SELECTS NEGRO of Columbia board of commis- 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 11, 1961 INTERPRETING THE NEWS Court Bans Questions | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- gioners. The 4 Sires - Deutber ident Kennedy Monday selected iJohn B. Duncan, 51, a Negro|fairs here. More than half the U.S. Letting In Buffalo Murder Case i: sir gop o Vass se ® 2? BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP)--Deci-|Matthew Jasen said issuance Pakistan Down sin was reserved Monday, of a permanent court order will . |pending psychiatric testimony,|depend on testimony given to- . 3 : : : on whether to issue a perma-/day by Dr. Samuel Yochelson, | By JOSEPH MacSWEEN nedy faces in trying to cultivate nant court order barring further the psychiatrist who has been | Canadian Press Staff Writer |friends in Asia to guard against questioning of 15-year-old Chy- examining Chyrel for a week | President Ayub Khan of Paki-|the land - gobbling ambitions of 1a} Tee Jolls in the Andy Ash-/and who has been retained by istan, arriving in ,Washington/Red China and the Soviet Un- ley murder case. {her mother. Tuesday fer a visit, has said|ion. - i ¥ his country is being let down by| In a television interview taped, State Supreme Court Justice The bound body of the three the new United States policies. (before his arrival in the U.S., idl i BM Sg GHT! His attitude demonstrates ihc AYub went so far as to say that son, visiting Pakistan in May, June 25, two days after he was dilemma that President Ken.|if the U.S. continues to build up sidestepped questions ab ou t|reported pein Son his home. -- India's strength, Pakistan and Kashmir. Later he announced| Chyrel was given a lie detec- ind Countries gy tae to Red that at the request of Kennedy |tor test at police headquarters THEATRE GUIDE [Sina for protection against In- he had urged Prime Minister|shortly before the temporary in- ! | Nehru to extend his influence in|; Haunted by its long quarrel Southeagt Asia. |uction yas ised by Jostice Brock, Whithy -- "Go N in| with India over the territory of| . § od Diy = So S30 a Kashmir, Pakistan might/ GIVES ANSWER falo Police Commissioner Frank "The Cage of Evil" 8.40 p.m. SWitch to a neutralist course, American strategists see a Felicetta refused to discuss the An ATLANIIC PICTURES HOOUS i . S |withdrawing from the southeast|strong India -- powerful in mili- results. | Last complete show at 830) Gian treaty organization and tary and economic life -- as the Police said the girl admitted ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- REGULAR PRICES ---W isnev's 101 CENTO. x est 'answer to the growing/last Tuesday that she kid- Ay TRegenl, »x Joh Disney's © i These pacts were built up/might of Red China, a demon napped Andy and also Richard CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A 2.50, 5.05, 7.25, 9.40 p.m. Last/during the era of the late U.S.|stration that democratic meth-(Edgington, 5, but denied drown- complete show at 9.00 p.m. State Secretary John Foster/ods can match and surpass aling Andy and abducting five- Dulles, who was sharply critical rigidly controlled Communist|year-old Susan Benedict. Marks -- "The Desert Fox', [Of neutralists in his drive to program. 96. 5.33. 8.45 p.m. «(ring the Communist countries) But Ayub counters that India| FIVE-YEAR PLAN | 22, 5 Bin Te Des iwith Western - oriented military will use its arms to ""intimi-| TAIPEI (AP) -- The Na- ' COOLED 10 TOUR COMFORT! HA } hu alliances. |date" Pakistan over Kashmir, tionalist Chinese government, 4 L | M O 34 § -- 10.21 p.m. Last complete show x : yg at 8.45 p.m. i | But this policy began to|and he says that at present 80 with aid from the United States io change even under the Repub- Per cent of Indian forces are has launched a five-year, $5,- Biltmore -- "The Minotaur" lican administration and Presi-| designed against us," while 000,000 program to improve har- | 3.39. 638 940. 1115 p.m, dent Eisenhower took the line only 15 per cent face China. 'bor facilities. | "Five Guns to Tombstone" that the friendship of non- -- Si fotay | 2.25, 5.24, 8.26 p.m. Last com- aligned countries was almost as CENTRAL MEN AT HEARING plete show at 8.1 pm. important to the US. as that of | " FEATURE TIMES: military partners. . i 335 She Walked A Path From Rober Minor, left, a New | dent of the rail line, confer | merce Commission hearing on Plats Se Sertel wave) a hen Fisenhawer 1ravelled 10 ves Oh i / York Central vice-president, | today before the afternoon ses- | rival bids for control of the | oo 10 30 "i % p no tralists. This trend became with me and Alfred E. Perlman, presi- sion of an Interstate. Com- | Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. > " |more pronounced under the '4g : 7 j I 2 --(AP Wirephoto) 'prive.Jn -- "Hell to Eternity". Democratic administration of Com You iF onitiauss ! . Box office opens at 8.00 p.m, President Kennedy. , LD) » he would not have to pay any Show starts at 9.30 p.m. Vice-President Lyndon John- eel allive | 9 y ratio | of the costs. = ---- nt 1iNnesses acK | ! o ro BABY The com mittee, appointed od early in 1960, ended public hear- | ighway Dept. ied) ) WORLD WAR 2 THRILLERS! | . {briefs and will report its rec- ° ADULT Stani ) arring-- ommendations to the next sit- TORONTO (CP)--The depart- Fred Speers, the builder who|ting of the legislature. by th itnesses Monday be- home, called the department's - -- GEORGE HAMILTON ree witnes - home, c: , o I y 5 The Vast African Desert | crawled out of the Shell | MERCEDES McCAMBRIDGE ment of highways was criticized had constructed the Jackson|------------------ -- All the Sweep of The Muddy Men who | ROBERT SIODMAK'S fore Ontario's select committee|action "another example of the . ! on land expropriation. high - pressure system used to Dine At . . . | Holes of Africa. JOAN BLONDELL and All three said department|get people to sign." OSHAWA'S NEWEST "THE DESERT im | (@) | lo] appraisers should change their| Mr. Cass said the department THE DESERT MISS SALOME JENS 14) RATS is Triggered To Explode ! a mechanical engineer, said the before the OMB. Beefburgers STARRING 99 plode system of arriving at the value would accept any cheques re- RESTAURANT FOX" : ; | { | " "" department offered him $7,200) Donald Kirsch, a Toronto busi MAYFAIR | RICHARD ROBERT 1 IME BOMB JAMES MASON BURTON NEWTON Sin to Salvation ! 7:30 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9 PM. of property. turned to it, if the persons in-| . Solomen Friendly of Toronto, volved wanted to take their case, Featuring Steaks & for a piece of land in Norval os Besgiman, complained that nisi ash the rien who knew . Highway 7. He refused and the half-acre property expropriated .das 1 Who Kne er! with CURT JURGENS department dropped the price to/for Highway 401 was being ta-| | $1,500. The Ontario Municipallken at a price that neglected| RESTAURANT | ) I MYLENE DEMONGEOT Board awarded him $2,750. the cost of landscaping. | SIMCOE S. PLAZA | al i Last Day: He said the property, required WOULD COST $14,000 (Simcoe S. at Ritson Rd.) | STARTS | Richard Widmark Continuous Showings of bridge project, was worth) © ci he wanted to have FREE PARKING in "Secret Ways" From 12.30 pm. We the same trees and shrubs on Because he has a $2,000 mort- his new property, the cost would | gage on the property, he said," 5,0, ¢14 000) He suggested "I have wound up with zero on : : .q¢ that the department establish a A.picee of DIOBORY that as value for landscaping based on Mr. Friendly said he will chal-the Prices charged by nursery- - . 1 men. d's award in the lenge the boards 3 The committee is studying Bill Highways Minister Cass,|120 --. legislation that provides airman of the committee, said uniform expropriation laws for an appraiser often offers too all government departments and much and, when corrected by agencies. his boss, has to offer a lower| Charles Janes, Progressive price. Conservative member for Lamb- Mrs. Albert Jackson of Tor- ton East, objected to a property onto said the department offered owner sometimes having to pay "hs her $31,000 for her home when|costs of arbitration. Lloyd Leth- she was asking $38,500, the erby, Conservative member for amount it had cost her to build.|Simcoe East, said a public au- The property was required for|thority should be established to widening Highway 401. act for the property owner so 3 THE TOUGH, ECONOMICAL THRIFTMASTER 6 This 135 hp valve-in-head engine has hauled more payloads than any other engine in trucking history. Famous for economy and reliability, the Thriftmaster's high compression ratio squeezes Delightfully extra pulling power from every drop of regular Different! ; --- EXCLUSIVE GMC V-6 ENGINE Swaine WAL " GMC"s high-compression V-6 engine has the shortest NEW ALL-CARTOON FEATURE stroke of any truck-built "six" to give you longer e and ne \ ' engine life . . . develops tremendous pulling power at 1) u low speeds to give you tops in performance, tope Dal Hans in economy! 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Learn to dance quickly, easily , . . Get more fun out of life . . . GMC-148'8 momerrom wn || THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED W. MARKS, Licensee This Offer. for' Adults Only ' 266 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO - PHONE 723-4364 WHITBY, ONTARIO