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The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1961, p. 13

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ca ' LIBRARY WORLD New Books For Children The (ollnwing ariicie was sub THE WEILL - WISHERS by mitted by 8 member of the Edwerd Eager -- To the read Staff of the Children's Library, ers of Edvard Bager's previous Mel augiiie Pubbie Library book "Magic or Bot?" Lawrie During the past year many and Lydia, Gordy, and Kip new hooks have heen purchased Jemes and Deborah pre oid for the Children's [brary They inends, In their latest adyen Sry which j& in turn mysity da Sf " THE OSHAWA TIVES, Wednerdey, Merch 15, 1961 13 Prisoners pid " at ibbiom) 6 HIDDEN TRAPETES by Bd cove from is wird Fenian -- "Hidden Trap ayes castie yes' ie primary the #or7 of seis memorable lobin whose parents BS plot Castle heen (amass Vapere RIGS, onrounters w whose wre, Danilo, the Daw: op CAT less, wee Sill B lop periormer bt who bad decided that the circus was Be Me for & hoy of Bob's longing 9 be # "fier"; and Mrs. Fatima FERIEA rake Charmer, whe nm only understood Bobin's desire instr ations 4 i P Cpe we, Sump and wii Merlisse Benck Mur My indivi IER BROS doch #irived with the ides of : i ; y # Halverson WON ~ adopting Hector and having ot helped Wh gg A Ala Sermons 1 hott khown #5 huptis Rete, committed ad A #ihor Chnistmas stones institiion wiempis Ment, Ration apd #8 MVEIng s this book ave the fangs i awareness of the reql qualities but in his we hay RCRD. ALE idl sud f : v CTOSEING Scottish Wineh #5, inde he tinsel and Shistimk Sascriphon of the Rheat ands, in 8 or being published for the first used wp ond had sworn not to mor of the Big Top on January W199 the and aisn wring # time. Of the new publications, make another wish wtil they THE RESCUERS hy Margery worst flood Holland had swiler- land off the north, some wre by lamiliar authors, received a sign. Beckiessly Sharp, This is Margery Sharp's £4 since 1421, This story of hero Unfortunpiely Werhisss others by willers entering the Gordy 10d the well to get go- first hook for children. In it she ism of the Dich people centres has an uncanny habit field of hildren's books for the Wg with the magic -- or else! shows the quality of writing and arownd the Yan Bossam emily, wo wherever they Uirst time. The tollowing review The unexpected things which sense of humor which mark ber describing their ndividusl ad- story proves thet Lams to bring 1 the public's at- followed might well have been adult novels, The Rescuers are ventures af that ime, In i possible; the tention & rioss section of these the work of an unpredictable three mice -- aristocratic Miss language the author describes indulge in the hooks winch would be suitable wishing well. Whether the read Bianca, Bernard, & rough dia the hopes and [errs of young and venture which for boys and girls § - 14 years ers he maller-offact or magic mond; snd Nils, 8 Viking ses old 2s they continue the age snd provides 'of spe ally inclined they will enjoy this monse ~ who sre sent by the long fight against the sea sheer good fun EATS UP THE MILES ... without drinking the gas! Pontiac hae a real appetite for power and performance, yet still succeeds in tightening its belt to give you outstanding economy, These are facts that Pontiac is waiting to to you, today} have included new editions of re the cinidren thoughi the old favores along with hooks magic in the old well had heen § : i i of wm, : tH = : fa ® fit g » / /4 & #7 Lo pi wv " h PF fi ily i 7 4 BE itil FRENCH CHATEAU BECOMES SCHOOLHOUSE Chateau de Mercy, used as 8 | al the because of hospital by the Germans dur overcrowding at the school on ing the Second World War hut | the base. The children are now & school. Classes are held | among 25.000 dependents of Canadian miliary personnel ving ihroad mostly in France and Germany (CP from Defence) Bir chateau Metz the Children of Canadian men stationed near Nat outside France High-Priced Prisoners Did Usual Jail Chores the play tation of low bidders every four WEEKS Baddia anti trust I was he fixing case 1951 res totalling Of 31 ticked off al North Bay It took place canins I Oswalt, then general if GE's general pur chief of the division, said mast Serious price years and since Price Increases cent meetings he, 1056, unusual separate Rashid irigl prove mn ied in ney arate ne n August (mi ni from as Fe: eXOnerale guilt More legal troubles lie ahead for the convicted companies PHILADELPHIA (AFP) For who conducted what they the last few weeks, seven men regarded as normal big in the county jail near Philadel- ness practice to mee phia did their chores, mopped competitors, set prices and swept their cells, and slice up the sales pie COmpany husi wh with and manager control cus eahin 1) ..Destinits class! For sheer beauty, there's no other full-size ear like itl And Pontiac has the widest choice of models in its elas, tool Thirty-two different models give thirty-twe special reasons for seeing your Pontiac dealer today! ; (Whitewall tires optional a este cost) Panisienne Sport Sedan i A A hour of the crucifixion was nine in the morning." King James version Far in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh." (Matt, 3.4) Revised standard version "Far the Son of Man is com ing at an hour you do not ex pect. New English Bible: "The Son of Man will come at the time you least expect him." Casy only the translators but alse a panel of advisers to supervise | the literary quality of the work Here are some examples, with comparative texts from the King James version: King James version: "A certain man made a great supper, and bade many" (Luke 14.16) Revised standard version YA Wan once gave a great | banquet and invited many." | New Eh Biro: "A man was giving a nner party and fad sent out many Invi tations." Hundreds of disgruntled earned 20 cents a day for their: Ay told, 20 of America's hig- tomers have threatened suits or POSE Aepartment, ant work as prison file clerks gest electrical firms and 44 of millions of dollars in damages. Alone In one while (he , . i ' h , 4 > n others worked together nearby They were unusual prisoners (heir top executives were fined The government has asked An individ t th 4 in every respect other than he: a total of $1,024,500. Judge J, that Judge Ganey direct every h Individual at the eonspif havior. All are high - salaried (Cullen Ganey called the case company to withdraw jis pres oi thi met Ing was sent pen electrical firm executives jailed "a shocking indictment' of the ent price lists for heavy elec. "MOR0Y. it wal Ra a swall agree , : 80 days in an anti - trust con: American economic system trical equipment and Issue new increase Ligh A motif iy ve iracy ists ass § ding Post dre going hack te Im OTHERS NAMED ists te basa Ny in lay man whe communicated portant jobs not necessarily] Many other firms were oi judgment as to profits,' this fact hack to the remainder the same ones they held pre. Named eo - conspirators hut not : of the individuals viously in an industry spot-|indicted. Mare than 100 other And Congress plans to inves: When someone would hreak lighted by the U.S. government (executives won immunity from late the price pact, Rashid said, de as the worst violator in the 70./Prosecution by detailing con he companies fontend that fondants would assemble for s : y , p 88, p re whi i ty inen istory of the Sherman!/Piracy secrels behind the the prices, no matter ow ar what we call a diy | k ; k f aif histo 4 [Aad doors of a grand jury rived at, were fair. GE insists washing meeting where they * # ¢ or la 'e your pic rom The jailed seven have heen/T00m it's merely a "speculative eritie ized each other for price t} e wide ran e of described as organization men Jailed were William Ginn, 45, guessing game' to allempt Lo cutting 1 yh mge o, iL eres | Gohenectady, N.Y. Genera i/determine how much, if at all, | : 8' {Electric vice « president who|Customers were damaged hy OLD co NTRY [econo "i l V 8! |] . " / New Edition [earns $105,000; Lewis Burger, 0vercharges U economiea 4 'ort Wayne, Ind, andl The company strenously oh. | George Burens, Cleveland, hoth|jected to Judge Ganey's view SOCCER SCORES Of Bible {from GE; John Chiles, 57 that 1ts corporation officers Sharon, Pa., vice - president of knew what the underlings were LONDON (Reuters) Results Westinghouse's transformer di-|doing f Tuesday's soccer RAMES: £8 da ¢ vision; Edwin Jung, B8, vice of Tysadiny 8 sore Bd {president of Clark Controller MOON FORMULA ENGLISH LAUR By JULES LOR |Company, Cleveland, and John But the Joreinment said is Leyton 1 Middlehrough 1 AP Religion Writer [Cook, 8, viee - president of ®CUlIves of Gil estinghoise Swansea 2 Rotherham 1 A new translation of the Bible(Cutler = Hammer Inc, Mil: and Allis - ( halners whe sell Rwansea d si A A p Fnglish its| Waukee 0h per cent of electricity - pro Third Division with modern day. HEAgish Hs EY BNE 83 1 ducing turbines in the U.§--aBradford | Walsall 2 hallmark appears March 14 in| Judge Ganey said he imposed Bristol 4 Watford 1 i ange $400,000,000 annual business Bristol atfore honkstores throughout the West: |the prison sentences hecause i SCOTTISH LEAGUE id they had "ultimate responsibil:| ME! secretly and raised prices dat ts ern worl . | twice in 1067 and twice again Division 1 It is called the New English|!ly for corporate conduct and) 0 1058 These included (linn Aberdeen 0 Hearts 8 Bible, a product of 18 years of [they - "flagrantly mocked the 2nd Mantel uy i work hy 70 Biblical scholars ap. | Image of free enterprise." In sellin a power switchgears,| ARCHITECTURAL AWARD pointed by the major Protestant] The seven, however, weren't for ating J the conspifators| TONDON (CP) -- A £5,000 churches of the British Isles, |the ringleaders in what the gov: ; pe Ne rige will he awarded for the | , 4 [met at least 25 times in 11/P RW The work is not a revision, ernment called a plot to eantral| Fon ce oa®a0 ead the intrigu. hest design for a government but an entirely fresh translation| prices in the sale of equipment to, formula tagged 'phase of building, including offices and fram the earliest existing texts|that generates, transmits andi moon." Based on the four conference rooms. The build --the first such Protestant en. distributes power to virtually auarters of the moon, theling is to he erected in West deavor since the King James every electrically eauinped| Coome called far automatic ros (minster, version appeared 350 years ago, home and plant in the US Only the New Testament of Other men would have gone the New English Bible is heing|to jal, the judge said, if it published. The Old Testament| weren't for their age or health and the Apocrypha still are in|Of those fined $137,500, 25 re the process of translation ceived 30 - day suspended pri The publishers, Cambridge Son sentences and were placed and Oxford university presses, On probation for five years noted the translators had the ou sors STR benefit of recent advances in FH ACTS STERNLY knowledge of the Biblical lan Alls = Chalmers Manufaotul guages and that the purpase of ing Company said its fined of the new translation was "lo use nA AFG 8 SORTIEIES the idiom of contemporary Fg company without assurance or the ( veek ' 8 hope of personal gain." Professor Charles H, Dodd, 76. Westinghouse, also without earald N angregationalist min. condoning the hehaviar, said its Ad hy eth was geneval| MEN would "continue in their Rronios of the project 4 #! present positions." But it prom He said the aged lexis Wave ised severe punishment for fu i pt ture antl - trust infractions translated into "English which ) 0 } od stern pe 18 as clear and natural as the iy Ini ed Ro | ™ subject matter will allow," and |goc \ ! that the translators "have aimed aside LY at a rendering which is timeless President Ralph Cordiner i . as well as faithful said: "We did not knaw or even A falinty suspect the existence of eallu PROPOSED IN 1846 sive practices (but this) does The General Assembly of the hot, under technical legal rules, | out to rass Church of Scotland proposed the hi ; [6 . new translation in a letter to ] other ehurches of he British and 3 weeks ahead of schedule! sles in year later rep resentatives of the various New, active AERO* UREA helps. you ehurches formed a joint com nutritious grass pasture get your animal mittee to direct the work profitably up to J weeks ahead of the normal The committee appointed not : Aero Urea is a 43% nitrogen fertilizer, prilled 1 handling, Top dressed in spring, it releases immediarely available nitrogen to get the pasture off to a quick start with high protein content 3 La Ba eee. OREAT GOING IN GREAT STYLE! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED 226 KING ST, WEST, WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY, ONTARIO Pasture is your cheapest feed, So let Aero Urea get your animals grazing sooner , . . they make profitable weight ains and higger milk oh AERO UREA cheques while you ) his King James version: "They were astonished with a great astonishment." (Mark 5.42) Revised standard version "They were avercame with | amazement.' . New English Bible: "They were beside themselves with amazement." save on feeding costs! Ask your for Aero { fertilizer dealer ea OSHAWA King James version: "And "i. TM Rae it was the third hour, and they crucified Him." (Mark 15235) Revised standard version "And it was the third hour, when they crucified Him Nww King James version: Mary was "great with ehild » (Luke ms Revised Mary 'was with child New English Bible: Mary Bible: "The | "was pregaani® "ULL EFFICIENCY NITROGEN -------- CVYANAMI®D standard version CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED

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