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The Oshawa Times, 17 May 1961, p. 19

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heartbroken. He finally decided offer you $15 for your 1,315-page(One scripture was read by|26, at 6.30 p.m. in the church,| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 17, 1961 19 | How To Hurt to prostitute his art by writing|chvmeless epic, Wheel Ruts in{Douglas Bell, Bob and Mike|followed by a short program. SH NE a television soap jingle, and the Cosmos, on two conditions: |Tzylor. The parable of the| The CGIT held open house on spent in a game of crokinole, for|also Arch's cousins, Mrs. C. Ir. A B : ik they turned it down. They said/(1) that we burn it, and (2)|talents was dramatized by Bob- Thursday evening in the church. which the winners were: ladies, | vine, Lorna Irvine and Mr. and . * it vas $00 CommesO a bv be. YOU forget you ever wrote it." bY. Nichards, gSioniey Wonng. The president, Ashe Guthrie| Nancy Puckrin and Mrs. C.!Mrs. Paul Irvine, of Toronto. Algerr started off by be" iii 'ott, § A "was i e Oui irlev Smi i | t Grain ing a character, Now he's just, Oe I'd just love to stay and e)} and Harold Guthrie. Mrs. Yas chairman for 5 Es ooram {Quinn au Shities Smith Qled) | Mrs Lorne Saunders spent : rr ; ¥ hear you recite your poetry. Bill Guthri story ev. W, Pigents, George Puckrin andigynday with her daughter Mrs. By HAL BOYLE a lack of character 2) e your | ¥.(Bill Guthrie told the story. The service, Mr. Anderson, Mr.|Charlie Clemence. The couple! Ciothier. Mr. Clothier "ard TRE P)--C 'ed (English ken here. NEY YORK (AP)---Remarks -Herewith .is returned your Algernon, but I'm already late!CGIT sang. Bert Guthrie gave/Kenpedy, and Mr. D. Bryant,|received many beautiful and Susan. Port Perry. MONTREAL (CP)--Convinced (English is not spoken here) 5 Greenwich Village Bohemian sonnet, Life is a Garbage Can, 10 another wake the prayer. The offering was re- a) of Oshawa, presented the useful gifts for their home in ' ld ai that Canada has a cold war of Symons soon reached ihe go tired of hearing: Endlessly Singing. Our poetry ceived by Marilyn Cowie and|Req Cross first aid certificates Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puckrin her own, a young Toronto news- stage where he was giving = «Ajgernon isn't really afraid editor had a Aber of com Marie Smith. Mr. Butta rsito the 15 girls who wrote the| Mr. and Mrs. George Izatt/ and the girls visited at the home paper man heads back to his speeches to French - speaking of work. He can lie down right ments on this submission, all of RUDLEY spoke, using the scripture Je- examination. The girls pre-and family and Bob McHugh at-| of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hollin- native city this month in the un- audiences. He got in touch with by it and fall asleep." which we feel it politic to spare sus said Follow Me". sented Mr. Bryant, the instruc-|tended a party on Saturday 8" on Sunday. usual capacity of correspond: La Presse and managing editol "Wwe regret our little maga- vou' AUDLEY -- The 'S d During the service, Mr. and|tor, with a camera case and a evening at the home of Mr ent for the Montreal daily, La'Jean-Louis Gagnon agreed 10 zine cannot publish your poem.' «No | wouldn't call Algernon School aid ly unday Mrs. Marvin Barlow present- camp stove. A film on mouthland Mrs. Stanley Fuller, Rock-l WHITE-COLLAR SUBURB Presse. hire him after he spent a year The Rosebud Dinosaur and the , jw inik. How could you? He|were united on Sunday after.|ed their daughter, Renae Chris- to mouth artificial respirationiwood in honor of Mr. and Mrs.| STE. FOY, Que. (CP)--This Scott Symons, 27. Protestant, ai the Sorbonne. Symons joined Full Dinner Pail. While certain Hover was beaten. He never putinoon for the Christian. Family tine' Alma, for baptism. - was shown, The girls zave first-|jzatt's 20th wedding anniver-|Quebec City suburb has little or Anglo - Saxon, Loyalist, "true the newspaper last September. of its technical approaches were th a fight." Day service, Chairs Were placed, The Sunday School anniver- aid demonstration. followed by sary, ino unemployment problem. At blue and all that," will be the! [pn his articles, which he trans. interesting three of our four "You're really in dutch with in "the aisle to accommodate sary service will be held on refreshments. Visitors at.the home of Arch|last report only 107 persons in a first representative in the On-|lated into English for the Ot-editors, unfortunately, said they ;. janderd now. He said that|the congregation. Spring flowers May 28, at 2.30 p.m. Rev. A. E. The community held a shower and Mrs. Bell on Sunday were population of 27,856 were jobless, tario capital of a newspaper tawa Journal, Symons said Eng. could understand it." cde vou wrote to help his son|eraced the chancel. The min.|Cresswell of Claremont will be for Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morri- Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Barlow The suburb has only in E "irrevocably devoted to inter-|jisi, Canada has a distinctive "He used to read his poetry {oon freshman English|ister, Rev. M. Buttars was as-{the guest speaker. son (the former Dorothy Mitch-'and Renae, Mr. and Mrs. V. borers living within its hound. ests French-Canadian and Cath-' cultural tradition of its own, al a coffee house until. after not only caused the kid to gel sisted by the Sunday School su- The CGIT will have a pot-luck ell) on Saturday evening in Lubbelinkhof and Cora of Osh-jaries. Al per residents are olic." jaruely neglected by its inheri- business began to fall off. the oof "Ohno cc the prin. Perintendent, Fred Puckrin supper on Friday evening, MaylAudley school. The evening was'awa, Mrs. W. Barlow, Ajax, white-collar workers. iid of 3 proprietor suspected Algernon thrown ou : a EN «ipal also is insisting he won't was being subsidizied by the Cipal al 8 tea people." let him back until the boy sees i ssa come to Quebec to get a new pletely unaware of any distinc. bel ; a psychiatrist. w A 2 rer , perspective on Canada. This tive kinglish - Canadian culture "Algernon believes In frec spring he shared the perspec- --to them English Canada is love--as long as the gin buys POOR ALGERNON YOu oo 0» THE BUDGET-MINDED WILL WANT TO Y the yids 'Alora the cot tive with the readers of La culturally one with the United he dinner Algernon, you had th Presse in a series of 12 ar- States." "] know vou are careless last night. Tonight it's your turn ticles, written in impeccable ahout what the world thinks. to sleep on the floor, / ; ; French LACK COMMON GROU ND Algernon, but would you please lide the gin. That sounds ahi 3 He told them the two major I'he French - Canadian looked auit scratching? It looks s0 like Algernon knocking at the : Canadian cultures are separ- on naga as a constitutional plebeian door.' he? ated by an iron curtain as im- fiction that gave him the hope A FAILURE "In the interests of poetry, 0. consolidating and spreading our publication is «willing to ; Lo wenetrable as the one S . "Don't speak to him now, He's penctrable as the one. across .. ure. English - Canadians ! the middle of Europe. . ; ignored French Canada as Some may think the situation puch as they could and pre- has improved, Symons wrote umed=--if they thought about it but "1 sce only the lack of 4 ajj--that it would eventually QUARE DANCE communication between our two o awav and Canada would be- ghettos." Neither side had ac- ome a homogeneous nation. cepled the other and each made When he returns to Toronto, Country and Western Music Night a point of knowing as little a . . . als the possible about the 'ether Symons will also join the stall With These Artists ot the Royal Ontario Museum FORESWORLE ENGLISH as assistant curator of the Ca- ® SLIM GORDON CKLB Radio Symons had a working knowl- nadiana collection. edge of French when he ar- Symons graduated in history oe MISS JERRI JOHNSTON rived in Quebec City. His wife, fron the University of Toronto the former Judith Morrow of in 1955 and then studied at Cam- LOVELY YOUNG ARIZONA SONGSTRESS Toronto. was even better off. hridge for two years. He met ® BOB FOWLER Oshowa's Top She had studied at the Sor- his bride in 1957 in Paris, where Square Dance Caller bonne she was studying archaeology \a JERRY VELTRI and BAND . They found an apartment on (Opn their return to Canada in : "= 2 Bide ma. Se Delis their Fetus 4 Canals Jn e OLD TIME AND MODERN DANCES ® SHOP EVERY game... . So, Shop to-day and Save on professional people and civil Fs Ti i nt cr JIS FRIDAY RED BARNQ| ... 9: Fu These Quality Summer Items! His round-trip began three 1015. years ago when he decided to "I'rench - Canadians are com- them but they hung a plaque on Quebec City to work for the the living-room - wall reading: English - language Chronicle: "On ne parle pas Anglais ici." Telegraph. ADMITTANCE i ; i Haas Yes " : he The Biggest Value ...a 20" fo yi RED +) Qe any : 3 J oe - Br RUS ol. A%ly lawn mower with adjustable -GARIERS "ove % oy 4 lav : : height . ..2"2 h.p. engine ! ston : Thegreat EERSTE Me 2 1h Q ; 20" ROTO-BOY Te EXCITING: New tind of Misitel! ik a Power Mower e TODAY ONLY eo won the EF ol : B® a, ¥ Hey iy n Ari - > pid : w Let's be practical . . . you want a mower "Sergeant Rutledge" i : 2 : iy i | i r bo \ : y that's effortless to use! You want fully EY v world S acclaim 1 i 5 A ow ¢ Eni 4 { 3 automatic lawn cutting . . . the walk 'n'cut River of NoiRerurn and the a : {x EAN Ah oad di B i style! Also, want @ guaranteed mower. . po 5 | Hs y =f UN BY aT | Yes, this is it! Nobel Prize! &* i V. a, | Eh A TN | . i . ; a Na / : L| @ Engine is a 4-cycle, 2%2 hp. Clinton recoil type. Controls are on chrome arms. Darryl F. Zanuck Productions, Ina. ® Semi-pneumatic tires, with self-lubricat- presenta X _, 1 L ky \ 1 ; ing bearing for easy movement. WILLIAM FAULKNER'S Wares BROS. present { SANCTUARY - as en p ; . " LJ ee ar for WILLIAM HOLDEN | Le lite 2) | The slimline look for luxury in the Sun! : ® 4-position adjustable yi Ji jOWARDITHEY Lee REMC Yes NONTAND Bradlord DUMY + | 6.PCE. PATIO ENSEMBLE | \ Tro ? », U OWN | 7 TOMORROW. . . . including Giant 72' Umbrella WARNERCOLOR i; TRAVELOGUE IN COLOR porphin RY . " ------ ac Make a date with Sun-Lite for outdoor living at its best! When folks talk summer hy LLOYD NOLAN VIRGINIA LEITH CHARLES MCGRAW "ac mc --=TODAY ONLY furniture, Sun-Lite makes the conversationeverytime. Why? Because it's made to really ADAMS NEW HIGH AND MIGHTY ADVENTURE THRILLER! ' beat the weather. Number one, you can leave them safely out in the rain . . . aluminum | VALUE RG A : a 'BEN-HUR" A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE frames are rust-proof and the vinyl material is fadeproof and waterproof he eed | WE 59 95 . ¥ ; . ® Giant 713" umbrella with pull cord. Scalloped edge with wide tassel fringe. Underside with 49.95 - --_---- > floral pattern, outerside in solid color. Aluminum support end ribbin | b= i AG, SPIT (le AMAIA LEY 1 | - 3 GR = OWDE BD ® Deluxe 4-legged aluminum circulor table. Table measures 33" in diometer 4 4 A y emt ¥ . 60¢ WEEKLY en p> 4 i TOOK YEARS 10 MAKE..IT COST 42000000 ® Matching table cover, of durable vinyl material. 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The Awesome Siege Of The sy 2 3 ) p / Regent hall-mark of Quality, hi LR NJ YOU'LL REMEMBER ENTERTAINMENT / amt AS } ; \\ i iw Bell-losating aetion "WHERE QUALITY AND VALUE WONDERLAND! 27 Boyne Tis oo vin | a 0 A / on pedals. _ ° MEET" y ; speed Sturmey- \ smoother going ! 4 'it! YOU'LL REMEMBER po > ' J 10.95 Vl 1 \% Dunlop tires and OSHA A JAMES STEWART x Davy Crockett Standing ¥ { Only .. . ; : W 7 On The R rta! 1 4 MZ \ hae / ® Extra-light tubular, » HITE . " No NN a 40 KING ST. WEST TEL. RA 5-6535 YOU'LL REMEMBER | § 5.4 a . ted frame MOUNTAIN] ROAD] $ n Fi The Daring Raid Into [JE gr AS SHOWN J 7 fo. FREE S fa Re al hi a The Heart Of The Enemy ON BROADWAY "7 FREE EXTRAS : A COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE Camp! p 7 / / rear - view mirror, | P J ag dea 103 DUNDAS ST. WEST ~~ MO 8- TONIGHT - v AS ll aE 0829 | BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 THE y 3 f py A bright finish SHOW STARTS AT 8:50 | 2 3 ! i i > ADAMS invit t ; 3 SHOW Ines 1.30 - 5.15 -8.30 = 7 tai J watch igi MOUNTAIN ROAD oie Ng JON WAYNE / RICHARD WIDMARK / LAURENCE HARVEY NN aortic: EVERY at 9:00 P.M. ONLY! Z-- FRANKIE PATRICK WAYNE / LINDA CRISTAL ec. ve NEA A 1 ; 8 FRIDAY COME EARLY! AVALON joan o'seiew chu wills /a= RICHARD BOONE \ R10 . at 8 P.M. on produced snd directed by JOHN WAYNE [original screenplay by JAMES EDWARD GRANT . A i 4 CFTO-TV Channel 9. music composed and conducted by DIMITRI TIOMKIN | TECHNICOLOR 3 \ . 40¢ WEEKLY LAST DAY: "THE CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON PLAZA! ty Zr li 1 Starring Michael Rennie

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