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The Oshawa Times, 9 May 1961, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women's oneen Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 9, 1961 7 % The highlight of the Mary| Street H and S Association May | meeting was the presentation to Miss Florence Hawkes who retired from the teaching staff Mary Street H-S Assn. Honors Miss F. Hawkes Upon Retirement Hawkes and her sister, Rose, had just recently returned from an extended trip to Australia. Albert Street, King Street, Dr. S. J. Phillips and Mary Street last June. . [schools had benefitted from Guest list included Dr. C. M. having Miss Hawkes on their Elliott, Mr. T. R. McEwen, Mr. staff, where she had taught E. Kelvin James, Miss Rese mostly to Grade 1 students. Hawkes, Miss Cora Cruse, Miss| Mr. James concluded by say- Elizabeth Ford, Miss FEtta/ing that he considered it tie Holmes and Mrs, Albert Wil-|highest pleasure to have worked son. Dr. C. F. Cannon who with Miss Hawkes at Mary was unable to be present sent|Street School. Mrs. J. R. Dunk, special greetings. Corsages were|a former student of Miss presented to each of the lady Hawkes, made a presentation guests, on behalf of the Association. PREPARING FOR SPRING FROLIC AT ST. JOHN'S HALL Mrs. Women's Association of St. Paul Plishka, Mrs. Nick John's Ukrainian Greek Semenuk and Mrs. John Orthodox Church. Kostuk, convener, get to- | . Eva Alexander Group Names [SOCIAL NOTICES Conveners For Spring Bazaar | ,, .xcacemey: The engagement is announced The bazaar is to be opened|y iy Nelson of Oshawa and Mr. gether to assemble table dec- orations for the coming Spring Frolic arranged by the Barvi- nok Branch of the Junior Mrs. Olga Topping, | | | The regular meeting of the The message of tribute was Tne meeting opened with a given by Mr. James, former buffet supper. The table was de- {principal of the school. In a corated with candelabra and a {brief glance back over Miss floral centrepiece. |Hawkes career, he pointed out| Refreshments were provided that her school life began at by the executive and mothers of President, Mary Mrs. H. B. Armstrong was in- stalled as president of Mary ciation at its May meeting held recently. The other officers are as fol- lows: Vice-presidents, Mrs. Bryce Brown and Mrs. Mansell Ger- row; recording secretary, Mrs. Bruce Sonley; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. F. Saun- {ders; treasurer, Mrs. Wilfred Hamley and the executive: Mrs. William Broadbent, Mrs. Wil- bert Clarke, Mrs. Michael Ka- doski, Mrs. R. S. MacMurdo and Mrs. A. S. Venn. The nominating committee, composed of Mrs. Leonard Hur- ren, Mrs. William Broadbent and Mrs. Wilbert Clarke, pre- sented the slate of officers and Mrs. E, S. Alker installed the officers. In the absence of the presi- dent, the business meeting was conducted by Mrs. William Broadbent. The secretary's an- nual report was accepted and the treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Wilfred Hamley. Annual reports were present- ed in mimeographed form and Mrs. Broadbent thanked Mrs. Frank Ball, Mrs. Bryce Brown and Mrs. Michael Kadoski for their work in presenting these printed reports. The annual spring rummage Mary Street as a student and the pupils in Miss Susan Laird's was completed there. {room with arrangements being | Miss Hawkes' entire teaching made by the social conveners, {career was spent in Oshawa Mrs. Lloyd Rorabeck apd Mrs. schools except for a five-year|J. R. Dunk, assisted by Grade period spent in Australia and|Mothers, Mrs. W. F. English Mr. James remarked that Miss'and Mrs. Jelle Bakker, | of Dawn Gail, daughter of Mrs. by Mrs, L. V. Richardson ofl Gordon Nelson of St. Catharines, | Whitby. . to Gary Peter Hill, son of Mr.| It was decided that one meet-|.hq Mrs. Clarence Hill of Osh- Emanuel Hurvid's group had|ing a month be held instead of wo "he marriage will take charge of the devotional per-| two, on the second Thursday. It no 4" spo Chanel of King jod. The theme was "Take|/was also decided to serve din- piace United Church on Satur- Jesus With You". Mrs. Charles|ner on May 16 to the mission| | 3 813 pn Pogson read the scripture les-|circle rally at St. Stephen's. ay; June 3, at J p.m. ENGAGEMENT son and Mrs, Hurvid the theme| nr. Rundle asked for a vol- Mr. and Mrs. Earle Fielding Great Council of the Catholic| A reading was also given bY|ypteer to help at the CGIT Mrs. Hurvid. ally at Northminster. Mrs. or Oshawa wish to announce tie Women's League, introduced | {the new executive and guests Mrs. S. C. Rundle presided gonert Ambrose agreed ot go br" ds : : : { : gement of their daughter, for the business _ yeriod, Nine The treasurer's report was read otic. to Mr. at the head Jatle un exiendey u y 3 S. v |a warm welcome i Albert Gudgeon, son of Mrs. number present at the member- Eva Alexander group of St. Stephen's United Church was held in the ladies' parlor. Mrs. | At CWL Potluck | Mrs. Ray Scott, newly elected |president of St. Gregory the| Mrs. A. C. Love Receives Pin Supper | gate. At the convention special] tribute will be paid to Girl] Guide work, and St. Gregory's Council will send two leaders |, to the convention banquet. GUIDE RALLY Mrs. L. V. Brennan, Brown| {sale, to be convened by Mrs. William Richardson and Mrs. Michael Kadoski was announc- ed for Tuesday, May 16 at Sim- |coe Hall. Mrs. Broadbent also announced that arrangements Scout Auxiliary Hears Report From Conference The 9th Oshawa Scout Moth- ers' Auxiliary held its April meeting in St. Gregory's audi- orium. Mrs. Lloyd Hooper, president, opened the meeting with prayer. Thirteen members were present. Mrs. H. B. Armstrong Re-elected St. H-S Assn. Street Home and School Asso- £78 MRS. H. B. ARMSTRONG for the Grade 6 party would be made by the conveners, Mrs. Braodbent and Mrs. A. J. Bar- clay. Read" was presented by the children's reading Mrs. R. J. Newell. The film by group buzz sessions led by Murdo Miss Laird and Miss Ledgett, for taking part in the program. was presided over by Mrs PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Allen Blais of Combermere, Ontario, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willian Sadler, Wilson road south. Mrs. Toby Crawford, first vice-president of the Toronto Branch of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association with Toronto members, Mrs. Norman Fowler, Mrs. William Weller, Mrs. A. P. Murphy and Mrs. the M. Hales. M. D. Morse were guests at the luncheon yesterday arranged by Oshawa branch. From Peterborough were the presi- dent, Mrs. K. R. Mather: vice- president, Mrs. W. R. Philp, and Mrs. F. C. Barnes and Mrs. J. Mr. D. 1. Macleod is general convener of the Flower Fund tea w to be held next week in the 6, for Mrs. Lillian Barden, DDGM of District 10, Order of the Eastern Star, Miss Barbara Cook, King {street east, Miss Mary Kube, Maple Grove, and Miss Toula Sacklis, Simcoe street south, left by plane last Saturday for a two-week vacation in Ber- muda. t Teas, birthday parties, wed-' ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests and your own holiday plans are always of in- terest in this column. Write, telephone or visit the social de- partment with your items of news for which there is no |charge, Telephone RA 3-3474. Mrs. T. H. Everson, Mrs. . J. Salter and Mrs, Albert {Wilson were hostesses at a pre- The film "Gregory Learns to chairman, dealt with the primary reading program and how word recogni- tion is taught. This was followed Miss Susan Laird and Miss Ferne Ledgett, Mrs. R. 8. Mac- thanked the teachers, The balance of the meeting lounge at St." Andrew's United Church under the auspices of the Woman's Association. The | hostess will be Mrs. J. L. Pegg! with assistant hostesses, Mrs. F., R. Stephens, Mrs. W. L. Robin- son and Mrs. H. H. Tonkin. Mrs. George Telford and Mrs. S. G. Werry will receive and pouring tea will be Mrs. R. I. Mark, Mrs. S§. E. McTavish, Mrs. C. W. Rowden and Mrs. C. E. Yule. Receiving at the Maytime Dance tomorrow at the Jubilee Pavilion will be Mrs. R. W. Bassett, president, OGH Auxil- ary, and Mr. Bassett. Mrs, A. W. Armstrong, vice-president, and Mr. Armstrong. Mrs. E. A. Stone, convener, and Mr. Stone. Among those who have made reservations are Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hennick, Mr, and Mys. R. E. nuptial tea on Saturday after- noon for Miss Mary Elizabeth Bray of Toronto whose mar- riage to the Reverend Lorne E. Heffelfinger is to take place next month. Many guests from out of town attended the reception at Adelaide' House given by Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Jones on the occasion of their golden wed- ding anniversary. Present were Mr. Wallace Mason and Dr. and Mrs, Fred Procunier, all of Waterford, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGilvray, Burling- ton; Mrs. Albert Wilson, Miss Melody Anne Wilson, Port Perry; Miss Alice Olver, Mrs, F. M. Holliday, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ross, Mrs. John Hamer, Mr. and Mrs. John Lambert, all of Brooklin; Miss Janet Ross, Fergus; Mr. and Bryce Brown, vice-president. Room attendance was award- ed to Miss Patricia Taylor's room in the junior division and to Mr. Gerald Harper in the senior division. Mrs. Brown announced that Miss Phyllis Bainbridge would be the speaker at the May 30 meeting of Home and Schoo' Council and that plans for the closing meeting of the Associa tion would be announced by bulletin. Taing, Mr, and Mrs. L. and Mrs. J. Janetos, Mr, Mrs. William Alger, Mr. Mrs. L. W. McConkey, Mr. Mrs. Donald Skitch and Mr. Mrs. John A. Vivash. V. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mec- Comb, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weeks, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Vice, Mr. | WETS Vee Mr. Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs. and Albert Glass, Orillia. and | and | Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Moore and Mr. and Mrs, William Dod- : well attended the reception in|their jackets with as little water Orangeville on Saturday, Maylas possible. Mrs. Sam Cline, Fenwick; Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and Mrs. George Sheehy, Manilla, HOUSEHOLD HINT To get the most food value from potatoes, cook them in {by Mrs. Ray Smith. By co or |S urge Glldgeon of Osiiawa ani Owl of St. Gregory's 8th Brown-| The secretary's report was| David Hutcheon, acitng secre- tary. | S 3 shi for Mrs. Gordon Lane and Mrs. | ipa | Mr. Gud: The wed- Conveners for the spring ba-| : TIC "rv|the late Mr. Gudgeon. The we Th were chosen: Fancy work, | Charles Holland. Whilst Tuite gh ding will take place on Friday, Mrs. Gordon Lane, Mrs. J ments were being Drenare ¥|June 2, 1961, at 7 p.m. in St. Crawford, Mrs. Norman Gil- os Duchemin and op Tod George's Memorial, Church. : s, Mrs. Rob: -| 3 J ; lin, ag A Robern Hea were viewed by the group. MARRIAGE SD ars Ns Smithy | Mrs. Rundle thanked those Mr. and Mrs. John Sesterak, | |ship pot-luck supper in the par- lish auditorium, convened by [Mrs. H. J. Duquette and Mrs. |Joseph Riordan, which preced- ed the May meeting. Among {the guests were the Director of |the Council, the Very Rev. P. ie Pack, reminded the meeting read by Mrs. Chester Borek and that St. Gregory's Guides and|Mrs. John Gallagher gave the Brvwiiias Were planning to par-|treasurer's report. icipate in the annual Diocesan] i | 4 San 1t was decided to hold a no- Benediction Rally at St. Mich-|3 vo sale later this month, {aes Cathedral, Toronto, May| enters to be contacted by Dwyer, the Rev. Lawrence Mc- Mrs. Ray Smith; Mrs. 4 room. Mis, Ray imi |who helped at the congrega-|Jr., of Perth Amboy, New Jer-|Goich' and 'the Rev. Francis i i Mrs. J. W. David Duchemin, Mrs Lang: tonal turkey supper and asked|sey, U.S.A, wish to announce|g. mayo, Mrs. Jo Aldwinckle, pouring tea, Mrs. S. C. Rundle, |for their help in Jocating 3 the forthcoming marriage of women's editor of the Oshawa Mrs. Lioyd Jewell, president of mdn's topcoat belonging i I./their daughter, Mary Ann, to Times, and her assistant, Miss| Nellie Dearborn group; candy,|Ray Holland Jopielt Bad ©€N Mr. Robert Steven Simcoe, son|Winnifred Drayson. Mrs. Charles Holland; country | istakanly taken Bor oly of Mr. and Mrs. John Simcoe of| Monsignor Dwyer took the per w 5 © Oshawa. The wedding will take opportunity of presenting the tala | store, Mrs. Wallace Butt, Mrs. in appearance, was {reported that during April three|Central |needy families had been visited| and three boxes of clothing dis-| and St. Gregory's. Counc wil/liler explaining the details bear half the cost of transporta-| tion. | Mrs. M. W. Hanley, convener | of Social The father and son banquet was| iscussed to be held on June 18. Mrs, Chester Borek read Mrs. d Action and Health,| Donald Leach's report on the Provincial Conference which was held in Peterbor- Henry Strong; home baking, | identical s Mrs. Emanuel Hurvid, Mrs. Robert Ambrose, Mrs. Charles Pogson, Mrs. David Hutcheon; touch and take, Mrs. James Palmer; tea room tickets, Mrs. Fred Lindsay; wax and pol- ishes, Mrs. Oscar Burgoyne. (left behind. The next meeting will be in the charge of Mrs. Robert Am- brose's group with Mrs. Norman Gilbert and Mrs. Robert Heaslip in charge of refresh- ments. {place in St. Nicholas Greekipast president's pin to . Mrs. |Catholic Church, Perth Amboy, A. C. Love, who was unable to New Jersey, on Sunday, May be present at the annual meet- 21, at 3 p.m. ing in April, when jet terns of F loffice expired. The Monsignor ENGAGEMENT {thanked Mrs. Love for the de: The engagement is announced yoted service she had given the of Bonnie Louise, daughter of CWL during her term in office tributed. Thirty-six hours were | 0ugh, April 13. Mrs. Leach re- spent in hairdressing at Hills-|ported that Mrs. A. E. Stand: I's Time To Store Your FURS !! | I | 75 KING ST. E. ""Oshawa's ONLY Complete Fu | | | dale Manor by Mrs, Jame s|ing, assistant provincial com- Conner and her assistants, 48/missioner, gave a talk on patients were visited at the| "What's In A Name", also on Oshawa hospital, including nine dding interest to monthly aux- " * a from oustide points, and four|jliary meetings. The duties of visits were made to shut-ins. | { ...at MARTEN'S FURS OPPOSITE HOTEL GENOSHA ® Refrigerated Fur Storage Vault on Premises! ® Expertly Staffed Factory Workrooms ! ® Only 2% Of Your Own Valuation For FREE Pickup and Delivery . . . r Service" {the executive board and Mrs. William Stonehouse, RR 2,|and expressed his deep appre- (auxiliaries. Whitby, and the late Mr. Stone-|ciation of the valuable work| house, to James Kevin Gaughan |accomplished under her guid-| of Sioux Lookout, Ontario, son ance. |standing committees of Mr. and Mrs. John Gaughan pointed as follows: Spiritual, |speaker. Following are some of of Bracebridge, Ontario. The| TRIBUTE. TO SROUP opened Mrs. Wm. Boissoin; social, the highlights from his speech. marriage will take place in| iva tribute from the presi: | Mrs H. J. Duquette and Mrs. |The real purpose of badges in Whitby at the end of May. |dent to the Church Extension |3,0 8 ep h Riordan; legislation, {Scouting is to give the boy an group of the Council for their | MTS. Wm. Clarke; education, opportunity to get some insight |very fine work -- outstanding ys . : Mrs, A. C. Love; Girl Guides, |into the work that might be his Canadian Corps [ir 'an' grou. rs. Ralph Jones; membership, life vocation. Scouting gives to M Willi Boissoi reading: B. C. McAllister and Mrs. boys a healthy, adventurous out- 1 Mrs. William Doissoin re eorge Fairhart; social action,|door program and encourages Marks Anniversary. auditor's Yepont COVering| Mrs. M. W. Hanley, Mrs. James|them to learn by doing. the past year, which concluded Conner (Hillsdale Manor), Mrs.| The Scout promise is not {with a tribute to the treasurer, , Sammutt (Whitby hospital); | something Et one night of Mrs. Thomas Leveque, for her|reolutions and reports, Mrs.|the week but for every moment |very efficient accounting. {Robert Normoyle; immigration|of their lives. | Mrs. C. the TELEPHONE RA 3-7921 CONVENERS APPOINTED | : : : Conveners of the various] Mr. Wilcox, regional field were ap- commissioner, was the guest A very happy occasion for the | officers and members of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Corps, Unit 42 was marked on Friday, May 5, when it cele- brated its tenth anniversary. Supper was served in | Fleetwood room at the Hotel | Genosha, and upon their arrival |each member was presented {with a rose corsage. The officers of the Auxiliary |were seated at the head table, land a beautifully decorated cake |centered the table. Mrs. E. Sammutt, co-conven-| |er on the social committee, re- |the Ontario . Hospital, Whitby, | |and a sum of money was voted | {to provide treats, etc., each| week when visiting these] patients. It was announced that the| 41st annual convention of the Archdiocesan Council of the and citizenship, C.| Murty; telephone, Mrs. C. Harp-| the ported on visiting patients at/er and Mrs. M. Hardie; church| extension, Mrs. L. R. Menard; monthly meeting hostesses, Mrs. Thomas Driscoll and Miss Teresa Coyne. | { | | | The meeting concluded with a|;_ few words fronr the past presi-| dent, Mrs. Love, who expressed | her sugret at missing the annual | The Association has a single aim--to encourage boys through the moulding of their charac- ters to become good citizens. A nation cannot be great until each one of its citizens is great in heart, mind and charac The personal attitude of par- ents toward Scouting is impor- picture is nine-month- Posing for his William Harold, old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam McGillis, Adelaide ave- nue east. Billy is the grand- son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Godfrey, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGillis, TER | Following the supper, the CWL would be held at {members of the "Auxiliary re- Royal York Hotel, Toronto, {turnéd to the Canadian Corps June 4, 5 and 6. St. Gregory's |building. The president, Mrs. Council will be represented by | Oshawa, and great-grandson GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES HARMONY WA The Woman's Association of Harmony United Church was pleased to have Mrs. Lloyd Akin as the guest speaker at its May meeting, held Wednesday eve- ning in the Church' hall. She spoke on mothers and their part ,ond speaker had been purc ito complete the public addres: system in the church. The program conveners, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dobney, pro- {William Watts, welcomed the|nrys Ray Scott, Mrs. Robert guests, and cut the birthday|Normoyle, Mrs. C. Harper, jeake inited Niilans. fiae. was Mrs. William Clarke, an Ye. | g $1K ternate dele- i [presented to the men ol Yui 42 Kelly DeGray as Stern { |by President Mrs. illiam . [as on behalf of the officers Zion CGTT ! land members of the Ladies! Auxiliary, and it was accepte : |on their behalf by Sgt. at Arms Entertain Mothers 1George Homes. He remarked] L h that the addition of this flag to . their color-party could mean | At unc eon of Mr. and Mrs. Charles | much towards the winning of fu-| At the conclusion of their Dart, Mrs. William Collins, [ture awards for the unit {missionary study "We Relong { Mr. Alphonse McGillis and | The remainder of the evening gogether" the CGIT of Zion | Mr. and Mrs. Roland Godfrey, as spent in dancing. {United Church entertained their all of Oshawa. {mothers "and special guests at --Photo by Hornsby NLY 50 ~_ |luncheon' in the Sunday School 5 The low incidence of polio in|Room. Norway last year--about 50--is| Guests viewed displays of attributed by health authorities paper mache figures and a to extensive use of Salk vac-/mural, both depicitng charac- |cine. [ters in the study, also a quilt hased. with central theme "Into All s lette which all the members had|the World Together". worked on to Mr. Harold Mc-| Following a short program, Neil from Simcoe Hall, by Mrs. Mrs. H. J. Hawkshaw, secre- {Harry Norton and Mrs. Thomas|tary of affiliated CGIT of Osh- vided an evening of well organ- | Corneal. A vote of thanks wasjawa Presbytery, Mrs. F. J. ized games. |given to the committee Mrs./Reed, president of Oshawa The bidding on the box lunch- | Thomas Corneal and Mrs. How-| Presbyterial WA and Mrs. ard Reid. Charles Naylor, vice-president in the rearing of the child who|es created much fun and laugh-| pares A pesiy is to become the citizen of to-|ter. At the close of the meeting] A einer roast will be held Se Tesbvtery WA sssistel orrow. the president announced thats. a1] members and their hus- The worship period was also/the next square dance, under) srw? entered around "Mother" withthe sponsorship of the Doubles|3nds on June 17 at Mountjoy's. e committee led by Mrs. C. L.| Club, would be held on Saturday (Mrs. Vernon Claus, Mrs. Rus- lassford taking part. The solo-| evening, May 13. [sell Clark and Mrs. Kenneth i {Bent were elected to the com- §t of the evening was NUPSE AUXILIARY rs jue ichael Kashul who sang| " ) | mittee. Mother Machree". | The April meeting of the Na-| At the last meeting in June A short business meeting was|tional Union of Public Service each member will be given eld with the secretary and/Employees Auxiliary was held|g100 (one dollar) for talent easurer giving their reports. |at Simcoe Hall. {money to be handed back with The meeting closed with] The secretary read corre-|profits at the meeting in Sep- ames and refreshments. |spondence from the National La- oe liiarses of the Caradiont' myer. {dies Auxiliaries of the Canadian| The date for the visit to the BLES CLU DOU highli B {Labor Congress on a conference|City Council meeting has been A box lunch highlighted St.\; pe held at Port Elgin, On- arks' Anglican Church ar changed to Monday, May 15, at oubles Club meeting on Satur- tario, May 30-31, and it was|730 p.m. hy evening, May 6. Presidents decided that Mrs. Harry Norton| Mrs. John McLauchlin wen Hawkshaw spoke briefly on the importance of support of the missionary work stressing the reason for every age to have a part in missionary giving. Blue and white, the CGIT col- ors, was the theme of the buf- fet table centered with a globe of the world. Blue streamers led to figures from the five {countries studied flanked with navy blue candles. Grace was led by Linda Kei- lar and about 60 were present. At the worship service Mari- lyn Glaspell and Brenda Stewart assisted the Reverend r. and Mrs. Arthur Winter|20d Mrs. John McLauchlanithe evening's draw prize. esided over a short business Would go as delegates. Refreshments were served by| eeting. The highlight of the evening/Mrs. Melville Anderson and] It was announced that a sec-|was the presentation of a lay- Mrs. Harry Norton. IF. J. Reed at the pulpit and Valerie Stewart, Margaret Pin- gle, Sharon Fisher and Linda the meeting and thanked the mem.{tant. {bers sincerely for their assist- |ance and co-operation during the past two" years. The next meeting will be {held on Tuesday, May 23, at {8.30 p.m. | | | I | | I | for summertime lips and fingertips -- toetips, too Juialle Maman Porcelain Colours Peach, Pink, Apricot, Sand, Gardenia, in a marvelous Oval Lipstick 2.50 matching Nail Glacé 2.00) also Buttercup, Azure, Violet, Leaf, Turquoise} « 'there is no substitute! Hollanderizing restores that : soft, delicate, fresh-like-new beauty to your furs. ' And Hollanderizing costs no more than ordinary fur cleaning. 5 Insist on this tag-locked-sealed to your fur : It's your assurance of genuine Hollanderizing. Hollanderizing corporation (Canada) Ltd HOLLANDERIZING! WORLD'S FINEST FUR REVITALIZING McGregor were ushers. "DRUGS. 28 KING ST. E. 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