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The Oshawa Times, 13 Apr 1961, p. 7

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| Students Present Program - | BEEN ] bei ith bbhd PERI ET At Maxwell Heights H-5 i | | A fiwee - got play, eatitied jose Gage, Trl Fart pak The Frasidens nape' w & & Benda Ropine. ¥dlowng he the Wage of the rogram pay, Wes, Derk Barnet (ed in for the Mark messing Hf War. a Mecnsson. Kes. Freer Wont well Heigts Home and Schon. joy hawveh Wes, William Snes 1 Aainiation. The Cast was coi whe freciel fhe piey wd Wes 1 bo Aiswineite, Women's Editor at RA $08 seh oF severRs Bakeries of the fiche ak Rex Brownies ------------m a ee SHOE BOE SE HF RET ON CONITIES (ETRER WEEE Fir i 5 Th a port | minded 16 Wave REE rEpowss THE GEHAWA TIMES, Tiwrdey, # is, 96 deg ne (Seng WaTE . 9 Baw fd v ApA W Tor ens Yoweth, Eommie Dele ready for the snes Mesos Cart Wales, Joan BO, Linde jn Way wich wilk #en he # PERSONALS Haphine, Joan Ogle aR Wee Aessert (64 Fred Labelle, Wes. Prrey A committee comsishing oF " Hayes. Wow. Ciftord Bovine, Mix. Chins Bopcne, We bang Those few Chana ye. The loys, with hey Seger Hes. John Sage, Wow fms Sob Sheherd and Wes Foy ah attended the Tnahesn Wlendent, wienden service #6 Bowling, Wes Saniey Oiin anh Beaks wae fovmeh 18 fave poem by the Ontario onsen s the Sweivation Army adel. Wichaes Hurst Hane for the gradation bas: Merl fashialion #8 TRE Fo¥H id a. Between the pets, 5&7 er 7) OER Jn York Wout, Topmis, 10687, Ihe gv ry yh, Rinawies wtenained with songs Boom prize was won Wy Wes were Mes. Evereit Warne, Wis, (R698 dl Wi be © Wood reritations. wader the Ah Mice SROKYS 190 Fred Moker os Mervin ds lly Hise of avert restion of Ws. Rodasy Bishop, Refreshments were served by : ; 8 GRACIELA de 1170) 5, Mes 6. 1B. Wirless and Mrs rvs # Bseh WH row mies tang pert were Jane the mokers of fhe pogis in MISE EDEL JARI UES, GRACIELA E. Winkson Senator § oR i awa Genergl Boophial snd I$ 1&0 Hill, Ame Bishop, Sarah lrade § J. Conneily, premdent of He Guperating # he howe of her a. - . ukiini ' Vi » 8 National [eras Federation of son, We. Denwic Mert, (ilkone isitor LanaRa was The est FPEREer. siyeel i Tess, Wirthday pasties, wed The Ladies Awwiiary Rope ow from! } BURNS 0 ence MIRE RAMIETIANES, EERE M8 Canadian Legion, RBiench # 4 "URES Of ENESS BRE TONE PUT Leid is monthly Wight of carte Wiss Edel Jat of Monten {extensive YWEA work anil Wes Rolaay pan ® FARTS oF WW on Weesday, Api Bh, Alb prafits den. Urnanay, nd Mrs. (ra served on the YWCA cilia terest TR TING CONHRE FUE, 29 10 the Work of Comions im dela Sander Alyarer Ae lum of aol As » CERUERIIER PIRCIRIR (lephone oF Ae % p ' ' A wr Hem of sick and Beefy VEISTERG ARG Santicay, Chie, Wilk Be REERG CW nw Chie We FLIER Wis Jor ¥ Ym Amations 16 wrt Fh we the YWEA Conference f men there v 1 iA §7 a {. KER 4 Adelaide Hones on Saturday Europe wna in AWENCR #0 gx, Telephone BA 34474 wo kg Wiig a mou dong with Yrs. Eldie Dieson, #Hen i" A wera cx BE Tuner owenehPlems, Mes, Groves Bone, Hrs prog 44 Very? Marsa y a of a aie dome ' er home on (HeRmanor 4I9E Eduard Ronckiey Mrs. Esse Ay 'y nt / RERIEFY 10 [he A : dy ars Jom Mrs Milton Oster, Mis aan YWEA study project in bie CRIGIER als in pe Jw J of eid to pid ds John Hodgson, Mr. Comme United States dass hrs, 4 s spent th tor & I i" aol) adhe d He wt ia he Keppel, Mrs. A. FP. Cran, Mrs 4 p wihis Li [As 1OWRIGS FRINIIRETE TO VU Korman Tah. Cribbage pre Miss Edel Jabif is # teacher (50 monihg #t Ih W, nated tn the Oshaws GERETR / hn. in hegith sducation we Bullalo mm 7 wudy price Hoe s . hostesses With WHIREFE were Mrs RIES YWEA of Monteyiden, Phe ha hese South Amencan vis url we were Mrs, W, D, Pith, Mr. Arther Hatch Mrs wien worked extensively with ors, | her with two CanaMian worn Yrs, J. FE. Houghton Fionet "Freherns Mis, Mabel Word Whate, Mele Mr Lionel Freherme, Mr, Robert Wiliams, Mrs, Bor the YWCA snd spends | speakers, Mrs. Boyne Sod her time on vole esr | sin- Brith, president of the YWEA therapy work in the hospitals of of Canada, and Miss Ia The Oshawa Rotary Cb Was man MeEvyers, Special priaes Monteviden. For the pe twa Every, national personnel Sec: host on Bi at a luncheon # were awarded to Mrs. Alex months she has heen » retary, will add special wlerest Hotel Gens to 50 boys Irom Brent Mrs, Gordon Sloan and YWCA in Wilmingion ela 10 the conference. AR kECEIER the aiming School, Bowman: Mrs. John Fisher, The convener WREK program has heen planned ane for the evening was Mrs. Her Mrs, de lun, whe is president the conference 18 open 15 ah 8 bert Bathe and the convener (oF of the Bantiagn YWCA, has done! YWCA members and friends Albert freet refreshments was Mrs. C, E Vermeoen Mary Street H&S Hears Talk Mission Circle | wn san or Jo pre Annual Banquet be held next week In Me » ' e On History Of Public Health | mn. ws mons ona bsi tl mic ue bus wo oer arn (7 oh t of the Albert OCF at forever by shoring » Blashind Mi Harold B. Armstrong Leonard Hurren, Mrs. Bryce Street Mission e under the THEY Pouring tea will be Her 3 Avil loge wd 350 presided at the April meeting Brown and Mrs, Bruce Sonleyiieadership of Mrs. Waller Tip- Y OFSiip . Mayer Christine Thor's Wiest y of Mary Street Home pndiihe Gelegals from Mary Street! pet as held he recreation Thomas, Mrs, Charles Robson School Association on Monday |at the Tecent Home and School Chur Ars, Walter Famme and Mrs evening. April 1h, with Miss|Convention at the Royal York! miss Eileen og i. dohn Boddy, Toronto. Receiving INSUR FREE Verne ledgett assisting af the Ho gave convention reports. dent presided. 6 will be Mrs, 0, D, Friend and plano for the opening Particular mention was made oe the Reverend and Mrs Mrs. Douglas Barnes The secretary, Mrs. Bruce of the life membership presen g © |. Atkinson, Mrs. RB. A Sonley, and treasurer, Mrs, Wil-tation to Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, | gombay, M Ruth Bombay (red Hamley, gave their resp past president of the Oshawa and Miss C. 1. Howey tive reports. Mrs, W. F. Saun- and District Home and School Miss Bonnie Crouter propos ders, corresponding secretary, Council ed a toast to Her Majesty the read two letters of thanks from Mi A William Richardson and queen. Miss Suan Powell pro hospitalized members Mrs. Michael Kadoski will eon nosed a toast to the Church to Room atiendance banners Vene the annual spring Wm guioh Mr. Atkinson responded were awarded to Miss Ferne| mage sale al Bimeoe Hall on yise carol Stallibrass proposed Ledgeit's room in the junior di- May 16 a toast to the mothers to which| tel vision and to Mr, Gerald Har The special jerseys for fieldipyrg, Erie Jackin responded 2 ¥'s room in the senior divi-/day have heen ordered by the!" poilowing the dinner Miss! ¥ p27 Boy as litle o8 " 06 And the spec ie Fi Torhman led in the de' ps if i oi 4 ig . ' , ey ? : 10% Bown snp, oH | ourkevi vise, 4 RTT Fn hy ly " A the program, introduced Carol pn . use arper and (occon Miss Helen Laxton and Weir, & talented young pianist ™ mo) os Miss Doris Corbman sang # od i . i from Grade 6, Carol, daughter Gregory Learns to Read"| quer whe story "Darkness Tum: ' he peir the poise Weir WH be the Children's reading tA . 8 200.00 112.80 of Mr, and Mrs, John Weir program. at the May meet ed Into Day' was read by Miss ? 2 30.00 down 1038 down playing with her sister, Joan Ader the chat of He ME Louise Walters followed hy a ; ; ; 4 $8.75 wenkly $5.00 weskly $2.78 weskly won # first in the Peterborough gy Newell manship of Mrs. goin hy Miss Helen Laxton : ently 5 . BE 4 % 5 3 ig yA i i y Refreshments were served hy Rg n R, A Rembay f fave 2} 1 7 | 4 @ : Hyde id the mothers of pupils in Miss! m their recen wo-year| & the Toronto Kiwanis Festival lpr ooo) Purdy' ' } Simissionary stay in Nairobi In | z 2 : Her selections were "'Rondo"| Foo fo Mothy ly FT Wid With Kenya and Miss Ruth Bomhay i 4 . . g by Kuhlau. and "Dancingip rH R v M. | showed a film taken during their Cn Bears' and "Dresden China| cf ARG M ha Andrew! say in Africa depicting the out smell the rich fragrance and enjoy the lavish performance in June by Tansman, | al_eonveners,| door meetings in which the Rey:|" | and all summer long. Decorate around your home plant a variety of Figures {Mrs., Lloyd Roraheck : ; . . nanhnl A0y eek and Mrs.| ore i ate | Mrs M, A Ker, public hemth N. R. Dunk ty SAY 3 ied) CHAIRMAN CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD 1 FOSES they're so easy to grow. We have a magnificent irtment of e for th y ) | Aes $ 4 Ars Work in Africa Mrs. C. M. Elliott is chair: | . waxed rose bushes to choose from. All have three or more shoots which guest speaker. Her topic was ( . : ' | Public' Health Hs, Wistory| HANGING ROLE | man of the committee which | produce a strong and healthy bush of exquisite roses. The roots are ' LONDON, Ont. (CP f and how it has grown" ) The Miss Margaret Neshitt, district] 18 planning the conference al 32 KING ST WEST RA 3.7022 3 5 \ y " b i AY, ----, Victorian Order of Nurses hasldirector. od the anwar meet the YWCA on Saturday and . wrapped in moss Label attached showing colored picture of roses with intangible thing which we took ited emphasis from its initial|ing here, It now makes general| will receive the South Ameri NO EXTRA CHARGES OF ANY KIND planting instructions for granted from day to day Heanerh with Droviding nursingthealth education available] ean visitors We did not reazize how mich f oF mothers and babies, through home visits «Oshawa Times Photo it meant until we lost it." Pub i re ; TEA ROSES WHITE VARIETIES le Health, evolved from the tireless research and work of people long since dead n Mrs ' RED VARIETIES Jules Bouche, white w/primrose; Zo a08 y uh fer et on ht, Crimion Glory, erimson wi shadings, {White Swan, pure whive; No. 2 fy Earl Herbst, carmine red; Opera, scar: Virgo, white Era an era of superstition and fear vhere the tribal medicine man let w/yellow; Ena Harkness, erimsen tried to combat evil Spirits K J rip carlet; Margaret MeGredy, erange From the Hebrews came their scarlet; Vv, g health ol which was passed scarlet; Margaret Hart, red w/car- TWO-TONE VARIETI 3 down from Moses; while the 8 CT C | 4 stary of the health habits of the mine; lexas Centennial, 59 Peace, lemon w/pink; Talisman, geld: brick red en w Copper, Pres, Herbert Hoover, Ancient ah Hie of he On LIMITED OFFER orange; Printemps, red w / yellow; ad and their worship of hea " thy bodies. Fram this age came TO EVERY CUSTOMER Have your suite covered later if you wish but erder YELLOW VARIETIES ne Si oe Caress 59' the father of medicine Hippo i erates. Ancient Rome made the A 5-Piece Cooey Metal aw and be stared of fivst great contribution to pub: BA m i M " ) d Ho health with its ingenious sys A Handso e 5-Piece etal Bleed Cin hui Jelgw bys CLIMBING ROSES tem of hringing water from ET - HDGE SEY yellow; MeGredy's Sunset, yellow w/ . scarlet; Folies Bergere, 59° ok ; : sy: clear vellew Paul's Scarlet, vivid scarlet; Virginia outlying districts hy the aque: duets , be hots mage he op | By Covey aay R. Coxe, dark scarlev; Crimson Ramb- Ages disease vavaged the popu : od tar AA en 0 Jostens whe Su. | f a OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30th, 1961 sunflower yellow; New Dawn f and Jewish doctors who Cf For a limited time only, OSHAWA UPHOLSTERING CO. are PINK VARIETIES blush pink 9 tributed most to publie health . making this truly great offer. Mave your 2- or 3.plece at this time Chesterfield Suite re-uphalstered AND AT NO EXTRA COST Helen Traubel, salmon apricot; Lady By the 18th Century men he you receive a beautiful S-piece folding metal BRIDGE SET in Cy he alive how their olen Your choice 'of Solon, Taka adverse or im dk SET in 3 PC Sylvia, deep pink; Queen Elizabeth POLYANTHA VARIETIES - Al tltie studies could help mankind Order naw / salmon; 1 Hl ') in its fight against disease. The have your suite covered later if vou wish. kg Fok Pearl, pink w/ HLORIBUNDA ON 0 modern health department con . : cerned itself with everything . JAMBA BIRKS v1 sr vases Fashion, coral peach; Independence, le a ; SRE: Fr spectrum red; Masquerade, bright public and as reses i daily and with the knowledge 3 yellow; Donald Prior, 9 garnered all through the ages ANE FROM scarlet w/earming, vss vss great strides were being made in the prevention of communies able diseases : i / i In canclding Mos. Kort po Payment == BIRECOVERED nus | APE 1 thi menta HINess, : "lo Muy the number one Until 1 / f iY) ROSE COLLECTION health problem today was pre: 4 a ® Ly ventahle and could he eured Bhs if pink pp BL Ry she said this generation was June . d ' velvety carmine; Goldilocks, 59° faced with a new challenge == 3 ; the problem af the AINE Pop : . hn on tation. This group, had problems & w ol which were peculiar only to it i : These problems must he faced NEW SPRING ; : | = -- _- and accepted to meet the needs a" oer Sign FABRICS Al Upholstering Co. | For SUCCESS when planting, wie Mrs. Kerr was introduced ny Mrs. Venn and thanked by Soll Wad gee vou RD 10 BOND ST, WEST RA 5.0311 or RA 5-0310 wn \ our Rose Plant Food. Mrs. WF Saunders free estimate \ \ : Mrs Mansell Gerraw, Mrs Toke 24 months te \ N FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY, lis world HOUSEHOLD WINT 971 + TYR >, §-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE i yo beginning to furnish i A | 4 a i a | _-- | 7 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER real eed Jot seeing, cating : DOWNTOWN : OSHAWA thing and dressing LIPO ww ho ; OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE arly you can "make do" for Yellow Pinocchio, apricot yellow; Pins

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