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The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Money doesn't go what in makes wp in speed, LA ri 7 A A ery far ¥ aAstance YOL. 96----MO VERWOERD STILL SMILING AT COMMONWEALTH MEET South Africa Drops Member Application LONDON (Reuter South Africa today withdrew its appli cation tn continue a member of the British Commonwealth The Burprise move hy Bouth) African Prime Minister Hendrik| Verwoerd came after three days of heated debate hy leaders of| the family of nations country's apartheid tion) Policy South Africa's application for| continued membership had heen made necessary hy the fact that it will hecome & republic May) n J as LONDON (CP)=8outh African membership in the Common: wealth remained in suspense to ds The conference of prime isters, unable to reach ment on how Premier Verwoerd's segregationisi tionalist government can remain in a multi-racial Commonwealth left the issue in abeyance and went on 10 talk Laos and The Congo It appeared that a final dec) sion on South Africa may he de ferred until the end of the weel min ET EF Hendrik na ahout and there were indications thal the position was less desperate Tuesday night, as the pre miers dispersed after the fifth day of the conference, Verwoerd appeared to be in & minority of one, with the other 10 prime ministers having in effect told reference to racial equality quit the Commonwealth Prime Minister Diefenhaker of| or {Canada played a big part In have laken for this declaration of But [rennin principle ! Conference sources said Dief- of retaining the country in the'in age from 19 months fo 1 enbaker displayed a tough' at titude on the issue of racial dis erimination A talking point in Australian JOHANNESBURG (Canadian Negro leader Williams, visiting South Africa (Heuters) Sidney Apartheid Stinks' Canadian Says She Oshawa Tome Frice fist 3) 6 Conve Por (A - sss-- U. S. SE OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 196) WEATHER REPORT There is & slight chance the weather will | improve within the next 24 howirs, Aopnoried ecord Vert her foogariment, Hai Howe TWENTY EIGHT PAGES Yard Man Tells Of Spy Gadgets Fhe yailey oy tral listened LONDON (AF) jury in Ola ramtly today as Scotland Yard described tricks of the trade traight out of a theller film Testifying against three men and two women charged with stealing Royal Navy secrets and passing them to the Russians, a detective described a "spy nest house in which he sald he found buried tun radio transmitter beneath rune in to Moscow secret compartment igaret lighter thal conigined instructions for using the radio Sets of me-time Message pads made of a special maternal 5000 AS II WA capahle of ng n a | that dissolved as heat of code NUMDEr MESSAEES $300 sewed In i Near A list used nding helt with | for A 1a The testimon was given hy Chief Inspector Ferguson Smith George Smith have heen the only officers so far identified in a parade of counter-intelligence agents Lest F fying since the (rial opened some of Monda y y He and Bupt and South African Wh that the Canadian prime minis ter's stand was not altogethe popular with leaders of the older members of the Com monwealth. Prime Minister CAME FROM US Menzies of Australia, for, one, The house described was thal is said to have Indicated some ggcupied by two of the defend Seven Children part in the debate,! Dead In Fire Australia and New| EXCELSIOR SPRINGS, Mo ve spoken In favor (AP) ~ Seven children ranging eres aver his/him to subscribe to a declara- reseniment al Diefenhaker"s ap (segrega- tion of principles containing a proach South Africa's apartheid pol icy has heen condemned hy all 10 other prime ministers who Commonwealth years died Tuesday night in a The dispute now has hecome fire that destroyed the Ralph the lengthiest of any conference! Floyd home in a village near of Commonwealth leaders Excelsior Springs The highway patrol said the Floyds had gone to Excelsior Springs for the evening and re turned to find the home in flames They said the children had been left in the charge of the oldest hoy, 11-year-old Arnold Fugene Floyd, Sheila, §; Kathy I am worried to death when 7; Wiley, f;, Roxy Anne, 4 {1 think I am a member of the Mona Lou, 8, Glen Douglas, 10 Commonwealth and this country months, and Arnold all died in ants, Peter J. Kroger, WW, and his wile, Helen, 47, at Ruiship near the headquarters of the ind | Air Force, The VBI in Washington has said their fin gerprints are those of two Amer cans, Morris and Lola Cohen former residents New York The prosecution contends two British employees of the Port land val researeh Henry Houghton and his @ncee dehvered alam A fre of na J Flizaheth Gee of the fleet and uhmarine plans to Gordon Lonsdale who in turn quented the Kroger home Inspector Smith, in the clos ing minutes of Tuesday's ses sion, testified that Houghton three days after his arrest asked him to bring photographs of Russians and Poles who were or had heen attached to their embassies in London so that he could identify these with whom he made contact But | said | could not agree," Smith added, without explaining wh Supt. Smith testified that Houghton offered to testify against the other four accused including his flancee--if he was not brought to trial, The super intendent said the offer was re jected details EKS EAST-WEST | that East-West i | | 'SOAPY' DONS ROBES G. Mennen Wiliams, US, | a camera during visit: to Lib- LAST DAY FOR LICENCES Today is the deadline for changing licence plates and drivers' permits. The De. partment of Highways has permitted no extension of the time limit on 1960 li. cences, and motorists driv. ing with last year's licences after midnight tonight are liahle tn he charged The Department of High ways office in the Oshawa Shopping Centre, the only point in the city where li cences may he obtained closes at § p.m. today | Devil Woma erin last weekend, Williams is on a tour of African na- tions (AP Wirephote) Labor Seeks Relief Review TORONTO undersecretary of stale for African affairs, dons tribal robe of a chief and handles (CP)="Th Ontario events have conlinued to prov Federation of Labor today how really ineffective the pres asked the Ontario government ent guarantees jof freedom to bring down 'constructive/belong to a union are amendments to the Ontario| Labor Relation Act during the|with organizing atte m current legislature session Volkswagen, Anaceon In its annual legislative pro: properties, and those arising posals the OFI, said amend:| from strikes at Kaufman Rub: [ments to the act, passed during(her and Timken Roller Bearing "Proceedings in ¢ 0 nnection da 'ore Mr. K. Objects To Parley Delay WASHINGTON (AFP) --FPres ident Kennedy disclosed today the United States has suggested negotiations on general disarmament he re sumed in August Onginally Kennedy is re ported to have sent word to Soviet Premier Khrushehey that broad scale disarmament talks should not he started until Sept That report was carried in to day's New York Times The Times Washington dis pateh said Khrushehey objected "with some vigor Kennedy told a press confer (ence today that "we have sug {gested we will be prepared' to {start up genersl disarmament negotiations Again in August after first suggesting a new start in Beptember Meanwhile, Kennedy said, U.S, Ambassador Adlai Steven son is trying at the United Na-| tions to work oul detailed arrangements for the proposed (new disarmament exchange {One critical issue is the size of |the negotiating group | Khrushchev, the Times story | sald, contended a six-month de {lay would be unreasonable, | Kennedy also dealt with these| other matters Laos--~The United $iates is determined "to support the gov- ernment and the people of Laos" in resisting what he called rebel attacks there "hacked By personnel and sup- plies from outside," A reporter said there were in dications that Russia has pro- vided 20 times as many weapons to the leftist side as the United States has provided to the right: ist Laotian government, Kennedy replied that the ad- ministration has heen watching Laos with closest attention and ¢ hopes there will he a genuinely independent and neutral Laos, to | But recent attacks by the rebel forces; hacked by outside help, indicated an effort to pre vent establishment of a neutral and independent country Behools: Kennedy said his ad- ministration would he glad to co-operate with Congress in a study of whether federal loans io private secondary schools advocated hy the Roman Cath. ole ehurch--can he made under the constitution United Nations--The president said he has no present plans ta address the United Nations Gen. eral Assembly, now meeting in New York Work Week--Kennedy said he is against a shorter week as a gen. eral policy for American works ers 'I am hopeful that we can have employment high five days a week, and 40 hours, which is traditional in this country, and which is necessary if we are going to continue sconomie growth and maintain 'our coms mitments at home and ahroad "™ Unemployment "We are faced with a very serious and important structural unemploys mnet which results from (leche nological change, which the Ca. nadians have also, and which {even in good times would cause us serious concern," | Truck In River | Driver Drowned | SARNIA (CP)=Donald Bows yet of Barnia was drowned early today when a panel truck ea. reened down an embankment into the Bt, Clair River here Albert Lamoireux of Sarnia crawled from the sinking truck and clung to a timber until he was rescued hy police Both were employed hy a I8arnia roofing company, Russia Pushes Congo Debate the last session, 'purporting tolhave merely added to the long [ protect employees from being|list of cares in which manage: discharged under union shop/ment has heen able to thwart| | wgreements for activity against] the wishes of employées for|(CP)--Russia pushed today for|plaint against UR, reconnais their union and prohibiting ac-| genuine collective bargaining." [immediate General Assembly sance flights if the charges of [tions which might cause illegal The brief also asked that the debate on The Congo to gain a|Communist suppression in Hun. [strikes were curbs on trade Crown Agency Act (1050) be wider hearing for its charges|gary and Tibet were dropped {union activities amended to stipulate that it that the new confederation form| Roviet delegates roamed the The same might be said of | shall not affect labor-manage: of government developing in the UN corridors Seeking to line up [other sections dealing with tris: ment relations in any Crawn| African territory 1s a Belgian|Afro-Asian support for an im» teeship, financial statements agency, nor exempt anvone| trick mediate Congo debate, The Rus. After a week of marking time|sians charged that since it resumed its session, thelment by anti-Communist Congo- | and jurisdictional disputes, from application of the Labor the agrees where annoying and Jolenially Relations Act assembly showed signs of gel:|lese political leaders meeting at angerous proceedures have il ; [ \ «| lese n 9 sade Jangerous 08S on the strue | Saher requests of the brief in-|yine down to work. Ud, -Soviet|Tananarive, Malagsay Republic, ture of collective bargaining 2 negotiations to trim the agenda last week to replace the federal the brief said A minimum wage of $1.25 an| collapsed Tuesday with the Rus:(form of government in The The federation said that in the|hour for both male and female |sians adamant in their rejection| Congo by a confederation of months since the amend employees of 'an. American proposal toisemi-independent slates was a (Bill 74) were passed A legal maximum of a 40:| postpone most items on the|Belglan trick to break up the hour work week, providing pre. agenda ---and chiefly disarma- new African state and keep a mium payment for all hours ment=until the fall, The United foothold in rich Katanga prov. | worked above that limit States, in turn, rejected a Soviet ince | : A . at the invitation of the govern a fellow member--is such althe flames ment. today urged intervention happy hunting ground for com Cause of the fire has not heen von dent of the United Nations in South! munism " determined Common Alcs BANK GOVERNOR SPEAKS 'Pay Any Price For Employment' SE ny ba of good" in the government's apar theld (racial segregation) but in an interview today he declared uthoritative 'Apartheid stinks to high ing if veement| heaven, Tt has got to he thrown was reached probahly would off like dirty shirt he announced in declaration Williams former executive which might he accompanied hy secretary of the Canadian Asso a separate statement from South ciation for the Advancement of Africa, under attach is Colored People, said the UN| OTTAWA (CP)--No price is 1. Heduce Canada's big deficit were filed against Mrs, Thelma poliey.) hould intervene "because there (qo great for Canada to pay in in international trade in goods Ann Swenson, 26 and Frederich order to obtain full production and services--8§1,270,000,000 last! Arthur Ferguson 2H and cut unemployment to alyear and a total of §6,716,000,000 Prosecutor Charles O, Carroll minimum, Governor James | it the last five years accused Mrs. Swenson of plan Coyne of the Bank of Canada| 2, Increases in spending "of (ning the slaying of Mrs, Mary sald today in his annual report.|a selective character likely to! Campbell, 39 choked, heaten His report, tabled in the Com:|increase production in Canada,' and finally shot to death in her| mons hy Finance Minister Mr, Coyne's report did not home neal Kent, Wash, las! Fleming, set out two roads outline in detail ways and Wednesday towards that goal means of doing this, But he The authorities said Ferguson optimism 15 no attempt to solve the coun ruled oul one method--large- admitted the slaying, They C 't when the conference is expected to end (Reuters corre Fraser Wighton sald wealth leaders ma night to a republican rica remaining in the nations harring hitches (He quoted sources Aas UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. proposal to drop the Soviel coms I Murdered, Two Held SEATTLE (AP) Authori ties accused a woman Tuesday of persuading a young unem- ployed laborer to kill a mother of six hy convincing him "the HEree South family minute 1] [1] | for ra cial few ments Manitoba Hospital here was greater in conference quarters about some formula heing found In the interview with the Jo far retaining South African hanneshurg Kar, he said South member s hip Verwoerd, who Africa's racial policies are was said to have worked until? "very much the business of am. on a compromise draft, other Commonwealth countries met Prime Minister Macmillan because we don't want commu hefore today's opening session, nism in the Commonwealth," U. S., Canada, today 11y's problems | scale monetary expansion hy|quoted him as Saying Mrs {the Bank of Canada Swenson convinced him the WOULD. BE "UNSOUND' devil was in Mrs, Campbell and I would be * | i she should be killed ould be "unsound amd aol Gamnhell was an ardent dangerous,' he said, to expand Sweepstake? the money supply in an attempt church worker, She, Ferguson and Mrs, Swenson all were, WINNIPEG (CP)=A Progres. to drive down interest Tales, | embers of the same church of sive Conservative member in: this would be an ineffective ap-| yoo" cpvist of Latter: Day|traduced in the Manitoba legis: Agree On Tarif WASHINGTON (CP)--=Canada and the United States have fatled to reconcile their differ ences over a proposed change in the Canadian tariff structure that Americans fear may hurl their exports to Canada Commerce Secretary Hodges said in an interview the situation is not yet serious, but Lather will boost tariffs on a wide range of imports, Increasing prices to Canadian purchasers UNDER PRESSURE Hodges and his colleagues are under pressure from American manufacturers to block any Ca nadian tariff hoosts, American authorities sald they are wateh I'hey; proach to the problems of the recession and of achieving more consistent economic growth However, a sound-money pol ley did not in any way prevent adaption of policies to achieve full employment and maintain a high, steady rate of growth with out inflation Mr. Coyne repealed his past Warnings against "exaggerated ideas of the importance of f Setup ican cabinet members in the first major economic huddle bes tween the two countries since president Kennedy took office TALK T OPRESIDENT Ihe Canadian ministers later vent to the White House for a 10-minute visit at Kennedy's in vitation. One topic that came up was the president's visit ta Ot monetary policy as an economic! Saints (Mormon) at Kent, 20 miles southeast of Seattle Riot Follows 'Congo Hospital 'Fatal Error | BRRUSSELS (Reuters) The news lature Tuesday a resolution eall: ing for a hospital sweepstake and estimated it could raise $2,000,000 annually | The resolution hy Robert smellie, member for Bivtle-Rus. ell, suggested the Manitoba government ask the federal gov: ernment (6 amend the Criminal Code to allow the sweepstake to pay for hospital services 3 Mr. Smellie said Manitoba residents would he happier if they could voluntavily purchase a sweepstake ticket vather than [pay a compulsory hospital insur ance premium He said he had hesitated about putting his resolution to the House but decided he would be poacrite™ if he did} it has the ibilities of be! INE the situation closely coming a large problem." suggested that if Canada takes He was referring to the Ca./action to hoost rates drastically nadian government's move to the United States will have no revise class or kind" tariff def-/ alternative but to reply in kind in which would However, Finance Minister greater to decide Donald Fleming, discussing the of good could! Issue at a conference SIE rate as Tuesday said American cabinet not members have given no indica tin they plan any trade in Parliament moves against Canada the changes. The issue came up at the twa day ministerial conference on trade and economic matters that ended here Tuesday With Fleming were Minister George Hees Min Alvin nue Minister Georg nd grou) teputy Msters and other advisers State Secretary Dean Rusk {led & fiveman team of Amer : cure-all Helgian agency reported Sound monetary policy should{today that twa persons were not be jeopardized "hy natural{killed in rioting in Ruanda-Uy concern about a high level offundi after a "tragic mistake unemployment which has notiby a hospital attendant caused heen caused by monetary policy the death of nine sick children and is not curable hy monetary Seven other persons were in wliey ured in the riots in Usumbura I'he rool cause of Canada of the Belglan-admini problems lay in the serious Ariean trust tervitor tructural distortions and inade harders on The Congo quacies in the Canadian econ: the agency said omy which have heen develop I'he agency said an African ing for many years and which] hospital attendant did not super can only he corrected by utiliz:| vise the administration of medi ing various tools of economic!eine to siek children and un poiley on a broad frant qualified assistants gave them Lavge - seale unemployment; doses of quinine instead of a was an indication of fatlure to purgative nake the most effective use ol The nin hildren died Satu nada d vith the the resources of modern tech: day. News quickly spread in the United States and that Canadian nology and social organization. |eity and families of the children tourists spend move in the US | It produesd national loss as well then atiacked the hospital, the than Americans do in Canada. 'as personal loss, |Belga agency sald po tawa next June. Fleming said he would get a warm welcome In the two-day meeting the ministers ranged over the world's economic front, express ing hope that North America was finally coming oul of the economic doldrums and urging Europe's trade and ather countries to adopt policies that will help inerease the transat lantio flow of good Canadians also hinted they would like to see an exemption for Canada from the proposed) U.S. reduction to $100 fram $500 in the amount of duty-free goods an American { home. { mnitons I WAY 1 ype power which of duty or Kind we Hh aim heing made I'he has charged CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS press \ mous not He said he 1] capital "small Blow engaged in amounts of gambling" like the other members of the legisla ture. He had bought raffle tick. ets from various charitable in stitutions in the province and hel was sure other members had ton ohn leved (REEL) which of in Canada apposition that \ import Trade Agricul Hamilton Now min Christianson (PC=Pay la Prairie) protested that) vhen he buvs a raffle ticket it is as a charitable danation, not because he has any hape of win:| Striking elvil servants seek ning. He said gambling is dam: ing higher wages fill Rivell |aging to a person's moral fibre { street in front of French govs 1¢ tou oan hring mnh ed that ure n age FRENCH CIVIL SERVANTS STRIKE 0 i POLICE RA A511 FIRE DEPT, RA 56574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 ! } \ | WW ernment's Finance Ministry in | that paralyzed public adminis Paris during 24-hour stoppage | tration over the nation (AP Wirephote)

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