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The Oshawa Times, 1 Jun 1961, p. 7

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grams will be provided, officers|general council and will change every two years ex-|will sit on board and cept treasurer and gechosaties. meetings of the church. The M and M and WA were| Catering for a wi explained by Mrs. Crowle, There planned for June 3. The will be a unified budget. There meeting will be on June 22 will be six women elected to'a pot luck supper. GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES ALBERT STREET WA The WA of Albert Street United Church held its meeting recently in the recreation hall with the president, Mrs. Eric Cooper, opening with a poem, "Faith". A hymn was sung with Mrs, Joseph Wiltshire at UW Jomeen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 ADDING THEIR SIGNATURE _ Pictured after their wedding in a double ring candlelight ceremony recently at Simcoe Street United Church are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold Mc- Hugh. The bride, the former Miss Marjorie Jean Wells, is rs the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harle H. Wells of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Royce Cruikshanks of Port Credit and the late Mr. Clarence McHugh. | Robert Aldsworth Photography THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 1, 1961 7 PERSONALS Mrs: G. D. Conant was the chief speaker at the unveiling of a plaque, set into a boulder on Stoney Creek Mountain, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Er- land Lee, pioneers of the dis- trict who both played a part 'in the establishment of the Wo- men's Institute, of which Mrs. Conant's mother, the late Mrs. E. D. Smith, was the first presi- dent, Over two hundred assem- pled for the auspjcious occa- sion and present were the Do- minion and Ontario presidents i |of the Federated Women's Insti- tutes, Mrs. E. J. Roylance and } \Mrs. L. G. Lymburner, and Mr. Frank E. Lennard, MP, and * (Mrs. Lennard, and members of Mrs, Conant's family. Out-of-town guests at the Horne-Lang wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Howie, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lang, Niagara Falls; Mrs. Alice Hall, Mrs. Estella Doughty, Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, Mr. and Mrs. James Neill, all of Peter- borough; Mr. and Mrs. T. Y- Courtice H-S Association Re-elects Mrs. Thomas Gladman, "FABRIC TALKS" Mrs. Thomas Gladman was re- p-- installed as president of Cour- | tice Home and School Associa- ! tion at its regular meeting held | recently. The other officers are: president, Mrs. Arthur Bishop vice- | (one more to be installed); re- cording secretary, Mrs. William : McKnight; treasurer, Barry Johnson; corresponding secretary, Mrs, Orville Rahme; executive members: Mrs. | Mrs. Ivy: Adair, Mrs. Archie Elliott, Mrs. ; Archie Muir, Mrs. Robert Muir, Mrs. Evelyn Reynolds. The officers were installed by i Mrs. J. T. Gaskell, Mrs. Rob- ert Courtice thanked Mrs. Gas- kell and presented her with a gift. Mrs. Thomas Gladman open- ed the meeting. Mrs. William McKnight, secrery, read the annual report. Mrs. Arthur Bishop introduc- ed the guest speaker, Mrs. Bar- bara Pollock, of CKLB who gave some facts of radio past, present | and future. Mrs. Robert Muir| thanked Mrs. Pollock. | Mrs. McKnight gave a report | Ivy Adair, social convener, gave her yearly report. Mrs. Barry Johnson gave the treasur- er's report for the year. Mrs. Myrtle Greer thanked held at 6.30 p.m. beginning with| the association for the sand-| |S Misener, Welland; Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Froschle, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Frank fred Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilchrist, Mr- and Mrs. Clayton Carey, all of Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brjdik, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. William Bourne, Dunbarton; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MacCarl, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Mann, Golf street, attended today the graduation of their daughter, Miss Doris Elaine Mann, who is receiving an honor bachelor of arts and science degree at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Branton, Finucane street, spent the weekend at Rochester, N.Y. at- {tending the annual Festival of Lilacs. Over five hundred var- ieties were at the peak of per- fection and drew visitors from many parts of the world. Mrs. W. J. MacDonald and Mrs, Clayton Lee, trustee of the Board of Education, and chair- man of public relations, poured tea at the official opening of the new addition to the Cedardale School. | Now Is The Time To Arrange | For Storage Of Winter Garments | By BEA BRIGHT | 'This time of the year, we look 'forward to a change in our |wardrobe. Anxious to shed our | winter clothing in place of light- |er weight garments, once again, llwe are faced not only with the ' |problem of space for storage, but the proper conditions for storage. Probably the worst enemies 'lof winter clothing is the com- i | bination of moth larvae, dirt and (to make sure they are dry] MRS. THOMAS GLADMAN box which was built at the|proof method for protection highway school. Field day at the Highway chool will be June 27. Room count was won by v Miss Gloria Eaton at Highway on activities for past year. Mrs. School and Miss Carol Rogers| at North School. Refreshments were served by mothers of Grade 8 pupils. The June meeting will a pot luck supper. be|area. : 'heat. Therefore, the first pre- | caution to take before you store |you store your winter wear is| cleaned. Then you can be as- sured that there will be no food stains or soiled areas to attract the moths. The most effective and sure- against moths is to wrap your freshly cleaned garments | |heavy brown paper or plastic {bags and seal all openings care- (fully with sticky paper. Moths can enter a space as small as {1-25th of an inch, so do make sure every small opening is |sealed. Store in a cool, dry This sounds like a lot of work and it is, but it is the best home storage method that we know. LODGES AND SOCIETIES If you are cramped for space, you can save yourself a lot of trouble and space by having your heavier, bulkier items stor- OAKLEIGH LODGE The regular meeting of Oak- leigh Lodge No. 151 LOBA, was| held in the Orange Temple. Worthy Mistress, Sister Mary Thompson presided, with Depu-| ty Mistress, Sister Ivy Gibbs assisting. and reports were given by the various committees. A committee was named to at tend the tuck shop, at Hills dale Manor on June 2. The evening draw prizes which| Once you have signed your|¢ {were presented by Sisters Mac|name to the receipt, your gar-| Chaplin Sister Sarah Murray, |Oster and Elenor McLaughlin ments are the concern of the led at your dry cleaners. Each item that you take to your dry | cleaner for storage is first care-| "fully dry cleaned and then) - stored in a specially conditioned | cool room. | led the devotional period. Flags/Were won by Sisters Anniedry cleaner during the summer were presented by Sister Annie| Frost and Sister Elenor Mec- the sick-list report. Discussions were held regard- ing the picnic for the LOBA| Refreshments were served by Sisters Sarah Murray, Elenor also plans made for future wel- McLaughlin and committee. The fare activities. Sister Thompson|next regular meeting will be/remove lint and leave surfaces which will be held on June 17,| reported on the afternoon bingos| Mitchel and Eva Hastings. The Annual Church parade for| Laughlin. Sister Ivy Gibbs gave the Orange Lodges will be held| at the Salvation Army Citade on Sunday June 25. held on Thursday June 22. (months. Insurance is taken by HOUSEHOLD HINT After cleaning bathroom fix- tures with cleaning cloth or, sponge, go over the faucets and| porcelain with facial tissues to 1 shining. THOROUGH - CARPET DEPENDABLE in|7: the dry cleaner for your fur- ther protection. Now, your only Fawcett, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Wil-|§ |A Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce England, Adelaide avenue west, is Catherine Ann. Cathy was one year old on March 9. She is the grand- CATHY, AGED ONE i/pends on the women. United #1 Mrs. Louis F. Richardson, Mrs. #|/A. A. Crowle and Mrs. Claude "(Church women. To unite all i |Units will meet monthly, pro the piano. DIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS Mrs. Wilbur Down gave a reading on Stewardship. Prayer| was offered by Mrs. William Stallibrass. Mrs. Eric Cooper introduced Ives each one speaking on the new organization of United women of the church to fellow- ship and devotion. To dissolve all groups and form new units. The success of the work de- Church women will have an ex- ecutive program chairman. NEWS IN BRIEF daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George England, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Huard, North Bay. Photo by Ireland The marriage of Ruth Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Crone of Oshawa, to Lieutenant rthur John Lawson, The Royal Canadian Regiment, was solem- nized recently in Northminster United Church. The bridegroom worry is to hold on to the re-| ceipt for your garments, It will save you, and the dry cleaner, a lot of trouble if you are able to present your receipt check when you pick up or have your| stored garments returned. | SOCIAL NOTICES | ENGAGEMENT | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker of | Whitby wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Audrey Lurline, to Carl Melvin Burrill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Burrill of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, July is the son of Mrs. J. K. Lawson, Ottawa, and the late Brigadier [3 K. Lawson. The Reverend H. A. Mellow officiated and Mr. John Robert- son played the bridal music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full- length gown of silk faille taf- feta on bouffant, princess lines with a slight train. The round neckline and long sleeves were edged with Guipure lace and a peplum accented the back waist. A small crown of seed pearls held her fingertip veil of French illusion and she carried a crescent bouquet of pink Military Wedding Ceremony For Ruth Crone, Arthur Lawson Sensation roses with garlands of white hyacinths. Miss Carol Kae Crone, the bride's sister, was her brides- maid, wearing a bouffant dress of white Swiss embroidered in pink. She carried a cluster bou- quet of white shasta chrysan-| themums tinted pink. The bridegroom's brother, Mr. | Michael Lawson, acted as best man and the ushers were Capt. E. W. Jerrett and Lieutenant D. G. Dean. A guard of honor with drawn swords formed by Capt. E. W. Jerrett, Lt. Desmond Dean, Ltd. M. D. Barr and Lt. P. A. E. Harrison, all members of the Royal Canadian Regiment, was formed to honor the pair as they emerged from the church. % each instance a year older than {ton industry were women. EARLY START SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)-- Mrs, Fred Mullett is a grand- mother at 34. She was married at 16 and a mother at 17, in her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fred Mullet Jr. The new infant has a 78-year-old great-grandmother Mrs. Louise Wright, who was a grandmother at 38. FANCY SWATTERS MONTREAL (CP) -- Flower- covered fly swatters called "Shoo Fly Swats" are being made by the women's auxiliary of the Royal Victoria Hospital for sale in the hospital gift shop. NEW GATHERING MONTREAL (CP)--A Roman Catholic Women's League Coun- cil will serve Goose Bay, Lab- rador, held its organizational meeting here. The council's membership will be made up of wives and daughters of Ca- nadian army, air force and de- partment of transport person- nel. THE CAPTIVATING Patr YA sexes They are the newest Masterpiece crecfiom by Bluebird . . now on display in our window.. and of course every Bluebird Diamond Ring fe guaranteed flawless and insured free for one year against loss or d PAY AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN URNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. RA 3-7022 MORE WOMEN Two-thirds of the 1959 total of 159,000 workers in Britain's cot- The honeymoon was spent in South Carolina. For travelling the bride wore a beige linen suit with black accessories. Lt. and Mrs. Law- son are making their home in London, Ontario. Guests were present from Riverside, Illinois; Montreal, Ottawa, Windsor, London and 32 KING ST. WEST A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. at 3 p.m. in Northminster| United Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT 'Mr. and Mrs. John Strum- bisk: announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Joan, to Mr. Alvin Garry Dodsworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dodsworth, all of Oshawa. The marriage will take place on Sat- urday, June 17, at 3 o'clock in St. George's Memorial Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thaddy Gauvin wish to announce the engage- ment of their second youngest daughter, Valerie Marie, to Mr. Kenneth Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Clarke, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to ake place in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church on Saturday, r 2.00 o'clock BIG PARADE wonderful prizes. Ball g Festive Opening Saturday, June 3 WOODVIEW PARK Community Centre bands decorated entrees. Aero Rides, Pony Rides, Booths, Games, Races, with ame at 6:30 p.m in the eveni .. Dancing Free draw and ¢ g every hour on the ho members. Lovely Prizes. 3 3 ur starting at 7 p.m. for all © MEMBERSHIP FEE $1.00 eo June 17, at 11 a.m. CLEANING by the BAKER CARPET CLEANING Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ROSS E. MILLS CO. LTD, for ® WHITBY e OSHAWA ® BOWMANVILLE o PORT PERRY, ete, RUG SE We pick up RVICE . . . rugs of all descriptions such as: WILTONS ----- AXMINSTERS -- REVER- SIBLES -- CHINESE, a if necessary, ly. ORIENTALS -- INDIANS -- Il thoroughly cleaned, repaired and return them to you prompt- ® WALL-TO-WALL BROADLOOM cleaned by the famolis Bi gelow Karpet-Kare 5-Step Process in your home or office. © DRAPERIES C.LL. Perl ® UPHOLSTE me. 80 SIMCOE « » thoroughly cleaned with ive, RY . . . expertly cleaned in your ROSS E. MILLS CO. LTD. ST. NORTH RA 8.6218 Blacks 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ionable , . FOR YOUR SUMMERTIME WHIRE Gay colors . . . and new crisp, cool Arnel Enchanting Prints and Sharkskin. Sharkskin sparkling whife Sun and Fun Colors that are bold and brilliant . . . Stripes in Blouses to accent white and color LADIES WEAR LTD. Have more fun . . . look more fash- stretch. your budget It's easy, when you play summer's game in Separates. See our collec- tion of Day-and-play partners . . and do the smartest match tricks, all summer long. fabrics in Two-piece Co-ordinates ".. 12.9. Tunic Blouses to wear tucked in or out . 4.95 Slims as illustrated 10.95 Others from . . .. 4.95 Pleated Skirts from 10.95 Sheath Skirts from 4.95 Jamica Shorts from 3.95 Short Shorts from . 2.95 Pop Tops, T-Shirts and Blouses from .. 2.95 Main Floor STORE HOURS: Every Day to 6 p.m. Wednesday until 12:30 Friday Evening until 9 p.m. DIAL RA 5-1912 Toronto. THE AUTOMATIC DRYER YOU PLAN TO BUY NEXT FALL BUY IT NOW AND SAVE §().00 WESTINGHOUSE DRYER MODEL DMA 30 SUMMER SALE PRICE 157" ® "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" eo Frank Meagher App liances 92 SIMCOE ST. NORTH DIAL RA 5-4711 © DIRECT AIR FLOW DRYING More efficient .. . More economical . . . because all the heated air blows directly into the tumbling clothes .. . not through a perforated basket. ® AUTOMATIC DRY Set the button to automatic dry. When all the moisture is removed the dryer stops. © TOP LINT COLLECTOR Lint is removed where it is most con- venient.

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