A WINSOME FOURSOME three and Alan James, four. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. James Patricia Craig of Lapuente, California, formerly of Oshawa, grand- Of Oshawa interest is this photo of the Craig family. From left to right: Bruce Arthur, aged one year; Sylvia Joy, two; Autumn Patricia, "FABRIC TALKS" To Avoid Permanent Damage To Garment That Is Stained By BEA BRIGHT liquids on your clothing, if the) Sc at some. time oF fabric is not damaged by it, | Everyone, at Some ae or|SPONZE the stained area Ngay| 3 illed mething on their fa.| With a small amount of cold) i ite outfit For some reason,| Vater: then take he Zarment fo) Yorite . : Fie iid cleaner and show him| favorite clothes, : particalaliy where the spill was. When dry, wien Hey Bre new, Seem io he many of these Shams are not prone ly visible and if they are not re- should be done lo avoid perma moved before cleaning, the heat| nent damage 10 2 Farmen im.| involved in the cleaning proce- | has been i taking| dure could permanently set the I je lS ai . your stained garment (0 301: "3 hip staims--blood should y : : : be sponged out lightly with cold] | emphasized, draw his seh water. Guick removal here is tion to the stalled area fhe important, as blood tends to set| | Bye pi 3s Due ) I cause of | itself. Neve: rinse blood out #8. Poss oo lwith hot water. the stained area. Home treat-| Vii" lh Stains--Sugar, in the, | ment of stains should be Holt | iquid form, will stain garments| f ed, but there are 3 fw {ings "glowed to remain in a fab 10 be €O N ric and then si y a cer { taking the garment to the clean- temperature of heat. This is an: er: ___._ lother type of stain which is not 1. Tannin Stains--Tannin Is zjways noticeable at first, Do contained in coffee, tea, softiwill frequently become a yellow | i it ; t is set.| [eg i eer, liquor, fruit or|ish brown color when i set. | dois i Tannin stains| This is then called a carmelized ee easily removed while fresh,|sugar stain. Be sure to point out but cannot be removed if they|to your cleaner the area in becom ti an|your garment that has come in 8 Bo aca Pa anould contact with the beverage con- these stains. If yi Sotidentally gpill any of these'taining sugar. Beverly June Painter Is Wed | To Ronald C. Hore at Port Perry In a ceremony officiated by|crown, edged with sequins and the Reverend E. S, Linstead, in| pearls. She carried a cascade the Port Perry United Church,|of red and white roses. Beverly June Painter became Mrs, Fern Filion, sister of the the bride of Ronald C. Hore, bride, was matron of honor, | BA, of Leaside, Ontario. wearing a pink peau de soie| The bride, given in marriage dress with bouffant skirt and| by her father, wore a full length matching jacket. Her bouquet gown of frosted white faille and was of red roses and pink car- Guipure lace, misted with pearls|nations. The bridesmaids, Jane| Arthur - Watson, Monterey Park, California, and great- grandchildren of Mrs. Over- / l ; Anna Dzurun and Stanley | Kosio, both of Oshawa, were | married recently at St. Hed- | wig's Roman Catholic Church. | The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Joseph Dzurun of Poland children of Mr. and Mrs. | ton Wagar, Dunchurch, On- tario. CATHOLIC NUPTIALS Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 11, 1961 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Plow-(friends enjoyed a short bus tour right and Mrs. Douglas Northey|of the village then adjourned to attended the funeral of the late/the park for an afternoon of Mr. Aylmer Plowright in Hunts- games and a social get-together ville on Friday. and a pot luck supper. Winners | of the games were: Ring toss, Out of town guests at the/Mrs. Frank Fallon and Mrs. Burrill - Baker wedding were Ben Brown; clothes pin and |Mr. and Mrs. Charles Napper,|rope game, Mrs. Jack Hogan New York; Mrs. A. Napper, and Mrs. Steven Douglas; word) |Mrs. M. Rushton, Mrs. J. Gra-|g8ame, Mrs. Frank Fallon, Mrs, vell, Mr. Stanley Gravell, Mrs, Herbert Bratley; ball toss, Mrs. M. Napper, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne | Helen Warren; color game, | Simms, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Mrs. Frank Fallon; pin guess Napper, Miss Doris Hopwood, ing Mrs. Martha Smith and| Mr. and Mrs. John Napper, Mr. Mrs. Eva Taggart; shoe toss, | and Mrs. Donald Smith, Mr. and | Mrs. Helen Warren; weight on Mrs. Francis LeBlanc, all of (°f Water melon guess, Mrs, Hamilton: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawes, Whitby, Meet-| Clem |." | Williams, Mimico; Mr, 7 and |iN8S will resume September 15 Mrs. Arthur Walton, and Mr.|8t Simcoe Hall. and Mrs. Paul Ives, Willow- wm 7 twas. s iia dale; Mr. and Mrs. William Miss L. V. Brown and Miss Carter. East York: Mrs. FE. Ruth Binns, registered nurses Newman, Scarborough, of the Oshawa General Hospi- tal, spent the weekend in Otta-! wed- 4 wa. --Photo by Christian Studio, Lynwood, California. . : - | Tea, bitthday parties, ding anniversaries, coming an goings of guests and your own : : holiday plans are always of in- Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Eder, terest in this column. Write, Fernhill boulevard, have re [telephone or visit the social de-| turned from a motoring vacation partment with your item of|i? the New England States and news. for which there is no the coast of Maine and Massa- charge. Telephone 723-3474. chusetts. | A group of nurses and other] Major and Mrs. C. A. Van {members of the obstetrical de-|Allen are spending a month's partment, Oshawa General Hos-| leave with Mrs. Allen's parents, |pital, had an outdoor party on|Mr..and Mrs. Allan: Dumigan, |Wednesday afternoon at the|Division street. Major Van Allen home of Mrs. George Stillman, has just returned from Fort | Mill street, and a buffet supper| Churchill, Manitoba, where he |was served. was technical staff officer. On | completion of leave, Major and The Silver Cross Chapter of Mrs. Allen are proceeding to Oshawa and district annual pic- Fort Bliss, Texas, where Major nic was held last Wednesday at Van Allen will be the Canadian {Port Perry Park. Members and/liaison officer. CHILD GUIDANCE Mother Asks How To Deal With Neighborhood Children Many a mother makes her food in your house except at in- {premises a centre of fun for tervals stated in the rules, and children of the neighborhood. only when you offer this food Immeasurable may be the good or their playmates to have con- she does for her own children|stant free access to food. and their playmates. But she| Your children can easily see may wear herself out at it and|from your rules that their play- easily be imposed on by her|mates are welcome, but at neighbors. specified and regulated times. Often her burdens and prob-| Don't argue with your own chil- lems may grow big. dren about the rules. Be de- From Idaho a mother writes: cisive, final. "I live in town and have five| Strictly enforce the rules and children, ranging in ages from|don't be shy about hurting any- two to 11. My neighbor has body's feelings. y seven children, about the same age as mine, My problem is her children are over at my house every day, all day. I don't allow| mine to run over to her house! because I want to know what and the late Mr. Dzurun and |™:N¢ are doing. Her children : ; come into our house, eat our the bridegroom is the son of food and make themselves at! Past Mistress night was held Mr. and Mrs. Jan Kusio home. at the regular meeting of Vic- Poland. "How can I get them to stay OT Lodge No. 583 in Orange --Photo by Mary's Studio (home without making my chil-| Temple recently. dren feel that I don't want them! Past Mistress Sister Florence LODGES AND | SOCIETIES | VICTORY LODGE ar and sequins. The gown was fash- Hore, Barbara Diamond, Linda ioned with a sabrina neckline of and Sharon Painter, were gown- appliqued lace medallions and ed in French lime peau de soie, GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES {to bring their friends home? McNight acted as Worthy Mis- | "I talked with my neighbor tress assisted by Past Mistress labout setting some rules and Sister Elda Howard. long, lily - point sleeves. Her|styled to match the matron of] waist-length veil of white tulle|honor, They carried bouquets of was held to a small matching| yellow roses with pink and yel-| The sme -- -- |low carnations. All wore match. Professional Audrey L. Baker ing veiled tiaras and white ac- Becomes The Bride man. The ushers were Kenneth|inclemency of the weather, cessories. . |Warrick, Fern Filion, Stanley plans for a picnic at the home Of Carl Burrill and Rodney Painter, of the past president, Mrs. The marriage of Audrey Lur- Mrs. Frances Sandison played| apandoned. Wis: line Baker, daughter of Mr. and the wedding music and also ac- Mrs. Henry Baker of Whitby, The president, Kenneth) Hall presided and Carl Melvin Burrill, son of Skerratt, who sang 'Because voy and Mrs. Joseph M. Burrillland "I'll Walk Beside You". |presented annually by the club of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, was solemnized at Northminster United Church. Wood, Tom Potter. Terr 2 The Rev. H. A. Mellow offi- John , Terry Wood, shine ciated. Miss Doria Hopwood of Dennis Moise. James Hamilton played the wedding Douglas Campbell, music and Mr. Charles Napper rick and Leonard of New York sang. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of net with em- broidered layers of lace. A matching headdress trimmed with crystal beads and rhine- stones held her fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums with a centre- B and PW CLUB Oshawa Business Women's Miss Gladys companied the "soloist convener reported al _ Craik, David War- pathy in the recent loss of her| group of Boy Scouts from To-|Pewtress of Cobourg, Chairman ronto. {of Finance, International Feder- The reception was held in the ation. Masonic Temple, where the| Plans for celebrating Business bride's mother received, wear- Women's Week, the first week ing a powder blue organza and in October, were discussed. Mrs. cessories and a corsage of red ways and means committee, re- roses. Assisting was the bride- ported that arrangements for groom's stepmother, who chose the c.ub's annual bridge, the piece of red roses. a gold flowered sheath dress first Monday in October, were Mrs. Howard Walker of Osh. With matching duster coat and|in hand and tickets would be| awa, the matron-of-honor, and white accessories. Her corsage sent to the members by August! the junior bridesmaid, Miss Was of yellow roses. 15 Jane Napper of Hamilton, were For travelling, the bride don-| Mrs. Albert Wilson presented dressed alike in orange ice bro- ned a French blue wool suit with the financial report. Miss Hill caded satin with white flowered white accessories and w reported that Mrs, Jane Potter headdresses and carried bou-| SS0ries 3nd. wore Aiand she had represented the quets of white and orange chry-| C0rsage of pink roses. club at the recent annual din- santhemums. The flower girls| On their return, the couple ner meeting of the Ontario were Miss Charlene Gravel of|Will live in eastern Toronto. Out-|County Tuberculosis Society. Hamilton and Miss Carol Rines|0ftown guests were present| 1p the absence of Miss Louise of Oshawa both wearing short|from London, Montreal. St. poole, the club's delegate to the nylon orange yellow dresses|Catharines, Oshawa, Markham, Regional Conference, held in Co- with white flowered headdress-| Uxbridge, Port Credit, Toronto |hourg in May, the president es. They carried bouquets of|and Lindsay. gave a resume of the proceed- yellow chrysanthemums. se ---- lings. Mr. Chester Rines of Osh-| INTERNATIONAL NURSERY The president stated that the awa acted as best man. Usher-| yonmproar (CP) -- Three next Regional Conference would] ing were Mr. Robert Tinkham|. ° Tee pe held April 25, 1962, with Bow-| of Whitby and Mr. Martin Mul./Englishwomen, two Jamaicans, manville the hostess club ler of Oshawa. one Chinese, one Finn, one Ger- . Ric : : : Mrs. Josephine Richardson in- A reception was held in the man and one Scotswoman make) v: i i UAW hall. | {vited the executive to hold its For the occasion the, : : {up the nine-mem | o bride's mother wore a ber teaching next meeting her home, light! ban hs b i ia. (staff of the Montreal Day| Little Haven". Because of the mauve satin sheath embroider. * |Labor Day holiday the date of ed with purple and silver leaves.| Nursery. The 105-odd three to ha Tas chan The bridegroom's parents were six-year-olds they teach repre- meeting has Changed to Thurs- unable to ind ft (sent even more nationalities. At the close of the meeting, Phi the Soup Ris oF wee Children of working mothers, |the president wished the mem- : nl h ""lthey are cared for by the/Pers happy holidays and looked bride was wearing an ivory col-| ° y (forward to welcoming them ored two-piece flannel suit with Nursery from 7:45 a.m. to 5:301, 4 at the September dinner purple accessories. The newly am. on a sliding-scale fee|meeting, and reminded them of wedded pair will live in Oshawa. basis. » the 1961.62 membarshin anmmna had to be I Park recently. The children en.|!0 draw up some rules you will| August 24 at 8 p.m. A letter of thanks!ioyed bathing during the after. »(from the winner of the award noon. to an outstanding student at the|races and games after a picnic| A guard of honor was formed Oshawa General Hospital was Supper. Winners for the various i A outside the church by Randy|read. Miss Cora Cruse, Sun. events were as follows: well to write down these rules Past Mistresses and thei Steven, William Dodd, |letter of thanks acknowledging|Marlena-jo the club's expression of sym-|Ellegett, Leannd Kenney. Cotton, a daughter, from Mrs. Marjorie|my Hicks, Paul Fisher, David Kenney. Fisher, Bill Haight. Kenney. lace sheath dress with white ac-| Eulalia Spence, convener of the _ times for the children to visit.| Devotional exercises were per- tition, and suggested that each'|She said fine, but so far she formed by the Chaplain Sister and member Clubinew member with her to the|children are over here before 9 sented by Sister Beatrice Wilson closed its year's activities with a meeting, thus ensuring the win-/a.m., just after I get the older|and Past Mistress Sister well-attended pot-luck supper at ning of the trophy by the Osh-|ones off to school, and it makes Burgess. Mr. Bruce Davis acted as best| McLaughlin Hall. Owing to thejawa club again. /BATHE PARK LADIES' AUX. bring prospective hasn't abided by the rules. Her|Isabell Roberts. Flags were pre- a Ann it hard for me to do my daily| Bingo committee was report. work without getting cross ated on by Past Mistress Sister them." Elda Howard. Sick list report by My reply in part: Sister Mildred Carnochan. The You and your husband need next regular meeting to be held The Bathe Park Ladies' Aux- ary held its annual picnic at e Greenwood Conservation announce and explain to your| Sister Agnes Wellman was the children. "hen when {ls 1 of "the + draw pie neighbor children come over|donated by Sister Elva Van next time, state and explain Slyke. these rules to them. It might be| Refreshments were served by r assis- olderiw inner Everyone participated in Children's race, 4-6 yrs, -- and post them in the kitchen tants, By G. CLEVELAND MYERS [cluding your own, is to have y SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT : Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robin- son of Port Perry announce the engagement of their daughter, Norma Audrey, to Wallace Den- ton MacNeil Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Boyd Orono. The wedding is to take place in Port Perry on Friday, August 4, at 7.30 p.m. EE PRESIDENTS TRIP TORONTO (CP)--Mrs. J. Y. MacKinnon of London, Ont. president of the Dominion Coun- cil of the Woman's Association of the, United Church of Cane ada, will attend the World Methodist Council and confer- ence in Oslo, Norway and World Federation of Methodist Women from Aug. 10 to 25. PICTURE IT NOW . . « | ENJOY IT AGAIN AND AGAIN GET Kodak Film HERE! JAMIESON DRUGS 241 KING ST. E. 725-1169 TO LIVE IN TORONTO is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vasko of Osh- | awa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pietrow of Toronto. --Photo by Ireland Pictured after their wed- ding recently at St. Hed- wig's. Roman Catholic Church are Mr, and Mrs. Walter Pietrow. The bride, the for- mer Miss Anne Irene Vasko, -- i lhc ---- -- - - + P toria i F 11 S : Picture it NOW amp reioriain ru wing See it again and again For Canadian Girls in Training | K ODAK | FILM Kodi%, eh HERE! Film-Finishing Headguarte Camp Pretoria, which is spon-| The. enthusiastic staff are--|~__ sored by the Oshawa and Dis- Mrs. Hayward, director; trict CGIT Board, is now in full| Mrs. Clayton Lee, cook; Eileen| swing for the 1961 season. The|Corbman, assistant cook; Jane| first camp for girls, 13 and over, |Dale, dining-room; Mrs. Rex|'w began July 4. Gir present Harper, business manager; |-._ from Oshawa are: Gail Ritchie,|Judy Green and Jean Rowson, Dale Morey, Ruth Ann Taves,|crafts; Bertha Armour, nurse; and Anne Steenburg; from Scar-\Mrs. A. Webster, swimming; borough: Susan McFadyen, Lor-|Mrs, G. Besse, Bible study; Mar- raine Browne, Katharine Hall, garet Aird, world friendship and Maureen Gough, Jacqueline assistant Bible study; Mrs. G. Baker, Janice Looker, Cheryl|Estabrooks, camp craft: Mar- Walsh, Karen McCrae, Janee garet McGeachie, assistant] Rea, Marilyn Knox, June Hay-|camp craft. yard, Lorraine Willis and Sheila] Camp includes a variety of] Wright; from Toronto, Joann activities ranging from swim- Morton, Diane Fordham, Dawna|ming to Bible study and the Mulcahey, Marilyn Owen, Jan-|girls seem to be enjoying this ette Tait, Marjorie Richardson, experience. A Sunday guest at Barbara Gain, Lynda Martin,|Camp Pretoria was the Rev. Susanne Barber, Mary Mac-\J, K. Braham from Scugog| Farlane, Moira Davidson, Lau-|Island. i | GET YOUR NEW CAMERA HERE at your headquarters for Kodak Cameraland values pL ~~ 28 King St. E. 723-4621 @ OPEN EVENINGS eo |from West Hill, Lynda Morrison! and Wendy Jones; from Audley -- Nancy Puckrin, Linda Izett, Joy Astley and Jo Astley: from Newcastle -- Betty Couch, Pat- |ricia Belsey, Linda Wright and Cathy Scott; from Ajax -- Joann | Ames, Marilyn Perkins, Sandra {Cheyne, Jennifer Smyth, Joan Small, Elizabeth XKerton, Pat Alexander, Suzanne Miller;| from Islington -- Norma Mav-| ety; from Beaverton -- Audrey Goard, Pat Reid, Gillian Price, Lynn McMillan, Madeline Duffy and Gail Cockburn; from Brook in -- Gail Agar; from Balti more -- Shirley Anne Clapper- ton; from Orono -- Jean Tam- blyn: from Bowmanville -- Mar- garet Estabrooks. ELL' Stowe MITC Drug. EFA 9 SIMCOE ST. N. | WIFE PRESERVERS anche +) nant ed" with wax crayons, buffed and coated with shellac or var-| nish to prevent crayon from | rubbing off. Kenney, David/and let the neighbor children] -- < take a copy home with them Among these rules, state a regular time each day when playmates are not expected to Boys' race, 10-13 yrs. -- David come and a period when they : will be welcomed. Another rule She kick, boys -- Paul Fisher, should state that no child, in-| Ladies' shoe kick -- Mrs. Roy ~~ Boys' race, 6-10 yrs. -- Tom- ) A candy scramble completed Men's shoe kick--Stan Hicks. the outing. here's a sampling... HOUBIGANT ies + make us your headquarters for KOD AK CAMERALAND VALUES! odak Automatic 35 Camera LIQUID SKIN SACHET '» ; Kodak Automatic 8 Movie Camera A unique perfume that seems to wrap you in fragrance forever! Just smooth it on the skin , , . and unforget. table Chantilly lingers for hours! It's almost indelible. $2.50, ELL'S RY? 13 RA 3-3431 "Everything {5 8 KING ST. E RA 3-2245 ROSSLYN PLAZA PARI 1 oe] 0) PF ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND Brownie 8 Movie Camera NTT RE 'when it happens with Kodak Zoom 8 Reflex Camera YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING NEW IN PHOTOGRAPHY | Kodak movie Film Photographic" 0 SIMCOE ST. Si] RA 535463 - RA8:9668 | : WHITBY PLAZA