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The Oshawa Times, 3 Aug 1961, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 3, 1961 S. America Has Newer Politics BUENOS AIRES (CP)--Not 50 many years ago politics in South America was like a game - violent game--of musical chairs, played by strong-armed dictators reaching power on the steady beat of revolution and counter-revolution. But gradually politics has taken on a new look and a new rhythm as one by one the dic- tators have vanished from the scene to be replaced by elected presidents whose governments survive their full term of of- fice. Since 1952 when the In- dians of the high Andes won an epic revolutionary struggle in Bolivia, dictatorships have crumbled in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela and "peaceful" elections have taken place in Chile, Ecuador and Uruguay. Only Paraguay remains in the grip of an old style regime and its days ap- pear numbered. The explosion feared in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia occurred nine years ago in Bolivia when the Indians overthrew both the army and the wealthy tin min- ing oligarchy. But the revolu- tion which began so hopefully with promises of sweeping so- cial reforms has gradually sput- tered out and today American aid is chiefly responsible for keeping the economy going. Bolivia's most important source of revenue has dwindled to a mere trickle with a sharp decline in production of the na tionalized tin mines and there is growing discontent among the well-organized, restive miners. In this atmosphere many con- sider the continued survival of 53-year-old Victor Paz Estens- soro's government somewhat of a record in a country which used to average a revolution every nine months. logy. mune. Only 10.000 TV Sets For All Peking PEKING (Reuters) -- Thou- sands of heople crowd around television sets every night here atch programs which -| HG 10 w PIOZramS Wich pre {tural activities should have a po-(§-4/ litical background. INEWSCASTS FULL Newscasts are fairly complete sent a balance between enter-| tainment and Communist ideo-| There are only about 10,000 television sets in Peking, a city|and follow the same line as the newspapers here, with emphasis at home on agricultural and developments of about 6,000,000 people, most viewers gather in the rec- reation rooms of offices, factor-| industrial ies and schools or in the meet- ahroad on the efforts of the ing hall of their people's com- Comununist countries and the | difficulties of the western capi- Television is only three years|talist: nations. ola it China and Peking is one| of only six cities with a regular|cludes many instructive pro- sli -- y service. But officials say experi-|grams mf offer advice ve] was sight 1.55 deaths per mental transmissions are taking{teaching in various fields, as| place in about 20 other cities. |well as documentaries about life item three or four nights al Program schedules call for 75/in China and abroad. per cent of viewing time to be children's shows. tie students. low this pattern. SO; ledge," and 10 per cent with China has not neglected the Sf educational value of television. | Peking has a 'television col- lege" operating on a second | channel and offering university |k level science courses to part-|}f Other cities fol- The Communist content of programs -- whether | recreational, news or "common {knowledge"'--is generally high, |following the party line that cul- "Common knowledge" in- ideological | | and| The International Civil Avi- ation Organization reports 850 persons killed in 32 crashes on the world's scheduled airlines during 1960, up from 570 in 27 crashes a year earlier. ICAO emphasized that the increase AIR FATALITIES RISE 100,000,000 passenger compared with .95 during 1959. It also said that the 1959 acci- dent rate was exceptionally good, rather than 1960 being bad. Graph shows number of fatal crashes and total fatal- ities by years since 1950. --CP Newsmap nist revolution and the Japanese Chinese classical operas, west- week. Many of the films arelern operas, modern and tradi- } | Feature or documentary films|gstories of i -1ti i H taken up with "recreation and|from Chinese movie studios.and 5 5 He Chinese Comumu:|}ional plays, acroistics and jug: amusement," 15 per cent withjabroad take up much of the 'news and common know-'viewing time, being the main'War. gling and sports take up most |of the rest of the viewing time. Yet in the aftermath of the dictatorships deep-rooted, long- smoldering social and economic grievances are emerging as problems which threaten to ob-| literate the benefits of the new found political freedom. i BRAZIL'S NEW CHIEF Newest and potentially the most influential star on the| South American political stage is Brazil's energetic Janio Quad- ros who last January assumed the mantle of leadership in the 21 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA PENNYWORTH S-- HARWOOD AVE., AJAX Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded You are Invited to Open a Budget Account. futuristic: new capital of Bra-| silia. The 44-year-old president] of the continent's largest coun-| try, entering office with a rep-| utation for integrity earned while governor of progressive Sao Paulo state, was imme- diately confronted with national problems of immense mag-| nitude. He pledged himself to sweep the government clean of corrup- tion, to put a brake on sky-| rocketing inflation and restore) financial solvency, and seek a solution to depressed conditions in the northeastern states. Under the middle-of-the-road rule of President Arturo Fron OUR BARGAINS GIVE YOU TWICE THE VALUE OF ANY DISCOUNT OPERATION AUGUST SAVING dizi, 51-year-old lawyer and economist, Argentina's 20,000,-| 000 people are making steady | progress towards economic re- covery and regaining of na- tional self - confidence in the wake of the dictatorship of ex-| iled Juan Peron. Frondizi has succeeded in quashing abortive revolt, has held powerful Communist and) Peronista forces at bay, and has even reversed his own| campaign platform by inviting United States' private capital} to develop the national oil in-| dustry and by accepting stabil-| jzation loans from international and American agencies to bol- ster the sagging currency. | URUGUAY'S PROBLEMS Tiny Uruguay, long proud of its democratic traditions, | 2 PLAYER BADMINTON SETS 2 RACQUETS, rN NET AND CORD -- EE. REG. 1.59 LADIES - MISSES (FLATTIES) SHOES © Rubber Soles ¢ 3 Styles ® Suede or leather uppers ® Black, brown or beige Reg. 3.98 MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE jor. List 1.09 89c While they elected a new government in 1958. Though it has enjoyed stable political conditions longer | than any other South American] country, has the highest literacy | rate and the best average liv- ing standards, Uruguay is beset with the problems of increasism disparity in the distribution of wealth between the interior and the capital, lowered farm pro-| duction, an outsized bureau- cracy and the rising costs of] maintaining the welfare state. In Chile President Jorge Ales- sandri's government won recent elections and support for a con-| tinuing fight to stem inflation] (with U.S. aid), to speed up in- dustrialization and to revamp a national welfare system which eats up one-third of the budget. The 64year-old president, son of one of Chile's greatest lead- ers, must decide how to deal with an over-large army, an anachronistic feudal land sys- tem and a housing shortage made more acute by last year's volcanic eruptions. UNEASY ROLE f Since oil-rich Venezuela's sec- ond set of free elections in his- tory in 1959 following the down- fall of former dictator Perez Jimenez, President Romulo Be- tancourt, 51, has carried out an uneasy role as liberal reformer. In suppressing numerous re- volts and riots, he has been compelled to impose stringent) security measures. Meanwhile! adverse e c ono mic conditions have handicapped Betancourt's attempts to utilize oil revenues to implement urgently-required social legislation. In coffee-dependent Colombia, the bipartisan government of Liberal President Alberot Lie-| ras Camargo, 54-year-old news- paper man and diplomat elected to power after the overthrow of | dictator Rojas Pinilla, has to] contend with party political) wrangling when seeking to im- plement long-delayed economic) and agrarian reforms. | Ecuador's wily Velasco Ibarra, who at 67 last year was| 1.99 Canadian Manufacturer Clears LADIES' - CO-ORDINATE FINE COTTON SLEEVELESS BLOUSE & SETS Sizes 10 to 18. Reg. 5.95 Set SET 2 A4 Per Mctching Set 'Eveready' BATTERIES I country's wea » privileged Indian majority may not be sufficient answer. The proud, aristocratic ruling| caste in Peru's stately capital| of Lima seem even less pre-| pared to accept the winds of} change and assist that coun-| try's impoverished Indian pop- ulation of remote Andean val-| leys to find a better life. Pre-| mier Pedro Bolan, 64-year-o -onomist an ir ; of conservative Manuel Prado' | presidency, has succeeded in| stablizing t to give the Indians a A cater participation in national | life havéd so far remained pi- geonholed. LIST PRICE REG. 2 FOR 50c SAVE ON NAME-BRAND TOILETRIES Reg. 63c BAN ROLL-ON List1.25 ......c0x.., 1% NOXZEMA -- Tan and Guard repellent, List 1.25 . ... ALKA SELTZER JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER Large 9-oz. size 1.00 4-70 _---- IPANA TOOTH PASTE 31 DEODORANT Suntan Lotion with insect 7 ¢ 30 Tablets. List 1.15 .. 59 Reg. 75c¢ . LADIES' FIRST QUALITY SANFORIZED COTTON DUSTER - COATS SIZES S-M-L List ____E. BOYS -- 1st QUALITY NYLON & COTTON STRETCHEE SOCKEES 20, Reg. 69¢ vee 1.97 wo BLOUSE & SHORT SET GIRLS' 3, 4, AND 5 ONLY MATCHING GINGHAM CHECK List Price NYLON 10" Zipper SLEEPING BAGS WITH BUILT IN RUBBER GROUND SHEET! OFFICIAL CAMPING CANVAS COVERED WATER CANTEEN 99: Reg- 1.98 -- GREY WOOL & COTTON CAMPING BLANKETS 0.98 Reg. 4.95 BOYS' 2.PIECE WASH 'N' WEAR SHIRT & SHORT SETS CREASE-RESISTANT, SIZES 4, 5, 6 Price 1.98 We veo GENERAL STEEL WARES CHILL CHESTS 1834 x 103; x 14 LIST PRICE 17.95 List -- LADIES' BLOUSES Assorted styles, long or short sleeve. Sizes 30 to 36, ... Reg. 99¢c LADIES GRANTEX WASH =N-WEAR BRODADCLOTH PYJAMAS Sizes S,M,L. Asstd. Patt, LADIES' 1st QUALITY Sizes 11 - 20 and 162 - 24) List Price $3.98 1.99 BOYS' 8 to 14 YRS. South Sea Island Print Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Easy to Launder Cool and Good CANADIAN MADE "GRANDTEX"" KNIT COTTON BRIEFS SIZES 2, 4 AND 6. QUALITY. 1st LIST PRICE 19¢ THIRSTY ATTRACTIVE Colorful All-Over Pattern Terry Beach TOWELS 30 x 60--Reg. 1.98 GIRLS' 8 TO 14 YRS. CANADIA QUEEN TEX . SLIM JIM 10 ir OD || reo, 6.95 3.72 GOVT. APPROVED NEW UNICELLAR FOAM FLAT LIFE PRESERVERS {utioR, SIZES 2.11 3.11 ADULT SIZES Reg. 4.98 PORTABLE, STURDY CLAMP BENDS IN ANY DIRECTION SUN UMBRELLAS MULTI-STRIPE ATTACHES ANYWHERE. U.S.A, IMPORT BOYS' 8 TO 14 YRS. CONTINENTAL WASHABLE Corded Cotton PANTS List Price 3.98 1.99 GIRLS' 4 TO 6X POLISHED COTTON SUNDRESSES WITH MATCHING BRIEFS Reg. 1.98 99- XL SHINE ever-anda..... re pha UP TO 6 MONTHS' EXTRA SHINE You can get the New Car Shine that other products promised, but never delivered -- no matter how hard you scrubbed and rubbed. Thanks to Canadian Tire re- search chemists you can make your car shine like new. The answer is Brite-Shines 2 steps to lasting showroom brilliance. Brite-Shine Pre-Wax CLEANER to get your car really clean. It removes oxidization, tar, tree sap, bug and bird stains, Leaves your car cleaner than it's ever been before. Brite-Shine No-Rubbing WAX -- a new, exclusive formula that produc- es a hard, protective, lustrous film of waxes and silicones. It's amaz- ingly durable and waterproof, re- sists sun, wind, rain, snow and sleet. Easy to apply -- requires just a gentle buffing with a clean cloth, no hard rubbing. Gives a super, porce- ain-like glaze that lasts for months. You can even apply it one day and polish it the next -- this is possible only with Brite-Shine! 84 WITHOUT STREAKS moves grime, dirt, 5% 12 NO WIPING OFF -- DRIE WONDER SPEEDY AUTO WASH A tablespoon in % pall of water for a foamy shampoo , . . re Cuts car washing time in half. LIQUID fl. oz. . fl. oz... POWDER BRITE-SHINE PRE-WAX CLEANER -- In 16-0z. can ("Light Duty for acrylic finishes; "Heavy Duty" for BIL OLRETEY. oo. coisriiness wstirirriniiissrassas risks msussei vis ssesvs vis ssisstosmy BRITE-SHINE NO-RUBBING WAX -- 5-0z, can for 29 LJ NEWEST, MOST ADVANCED SAVE -- ON SPEEDY Liouip POLISH and CAR WASHING VELVET-SHEEN AUTO BIL RINIBIEE cocci oii insists ins tiss it ampndesssimmbamsssms canies ave Wax Polish-Cleaner H BRUSH Waxes as it cleans . . . auto matically . . . no extra work fant Good "car groom- ing" starts with a good wash brush . like this oval shaped beauty. Thickly - tufted synthetic top quality bristles set in a durable plastic brush head. Alum- inum handle with water shut-off. 17% overall. $ OR SPOTS scum, ete, 34 plus weather guard 54 silicones . . . . to preserve WHITEWALL Tire Cleaner QUICK WASH Push button can 1 you spray on -- wipe off! . .. so easy to do! Makes tires sparkli snow-white, Big 16-0z. can . --- Factory Re-built, 6 and 12-voit Voltage Regulator Protect your car's battery, gen- erator and electrical system with Delco Remy or 1at an Auto-Lite. rm MOTO-MASTER SEAT COVER and Upholstery Cleaner Concentrated foam type. Refreshes and restores all upholstery fabrics. 8-oz. bottle with big 5 x 2" brush. Value ..... 94 CHROME-METAL POLISH Removes rust, too! Re- stores sparkling lus- tre and puts a protec- tive film on at the same time. %-pint ets Easy way to shine car. Just apply, let dry, then wipe to a shine. No need to hose down car before applying. 16 fluid oz. ng Complete low-cost radiator maintenance! WORKS 5 WAYS TO PREVENT and CURE | MOST COMMON CAUSES OF COOLING SYSTEM FAILURE! Moto-Master 5-WAY GD COOLING SYSTEM CONDITIONER | For all water-cooled engines . . . use it all year | round -- works perfectly with all types of anti- freeze. Completely conditions your car's cooling system 5 ways . .. 1 -- lubricates water pump, 2 -- Prevents or stops leaks, 3 -- Resists rust and scale, 4 -- Prevents seepage, § -- Seals Simm nmsiinis cracked blocks. Re-manufactured CARBURETORS Trade in your old. worn-out Car buretor get a Moto-Master re d equip Brand New, Moto-Ma: FUEL PUMPS Gives you thousands of extra miles of dependable service for a lot tess money than original Ford volta ly rebullt EXCHANGE PRICE for most ears... 3 i A 'experts to original manufacturer's specification 3.95 equipment replacements or re builts. Engineered for 50,000 miles of trouble-free perform. ance AS LOW AS ment carburetor. Save as much as 50% EXCHANGE PRICE AS LOW AS each 6.95 OPENING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION ASSOCIATE ORDER STORE in PORT PERRY WADIAN \RE ASSOCIATE STORE CORP OSHAWA Fred A. Smith Co. Ltd. 115 SIMCOE ST. S. 728-6272 WHITBY Bruce R. King, Prop. 311 BROCK ST. N. MO 8-5828

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