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The Oshawa Times, 12 Apr 1961, p. 17

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Work Of Cancer | Group Explained | oo hat wiie the inikenie of | ARAB HIgIess (hd medion science hae made wl wy 13 16 14 years, in the treat. Fo melting cers 5 #19 have Ce otr What. VII BRT (RE REadin CRBERE [6 [REGRET RIBIRE WORE hin among. mew the ino rain Ramong women is lower. He CLARREA That TINE RE DRS, we oF three of the mos wey At he foe far Bessares | Wa Steshen % p { NY dha RT rata] heir 7; is #4 br Bwamen Marrs £ (Rs (hamied ter ¥Wamme Mr Hemhn Whi SPANIRG hehait the anawel cane VER. (Fes of CARERS, lass WORER, RIE (HBG) WR FREES than cya before these PRIticRiar 17pes Can Row, i cane tn time, he tn sist rs AMy in Foros, where be treptment for cancer, RG SHEETY 15 tiempied Viatients wre shen ; Anive, which as in recept years the hospital is will be condecien via # piss udu 19 reseich, Such oor canvass, later ts month lof treatment as EKA9y, £ with Oshawa Kiwemans wher local orgamition mem: Bers Bs the VOMMIERT CARYASH Lidl ACHIEVEMENTS PRAISED i AL the outset of Wis remarks the speaker prajsed the Oshaws committee or their splendis) services spies in getieyements in the past fowr YRREE, DOINE owt thet in 19V], the cancer Anve. in Ombawi net fed an Row the pre vious year and thet this figwre bas gone Headly woward Members of this year's Ki Wane Clb CRNEEE CRIDPHIEN committee, il Gibbie pu STORE FRONT MODERNIZATION IS TALK THEME Savery, Diver ard, Tow y Left _ Fovelt were among the head oth ER, MW 5 table guests, slong with Harold matter with DOR Davidson of the Westmount Ment of the Asso Clr ther guests present af yesterday's mesting included Westmownt members, Darren Michrel, Don Ormiston and Arey Bell, Kiwanian Vern ¥ Hum of Velerborowgh, Chas Fask of Belleville, Fred Kwie cien and Jom Grant of Foronts and Lowell Bock, of Moncion NE. # lormer member of the Oshawa Clk The Canadian Cancer Society was nrgameed, through the eo nperation of the Canada Med ical Association, 1 provide ways ana means with coming 19 grips with cancer," declared J. Blair Blephen, The speaker went on 10 stress that already much had heen done to eliminate the stig that was associgled with this disease, great progress hay ng heen made in educating the public ta recognize the signs of cancer and 1 have periodical check-ups TREATMENT IMPROVED Referving (oo statistics, the speaker pointed out that i1eday it is estimated thet six of every 24 persons, will at sometime in I ockard ing Brown winn wis the presestation made by Al Lockard of Canadian Fill burgh Industries | immed deg) J wih he m Frant modermiation Few Objections Voiced East Whitby Zoning dential tn MI hilder have entered agreement to purchase J that the Bennett Cn. » the site may he Bennett Pa ples an asphall land rented from goyme ang wan RIT TY the property 1a build add Hang! hatching plant for the pro- a duction on a different asphalt fine of the Wahhg hu pre ve meeting of the Diowmown By " Men Genosha Thesdny | le 4 we ption, wt Hotel IOre My henefi { : y Kn Lshawa Times Pholty COLUMBUS | / the twa hr aren of these Lwin § ahjections were ved al 4 terion Municipal Borrd here Tuesday, called to Miscys the East Whithy Township Zon ing Bylaw apd Official Plan Most of he heard were centred ground a request hy Oshawa soheitor Nell | Fraser, QC, and John Greer, (or rezoning a small parcel of land sdineent 1a the township's only industrial land to industrial Mr. Fraser representing the W. B. Bennett Paving Ca # tenant on the land owned hy Oscar Burgoyne, who was rep resented hy Mr, Greer OFFER TO PURCHASE The lawyers were asking the parcel in question, 261 feel ad Jagent to the M1 industrial prop erty he rezoned from R2, resi Big Auction Ready To G Members of the Oshawa Ki wanis Club, together with a because of the dust commitiee from the Westmount Bennett plant Kiwanis Club, yecelved their! Another resident, ( V.| hands of an apparently apathetic) 8=That an improved hookkeep final "peptalk' and InstONe: Thomas, produced a petition) membership, ing system be started, with an tions, fram the various team | signed by all but one of the! The executive for the past| audit each year captain, in charge of the ninth neighbors protesting the regzon-| year, headed hy President Don:| 4=That any projects to he annual Kiwanis Radio Auction, lin e"and nuisance caused hy the! 8d Brown, announced its inten: undertaken be approved at a which takes place tonight, stark-{ge noo operation ton nat to stand for election this| regular monthly meeting and Ing at £80 o'clock and ending np" ra mieson, 8 member of (hel Y8r. However, when nomina:|that the projects be paid for hy sharp at midnight Ontario Municipal Board. whol 11ON8 for a new executive were|the members involved in them Kiwanian Bill Selby, chairman chaired the iA ad he opened, the room remained unl b="That an insignia or card be of the 1061 Radio Auction Com wauld ve Fh i oe i 1 comfortably silent designed "so you could tell the mittee, announced that a total " M POCOIMMEnt the YeEOMRE| 11 would seem to indicate no|members from the freeload of 019 items, woods, mevchan:|!® OMB and that East Whithy| one is interested in having thelers." dise, services, will he auctioned Fownship council and planning association," Mr. Brown said. |80 PAID MEMBERS off tn the highest bidder and|POATd further study the Bennet!| iif we can't get an executive] There were more than 80 that the total value of the items| Matter and advise the hoard of here tonight," he went on, "Ilmembers at the Tuesday night is estimated at shghtly ovep/Is decision will notify the members (he meeting. The members were 45,000 My Jamieson id tha, hoard i ansociation has heen dropped," {told the association has a "paid decision would be forthcoming! pve Ni IMRE [up membership! of 80. They HOW TO PARTICIPATI In writing within a week, hut he I! Moy NEW MEMBURE asso. Were told that about 240 poten Citigens of Oshawa and dis: strongly advised council and| siation hy proposing a slate. of Hal members had heen con trict wishing fo participate in\planning board to advise it of its] five new executive members| /REeS herayss ishing om who Rie age and smaller them for farmer retirement Jiks build which would carry Fre y Derek Little the Municipal Planning Consultants 144., Faronta, old the hearing that K3 homes would not he an sel 10 the township but would he a hahility when the cost of education 1s taken into consid fr. Fraser told the hearing Craton on hehalf of his client that the FM. Moore, of Whithy, seled bennett Co, has spent more (hap 1 pli of ify He her life, he afflicted with con 20,000 for additions] dust col. #40 the opposition to the Bene" ut oe, Tore ody medical lection machinery for its present IE! Operation must not Be| colo oe' nas progressed, via re plant and will purchase the Underestimated. Particularly," search, improved treatments ame equipment if and when the he said, "when we have & peli: sod education of the public for second plant 1s built to alleviate Hon signed by all but one resi: early ~ diagnosis, that today, A dust nuisance in the area dent of the ares three of the six persons afflict The Bennett property PROTEST DUSTY 15 00 ed will he saved Many residents On na an hamiel hearin AVAEY TRRENINE wm 1 | JT Y: lye wration nr he expanded ng Co hatching pla Mr. Bui oper ma miection president om in an type of wi Paunton road, near Wilson road.) ithe aren | he resoning | [protesting a dust and noise dis turbance from the Bennett oper ation, One former area resident Malcolm MeGregor, told the hearing that he had to install a new clothes line every two or three years when he lived there! from the Retail Group Will Continue For a few lense momentsiset to cover OPETRLINE EXPENSES Downtown Business Men's Asso-|and Christmas lighting ex ciation faced extinction at the penses Oshawa and Distriet Labor Council voted Tuesday night to write Hon. Michael Starr, fed eral minister of labor, asking hm "to use his influence to ex tend the winter works program to a 13:month hasis to help pro: vide jobs for the unemployed." When the resolution was sub mitted hy the ODLC Palitioal Action Committee, it was de cided a letter bearing the ve quest should he sent to the labar minister, however the word winter" should he deopped It was decided to ask the la hor minister to use his influence and set up a 13 months wark program, It was felt that much of the work which cannot he enrmied an during the winter months could he completed dur ng the summer months under A 13month work program that simply thew that Arn going no death five Pilkey the Radin Auction, either Inldeeis 5 ! sy Rennett.| . ) ) he Ri decision vegarding (he Bennett: and asking each one if he would. After this partion of the mee their community projects, arel Deputy-reeve Waller Holliday, executive then gave in to com: ME" It illustrated retail selling It progresses and hear the pe would like to see RA goning| cause, it is Hime someone with in yesterday's 1ssue of The have heen the wrong executive In Pensi #oEroup of 95 Kiwanians will he just think it's Hime someone with Club president Rae Wopks | VAY, resolution, (hat old age were not withdrawing their a the infarmation the bidders will|Per month fram the present 8363 new executive broadcasters, under 304 Tuesday night the auxil Potter. Ray Weeks, who was on Finley, Geo. Worry, Bob Branch asked that ORBLE support it five members were left ta de . the apinion it was y Cornelius, Bob Broadbent, All MR } ) nore {Mpa In starting the discussion, My AL 838 a month head of the file clerks, hriefed are as follows {start starving Mi and the beardmen nually mittee was that the ODLC ve : for sovand floor of Hotel Gonoasha, when at 85, these peaple da not younger workers National Revenue to allow all Will 20 on duty, at £30 o'claek, (510 a month hut the factary saltible items fram income tax } A good hargain or as a y 9 y ' ; SUB of 8 Road bariuin AR L Burgoyne property accept the position, He finally i A fim silp Was shown to Publie-s| / | got four new members, One of the members, It was titled "The tominded i Hn mn in Briton complained that there was no! plete the slate and what Attracts A customer CREB (1360 Ke's), where they Ri "residential soning in the! The president said he would|'9, one store rather than an or names of the suoeessiul hiddors new and hetter ideas took aver," | Phase wishing ta place a hid I. 1, Naneekivell, another mem:| on any of the 518 items, whieh her of the retiring executive Fimes, have merely to telephone hecpuse we were not getting res| the special Kiwanis Radio Aug sults. We do not want to throw waiting at telephones, veady tol Oshawa and Disteiet Labor better ideas took aver give the latest ar highest hid! Couneil Tuesday I ovoted 100 The members of the reliving urged Wis fellow-members ta DORSIONS he given at age 63 with! (ivity in the asseciation, The y make sure they are aequuinted [MH & means test and that the said they would contribute wish ta know A month The four new executive mem Mrs. Alice Reardon, an Auxils hers are Oliver Baird. Sid RADIO RROADOANTERN chiieman Frank Taviar, will in: [100 at its last meeting decided (he old exeeutive, agreed 1a he clude Kiwanians Fred Popham, [10 forward the resolution 1a an (his ane ten, hut he said he Rill Smith, Ken Smyth, Harry Clift Pilkey, ODLO chairman, pide hetween themselves whe Gay and fan MeNab, with Drew suggested the increased pen: would he chairman Q tant ta get the hene red Wwala and Jack Langmaid {han it RE! the John) efeined Rrawn introduced five praposals Assistants hl 5 guides ta the incoming ex Means hy giving \ his sal on their duties while] they I=That an executive composed ERUCATION DERUCTIRLE president Rae Weeks Issued in of a chalrman, a secretary and Another reselution adopted YORE soaner 4 an A osmall staff of Kiwanians ald he was That a membership fee be quest the Ontarie Federation of ake aver their duties in favor of evervane getting the Labor 10 petition the govein AL Six o'clock tonight and thelwark any more. He said he Mr, Pilkey replied that many (odueation expenses ourred hy itive membership of hath thelwauld he in faver of the old age of the factary workers would helthe taxpayer, including the cost iy nthe bidding an the first! Aeedrding ta mall that they tn PAC chairman Tom Edwards A support the Kiwanis Club in| WANTS HOME AREA ihe members of the oulgeing Story of Vision in Merchandis Will hear the Radio Auction a8|Columbus-Raglan aves, He said(not stand for reelection he: | were listed on pages 13 and HW Back Boost sald he thought We must Hon number--=RA 5788 1=--=where the association in the lake; we an any specific item Mpnort a Ladies" Auxiliary 27, axpoutive strassed the paint they With the list and ready ta supply Je age pension be raisod to 879 averything possible ta help the ary 37 delegate to the council, Burns. Lew Rlack and James Radin Bill Gibbie, Bob Stroud, Marley [F'1IMe Minister Diofonbaker and would nat be chairman, The Lindy, Alex Mackay, Chas, [SOM heeaiise he sald he was of oon propOSALS lowered Kiwantan Murray Sparkes, as) 3 ecutive, These were passed and {amount at fa in traetians 16 the hid room cheek three directors he elected an!fram the Palitieal Action Com Another delegate a he auction headauariors, an head Age pension al 63, hut only then be made available the ment and the Department of Oshawa and Wostmount olubs nonsion' then being vaised in only ton happy to get out at 64, [of text hooks, ta hecame dude meas, PORSIONS ary akoesman are fareed AL 8, mare appertunitios would age of 6&8, The speaker went on to point! Hams, Group Ay will come hy forcing everyone 10 quit wark work (a the compulsory rotiving intraduced a second resolution workers, hoth employed and un (dealing with aducation which{emplayed" and A hetptron were wen Aerie 10 18YMER 5 longings | We finaniing of the by the Ontario Branch Canadian Cancer Society, RAKIM 18 \reatment, such Rs 1IRRspOIIA- tion for patients, GF , #e,, when formed an intere por tion of Wr, Blephen's 85, He pointed owt thet the society has an extremely low cost for Prommion and RAMSAR, | RIOR RE 16 ly EEht cepts on each Aolisr Aoneied This is made possible," sated the spepker, "solely 19) the wphelieyahie co-operstion and assistance we receive from) thousands of volunteer workers,| who as public - spirited oh ens, realize thet this wer) against cancer must he waged The generosity of people whe have been associated, throwghi some relative, wih cancer is proof that the public is now will ng tn wage this War agen | this Msease, where it should he waged search centres in conclusion, Mr. Slephen re minded the Kiwanians that their help in making # success of the cancer drive {treatment and in MANY Cases leure for the afflicied, as well as drugs for the relief of pain along with monies to further re search work, "Every volunteer worker 1s helping #8 most worthy cause, he is not only serving his community and his fellow -man he is aise serving his own fam ily and himsell," he said CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best | wishes to the following resi: dents of Oshawa and dis trict whe are celebrating their birthdays today: Cecil Clark, 804 Athol Bi. Whithy; Betty Miller, BR 1, Oshawa; John W, Pierson, 092 Chevrolet St; Michael Dawson, 156 Gibbon Bt; | Victor Faucher, 818 Eulalie | Ave, and Eleanor Taylor, 140 Rosehill Blvd 'Farm Home Destroyed By Flames WHITBY (Staff) = A vacant farm house on the farm prop: erty of Fred Fitton, on the third concession, west of Cochrane street, burned to the ground shortly after midnight, today, [ The old frame structure was (quickly consumed hy five whieh started from an unknown origin Deputy Wire Chief Warren Mowat, of the Whitby Volunteer Vire Brigade, stated, "There {was little chance of extinguish: ing the blaze, It was practically down when we got there," It was reported that the house, vacant since last fall, had fallen inte disrepair, A harn on the same property burned to the ground last year xtend | Winter Works | also received the council's. ap | praval, The second resolution dealing] with education was that edugeation up to university train:| ing he financed fram the public purse It was decided to write Hon, Kelso Roberts, Ontario Attorney: General, protesting his state: ments regarding per capita eons [tributions hy trade unionists to] {the New Party for the founding loanvention Keith Ross, ODLC secretary, sald he was not wholeheartedly In favor with writing the attr: ney-general ta protest against his statements The secretary said it should he emphasized clearly to the OF of L to make it quite clear to the pravinelal government that those in the trade union movement will decide what to do with their money CHASING FOOLISHNESS Mr, Ross said he did not feel the labor council should spend its Hime chasing this Kind of foalishness, protesting what one individual says in a statement William Rutherford, a Local 200, UAW delegate, oharged that In imposing 4 three per cent [sales tax, "Frost is putting his hands into the packets of all the 9, (therefore, in our medical and rel Lodges Is Deplored {of {urban dhe SECOND SECTION Osharon Times HANA, ONTARIO, WEDNESORY, MPRA 12, 76) PAGE SEVENTEEN VETERAN LODGE MEMBERS ARE HONORED In manihs 1ehanon IW, AF snd AM has had the honor of paying tribute to three of Hs mem Frere No "The architects Is FISIng generation 0 going 1a have lo cope with the effects of explo: Labor Council has again asked My sive urban population growth hefore they control, or even de: siroy us," said B. John Pratt, MP, meeting at Hotel Genosha Tues day Mr Que, whe is renowned for mortalizing the song, '* Get Used to 18," in radio broad: casts during the Becond World War, was the speaker at the last dinner meeting of the sea: son of the Ontario County branch of Canadian Club In his theme, "The Changing Face of Canadian Cities," the speaker, a pre-war architect deplored the opportunism of suburban and rural land de velopers in "leap - frogging" land, The net vesult is that prices of new homes are hoist ed, making it prohibitive to huy in either area "There is no doubt that even tually speculation in land, for quick and exorbitant profit, will he subject to some sort of government control in the inter ests of all citizens, who pay through the nose aver long mort: gage periods for the benefit of # few smart operators, some of whom neither farm the land nor develop it themselves," the speaker predicted With regard to urban develop ment, Mr, Pratt quoted from a report made by a committee of enquiry to the Royal Architees tural Institute of Canada: "The full potential of city planning cannot he fully ronlieod until if 15 integrated into the political and administrative structure of local government, Without this co-ordination, it is folly to speak effective town planning; renewal, and control aver the growth of aur cities." The speaker warned against "cheap, unadulterated huckster ism" in the form of "higger and uglier advertising signs, "These things destroy the appearance of public places," My, Pratt said In the speaker's home town, Dorval, legislation was recently drafted that would encourage the mare attractive types of sign and forbid the erection of that type which detracts from the aver-all appearance of the area Another improvement Mr, Prati felt would he the banishment of rool signs "It is a peculiar thing that a0 many firms pay high fees to architects to design a beautiful building and then proceed to destroy its appearance hy hope: lessly scarring its features with A monstrous-loaking sign." Pratt, mayor of Dorval, Was in agreement with Roberts in his place." A mation fram the floar to re fer the resolution back ta the PAC for further consideration was defeated. PAC member James Lee, alse a Local 302 delegate, said: "We don't want the resalution back." The fifth resolution submitted fram the PAC and approved hy the general membership was that the OF of 1 he requested to make protest cards avaliable so that each trade unionist in On "putting ime iting 1? 5 im lay partly polities [ hers who have been members of the craft for MW years, A the lodge meeting Tuesday might # Jubilee Medal was presented (0 Wiliam Boddy, right, From left are Harry F Saunders snd Wesley 1 Baller, who were similarly The Oshawa and District Labor Minister Michael Starr to address & public meeting here on unemployment Cate the wn wwii Dgyelopers' SECOND INVITATION Opportunism| Labor Council Asks | Starr To Speak Here tevin Riding," Mr, Ross replied Ross said the two ques tions arise out of Mr. Blarr's letters, and answers would { honored recently, Been with | the veteran members is Drew dacobi, master of the lodge, second from right ~Oshaws Times Phols duties as 8 war nation second in none "We feel that the crisis of unemployment and 8 deteriore © ating economy are as danger The second invitation told Mr, very helpful (o the ODLEC nl ous as war, even if it is not " tend its request to he taken as propaganda for the New Party as the issue is too important {and conditions Lon #e in addressing # dinner Starr the council does not in knowing shout the meetings you | sudden have had and the work you are! (doing Lo relieve unemployment, "We realize that 5 10 ment is not your respons alone or the complete responsi: |" Keith Ross, secretary-Areasur- bility of the government, but we! ment gre sincere when | Wociety meal nd and lr sider pr "the por ol meetings should be called as soon as pose sible if you snd your govern: on indi er of the Oshawa and District do feel that the government of (cate you sre bid to do Pos to deal with Labor Council Tuesday night |this country, and as lahor|everythin read a letter from Mr, Btarr in|minister in the cabinet, are thelthis problem, answer to an ODLC letter dated [logical ones to do something Feh, 21, in which It was sug gested that Mr, Starr "clarify many statements which have heen made hy members of his government," The labor minister pointed out he would he happy to do what he could to clarity these statements for the henefit of {ODE and suggested the council indicate in a letter to him the statements referred (0, | However, Mr, Starr said if the {purpose of the suggestion of a {public meeting is the clarifies: tion referred to, he could only |5ay that he does not agree this {would be the best way for the {labor council to achieve ifs objective STATEMENT BEEN | "It is not for me to say that your suggestion has some other |purpose, but I am perhaps en: titled to say that I have seen {your statement as reported in The Oshawa Times of Feh, 15, |"We'll see him put hack into his cleaning store instead [trying to handle labor for Dominion," Mr, Bary said | "Whatever the merits of your judgment may he about the joh which would suit me best, 1 cannot believe that such a state. ment will be of service to labor generally at this time, or cereale the kind of atmosphere in which the public meeting you suggest would further the cause of the workers of Canada," the labor minister replied "You speak of a meeting {which would he attended hy my constituents, 1 have held sueh meetings regularly with my eon stituents since appointment to my present office and hope to have many mare, 1 think you will agree that it is normal for a member of parliament to seek the advice of his friends and [supporters wha elected him to [parliament and entrusted him [with his stewardship in such matters DEDICATION REQUIRED "The problem of unemploy: {ment requires all the wisdom, {good will, good sense and dedi oation ta high purpose which any of us can bring ta hear an iT am doing my hest to dis charge my responsibilities in this spirit and will continue to dn so," Mr, Stare concluded In his veply which he also read to the meeting, Mr. Ross asked "when and where these [regular meetings with your con stituents were held, since your appointment ta your present aftiee, and whether these meet ings are private ar public meet ings." The secretary-treasurer noted {that Mr, Starr, in a letter ta Malealm Smith, president of Local 203, UAW, stated he is spending all of his time outside the {#hout unemployment and in the hest position to take action if concrete proposals could he made," the ODLL secretary: treasurer wrole IMEETINGS ASKED "The Ontario Federation of Labor," Mr, Ross continued, {and the Canadian Labor Con {gress have asked the govern ment and yourself to call meet: | Ings to discuss what ean be done {about unemployment and this [request has heen refused and turned down and opportunities that such a meeting would pro: (vide for ideas to be considered or developed to take care of {Canada's number one problem, that of unemployment, "In the early days before the (war, the government of Canada at that time solicited the sup: port of all segments of society to meet the crisis of war, and | With the ideas and answers to {problems that came of meetings {hetween many Eroups eo-opera: {tion from these groups was real: ized and Canada performed her Rutherford Asks Labor Oust Starr After hearing a letter from fon. Michael Stare, federal {minister of labor, read at the Oshawa and District Labor Council meeting Tuesday aight, William Rutherford, a UAW delegate, told the council argan feed labor has a job to do "to make sure that after the nexl [election, Mv, Stare is ex-minis: ding," Mr, Rutherford was reporting an the picket line organized (0 picket Hotel Genosha when the A Jaycee gone conference My. Rutherford said "when he was in speaking to the "Young Taries' the picketers went into the hotel lobby and started call ing for him to come out My, Rutherford said when Mp Stare came out, "he started giv ing speech No. 4 fram his file I Know it is one from his file, hut 1 don't know wha writes them far him, | heard the same thing twa years age and it am pears he is employed and not worried about the unemployed He sald we, who are employed {should not he warried about the [unemployed ton," Mr. Ruther Hard said 'One thing he did though, was arin may write his MLA deslof parliament tn stimulate and/'ake a Hist with 3 names of manding all palitical publish an annual statement, and that all election contributions be made publie, parties create new jobs. "We in the financial [labor council would fike ta know [them jobs what, in this regard, you have {dome 1a create new Jobs in On wnemployed and promised to get AL have since heen called to the National Em. {ployment Service® affice and {ter of labor fram Ontarin Ri: i labor minister was speaking to 1 "We also les] that yeu have not given & sound regson for not calling a meeting of the eonstity in Ontario Rid. ing and again Invite you to do so al your earliest convenience and under any ausplees suitable to you, or we as A labor council are prepared to arrange such 8 meeting for Jv. "This should In no way be construed ns Propaganda for the New Party as the issue Is too important and conditions too serious to play party pelitics, "We sincerely hope you will reconsider and either call # meeting of government, busi: ness and lahor as soon as pos: sihle or at least arrange 8 meet: ing in Oshawa to consider pro Pakaln on alleviating unemploy: ment, "I would appreciate hearing from you very soon as the day Is drawing closer when all ton many families will he faced with community relief hecause of unemployment benefits = run: ning out," Mr, Ross sald In fawap to the labor minister's alter, Two Stations Are Entered A break and entry was made at Wellman Motors Limited, Nonquon voad, when someone entered the garage hy break: ing a rear window and left hy the rear door, An attempted break and entry was made at Clament's Service Station, Rimene street north at William street, Police discover: od an eight hy 18 ineh window hroken, and the rear door torn [from the frame at the top, Both incidents were Feparied hy Oshawa Police Constables on patrol, shovtly after 8 a.m, in: ay, Rath MAR teboried that nothing had heen taken. promised jobs the first lime an appertunity. arises," Mr. Ruther ard said Rutherford charged the winter warks program, which he called the "Do-It-Yourself Program', 15 silly and not providing work, Ho sald the labor minister had said some 200 jobs were ereated but same of those jobs only last od one day and all the winte: work around Oshawa was fin: ished last December. The tala onst of the winter works in this area was only $37,000 and that's not much when the wages are divided up," the UAW delegate said "They may say he's a niee guy. Maybe he is--hut he still won't go any further than Mr, Digfenbaker will let him go so we've got to smoke him out, We've got a job ta do and that's tn see that Mp, Starr is ex» minister of lahor Starr fram Ons farina Riding during tha next election," Mr, Rutherford! said, !

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