a a I rae mre k son, Allan Grant, Barbara Tre- KILLED BY CAR y a, Brian Mahaffey, Gary] CAMPBELLS BAY, Que. (CP){| IS SHE ANGEL SHATTERING 1 3) C 00 nowden, Beverly Pascoe, Joseph Chevallier, 33, of Calu-f OR SINNER ? CRUISE TO Ricky Melch, Bruce Love, Deb-/met Island, Que., was killed bh) TERROR ! | bie Cameron, Kerry Thomas, Wednesday night when struck ANGEL f e Holds lasses Laura Lave, Muffy Thomas,|by a car on Highway 8 two " | IME ; C Sandra Hopkins, Debbie Henry, miles east of here. Police said i Allan Starr, and Margaret Van|the driver of the car was Dave Rp ABY " KEDRON -- On Wednesday,|Glen Gagnon, Brad Roddick, den Heuvel. Nanson Brown of Welland. BOMB ithe July 5, the Daily Vacation Bible|Beth Werner, Kathy Thomas, ppRSONALS Adult Entertainment School got under way with a|Sandra Mitchell, Gail Mitchell,| On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. NIPS PLOT -- with -- et good attendance and a very in-| Robyn McBurnie, Cindy Werner, |stanjey Ogle enjoyed a visit], GUATEMALA CITY (AP) -- GEORGE HAMILTON CURT JERGENS teresting program. The three/Neil Mahaffey, Wendy Newell, The Guatemalan government ofl MI ALOME JEN Y sections have been meeting in| Dorothy Walter and Gloria| oa chitacen of Kingston >" [President Miguel Ydigoras an- $$ 510 NS MYLENE DEMONGEOT the church auditorium, the Sun-| Mountjoy. Last week Mrs. Harold Werry| nounced Wednesday it has day School room, and in the| The large Kindergarten Sec- Mi nipped a revolutionary plot and BILTMORE Community Centre. This year, tion for Pre-School ern he ee arrested "various persons." Un- BI t LJ M 0 R E NOW PLAYI NG ! the school is being directed by|directed by Mrs. Charles|trip through Kinmount, Ban. official accounts sald arrests Mrs. Derek Barnett, assisted by| Thomas, assisted by Mrs. Ted croft, Barry's Bay and' Algon. totalled about 100. Mrs. Grant Glover. Maidman, Mrs. Ron Morrison, quin Park. A highlight of the In the Junior Section for chil- Mrs. Wilfred Pascoe, Mrs. Bert trip was a visit to the church oy sy AA dren who were in Grades 3, 4/Smith, Molly Johnston, Linda|conference resort at Keswick. JEFF JOHN press 1] and 5 last year, the director is| Hopkins, Joan Ogle, Sylvia| Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Noble and Tom & Huck A HART LOU and BUD ' Rev. Ronald Love, assisted by Wood, Janet Bremner, Patsy Mrs. Marlon Walter, Mrs. C. V. Brown and Gloria Woodward. Pick Were Jeskend guests of are back 1 i - Thomas, Mrs. William Hancock, Here the children are Carol|family at their cottage on Stoney " 427 on seotion ore Elinabeth Greer, Parnett, Peter Sage, Robert/Lake. "THE amror § "ABBOTT AND Rosemary Greer, Anne Bishop, Chatten, Jeff Thomas, Diane] Mr. and Mrs. Murton Walter N N McBurnie, Ralph Bar. Mountjoy, Brian Watson, Robi/on Tuesday evening entertained ADVENTURES b SA STERN COSTELLO MEET oa 2] ers Mr avet| L21TY, Donald Tregunna, David Mr. and Mrs. Eli Pascoe, of 9 ; a _-- Te are Snowden, Susn Smits, Debra Deerborn, Michigan, and Mr.|| $OF TOM SAWYER CAPTAIN KIDD" y '| Sutton, arbara Lambert, Edgar Pascoe, of Oshawa. Laty Hopkins, Charles Love, George Mitchell, Neil Love, Mr. and Mrs, Roger Bishop,|{ IN TICHNICOLOR -- IN COLOR ~-- onna over, Jan 1 | Danny McBurnie, Harold Mount-| Anne and Ruth spent the week- TOMMY Bruce Gagnon and Janet Brock. joy Susan Tregunna, Douglasiend at a cottage on Salmon KELLY * BRENNAN THE PLUNDERERS ) With CHARLES LAUGHTON In the Primary Group for chil- Smith, Allan Cameron, Diane|Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Charles ) " I dren of Grades 1 and 2, the|Henry, Gary Selleck, Douglas Bishop, of Toronto. A igh but leaders are Mrs. William Wood-| Morrison, Roger Hancock, Tom-| Rev. and Mrs. Robert Werry, ward, Mrs. N. Wright, Mrs.imy James, Janet Ogle, Allan|and Guy, of Cutknife, Saskatche- | ) 3 BiG HITS John Tregunna, Mrs. Derek Starr, Sharon Robinson, Jordon|wan, are spending a week of Barnett and Miss June Davis,|Lambert, Douglas McBurnie,|their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. assisted by Michael Hurst, Shirley Tregunna, Wayne Wat-'Clarence Werry. Karen Brock, Susan Werner and Ann Glover. These children, who meet in NURSES DEMONSTRATE BABY CARE TO MOTHER the Community Hall, include p | --Oshawa Times Photo |Linda Hill, Susan Brock, Diane Barnett, Linda Flintoff, Carol o k o 5 o Lee Harvey, Nancy incor, NN Nancy Woodward, Alexis Brem- Ajax-Pickering Hospital iessseuin Lambert, Brian Hughes, Ruth Bishop, Linda Greets 400 Babies Yearl Nancy Craig, Ga Meal, Sool 21 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA : HARWOOD AVE., AJAX Y Ole fom Pinot, Brian Stare, Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded You are Invited to Open a Budget Account. Peter Tregunna, Reggie Davis, By PHILIP SIMPSON |given each case as to thejyear of successfully caring for|p..ce Hancock, David Love, AJAX (Staff) -- Statisticians|amount of activity. Extra due|35 premature babi d multi- i re. J i i UR BARGAINS GIVE YOU TWICE THE tell us that the world's popula: consideration is given to the Jrenia-ure es and multi-\Dennis Love, Dennis Werry, tion increases at the rate of OBS patient, ILE. a high protein births is proof enough that effi- { me EEE Re RT | VALUE OF ANY DISCOUNT OPERATION to-earth terms, the stork zeroes| From the time of delivery |The staff has great pride In the Dine At . . . | earthward with a newborn in- mother - child relationships are ; art they played in rearing bab J fant twice evety second. ¢ 41 encouraged. Bottle fed babies Rar they Day 2} feu ng aby OSHAWA'S NEWEST ae Or CO be ra On. | 21° Laken to the mother at regu-|at birth, and the triplets, which | ~~ RESTAURANT 2 ~ | . are now two years old. | Feoturi Steaks & aris County er the Sai tWO| 1 the past year the OBS staff| It is the policy of the hospital eaturing Stee eca wig e Max an p tones has delivered one set of triplets, [that no infant is discharged Beefburgers General Hospita ig bout _ 400 /t€D sets of twins, 35 premature|from the nursery until it has MAYFAIR BE A ul babies and in all a total of 455 reached a weight of 5 Ibs. 8 ozs., | \ t 3 + .__linfants first saw the light of day unless the doctor requests an| As is usually the case, babies | : ; | are born in the Obstetrics De-| 2 the hospital. early discharge. This policy pro-| RESTAU RANT rt ital, as| Each member of the OBS vides professional care to the| . PLAZA tis Called by the hospits] stat, Staff gets a special compensa- Premature child and lessens the| SUACOE 3 Ritson Rd.) OBS. Inclusive in this depart. tion when they see "their" one|strain and emotional stress for| MEN'S STURDY LADIES" asses GREY WOOL & COTTON FREE PARKING 4 FIGE CHINO ment are the labor and delivery | oF two-year-old healthy- robust/the mother in her busy family f ice BEIGE CHI CHILDREN'S GLATTIES) rooms, the nursery and the wa-{iNaNic, {OF in their occupation environment. | " pI SUN JEANS SHOES CAMPING Ag ars. is a natural pro- have much to do with the first 8 GL ASSE S Sans ade in Conada) iv © Rubber Soles ¢ 3 Styles BLANKETS © Suede or leather uppers cedure -- the creating of a fam- [development of our future citi- \ ( ® Block, brown or beige ily unit -- hence both mother Zens: : & { £ : Rea. 4 Rea. ug and father are interested] The OBS nurse takes time to 9 . Reg. 4 a 8 » parties. The father may stay enter into the new mother's : el 3.95 3.98 - * with his wife when she is in problems of nurturing her baby. : ; A livery. At times when the OBS baby care to the new mother but Different! | 3 se Department is overcrowded, the |this 1s difficult in She hospital ; GIRLS 8 TO 14 YRS. 19 PIECE 4 PLAYER hospital has difficulty in carry- y of ° -- BOYS -- 1st UALITY a this policy, Bo to Jack having a teaching area set WALT DISNEY 'S 3 } 7 POP TOP NYLON & COTTON BADMINTON of space. aside, due to lack of space, The NEW ALL-CARTOON FEATURE | 4 / & SH ORT ETC The hospital has one labor|OBS nurse instructs the new One Hundre d and One # A ' room so there are times when|mother on formula procedure a 3 SETS a labor patient cannot properly and gives her literature on baby Dalmatians be accommodated from a fam-| Care. ily viewpoint. | The nursery is the area where IN . R 'The charge nurse, Mrs. P.|2 baby begins its life and an i ' \N///% ! Ren . Laming, is responsible for all ager eye must be trained on : : ' 2 : nursing procedures carried out the infant to note any changes in " in the delivery room, nursery its condition. Rashes, loose -- and general patient area. The|stotls, Yespivatory ist fugues " Ee 3 2 - " 1 PA GENERAL STEEL WARES a co" diffi taff, (and other abnormal conditions ale 8 + OFFICIAL CAMPING id £4 Rr hoi Thin may call for separating the in- EL Troe ERD FEATURE io WH DAILY a1 ; . ALL ALUMINUM CANVAS COVERED CHILL » "FRarpenn > i fected \ bo 1s patients and at anatier 00) es a | \ A Gi -- |COOKING|| WATER || CHESTS | | entire hospital nursing staff |sical set-up makes this a prob- SET CANTEEN 4 Trice 170s' must be proficient in both medi-|{lem as there is only one room Reg. 44 Reg. 1.98 . 1.98 Cc al surgery and OBS procedures Set aside for an isolation unit, a y which has to be used much of DELIVERY ROOM {the time for patient accommo- The delivery room is equipped dation. Due to intense nursing with a modern delivery table, care, cross infection has not oc- [ 1 ; > : excellent anesthesia equipment curred in the past two years. 4 8 2 a] togther with a resuscitator for| ig? Nupsery routine js Exact , A NYLON 10" Zipper I - newborn infants, and an ade-|INg. Small gains In weight are BR - 4 quate supply of modern instru. {Important and must be accur- : y SLEEPING LADIES YNICELLAR FOAM. FLAT ments. However, the delivery ately recorded. ; : area is small and cramped with| The OBS department's past . = / BAGS BLOUSES LIFE a y limited storage area for tf WITH BUILT IN RUBBER Assorted styles, long or short sterile supplies and linen. | ! : GROUND SHEET! sleeve. Sizes 30 to 36. ... PRESERVERS Nursing in the delivery room "knew her! JUNIOR SIZES 2.11 is as demanding as the oper-| oN ny o Straight skirt aay, Reg. » Reg. Reg. . ating room in the application of [---- p | @ Sleeveless Blouse : 3a 14.95 ADULT SIZES sterile techniques. : IR ot Alatlan) Hat Sr Hag al 99¢ Reg. 4.98 3.711 The doctor's change room is ® PLAZA opr 4 Shades 4 most inadequate and seldom is 1 CF atl OO Reg. 5.95 & fo | I. there space for the physician to | Here Ce aiting for the patient] NOW OPEN FEATURE TIMES: 1:45 - 3:35 - 5:30 - 7:30 LAST SHOW 9 P.M. SET NA LADIES GRANTEX WASH IES' SUE» ALUMINUM RUBBER GRIP pi 2 os I Es i, a. re .._._._e ee er --------------~,--_---- ==> to deliver. Extra care has to be ---------------------- ie hs - . «N-WEAR BRODADCLOTH SKIRTS FISH ; taken in removing the patient, i . | via stretcher, from the delivery ® : PYJAMAS noi tie loteat. stvied oid LANDING NET ment can cause discomfort and | 5.0 45s 0 chase and should purchase to-i} MUSKOKA AREA I TONIGHT! Ld TAL there is no room to store it. || Muskoka". | ..-/78 WHAT GOES ON WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF! | WOVEN COTTON PLAID Terry Sport CONTINEN WASHABLE OBS has problems with patient |f only 3 miles from Gravenhurst, uy have three beds. with a separate swimming area area, but due consideration is| Horizon Dining Room with its ; AG | 6 COLORS Worker Injured All sports including golf, on our new tennis court, fishing, etc, i ' "" ' " vere burns and was knocked un- in Je Narce Room to oi our w EAsTHAN COLOR + CINEMASCOPE LADIES GRANDTEX GIRLS' 8 TO 14 YRS. LADIES area to her bed as the crowded GH AW A [ 3 ' Sixes S,M,L. Asstd. Patt. Patiers. Fail Shirts plains, FISHERMANS SPECIAL ® is a mental and physical feat. THE SPECTACULAR i - BOX-OFFICE OPEN 8:0 2 . ' ward more advanced patient OFFIC 0 LADIES' 12TO 18 MEN'S 1st QUALITY BOYS' 8 TO 14 YRS. There are also times when |} On beoutiful Lake Muskoka; p i ; accommodation, even when the or e olion Following childbirth, early ac- |} for the active younger set. oR 2 Pp I Absorbent Cotton and. Nylon hi wonderful view of the lake in completely new 9-hole par 35 Ji . | Colors BRAMPTON (CP) -- A con-|] Programs arranged for your pleas- . : i ffets are regular features. I : conscious Wednesday whan al buffets are regular features BIRT PNTERT AAT 63¢ Pepsodent 39: Beautifully Embroidered CANADIA QUEEN TEX Ist QUALITY nurses' station is located on the HE a Kk 2 5 ; corridor. Manipulating the pa- SANDS I al sets : ; Reg. 50 Reg. Reg. tient through this maze of equip-| | w J fl £e sR | 4.98, Although there is equipment or ; 3 = Tr : - that the department could pur-| "NEW" RESORT THE |} 5% oho a | SHOW STARTS AT 9:30 care, this is impossible since |} "The Inn that adds elegance to § | Ont. R w hs three-bed areas are holding four |} The finest beach in Muskoka; § he 4 / I SOCKS units and the semi-private rooms || completely safe for children P. 3 i P AN f " tivity is encouraged in the OBS Finest of food in our new |i 7 # List Price 3.98 its ever changing glory. I Ribs a f I Asstd. . |] course, riding, new ind im- § In Power Mishap f ming pool, boating, inf skiing, wh SAN ARWIN PRODUCT struction worker suffered se [| Ure by our sports director. Dancing NICK ADAMS - MARCEL DALIO JULIA MEADE A UNIVERSALINTERNATIONAL RELEASE crane touched an 8,000 - volt FOR RESERVATIONS AND power line. INFORMATION FOLDERS, ETC. | Tooth Paste . . . asquale Falazza, 24, of Tor ROARING DP Soa BABY DOLL SLIM JIM IB bug in good condition | PHONE i PLUS AP E0A THE Ea Silvrikin Shampoo Wednesday night 2 South peel DONALD : A q 2 Reg. 75¢ Rospiial a , Prion pik i SMOKE + pu SL ATS | 60 Tablet Size PYJAMAS P ANTS In fresh Summer J Rae itt Al Campbell of Brampton, TRAVEL SERVICE WHEN YOU PLEASE SS ANACIN. Reg. 89¢ . working nearby, applied artifi- | HEVERLY GARLAND-JORN LARCH wo RUSSELL NuotSon a i hen th fe | - Summe First Aid cial respiration wher, he weet | MO 8-3304 ENJOY THE HEALTHFUL OUTDOOR SencTie, 3 1. YI 10 near this Toronto - district | 300 Dundas E., Whitby | Reg. town. Fara, working with a da ATMOSPHERE OF THE DRIVEIN ll noxzma res. 1.00 Ege | 13% Reg. Phd. Ie ara cable when 1 touched Muskokh sanos | | CE ECT | Sn Ten tote the power line. Ist Quality -- S.M.L. colors.