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The Oshawa Times, 12 Apr 1961, p. 9

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KEEP IN TRIM To STARS SAT IH A TH, Waterton, Wy 1h, O07 tow Te foobar, MGIC [OWS SUT HW " £ # By EFVREIIITA tok Hane wk Sing yew WIDER: (EPs po cxtmiags wk Sie A gh 95- Setlinr. Whe came 8 TREY CR LaR er mh fiom Veet erm y 18 ' Thies Aug's 1wloahess SH pp atten TE TEE BRE HEsE pes frst an or fale MERE. ary. FREment pe. mente ge Saas OA Be gos 6 pr iy Farum, 1mialuniign -- kop: ler (es. ering. Wore Br 06 JEAN Earn ation. AE We wd stream At. K8F yom SRA ng rv CARY 1B ETCIRETAE. Wat eri-- TE ERnEE were pit a Toone he Ke of mesic Wes, tay igs 18 Jig will he wnder fine afiuetis fw Nay iad £ 4 hv! d 5p a hey ORE TTWIMGAE Fila of the propre - ------------ fy SRE EIETSRS FER THRE WHT WHR BR EIST RIERTIGR STAT Losk for Balad FREE for redwing the soma. "Wyihet peaches He mg fr ilusy Buss BE A the July and Augie. wi he & Werk SERA WY Howmet & wn ot oh Sane Baas, (GK Wo-enRE ne ies % ' ent fox trae, Bows pussy ' pri : vel vi ond de. THe end of the winter is 9 IRE (9 gy AY RerE amy wwe BAe. ange cam take ile Ls ana rides Hay Eo i he DRY ME WORK EE SEE oR Rer FOR TRE BIER AY wi Dararer. anh Wien le care Tne (6 clean nk sheds yom grasies. fuer Miacmiant wih (We Woslon: Lic on ack on fiom, 1 tomerom 16 Jone etikey, T9, WERE (hal month. Ret (@ fusmace for wetighiness. TS Bien fait, inher WEIRS, "Wh (Rel (Resting oF Iw BEBIR, Jory hoynecmpe alicaes (hat [FEE [owes With #her 18 rerems tues ieates amd acd fon. fine CLaE (GF Fy SWE WWE MK Hhes TOE AR CTENNY WR cee VF IRORESS REC aeS aah. ls there WTTRng we CaF. WE. TW WoRRaR With dh which shewid prve excelent iw © TR orm on te dey Bl PEGS. Jeare ww of Be Miss (5 Rew Aomsnels. res ng SRaR of a fwmeness and fascial way VE ERAOWEs with (he (alente fnce thers! Someone (Hd mews fat sgamet fiove, Bold Wake the mest of #5 spootin.- MEEEary aan an erin. thas. lownsi shonihl foe [aft monn (TRE Pieri Contpmetion Remy h Gas (0 akoaice (i This commen BEFITS, SEIN OF #otiat Let's Rash with that mes. ver' WH We exercise. Bases Fight (65. Gon hiwess sow ak (ower fz ige, the mtomen, Tp he PI EN 5 16 FEW EE 5 Sack Jo Rem chance 5 8 Pg FARY BECRLIS Bak Fa with, By wae fond & he WHR ETRE BIR AIRE R RTE ty pay SEE dy ' My v Fy 3 caviar of the 11widve 5 the Flom Reyond Read. Sreiah. before ini Feremhes fone ls morning wore hen £ KER EF HE i the h the wil 4 S800 city women 1m Rely gras (a of caonias. Cn Re ad VIER TRE BR Job matters MAY ROVE Sows a 4 Ais save 8 gol Tie tw Iollow NE Imnscies. Retien leg tn lov ¥ RE ETS ny . Witarm production, the Chinese ' his yess, wt Bot he Bacowi- press regis. Even PR i hie. Bop rating fs eit Ho, 8 WISE Wms Peck ] ' PrESenE asm tione. Xe 7 © FAW 14 y Bde. Watce left leg to Esl. Yow an wee This some Women, (Emery Eranies spe cotinne cating 15 the pont ITE bdo RGR Era, Fab WHEL IERIE pe rink fon cil leave fem Dork, we where Yow know Jou Be we & NE TF WB oF 5 comnts nid ing purposes' [Panmng RAR fess aati dt stomach Oweresting is (atten IRIE 18 @ INgEeS RISER cR fon thas i roids 5. Shrine shard PEI THe Re ¥acition Lywg Sh Bass on ie * town Raye ng lat anchinnesd wider Bezyy piece of fwemitivre teatihed owl at showider hi The Yong Vessies Cit of | fencers fanned in their color: | Macks pad We WERESIS | Owiem sha $t. Gregory's Boman Cathie | fl native costwmes. b typical | Seen from (eft to rig pee Mr b Goralerys wrk held # ih Nig Polish mens was werved and | Papiel Fis GEESIACRE. of | CTRSIORAIRE sa Trlany of he beck win these inter recsntly. The f& ¢ i the ball was Aecoveied wn | the y Retty Biaskn, a | oh, snd Wr. Ray Popkie, # 4 5 fod RVRIRE DRE R INEIRR PIs Polich colors. Wasie for fan WAR swe of the Po | cil member { good frat FE Baise left leg hallway wo # RR y is ee a Aawcry Wiss Verowics Liha a Times Vike temic 10 ROLE RERS A WIRE 10 (9 BORE POSER senied by eight (shane Piishy ¢ Was swooied by Georg lists Raker ; . Hi idates mn Wish EERtEy BE Wel, CIRESIng p £ ? 4 ox A v ES a id ie if hy i Introduci Bab i sed eth leg d % [3 Foor! ' . wil ( Ti CHILD GUIDANCE ously by hoe bn devi plc cor, ot wo const eet rom re mes | RRIRURTHINAR HE 926 Simeon $1. M To Family Bathtub Bike times. THe sin Toner w Youth Needs Help To Make : on he time he Jeu io Vy ELEANOR RS we oy be 10 ames i ae ea rh YOULL BE PROUD TO SERVE! RA 5-344 EERIN 14 FAVORABLE CHANCES red promiem when it comes to [TE BO GOWE. I FRE DOE in WHS Phe viet Right Vocational Choice I Gd My RAW A of of 2H the WE Cone cust omend ss he By 6. CLEVELAND MYERS b girl needs all the ef ern and ORES. £ the vaca or Dethinette. the fan ox hing thie prowem, When | ' ; . d ors ah y y And, of cowrse, Mother will y hers | was E100 6 TER 9 W on fe 2 ose 10 enier (uh must seem lke pn pecan. fli attention 19 Baby oid | heard wn # RY, Ri TE REET Gr S000 TAGS, WEE may § Ion t 1H meh 50 how cas Mather sucerssfully ile in Bis Wig beth. If. the HEINE i he TRERe FHIE RECS NE £5 nent pamhicis make the transition from ome fh / et it ring FX what a 1woyearoid Zn P ' winds stretched ' ion and Aces: RRother hone Ping f : ids if There is nothing wn wera be in : p and ¥ q : Pia v ' EF a a We ¥ RERIR Any VEEES important enough 19 Aistras -------- back hth " # Bie, #0 wa 4 ob an from WL ons for co HR Ts EO Mather while Babyy is in the th 4 SHEE 40 Bible i WE LF an those whe kno fent of Punhie Den imer em And ons her has come 4 fj » ovis i 4 di GOT / io to p oe 75 ) With SI y good one will be or, IA. | oe carly Tears, oh | PARI NTF AUESTIONS She Toit it was Hime to plas Aid y . ¢ " 4 ud 44 y Vs iL f $f i 3 ¢ gt 4 the batts 4 be #2 A £ his rh and : ¥'s 14 4 wg Baby in | Vg ti, bt on | 4 whet) ' y HOET ih ? a y man sicks i A hie : As CCupation het they of : jabiy hen Ae and whggles. # is mother ? Som P ATE 4 ms of personal # 4 n f J ) st. Even simply put Baby's small tub inte t ted 3 of and the kind as e of £d- 8 rived wen indi- the big bathtub, filled Hi ' " , cated 1) our ve needed 0 Prep f J § hot nsidered by usugl snd set Baby in | ol tan med: she lathered him @s pa gk kor / Y Demet sy eho & i mes g J im #8 USHA ' . # RIE Can / OF Sl f 2 5 menial ability 5 Tn Ve os mt on EZ mason | SAVE! With These Weekend Specials thir | ind the ' The big tub remained dry and » may he I y / Sil, #8 EMPpLy, BEIVIRE RS Just another A 0 or aks TO BE MARRIED THIS MONTH place io sel the little tub BUY IT NC v/ ---- Fhe Purdue Univ ity in After a few trial runs this A jon, Poi reports as follows on . y way, she began letting water! WITH A LOW COST MH 4 4 gh schoo ier 4 into the big tub. Baby's favor v1 . Rix er EER think them i a 4 ie hath loys were floated wi th LIFE INSURED selves incapable of makin he lin reach. As he would lean over | EE LIVER Ib 39 right vocational deeisi m 4 per to grasp his toys, he got used 1p Ld cent doubt their ability to da i ? the ides of walter in the big tub | anything well Bf per cent do 4 ' g, and in 8 very short time he | LEAN BEEF HEARTS 1b 33 not know what kind of work eh " | seemed Lo feel perfectly at home | iii 4 | they are best suited for and 53 in this grown-up swimming pool, | Per gent wand more vocational So f | one day Mother simply | advice than they are geiting ; (pia placed Baby, minus the little J . VOUATIONAL ADVISERS | a > ln into the big tb of hath J f 2 bi Bi : walter, All was serene | f ib Ho 4 pr | The big trick, of course is | THE BANK oF A ' wlar cry tor more of them, Some i Neal SE aT ra 1 not te fill the family bathtub | NOVA SCOTIA ' 4 too full to start with. We may | tional guidance tests which : | , £ 10 sn i y measure interests, intelligence / like to Snuggle in warm suds up! and individual talents. Also dil p ib [J there are available private test i LJ] } i * ing services for like purpose,| Some parents spend large fees . 4 ] for this service even on the | child as young as nine or ten ; » Although such measures don't The engagement Is an: | the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, | wlways fulfill the hopes they! nounced foday of Mr. Luigi | William Zedic of Oshawa and rouse, Hey sometimes Prove) Sirizzolti and Miss Carole the prospective bridegroom is AT helpful _| Rose Zedic who plan to he And what about bright girls?| married in Holy Cross Roman | the son of Mr, and Mrs Should they he {rained to eas Cathelic Chureh on Saturday Sante Sirizzotti of Italy . i" BONELESS FRONTS 1b, 50° gf erely he educalef y The de ) h y ar | ¥ ring tr mara be sdueuedt) Au 39. Ph bide rhe Fhoios by fren | BURNS Credit Jewellers Lid. president of Wellesley College, | makes sense when she says -| : | LEG ROAST | Daisy fresh presents a pretty and practical way | pay as little as th C ® to achieve fashions slim looking pantie girdle] I é SIRLOIN ROAST M Y with dip waist, embroidered satin lastex front p panel, concealed garters slim and comfor table contr from waist to thigh. in yellow dofted power ® DOWN || LOIN & RIB CHOPS Ib. 69° (net, sizes S-M-L-XL, $5.00, $7.00 (as illustrated) $9.00 0 4566 2 & Embroidered broadeloth bra, glovefit sides. Sizes 32 to SHOULDER CHOPS Ib 59 SIZES 40, A-B-C cups, $2.50, (also available in satin.) | : N Philips i ; | | 7.TRansisToR RADIOS VEAL STEW (Bone in) x | 00 1 a rs mga 9 95 VEAL PATTIES of 1 quality, smartly designed with (stuffed and oven ready) ib. no wonder solid black leather earrying everyone | Ladies' and Gents' | THURSDAY ONLY SEE WHAT $1.00 WILL BUY | FEC hd ove! IT-JEWEL Country § (5+1b,) aves Je WW 10 95 CUT.-UP CHICKEN (| rork' Hocks (41h) 00 . ] dial, expansion band, shock 2 proof, waterproef Ladies' Pork Liver (4+1bs,) newest style watches, yellow LEGS, THIGHS, 39. Pork Kidneys (4:1bs,) . oo Mh vi TE sa Pad BREASTS ..... Shid, Park Chops (2:1bs.) ov $1.00 DOWN $1.00 WEEKLY | WINGS 3 1b. 1.00 Sliced Side Pork (2-1bs,) pi | NECKS 21b, 10° [Seed ite enn her on oar EC SR "|| ALARM cLockS ||| FRESH PORK SHOULDERS &:%:' Ib. 49° Ry NE ADAMS. % x" : Made in Canada , . Clear 89 SLICED COOKED HAM Ib, 89° 'O¥/ lI SLICED BOLOGNA Ib. 39° Side-draping softly accents this ) : . graceful afternoon dress, Wear . dial, cream colored. ONLY it belted ar nat there are no JX waist seams 10 interrupt the re : J smooth and slimming line . : / WHILE THEY LAST! Printed Pattern 4566: Half ry : hy ! Sizes 184g, 144g, 1635, 181g, 204s . + i 3344. Size 16% requires 3% yards AF \ i S |] ! {3 1hch fAbHC, dba ah No Extra Charges of Any Kind pecia Send FIFTY CENTS (W0 : and consuttation on fation garment re ents) I calns (stamps cannot THN be accepted) for this pattern furament am plete Pease print plainly S14&F " b it WAR vi 30 staction NAME ADDRESS STYLE | iticcas A fistin y SINY IG S18 Ge 5 ea c eese NUMBER Bras and Gledles A i ado Yery De del \ § Send order 10 ANNE ADAMS, 0 oer v a Nar. of Coma a The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept Oshawa, Ontarie ] NOIRE wage WARD CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. ni §Qe om I oak new Coty Cota 1) Simeon $0. § } Prone BA S1IS1 E32 KING, STREET WEST RA 37002 Aer nour new Colar Cata 2 A S . \ n F iver) log ast out! Hurry, send 35 © ' " oe Uelivery cents now!

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