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The Oshawa Times, 17 May 1961, p. 8

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Bg THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, sperm ------ May 17, 1961 e-- MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Cured Alcoholic Tells GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES port in the absence of Mrs. Morr] All the women of the church ley Wyman. were invited to a meeting at Mrs. George Telford spoke on|the church Wednesday, May 24. CENTRE STREET WA The theme "Mother" was ap-|bers who attended the Bay of "Citizenship", Mrs. Harold| An invitation to the Sproule was in charge of the party of the Jessie Panton Aux- (East Group) propriately chosen for the devo- (Quinte Conference pointed out The May meeting of the East tional period by Mrs. E 1d on|some of the highlights discussed Group WA of Centre Street| Southwell, at the conference. : United Church was held at the| Favorable reports were heard] The Senior WA meeting will may call me collect from any- home of Mrs. Charles East-|during the business period on|be held May 17. A rummage where he is, at any time of day|v00d, with the Group Leader, |the various booths at the spring [sale was planned for May 30 in or night. Perhaps, with God's | Mrs. Wilbur Miller, presiding. bazaar held recently. The mem- (the church hall. or MD. Thanks St. Mary of the People CWL ; Welcomes a Special Guest Dear M.D.: Thanks for your Elliott. Mrs. Frank Donald presided contribution of real understand. ; ing to the problem under discus- 3RD PARENTS' COMMITTEE sion. It is possible that the The 3rd Oshawa Guide and clergyman, encouraged by your Brownie Parents' Committee testimony, may now ask and re- held its regular meeting at the ceive the help he needs right in ) refreshment booth at the church {home of Mrs. A. D. Morrison, his own community. at the May meeting of St. Mary |bingos, as this will lighten the|with eight present. Mrs. Eric of the People Council of the work of those already assisting. |Notris presided. Catholic Women's League, held recently in the Church Audi- torium. A special welcome was cxtended to Mrs, Elsie Spragg, chairman of the South Ontario study period, Her theme being|iliary was read for Svesaa¥, "Church in the World" and was| May 30, at 8 o'clock. The } assisted by Mrs. William Gam-|eon meeting will be held June ble, Mrs. John Hipkins and|8 at 1 o'clock. The Mrs. Clarence Sadler. Group will be in charge.. THE HOME DAIRY NEW TEMPORARY LOCATION 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa and WHITBY PLAZA BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE HOME DAIRY, Ajax THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY Of His Own Experience | Dear Mary Haworth: The agi- {tated wife of the alcoholic clergyman does have a problem lin her own right: As you say-- lin her "frightened, two-faced, {do-nothing attitude." | You called the turns expertly when you talked tough to her {and then told her what to do, in la knowledgeable spirit. Bless you! Alcoholism is certainly a dis- ease and must be handled ac- cordingly. So should tuberculo- sis, diabetes mellitus or deaf- ness, for that matter. All of these ailments engender quite enough self-pity and the thera- pist should not add to it. You did not, I am a physician, graduated from a well-known Grade-A med- {ical school and have a large costly. Also, this column never has acted as go-between in sup- Meadow Crescent. Very appro- Kevan G. Howe read the min- plying addresses of one cor- priate at this time as well as|utes. The treasurer's report was enlightening was the spiritual |2lven by the treasurer, Mrs. prudent to stick to a rule of meeting with prayer. The secre- i ice i {tary 'S : to be held on Wednesday, June |private practice in a compara-| anonymity. . |tary, Mrs. Leonard Weeks, and| The following conveners have { [tively small community. | Dear Mary Haworth: Until| Mrs. Ted Chenier, the treasurer, |now received 8 Som respective 14, 6 p.m. at Westmount United As he lives in the South, and X y you in the West, telephone fel Winner of the special draw in The secretary's report was lowship might be prohibitively aid of parochial scholarships |given. There were no meetings vas Daniel John Cole of 45|held in March or April. Mrs. [respondent to another. Much as|!iesional, who was present as / tl one might like to make excep-|2 Suest at the meeting. The address given by Father Gignac. Eric Norris. : tions (as in this case) it seems | icv. Norbert Gignac opened the The topic he chose was "Moth.| A date has been set for the er, and What it Means." mother and daughter banquet { | I am an alcoholic. I regained now I've always found your ad.|read their respective reports. Church. my sobriety and spiritual pos-|vice to be excellent. But your Mrs. Danil Shutka, spiritual appointments for the coming| Refreshments were served by term: Mrs. Donald Branch, AD Eo BOY WITH THE Always sure of a welcome at the home of his. grand- | parents in Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Vincent, is one- | year-old Raymond Mark, son of Mr. and Mrs, Otto Linde- mann, Glendale, California, formerly of Oshawa. Mark WINNING SMILE also has grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Lindemann, | of Schweinfert, Germany, and a great - grandmother, Mrs. William Vincent, Cornerbrook, Newfoundland --Photo by Susan's of Hollywood THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Personal relationships are un- der excellent aspects now, and you will find this a good time in which to seek and bestow favors, encourage new friendships and cement old ties, In business mat- ters, don't consider plans you |and late September will bring | these. Do all in your power, however, to "follow through" |during intervening periods. Don't {1ct down in effort. For those who are single, any {month within the next eight should be excellent for romance |and marriage and, for all, June, {July and December will be ex- ceptionally propitious where other personal relationships are ' |concerned. {| WeinAAr ture over five years ago with the answer to the alcoholic clergy-| aid of God and Alcoholics Anony-/man's wife was the last straw, mous. Owing to my agnosticism You gave her no sympathy at and my white-collar professiona pride, these two forces were last resort--and they worked. |our sanity | 12 ster prir te my| p has to do with '"Carrving the message (of hope) to other 1iall. You charge her with false pride and useless false pretense .oain and maintain|in failing to seek professional tryvine to follow the counsel while practising various able. vs suggested in the blue-|deceits to try to hide his drink- s of our fellowship. The 12th|ing from parishoners. Don't you supnose she has begged, pleaded, threatened, ete. convener, was thanked for her work in convening the success- ful Communion breakfast held recently at the Sandalwood Res- taurant. A Sunday bake sale will {be held in the near future 1 a suitable date is avail- «rs. Frank Donaid and Mrs. finance; Mrs. Max Coleman, |She welcomed all present and Max Coleman have been ap- |pointed as delegates from St. alcoholics and practising these|to try to stop his drinking? She|Mary of the People Council at principles in all our affairs." EXPLODES MYTH One of my pet 12th steps has| been trying to explode the myth| of public censure--that is, the al coholic"s dread of the costs of having his problem re vealed social {has reached the end of her rope land what help did you offer? I am in my 70s, and since I was 15 I have seen persons de- stroying themselves with drink, I've known four who reformed with the help of AA--all fine citi: {zens, making good today. Please believe me, dear] A drunkard, to stop drinking, clergvman's wife, it is a myth I nendable when .|has to want to stop; has to use consider my anonvmity ex. Self-determination and has to] . by breaking it, [team up with AA. Mrs. B.C. says| I may stand a chance of helping|her husband refuses even to try. another alcoholic. Conse well aware of m If such is the case, she has ntly my community isjonly one self respecting road affiliation with{open and that is to leave the AA and has rewarded me with|pig and take the children. Peo- n 30 per cent increase in my ple will congratulate her and » as compared to my last|think well of her for it. D.R.| {the Catholic Women's League Archdiocesan Council annual |convention to be held at the {Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on [June 4, 5 and 6. Others plan. ning to attend are the Rev. Nor- bert Gignac, Mrs. Daniel Shutka, Dodds, Mrs, Kenneth McRae bers were requested to bring along some fund raising sug- gestions to the next meeting which will be held on June 12, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson is again in charge of a trave!ling apron. and Mrs. Leonard Weeks. Mem- | altar and chancel; Mrs. Gerald Reid, radio, TV and films; Mrs. Harry Lock, social action; Mrs, Leo McCarthey, membership; Mrs. George King, telephone; Mrs. Daniel Shutka, spiritual; Mrs, Bernard Jones, social; Mrs. Augusta Deschemaeker, {resolutions and reports; Mrs | William Dionne, education; Mrs. {Leonard Weeks, press. | Preceding the meeting a long | remembered ceremony took {place when the council's direc- |tor, Father Gignac blessed the {new Catholic Women's League {banner which the Council has recently acquired. The honor of {having a banner was explained |by the director, The ceremony Mrs. Ted Chenier, Mrs. Larry [Was concluded with benediction | of the Blessed Sacrament. Following the meeting refresh- ments were served by the social committee, FOR BEAUTIFUL' PORTRAITS Social Convener Mrs. Morrison. ST. ANDREW'S WMS The May meeting of the af- ternoon group of the WMS of St. Andrew's United Church was held recently with the president, Mrs. Lloyd Pegg, presiding. | SPECIALS FRESH CHERRY PIE 49° DATE NUT & LOAF 35° FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. opened with prayer. i Mrs. Harold Brant gave the| worship service, Mrs, William Gamble read the secretary's report and Mrs | Lloyd Pegg the treasurer's re-| UP With These... lhe When ready, this will be sent | to a missionary in the Domini. can Republic | Mrs. Kenneth McRae is still in | need of some assistance for the i pr Ce make in the forenoon as final.| Caution should be exercised year of g. People don't] Dear D.R.: In effect I told You. are liable to make changes|during the current month and nondemn your methods of attain-| Mrs. B.C. tn pull her head out of | before the day is over. November, at im ing sobriety but they will respect|the sand ad t specialist help 7 is v i v |siveness and lack of emotional your achievement in staying|from a psychiatrist, or from Al- I OmOrIOW i¢ YUP ithiay feontrol lead to rifts with friends sober | Anons, in taking the lead out of rg op ou entered a pe-|or family. Some good business, It may be helpful to other pa-|confusion, if her husband won't. of this hgh 4 1d be ad-|news late in December should tients if this letter is published. |M.H. Hod in which it wou t e eo get you off to a fine start in 1962.|I enclose my address and tele. Mary Haworth counsels or personal interview. Write her | bg 0 une gi ki A child born on this day will Phone number. The clergyman through her column not by maillin care of this newspaper. | goals. Fine influences will gov- be endowed with great perse- ern new projects for several|verance in the face of obstances days, but do not expect immedi-| and could be highly successful in ate monetary returns. Mid-Junelany of the artistic fields. d o £ + i Nit 40 King E. RA 5-015) Hou A g ERS Lr AN Wes, > doe We will have a good selection of Reg. Smoked Hams. Boned ond rolled hams, ready to serve hams. FRESH KILLED BROILER TURKEYS = 39° PORK SHOULDER 1h. 39¢ Ih. 49¢ COTTAGE ROLLS 21hs. 1.00 COOKED HAM Ib. 89¢ CLUB HAMS 2 or whole Beef Specials!! BONELESS ROLLED Ih. 45¢ Boneless ROUND STEAK ROAST 8 BUNS AND § SALISBURY STEAKS 73 i 4 lbs. 1.00 SLICED 1b. 29¢ BREAKFAST BACON READY TO SERVE Ib. 50¢ WIENERS 2 Ibs. 69c POT ROAST BONELESS RUMP ROAST 79: Thurs. Only! CUT-UP CHICKEN LEGS, THIGHS, BREASTS . . Ib. 39° Yee: End Cuts 1b. 25¢ iY HOLIDAY SPECIAL SLIM JIMS By Famous Makers COTTON SHORTS at coos ara ze. 9.59 and 1.59 SHAMROCK SHORTS seme ss™ 3.98 and 2.98 Slums to Match! _--_--_L POP-OVER BLOUSES To match Shorts 2.98 and Slims, OPEN WEDNESDAY ALL DAY NOW . . FRIDAY UNTIL 9 SLEEPWEAR BABY DOLL PYJAMAS Famous makers, all Nylon in all the most wanted pastel shades. Fancy lace trim. Many styles to choose from. "Tarpoon' plaids assort, color combination. Fully sanforized. Finely tapered leg. 2.99 SEPARATE SETS by Leading Canadian Makers Matching SHIRT 'N BLOUSE SETS 9.99 BLOUSE TOPS Sleeveless, Just right for those warm days ahead. popular prints and checks. 1 'E) Sizes 10 - 20. Reg. to 3.98 .. | -- Ep WEEK-END SPECIAL! DRESSES By Famous Makers «ALL SIZES REG. TO 6.95 LADIES & TEENAGERS FASHIONS SUMMER WHITES New styles, new comfort in beautifully fashioned "Summer White'! by TAMMY. See complete assortment of Full sanforized, wide range of colors. Sizes 10 - 20. Reg. to » . shoes the Ideal for shorts, slims, skirts, fabulous styles now on display. . . for the long weekend! , just in time 4 ® NOT A SHOE IN THE SHOP SELLS FOR MORE THAN ® 4 WIDTHS AVAIL. ABLE FOR EVERY STYLE -- 4A - 3A - 2A - B. Sleeveless printed Arnel Jersey Dresses all the most wanted color and styles. Ideal for sports-business and school. All sizes and colors. So easy to care for, so cool to wear. Reg. to 12.95 2.99 rere ERR eee CARDIGANS Cotton, In white and colors, S.M.L. ® sesso ARNEL GOWNS Wide selection of famous makers Arnel gowns in a variety of colors and styles. S-M-L. 1 99 sens = Regular 3.98 CAPRI PYJAMAS Arnel and Nylon In complete sizes and color ranges S-M-L. Regular i a4 3.98. NOW ONLY .... Hs Shop (1 SIMCOE S. RA 3-7421 BOLOGN 2111318: Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIMBEEF ( \ 12 KING E. - RA 3-3633 Ld LJ [J "For the Latest Fashion , , . And Best Fit" _ TAMMY FASHION SHOES RA 8-2491 | 79 Simcoe NORTH

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