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The Oshawa Times, 17 May 1961, p. 2

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t las Morton ( Senate Divorce Bill OTTAWA (CP) -- Efforts to find a procedural soiution to the parliamentary divorce tan- gle met defeat Tuesday -- at least for the current session. A bill designed to remove di- vorce bills from the Commons, for the year was lost in the Sen- roposed by Doug- ate. It had been 4 C--~Toronto Day- enport) and speedily given Com- mons assent -- but no senator would sponsor it, It proposed that the Com- mons waive rights on divorce bills and let the Senate act by itself, Without a sponsor after sev- eral months, it was removed from the Senate order paper by Speaker Mark Drouin. Ostensibly, Senate opposition to the bill was that it violated the constitutional principle that all legislation must be passed by both houses of Parliament. | "This could have been over- come, however, by a Senate amendment under which Parlia- |ment would delegate authority {to the upper house to dissolve marriages by decree, instead KENNEDY WELCOMED BY VANIERS lands Air Station by Governor- Mrs. Vanier. In background is Parties Agreed About Veterans Benefits President John Kennedy is | welcomed to Canada at Up- | OTTAWA (CP) -- Traditional Veterans Allowance Act origin- 158,867 veterans and 28,075 wi-| accord on proposals for more ally passed in 1930 to aid non-|dows and orphans. At present, benefits for veterans was pensionable servicemen of the 47,204 veterans and 19,266 de- sounded Tuesday night in the|First World War--Canada's so-|pendents were drawing assist Commons. called "burned-out" veterans. ance. Veterans Affairs Minister] Liberal and CCF spokesmen! Numbers had increased stead- Churchill outlined in general promised full support. ily as veterans found them- terms government proposals to! Details will be disclosed selves unable to find work due broaden benefits under the War when the bill itself is given first to war service debility not at- ---------- . reading in the wake of the in- tributable to wounds. troductory resolution. Chesley W. Carter (L--Burin- This mentions bigger monthly Burgeo) said he hoped for allowances, higher income ceil chaoqy" nagsage of the legisla- ings for recipients, more exem-| ion 214 algo that it would be ptions on property and income, oytended to cover classifica modified conditions of eligibility onc coh as the merchant and certain adminis trative navy. changes, Today, the Commons was to Tuesday, May 16, 1961 . |ARE BASIC sit only for two hours in the Second reading--approval in| Mr, Churchill said the Allow- morning and confine afternoon principle -- was given govern- ances Act and the Pensions Act business to the address by ment legislation to extend the for disabled pensions constitute President Kennedy to a joint $20,000,000-a-vear "roll - back" the basic fabric of legislative sitting of the Senate and Com- subsidy on freight rates. assistance to Canadian veter- mons. Debate was adjourned on an ans. other government bill to in-| Both had seen numerou crease the size of the CNR amendments -- the last in 19! board of directors to 12 from for the Allowances Act. seven--with the Liberal Opposi-| Since 1930, this act had aided tion voicing its disfavor, {-- Veterans Affa irs Minister Churchill outlined in general | terms government proposals to Adams Says | | Y |citizens from Cuba. broaden benefits under the War NEW YORK (AP) -- Former The Swiss Embassy an- Parliament At-A-Glance By THE CANADIAN PRESS | 5 57 HAVANA (CP) -- At least 91 {United States citizens are scheduled to leave Havana Fri- day, the start of a repatriation program that could involve the |departure of 500 or more U.S More U.S. Citizens Flee Castro's Cuba |patriation of Cubans who want The, other person is a Roman/to return to their homeland. | lof through individual pieces of "legislation for each divorce. | REASON POLITICAL? | Informants said recently the real reason for the Senate hes Acid Attack Case ' Appeal Dismissed TORONTO (CP) ~-- Ontario Court of Appeal today dismissed Mrs, Inga Santala's appeal against a nine-year penitentiary sentene for an acid - throwing attack on the doctor she blamed for the death of her child. Mrs. Santala. a 46-vear - old Nipigon housewife, was con- |victed in Port Arthur Feb. 21 lon a charge of causing bodily (harm to Dr. E. R, Somerleigh {by throwing nitric acid at him as he left a Nov. 14 meeting of 'Nipigon town council. Canada, China i Exchange Smiles GENEVA (CP)--External Af-|changed handclasps and smiles fairs Minister Green and his|at the opening of the Laotian Communist C hin ese counter- conference Tuesday night. part, Marshal Chen Yi, ex-| Canada and China have ad- r------ ---- [Joining places at the conference ~--(AP Wirephoto) | | | | | HEAVY GUARD ON PRESIDENT OTTAWA (CP) -- Presi dent Kennedy is being guarded by a total of 11 United States secret service agents during his Ottawa visit, it was learned Tues- day night. Normally, for each Amer- ican agent the RCMP pro- vides a counterpart RCMP officer -- so, all told, Mr. Kennedy may have about 22 officers covering his move- ments here, table in the Palace of Nations. The Chinese delegate on Chen Yi's right drew his foreign min- ister's attention to Green's pre- sence, The Chinese minister, |yearing a dark blue, plain uni- (form and huge sunglasses, rose, smiled and shook hands with Green and the two Canadian delegates flanking him, Chester Catholic priest who was ex- Ronning and George Ignatieff. pected to be allowed to leave Chen Yi had only dark looks later as he has dual citizenship for Secretary of State Dean papers. |Rusk. And the American cab- A Swiss Embassy spokesman inet member returned them, said the embassy plans to pro-|/TO STATE POSITION vide the three correspondents) Green was expected to ad- with special passports and to dress the conference today to submit applications again onigive the Canadian position on their behalf, hoping to get them the Laotian truce commission. aboard Friday's flight. The three-nation commission of Among those scheduled to|India, Canada and Poland has leave Friday is Robert Berrel-|the job of supervising a cease- lez, Associated Press corres-|fire in the Southeast Asian coun- pondent who was released from|try prison last Friday night. Stringent security measures If the Friday flight comes off, |are in effect here. This corre-| it will be only the first in a ser-|spondent was thoroughly frished ies to repatriate about half of | twice at the entrance to the gal- the estimated 1,200 Americans|lery overlooking the chamber still in Cuba where the delegates meet. A second list of 82 names al-| V- XK. Khrishna Menon, India's ready has been submitted by defence minister, raised the the Swiss to Cuban authorities.| only laugh Tuesday when he Others are expected to follow said he hoped the conference as the repatriation program|Wwould float on smooth water continues. even if it sometimes seemed to The Swiss Embassy ran ad- be a little cold. vertisements in newspapers cir-|, Green listened to the proceed- culated throughout the island Ings intently. Chen Yi_chain- asking Americans who wished|Smoked. And Soviet Foreign to go home to get in touch with| Minister Andrei Gromyko gave the embassy. Replies were re-| his odd, twisted smile, Drops itance to deal with Mr. Morton's bill was strictly political. There was a fear of repercussions on the hustings. Meanwhile, Senator Arthur Roebuck (L -- Ontario), chair- man of the Senate divorce com- mittee, told the Senate Tuesday that his committee now has heard 323 divorce petitions from Quebec and Newfoundland--only provinces without their own di- vorce courts--and has 35 peti tions left to handle. "Those will be easily dealt| with," he said. All 323 cases have been re- ported to the Commons where, now that Mr, Morton's bill is dead, they must be dealt with, This also will be necessary for the remaining 35 petitions. Last session the CCF group in the Commons staged a five- month filibuster against divorce bills in an effort to have them taken out of the Commons' hands. The course they will fol- low on this year's group of bills is not known. To Be Rule In Future CHICAGO (AP) -- The United States assistant surgeon -gen- eral said Tuesday that re- peated re-use of waters will be- come the rule, not the excep- tion, in 1980 when the urban population of the nation reaches the 200,000,000 range. Mark D. Hollis, also the chief engineer for the United States nation's water needs "will spiral toward astronomical fig- ures." He was addressing a water 1 Public Health Service, said the! Water Re-Use | INTERPRETING THE NEWS Summit Canadian Press Staff Writer Reaction to a possible meet- ing between President Kennedy {and Premier Khrushchev has jpointed up the number of ob- stacles in the path of such a conference. Speculation that such a ses- {sion will be held has been grow- ling, but it is believed plans {hinge largely on what progress {is made at Geneva in regard ito the I test ban and pollution conference sy by De Paul University, Dr. Charles C. Davis, bilogist at Western Reserve University, Cleveland, told the conference that "Lake Erie is the most highly polluted of the Great Lakes, and direct indications of pollution in it largely are con- ed mouths." Another speaker, Frank Ches- row, president of Chicago's san- itary district, said pollution of the Great Laks not only is a threat to lake cities "but to oher communities with whom OSHAWA SHOPPING CAPSULE cCASSIFIE SPECIA OUTSTANDING SAVINGS IN PRICE ON | Thurs., May 18th ZELLERS LIMITED SARAN WRAPPED Folding Chaisette || Reg. 10.99. || SPECIAL HARLEIGH SUPPLIES WHITE OUTSIDE PAINT GALLON .. i 3.95 BOND CLOTHES All Merchandise | REDUCED 30% to 50% TAMBLYN DRUGS INSULATED PICNIC KIT GATE BFLOW ONLY SPECIAL it may be necessary one day to fined to the vicinity of river! Laos. Also, it is felt that President de Gaulle of France may not take kindy to the idea of count. ing himself out of a high-level session, Political sources in London say Prime Minister Macmillan, who is being kept informed on President Kennedy's thinking on the matter, has given his full approval. STARTED BY MACMILLAN It was Macmillan, himself, who started the fashion of two- party meetings in March, 1950, when he visited 'Moscow to talk with the Russian leader. Problems Forseen Meeting meeting would take place in early June but most observer§: doubt that negotiations on the: nuclear test ban will have ad«: vanced by then to the points where Kennedy would think at meeting advisable, 4 Kennedy, no doubt, will take the matter up with de Gaulle when he visits Paris May 31, 4 NOON SPECIALS PLATE LUNCH 55 SNACK ROOM .... ES ---- BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH, DINING ROOM I -------------- . SYiNINg DINNER COURSE . «3b HOTEL LANCASTER 1.98 share this water." Some have speculated that the Here's the pick of the picnic pleasers to highlight your holiday fun feasts. Everything you need is right here ot SPROULE'S ~-- all your favorite foods, beverages and supplies -- and every. SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- FULLY COOKED Smoked Picnics . 45°* SWIFT'S EVERSWEET » Rindless Bacon ... 59°* thing's especially low priced to fill your basket for less . . . much less! So, shop SPROULE'S today for the best buys in foods and supplies for your picnic table or backyerd berbe- 39 1-1B, PKG. Peamealed OTTAGE ROLLS » SWIFT'S PREMIUM TENDER GROWN CHICKENS 31: COOKED HAM ...:. 89: Grade A Roost or Fry 2to 3 Ib. av. Ib. 1-LB. CELLO PKG. | WALKER'S BOYS' & GIRLS SHORTS Pre-season and. Bedford Cord shorts. with zipper pocket. Sizes 4 to 6x, Reg. 77¢ .. COLE'S BOOKSTORE 2-IN-1 WALL MAPS Conada on one side, the World on the other. Usually 1.50. NOW Some | LOOK FOR THE A MON TUES-WED AM. Special of Chino cloth "2 SWIFT'S -- SLICED OR BY THE PIECE Duich Lunch Salami , 59° SWIFT'S PLATTER PAK -- FOUR VARIETY Cooked Meals Tox 45°C Pkg. | TAKE YOUR EXTRA SAVINGS IN CASH AT sprouts | 49- PREMIUM FANCY RED--SAVE 10c CASH Sockeye SALMON oy SAVE ALL--4c CASH WAX PAPER BURN'S WHOLE--SAVE 30c CASH--ONE WHOLE CHICKEN ceived from some 400 to 500 persons. | An embassy spokesman indi-| cated later progress of the pro-| gram may depend on whether the United States facilitates re-| Don't forget to take elong YOU! business; The Senate is ad- bers of one family were killed discussed the possibility of a|on a special ban American air- and his wife Georgette, both in|éxcerpt from his memoirs, to Washington broke off diploma-| Almonte and were being driven| Adams writes: of work by the Swiss Embassy, Smiths Falls. |world affairs, liberal in its pol-|than the Swiss had expected. SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)--A fined to a few sessions in the moc pecause the persons posed numerous times in the breaking up the two - party sys- puphy Hart Phillips of the New Secretary Dean Rusk was ex- was expected to echo calls for| into its second day. (who originally proposed the! and demanded liquidation of the|ity was established in a 1955 noon break in which Prince No.|Ti0me proposed a four - point | The delegation, headed by In. | machinery for channelling arms | PROUD HE CONSOLIDATED AT ALLIED cottage end vecotion trips. NOW IS YOUR We have ae limited number of warehouse marks, ALL GREATLY REDUCED TO BE OF.. We still have a variety of portab! suit: every taste. Veterans Allowance Act. | Wednesday, May 17 The Commons meets at 11} a.m. EST to debate government journed until 3 p.m. Thursday. Three Killed presiden Eisenhower became nounced Tuesday that agree- At C : so discouraged at one time with ment has been reached with the Iossing [the ultra - conservatism of the Cuban foreign ministry whereby SNEDDEN (CP)--Three mem.| Republican. leadership that he|U.S. citizens will fly to Miami , in 2 'Inew political party, says Sher. line repatriation flight. Crossing accident in this uy|an Adams. A Bt village 30 miles west of Ottawa.| Adams, Eisenhower's former| =.=" 0" "nba" since Dead are Kenneth MecPhaillchief aide, tells the story in an ts nl Hd their 203 and Mr. McPhail's|be published in the May 1 is-[ic relations with Cuba early father, Robert, in his 60s, sue of Life magazine. The me- "n° agreement marks the Mr. and Mrs, McPhail bothmoirs are to be published In 0 inaion of nearly two weeks work. in the nearby village of|book form next month. aio hihi home by Mr. McPhail's father| "Eisenhower's thoughts about An eibassy spokesman eld Je when their car collided with aja new political party -- accept: Cuban authorities took longer CPR westbound freight fromjing a role of leadership inl, process the list of repatriates The younger McPhails haveijcies affecting human welfare| 4; ig re' ohildven 's | . a ; | though the embassy sought five children at home es JOUE MOIS. CORSRIVLIvE Than the exit permits on behalf of 98] : "|United States citizens, Cuban BRIDGE NEEDED trols and spending -- were Con-a thorities struck off four| six-member citizens' committee|privacy of his office. He car- ithout passports is studying the feasibility of a|ried them no further for he was Wale Boi Hhosspons. The Saint John harbor bridge. Span-|well aware of the dangerous respondents -- Harold Milks of ning the harbor has been pro- confusion that might come from pe Associated Press, Mrs. last half-century. ~~ item." York Times and Martin House- {man of United Press Interna- Rusk To A = Red China Attack GENEVA (Reuters) -- State afternoon and, like Rusk, he pected to reply today to a bit-|a neutral Laos made by Prince| ter attack on the United States Norodom, British Foreign Min. by Communist China as the 14 ister Lord Home and Chen Yi. nation Laotian conference went, The Cambodian head of state, Foreign Minister Marshal | talks, opened the conference Chen Yi, Tuesday night accused | Tuesday with a suggestion that the United States of being re-|1.aos be made neutral in the | sponsible for the Laotian crisis/5ame way that Austrian neutral. | Southeast Asia Treaty Organiza. treaty that ended years of East- tion. West wrangling. | Rusk's morning - session| en the conference went into speech was scheduled before a|? closed-door session at which | rodom Sihanouk of Cambodia|P!an of action--a declaration of | invited the Laotian right-wing neutrality by Laos, a declara- delegation to lunch at his|tion by conference participants nearby villa. to respect Laotian neutrality, to Laos and controls to super- terior Minister Leuam Insisien-| vise economic aid to Laos. oe gmay, boycotted opening ses-| The Chinese foreign minister sion despite its designation as|devoted most of his 18-minute WITH A MORTGAGE LOAN ALL GREATLY REDUCE For example: Radio. This attractive set con be a "business session" to get/speech to a scathing denuncia-| around the delegation's refusal|tion of U.S. policy in Southeast | to go to the conference on equal/Asia and an attack on Vice- | terms with neutralist and pro. President Lyndon Johnson's cur Communist Pathet Lao repre.|rent tour of the area. | sentatives from Laos. But U.S. spokesman Roger| {Tubby told reporters that Chen GROMYKO SPEAKS TODAY | Yi's statement was "a bit more! Soviet Foreign Minister And-'moderate than ones we have rei Gromyko was scheduled to heard from the Communist Chi- make a policy statement in the nese in the past." ALLIED INVESTMENTS CALL ZE 7-6540 (GUELPH) NO TOLL CHARGE FOR A DAY OR EVENING APPOINTMENT Member of the Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association in the car for complete enjoyment you go, RETAIL PRE-HOLIDAY Custom Car Holder for only 139.00 bargains while they last. Include @ porteble FM Radio or Tepe Recorder in your plans for the sistors, record players ond table models to AM/FM/SW/LW 8 Be sure to take advantage of these reo! ELECTRONIC WHOLESALERS 637 SIMCOE ST, S. at BLOOR R KIND OF MUSIC this summer, OPPORTUNITY various models, some with slight FOR QUICK CLEARANCE TAPE PRE-HOLIDAY RECORDERS SPECIAL Full Stereo : Stereo Playback Mono Mone Janes STEREO HI-FI -- SETS FOR FINE ENTERTAINMENT IN THE COTTAGE PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIAL RETAIL 395.00 FULL 3 MONTHS GUARANTEE FOR SERVICE and 6 months for Parts AT NO EXTRA COST. Weekday Saturday les, tran- D transistor installed wherever 9-6 pm, SPECIAL | 9-1 p.m, 5.00 79.95 Canned CHICKEN ++ WHITE CROSS--SAVE 45¢ CASH hd oilet ous ® SAVE 17¢ CASH -- VAN CAMP ROSE BRAND -- SAVE 4c CASH Pork & Beans 20a, PICKLES our 30° Tims ROBIN HOOD Jar wa Cake Mixes 6. 1.00 Easy Mix Envelope Size -- White, Chocolate SAVE 8c -- LOWNEY"S ANGELUS Marshmallows 5. 29¢ CALIFORNIA VALENCIA'S--SIZE 163's (ORANGES :- - 3 We are big enough to serve you--Small enough to ¢ | YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STO '? L

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