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The Oshawa Times, 1 Jun 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRIC Manager: Lloyd Robertson T Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 POLICE RADIO DESPATCHERS RETIRE Members of the Whitby Police Department this week bade farewell to their two radio despatchers who are both leaving the service to retire. At a gathering at the home of PC Morley Nicholson, Cochrane street, member of the department present ed Matthew Bowman, patcher for seven years, with a pipe and cigars. Sid Nor- man, despatcher for two years, was presented with a des- ceived costume jewellery on the occasion. Shown in the photo above, left to right, are Mrs. and Matthew Bowman, Sid and Mrs. Norman. --Oshawa Times Photo pen set. The presentations were made by PC Ernie Shep- perdson and PC Jack Mason. Saying farewell on the part of his fellow officers was Sgt. Clifford Partington. Both Mrs. Norman and Mrs. Bowman re- Palmerston School Field Day Results The pupils of Palmerston Avenue Public School held their annual field day this week with 220 pupils taking part. At the conclusion of the day's events, winners in the various age divi- sions were named. Champions in each age group were: 14 and over, boys, John Ander- son; 14 and over, girls, Vivian Treen. 12 and 13, boys, Hadley Shep- pard; 12 and 13, girls, Sylvia Carswell. 10 and 11, boys, Peter Pill- man; 10 and 11, girls, Beverley Craig. 8 and 9, boys, nedy; 8 and 9, girls, Zolotucha. 7 and under, boys, Mark Turn- er; 7 and under, girls, Suellen MacDonald. BOYS, 12 AND 13 YEARS Sprint: Tom McLerie, Hadley Sheppard, Don Duncan. Hop-step and jump: Hadley Sheppard, Don Duncan, Ross Wotten. Running broad jump: Hadley Sheppard, Don Duncan, Mur- ray, Milnia, nding broad jump: Hadley Sheppard, Ross Wotten, Don Duncan. High jump: Murray Minnis, John Connor, Hadley Sheppard. 'Ball throw: Stan Korczynski, Hadley Sheppard, Don Duncan. Larry Ken- Debbie Pillman, Mills. GIRLS, 12 AND 13 YEARS Sprint: Dianne Treen, Sylvia Carswell, Beth Atkinson. Hop-step and jump: Sylvia Carswell, Linda Parker, Beth Atkinson. Running broad jump: Linda Parker, Sylvia Carswell, bara Henderson. Standing broad jump: Linda Sylvia Parker, Beth Atkinson, Carswell. High jump: Sylvia Carswell, Barbara Henderson, Beth Atkin- son. Ball throw: Dianne Treen Gayle Robertson, Gloria Ste: phenson. BOYS, 10 AND 11 YEARS int: Peter Pillman, Larry Turner, David McLerie. Hop-step and jump: Peter Pillman, Mahaney. S| David Payne, Running broad jump: Standin High jump: Peter Pillman, David McLerie, Harold Robbins. Ball throw: Peter Pillman, Doug. Short, Brian Mills, GIRLS, 10 AND 11 YEARS Sprint: Betty Kollard, Sylvia Prince, Beverley Craig. Hop-step and jump: Beverley Badge Report For April, May Following is the Whitby Girl Guide badge report for April and May: FIRST COMPANY Skater -- Susan Heard. Test- er, M. Yacobosky, Figure Skat- ing Club. Dancer--Jennifer Town, Mar- go Wilson. Tester: M. Connelly. Homemaker -- Mary Lorra Pritchard, Donna Bradley, Mar- go Wilson. Tester: Mrs. E. Miller. SECOND COMPANY Laundress -- Jacqueline Gor- man, Joy Foster, Linda Ma-| jcher, Dixie Stonehouse, Billie Stonehouse, Terry English, Mel- ody Pascoe, Trudy Hutchings. Tester, Mrs. Tizard. Cook -- Joy Foster, Melody Pascoe, G. Huston, Smit. Tester, Mrs. Foster. Cook Trudy Hutchings, Linda Majcher, Tester, Mrs. Tizard. Hostess -- Terry English, Lin- da Majcher. Tester, R. Pritch- ard. REPORT FOR MAY FIRST COMPANY Stalker -- Joan Calder. Test- er, Miss R. Winters. Tracker--Joan Calder. Tester, Miss H. Winters and R. Prit- chard. Woodman--Joan Clader. Test- er, Miss Miss H. Winters. Horsewoman -- Joan Calder. Testers, Miss G. Robertson and Dr. C. MacKay, DVN. Friend to animals Joan Calder, Mary Ellen McQuay, Lawrence. . Sissons, Dr. C. MacKay, DVN. Child Nurse -- Susan Read, Patricia Coutts, Pritchard, Mary Ellen McQuay. Testers, Mrs. Pritchard. Majcher, Sarah Inkpen, Susan Read, Mar go Wilson, Mary Lorra Pritch- Eileen ard, Patricia Coutts, Testers, Miss E. Miller, SECOND COMPANY Friend to animals -- Linda Stonehouse, Sharon Douglas, Jacqueline Gor- Billie man, Nienka Smit. Testers Kay, DVN. THIRD COMPANY Friend to animals--Jacqueline Bar- Steve Peter| Chris Robbins, Jimmy McGrath. Pillman, David McLerie, Gary Jack. dread 4 Pet road jump: Peter avid McLerie, Brian| Kurzwernhart, Mary Lorra R. Miss M. Sissons, Dr. C. Mac- Craig, Pat Carswell, Vivian Allen. j Running broad jump: Nalli|! Courtney, Elizabeth Bossoska, |? Rhonda Payne. i Standing broad jump: Bever-| § ley Craig, Sylvia Prince, Pat|; Carswell. (f High jump: Beverley. Craig, |} Pat Carswell, Vivian Allen. i BOYS, 8 AND 9 YEARS § Spring: Larry Kennedy, Chris| | Robbins, Malcolm Hargreaves. Hop-step and jump: Jack Grant, Donnie Shortt, Larry Kennedy. Running broad jump: Larry Kennedy, Chris Robbins, Don-| nie Shortt. Standing broad jump: Larry Kennedy, Chris Robbins, Nor- man Hawes. High jump: Larry Kennedy, Jack Grant, Jimmy McGrath, Ball throw, Larry Kennedy, Sy 2 TO GRADUATE Miss Gaile Dafoe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dafoe, 1104 King street, Whitby, will graduate from the Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing. Graduation ceremon- ies are to be held on June 2. JB's Plan June Picnic Whitby Baptist Church 3 B's held its last regular monthly meeting for the season at the home of Mrs. Len Rich. The president, Mrs. Ruth May, open- ed the meeting with prayer. This was followed by reports being read and approved. During the business meeting plans were discussed for the summer picnic to be held Tues- day, June 20, at Richmond Hill residence of Rev. and Mrs. J. Ward, former Pastor of Whitby Baptist Church. Transportation wiill be provided. Plans were also made for the catering at the Rotary dinners for the month of June, ' The meeting closed with prayer and refreshments were served by the hostess. GIRLS, 8 AND 9 YEARS Sprint: Denise Watson, Mady Debbie Zolotu- Hop-step and jump: Bobby Duncan, Debbie Zolotucha, Lin- da Stacey. Standing broad jump: Debbie Zolotucha, Linda Stacey, Susan Taylor. High jump: Bobby Duncan,| | Karen Bagnell, Mady Kurzwern-| hart. Ball throw: Lynn Roxborough, Mady Kurzwernhart, Debbie Zolotucha. Running broad jump: Gwen Byron, Susan Taylor, Mady Kurzwernhart. GIRLS, 7 AND UNDER Sprint: Suellen MacDonald, Yvonne Zolotucha, Darlene Mac- Quinn. Running broad jump: Suellen MacDonald, Darlene MacQuinn, Yvonne Zolotucha. Standing broad jump: Yvonne Zolotucha, Suellen MacDonald, Kathey Cowey. High jump: Suellen MacDon- ald, Arlene DeGraaff, Yvonne Zolotucha. Ball throw: Yvonne Zolotu- cha, Jessie Connor, Arlene De- Graaff, BOYS, 7 AND UNDER Sprint: John Bradley, Mark Turner, Ronnie Pillman. Hop-step and jump: Murray AND SONS LTD. PAINTING & DECORATING Brocklin OL 5-4441 ages and $750 in general dam- | tempting to steal money from | two coin telephones. Earl Mec- . [Lean McIntosh, 19, of 154 Wil | [liam street east, appeared be- . [Whitby police court this week ! |charges. CHAS. A. BRADLEY | $1,022 Judgment Made To Cyclist Grant Barton, a 20-year-old two feet on the road. Barton Toronto Teachers' College stu-|then had to swerve into the dent of RR 2, Uxbridge, re-|Flumerfelt car, ceived a $1,022.15 judgment in| Dr. Russell Alexander Gill, Whitby County Court, Tuesday.|an Oshawa general and ortho- The civil action arose from a|pedic surgeon, testified he had car - motorcycle accident onlinspected Barton on Nov. 17, April 21, 1958. Judge A, C. Hall|1960. He said Barton had com- awarded $272.15 in special dam.|plained of an aching right knee ages to the plaintiff against Reg- and after an examination show- mis: his ligamen a at aa at Cll i BE Ar THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 1, 198) § tian Soldiers" School Choir Atfizis' 'dir United Church I? p" and the flowers in thé Memorial Tooth were The Pickering District High|the memory . School Choir under the direction(}rs, A; M. Irwin Joho at of Mr. Allan Clark visited the gregation. Whitby United Church on Sun-| It was announced that the mo and jded the|congregation is "adopting" day prov. music for Service of Wor. summer inigter, the "Peach 3 and the motorcycle had to hit one or the other. He stated that there were two people on motorcycle who went up into the air when it struck the car and landed on their heads. In giving judgment Judge Hall sald Frat [73 negligence was on the part of the defend- ant Curl, He said he feit that Flumerfelt was not negligent or, if so did not contribute in any way to the accident. The action against Flumer. jolt by the plaintiff was dis- ship. Two anthems were sung, (Donald Wilson, Bach's "Now Let Every Tongue|at Eaglesham in Adore Thee" and Onward Chris-/River District. inald Curl of 819 Byron street north, Whitby. aj ra brother of Ng Jolendant, 'ergus Curl, who had been the driver of one of the vehicles|aPility to the knee, : Dr. John Russel St, John of involved had a unit against him 3 Cen withdrawn when the court dis-|the Uxbridge Medical tre testified he had examined the covered that he had deceased. it was" ;earried on plaintiff on April 21, 1958 and The sul had treated him for multiple against Reginald Curl because| ino. abrasions and a deep he had given his brother con-|jaceration on the right knee. He sent to drive the truck. said the knee became swollen Plaintiff Barton told the court|and had to be drained several that he had owned the motor-|times. He said Barton had not cycle for one week and was been confined to bed at any travelling east on Highway 47(time and was given permission behind a pickup truck driven|to participate in sports two by Fergus Curl at about 35 months after the accident. mph. Ontario Provincial Police Con- About two miles west of High-|stable A. Summers who investi- way 12 a car in front of the gated the accident said that Curl truck driven by Jack Flum-|Jack Flumerfelt's car had been erfelt put on its brakes and|partly on the travelled portion pulled to the right side of the of the road and that the motor- road. The Curl truck pulled over cycle had struck it in the centre behind the Flumerfelt car and|of the back bumper. He said also slowed down. From this he there had been no skidmarks at got the impression that the Curl|the scene of the accident. truck would wait until Flumer-| Gordon Ward, a farmer of felt picked up his passenger.|Lot 8, Concession 9, Reach Barton then pulled over the|Township, who witnessed the centre line to pass them and at|accident testified that Flumer- the same time Curl pulled out|felt had signalled his intention and swerved around the Flum-|to turn right when he stopped erfelt car which was parked|to pick up a passenger. He said Tried Theft Of Coin Boxes An Oshawa youth is to be sen- tenced next Tuesday for at- DUPLICATE BRIDGE SCORES North and South --Mrs. Wil- son and Mrs. Spratt, 126; Mr. and Mrs. Winters, 115%; Mr. and Mrs. Baker, 114; Mr. and {Mrs. McCann 109. East and West -- Mr. and Mrs. Heron, 124; Mrs. Cars- callen and Mrs. Sanderson, 105; Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Watts, 941%; Mr. and Miss Bovay, 92%. ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE 11 fore Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in and pleaded guilty to both Similar charges against Gene Allan Peters, 18, of 194 Division street, Oshawa, and Joseph Frederick Cochrane, 20, of RR 1, Enniskillen, were withdrawn at the request of Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck. PC Sel Holroyd, of the Whitby Detachment of the OPP, said that at 12.50 a.m., May 1, he was advised that persons were tempering with a coin telephone at the Lansdowne Shopping the accused. Damage to this telephone, he said, was $130. Mcintosh said that he had arrived at the scenes of both attempted thefts in a car owned by Peters. But, he said, on both occasions while he was at. tempting to open the coin boxes, Peters and Cochrane had left the scene and had returned to pick him up again, Auto Insurance LOWER RATES Are You Three Years "(laim-Free™ If you have a good record, one or two drivers, and no male driver under 25, nor any driver over 65, and drive less than 10,000 miles per year, and do not drive to work into, or through, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor or Ottawa; and otherwise qualify-- we may be able to save you from 15 to 30% on your premium, As an example, if you drive a Pontiac "'Strato-Chief", sedan, the following rates would apply (other makes only slightly differene): HALF YEARLY PREMIUM $25,000 Inclusive) (for $13.50) $300,000 (Inclusive) P.L. and $16.50 10.00 3.20 $100 Deductible, Collision $25 Deductible, Comprehensive-- (No deductible for Fire & Theft of entire car) $1,500 Medical Expense 1.65 (Farmers $1.15) $31.35 Total Six month's premium $ 4.00 Optional--$10,000 Accidental Death Coverage through one of the oldest Canadian Insurance Companies, and the oldest Insurance Office in Whitby. PHONE US ANYTIME -- MO 8-3521 Open 9 a.m. --5 p.m, Saturday until noon, evenings by appointment Immediate coverage. Compare these rates with your next renewal. Centre in North Oshawa. He investigated, he said, and found that it had been damaged but the coin box was still intact. PC Holroyd said that a car| had been observed leaving the area and. later the accused was questioned and admitted at- tempting to break open the telephone box. Damage to the telephone, he said, was set at $130. On May 7, he said, at 4.45 a.m., police were again alerted that the pay telephone at Man- chester was being tampered with. PC Doug. Robinson, he ANNE'S FABRIC WOOL SHOP 113 BYRON STREET SOUTH WHITBY "= MO B8-8152 ALL WOOLLEN MATERIAL REDUCED 259, BEAUTIFUL SUMMER COTTONS FOR DRESS AND SPORTS WEAR BUY YOUR WOOL NOW AND KNIT FOR THE FALL BEAUTIFUL VEILINGS, RIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS, ALL DRESSMAKER'S SUPPLIES AVAILABLE, SIMPLICITY PATTERNS IN STOCK. COME IN AND SEE US BOWMAN & GIBSON Serving You Since '22 111 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY, ONT. General Insurance and Real Estate _- said, observed a car leaving the area and stopped it and found WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y>-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC, On Sale ot . . . Graham, Ronnie Pillman, Mark Turner. West Hill AT 2-0961 WHITBY OFFICE & flo @ o> oD Running broad jump: John or visit our . . . Paint Nienka Bradley, Mark Turner, Larry Kennedy. Standing broad jump: Mark Turner, John Bradley, Ronnie Legge. High jump: Mark Turner, John Bradley, Randy Denyer. Ball Throw: Mark Turner, Romie Kennedy, David Oul- ette, BOYS, 14 YEARS AND OVER Sprint: John Anderson, Danny Sandford, Mike Kollard. Hop-step-jump: John Ander: son, Danny Sandford, Bradley. Running Broad Jump: John Anderson, Mike Kollard, Dennis Bradley. High jump: John Anderson, Danny Sandford, David Russel. Standing broad jump: John Anderson, Danny Sandford, Dennis Bradley. Ball throw: John Anderson, Hendricks, Caryl Allan, Bonnie Allen, Maria Bardoel, Kathleen Hughes, Linda Finen, Donna Parise, Evelyn Hickey. Testers, Miss M. Sissons, Dr. C. Mac-| Kay, DVN | Dancer -- Jacqueline Hen- dricks. Tester, Marg Connelly, School of Dancing. FOURTH COMPANY Swimmer -- Lee Ann Souter. Tester: Mrs. A. Owens, RLSS. Laundress -- Karen Dolmage. Tester, R. Pritchard. Cook -- Marlaine Partington. Tester, Mrs. G. Nicholson and [R. Pritchard. 1ST PK., A GOLDEN HAND Lois Calder, Jane Harlow. Tester, Mrs. B. Kaiser. House orderly -- Lorna Hawk- ins. Tester, her mother. | Collector Jane Harlow. | Tester, Mrs. R. Pritchard. Danny Sandford, David Russel. BROCK WHITBY Eveni "ACADEMY AWARD WI METRO GOLOWYN-MAYER presents EDDIE FISHER hn JOMN O'HARA'S 8 'BUTTERFIELD eostaring DINA MERRILL Feature at 7:15 and 9:40 G ADMITTANCE ELIZABETH TAYLOR LAURENCE HARVEY HELD OVER, Last Showing TODAY, Kindergarten children parti- cipated in a play-day while the rest of the school took part in the track and field events. ng Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Denis. & wallpaper Store 6731 Kingston Rd. West Hill FREE ESTIMATES CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times I [ I | | OPEN DEUR EVANGELISATIE DIENST (Hollandsche Taal) DS. P. LUGTIGHEID van 's-Gravehage EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH 401 -- 3rd CON. WEST WHITBY VRIJDAG 2 JUNI 8:00 uur ALLEN WELKOM After the field events refresh- ments were provided by the Palmerston Avenue Home and School Association and by Ham- bly Beverages of Oshawa. As- sistance in running the field day was given to the staff by inter- ested parents. Some of the winners wlill be participating in the Whitby Public Schools Field Day of champions in June. NNER" TEEN CLUB DONATION In a story carried on these pages this week concerning do- nations to the Tom Chasczewsk! fund, it was reported that a an hurs. | by the Bathe Park team club. donation of $16 had been made TOWN OF WHITBY SENIOR CITIZEN WEEK | Park Teen Club. This should have read Bathe | By the authority of a resolution passed by the Coun- cli of the Town of Whitby, the week of June 4th to June 10th, 1961 is hereby declared Senior Citizens Week in the Town of Whitby. Ww. S. Mayor of the Town of Whitby. Martin, Time to celebrate all the good dairy foods ' that nature so bountifully provides, all year "round. Enjoy them often-- make dairy foods daily foods! A division of DAIRY FARMERS JOF CANADA 147 Davenport Road, Toronto

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