me venaor er such taxable well as 2 careful record of total|chaser should retain specific) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, July 20, 1961 27 items should refuse to accept a|wholesale sales. evidence of the payment of the/maid and children visited Mr. ! . Purchase Exemption Certificate| (Occasionally a person will|tax whenever the latter proce-|and Mrs. Will Moffatt, Orono, How New Tax Applies from the purchaser thereof. seek to make a purchase from dure is followed. on Sunday. Wile Ra Jaines, Saul Sie. pe Visited on Swagy vil pi However, a firm may purchase|a firm which is primarily en- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid|,. "wres Ray Bemis, Oshawa * i. . id To Various Producers The Retail Sales Tax Act rul- ing on manufactures, prod- ducers, processors and whole- salers is: (1) Manufacturers All persons who manufacture tangible personal property for sale are vendors and each must secure a vendor's permit, even if he makes no sales at retail whatsoever. Most manufactur- ers, however, do make some retail sales. Manufacturers, as do other vendors, must collect tax from customers on all sales of taxable tangible personal property except when the pur- chaser supplies the manufac- turer with a Purchase Exemp- tion Certificate under Regula- tion 3, indicating that the prop- erty is being purchased for re- sale or is exempt under items 38, 39 or 40 of Section 5 of the act. If the transaction is other- wise taxable the manufacturer must collect the tax on the full price asked of his customer, even if the charges for labor and materials are separated on tax, Tax must be paid on all other taxable articles purchased including such items as furni- ture, office equipment and sup- plies, supplies for cleaning and maintenance, building mate- rials, motor vehicles, etc. A facturer p ing a "G" permit may purchase all items tax free but must account for the tax himself on items of taxable tangible personal prop- erty which he has purchased. When a manufacturer uses or consumes any taxable tangible personal property which he has manufactured himself, he is re- quired to pay tax on the total finished cost of the merchan- dise. If he also sells similar articles the price of the items on which he must pay tax shall be the regular price at which similar items are sold to others. If he does not sell similar arti- cles, he shall calculate total cost, including labor, materials {and overhead, in general, the {rules followed in such instances {for the purpose of ascertaining ficate shall be in the form pro- vided by Regulation 5 and to be valid must include the number of the vendor's permit held by the purcl . A wholesaler is liable for tax on any sale made for which he does not possess a valid Purchase Exemption Cer- tificate or other evidence that would authorize exemption. A wholesaler selling materials or consumables or industrial ma- chinery to manufacturers must likewise obtain a Purchase Ex- emption Certificate in the form prescribed by Regulation 5 from articles of a type generally handled for resale free of tax, even if the particular items are jowed: to be used by the firm for tax- able purposes, as for example, oyocyte a specific Purchase Exemption Certificate which he will present ot the vendor who may then make the sale to the puchaser free of tax, retaining the certificate as evi- dence that the sale was 'made for resale; or (b) the purchaser may make the purchase and pay the tax light bulbs purchased by a hardware store for use in the store. However, the purchaser must account for tax on these items on his own tax return for the period. (3) Wholesale and Retail Businesses Some persons conduct exten- sive combined businesses at|and later collect wholesale and at retail. Such|he resells the item and apply persons must collect tax on their sales made at retail in the usual fashion and keep a care- ful record of the retail sales as gaged in retail business. Either of two procedures may be fol- (a) the purchaser may the tax paid to his supplier as shown on the invoice as credit against tax liability on the re- turn for the period. Such a pur- Bruce Tink's. Flett. Planned By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- Promotion exer- Mrs. Roy Langmaid, cises will be held next Sunday| Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr.. is|holidaying at John Knox's. morning at Sunday School at visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice,| The Hi-'¢'s enjoyed a wiener MIS: Sethe Horry. D2 roast at Solina school grounds Dr. George W. 3 IE nd Mr. The induction service for the|Oshawa, Mrs. Georgina Nid-|. yynda Rowe, Bowmanville, y Y SD ence new minister, Reverend Percy|dery, Hampton, visited the|polidayed at George Knox's. Mr. Werry's grandson, Ewart, Page, will be held at Hampton|Frank Westlake's Jr. and Mrs.| . Carol and Ronnie Knox enm-/qav on the same on Friday night, July 28. y Carolyn Dewell, Hampton,| Jacqueline Wood, Taunton Keith Rowe's, Bowmanville. visited several days with Marie] Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thom family visited Mr. and Mrs. L soin, Darlene and Donald, Osh-lAnderson and family, Zephyr. 10 o'clock. There will be no/Taunton. church service. tax when is holidaying at Mr. and Mrs. Jigited M1 2 Hes, Tos. Nor-|yisited Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires| G12dys. Durham, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Gary and Bobby Preston, Bowmanville, holidayed with thir grandparents, Mr. and and Mrs. N. Wotten, Mrs. Sam Dewell, Hampton. Brenda Anderson, and James Drynan, Oshawa, are| erry, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Moffatt, jon Friday night. Frank Westlake, Sr. joyed holidays at Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. - E { .2 (and family, On July 11, Mr. S. E. Werry Xercises Mrs. R. Sherwin and David, Mr. and Mrs, William James, | observed his 80th birthday. Oshawa, were guests of Mr. Present, to share this happy occasion with him wer his two Mr. J. Baker visited Mr, and brothers, Mr. is wif Werry and r. Charles Werry a ' Zephyr, Mr. and Mrs, Werry, Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright, was celebrating his 10th birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox and the purchaser. Purchase Exemption Certificates will normally take the "blanket" form; once the purchaser has executed such a blanket Pur- chase Exemption Certificate for a particular vendor he may make all of his subsequent pur- chases of the types of merchan- |dise specified in the certificate |tax free so long as the particu- |1ar Purchase Exemption Certifi- |cate is in force. In any case {where he uses or consumes for i the invoice or if the manufac-|the amount of tax due under|taxable purposes certain items ture or fabrication is executed The Excise Tax Act of Canada|which he has purchased free of according to information fur-\may be employed for purposes|tax under the Purchase Exemp- nished by the customers and of The Retail Sales Tax act un- tion Certificate, he must report ith Raterials elected by him. jess otherwise specified. and pay the tax on such items. ikewise if the customer sup-\ mooie personal property| The purchaser and not the plies his own materials and the a hased for the purpose of original vendor is liable for the manufacturer performs an yi io" inoorporated into realitax in such cases. The posses- SUPER BUYS a | be operation thereon, the manufac- turer must collect tax on the entire charge made. Such an activity constitutes manufacture and the sale of tangible person- al property and is not deemed to be the rendering of a service. A manufacturer is not re- quired to .pay tax on the pur- chase of tangible personal prop- erty which he buys for resale or for incorporation into products which he manufactures or for use as a consumable as defined in Ruling 11, or as industrial machinery and apparatus as de- fined in Ruling 10. In these categories only those items of tangible personal prop- | tail. | property shall be taxable on the | purchase price. (2) Wholesalers | A person or firm engaged in the business of wholesaling is|from ri a vendor and must obtain a ven-| A vendor who does not hold | |dor's permit, even if he makes] {no sales at retail. In practice| virtually all wholesalers willl make some sales at retail] [either to employees or to con- |tractors or to other business firms, or others. Every whole-| |chaser could legally execute frees the supplier or vendor |: sion of a valid Purchase Exemp- tion Certificate which the pur- esponsibility for the tax. a "G" permit must not issue Purchase Exemption Certifi- cates for his purchases of tax- able equipment, supplies ori other items, not regularly handled in the business, when such taxable equipment, sup- {saler must collect tax on such|plies or other items are pur- |sales in the same fashion as|chased for taxable purposes. any other vendor selling at re- A wholesaler making sale s| To do so will be deemed to be an offence against the act. Where it is obvious that all erty which are interpreted spe-{for resale must obtain a Pur- purchaser who holds a ven- at your local YOLLES store! Shop now and save on these end-of-line . . . discontinued and few-of-a-kind items. All are from regular stock, but must be cleared to make room for new merchandise. 60% on regular price. You'll also save the 3% Provincial Tax too. QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED -- so it's first come, first served! ORDERS! Buy now and save up to Don't miss this exciting sale. Sorry . . . NO PHONE OR C.0.D. cifically to fall within the cate-|chase Exemption Certificate|dor's permit is purchasing tax- gories are exempt from thel!from the purchaser. The certi- able items for taxable purposes, PHOTO VACATION su: Buy now and get big savings PLUS the 3% Sales Tax which starts Sept. 1 Shop Thurs. til 6; Fri. 'til 9; Sat. til 6 p.m. 3PCE. So EACH 2 ONLY TO CLEAR RATTAN CHAIRS ; BEDROOM SUITE J Suitable for garden or patio. Limited 3 4 H T-Pce. Dinette Sets 1 44 95 Quantity. u In bronze finish, Reg. price wes J | bed 129.95. RICOH "500" 35 mm CAMERA And Deluxe Carrying Case . . . only a few left. , . Reg. Value 72.45. OUR PRICE SAVE $22.50 PLUS THE 3% SALES TAX : CLEAROUT " SANKYO MOVIE CAMERA EEE 17995 Has three 11.8 lenses . . . pistol-grip . . . 4 LL Regular Price 109.50. OUR PRICE Sd i 69.50 SAVE $40.00 PLUS THE 3% SALES TAX i Large double dresser, chest and bookcase Reg. 269.95 ROOM SIZE RUGS Al sizes. Nylons, wools. Assorted shades. CLEARING 1/3 to 1/2 PRICE FLOOR AND TABLE LAMPS 2 PRICE assorted styles automatic . ,. . 3 ONLY 2-PCE. CHESTERFIELD SUITES Reg. to 339.95 1 ONLY CLEARANCE PRICE 169° : : McClary Refrigerator 2 2 4 : 4 h bs 10.6 eu. ft RETINA IIS 35 mm CAMERA 23.00 List Price 173.00. SAVE $50.00 PLUS THE 3% SALES TAX OUR PRICE .. .. KODACHROME KODACHROME 35 MM. FILM 8 M.M. FILM Includes Processing Processing Included List $4.30 List $4.90 Our Price 3.38 Our Price 3.48 Regular 199.95 9 o BROWNIE TURRET SE ep 9923 i 8 mm. MOVIE CAMERA A fl.9 Lenses List Price $69.95 Our Price 44.50 FOR FAST DEVELOPING AND PRINTING OF YOUR VACATION FILMS Bring them to US . . . 5 hour service on Black and White 24 hour service on colour film , . . FOAM CUSHIONS Assorted colours. REG. 2.19 TO CLEAR CLEAROUT SPECIAL 1.59 1 ONLY 7-PCE. DINING ROOM SUITE Large table, buffet, hutch, 4 chairs Walnut finish 3 REG. 289.95 Smooth Top Mattresses CLEARING PRICE 1 H 9.95 Box Springs To Match g§.68 . Famous Maker--standard sizes. Reg. 44.95 EACH T ONLY REFRIGERATOR 10.6 cu. ft 7 x 35 BINOCULARS WITH CARRYING CASE Reg. Price $30.00 Our Price 18.88 USED TELEVISION SETS FROM 2 ONLY 3 Legon 21" CONSOLES HYDRO RANGES H h AND 95 30" Automatic, visual oven | | TABLE MODELS u Rey, 269.95. Reconditioned and guaranteed for 90 days. Limited quantity. EACH ee 3-PCE. PICNIC SETS Consists of family size table and two benches , unfinished. 3 A CLEARANCE i SPECIAL . ASSORTED vi ii i i 1 ONLY ea ; : Occasional Tables TO CLEAR To.CLiAr TELEVISION SET 21" Consolette. Reg. 289.95. NO MONEY DOWN i ® EASY TERMS © FREE DELIVERY ® ALL SALES FINAL Yolle A OSHAWA [| MNPAO YO JUS | Coffee, end and step tables in the group. CHAISETTES 5 Regular summer lines, saran, web in i. assorted colours, CLEARING 8.99 17.99 192.99 MATL T: Photographic" 8 KING STE. | EEE EE RA.3-2245 CSHAWA | RA 5-594G | 5 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - RA8-4668] ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA JIE ¥ HOSTESS CHAIRS Assorted colours, limited quantity 2 SHOPPING CENTRE 'JRNITURE OPEN DAILY 9:30 - 6; FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M.