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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jul 1961, p. 17

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{ 4 [7--Real Estate for Sale 27--Reol Estate for Sele 27 --Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sete 32--Articles for Sale R00 X THREE-BEDROOM house, all conven OLDSMOBILE, two-tone, radio, DISCOUNT prices o b quality furniture, EO etas, master ences, % mile north Maple Grove asso, 728-3432. one-of-a-kind only Meuller French Pro- bedroom 16° x 13' modern, good size School, west of Bowmanville, paved chestertield suite, regular $489, J J VAN HERW R Uving room 2nd bedroom. The pay-|road, $9,000. Low down payment. MA|'s4 BUICK Special four-door sedan, price, $277; Serta three hath of 4 ments, taxes and beating cost are (3-5058 after 5. Sood condition, $230 or offer. 169 Burk) 100 ger, eent nylon section Se, regu- » . To see this meat elean home| Stree ), discount price 741 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA 723-4471 M Don si 728-8423. s, me level brick, "tastefuly y "decorated, CONVERTILE 3 Bulex, Wille wiih " Buc ie ih |piect, complete | ving room Jofa-bed en- a hy ice HAVE YOUR OWL GUAGE Cogn Barb, 14 Ooi ee ne Sh at ase rooms '56 BUICK, lar 3 price i x heated. Very good income. Owner hos to quit. Full price includes ing area, on a lot of 70° x 165'. This| Fier ErING Beach, we offer & five: Fisher, mileage 46.921. dan, Body ay Semiante property offers excellent potentialities insulated home, $500 down, taxes|6ss-3758 1.99, Ed Wilson's Discount business $15,000 with very attractive terms. om 5 8 acts meer, TAL ier in Se Bo EE. Truck. excel. |Store, 30 Church Stre Immaculate nice 2 bedroom Bungalow in Brooklin; all conven a = me 3 Hodgson 7 , Joseph Bosco lent condition. Beh cath clr Apply | TWO easy chairs with Sown" pillows, ences. Nicely landscaped lot 60 x 140 feet. Full price $8000. JH GR, joao, North. Oshawa, city | SEAT the heat! Cottage on shady treed |r ie wall drapes. Call 725-5703 after § p.m. --with reasonabdle down payment whter, oil ¢ ofl race, sce, large Tot in DE i a 58 FONTIAC Cg a ey arranged or dis |i, cooler living for only $500 down, (Straight & yr Fey Bly New 6 room bungalow in Manchester very nice loy-out all ok 1 yr ig full prise $8300, Tele: |ga500. Easy terms. 30 minutes to Osh SD SPP 248 Greenwood, 3 lo adh inch, conveniences, garage full price $10,500 with low down payment. Phone_Blachstock 20 after 7, Priva. yy. Some furniture, glow Hodgton: 50 CHEV. BeiA Ve ssiomatie_ sadic, Sireet E , days or evenings. 100 Acres productive farm, 90 acres workable. Has to be sold. |C-1. Col. COMMERCIAL property, prado --_-- " Jose] i Ee HE Al Aamo Re Piven o Saves Biles 5d Sor lib Good house ond barns, excellent soil, Full price $17,000 with two-storey brick home, Ideal for all Ko" Or ae TS Bd Bh LoL from phone 725-3568. eral tradedn allowance. Free demon- reasonable terms. commerelal use. Lot 40 x 60. Call 8. | CoC Telephone 728-4663. . 150 ocres GENERAL FARM, 10 miles from Oshawa, 135 Acres workable, 2 barns, 8 rooms stone and stucco house. Full price $23,000 -- with terms. 100 Acres Beef Cattle Farm just North of Raglan. Good house and steel bam. Full price $18,000 -- with terms, 73 Acres Farm on Rosslond Rood West. Partly zoned Residential Good House and steel Bom. Price $750 -- an acre, INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY WHITBY Macko Realtor, 728-4661. FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estate ; SIX-RO0M house, two-storey, good lo- cation, close to schools and bus. Avail able August 12. For further Li Bh oe or rent, ci reason. sal a able. Present stock if desired. 725-8141. 56 LASWAGEN deluxe, spotless | apply 384 Park Road South, 107 49% 350 Lermy, tor, formation 725-1953 or $8,900 ASKING price. = a rooms, odern righ LT metal finish; closing ness sal Jes 3585, 2 Xing site Shopping Ce! 58 oipsoRILE. perfect standard transm condition, ssion. adic, good ies rnton's ES South, 10 acres of Industrial Land on Hopkins street. Owner forced to sell Price only $1900 per acre with Terms. WE URGENTLY NEED LISTINGS FOR FARMS AND HOUSES We speak English, German, French and Dutch, WEEKEND SPECIALS ful TALL TIMBERS -- TROUT STREAM -- 814 acres of beauti woodland glades, ideal for camping or picnic park, Stocked trout stream, natural swimming facilities. Asking price of only $11,500 with excellent terms includes 2 bedroom home and on extro cottage. SUMMER BREEZES -- new 5 room summer cottoge on excellent, safe, sandy beoch, Asking only $3,900. -- excellent terms. Extra beach frontage available at very low cash, NORTH-WEST AREA -- 6 room brick home, large separate din- ing room, family-size kitchen, 3 roomy bedrooms, 4 piece tiled bath, landscaped. Only $11, 500, -- terms. SELLING BELOW CONSTRUCTION COST -- 3 year old N.H.A., 3 bedroom brick home that carries for only $85.0C principal, interest and taxes. Owner transferred -- must be sold. Call to- day for full particulars. BUSINESSES! BUSINESSES! -- we have a tremendous variety of businesses available for the wise buyer who wants a better- than-averoge income. Variety stores, hairdressing salons -- we have them. If we haven't got it -- we'll get it for you. WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 After hours please coll, 723-2537 Dick Young 728-3682 Ken Hann ..... cee: 723-7183 723-7963 Lloyd Corson ... Charlie Rankine . METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 SHERWOOD AVENUE A choice home in a choice location, 6 rooms, fireplace, outside entrance to basement, flagstone patio off dining room, geod sized lot. This home must be seen to be oppreciated. Asking $13,900.00 with good down payment. Balance on one 5% mortgage, RITSON RD. SOUTH--NEAR KING 3 suite oportment -- an ideal investment -- one 4 room and two 3 room self-contained opartments, in excellent condition. Monthly income $215.00 Priced at only $16,900.00 with rea- sonable down payment. Call tonight to inspect this fine income property, HARMONY ROAD NORTH One of the finest 6 room ranch bungalows in Harmony -- attached carport, beautifully landscaped with fish pond trees ond rock garden. Interior radiates quality and comfort right down to the recreation room with bor ond fireplace. Stove ond frig included. Full price $18.900.00 with substantial down poyment. AFTER 5:30 CALL Everett Elliot 723-9290--John Kemp 728-2392 Dick Barriage 725-6243--Mario Drew 725-7610 WHITBY CLASSIFIED WOMAN from Whitby to work 4 hours daily, housecleaning. Apply 732 Dundas Street East, Whitby. No phone calls, please, FOR SALE or rent bungalow, fireplace, fenced garden, on quiet street, near public and separate|V® ig Jamediate possession. Private. MO 84928. VOR RENT. + Apartment. two large rooms and large kitchen, 'Main floor or] four rooms uptairs. Phone MO 88315. FOR SALE or for rent, Available Sep- tember 1. Three-bedroom two storey house, downstairs washroom, oil heat-|$65 monthly, everyth! ing. garden and garage. $100 monthly. |8.8033. ly ing Telephone MO 8:2180 after 1 p.m. FOR SALE -- Cabin cruiser, 19%. ishing, $100 or nearest. Phone MO 8-4811 or 655-3749. THREE room unfurnished apartment, contained, light wiring, ground CENTRALLY located apartment for rent, six rooms, hot water heating. Possession ANgus 16. Telephone MO 8-3605 after 5.30. FOR RENT -- Taree roomed. unfur. nished apartment, ground pri- vate bath and entrance, Mo aie, APARTMENT, large unfurnished kitch- en and bed sitting room, hot water, hydro, oil heat, parking included; ground fpor, pr ad #ht vy Por range, MO UNFURNISHED, self-contained, mod. ern basement apartment, three piece bath. Suit two girls or business couple. included. MO -- Three.bedroom FOR RENT: 3-room nfurtifhed Aid equipped kitchen, heat included. Fee: phone MO 8-5643 for more BACHELOR, 37, would like to rent self- self contained room in quiet home; no base- level, parking, suit couple, close 0 ment room. Phone MO 8-8497 Whitby. Whitby and Oshawa. T TBH. | 50 SERICES. Complete bookieepl ¥OR R RENT: Modern two bedroom service for small businesses, mii apartment, ground floor. centrally 1o-imonthly or as desired. Statements pre. cated, laundry and parking. facllities. pared, income tax returns. MO 8 8252. Available August 1 Telephone MO| |For hy R RENT: Two furnished rooms, small kitchenette, «tove ad Rig |ator, suitable for couple, »| Perry Street. Telephone MO 8-447 MO fr: fd |WANTED 1 TO REN "Furnished 'apart. ment with one bedroom, or 'wn roomed SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanital way. new tanks installed. Walter Wa 204 Chestnut West Phone MO 8-2 FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartment, | | $90, in modern building, stoves, refrig- apartment, with pull aut souch. Cen. erators. Mo 18-3591, : imal Phone MO 8-0634 after 4 p.m. FOR RENT: Apartment, kitchen, bed-| STUDENTS! A super value, sitting room, private Jathroom ant ork mately 630 sheets ip i Toon. vate entrance. Heat, lig an paper (news print) for only $1.00 A, water. 508 Centre Street North, Whitby. ply Oshawa Times 4A 4 MO 8.2998. 1111 Dundad Street West. ADAMS FURNITURE 103 DUNDAS ST. WEST FOR RENT Comping ond boating equip- ment, cabin trailers, outboard motors, lawn mowers, garden tillers, power tools, We also sell and repair, lown mowers and outboard motors. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE and SALES 1415 Dundas St. E.--Whitby WHITBY MO 8-3226 Shudents Nap of the World 1 sk. Save $10.00-- GRAVEL - LOAM Now ot V10.00e viv Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel ond Fill. NMescory Hii Combination CN walnut), ve $20.00 -- Delivery Monday Ly Hh ply hg 11 ERIC C. BR 36" Wagon Wheel Bunk MO 8-2660 Bed Set, Spring-filld Mot- tresses .......... $98.00 No: Down Payment, No obli- : gation. The BEST for less. Platform Rockers, limited 15 cubic foot Frigidaire, 3 quantity ......... $28.88 months food supply from 1 Schneiders, approximately Baby's Crib ond Mattress, $16.95 per week assures complete. Regularly $42.00. fomily of 4 GOOD LIVING, | ONE ONLY $28.88 and. is your total cost for food and freezer. ECONOM- TERMS TO SUIT IZE with ECONOMART. YOUR BUDGET MO 8-538] NO OUTSIDE FINANCING UP TO 36 MOS. TO PAY Our food plan available to oll qualified freezer owners. SECLUDED FARM 4 miles east of Oshawa next to lorge brand new high school and public schools. Fronting on 3 roads, good buildings, good productive farm. Ideal as a golf course, private club, gravel deposits, Excellent chance for sub division. Owner retired. Once- in-a-lifetime chance, For price and information, DIAL 728-4661 WHITBY BUNGALOW Reduced to $13,500. Attractive six-room brick bun- galow on fully ' landscaped large lot, with private drive. Completely decorated and in excellent condition. Includ- ing a finished recreation room in the basement, all alumin- um storms and screens and T.V. aerial. See it and make an offer, To inspect call Keith Lunney ot RA 5-6165 days, or MO 8-2650 evenings. RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS PRIDE OF EAST WHITBY 235 ACRE FARM Rich, level land on pavement, considered one of the best farm properties in the Town- ship. Large frame home, two barns, one new dairy cone tract, running creek. An ex- ceptional property at $60,000 Four miles from Oshawa. Call Howard Forder ot 728- 5107 or 728-2155 evenings, 50 ACRES 3 miles from city limits, Just out of residential area be- tween 401 and No. 2 high. ways, Lond all workable with house and barn. This listing warrants immediate inspec- tion at $20,000 with rea- sonable terms, For further in- formation, call Howard For- der ot 728-5107 or 728-2155 evenings. WEST IS WEST BUT EAST IS BEST Regardless of your budget or requirements we are sure you'll find @ real pleaser among four, nearly new homes offered in the Hart's Hill area. Ranging from $17,- 500 to $24,500 with excel- lent terms they offer choice locations and a variety of appealing designs. Looking time . . . about an hour , , . Home enjoyment time . . .a lifetime. For detailed descrip- tion of each, call Paul Ristow ot 728-5107 or evenings at 725-8152 728-5107 19 Athol St. W. 728-5108 Oshowa JOHN, A, J. BOLAHOOD Realtor Ltd. Insuronce 167 Simcoe S. Office Hrs. 9 a.m. -9 p.m. EXECUTIVE HOME SUBSTANTIAL DOWN PAYMENT Live stylish in this 5) room brick bungalow with carport. Extras galore: twin- dow ond screens, vacu-flow, wood panelling in living room with wood beams, built-in stove ond oven, dish~ Yasher, garbage disposal, hood type exhaust fan, rotor TV antenna, fenced-in yard. Call now for Bill Swarbrick ot 725-6544 or 725-8342. 3 PLEX APT. Downtown: Older house, rents at $75, $65 ond $70 month: ly, reesonable down ment of only $4,000. Good investment, Call Jack Appleby at 725.6544 or 723-3398. , NORTH-WEST AREA $2,000 down ond only $10,900 full price. One mortgage for the balance with low monthly payments, Large oy, double garage, plenty garden e at back. This home oni be seen to approciate the value. Call Steve Zurba 725-6544 or 728-0569. 4 ROOMS Insul stone bungalow, hot water with oil hecting, hard- wood floors. Fuli basement, large lot, good vegetable garden. Flower trees, lawn and shrubs. Will toke low down payment. Coll Bill Ratcliffe 725-6544. Mortgages Arranged, Bought and Sold Member of O.D.R.E.B. BUYING OR SELLING "BILL HORNER" LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor 101 Simcoe St. N. 728-5123 PRIVATE SALE To close on estate, storey ond a half frame house, fully modern, six rooms and sun- room on the outskirts of Osh owa. Treed lot 75 x 200. $12,900. Estate will take back first mortgage. DAYTIME 723-3446 EVENINGS 728-1513 PRIVATE SALE BROOKLIN Three bedroom ranch style bungalow, close to schools, stores, fenced yard, shrubs, Quiet neighbourhood, Full price $13,200 ONE M.HA. MORTGAGE Phone Evenings 655-4895 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $11,500 DOWN $1,000 DOWN Ranch bungalow with attach- ed garage, 4 pc. bath ond extra stool in bosement, large living room, 14' x 19°, with wood burning fire place carries for $70.00 a month on one open mortgage, Act fon Call Bill Horner 728- LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor, 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST. NORTH large kit- RR 3. a i air oil ng , alum- Business ...... 728-6228 fo Eat - bv Sw iat. Res. .....oue. 728-4879 eep sca , taxes A g a ) Sndor, TR ame mortgage. Very cenit io "school schoo Closing y sale, $185. "Kong ig West | board 150 ACRE, bby to are . tt by din 58 GM % ton truck, ps and SPECULATIVE AND Jolange Torey, THM and) taxes; also cement mixer, Both in good condition, Telephone '59 OLDSMOBILE, two-door, in new car condition, special this me woo $1995. Pains Sports Supertest. Tele- phone 728-5912. '50 METEOR, fordor, six cylinder, standard transmission, in new car dition, special thois Week $1505. Sraithis 8 Sports | 728-5912. | © 53 PONTIAC Y7o-douts 8 nice running car. Sacrifice for $145, hor be sold before Saturday. MO 8-4517. 58 CHRYSLER hardtop, V-8, fuliy equipped. oo. offer. Apply 327 Lak shore West Motors, oppo- | cord DINING room suite, wardrobe, |walnut; jacket heater with tank, all good condition. Very reasonable, Tele. re- any Telephone |ADMIRAL combination television, player and radio, red mal cabinet, good condition, $65. 728-3106. FURNACES, forced air, ten year guar antee, $2.25 per week, no down ment, Package deal $130. Telephone MO 8-5846. 15 EVINRUDE, take trade or sell motor with tank and battery. Telephone 725-3774. i RECONDITIONED televisions from $35. Get one for the Sotiage, fo, Parkway Tele: vision, 918 Simcoe N ,| FOR THE relief or ree hot flashes or high Mood pressure the re. ills are amazing with a 60-day conse. home rental. Slim-Rite Centre, 204 Ring |Street East. 728-4501. USED oil burner and all controls, in- cluding furnace, Also panel boxes and 728-1557, 17 INCH TV: large baby crib with mattress. Both in good condition. Phone 728-8645. e.| EXPLORER tent trailer, sleeps four, very good Sopdition. Apply 610 Fernhill "54 le LEH sedan delivery, y, $208, A condition. Telephone 728-3290 after Fr (in the dash) or HOT air a with stoker, $50, or best oiter, Telephone 725-5132 for infor. ar | mat radios, from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire Stcre, 48 Bond Street West. OIL space heater, 200 gallon tank, also coal furnace, with Delco oil burner and '56 PLYMOUTH two-door V-§ in very excellent condtiion, one owner car. Telephone 722-6286, Hy PONTIAC ik Cheap for quick sale. Apply od Pitan Street East or 725-5680 any- DRE ONT prices on trade-in furni- good condition. hithy MO 8.5782. 4 ADXHALL super sedan, red, $1000 Days 725-7802. '31 MODEL A coupe, full race, 56 e engine, $600 cash. Dial direct 055.357 1810, odd chairs, $2, couches and stu- ture savings. Hurry, while they last Chesterfields and chair, dios, $19; double dresser with go $12; full panelled double bed, $5; fi wardrobe, $4; chesterfield Fy £3 Ed Wilson's Discount Furniture Store, 20 Church Street. 15 TON Chev. pickup tru 725-4327 or apply 299 Kong Street East after 6.30 p.m. TWO stoves, suitable for cottage or farm, one Finley, oval range with Teser- voir and warming oven: he: and Pr aon, saw Induction 2 Of Pastor By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- Promotion Exer- cises were held at Sunday School Sunday morning with Harvey Yellowlees, superinten- dent, in charge. Linda Flett gave a recitation; Peggy and Dianne Darch sang , both|a duet and Mrs. Charles Lang- maid led the children in sever- al songs. Next Sunday, July 30, a com- bined service will be held at 10.30 a.m. when the congre- gation will welcome its new pay- minister, Rev. Percy Page. INDUCTION SERVICE The induction service for our, new minister will be held Fri- day night, July 28, at Hampton. Mrs. A. J. Balsom returned home from Oshawa Hospital on Sunday. Herbie Tink enjoyed holidays with his cousin, Douglas Dew- ell, Hampton. J. Kivell and Miss Pearl Leach visited at Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman's, Tyrone, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson, Beverley and Donna, of Cour- tice; Mrs. Donald Yellowlees, Taunton, were Sunday evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs. J. Yellowlees and Gladys. L. Squair, Salem, was a Sun- day visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and family spent Sunday with 32--Articles for Sale OFFICE, store, butcher, restaurant equipment. New, used, buy, sell, trade gervies: Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook: 21" GENERAL Electric TV, very good $65. 7357468 after '58 RENAULT, belges very good condi. tion. T §-5234 after 6 p.m. 56 MGA $885, Custom built radio, g00d [oii heater blower, Reaonable, condition. Apply 8. Green, first house |Tejep 655-4609. Rosthedat corner nd FOR SALE -- Two sets of bunk beds, two boys' bicycle, a hand lawn mower, one heavy duty 30-inch kitchen range. WH 2.5165. 6 p.m, AWNINGS, ' canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. yacurd cleaner repairs, all makes, | '538 PONTIAC hy X. Sook: in very good shape. Telephone 723- 55 PLYMOUTH sedan, pti Sige 6 rust, excellent mechanically, good ire, closing business sale, $345. King West Motors, epposite Shopping Centre. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road end track, JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728.0921 TENTS, camp cots, sleeping } bags, lan. terns, picnic jugs, camp Best prices in town Dominion Te if Heh . Bond Street West, 725-6511. "Terms to suit you". guaran. parts 'rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. ice. 728-0591 anytime, 1954 DODGE motor, Suinpletely over. hauled. Ti 725-7425. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors $5 to $8 wash- | an NEw and ned lawn mowers, tillers 4 Barrie avenue. rs and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp. ton, CO 3-2241, DAVENPORT easy shal, one dressing table, commot tables, ohe large mirror. Apply 198 King Street E. SAFE -- SPPOximately 2' x 2 5%, $250. Days 725-7802, TARE over Pro on Singer por. sewing machine, four payments i to Ajax Sewing Centre, White- hall 26561 or MO ng machine, $10; one treadle sewing machine, $15; one elec. tric portable, $25; one electric po: able, $45; one Easy electric i Ri $65. $70 tradein for any sewing ma- chine on a new Elna. Elna a Sewing a. chines, 165 Simcoe Street South. WE pay highest prices In the cif Tor used furniture. Protas Used Furni Store, 723-3771, 444 Simcoe Bid WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer 725-0331 List Co-op Through This Oftice Member of Oshewe ond District Real Estate Board, SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd, 360 KING ST. W. 723-2265 REG, AKER--Pres, BILL MCcFEETERS--Vice-Pres, NORTH WEST Exceptionally well built, large 6-roomed brick bungalow with attached garage. Lovely living room with stone fire- place. Extra plumbing in basement, garden, fenced lot. Over 1300's sq. ft. of ving space. Asking only $16,700, - reasonable. down payment, Coll 'Henry Stine son, evenings, 725-0243, NORTH WEST $3,000 down -- 3-bedroom brick bungalow with double garage, very clean well-kept ome, beautifully land- scoped. Close to schools ond transportation. Call Hen Stinson, evenings, 725-0243, List Co-op Through This Office Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board, We have ao good assortment of Used Cars. CAR AUCTION Every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell. Easy terms. Cars to be sold must be entered before 4 p.m. day of sale. A few reserved bids, others will be sold to highest bid- ders. Good selection of late model cars. Trades accepted. 25 Grenfell St, RA 8.5179. 12' PLYWOOD boat, 55" beam, has 1d, steering heel, Can be |operated at bow or stern, A safe fam- fly boat, with 5 HP oem. A heavy duty . Also Coleman stove, folding cot, safety jackets. 40 Colborne Street West. BABY'S crib with mattress, high chair, baby carriage with carrier, Sunbeam Jones, used racing bike. Telephone 12 FT. boat, 5 HP Johnson motor and trailer; also '51 Chevrolet. Reasonable. May be seen 371 Gliddon Avenue. 14' MOLDED hull, steering, windshield, equipment. Best BUYING or Sisposing of used furniture, appliances, etc, Sal Emer, 30 years' |experience. COlfax 3-2294, TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots. ground sheets, gentile, Oshawa Hardware, § Church Street. 723-7624. TYPING paper on sale, ar size, ite mewsprint, buy in bul Jot nd save, 4% Ib. pkg. $100.9 1b. J $2 00. Circulation es td Oshawa Times. B. ¥. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. vision. vision. Thrifty | Budget t_ Plan, 725-4543. 30--Automobiles Wented LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want sar do wrecking, Highest prices paid. '53 OR '54 Chevrolet, in good shape. Telephone 723-4728. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car| radios only at stiewsy TV, 918 Simcoe | Street North, Your Vie- tor service depot tor Oshawa, USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and | up, B. F. Goodrich Stores, 725-4543. PAINT, interior. exterior, $2.95 gallon. All colors. Gu Uaransed, flat, Hoss, Oshawa Hardware and Electric Street. 723-7634. lorlan' carved 'roekér; < ¢hairs) choot; desk; dishes; melodeon; fire screen ood Moffat stove, HB te bicycles 10, Othe r items 5 Gh ag oy 315 Golf . Phone CARS WANTED Buying @ New Car? Sell your used Car "Ted" Talk "Cash" New Car Dealer and CsAvE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494, Res, 725.5574 SPOT CASH 28--Real Estate Wonted GOOD size lot on the 38 Outskirts of Osh- Jawa, Telephone 728-5692 and bus, around BUILDING lot in ey close to school $2000. Will pay precy Telephone 723- PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. 29--Automobiles for Sale oH OLDSMOBILE four door Waliasy 723-9421 HILLTOP RENTAL SERVICE Complete line of tents, sleep ing bags, camp cots, air mat- tresses, coolers, lanterns ond outboard motors. Reason- rates, Reserve now. 728-6891 VOLVO PENTA ENGINES LARSON COMBOARD BOATS 31--Automobile Repairs hardtop, equipped with pow and brakes, automatic ty jn im- maculate condition, private. MO 85152, '52 FORD in A-1 shape, custom radio and signal lights. Telephone 723-7043. '51 PONTIAC hatdiob, new motor, radio $90. Telephone MO 38-8724, 5 bhi 6 cylinder, auto- matic radio, other extras. Excellent condition, private $1495, ar ranged. MO 8-4844. CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Broke Speciclists, complete broke service. Motor tune- up and general repairs. 67 KING ST. W, 723-7822 Ja hicles for Sale cash Ea tax ations Ie mot oa pig] Hamth r ton, Ashburn. than 20% on their car in- surance, Half-year payments, Call us today and compare-- omple free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 For demonstration MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS STORM DOORS, WINDOWS, PRIME WINDOWS Finest Quality Very Low Price, We also corry @ Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing very reasonable price. CALL ALEX VAJDA 723-9851 Church |SELLING furniture? We'll buy i. Re. TV's, planos, | Fri ete. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. ANTIQUE tilt.top breakfast table; Vic. FREE TUMBLER WITH $3.00 GASOLINE AT THE HILLTOP OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL MIDNIGHT Trode your boat on 6 car New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Signcoe at Conlin Rd. 912 Open evenings or weekends T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with all- channel antenna, ell galvan. ized, guoranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. tower structuree with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vonized. Guaranteed one year. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET RR Rr. LN St. East. 728.472 728-8180 Legal - THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 27, 1961 17 Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer at their cottage near Minden. Mrs. L. B. Williams, Bow- manvile and Mrs. Jessie Hough, Scarborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten. E. Ormiston, Ebenezer; How- ard Ormiston, David and Bea- trice, Linda and Maureen Bak- er, Mrs. H, Couch and Miss Marjorie Couch, Bowmanville; Mrs. N. Willson, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and family and Mr. J Baker. Anne, Donna and Mary El len Glover, Kedron, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Knox, Brougham, visit- ed Sunday evening. Darrell Knox is home from Oshawa General Hospital. FAMILY PICNIC Several from here attended the Taylor picnic at Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Aber- nethy, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Ab- ernethy and family, Manilla, Mr. M. Samis, Mr. and Mrs M. Gilroy, Enfield were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- ville, was a Sunday visitor Edmonton, Mr. With Ms. and Mr. EB. B Tape al Knox is holidaying with her cousin, Lynda Rowe, bind manville. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont-.. gomery and Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman returned last week™ from a pleasant motor tip to the west. Mrs. Gertie Ferguson, Osh. awa, was a Sunday visitor with: . and Mrs. Bruce Montgom-* ery. : a Helen Hope, Prince Al- bert, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryderman. Mr, and Mrs. C. Smith, Mr, and Mrs. J. Leger and children, Miss Jean Cryderman, Mr. George Bittner, Oshawa, visit. ed Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryder- man. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith to Bala on Monday. WOMEN CLIMBERS LONDON (CP) -- Countess Dorothea Gravina plans to lead" an all-woman expedition to the = . Himalayan mountains next . year. The 56-year-old countess was among a women's team which attempted to climb the 20.00 ,000.foot Cho Oyu peak in' MERRY MENAGERIE 1961 S Froductimg Walt World oes ANYONE witnessing the 5.45 p.m. on Sunday, July son Road and King Street some information, please Jegidett at 9, at Steven. and Hi offer call 725.2298. " "I'm waiting for the mm Do Most People Buy the Oshawa Times? . .<Y The Answer! ... For the Ads 60% ... News 40% MOST Women Prefer to Know in Advance Where and What They Are Shopping For Believe What They Read in the Ads Because' the Ads are True TRADE Is Easy when the Buyers are Invited Guests " in Your Store . . . WITH Confidence in The Store Who Puts Their Prices in Black and White To Be Read STORES Which Advertise Save You Many Hours of Shopping, and Money, too WHO ADVERTISE IN THE OSHAWA TIMES | i : i

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