 210, Virginia Britton 308, Ella} For these untformed the League Standings Group 1, Corhy's MW, 5 Hall 208 and Olive Morrison 304 Playas will be held al | pm. sharp [Dumo's '37, Flan's 31. Geek's 19 25's $3¢73¢ Team Standings Carlings 30 paints, 'on Saturday the 15h April. Keep this Chivadale's 8 and Bergs & 45 Pushers 18, Belles, Flvers, and Forget. dale apes, Group 2 Tony's 30. Stephenson's ¢ 1 33 ok 9M % SHAGOE 3%. N ) \ 28 KING ST, EAST 35143 SIMCOE ST, N, 3 RA 3.4621 RA 5.4734 RA 3.3431 fuls each have 18, Suds 11. Pin Pickers M, Al's BiRite 30, Acadian 14, Dave's iy 8, Olachers 8, Joie § and Dingies 4 MOTOR CITY LARIBS LEAGUE 13 and Bond's 1 EXPORT N 600 Triples = Tops was Ev Redpath Group 3 Local 3084 34. Metter te 345 MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE with 642 (388), Molen Macko 30 (280, ing's 31, Al's Esse 31, Stare 18. Hou PLAIN 48 -- Edna Elllali 462 (203, 260); 350) and Madeline Morrison 8% (333, dalle MM and Canaing's 18 Mary Nichols #48 (MA, 300); Jean Mo. 838) Group 4 Beal's 35, Hellarena Pherson 438 (38. 18). AL Hill 431 Congratulations to the 300 olub, Fred's 31, Visser's 18, Meade's A and (388, 331 Cp. MoFestors 418 (16 334); 'Nancy Brischols with 304 Oabawa TV 4 »

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