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The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1961, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA TIES, Thursday, Merch 16, 1961 a Hl TTING IN FOR PREMIER £150--in a i i on the EChRahenge a ty ' Etobico i a # qd { ivi | 5 ce Career. Here he sits ward V in Premier Frost's chair used Hint Code Of Rights F or Ontario Next Year TORO government likely at the next provi tion ng Liberal Leader Winlerme said who government and CCH Hi aid favored a sal Lax the had ealed the to ena eure Amo | at cabinet meetings. Premier Frost commended MacBnde and invited him 10 & 8 the chair (CP Wirephotn) four page es pa y of mean defeat on the neial ele yer mem £ Hers i no wm £0 that 1} Lh mo shout iy i of omatically gel & nd : CR) solidated the Fal tices Practi Employes Act Gove the Ont Commi Accomm passed throu h cor n The Anti - Di amendment change of the commi rights comn n Is to forward the p every per free in dignity and rg! gard to race tionality, an origin The amendments to th Fair| Accommodation Practice Act] wil prohibit anyone from deny ed for estghh on to stud aecoun ting Lo eeonom ia ading Wen Laxes a i Eaim ermmment's with an eyes fim Act authorizing payment of residential and farm school tax assistance grants 1o school hoards, The act will ces Increase its Lime replied (L~HBruce), hi financial enti The bill will come up for ser reading siting WOULD DEFEAT PCs Arthur Heagume (1, North) said imposition three pel cent against t this whieher any aure Education miroduced an ter Hobart Ko arty's [ong again al Loday's local provide pupil in the 1961-62 fiscal « Kssex followed hy a $12 grant the of the year and a similar increase would next year + Gas May Hike bE "Hydro Costs DE in any building with TORONTO (CP) more than elf contained petition from natural gas dwelling units on the grounds of 'ting into the revenues of the! Gas companies, which he Face, creed or color municipalities and may resultisaid are carrying out an aggres ADJOURNED TAX DEBATE in higher hydro costs, James 8 sive sales policy, commence hy Mr. Frost adiourned a debate| Duncan, chairman of the Onta:linstalling house heating and on the Retail Sales Tax Act, Helrio Hydro-Electrie Power Com-{then proceed to sell their ous gave na reason for the adjourn-{mission, sald We dnesday tomers requirements such ment Appearing hefore the legisla: water - heaters, dryers, ranges Kenneth Bi (CC) Bocommities on energy he and other forms of equipment! onta Woodbine) that the municipalities have beenlto obtain a halanced load he given second in the field of appl A Hydro study reveals that in cause alternative notably in the water: areas where new homes have revenue should he cor the flat rate por heen built and where natural preference ales ta which represents 16.7) gas Is being generally used cli es Act ittee stage year next the riminatie Act the name lon to the human Its pi p mn 05 ales lax that ind - thout re ni SUff com: per cent of the revenues of pub is cut-{lie utilities IX as Pop. burs act not (said he-lhard hit ources of ances idered intheater tion of den readin Inad na "JUST DON'T NICK ME, BUSTER * Man Tack G gives bhershop was part of a public iny gas oli novie opening in the Texas city (AP Wirephoto) | harher his Sahbhra, a 260-pound Harris churian tiger trainer, Heinz { ta his | him first haircut The nr a H a8 | visit to the Dallas, Texas, bar turns Naumann, an initial grant of $5 a! Jeansumption the 'Government Spending, NR Deficit, Records Ewe other large Aafia wma ow of Wi. Fleming s st. elim ias, for ROW GREE RETIRE EH SLI 55% ts 0 (masks wf The Sat 7 + Frans - Canada Ay Lines OE ET HAW RGR bei A in very ending Hark W The TEA deficit, mnowkaed Frashay is fivst fu 19 yeRES And Eighth sine the Brite tablished in 1907 HARIRI lari and file waik FERYERRIER WRER Fi tabi hed nance Mimisier Fleming We W ehnashay wepian FR BA ETREREEY AI, A 4 hn Ai f 9 year endwng March WN. They fo Filed $170 005745 nd Wop fe Yer s 16a PRA Eelpry ending to #508 275 554 pied We He. Few IGE VRE PRYIRERE 1H RA DE 1 cover We 1960 Aelia sgpest of the 15 anwgl Afi hel have scenes wn the ast 19 yemEE OFEAWA (LF) Ewe Cn Maw VENER # LIVRIIG a MM ew. Bey EL alu Federmi budgetary ening proach the 3 008 508 508 mei for the fast Gime Ww Canadian fistory aaa the panaly - minel CORK posted a deficit of $57 49. ( TIT, Ke gremiast eyes he CHE # $4 06 BF Talker (ham Wi 16. KW Pho DOG--CATCHERS reves vin si previo scons, 24 Wain Aeficit of $54.504 900 in 1908 COESYRIE. Ont, (CF) x ws TETRA for Wdgriary Toromts Fownstng Comet: spending was I 19060 DRER deficiency pRyments mm a wide for Famer Harrison Wed thie EOVETRIRERE Bie OW 85100 range of aly dy I 1958 it Bad RESARY (AR CORTE TRGE FES BBE NGG I TWIIIRE (he Ration s fhemts pie ROMNERING MOTE affairs ¢ net operRting loss of $50 214 what Aogeatahers dd The present record isn't Wkly shiny Bogs to sand for long. Already the Wr, Harrison. said he LOVER. Bas estimated ud (oid Aogrrtihers Ts. gRiRiy soending for aren inferm § £15 RAG fiscal #127 sometimes st in front of # SA ary estima house for howrs wating 19 caleh the famiby dog MH M CARES Oh Connell deferred a recom mendation that AEratRers be IRETERSR we He HA BILLA YKE of yf wl 4 FP po 2 4 oH ) # Wh Whe bh wh id iw Bg fin fist of WN Waa fra 4 a WR A RETR the fRImErs ERE SEB L prices RELREY ay Was ad F HTH KERA None the cost fia en PHA ERE FIRS Rey timpted $500 508 current fiscal Paper, Radio, TV In Contempt Case EVTCHENER (CF) A Ei chener newspaper, twa radio stations and a Lelevision station were cited for contempt and re buked in the Supreme Court of Ontario Wednesday by Mr, Jus tice W, ¥, Spence. No fine were levied Cited were the Kilchener-Wa [t rion Record, radia stations CKCR and CKEW and (eleyvision tation CRED {| ¥ The casting " iadistadand pensions, | fre the ies 19 an HS nthe these (Hale of PIB REE i pyen & salary yer ada said Mr. | Iu ] slick CCE FHEre 15 RB Premises administration of just ally apart from the prejudice 19 the individual Bhigants in that ¢ this Wirt, whieh costs this ountry and this province and this Dominion a goodly sum 10 KRED RODE aay, spent from 2 o'clock on Monday until Il o'clock this morning ar witerly vain effort that entailed the (aking of jx from their walk life and ha them waste their 9 the ef EVERY ! wn newspaper and broad stations carried the amount of damages hein aimed in their reports Tues day of a evil jury that Hime sitting here hegan the previous day. Since Hie aid his juries are not told the amoun it citation n damages heing claimed and punhicity the case must set their own figure ar conduct would if next (a mn future would he relea ery expensive one, he sald I. M. Harp counsel for The Record, apologized to the eourt (and said there on the newspaper's part 1o pre judice the trial, He said the re porter was unaware the amount f the claim could not he pub lished and the sub-editor, when told the information came from a statement of claim in the court records. assumed it wag publie knowledge Lawyers from the hroadeast ing stations told the court they received the story from wire news services which did pol stale a jury was involved The stories sent to the sia tions originated from The Ca nadian Press, which got ils in formation from The Record QUITE UNMOVED Mr. Justice Bpence said he was "quite unmoved" h y the stations' ve p re sentations that they did not know jury was involved "That is a matier which they {eould have found out and if they proceeded to use the news hroadeast without checking its aceuracy or its danger then 1 am afraid they will have to hear the responsibility," he added he case involved a suit by Mr. and Mrs, Jack Rollins of {the Blair district against Norris Hogg of Preston as the result fof a highway accident JUFYMEn Away armnary in Ving ask the firpase in lo g that Fhe in 56) the il] slop ni ed a material mal 60 far reo Wes 8 ef administration of the aintiff and concerned and if 1 knew of method whereby 1 eould compense those parties al those who have guilty of this contempt Justice defend Was no intention are I the heen I would cost of Average customer's consump tion of electricity is 260 kilowatt hours a month Where most of and water-heating 1s done hy electricity, sald Mr, Duncan, the average monthly consumption is 750 kilowatt-hours He sald that in many municl palities the kilowatt-hour con umption per customer was no meer growing al rate suffi cient: tn meet (oday's rising ensts of construction and opera tion Let there he no mistake thout it, the alternative to a declining rate of growth for the municipalities is declining in come, followed by higher rates which in turn would aceelerate {the trend towards gas and other forms of energy He added that Hydro's sales rar tion and advertising cam palgn seemed the only answer {tn thy worsening problem, The campaign is directed specific ally towards increasing energy the cooking H] LO LS CS PEN EAN = Bs 4 » ) a KA 5 1564 A 16 SIMCOE 87 No® OSHAWA shades, notch lapels, PIECE LB, 1b, BRANDED BEEF CHEF STYLE PARTIALLY BONED WING ROASTS SIRLOIN ROASTS Breakfast Bacon » 59° SWEET MILD CURED END CUTS 63° RIB STEW, SOUP MEAT BONE IN Plate Brisket BLADE ROASTS SHORT RIB ROASTS 9d Asparagus 39° VALENCIA NEW CROP--SWEET JUICE I By TRE CANADIAN PRESS oy foe will maha & SAEHENT A Rrtamant spending efile; arli ie COMImON: REE wesw ww he Senate masts #6 3 id ome ion Wilh (he ay etione ------ Be ane vf anata da a dg bing " Hemi kson 3 Bt-B-Glance ===." inl #f NONE a saat tl pos wy sf § awa regent. of Bank a | Wakneshey, Wave 15 Canada Governor James FE farther $578 156 145 in ow CONTE 4 Semmantary sveniing estimates Thorshay, Warckh 16 srasenien fox the cwrvent. FRE i RRO IRERS ' sending tederil vw. EST (6 Achets agriaitars WAgeiary ening pest fhe" SA / 4 N08 106 566 mark for the firm he (ATR R WEI) The SaNCImartary Rena as fia (hil & Pees Aeficit of TRAVEL i S08 TTT posted by The} CONFIRMS wis y wwmed. CI wm the 1966 100 OM CRIERGRT JRE THE Fim RREE Wimislar Fleming "or We We ewww VER Quality tok py wt w he As & A Cys # Mo Wey Rus Clesners Reve ' fos knowledge Grd ERP ERE #15 ds 5 wsrsigh, groteionet P rig clesring 1% ' NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS 174 MARY OF, RA 8-468 TAH work done In Gehows by quel § find Gohows techwiciens" fiacml yams ity # Foul SEASONS # Wa% Did You Know , , . in the men ning Resm of ra GEMNGSHA HOTEL sou con nove 5 Follsowrse Diner For OowiLy i The Modern Treatment in Topcoats! The Weight is Right for Spring NORMALLY SELL UP TO 59.50 NOW ...SPECIAL EASTER PRICE Certainly they're ALL WOOL TOPCOATS .., certainly there are smart velours, rugged tweeds and saxonies , Houndstooth checks, fancy designs and plain Choose raglan or set-in sleeves; le w ww wove? ---- No Man Could Ask For Finer Tailoring Details For Finer All Wool Worsted Fabrics-- For Greater Value SUIT VALUES UP TO 79.50 each DEFINITELY ONE OF CANADA'S TOP SUIT VALUES A stunning array of models, colours and patterns for Spring, 196). Here are the latest tailoring styles for young men, and conservative styles for senior men , , » handsome two-piece suits, Wear new Glen check patterns, or small checks, fancy designs, plains, fine stripes, ete. . , . all in sizes 35 to 46, in regular, short and tall models, SAVE UP TO $22 ol SUIT VALUES EXTRA PANTS for only $10 UP TO 79.50 each , in neat Glen cheeks, Sizes 36 to 46 in regular, 41° short and tall models, -- 26 STORES TO SERVE YOU -- Save on a Complete Spring Outfit! SAVE UP TO $34, TOPCOAT AND 2-PIECE SUIT Details as above . , , Excellent Value! Look Really Smart PORTER HOUSE ¢ wid DEVON RINDLESS 1 LB, PKG, BACON PEAMEAL BY THE 25° ALL BRANDED WELL TRIMMED NEW TENDER GREEN CRISP 99° Oranges = l

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