37 feud Entete for Sols 77 ~Hast Rabats bor Sole (B0--hvtomeblies for Sule FL--hAidles for Sele Pp poor rer, opm Vor gone UF Lidar on I A eh Ea foes Fa Rrssiny, RE yo RE SOPE PERE oF SW et, i mia wii pant ri PE tid wt Kage wn wore bow asi. pr roi Sik, WN fyi. Teams Rh ar pond ag io po-- (a my oF Sess gir I aut ant Tim 4 nf fr so SP -- wks ito rama | nf nd ps PN ww £% ed or a rer An Eatin oa 3 ap nied TE a as rT pnd a yond GAH RTA CL a oy iim fo FAERIE ra ITY AER. ee " gy A W Wehniey » oir [Pr Sivan, fh yy a eos Add inet BE ed yy Save yd Wok oid pros ww pits Bwarw Forte JAF [iris aay br fii Foss OF Hr fk Th roid Em rs : ¥ 7 rk vents 1 fins FER [yhdwa Sol Fa; ian ferily rn uid gill at = me 5 fo poms oh. maw Th ' DRIER S Nam ped foros, (9 gavin, we A gis3e pr ud fh PEST. ad Roary PIE oo sn PTY "HE Be) SA Pasay: Wr 2F iis, Posgan ee [& ed at 108 A ww as 474 ' fa adit d va # " Gols sist Tein vd A 7] 74 i" mio are a BET WEAR JERSE pon Sr of om ie dow yang fond, mg 9 wf iow ig air v 15a hh BRET. BIR cated Wet FEE pin (IRE Geet, pakhs a 2 y ud Wad i ml EE TE SE i ih WET SWier (rans rsad E be Th is Ve io fh ree F TLINITR, | crashes ouch Eien abe. ds $e rL A Fang, oe wit Be ph I A ior VHF Ty Cy org Mond Hy 4 ss par yn soy 4 Sovaaes ok wots 34 pies WARE, IR Bait FEES hres ya sie WIAA pogy LF ero "won Dati JAA Sh oF mdr w fe SH AAR ris bil: yh for poy mow. | = OPEN | s Saturday, 7-7 pm i -- at, pe [ per bi% ir Gauge ah ud ore py fad awit y pod ok ling 4 Adley st ne | Wrnass Helio] Ved PRI WATE SALE Lard Rebs, Wome Ay EERIE Lt Va an oA 4 H tadkal iy Ror Wek, ad par Ay, Hint, Lg #4 ors 18, Yr lala ST ' I YONG EXECUTIVE PRIVATE sit 2h--AMooms for Rem wg In iA 15 met siiihe gi panies WF 18. A po put 4 ie hedrsom, lik 4 : # J osiradd py fi furt for 7 ct " Fsrik 7! 57604, Bo 1 yi sggidlp Hix wsep, whe Wie 4 looms Fas NEW - JS EIGHT ROOMS, puis Angra pied br po 204 DREW STREET OPEN HOUSE furntohed, hows ud fniiemen 4 ns ilh dot J m KEW ATTR Gi a Pk walsr PEShng WER AW, fod £1 Frrane BAIL pEH A RESALE ¢/f k yt eerie id PW Wa 0005 slier § wy ETRE ot Siam Ik yg Brwst pL yA Ry ip Jud pir gh I by a 7] RICVELES, $00.55 lomte, hosts, motors all ded yi ad Inn BRI mant , hw risheR, Bik wil (wy EERE aiReR Ba, 5 MACKO, REALTOR MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN dehy iva formiohed room wits wr ad y or 0 5 yh aay ty ind # $1200 DOWN USTOM BUILT REY BER pris [rps re A Ay pd ob, ¥ HOD eau | 80 oft 00D fe oe faatbiting - niarte 8s ug VK rain for rent pee mie Jigs Is £ He BI BRRieinen Ay LR PREFLABIICATES A or We have 6 Gd ssssrtment Hine Tete mio Fh Ba ar E ERT anaes BOL AHO 0D oan R sume as EE FHL RE Laka Bright, furnished front bed | pot ais bows live Jrihsies Eu d v youresif 1g ses this gn ld Idi pil oy § $Y 7g of oF $25 or btler Yolk SL 2d lly Call ws 10dsy BNE CSmperg-- omple free perking SCHOFIELD Inswrgnce hssociotes iad 360 KING 2 WEST DOUGLAS L TV TOWERS with gl: i 1g chonnel antenng, oi gelyven: anon bad or roo, Meher yok pu wasiind Hi isinn R REAL TOR LTD iti parr "room, YL ont prs sbion Coll Bmpne Bipsst North TRIO TELEVISION, 17) Bend &. Eset, RA B-4TRI, FOOD & FREEZER You moy hove tried the rest, nspsct of RA 85123 piv ole Lath heel ht "ihndry faeiikins, Kniede shainers. Kady preleried. Felephone BY AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW SABYAN MOTOR - SALES LTD, | STUDEBAKER, yes KOWAGEN om, nly - F681 oid ih ell Anthony Siblock, 2: storey BpRItmEnt ATTRACTIVELY - ROOMS 110 KING STREET EAST market yeh Fhe roms iid CAHAWY A t Available In private home OSHA i, ONTARIO 82 Pork Rogd North for less BOS groceries spr n with $1,000 to 1oke ducts, highest guelity meats. Lifetime warrenty the only ene guaranteed bo NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES BENZ » DKW pS IE (Andy LX Af, 2A Te Sp ® Ce oan AE gery, ft a frit it ra a SET 1 mile goon 5 Er 7 ) si oy yr hI [] id , i $F ¥ a iA pps. Yow we mow AR (4 wiiaRA. The COUT mre » FURIRARS Sie Rit tha " J ar hills Ris eof Te 1% Hon oe Mes. 1. B. Argne. Me. wd Mes. Thomas Hodge Ra rv Mr. wd Fi weirs bendey mess of Me Listy £owiins, Bow mania Mr. and Mrs. Waker Krantz, Miss Dariane: Machionsid, Ok RHR, WEIE BwRbey (68 ENens A Mr wd Mrs. B. Hobherd. Mr. and Mes. KB, 6G. Bobiw Aaa home Mist a Couple rae wih Hionds In Gar gihn Galohell spent # few Reyes with relatives in Ty i - Exe LE § § i ¥ 3 Avery Mr. snd Mrs. MachePhatl A wl way wh rind iii Mr. 4 7 dnt Tyrone, 1 wd em sig LT 3 0 WM Core Aion oe srepHEN MACKO reactor 187 KING STREET EAST OWNER LEAVING CITY Bemonstiation or 09 Sblige: 408 KING ST, WEST BUYING OR SHLLING SEE Elsctrohome Television (oe fA Ly roy rer ba ral A | the oH I in Steree Hi-Fi with exclusive SATELLITE SPEAKERS FULL YEAR WARRANTY MEAGHER'S poh & Found So al ete lense" pike ta Kad @ peovle of His Loss Can Be Your Gain REDUCED TO $12,700 Low down peyment on this NHA ¢ this attractive 5-room SELLING QUICK TED CAMPIN interest and 1cxes I Ihis two storey brick Hust Eest of Wilson Read | _RA 3-4494 Res RA 6 '59 VOLKSWAGEN 0 school in well-developed neight HARRY MILLEN iad ve AR AA of hy FINE FURNITURE For Dependable Friendly SCHOFIELD fir Associates MAIN FLOOR BROA 360 KING ST WES ) LARE PARKINGAREA WiLL: ACCEPT TERME nity ie Eomelee am Grou il cc £ RA 8-5305 30--Automobiles Wented LAKESHORE Auls cars for wrecking Highest prices paid KA vila. i SHAWA SHOPPING SOAP FREE Complete supply of scep free, WHITBY CLASSIFIED SPOT CASH powder, flakes, for your whele Open 9 am. ta 9 pm Simply order ene of Ne down payment, $2 8 00 fil price DODD MOTOR "SALES stration, RA 8. 8.3698 AUTOMATIC COIN LAUNDRY, Pick-up and Delivery Service 80 CARS 'WANTED TED CAMPIN MOTORS _ RA 34454 Ras. RA ™ oid val SAVE MONEY TAM 8 PM TENDERS (distinctly marked ived by Whe une om whem - odd ion particule) obtained until Apri installing of Mepls Grove ond Courtice West Scheels in the Sauth Darling: ton School Ares ¢ MeDon. nell and Miller Na. 63 LWEO tenders) he for we alhting risen retum man or bcd ler doing In geecrdrance with he recemmendet ong of the the cut-off level heat the top of the electrical switch to be commcied inte the supply wining 1s the oil: gle to overhaul re: tn pump at Meple Grove M. J. HOBBS Enniskillen CO 3.2608 fun on y Be Congratulations to John cnacotl and the former Vive ¥, whe fhe "dy Trinity rican , Alax on A To LL | om Fon Elleen snd Anpe Guthrie a leriained a Agi of young ie ply 0 om Tuentnr AA a wee vil Ant. he : orn. n wel i isiied w ih We nde Aig line 1 f 3 FF relatiy Cherrywood last " » Mr, and Mrs Dg X inden niger ne fom fall nd Mrs, Gull Ly pA BL if loria Dugan re turned home with her it after spending the week at the Guthrie home ynathy is extended to Mr 11} C Jorsnoe er in the Mrs 's RL . Mr C out of Newcastle torah Is extended (0 the family of the late Mr. Herb {Monney of Flickering i |Manney was well known In he Brougham and Whithy ines were called 19 a re on Sunday moming on the property of My, lalze when 0 ovr 1] Joread 1a the holdings on ad joining properties, north of the 'MERRY MENAGERIE $ALL CASHS Fae feen can i] deal wor N cos MaToR SALES Purified water for drinking wie. $5.00 per 1000 golions. Schr water for loundey use. $5 00 per 1000 gal. Deliver BOATS & RISTOW & OLSEN * REALTORS WOODED LOT, STREAM A GOOD HO ME HOUSTON'S GARAGE end ie ecias STATION LARSON--Fibry Gig WEY MOUTH---Cryisery THOR NES--Alyminum MASON apestrang PETERBOROUGH --Maw dell GENERAL iad ECONOMY ALL 32--Anticles tor Sale SAVE -- Bs a Sell obi, Spay sae wae. whis Shia, $a 0 ag EVINRUDE MOTORS Nhung for Se GATORS TRAILERS ORAL Duka wa Tae WAPLE wre, B Wigs al MW New wes aden Beasiia Marine Storage & Supply i ER wevlaag saosin: sumlil No FEE ow we 54 Seat 5 Ye Gel aw eli Wa a4 19 ATHOL STREET bons: ~ MW $2080 "Ob, oh! Bas sneaked te the Anglerw Club agaial®