THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 10, 196) 15 | | ASHBURN TELEVISION LOG --- EE ee Ws (eae CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton ~~ CBLT-TV, Channel 6--Toronto | WORKERS? is me v PERSONALS WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo pl CROPS fr) THE WORKERS? By MRS. R. RICHARDSON 3 : ; : SER THERE NU g| | HAVE NO OBJECT] WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale ~~ WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester of A CL, Gi : CI EAR ROR A ASHBURN -- Mr, Wm. Perry, . & Yi R¢. oz, 4 BA, had charge of the church x 3--Barrie CFTOTV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel service in Burns' church on MONLAY 4:45 P.M. / of Fy /f / ' rrr = M S A LSHoup HELP Sunday evening, July 2 at 7.30 : "TUESDAY E £0 : The Ladies' Guild met in the || Sunday school room on W ¥ { day evening, June 28. Mrs. A. { » 5:00 P.M. Theatre : Roundup 00 PL \ > : 2-Dave Garroway 11--Family [beatre : 8--Popeye p= Stooges S55 AM. © The' Mischict Maker : Fisher had charge of the meek, 5:30 P.M. 7--Buffalo A.M. 2--Three Stooges ing. Mrs. R. Richardson wig 4~Capiain Eatieaioy 5:30 P.M. > A A Ny . the Scripture. Mrs. R. Taylor €3--Long John Silver |, poouo ang' His i--Early Show d A j- ' led in prayer. It was 8--Playhouse Five = BORE 6--Cartoon. Pasty a to purchase material for lays $---Theatre Sands Siti 5--Playnouse Five Evangel 3-Yog! Bear , 4--Theatre ettes to be sent to the Eaves Dr. Brothers| 3--Cartoon Party Hall Mission. Heavy cloth quilts 9:15 AM. * MeGraw are being made for a bale to 2-Debbie Drake Show § . be sent later. 9:30 A.M. THEY On Thursday afternoon the hype hig p annual Sunday School plenie 2--Yankee Doodle Time| 2--tishway Patrol R THAT SITUATION was held at Geneva Park with 10:00 A-M. 6:15 P.M. IN MORGAN HEIGHTS a very large attendance. Swim- 9--Lunch Party 6--Club 6 A COULD GET REAL NASTY/ ming and other games were en- 52_Say When 6:30 P.M. / ten : 5 | the afternoon 4-1 Love Lucy 11-5-2--News ! 7 dg / joyed in the afternoon. 10:30 AM, 9--News: Weather: EX Zz wl. 1 | |" After a sumptuous repast the The, Mn, No Spurts 1 be A 4 ( ft sports committee conducted Video Village sp 03 TM, : --~ tt any 4 LN ' races with many of all ages 7:00 P.M. 11:00 AM. §--Huntley Brinkley 4 -) . 7 y, competing. ble ti was en- 11--The People's Choice | 9--Free And Easy Report 4 J) "Rg I ' : ' : A very enjoyable time $~Wagon Train 7--Gale Storm Show 7:00 £.M. S 9 AS] ; joyed by all. 52-Price Is Right |; popily Theatre = Mr. and Mrs. H. Bath and 8--Vi re At Be; 4--Double Exposure \ M 4--News Weather-Sports 11:30 AM, 9--Guestwara Ho Mr. and in hi = fd Sd 7--love That Bob emg . motoring to Vancouv i i 5-2--Concentrati 5--Real McCoys a : return by train. 7:15 P.M. Your "Surprise i CROSSWORD rw -- gv (oF Mr. od Mrs. Edgar Heron Y=Reus, Wouter Package Alive wg #7) |with Faye and Mary are taking 11.6.3 Singalong Jubilee v.20 No oN 3-Jim Backus Show - : i a motor trip in the United £3 Tne Am ST ROR [Lf ACROSS 2.Fencers 19.Sloths 4--Death Valley Days | 4_News; Weathers 7:30 P-M, 1. Mexican foil 21 8:00 P.M. Sports (1--The Rifleman 3. Wages G4%-Damny Thomas 12:15 P.M. Fan oy Stow 4.Citytrain 22. A 9--Theatre N--Movie Yate House | 6--Directors Choice 5. Girl name war &--Pete and Gladys 12:30 P.M 5-2--Laramie 3 6. Hospital me- : -M. 4--The Californians 3 7. A fissure moe 8:30 P.M. 7--Number Please 3--All Star Theat: = re 114-3--While We're 5.2--It Could Be You 8:00 P.M : 8. German Young H M. 4--Search for Tomorrow river --Su -6-3--Hancocks H $3 Wells Fargo ME PM Ran E- 9. Undaunted &--Bringing Up Buddy | 4--Guiding Light 8-Theatrs . 11. Compass 9:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. --=The Rifleman t 11.63-The 9-Free And Easy ~The AW Sothern 15, Fool's gold (abbr.) Flintstones ~Sherlo olmes 83 Whispering Smith | S--Movies 8:30 P.M. 16. Music note ~ 13, Cereal $--Danny Thomas Show | 4--Meet The Millers [(1-6:3--Jake and The Kia | 17.Lucid 2---Mid-day Matinee 7-Wyalt Earp ek 18. Coronets 15. Scheme 1:30 P.M. L red Hitcheo 20. Mother 17. Coarse- 7-Our Miss Brooks | Doble Gillis 24. Of birds ness : ke Advent hove Hosday Li (Honors); Tena Van Dy T--Adventures In 3 Movie 11-6-3--Holiday Lodge 25, Devasta~ (pass). s tion 83- Concentration whey PM Sa Thriier or 26. Headland From Grade 5 to Grade 8 -- Stage 7 - 7--Day In Court Tom Ewell Show 27. One who Jeanne Godda (Honors); Doug- 10:00 P.M. $-2--Jan Murray Show 9:30 P.M. rules : las Sandison (pass); Barbara (1.6-3--Comparisons 4---Face The Facts 11-6-3--Man Hunt 28. Grievous 3X Hopkins (pass). ted Or . 9--Ri 66 ig Wanted Dead reset TE, Se es 0 30. Abraham's : From Grade 4 to Grade 5 -- ve $4-Barbara Stanwyck | 'Sy 1 oretta Young 10:00 ©.M. birthplace Beverley G od d a (recommend: Theat -6-3--Close- 31. Exacted, as . me sa iS ny 153. -Klose. » - Exagtedias -- 8d); Done Johnston (reco 3:00 P.M. 10:30 P.M. 34. Apricot 4d EXPECT MET' WHEN I HEAR IT ONLY ON . 11--Jane Gray Show 9--Barris Beat (Jap) ONO ERRUC? BELIEVE THAT BLARNEY... )| |BAKIN' DAY From Grade 3 to Grade 4 -- 8--Tombstone Territory | 3o9ucen Tor A Day | 7--Case of Dangerous Inf . Brian Daw (Honors); Lisa Gau- 3~Tombstose 53--Dr. Malone Robin $5. Infre- daur (pass); Pauline Godda prt 4--Millianats S--Royal Canadian quently . aur (pass); $--Manhunt 3-News: Sports: Mounted Police 36. Birds as % (pass); James Hopkins (recom- 11:00 P.M. sie 11:00 P.M. a class Toe : : mended). M7642 News: ae ae Lr Sd 37. Entertain ; AE From Grade 2 to Grade $ -- Weather; Sporn 7--Who Do You Trust | 11 sia Show 38. Unrolls 3 7 ; Bonny Middleton (Honors); 13:15 P.M. 853--From These Roots | guile TUN 39, Mountain g Bryce Lynde (Honors); Reta 4:00 P.M. 4--Starlight Theatre way % Bath (Honors); Paul Bradley 16532-A1 Star Ball 11:30 PM. 40, Flap f i ; k (Honors). 8 he HIGeanay cana | S-Deiter Late Vigo SB 12K | | . From Grade 1 to Grade 2 -- +The Brighter Day | 6-Night Metro ) > W) d [Stephen Daw (Honors); Jean e Brighter Day | 55 jack Paar DOWN ( Cr E 3 ; " | Gardner (Honors); Leslie Lynde 4:15 P.M. 3--Canadian Open Go | 1.To : ; nS > ; Billy Hopkins (Hon- 4--The Secret Storm 12:15 P.M. undere po = - fs . 5 v (Honors); y Hopkins 4:30 P.M. 9--News: Weather: stand . Z > ¢ : gus); Tom Humphrey (eonoes)i 8-2--Here"s ollywoos 12:30 P.M. : Peggy iddleto H &--Edge Of 9--Epllogue enneth Sandison (pass). GET SET FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION | uc IN A SAFETY CHECKED from GOODWILL USED CAR THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. The Clown Rosary States. FE Misses Diane and Margaret bead oe a Fisher are spending the sum- mer with friends at Barrie. TT Ditebuted by King Pntors8yndin. Miss Shirley Bryant has ac- EE-HOO! cepted a position in Claremont. \ Wi Promotion results of Ashburn NO IE / School for June, 1961. Teacher, ' Mrs. Sheila Parrott. From Grade 8 to Grade § -- Helen Compton (Honors); Ma: Heron (Honors); Judy Bat (pass); Joan Gardner (pass); Marlene Gaudaur (pass). From Grade 6 to Grade 7 -- Judith Batten (Honors); Nancy Taylor (Honors); James Daw ral) [OmiZ] MOC in IT D> mC] MICKEY MOUSE BL Your Y ¢7- TH' MOCKARONI 1 HAVEN'T RECEIVED [| WHATS IPMENT OF THAT MOCKARONI FOR SMOKE? 2 DAYS, Now!= J SHE MEANS T0 RUIN ME! DID YOU NOTICE THE WOMAN | WAS THE LONE RANGER #188 FOUR-SLEEPER TRAILER -- A real beauty. Completely "furnished" and fitted with door, windows and spring suspension, [Attaches to any Dinky Toy MUGCS AN.) SKEETER Car. Price §1. --- CURIOUS THING --SHE NEVER I JUST KNOW JULIE WHEN THEY FIND ; MENTIONS ey. ITS 80 N-ve AND Jor Exhine OUT--ITLL BE EVE NOT HOME \ : SECRET] NI aa FOR SUPPER. -. : g cto wih windows stsenny whee, AGAIN, JULIE? i F- SE Hain oR 3pting Suspension and finger tip steer- ing. #157 MORRIS MINI-TRAVELLER -- Twin J model of above. Price .78¢ ELEY SHE CALLED, = POPS. SAID SHED BE LATE. © 191, King Fess Spode, Tac; Wed rights jo #319 WEEKS FARM TRAILER--A realistic MW tipping trailer with hinged tailboard. Price .89¢ NOW--AT YOUR COME, ELMER, AUTHORIZED DINKY TOY DEALER SIT UP-~ ELMER, SIT UP Ne 1 WISH WE I EAST GERMANY. fF NO. THAT 15 rer } - | HAD MORE TIME, Jit IMPOSSIBLE. : Larrys OV HIS LARRY. 1'D LIKE WE LEARNED & q OUR INFORMATION MECCA \'[Q) WAY TO MALTON TO CALL IN ON d WHERE DR SALZER {~ 1S THAT SHE 3 AIRPORT WHERE THE MAYOR : 1S IN ENGLAND... \ WAS KILLED Makers of scale model toys, Meccano HE WILL LEAVE FOR WHILE WE'RE HE HERE IT 15. bY IN 1956. / construction and Hornby-Dublo ENGLAND 70 BRING HERE. RAMITON i > i ' electric trains at quality stores BACK DRSALZER, SPECTATOR 2 A SCIENTIST RECENTLY £5~ (0 al ar 1AM TO CAPED FROM N . LURE HIM EAST GERMANY. fie" Ba) ¢ 4 BACK WITH LI SUDD ARD' 4 ; 2 vs > THIS OLD PICTURE Sin fn WNT " 2 RD SO PAL al: 22 2 i : Dp HTER® J ih 497 Simcoe St. S., Ovhawe MORE RECENT ONEZ 3 Ph. 725-3979 {i LT rr rye