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The Oshawa Times, 12 Apr 1961, p. 11

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'New Spelling | A ys Fine (EF) ~ & cometene d . WE WATKEEY WBA Wee fawEA tw EB WAR May & mele er RATIRRCLM [8 [RE [ash WhEE, Was OFTANA (EF) ~ A mew wl. A GIRY BRE hk yaaes 1G finnk $05 anh cose Tueshey Ion fous syviom of Keim moe 1% [105% show het 7% 2 per cont. of caries Anving. he wi Edme olonts bon ave. lavence Grama, 1, # Bes raieing of FI insiryciony pve Mead wiki @ year. Besfoeron, seid Se wee WB pan . tun he man Bsime Malest erste lox 8 hommes fox Ro Rh WHE ETRE 18 TEAR § AR BIG SHOT IN ACOUSTICS Fritz Winckel ¢ Winckel, 8 professor of pcos Massey Hall | tes from West Berlin fred world's best | these shots with the gun siiy. Dr. | holds. Purpose of the hots ~~ wing blanks, was 10 Aster wine the reverberation period of the hall Professs: says Toromis's ranks with the mie halls mooustis Organization Meet Held UXBRIDGE tion meetings for the 0 Kiwanis 4H Dalry Cal snd the Oshaws k Grain ¢ re Township Ha Mr. Aly k agricultural re tended a welcome to gl) and girls and thel pressed the por value of 4-H ( or girl and ng in good citizenshi #5 raining in the various cultural projects Mr. Ken Holliday snd Mi Werry, Dairy Calf Club ers, discussed the rules snd Mr. Blades regulations and the use of the leaders Bill Boyes, Pickering project book for the Cal Club and Frank Barkey, Claremont members. Mr. Blades discuss |BR 8, discussed the 4H Call od the rules and regulations and! Club rules and regulations, the the use of the field report form use of the record book, the pre for the Grain Club members. (eet hook and the Dairy pd The election of the 1061 offj.|C/Vb manual with the mem cers was conducted by Mr DES Blades, assisted by the Clul The election of the officers re Leaders The officers for the sulted as follows the council 4 Oshawa Kiwanis 4-H Dairy Call BROUGHAM 4H Dalry cay 7 COUPEE 80 Club are. Pres., Gloria Cooper, Club: Preside: Gle Wiison | Pence of the Brooklin, BR 1, vice-president RR ce-presi [ Kercise Carol Nesbitt, Brooklin, RR | Jim Wilson, Balsan power and rights secretary, Jim Prouse, Brook- retary, Gloria MeGriskin dutie and obligations Hin, BR | I by statuie bylaws The officers for the may be conferred upon Kiwanis 4-H Grain ( quired of President, Don Lindo hdd ' Hill, RR 1, vice-president 16 of i Batty, Brooklin, RR 1 Seek Refund Corporat Separation Tax ! yi ni BOWMA? ber of ~ACF Wirephots) wia-dary, John Spencer, Brooiklin haws' BR 1 oh The viganization meeting for 4H the Brougham 4H Dalry the Beef Call Club was held in Mums Building stant April ve, ex: Mr he Boys BgRcyil Helcomed the ner wna the al Brougham stan alive, wel : ¥8 And Birks and a he meet He Shs impor wiik the i Skiing pant and how i aining in good } citizenship as well as 8 practical! § irsining in thei Lead. Projects Avie Blades UFR} represen be TERE a arent s 8 wh Lange farm boy how it gives train 7) Bs well agri IS APPOINTED Aja: Monday passed a8 bylaw which official ly appointed John A. Alder dice as deputy treasurer of the Town of Ajax. The bylaw that Mr hold the during the pleasurs in Ron agricultura assisted by Club EONREL on slates shall deputy office of shall the Clerk-Treasu 2 suthority and perform Claremont aent Bec Cher ywood ol {Ishawa the organization meet fo lub are: |the Brougham Junior Dal Locust|Beel Call Club Doug|#t this meeting secre- for farm boys ent hi of Mi the a and Wis also held this club | and girls under 14 of age, Each hoy or girl] IAking part cares for a calf office manager throughout the summer months | of Pitney-Bowes of Canada and shows It &t Oshawa Fair In| Limited, Mr Alderdice is Regular meetings are| com; leting his final year of a with the Brougham 4H for municipal finance Bee! and Dairy Calf Club at Queen's University town Formerly he was on the aff of Algoma Steel and for a ten sine term wis all held ¢ Course officers VILLI A Parlington Townshij residents who have pald the $400 land separation tax have decided to take steps to fund of their money, according to Mrs. M. T. Budai, secretary] of the Darlington Ratepayers Association "The num seek re 72 Simcoe St. North For a Lovely Summer Wedding money to this day is in & special account and cannot || legally be used for any other purpose than that for which it was collected," Mrs, Budal said She added that headed by Mry conferred wit Lovekin of Newcastle said, "is willing to accept the! ease but only on behalf of those! who sign an application and pay a retainer fee of $10. Sentence Youth To One Month BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Edward Dwaine Browning, 17 of 83 King street east, Bowman ville, was given a month in jail for theft of money, under $30 by Magistrate R. HB. Baxter Tuesday The sentence was made con current with a three-month jail term, Browning is now serving for stealing a ear in Oshawa Appearing for the acoused Lawyer John Regan sald he thought it would do mare harm than good to send the youth to a reform school Magistrate Baxter remarked that Browning seemed to have ttle respect for the court. He said the accused had pleaded guilty to the thet charge Feb 38 and had committed the Osh Awa offence while he was re manded oul of custody B Here a a delegation d dream werid fo farvie had HR H a lawyer, wha, she | Hind an un collection of Brides of-the-bride surpassed Bridal gowns maid formal Mather dresses Fittings and Consultations in ~omplete Privacy Price 45.00 « Troe 150.00 WINNIE'S PAINTING LONDON (CP)-A large oll painting by Sir Winston Church HL, "Olive the Villa Ia Dragonniere be aus Blacks LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST, NORTH Trees near lh RA 51912 f i Alderdice has | "he re REST GTR GOR BAAREE | IW (aw whew AOOIBE RETRIAL Aig sin fhe Roman letters wed Wy #56 fo FI » mois pve from 5 scalioll hese weeks BREE GRTPAS Kae Jeary RRITER WINE RESIRE 18 Twili & rial mone (oF TRE (ast. JERE. futhority tor TTA houses (iis REGRETIat HWE He purpose Wil be 15 Carly fisesl Jess has heen gravid. A args of Avenk Anving phi iondy A BA WI (het THRE PLAIN Rach WRPRE WRATEwR for lack of &v 165 [RENEE # COR grants of BM fox WaEKinE Mere RETO (he ROFIR. families whe poy fhe west Wes Germain Was hastily WESIEYR REAR monthly. Sanitarian and 1.ui WAnslarred 18 the Women's wing 18508 asim a8 conseryation wii he emohasuh Mm Smave Comty a8 ot Berrie sysiem " orf ud the strictures fNWIng her aresi anh a rw fine memicwl heck Cori lawyer She wae wearing Mgh bets GIVEN AT WETIENG On Forgery Rap Ana work ciothes of 8 comet fiom wovker when srresied Word of the plans to train 11. OTTAWA (EP) ~ Lawyer Civide his had 13 Allerent Eslcionn inatuuetovs tb Charehil, Fredencs Cowman of fama was PPE TRISATE, mae of them Man., was ver in the two-day fvwmk gwity Tuesday of (orgery FARSETVRtiies, wince Coniafers annual menting of the Eskimo by mn Ontario Supreme Court Bon Wn 1567 ahdvienry committer Ticshay WIT BRA Was remanded in exe" The finsl day wien Mscyssed "957 Wt Monday lor sentence. wiering was Aropped aginst #8 buoad housing program by hid Reng was called after Mr. Cowan on 8 point of lew Kavthern ond which will con #8 CRINGE [ty felled (5 agree Be is charged with forging the fine to attemst to remiace ™ # verfict in trigh wel endo of» BIN cheques wiserahie shacks' Wirefing § eR Fk. 18 jasued in January, 1998, by Mrs Wigh race of lant mortality Earlier Tuesday #8 charge of Cars Findiay of Perth ry. Hemt 1g: TERMS . ye Helen took your adie Mother. How we Away ENJOY THE Alderdice | As & new bide, Helen took Bt for granted that al sts were the same) She shopped a! one super Wherever her fancy took t from her aight ther me Markel n anot her| Net any morel A diplomatic bubby's more experienced mother bout buying meats! Now, like th 3 kes sure her family regu 3 rom DOMINION meats that have a special tender quality # superb honest taste tha! never varies trom week to week! Personally Selocts od Quality meats make the diffe ence al ON salty pers selec Hg it B41 Ihe packing ho ) niv | in ides of hee is good enough for you JO gh for your family, Discover for yoursell the satistying difference in meats at DOMINION! Enjoy the Best! er 2g at Domir i 1 or Treat Your Pet Ken-L Grovy Chunks DOG FOOD 36.02 PEG 1.02 PKGS LR] Yin | Economical Spread jar | Tulip Regular Margarine 2. 47 8-03. Jar Stock Up at This Price Green Giant Fancy Waxed Beans 6 .. 1.00 - EK. - Add Zest to Your Meah E D. Smith Richmelie plein or piments 49° or Serve Mot Soup tor Lunch--Ayimer Fancy "re. OF 20¢ CAKE MIXES 3 STRAWBERRY Cocoanut Peanut Brittle Chocolate Chip si Detergent TOILET ge 4 2-R0LL Peanu! Buller COMET = 3¢ OFF -- HOUSEHOLD 35: CEDAR VALE PURE Cream Style CORN XE 10.02, r] 00 CHEESE SLICES TOMATO SOUP 4 10-02 45¢ Domine Blask JAM "55 39¢ DAD'S COOKIES 3 PACK $1 We. gue CLEANSER 2 -| HORSE RADISH °= 25 FANCY PEAS toned al Sothedw's. Immedi Mealy preceding 1 in the sale is & a portrait of Sir Winston Wy OREN FRIDAY UNTIL # O'CLOCK Ruskin i. A -------- ---- -- -- -- 2 wor : 35° TTB WE WE OWE WE We vor 206 wo TEA BAGS Deluxe, White, Chocolate, Apple Spice Ogilvie $1 | masPRERRY OR TEA BAGS "78° Romine Liguid 49 Soft and Absorbent----Aqua, Pink, Yellow dor 1 LIQUID HONEY 55 EXCELLENT WITH ROAST BEEF EXCELLENT VALUE--YORK FANCY Whole Kernel CORN _, ORANGE JUICES "5 73° Had ~ GK WRGEERgRY fies 6 he wih tn families #6 aly. She smd she had fallen Chased a BEEF-CHICKEN---TURKEY Banquet Pies 3 ONLY AT DOMINION---DOMING FANCY Leal Spinach 3 Roves, # 1 (ating, Pleads Guilty 'To Impaired "000 BARBY att WORE TRE Reiry emay Bowmanotiie Ay ed mE faves awe Gad Seon PR Bs a sisson for Rees Brathay when. "wader Sales VY yews. ww Wageisiia B. 8 Ben Lars er, fT y, whan he wes FET ABREE , Jie RE 20. RE iy te aR agai AeyIRg tent (hat iesiviath [a (he death PRR He was fined HOW pus) # pil. Ke mwmarked het # & WHE, AE BRR iw hei wad! meme tw Taw Re Be Aug of he Bowmen Fommaid Cowie. U6. of 18 Lamb. wash awpriing. "W | salah you (a Tat Wepnctment. sk Be ho fine Bowmanvilie. we iii i whi pe yo i" ft fe iy Hine RE charand ater Re car Re wa Gk monks the magoieme THE RB JEEAEEE, RC rome knecked Awe we ma oid Cowie '[ FAFARD PEAT MOSS Segre ed Hark 3 Pollan Constiatie Tix Fite sid he wae # Fotnrk Sphagram Font those jo 8 sweiiey wane. Kampletely wasd frase. For dhvabs, gordon, trans ond lowne. lech bole Hghtly packed with pest for » better byl Ww Re onesy Mae Cd Ei iri 5.25 3.25 sown $50 1.95 booper Smith ra Ye pi 16 CELINA ST RA 32302 "i Garden Supplies Since 19067 nal Draws Fine BOOWAANTHLE Haft; Rossel &. Laver. BH. of 78 Sumgem avers. Rowan wae fines 58 08 Wageivwe B. 8B. Bape ay, faw BRIRE amme 8 Hae 13 Polls # jas pie # mae Tans SOR SOY #. few few he the flex Ed The comsiahie seid they dap ged the cae. tank the names pad adhigrsses of the Ariver anf pas Senger, then returned 'mn find he case of we We said. ale IRERVETING he race, hey re turned 1h Wrest Re HECROMIS id the ad Them Son 17 suit NEW CLINE LOSES, Ont. Jew) War Memorial Childeen's Bospitsl kere has become the second in Ontario 1a sper & ohnic for treptment of cystic hresls # hereditary chiideen's Maenss that sifects what poe of #ys 188 SK CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF THE KING OF ROAST (short cut) PRIME RIB Sweet Pickled (Vag, Pack) OAST LEAN, MEATY Braising Ribs 1b. 39° ROLLS 55: FOR A REAL TREAT 89° Pizza Pie 10.02 deluxe 16-02, 8% Firm, Golden Yellow RIPEBANANAS 81::.1-90 Sweet thin skinned and full of juice =~ Florida No, | GRAPEFRUIT 8:45: ONLY AY POMINION--ROMING FANCY 101 "3 1* Fikand Chip 2 59° VALUES EFFECTIVE AT YOUR DOMINION STORE IN OSHAWA--WHITBY UNTIL 6 P.M--SAT, APR, 13 802 6 gr PRGS 12.02 PEGS 49°

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