14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 11, 1961 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) 32--Articles for Sale |35--Legal RUG, 9 x 12, Harding, uoise, hardly | used. Telephone 723-7653. i REFRIGERATOR, $39; continental bed, | $20; rangette, $10; chesterfield, $10;.| 240 Ritson Road South after 6.30 p.m. TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground sheets, rentals, Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church Street, 723-7624. 4 | FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib-| eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration, Telephone 728-4683. | LIKE new, factory built, pack trailer,| pig x 9 cabin tent. Telephone RA) | { NEW Admiral stereo high fidelity and| radio set, mahogany finish. For fur-| ther details telephone 728-8674. { 34--Lost & Found LOST -- Lawn Boy mower, two weeks | ago. Serial number 602653. Reward | Phone 725-6013. gk Pi MG SPAMS mm--garA LOST safety glasses, briwn rims, down-! town area. Phone 725-0405. | LOST -- Thin charcoal grey male cat, spayed, four years old, scar on hind Jeg, lost vicinity of Oshawa Blvd, North and Elgin Street. Family pet. Answers Phone to name of Snooky. Reward 728-1412. LOST -- cat, since July 4, vicinity Nipi- gon - Annapolis, long-haired, part Per- sian, tortoise shell color, clipped ears Answers to Francis. Please telephone) 728-0177. REWARD, { 35--Legal tors, herein, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HAZEL CLEMO PHILLIPS | All persons having cloims against the Estate of HAZEL CLEMO PHILLIPS, late of the Town of Whitby, County of Ontario, Housewife, who died on or about the 5th day of February, 1961, at the Town of Whitby, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the Ist day of Au- gust, 1961, ofter which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims which the undersigned shall then have notice, DATED at Toronto, the 20th day of June, 1961 THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION ond Frank St. John, 372 Bay Street, Tor- onto, Executors, by Messrs. Birks, Langdon, McComiskey ond Maclatchy, their Solici- 4. BY- land end premises situate, lying end being in the Town- ship of Whitby, County of Ontario and being composed of part of Lot 25, Concession 5, in the said Township containing by admeasurement 11.97 acres which said parcel may be more particularly described as follows: PREMISING that the bearing north 17 degrees 45 min- utes West of the rood allowance between Lots 24 and 25 governs all bearings herein: BEGINNING ot a point where an iron pipe has been planted on the Easterly limit of said Lot 25, said point being distant one hundred ond twelve feet measured Northerly thereon from the South East ongle of said Lot 25, this said point being the point of commence- ment for the purpose of this description; THENCE NORTHERLY along the West limit of the said road allowance between Lots 24 and 25 a distance of eleven hundred ond seventy-five feet seven inches more or less 'to an iron pipe planted, said point being also on the line of an old fence forming the Northerly limit of oa cemetery; THENCE SOUTH 72 degrees 35 minutes West along said old fence a distance of two hundred and twenty- four feet to an iron pipe planted; THENCE SOUTHERLY parallel to the West limit of the soid rood cllowance o distance of four hundred and fourteen feet more or less to an iron pipe planted in the line of an old fence forming the south limit of said cemetery; THENCE SOUTH 72 degrees 30 minutes west along said old fence o distance of two hundred and seventy- seven feet four inches to an iron pipe planted; THENCE SOUTHERLY parallel to the West limit of the the said road ollowance a distance of one hundred and sixty-five feet to an iron pipe planted; THENCE SOUTH 72 degrees 30 minutes west a distance of one hundred and two feet to a pipe planted; THENCE SOUTHERLY parallel to west limit of said road ollowance o distance of five hundred and forty-six feet nine ond three-quarter inches more or less to en iron pipe planted; THENCE NORTH 77 degrees 14 minutes east a dis tance of six hundred ond five feet three and one-half inches more or less to the point of commencement, LAW Number 1791 of the Corporation is hereby repealed 5. This By-law shall come into effect on the doy it is passed | b | y the Council subject to the approvel of the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally Hunter, Wiliam Hunter, Jack| Innes, Patricia Kirkwood, Ro- berta Lockyer, Terry Mantle, Susan Mason, Barbara McPha- Hold School of the Mr. Hugh Ormiston, chairman School Boa Keith Mountjoy, DVM; W. Doug- las Thomson, Secretary-treasur- tad field day awards and congrat- ulated the following winners: den, Judy Morrison, Linda ©ld-|Seni ham, Janice Ormiston, Jim Pil. key, Gillian Shepherd, David Thompson, Toby Zylstra. Janice Ormiston, chosen as 'Graduation i By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT |of fall term in September. the outstanding student of the BROOKLIN -- The Meadow-| Supervising principal, John year in a clear concise manner, crest Junior School was filled|Wallace presided for the cere- with poise, excellent form, and to capacity June 28 when in- and pr ted dipl [clarity of tone, presented the {terested parents, friends, teach-|to the graduates, including.--!"Valedictory Address" winning lers, and students, gathered to|Leslie Allisen, Barbara Barnes, warm congratulations and ad- \witness Graduation Exercises,{Neal Bird, Diane Crawford, miration, from Principal John {for 27 students graduating from|Gary Curl, Bob Dawson, Pat- Wallace, teachers, fellow stu- \Grade 8 senior school, Brooklin,|ricia Draper, Betty Eyers, John dents and friends attending. to attend the Whitby District Fowler, Lorraine Graham, Char-| Mrs. Pearl Rogers, BA, form- 'High School at commencement les Grills, Paul Humphries, Ted er teacher and principal of I Brooklin Public and Continua- {35--Legal [35--Legal SL tion School, as it was then IF the effects leit at 468 Simcoe Street|l, Robert Bruce, will not be known, pr ed an address {North of Mrs, Mabel Broadbent are ot for any debts contracted in my name "To The Graduates". Her {claimed before July 13, same will be|by anyone on or after this date, July 11, 3 sold at Stirtevant's Auction rooms for 1961 without my written consent. | chosen theme '"The building and' the builder', Mrs. Rogers held rent owing. --Robert Bruce. ithe close attention of her list- CITY OF OSHAWA eners as she proceeded to com- TENDERS FOR DEMOLITION Fk Comes "ne "caetuty an First comes the carefully and well thought out plan, then, the SEALED TENDERS addressed to Chairman, City Property Committee, c/o City Clerk, and endorsed laying of a firm and solid found- iation, then erection, brick by "Tender for Demolition" will be received until 5:00 p.m. (D.S.T.). brick, layer upon layer, etc., MONDAY, JULY 24th, 1961 with its completion ready to for the domolition of the following buildings withstand the storms and pass- Frame dwelling located at No. 39 Albert Street. ing of time; she urged the grad- uates 'to build for the future, Two frame dwelling located at No, 1347 and No. 1353 Simcoe St. N. |building each day with studies All material to become property of successful bidder and learning, to win their ulti- Tender Forms and further information may be obtained at the abilities; trust in his fellow man, and in his Maker." President of Home and School Hunter; Intermediates--Roberta Lockyer, Brad Campbell; Jun- iors--Jane Ormiston, Peter Vi- pond. Appreciation was voiced by Roberta Lockyer. During Grade 8 chorus conducted by hy PE er. The Brooklin Bridge Club held its final game of the sea- son on Wednesday evening, in basement of Township Hall, Highest scores, Duplicate Bridge tabulated as follows: -- North and South Mrs. M. R. Clarke, Mrs. E. {Timmins 133%; Mrs. Drew, Mr. Barnes, Bill a brief interlude, Mrs. Dobson, Port Perry, Bre-| io cox 139: Mr. and Mrs. sented selections "Cindy"', "Jes- us Where'er Thy People Meet" and "Thanks Be To God", fol- lowed by hearty applause. The presentation of Academic awards, was made by Murray Potts to Janice Ormiston, as outstanding Academic, Thompson; Grade 7--Valerie Gutherc. Ap- preciation was voiced by David Thompson. Meeting concluded with "The Queen." , Mothers of Grades 4, 5 and 7, on behalf of Home and School Association served tea land refreshments, followed by "get acquainted" amid congratulations and best wieshes to the graduates, who will no longer attend Brooklin| Schools. The teaching staff at Brooklin Senior School comprises: ervising principal, John M. Wal- lace; Ronald McKinzey, Joyce Graham, William Boyd, Verna Hodson. Meadowcrest Junior Principal, Eunice Rodman, Jackson 126; Ted Heron, John Miller 121%; Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. McLachlin 118. East and West Mr. Morris, Mr. W. A. Heron 13315; Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Mac- Gilivary 131%; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells 127: Mrs. William Medland, Mrs. Stuart 123; Mrs. Arthur Boyes, Mrs. Walton Wa- dell 112%. Games will be re- sumed the first Wednesday in September, opening of winter season. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Bird, Nancy, Janice and Neal, left on Tuesday, July 4, for four weeks' trip to the west accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Ruther- ford and Allen, of Oshawa, and while there plan to attend the Calgary Stampede. Welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Houston of To- ronto, now residing on George street, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Spencer, were callers on Saturday at the School: {home of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Routley; |Spencer. Sympathy from the commun- student; highest Grade 8 -- David highest Academic, hour, amid Sup- Mildred Ann Milner, | June Keller, Ellen Bird, Evelyn |ity is extended to the families of mate aim in life. As the builder erects the build- ing, with foresight, faith in his ffice of the undersigned Highest or any tender not neccessarily accepted F. E. Crome, P. Eng, Association, Mrs. Clifford John- ston extended greetings, and] Wilson and Gwen Lade. ithe late Marjorie V. Allens, Members of the School Board: who passed away after a lengthy presented the graduates with Chairman--Hugh Ormiston; vice illness on Thursday, June 29, at Winn! Port Perry Community Hospital, passed on the 25th day of November A.D. 1960 i City Engineer, pins. Appreciation was voiced chairman--Murray Potts; | THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Section 30 of The Planning Act MATTER OF N Te (R.5.0. 1960, ¢.296), [ --and-- IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Corporation of the Township of Whitby for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 1800, passed the 25th doy of November, 1960 APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesdoy, the 25th day of July, 1961, ot the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon (Local Time), at the Township Hall, Township of Whit- by, for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing this application. DATED ot Toronto this 16th day of June, 1961 B. VICKERS, Acting Secretary. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY BY-LAW 1800 A BY-LAW to amend By-law Number 1784 of the Corporation, os amended by By-law 1794, The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Whitby enacts os follows: -- 1. SECTION 2 of said BY-LAW Number 1784 is omended by repealing sub-section (g) ond substituting the following there- fore: (g) "DWELLING, CONVERTED" means e dwelling altered to make a greater number of dwelling units which con- verted dwelling or dwelling to be converted was erected prior to the First day of January, A.D. 1930, ond where each dwelling unit shall have @ minimum net floor area of 750 square feet, exclusive of public or common halls end stairways and the thickness of the outside walls, 2. SECTION 4 of said BY-LAW Number 1784 is emended by adding the following sub-sections. (6) Speciol Exemptions i) Registered Plan 477 Notwithstanding the provisions of Schedule "A" of this by-law, with respect to minimum lot area and minimum lot frontage requirements, Lots 14 to 19 inclusive and lots 27 to 32 inclusive on registered plan 477 may be divided into parcels not smaller than 66 feet by 148 feet 6 inches and on such smaller parcels buildings may be erected and used provided there is compliance with all other requirements of this by-law The provision of this sub-section shall apply only when the lands referred to herein are served by a public water supply and/or public sanitary sewers. #1) Registered Plan 550 Notwithstanding the provision of Schedule "A" eof this By-law with respect to minimum lot frontage require- ments, lots 7 to 14 inclusive on registered plan 550 may be divided into two smaller parcels each having a frontage of not less than 75 feet, and on each such divided parcel a building may be erected and used pro- vided there is compliance with ail other requirements of this by-law. hi) Lot 19 Concession 2 Notwithstanding the provision of Schedule "A" of this by-law with respect to minimum lot frontage require- ments, the following londs nomely a parcel of land bounded on the north by the southerly limit of Lot 15 according to registered plan 467 on the east by Gar- rard Road on the south by a line commencing at the north west angle of Lot 14 according to the registered plan 467 and running thence 72 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds east and on the west by Scott Street may be & vidad into {ots & t] onlgge of not lees thon 66 feet ond a depth of not less than 330 feet and on each such divided parcel @ building may be erected and used providing there is compliance with all the requirements of this by-law. The provision of this sub-section shall apply only when the lands referred to herein are served by ao public woter supply and/or public sanitary sewers. (u) Rooms Below Grode A room which does not have at least fifty percent of the of the area of the walls enclosing such room above the finished grade or which has its floor entirely below the adjacent finished grade shall not be used as a dwelling unit or part thereof and shall only be used as a furnace room, laundry room, storage room, recreation room or for a similar use, SCHEDULE "B"" of the said BY-LAW Number omended os follows: -- (a) By changing theron to Local Commercial (C1) the zone designation of those lands which are part of lot 27, con- cession 3, and which hove a frontage of 200 feet on the west side of Highway No. 12 and e depth of 100 feet, the southerly limit of which lands is located 918 feet V4 inches north of the south-east corner of lots 27, concession 3 By changing thereon to Local Commercial (C1) the zone designation of those lands which are part of jot 27, concession 3, and which have o frontage of 434 feet on the west side of Highway No. 12 and a depth of 200 feet, the southerly limit of which lands is located 3,600 feet north of the south-east corner of lot 27, concession 3 By changing thereon to Local Commercial (C1) the zone designation of the following lands, namely -- ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town- ship of Whitby, County of Ontario and being in the Township of Whitby, County of Ontario and being composed of part of Lot 21 in the first concession in the said Township, which said parcel may be more par- ticularly described as follows COMMENCING at a point in the southerly limit of Provincial Highway No. 2 as widened, where an iron bar has been planted, distant in the soid southerly limit 226 feet 10 inches westerly from the easterly limit of said Lot 21 t THENCE continuing westerly along the southerly limit of Provincial Highway No. 2 o distance of 75 feet: THENCE south 18 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds east 200 feet; THENCE north 74 degrees east 75 feet THENCE north 18 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds west 200 feet to the place of beginning By changing thereon to Open Storage Industrial (M2) the zone designation of the following lands namely; ALL AND SINGULAR thot certain parcel er troct of having sacha f 3. 1784 MURRAY ROBINSON, Cierk. WM. A. HERON, Reeve, Oshawa, Ontario. by Pat Kirkwood. |MacKenzie, Guthrie Grant, MD.,|in her 64th year. | BROUGHAM | The 1st Brock Pickering {Scout troop made a good job Saturday helping to direct traf- |fic and parking cars in the vic- inity of the Historical Museum on the 150th anniversary of Pickering Township. | Mrs. W. Brown won the draw for the quilt which the Brough- am Women's Institute had made. The bus tours throughout the {township have been enjoyed by| a large number of people. { On Monday evening, June 26, ithe regular meeting of Joy Re-| bekah Lodge was held. A pot |luck supper, which proceeded| |the regular meeting was very| {much enjoyed by all. After the | supper was cleared away the meeting was opened in regular) {form by Noble Grand Sister| | Phyllis Ellicott in charge as- |sisted by Sister Jean Ellicott, lvice-grand assisting. After wel [correspondence and minutes of| {the proceeding meeting were |dealt with Sisters Pearl Twee-| {die and Sister Ethel Wonnop gave a very fine report of their {visit to Grand Lodge. | Sister June Michell was pre-| [sented with a gift from Joy | Lodge as a remembrance of her |fellowship with the members. | {Sister Michell is moving to Can-| {nington. { Mr. and Mrs. Charles Killey are enjoying a trip to Banff. | {They will be visiting with rela- tives at Winnipeg on the way. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacGreg- lor and family have moved to Claremont. i] {| Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Church-| ler and family have moved to { Whitby. | Both their families will be missed. Dr. and Mrs. Beiteridge spent | the weekend with her sister and {tamily, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gib- | {son. { Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibson en- {tertained the entertainers and [the publicity committee after| {the evening program, marking | {the 150th ering Township on Saturday | levening. | The Ellicott family reunion {was held on Saturday, July 1,| lat the home of Mr. Cecil Phil tips. { ns. W. Clarke has returned to her home for the summer. The Gordon Day family pack- {ed up the first of the week and {left -on a camping trip. The Grade 8 girls spent the {weekend at the Ross Knox cot- {tage at Balsam Lake as guests 'of Betty Jean. | Barry and Dale Churcher 'spent a few days with Lorne 'and John Annis. | Mr. and Mrs. James Gray, land daughter moved in Mr. {Mutch's apartment last week. The sympathy of the com- | munity goes to Mrs. Harold {Blackburn in the loss of her ifather, Mrs. Cook is at present {with her daughter, Mrs. |Blackman. | Fires Sever Power Lines In Manitoba FLIN FLON, Man. (CP) -- Forest [fires have destroyed {power lines, hampering or hall |ing mining operations near this {northern Manitoba community. | The Chisel Lake mine of Hud-| son Bay Mining and Smelting was shut down 24 hours because | of a power cutoff. | A diesel generating unit is | supplying electricity to the town of Snow Lake, 60 miles east of |here. Flin Flon.and Snow Lake |are 380 miles northwest of Win- | nipeg. Development operations at | Hudson Bay's Stall Lake mine jmay not resume for two or three {weeks after 16 power line struc-| jlures were destroyed Sunday! near Sherridon 40 miles north-| east of here. Meanwhile firefighters were setting backfires to halt the ad- anniversary of rans HAVE THE Oshawa Somes MAILED TO YOU WHEREVER YOU ARE DURING YOUR VACATION . SEE YOUR CARRIER BOY, PHONE THE TIMES, 723-3474, OR RETURN COUPON BELOW TO THE CIRCULATION DEPART. MENT OF THE OSHAWA TIMES. CIRCULATION DEPT. THE OSHAWA TIMES HOME ADDRESS STOPDATE ........ci. 00s RESTART DATE .......... .» It will be just like getting a letter from home when THE OSHAWA TIMES arrives every day, bring- ing you all the news, plus your favorite comics There is no extra charge for this service . . . Order vacation subscrip- your tion now. The Oshawa Times will be mailed to your cottage or resort at carrier rate of 45¢ per week. the regular tan Indian settlement across the vance of another fire menacing |border in Saskatchewan, |