TB TR SOA 4 Vind, Vorstey, ho 18, 1999 (BR-- Adler Sov Sole (B2--Anicies for Soto iy led A Yd La uss (8 Today's Steck Market Listi T to E Or aE . - PE i % liitlsssialsico gr sd ly 8 on Toronto Exc or rm a wy w pe "oat res, Powe Werte We om , » a cll a brew Wight low p00. AW go aad Ener Mg lor pw We how oor. Oh ar pity rid fad dant uid A or ow Wee WH Pw ow wo oF dg A p---- pero 7 ah fw po Py ar rar sof vor 2 pee ny RE. 4 A WITTE, we Yor Pane HE We 9 Tie TH Tho Law pod Ls phd Age 7r sa ; " off ---- en Ja % ¥ at, . a " Gere 4 7 VRETEH Fewer | A - es a an oe SA ine INGE Low pm LW go y wy » wy ta A Fe sl , i ". # £ ar rAd Ada Ag low Ag lam w Avge ) 3 3 3 3 ! 5 53 4% FR FH: hd} 9 t $ SSE EER "i FEF A SN £38 A ET ¥ Sly, 8 | PRE i ¥ ¥ EIR 14 ® a NS » Hd > i 33 a 3 FES X 3 *e "3 ing w don SE i Ta Lidl. - " row. Y dad hod ond iggy i ng el ree feos Tom 9 Ta aE lng pidisdn 7 pr TE shen ry del tery or i 7 Ay yd 5 ow Pps FWTER rors [yf # ra. pr Wo io ing Pst fl w HIRES I ri Aig 9 Ades frais Finke : FREE uvrine wie (egress oH rl id Farin wr Ho w i Mon, 9% pris ad A wa ob al cid d 1A wa Biwi sis Bas vs uf og Corel Al Tih wa Pd dir FB fed Gr FINE sand, 58, iw Fond Mey 9 Ed Hvme Foot me, ean "RFA Ne Ee, sy ph Sow. BER, HE, STE a Teepe }7 5, Wie mm aiatinr WA $e Brava aienh, WA dmgtissgats py oe persons inks. a8 re, ook he atalino y tt tind i hy pa pri rai yy Sli Tedder, Roving fed maiimons 10 Te ne Rainy OR CE WOE 610 RB gE ie Retin ROR, PPh Kd ris dll Bs ys ann a ear 4 Fiane fem PER WA § BRAT RETRO. PW Gia lis wes ARVATE pasts [remone Aries pene won Pivmitore, G5 ERweh sw rmm erie aw Ian ary pervies, Bog fm 4 Prices a6 uivins: Tope 1. TV. TOWERS i# BRE Shere. Ronis mh Wak! A ' > # va . ; prev ' pesky bn 1 [5 Bewiel Blam Aug / A " dd 14 A y ' ; YA wy 7 J = oy FRI, (ntrring, gai 70d aon £55 ld A & 5 pb ' 3 y we ne rae 4 konami M % 3 A oH w = . i Harkmasn Westie. # Aoipores Premier ae fray (ows of y y # : Pabst '41 oS » WB omiink, Wh AGA. wtrctive wih oH pot! w We Bh ewe. The igie Wo PEMRRE gine wet bind ST. craneet artsnns, oh gakien FAELTRM. dao, Palm svie, memmp [77 srtand I omer Homiion ¢ rmping wo w Sabin H # Evi Lukgrmwm Foard fame br VE Roms poioner, ni ner Fwe, Elon nite, Rovk And chsh, fekepesd TRIG TELEY ISOM, 17) Bend pe gv Frise, ws Zs fwisy mami Wawa [awe FLamatss, 4 oles ant. BERS Apts St Ecst, iA BSTHI F nasnain ipannni 4 4 deals oa liadad mont yf rove] Gow woes ovr porns. Waid Boioned | 4 REEDS IITIONER fevslink [adie wk gor 7 oss! Lars Lia etm. a1 Gente Sulen wiier wad Bet PRRES Eiectrohome Televivion fw a ll ed rtd oe IR pan. Was Ieneners Seren Hi-Fi wth susie (A ccs dcand ad SATIRE Finesse seotngs Les A Bins cmnsber. wey (BH SATELLITE SPEAKERS pid Ais Joo Bf 7 FULL YEAR WARRAMTY Pls = on of perms GERROW FUNERAL | arierer i i WA Het CHAPEL : 1 aldol MEAGHERS Re In ; AFFICE desis, BIA we. Cath regipiars,. 8B King 9. W. FA §- 1 wow aw ow ae « » ' LL ww wily iy ® 0 ® ll % 3 ¥3 1 9 el IW as AS A 3 > > =", EE I EF FERS HEE FE AEE £8 BR § & 3 +3 > EE EES 3 3 ards deial a | LUE BS RS syed R FR Eh ited par lgpenag del LL Fe ». $v 4 is » FR oe . x pe V8 Beda is TRV IRI RE Aad & J ae sete NER LER A aly id veybadade TRIN BEIT ENE SRR a 25.343 TEL 233 TRAIN ¥ X © * % + 3 it | aN SH TRE TE FR », 3 REX FFE ¥ ie FE ld for bm » b pars pws "vy Forade we Is Uo rkenn id ey i Fel ¥ N ? THN ad SEE alan laren emB Beata ded Bs 5 ¥ 4 wher . 3 'Sly prior fo ¥, a Farrow |, wiry 8 Wekgar ad 4 SWE Fog eed | Regs Linihay of Barge Wasori of 1 Hive Rabo) . is 3 RE Li a had tas aa TH m 8 * % ~ = hE TE 0 LEN Spandau ad end nw $e rad ow » AA Levieters atte oN PIR® » i" » La ner, - on 2 ad wi IH rs, I wy Bo Bgeidst 8]. -- w Einaness beyond price #" : 4 y 7 x / : ' Fp 00 ' ed y 6 type riers. Dew warn yet within reech of gif ' . tH " oe Ew id = Siu 0 4 ' : i or of Honmion, (Comtimied tm Page 9) -- ar, ee ---- > 94 RA 84220 } 30---Awomobiles Weonted 32--Anicles for Sole ewe gree ver | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING coecwerr se, sacs soso cor spoon prs ie me oi i rrr fo FRE hy Highen griree vil 4 (4 SRA reity's Eped Find LOCKE'S FLORIST (Continued from Page 11) RA Fils) = Grd Wane Bh 89001, 144 Bmane Bowih Fumersl sriev od P, r REFRIGERATOR Mallsry, thie Hors resyhrements tor of 29--Automobiles for Sele 29--Automobilies for Sele 5901 CA JH reeves od omit the low rg PH Fust ESHONG 5 EREVRILER bs (00 18 530d sonst: 8 RONTIAG |awsention sedis, oi PAID FOR FOR ore peetionsl Iorwiase OSHAWA SHOPPING 4 Teidwbone 10), bab. Wer, Matton, swiomatis, wikewstis,! Good clesn kere Trade 0 185s oy with sew, metiiess aed bos 3 Mike's Bogian, font WOVE MEsnIng. radia, hepler. low mie OF pow WIRE, WIREET Basher, 1a ner CEMTRE gig i egg bes. 136 19 Boils Avene, RA 5409) 0. gon, | ens p satin. WA Rani, Apt 5 G8 Men gro y maar R & rh ATER; 4 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 41 4 Tory clove, Vm Tee #6 PONTIAC fens conch Sark Wes DODD MOTOR SALES av eh, Wisi RA 8 6650 [4 Kaneilapt com iy 7H Wi Tweiione WA 314 PARK RD. § 7) variate sstinghives, 18s ge ve 388 SRI or 118 wiop 8. ier § po y 5, BIBS; Dashing machine, Bw } " to Ro "bredonr, iA 3942 " # i battery lactic OSHAWA ie 5 EI i I mr ne ratio "ans wind og KE La 0 vec Hepner REFUNDING OF . P 7 oe 7, 5G CARS i od MONUMENT COMPANY |s oI 0 Re | Fg iA vs rr bent oles, Toke ol CA NANTED CLEARANCE wile will continues LE STEEN RE a SE ny Ons toe prices 38 septs snd Bl Mt SPECIAMIZING IM " Bring y. Mew Car? the Circus Sore, Wing Masel West TIA matt a ty CS TEE 10% 1g Vi EN GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS Memarigls, Corngrstonss, wih el [38 hae 1 i on i? 0 Bod blaves Wom Ie 10 ERED Ares pnd polis, vise 14 10 18 Stottory of gil types Tact mechanically, mislanding cr. BLY ING # Earr Deed money? Cor Beale ond Ao #9 mem Sent fori A RR. 4 KING 87, F Ales WH & i464 lowest roses," Ian service." bo TED CAMPIN MOTORS | #iethone srters piesse 4 pry Cali Fhe i Bimens Bist Sol) Jb 'IN J ® Ix i | 1 Pr. RA B31) or a bA876 a Tn oped Phase A ( RA B.dd4. Res. RA BiB EYELE Wath 8 connate Lud] Fo refund $300,000,000 of Government of Canada 37, Bonds due May 1, 1961 ie pr ONTIAL Aelvas, radio, healer, sis " ¢ DIREnomE hardiop, Wieck with 4 £6: KA y-av/é opt, whilewalls. bickstand. MA have been made to place $100,000,000 directly with Bank of Canada and to 'offer $200 | Moke ofler. £0 198 BAGH IC LE BRIM 50. M3 Frederick, Whithy id IN MEMORIAM ia FORD prion 1nd Si, Yedla od wheel Urns, Wh (vo HOUSTON'S GARAGE other investors, of the following maturities; rr Bes, C07 0 PONTIAG sedan, radio, Restor, win CER ' i RE (po conan, dons Coin. rine den' mpaho, Moths eh: ind won| 09 SERVICE STATION SOAP FREE ~ 1 YEAR 3% NON-CALLABLE BONDS DUE MAY 1, 1062 dapheth Alexander, whe op, | eleph ' 4a / ws CO > . ' ol 1g, 1408 ois FOWTIAL Sodas dgioory. Wariact WOTOR cycle "86 Trigmok wis PLETE BRAKE SERVICH Complete sippy of soap fee ISSUE PRICE: 99.269, MOT al wise hes, rung) asd by Nonst | condition, ITelaphone BA $6523 MOTOR TUNE . UP ANE for thies Ill wars. Bors ot lot whet lo Why) or delbvery exclinively, Kh 100% Oni ton on eames IO Tm io willing Bini : YIELDING ABOUT 3,77% TO MATURITY fone 8! aves bm | ond powder Blue with mplcing Imerie 67 KING 61 WwW & 5dy missed by her a Worn radio, with twin phere, snl anal 4 fA ' "76 2 famil Simply order one of and philewalle, slean invids meshan ' J 4 ici N A eri ya ee ovr mon olficlont water «3 YEAR 4% NON-CALLABLE BONDS DUE MAY 1, 1964 JARVIS in loving memory of ovr MAREE ally dear daughter and sibier. Lien, wha po 32-~Articles for So Niener, No down payment hood / 3 INTERNATIONAL halidan rick $215 00 fu stalled ISSUE PRICE: 98.26% 7) way April 13, 100 fy ' i» RE Memory 16 4 Ress Lodyy ! LiTont box, Wood condition, $89, MO BAVE -- Buy in bulk Its, Ls ping paper 8 ddiad da 10 he hast She pensed yo iy LH Ww + All adl Teller alae, while newsprint, 4s. pha. In your home, For demon: | YIELDING ABOUT 4.63% TO MATURITY AB by Wey int | ¥ fd BUICK sedan, cydlam i heat na 08h A Weevitton Pe sation, RA B.3698 good Uren, tue prow 4 . i In loving meme Hoh PIRRIRE £87. THIRPhORS Wi BN MAPLE syrup, 33 miles north of Now Interest payable November | and May | 0f " od other, ales § p.m cashie, Highway 35, fm 0 Denominations: $1,000, §5,000, §25 000, $100,000, §1,000,000, i 1% opie 4 of viv gt) 7 WHO ELSE WANTS ALIATATE Aula Tnsurgnce. Bave ue or ie A ® Men - AUTOMA | Ic f t ' A » dens or aid grapdlather, 10 Uh per sent. Bix months to pay. FO COIN LAUNDRY Fane (fio! 9 passed Sway March A NEW CAR! personal servis ab your hams Ell | ELYWAOR host snd tratier host a . WE. tamer. woh: sear ; HA busin when! velevhmne ma sant (ILE Fickewp and Delivery Service | The $100,000,000 to be placed directly with Bank of Canada will be in exchange for 3% 7) | RACRIFOR owner rphalarred, ges): (niormaiion 786. Washed and dived Bonds due May 1, 1961 and will he divided equally between the new maturities, The remaining While you, esr parents, rest and BUY IT AUN BITH 4 Wack with white w ele Good price 10F WINE snd elder narrels, solid nek, si RA 5-1053 $200,000,000 will be offered to other investors for cash, d esp #edly missed by doughier Pearl, pop | LOWEONT LIVEINSURED cash, BA BH leew. (ishawe Hardware and Blsc 7 AM 9 PM : # 4 Ea inlaw Warvey obi randehiidren Lynda! " EE Roy Bei wutomatie ei : Chisel, WA 7024 Both new maturities will be dated May 1, 1961 and will bear interest from that date, Principal Anak. Wot be wy i (ermine while) four daar, falls" squbpoed,| WIEYOURS, $3000 tents, Wants. motors and interest are payable in lawful money of Canada, Principal is payable at an Ageney of Bank ao Wilhoge Alehie Meliss: 'who o8 by | f food 10 CHEVROLET Bei Air sedan, puto lige lore, 6 Mond sireet Worl. HA WATER of Canada, Interest is payable at any branch in Canada of any chariered bank without Charge 4 Ld Li URL ir Tr y 9 male, pbing, ons owner, rash ele . 00 doprly loved over' bn goveonien. | pane' TEA b 1807 WER 90d Sorings, Toiding ay Wed and ported worer for drinking | ands may he fegiiated " V0 rineipal or ey to principal and interest I ehnitive bonds wi ] be AV ly Temembere by wils a ) | ) | PONTIAC, faurdoor. ally sautpp mallee, ih ineide dors § [a o ; g | #vallable on or about May 1 and thereafter In two forms rer form with coupons atlae f "vf (ed Tn god" condition, $403. "Telephone pu SL ir foaties : ba | yee. 85,00 per 1000 gallans (this form may be registered as to principal) and fully registered form with interest payable hy lon ier asin | wer : JHA A RSI Tei OME ES Yicter, Admiral, | Soft water for laundry uw, cheque, Bonds of hoth forms will be in the same denominations and fully interchangeable as to who phased awey Api | oh beige and rane washers, exeelient| [ERO trade tn wllowances of Farkway| $8.00 per 1000 gol, Deliver denomination and /er form without eharge (subject to Government transfer requirements where Rs Haat at mR wad [randiuion, Telephone MO bbi3 Cater TV an iepies weet Nori | og onywhere, RA 8-477) applicable), BR A AE a PORTABLE 17 TV: new pleturs Just the love and sweet devoiion | THE BANK OF [in Phone BA B84 aIeF oo Used General Electric REFRIGERATOR No. 5709 The new 47 Bonds are an addition to the §250,000,000 of 47; Bends due May 1, 1964 presently RatvinEy Femamberei a' wi | NOVA SCOTIA ih FOND alripne sulomptic, Ares Price $69.95 outstanding. i, Borsen, Teonsrd and grandenl tional Tights, custam radia, Immasilate ne | ¥ ane R GER y 0 6 > 26 aren | h pandition thioughout, Telephone 8-4783 o A hd Firagione £ a A TOR No. 3774, # ice $139.98 The new issues are authorized under authority of an Act of the Parliament of Canada and both ) iC G § Nes 5 bh, § Fe eh t y i principal and interest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada MUBFHY In laying memory of DUMP trupk 6 Ford. Will sell or Abert LL Marph who passed Away | trade, Telephone RA 53006 alter 4 p.m Price $20 and up April ab albu nh kat ost uve { ¥ 5 3 Is iy Noth es, March 81, 10% SPRING SALE CAR INSURANCE ne. Used Phillips 17 SET, No, 8767, Price $49.00 Subsoriptions, subject te allotment, may be made te Bank of Canadas, Ottaws, AL'S Tighe of wast Beings ence, One Used Motorola Consale 21" T,V. SET, with ! through any Investment dealer eligible to act 8 primary Istributer or through ist # ken a and an Careful drivers are prefered new picture tube, |-vear waranty Price $134.95 any bank in Canada, pd : haasinéh oy Jy AIAN aaa DEPEN DABLE drivers and enjoy @ saving of | Thies Used POWER MOWERS Price $25.00 each ough ot hos ' i $10, $15 or $25 or beter One Used Moaver VACUUM CLEANER Price $8.00 The books of the lean will close at 5,00 p.m, Eastern Standard Time April 13, 1964, ih do they Know the suiro Io within our hearin connie, | | than 20% on their gar In 0 b "A | wih Ma RORY le | surance, Half-vear payments One Demanstratar 17" Phila BRIEF CASE T.V, Price $179.98 An official prospectus may be obtained from any Agency of Bank of Canada. ani Warglad | | Call us today and compares One New 17" Hallicratrer TV, SET Price $119.95 MUBBALL = 0 loving pwiniry of »| ample free parking ¢ b) grt Sabet on IAL SCHOFIFID BUDGET TERMS--PARKING NO PROBLEM OvTAWA, APRIL 12, 196] Torieht ad oat the ond of | suranee Ass id Wr WM I! IWIN SOEIG ag A A RS 360 KING ST. WES FIRESTONE STORE ik] wi hig i beast and hind | RA 3.2268 190 KING ST. EAST, 05 HAWA Bato BEsUERUL meiery he Breil rr Lav igh mmmembeisd hy wih will] frie MO BR SABIAN MOTOR i Want to know about GAS HEATING? Thou be bathed Ie REIes fue eg > . Lovingly Temembersd hy wile ang DODGE 2-doar Sedan oily 22,000 engine! mile STUGERAKER vik IWAGEMN CHM Ve RTT gleamin beige and | ALES and SERVICE gop! Wither and arene: Mons | bi $1880 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH ) il, whe PARR Awe Apis 4 OSHAWA ONTARIO » Bul Whe words, hey sin but few, | JORG Maytai ker | Tel RAndelph 3 3481 1's the golden memoir of yeu sdan, quiematic ane bis Biting pin al ney, nar iie NAGY MOTOR AL ES Ask the man wha's enjoying the quiet, earefres comfort of completely automatic gas heating, He'll tell Ah BYRAINE AUR eX M61 | $1450 ae wie aever orcas '™ | you there's nothing like it for real luxury==and for real economy toe. Ask your neighbour=-and then fhe puss who wt ist | inp ouosMOBILE Super #0 [MERCEDES « BENZ « DKW : 4 i. 41 ing, Vins the white of he way 4 doar Hardtop, full pew Sales and servies. Shewreom | shah Sale, & heart ul gold, open until ® am. ot | 4 | feu Sand dun ify we vi td bd | SO Spe | CONVERT YOUR REPLACE WITH A " i boa a Rip BRA "| BUICK Special 2-door RA 3.7132 PRESENT NA | RELA LEE | | FURNAC NEW FURNACE sage J BUYING OR SELLING SEE Replace your warn out burner with 1f & new furnace is 1eauited instal A mendes a oO ut ta " Wi a Ener. Wiaw Wie PLYMOUTH 4 dog \ an inex nsive. Te of 8 |] automate, one owner TED CAMPIN ; 8 MGRRENAILS, SsYeiginta modern, low-cost gas flirnace, 4 Lh He, Bg aed | sanemy af ih best '8 MOTORS oe Whe Passed ana April 18, | $750 \ \ , : © #07 KING §1 OSHAWA . " a o we in PLYMOUTH 4.doer Se | East of Wilson Road! | install modern gas heating right away, ust dan, completely reson thihongd This week's RA 34494 Res RA 5.5874 RENY MONTHLY a by i A WEEK et by "wa tor only your ' ayment w= anly on your | MANY MORE TO | WILLIS wd er srs CHOOSE FROM wn QTORS For Complete Information Call PRVETNIREE MOMAHON & | Yo dpm | onsumers' as a ELMS (LTD.) RA 5.033) . hy Wa hove a good aneriment Pa L916 BROCK N. WHiTRY of Used Con | 48 JIMCOER SOUTH RA 3.3440