12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 12, 1961 Scugog Chapter Of IODE Meets PORT PERRY -- The June; A splendid attendance of meeting of the Scugog Chapter, mémbers were on hand for the Imperial Order of the Daughters|June meeting of the Catholic] of the Empire, was well attend-/Women's League, Port Perry.| ed. This being the last meeting until} The busines session was car September, it was decided to | ried out in record time. Reports|stage a "Night Out" before dis- were received on the Blind Tag persing for the summer months. Day and the Rose Tag Day in| Arrangements were made to] aid of the Port Perry Hospital dine out and attend a show in| with pleasing results. Oshawa . i The educational secretary re. At the Benevolent Fund Tour- ported that 263 books and ma- nament held by the Peterboro'| gazines had been sent to Fron- Lawn Bowling Club, recently, tier College. A note of thanks the winning team was Fred De- was read from a local family Nure, lead; Alma Cox, vice; | for financial assistance received and Art Cox, skip of Port Perry. during the husband's illness and|Over forty teams competed for absence from work. A success-/the Victor Foxhall Trophy. Rep-| ful home baking sale was held resentatives came from Whit] on the Bank Lawn. The Falllby, Oshawa, Port Hope, Port, Marathon Committee was ar-|Perry, Lirdsay, Cannington, | $ § Ww ® : | | ranged with the following ladies Bowmanville and' Peterborough. | 1] 1 § er és win % appointed: Mrs. George Rennie The proceeds went to the Be-| 2 @® é and Mrs. Harry Carnegie. Alnevolent Fund of the Ontario decoration and memorial serv- Lawn Bowling Association. | " ice was held in the Library and The list of successful candi-| donations to the Lucy Memorial/dates in Theory Examinations Fund, the Provincial Work Room held recently by the Royal Con- and the Peace Garden Fund servatory of Music Toronto, in ® © © were attended to as usual. Port Perry are herewith. The Congratulations to Mrs. Wm. names are arranged in order of Graham, who recently celebrat- merit: ed her 96th birthday. Mrs, Gra- Grade IV Theory--Harmony, ham, now residing at Fairview, Honors, Edna Beckett. % 0 Whitby, is well-known by many Grade III Theory -- History, ; folk in the Port Perry-Scugog Honors, Effie Mustard. community. She resided for Grade II Theory--First Class many years on Bigelow street Honors, Marilyn G. Fralick; Site Yeliring ftom wheir Scugog; Patricia Hall, Myvile Snelgrove, In every fashion department, an astounding array of bargains on brand name -: na Can L Horr fashions . . . for you ! Prices pared on Coats . . . Dresses . . . Suits . . . Sportswear ANGLICAN CHURCH NEWS p and Victor Stonehouse (equal); .. . and Co-ordinates . . . We must clear the way for incoming Fall Merchandise, Reverend R. F. Stackhouse pcs Sally Rand: s . and family will occupy the Rec © grogar } Thema pirst Class so stupendous savings are yours, on the fashions you want for all the summer tory of the Church of the As- yonors George Smith, Sharon weeks ahead. sension during the absence ofly = Crozier and Dianne Mairs Reverend E. W. Fuller and fam-| equal), Patricia M. Holthy. y. R Congratulations to Ronald Mrs. Stackhouse has kindly Mines. son of Mr. and Mrs. 8 ® offered to lead a Junior congre- pyicworth Kennedy, who recent Spring coned Foil gation during the summer. The ly passed the Grade VI Piano Parish picnic was held at Pop-| i minations of the Roval Con- lar Park, in town, this year. The co vatory of Music, Toronto. afternoon was spent in swimm- pon 14 ic a pu vil of Miss Donna ing, followed by supper and Sonal a up RMT. Better Dresses then games and races in the ; + . Congratulations to Rosemary I] early evening. The Young Peo- Nodwell, of Seagrave, a il Dressmaker and Stroller v li hava ell, S . pupi ple's Club held their closing or Mr. James MacGregor, of For Street Wear and After Five meeting, recently, and at its Os ; g two ti i : AR :>/0shawa, who took two firsts in M Floo: conclusion journeyed to Taylor's the Highland Games at Caledon ON pan Park for swimming and a wie- East. She won medals in both Choice Spring and Summer styles in linens, crepes, ner roast. Timothy Brunton, the march, Strathspey and Reel. prints, checks and cool plaids. Sheaths and full skirts son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur has been attendin: included. Regular $19.95 to $35.00. Brunton will be attending Choir BOSSY BR High Spams We're making way for Fall with a gigantic clearance SALE School at Trinity College School and is a Grade nine student. sale of top quality Suits and Coats. Port Hope, during the month of" 1.0" Tadies Auxiliary of the Regular from $39.95 to $99.95 Lo ol ) RACK OF WOOL August, Port Perry Canadian Legion WR : ; SKIRTS d SWEATERS LJ . a , 4 an The Evening Guild held an. holding Bingo games in the enjoyable meeting recently, and |,ca) Scout Hall and this enter-| S S S welcomed Mrs. Stackhouse to ,inm one ic proving quite popu- hel group. _ During the short lar H p, ® ® usiness session it was decided pp. w 's Association of to donate $125 to the Board of yr ort any Unig Cha rch ' Reg. 8:93 Management and $10 to the Port i Perry Hospital Xray Fund. Met in the Sunday Schoolroom 3 fo 19.95 : i for the June meeting which was Meetings will recommence onlin the form of a pot luck sup- Lower Level August 22nd, in order to plan hi 1 event proves Wo ; arvangements for the catering", His, Soma ©1em! PIOVES 200 COTTON cos dL SALE for the Boyd-Clarke wedding. lant social time was enjoyed i : ' The jas Tu the annual ba- jue: well.laden tables. Guest| SPECIAL p : 4 4 fr Lower Level Jag; wi Aik held Saturday, No- | epresentatives were present 3 (7 ' vember , in the Parish Hall. [¢.0m Scugog WA; Prospect RACK OF The Port Perry Men's Bowl- wa Manchester WA, and jag Jeasue bed their annualip rip ce Albert WA. At Tremendous assortment, sheaths ond full \ $ 2 ! ae Both on ane) Ren the: conclusion of ihe supper, ALL WEATHER skirts, washable ual trophies were presented to ihe president, Mrs. Fagar Leask i x . : alled the meeting to order and . ig A] 2 . Be Iollowing winners o thelSar Rex Sheeting in her usual : Sizes 7 to 19 3 Corded Material Velvet Trim play-off series: Stars -- Irving njeaging manner introduced the : 4 i> : Boyd (captain), Archie Farmer, by co 2one, ond 8 to 20. 5 T Bert . Weeden guest speakers, Mrs. Crowell [] 5 SHORTY COA . ~~ i ¢ Fred Olsen, s Richards George Smith, Wesley St. John 21d Mrs, Richardson. and George Stone. HOLD MEETING 3 \ TO CLEAR Consolation winners: Whiz| The Evening Auxiliary of the length Corduroy Bangs--Allan Cawker (captain), Port Perry United Church Wo- Reversible Suburban } % Pe {im Redmah, Wm. Owen, C.'men's Missionary Society held C. ersib 2 burba Main Floor "A a Reg. $16.95 atts, Charles Williams, David|their June meeting at the home oats an a few d a he 34 Brunton, Gordon Goode and of Mrs. Ellsworth Kennedy with iy ; to $25.00 - Donald Forder. 17 members present. In the ab- Dressmaker Suits. s At the meeting of the TOPS sence of the president, Mrs. ; 2 Club which was held at the Robert Walker, the meeting was Reg. $25.00 to $45.00 GROUP OF 1 H home of Mrs. Shirley Cummings, very capably taken charge of,! b a new election of officers was by Mrs. Ray Litt. The devo! a | held due to the resignation of tionals were in charge of Mrs. 1 4 Lawer Lev some of the 1961 executive, with George Samells, Mrs. E. Ken- the folowing results: Leader, nedy and Mrs. R. Litt. Lower Level Mary Payne; Co-leader, Joyce| Mrs. Litt had the difficult task . £ FAMOUS MAKE Taylor; secretary, Joan Morris; of summing up the chapters of 9 4 HIRTS Assistant secretary, Betty Ash-/the study book which has been h ve LADIES TAl more; treasurer, Marie Brown; taken during the year and also go ] | 1 assistant treasurer, Georgina spoke on the ecumenical year. ayo R $0 ; Floor Samples--Regular to $39.95 i 3 PLAIN AND PRINTS Espie; weight recorder, Joyce Various items of business were i Shi id ! x i ; T CLEAR Taylor; sick convener, Marie|discussed-and a social time en- Ais ne ¥ J Brown; hostess, Margaret War-/joyed. Meetings will be dis- o, / # J ' : in Fl ren; reporter, Joan Morris. pensed with until September. € a ™ Main Floor ° . ee i] ink ? # S n & Miss Laskaris ¥ MATERNITY # and [| | a8: PY aa i 4 : Main Floor Becomes Bride i FASHIONS ° BOWMANVILLE -- St. John's; The best man was the groom's ' 3 i Yo Anglican Church was the setting brother-in-law, William Potter ; Lower Level WOMEN'S 3 i Ra for the wedding of Mary Las- and the ushers were William : Bermuda Shorts, Tops and Pedal Pushers ] : karis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laskaris, brother of the bride Sizes 10 10 18. Reg. 4.95, 3 19 ES 1a SIZE DRESS ES Louis Laskaris and George and Rob Van Den Berg all of SALE Dennis Heath, son of Mr. and town. Slims, Skirts. Reg. to 5.50. 3 99 Mrs. G. R. Heath, all of Bow- The reception was held at the SALE .. . : od manville. Bouquets of white home of the bride's parents, 31 Slims, Skirts, Tops. Reg. to 8.95. 4 91 Slimming styles from famous makers in cottons, crepes, . " 5 snapdragon adorned the altar Temperance St, where the SALE ; sheers. weshes: ord' florals 1 BLOUSES AND T SHIRTS 1 99 and bridal bows marked the guests were received by the Ef 2 pe. Outfits . . .Tops and Shorts or Skirts 38 Reg. 2.95 to 3.95. SALE. .. and Bx guest pews. bride's mother wearing corn- b ¢ Reg. to 10.95. 3 Rian ax Herbert officiated. flower blue silk of sheath de- HG SAL res 4 Eq GROUP I GROUP 2 SHORTS e wedding music was played sign with beige accessories. The / : " .95. ia Reg. 3.95. SALE by .the church organist, C. J. groom's mother received also SALE 4 Reg. 13 JA98 Reg. HA 319.95 BR iUDA SHORTS Evans. : : : wearing pastel blue nylon over / A : The bride given in marriage flowered taffeta with white ac- i. All other Maternity Dresses and Suit- Reg. 4.95. SALE SALE L by her father, was wearing cessories. Both wore corsages i. REDUCED TO CLEAR 23 my white organdy over white peau of pink sweetheart roses. 3 "iy = a \ PEDAL PUSHERS de soie, styled with an Eliza- - 3 - ail ha | : Reg. 3.98. SALE from .... For the honeymoon to Ottawa, SLIMS -- SKIRTS Reg. 5.95 to 10.95. SALE. . 4.48 to 1.88 Main Floor Main Floor bethan bodice with lace front the bride travelled in a mauve and matching bow at the deep stroller suit, mauve and white V neckline. The gown had cuf-|hat with white accessories and fed full length sleeves. The orchid corsage. The bride and floor length bouffant skirt of|groom are residing at 8 King matching design was accented St. East, Town. by organdy scallops gathered Out of town guests were Rack of 2-pc. SUITS with matching bows. Her finger- present from Kingston, Carleton tip tulle net veil was caught to|Place, Trenton, Oshawa, Whitby | CO-ORDINATES a Sequin and pearl trimmed or-land Toronto an gandy pillbox hat and she car-| Prior to her marriage the ried a white Bible crested with bride was guest of honor at a 5 4 Reg. 16.95 to 19.95 a white orchid and stephanotis. miscellaneous shower given by Ladies Wear Lid. Miss Helen Laskaris, the her cousin, Mrs. G. Kleon, bride's sister was maid of honor (Oshawa. Mrs. Wm. Potter and 8 and was in mauve pleated Mrs. G. R. Heath entertained . 0 » street-length silk with matching é y p.) S h . at +a shower at the latter's full overskirt of organdy, high- home, The bride's girl friends All Sales Final -- Alterations Extra ® Open Friday Until 9 p.m. /] lighted by Sedaily scallops and [presented her with a crystal se g S : set 2 8 Wore 3 sma wate. vena os ents Pee nue are || 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-1912 and carried a white basket with awa. Co-workers of the groom mauve and white chrysanthe- at Ontario Hydro, Town, pre- 2 Y L Pp MED FL mums. Isented fim with a barbecue set.| -