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The Oshawa Times, 17 Mar 1961, p. 4

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I 8.708 oni Ts ek, rt 1, 10 'Fairport WA Holds Meeting FRENCHEMAN'S BAY ~ The Consolidated Building 9 @ monthly meeting of the WA ofition. Mr, Shankman will al Fi United Church wa 5 temp to danty some of the] Memorial hed Thursday sfternom, March grievances regarling any hard i'9, in the Sunday School ships the new Aevelopment, "Bay Ridges," causes the president, Mrs. J, fond the has na Mrs, ¥. Osgood read the Scrip | daie on the new sewage disposal © (lure and the Lesson Thoughts plant, Ales present will be were by Mrs, B, Balsdon. Mrs. Reeve Sherman Scott and J, Patierson gave a short re- cillors Boss Deakin and oes on, yen Sue 4, wae Hit Boses, wh 9 The Fairport Courchl srs, 1 Kirn s confinct wes acquired hy the Upited piay Hos and wish {Church on March 76, 1948, Bev \cocedy recovery, 4. Braham was the pastor, The Birth 4 v . following month the WA was, JAA congratuletions organized on April 29, 1848 and [irre Fertile who wil 77 ladies became members, The PTE Wis Wirthday on March 18, WA has helped the stewards ug pre pleased 19 hear thet share the expense for a Sunday "7% Ios Fertile Is now pro- | Schont room, Kitrhen, new pews | v7 ot the Alex 'a an etric organ for the!" 2" 4 ' Lehurch, The association raises peed get - well wishes are | imoney by doing many different <7 enece 19 Fim Whyte who is| things such es Leas, dinners, ba | #150 patient at the Ajax Hos | \zaers, catering for weddings pital; J land banquets, They also send, Congratulations to Mrs, Zens | | donations to the Victor Mission) Iunney who won first prize at land to the Institute for thelthe Bowling Tovrnament ot Blind and make many calls to! Alex Bowl last Saturday, the homes of the sick and elder. The Frenchman's Bay "Re by. gency Homes" Pantams were IMONTHIN MEET defeated by Keen 77 last Bot- The monthly meeting of the yrday at Peterborough 19 lose . On rod 1 Frenchman's Bay Ratepayers tis yound in the OMHA play: aa, and Community Association wil ; " 4 _--, 4 be held at Fairport United downs, The hoys played excel | Church Sunday School Hall on|lent defensive hockey hut Ever-| Friday, March 17. The guest eit apd Colley were the only) speaker will he Mr, L, Shank: ones J Mr, and Mas Roy ig , Were om : i end rs, Wes Yellow. | EWzabeth, Osho Several Thwee M members were Sunday 168 guests of Mr) Spires 5 PATTERSON nT 1 JOHANSSON ~ - § 4 PUC BUSES GET A DAILY SCRUB ; The fob of keeping Osh- | once daily and this PUC em- | cult in the winter time, espe- | proud of the appearance of is Bwa"s city buses in spick ond | ployee is shown ss he does | cially when the rain and slush | buses, and this is the reason, span condition is a never- | the job st the bus garage, | is heavy, but the PUC js | ending one, Buses are washed | The job is made extra diffi- ) | ' ' Restricted "BETWEEN TIME piv AND ETERMITY" ~Oshawa Times Hludio Cornwall Fields | Full Of Flowers By M, McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times PENZANCI Down here in west BS Ih dred dils cor ing daffo anemones horticul It ving of acres of glo and colorful this part of Cornwall ture is the divided het J flowers and certain ee tables, And bee winter climate, It owes is prominence in these fields to the faet that its products are the first to reach the markeis in Britain's crowded cities, at 8 time when premium prices pre vail As a sideline to the growing of daffodils and the sale of the blooms, there has been develop ed a large business in daffodil bulbs, some of which find their way to Canada to be grown there, LARGEST FLOWER FARM With a party of Common:| wealth journalists, 1 visited Whe largest farm in Cornwall, possibly in Britain, devoted to the growing of daffodils, ane mones, tulips and iris, This was the farm of Tomlin Broth ers, at Polgoon, near Penzance On it I saw hetween 65 and 70 acres of glowing daffodils 10 to 12 acres of anemones of many colors, 10 acres of tulips and three acres of iris This farm, according to Ms) director, Arthur Tomlin, has won its spectacular success he cause, by using special cold| storage treatment given to the bulbs, it has the earliest flower ing crops of daffodils in Europe, This treatment consists of keep ing the bulbs for from six to elght weeks at a temperature of 40 degrees, and a humidity of 70 to 80 degrees, By planting the bulbs at once when taken out of the storage, it is possible to have blooms oudtoors before Christmas, In the present sea son, Mr, Tomlin sald, there were 11 different varieties in bloom in the fields hefore Christmas, and many others eame into bloom in January, SHIPPED DAILY Daffodils and anemones from the Tomlin farm are shipped all over Britain to the 16 majpr flower markets of the country, ranging from Glasgow to Covent Garden market in London Every morning Mr, Tomlin tele hones his agents at these mar- ets and receives the orders for the next day's sales there With 70 people employed, the daffodils are cut, packed and shipped, consignments going out on each of the five trains which leave Penzance dally, Mr, Tom: lin is also reaching farther afield for markets for his blooms because marketing has not kept pace with growing and more outlets are needed, To wards this end, he has been sending daffodils to Sweden, shipping them by air, One re: cent shipment of 40 boxes went to provide decorations for a hote! in Stockholm while a large conference was being held there, : At the height of the season Tomlin Farma ship from 1500 to 2000 boxes of daffodils each day, This flower industry Is impor tant to Cornwall, It brings into the county well aver $3,000,000 a year, Most of the crop is ready to be cut and shipped in winter and early spring, be- re any other area in Britain, he Penzance area, there en 1000 acres of daffodils under cultivation, Six main varieties are wn, Fortune, King Alfred, Golden Harvest, Magnificence, Cheerfulness and Carlton with 40 to 50 minor var feties, The. acreage of anemones, a very important winter flower crap, is also in the neighborhood of 1000 acres. They fit perfectly info cropping programs and provide ok income in the winter months, All the sporms are imported annually from Holland and plantings are made main J veg use of is mild| In| variations, give the fields a bril {lant glow of color {EXPERIMENTAL WORK Expert assistance and advice 5 provided to the flower gm by 8 government experi mental station at Rosewarne, in the heart of the area, I spent an interesting two hours there inspecting the experimental plots. The work under way | extensive, It ranges from varl to tests for fertiliz ' veed and insect pest kill ers, protection from the winds from the Atlantic, and the use of portable greenhouse which can be moved from hed to hed. throughout the season. | Everything which is done at| the station is practical in char-| acter, so that it can be applied enld Spring Fashion Show Is Held annual and many others In plain snd| are not taken lightly in New: AJAX The 12th Spring Fashion Show put on hy the Alax-Varsity Chapter 10DE| on Wednesday evening, March| 8.15, all space was filled, stand ing entered, ordinates were much in favor, in pastel stripes, and plaids in darker shades white blouses celved their share of attention, This style is suitable for play time and chores around the house, coming In the popular medallion prints | Reversible all-weather coats, | in print and plain were very| smart, as was the ageless trench coat style, in light beige, with beret style hat, In sults the skirts were near: ly all slim, the jackets short some collarless with silk braid trim on edges and pockets, oth ors with very small round eol lars, A few featured lapel style necklines, In the main the jack. ets were 'boxy' not fitted, A striking coat in the new laminated material "'Originit", made of wool and plastie foam, was in Real Red, with black braid trim, Wool, mohair and A prosperous economy 15, was the biggest and best|terials for the many spring and|spoiled wilderness reserves attended yet, Held in the Com: summer styles in dresses and| Where a man can fish, hunt, munity Centre, starting at 8.80 ensembles p.m, all seats were taken hy suits and playclothes, to the farm of even the small est grower, The main objective is to secure the maximum pos MARKET PRICES sible earliness in having crops man, ning and Development for the Vice-president of Plan ready for market TORONTO (CP) = Wholesale The work includes, in addi. fruit and vegetable prices | tion fo flowers, experiments 19:50 a.m, today were: Apples,| THEATRE GUIDE with early potatoes, winter Melntosh $3,504.25 a bushel, De cauliflower, which strange to lelous 3.605, B.C, Delicious 6,75 say, is called broccoli in this|7, Bpies 425-475, Russet 4.50; | part of England, but nowhere beans green 5.2545.50 8 hamper, | else, early cabbage, broad yellow 6508; beets 125-150 a beans and strawberries bushel; broccoli 3.504 a case; | Some idea of the productivity cabbage sold 85-1, new 2.50 of this area was gleaned from!2.65, red 125-150; carrots, un the county horticultural adyiser, washed 1-125 a bushel, washec Miss Katherine J, Johnston, Bhe|1.50-1,75; cauliflower told me that between 3000 and carton; celery, California 44.50 1000 tons of flowers, or hetween!a case; cranberries 4.25 a car one million and 1,600,000 hoxes are shipped each season, 30,000(4 ¢5 per 24s; leeks 2.25 per 11 to 85,000 tons of winter eaull-| quart basket; lettuce 30s 22,25] flower, 20,000 tons of early po-l9se 2 50.2 65 Chinese 1.2 tatotes, 10,000 to 15,000 tons ofl pushel: mushrooms 2.2 early ehbbage and 750 tons of Spound onions, Thus, for this particular sec lish 360-4 tion of Cornwall, horticulture is 6; parnsips, unwashed 1-125 al a very large factor In producing, che) washed 1,50; spinach, | ee |C€HO 1.50-1.65 per 10-pound has | ket; rhubarb, No, 1.2.25, No, 2 75-1,00; tomatoes, cello 1.85 1.06; turnips, unwaxed 1, waxed 00-1; pineapples, Cuban 24's 2,75-2.85; cantaloupe 11.50-12, a9 per) hag cooking pears, American 550 AH, WILDERNESS BT, JOHN'S, Nfld, (CP) Growing pressures of population |foundland, Resources: Minister |W. J, Keough has announced a [ provincial plan to set up un- prints, The synthetics, terylene, ar- nel and others, formed the ma: Cotton knits fo pr Paint or "just wander around," Biltmore « "Private Lives ton; queen size cucumbers 3.50 Marks " Marks = 140-160 per 50 pound bag, Bpan-| plaza we Regent of Adam and Eve," 1.15, 4.15, 715, 1020 pm, 'Between Time and Fiernity," 2.40, 545 8.50 p.m, Last Complete Show at BAS pm i Brock (Whithy) = "Sunrise at Campohello,"" 6.55, 9.30 pm, Last Complete Show at 9.15 White Feather," 3,10 725. pm, "Raymie, 12.45 55, 9.15 p.m, "Speed Crazy," 200, 615, 10.30 pm. Last Complete Show at 7.25 p.m "The Great Imposter," 135, 8.85, 5.80, 7.50, 9.30 p.m Last Complete Show at 0,20 p.m, "Marriage Go Round." Veature Shown Daily at 1.30, 040, 7.45, 9.50 p.m, Last Complete Show at 8.20 p.m, wa [7 YOURE IN THE MOOD FOR FUN OR ANY~ THING. YOUVE JUST GOT TO CLIMB ABOARD successful in scoring Al goal, The Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club Tadies' Auxiliary held pl i stork shower last week for Mrs Joan Usher, Mrs, Mae Play: ford was hostess, | WILMA LEE AND STONEY COOPER ® CLINCH MOUNTAIN CLAN ® SLIM GORDON TONIGHT B P.M, Show and Dance RED BARN | Couples Who Dance... Have More Fun! 2 FON-FILLED NIGHTS WEEKLY 2 SATURDAYS - DANCE PARTY DON PIERRE ond his ORCHESTRA Featuring LOVELY JOAN WRIGHT JUBILEE PAVILION FRIDAYS Conada's top Record HopContinuowus Dancing to the Latest ond Greatest on Hi-Fi, J 2 2, or Susan Vian war One outstanding dress was a even to the door as they| sheath, of pure silk in black, RESEARCH GRANT FREDERICTON (CP) = The sf Af {fully lined with red, There was Mrs, Norma Slater comment: (no trim, and no jewellery was ed on what each model was/Worn by the model wearing, and rounds of applause| Becent was a tiny slit at each Il were given as each left the run-|side of the skirt hem way, Blims, tops and skirt co.|[the red lining, hold|ished cotton was attractive for with! cocktail Culottes too res|' National Research Council has awarded $8870 to the University of New Brunswick's department of geology, The grant will he used to huy equipment for the identification and study of min erals and compounds, The only , Showing | Organza over taffeta, or pol:| dresses, giving that 'shimmering look HATS IN STYLE MUSEUM GUIDE MONTREAL (CP)==An fllus trated guide to some of the Feature at , , » 1:30 » 3:35 5i40 « 7:45 - 9:50 WILSON & LEE LIMITED MUSIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ACCORDION ® CLARINET SAXOPHONE ¢ HAWAIIAN VIOLIN GUITAR SPANISH GUITAR @ TROMEONE POPULAR PIANO @ VIOLA TRUMPET e CELLO Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion ot $1.50 weekly includes the FRE® use of en accordion during thet peried which Is token home for practice, Hats in many styles, from y y works In the Montreal Museum the high erowned cloche to the tiny pill-box, were included in the show, Some were covered with flowers In complete con: trast to the costume, some maiching, Belts in part match Ing material and part soft lea. ther In contrast, with several tiny straps and buckles, high lighted many of the dresses Complimentary gloves, shoes and sparkling jewellery made these spring and summer ward. robes a hreathtaking example of things to be seen in the Eas. ter Parade, Half way through the evening, of Fine Arts has heen released | to mark the beginning of its] second century, The museum was incorporated April 28, 1860, hy Mrs, Kvan H, Turner, wife of the director, was made pos. sible by a $10,000 Canada Coun: ell grant, David Karry, sang several num- bers Including: Highland Lad. die, Wooden Shoes, Vesper and Holiday Polka, The 16 teenage girls dressed in ppstel colors of blue, pink, aqua, yellow and the Girl's Choir of the Church|green, made a charming group, of the Holy Trinity, Ajax, under quite in keeping with the oc: the direction of their leader, Mr, | casion, The 105-page handbook, written] THE SHOCKER ABOUT THE DRAG STRIP JUNGLE! 2ND BIG HIT! PAINT BY | TICHNICOLOR WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST, NORTH RA 5-4706 SRD BIG HIT! Out there at 20 fathems Turked the terror of the Seel DAVID LADD as tweed coats from Great Britain, in small and large checks were very attractive, | Cottons are always popular, | especially the 'iron cheaters' or dripdrys as the name they are| hetter known by, Shirtmaker| tops and full gathered or pleat. | ed skirts, were shown in many attractive shades; the new ors ange, pink, lilac, willow green AJAX, ONTARIO Tenders for the pur- chase and removal of two (2) five (5) room frame houses, SEALED TENDERS, marked as to contents received by the und until 5:00 pm, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1961 for the purchase and remevel of two five « room houses, lov cated oh 1,2 Birch Crassent, Lot §70, Plan 465, Ajex 2.1 Oak Street, Plan 4635, Alex Instructions to tenderers may be | eked: up from the undersigned at fhe Alex Town Hall. A certified cheque for 10% of the tender must Ji accompany each tender. The highs ost oF any tender not necessarily aceepted, 4. Alderdice Acting Town Clerk Town of Alex Plainly will be ersigned Let 347, ir colors of red in June, blue, magenta h | other AJAX, Ohare The first 100 kiddies at the - PLAZA THEATRE Matinee Saturday to see "RAYMIE" JULIE RICHARD ADAMS ARLEN MORING A MESSAGE FROM TONY CURTIS my picture "THE GREAT IMPOSTOR" will receive a-bag of marbles free, CONN) GRE ATAU OCOMELL wr vem onan va ET Lad RAYMOND MASSEY J: PLAZA [7 IBINBIRT ava TONIGHT St, Patrick's ROUND & SQUARE The Backwell Trio The Square Dance Quartet Caller; MR, R, TAYLOR REFRESHMENTS ADMISSION 1.25 Y.W.C.A. 199 CENTRE STREET AM of YWEA, World Service and Convention PRESENTS A SPECIAL BENEFIT DANCE TOM "CHOO" CHASCZEWSKI IN THE 0.0.V.I, AUDITORIUM -- FROM 8:30 to 11:30 P.M, ADMISSION | N FOR THIS DANCE ONLY 75¢ PER PERSON ® Dancing ® Spot Prizes ® Entertainment by "THE EXECUTIVES" © Refreshments be there! you'll be sorry if you miss it! SATURDAY, MARCH 18 DRESS CASUAL -- FOR AGES 15 TO 21 INCLUSIVE is i

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