| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 4, 1941 1 BACK TO NORMAL? : 4 . In ter - County he ith ~ proper re Home Run Epidemic Wanes opr miso also been established. Marsh ® +4 | Ariss, Reub Halpern and Norm Except In Indians' Yard Player Status iio. y "ati ames and make reco - By JOE REICHLER two - bagger by Ted Lepcio. 1t this season, didn't come close, Dick Williams walked to open County Basshal Association has op for a bso Tot on If batters are swinging at|Was the third straight shutout to hitting one out of the park. ihe inning and Ron Hansen sin- Bag . Jae with the Ontario), ;,; meeting. livelier baseballs thi for the 36 - year - old right- They are 16 games ahead of! : asea ssociation over the velier baseba is year, as 1 4 gled. Marv Bredding scored rights to bantam player Don some experts say, you couldn't hander and extended his string pace set by Babe Ruth when hel : . { 5 DE 1. play it by American League|0f consecutive scoreless innings set record homers in 1927. {Williams with a single. Hansen Martin of v prove it by eric. eagu i and Breeding scored when first, Martin has signed with Dor- hitters Thursday. 32. Detroit Tigers and Washing- wh t ¢ gn arse i ames failed|, Don _Schwall hurled Boston|ton Senators collected 12 fifsjheseman Joe Altobelli fielded a|chester of the Western Counties GOLFERS! 8 {Red Sox to a 4-0 triumph over between them as the Tigers won unt, threw over catcher Hal League and the I-C contends . {to produce a single home run. Los Angeles An 4 net firet. Naragon's head and Kaat, back- he's the property of i x ie gels. The young(2-1 to narrow Yankees' first-|: property of their Inger-! jOne, four - bagger was hit 8 Be permitted Angels place lead to 15 games. The|ing up the play, tossed the ball soll club. pay anotier. ; ; {only three hits for his sixth only home run was produced py|into centre field. The league has also ruled| AY as you The only battle in which the yraight triumph and 12th in 14 Rocky Colavito, who drove in Detroit's Jim Bunning pitched Guelph junior Jeffrey Fryer in-| PLAY i [lively ball was evident was be-|gecisions since he joined Red the other Tiger run with aa four - hitter against Senators eligible until a release is forth- | [tween Chicago White Sox and|Sox May 21 from Seattle of the single. It was Colavito's 30th The tall righthander fanned six coming from the Halton Coun. | 1 Cleveland Indians. Five ballsipacific Coast League. homer of the year. men for his 12th victory. ties League. Fryer lives in Ac-| 4 'cleared the fences. White Sox Bob Shaw of Kansas City. Ath- Brown of Baltimore and Jim Second baseman Jerry ton but has been signed by the|| 18 Challenging {won 8:6. letics throttled power - hitting|Kaat of Minnesota were locked Lumpe, who once played for!1-C junior club. Holes ~#tal (Skinny) Brown, of Bal-|New York Yankees with six in a scoreless duel until the Yankees, led Athletics' nine-hit, The I-C also will permit four o Lo Anti Busing timore Orioles threw a 3-0 shut-|singles for a 6-1 victory. Mickey eighth inning w hen Orioles assault against loser Bud Daley, members of the London Subur- Sup Noung Some out at Minnesota Twins. The Mantle and Roger Maris, who scored three runs on two hits a former Kansas City pitcher. ban League to play in the West- longest hit he allowed was alhave each belted 40 home runs and two errors. Lumpe had a double and triple, ern Counties this year only. The ear r-------- -- i ~ scored twice and drove in a run. four--Dorchester, Wilton Grove, FREE! Red Sox broke up a score- Belmont and Mountsfield -- a Brand New TRUMP CARDS 19-0 i less pitching duel between|in I-C territory and must affili-| | "mt GOLF |Schwall and Ken McBride off % | Angels, scoring all their runs in| " Ld e : y the eighth inning. Vic Wertz ig- BALLS emen rs S ive 1 o nited the rally with a double. With Greens Fee. Frank Malzone, Russ Nixon and f Bring This Ad. Carroll Hardy followed with 4 H & , singles. JUST 1 MILE * y ® a Pees Ie AT is Pace Pirates Win Uisnioer |1.WEST OF MA % oy 3 | Ce Take 401. Turn South at Ajax te Zid ok ® Amplifier Rentals Base Line. Follow Signs. KARL NAPPER, 24-year- | line of the fifth lap of the | right thigh bone. Napper won gy JOE REICHLER was John Roseboro, whose out until the ninth inning when | @ Town Crier Sound GO LF CO 4 R 5 £ DUF oe lncianapelis cyelist was, snnual Tour 2 St. Laurent the first lap of the "Tour" | Associated Press Staff Writer (home run in the ninth inning Al Heist singled and Ernie Truck OPEN EVERY DAY FINS CREEK sly injured yesterday in icycle race Napper suffered | and was tied for first position |! . bi y te ti A or % laa p Va mile East of Uxbri Sherbrooke, Quebec, when he | a double fracture of the right | in the five-day 587-mile event jouseder Ke erie Jelente tied the Se 53; An earier Ranks followed with his 15th | PHONE 725-3093 on Togeway a7. irkdey Golf L Country Club hit a moving car at the finish | leg and a fracture of the | yesterda --P Wirephoto 'p. writer: red wh grior by Roseboro ensbled the nome on Sonn born HAROLD ] A a ripays J paseyal) ers Bi A wheh Yams to break a 2-2 deadlock Chicago runs. Frank Bolling REDDICK AND HOLIDAYS, PER DAY 1.00 eo NO TEE-OFF WAITING they voted his te , Dick|with an unearned run. had three hits and Frank WEEK DAYS -- i Groat. over him as the National. Milwaukee righthander lew Thomas had a home run for the SOUND SYSTEMS PIR DAY 3 ra 50¢ I s TOURNAMENTS WELCOME FORT ERIE RACE CHARTS Toronto Rider Sg Tog ig Burdette had a one - hit shut-'Braves. Copyright, 1961 by McMurray Publishing Co. (Daily Racing Form) Still Leadi anguish Roberto will let out if | 1 ing he's overlooked again this year. THUSDAY, AUG. 4, 1961 CLEAR AND SLOW | He did much to further his | 1 S-AIR BRIDGE b T cause Thursday night when he First Race CHINO Que ec our cracked five straight hits to CLIPS LECOUNT 150, PLESSISVILLE, Que. (CP)--|lead a 24 - hit onslaught against se $1800. 3 and 4-year-olds, maidens. C 500. ISSISVILLE, CC ¢ t onslaus Ly arlenty, AC AN nd bearer Fin. ar mg ih ig Tan Mahon of Vancouver won!three St. Louis Cardinals pitch- | Air Bridge 1-3 1-3'2 Nash--W O, R W Young the sixth lap of the Tour du St. ers. The Pirates won 19-0, the, a a Ty 1 : ; i Cinos Jet 4% Parnell--T J Lane Laurent bicycle race Thursday league's most lop - sided shut- Clip's Viscount 3-3% Dittfach--Red River Sta " vi "hi " nh By 15 4114 Fitzsimmons--J J Mead [night over a 78-mile stretch be. out since ( hicago Cubs thrashed Atlas Boy - 5-3'4 Harrison--D A Boddy Q oi ork Gi vt same STL 9 1 '2. 6.13 McMullen--R J Dore tween Sherbrooke and Plessis- New York Giants by the Will Amaze .... 107 310 11-h 10- 2 7-3% Gibb--L Maloney ville. Elizio Bolzon of Toronto score in 1907 Satin Legs 1 n Gor=M R Alexander retained the over-all lead with, Clemente seems a cinch to ren Jo 3 4 S allai-- ellows W oy : 4 i Clod Launcher 110 10 12 12 Despirito--A G Hedges an aggregate time of 16 hours, capture the league batting title. | s 24 points higher for, ® a EL DT a EET Coa =P gg we wa eA Canarcho ). 11-8 11-14% Gordon--H Dirks _ 59 minutes and 43 seconds. Karl His .366 i . Misty Maid : 1 812 12 12. Brown--Kennedy, Chilvers Napper of Indianapolis, Ind.,/that of his nearest competitor, Winner ¢h g 3 Vilmorin--Flying Squad. Trainer JCalhoun. A : ry +. n Start good, won easily Pool 21,609. Double pool 37,339 was injured earlier. Napper, 24, Frank Robinson of We league-| tenement § P ractur i Cinci ti Redlegs. | Z5EPT. STAR TTT YT suffered a double fracture of|leading Cincinnati 4 | 1 1.MED'S MISSY 8.10 460 the right leg and a fracture of _., . | Second Race 6-IRISH LANE 260/the right thigh when he hit a BELTS 33RD HOMER & Farlongs, purse 31.300. 3-yeareids, Canadian foaled, claiming all $2300. |mgying car at the finish | ¢/ Robinson hit his 33rd home Horse WePPSt to uo Ste Fin Jockey Bug the fifth lap inish fine Of ..n of the season as the Reds fobtember Star 3 2 2 Mh * 35" Dittiach-- ED Ryan : __ defeated Philadelphia Phillies Irish Lane 122 6 1 3h Roy--T 1 7-1 for their 15th victory in as Cos'tino--Mrs GM Graham many meetings with the Phil Thornlea Jet .... 119 7 7 83% Rob'son--Mrs § Cosentino | Toronto Leafs Y . : Behrens--Gian, Tosch lies this vear. The triumph en- Elinor's Girl ... 111 310 7-% Parnell--W R Bethe} abled the Reds to maintain TRTew ENE See © pons SF RCT MUAPSD op » v Ik ¥ PENA AW w? EET BE Lady Pilgrim . 109 . Mi le--C W K R 1 L {their one - game lead over the Without Regret 4 Th. a e ease 1pon second - place Los Angeles Dod- DAILY DOUBLE § AND 2 PAID [rp TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto cago Cubs 5-2. Queen's Aria .... 112 Win Dick 118 Brown--McMacken Sta Gai Linda 17 : Fer di os indtields--Star Knighiless, Trainer R Fisher gers. who edged San Francisco 'As Mana er Giants 4-3 in 10 innings. Mil- waukee Braves defeated Chi- Third Race CCHOPOAKEE ~ @10i120 430 Maple Leafs announced Thurs. Harvey Haddix was the Jo WINDY FAY 40.2% day that manager Johnny Lipon | eficiary of the Pirates' ava- % Furiongs, Purse $1500 3 and 4 yearMaidens Claiming all 33500 has been released from the|lance of runs against Al Cicotte, Oe Spray 2 Sip FIL Hoey cn |sixth-place International League Bob Miller and Lindy McDan- Last Dollar 'ak 11 2214 2.1% Roy -- Hickory Park Fm. baseball team. si raring Pifale pavtich indy Fay A134 7- 2 3-13 Dittfach -- C and T Sta.| ( \ y very starting Pirate ci- Sarah Tan 107 211 11.24 1114 Snk 435 Harrison X -- LA Curre Catcher Tim Thompson will pated in the slaughter. Smokey Mrs. Fish ...... 10711 1 51% 62% 31 Sh Gibb -- Mrs. Fisher |take over the manager's posi- I ple. of hom Dandy Fine .... 11010 8 8.1 10-11% 61 6.2% McComb -- JJ VP Duan |tion for the remainder of the Burgess had a couple of hom- Round Two 112 510 10-1% 8h 9% 7.nk Gontalez X Knight Jr. a ers and drove in six runs, Dick Sweet Lucy B, 107 31212- 12 ."" 8h Despirito -- Ge Palma |S€4sON. Stuart had a grand - slammer W.-Drogo 112 9 8h 8 1 9-2% Wright -- Emcee Sta General manager Frank Pol-|] ua : . : Pinetree Lady . 112 9 3 333 3 7.nk 10-1 Borgemenke -- Pine Tree ook who de th "land batted in five runs, Bill Jamaica Belle ho 2 .nk 11-1% Olah -- Early Mischief | , made the announce-|yy. .. ci had four hits. Bill Xs be ac Ww. kf tl a M Ga City ment, said be feels the club Virdon, Don Hoak and Bob -t 1] - . rainer . . joorhea #, % . Winner br g 3 Chop Chop -- Madam should have been in the pen-iguinner had three hits apiece. Start good, won handily Pool 49.045 nant hunt all season and with!" phe modern major league -- | their present personnel can still i 4-KAYROMAN viraese. 3.90 3.00 2.60 ; vecord for the biggest shuoout Fourth Race 8BRIARBELLE '. 3.90 3.20 make the playoffs. is 210. set in the American _ T-EDGOR'S SISTER 3.000 In a statement Pollock said: |[eague bv Detroit Tigers 6 Faurlongs Purse $1800 3 years Cdn.Foaled Claiming all 92500 " 3 League e I hii WLPP St % ta Str. Fin Jockey Owner Dum this 1961 season Mr. against Cleveland Indians in Kayroman 122 2% 1 5 Gomez -- Four L's Sta "ooke (team owner Jack Kent|1901 and tied by New York -1% DI -- Starkman- Ay ! y 1 Briarbelle A 2 4 Dittfach -- Starkman Rapp 0ooke) has spent $100,000 to|Yankees against Philadelphia ap 3.nk Parnell X -- Edgor Ridge field what most experts call one | Athletics in 1939 1 2 42 Nash -- 5 7 POSTS SECOND WIN Go tS 3°83 CRE 1 - ark 3 § k Robinson -- Seedhouse of the best teams in the Inter- 3 Ken Johnson, who joined the 2 n 43, Gordon --- Strom : "41 Despirito X -- Gormley national League. Reds from Toronto Maple Leafs the International League Lec E0Y oe BTR "In view of the fast approach {July 21, pitched his second vic- Wilwyn Street Miss Radar 114 Winner dk b g 3 Kaytee -- Roman Jean, Traimer Frank W. Russell X-5 Ibs AAC Start good, won easily 3 and the fact that the Leafs have |? = 8 3 Melody Belle 6. 3 3 4 Wie Ph 0 feos nk of the end of the 1961 season| THE 2BULL PINE - not improved their lowly posi-| e ; dy &ALL CANADIAN 80 2.10 tion i : ; 1: |tory, spacing nine hits as Cin- Fifth Race 5-DORRINE B Saas 4 i in Se league, Johny: 1d |cinnati beat righthander John 8 Furlongs, Purse $2700 4 vears andup aliowanees, " O Pon an h ually feel that a/Buzhardt of the Phillies for the y 5t 1 14 Str. Joc i " 44 ls 3 p Horie ma 1 : 1.3) hai bad uange. sou e made. fifth time this season. Shortstop Bull Pine . 1 1.5% Robinson -- Viola i . 4 inal All Canadian 1 I A on winarields] LiDOM 39, 'was In his thirdiy os Cardenas led the Reds' 15- Dorrine B 12 1 i i hn 3.2% Coy -- Stafford Farm season as a manager. In 1959: x wi Brown Princess 1 3 3 . 4-13% Potts -- Four L's Sta he led Selma of the Alabama | hit attack with a double and Lord Lyric 120 3 5 5 5 . 5. Behrens -- Gian "fa , {two singles. Winner br g 6 BeHappy. Trainer L. Cavalaris Jr Florida League. He moved on] An error by infielder Joe Start good, won ridden out Pool 24,374. Quinella Pool 25,032. to direct Lakeland of the Flor-| Amalfitano with two men out w= ida State Le © anc: | ; i QUINELLA 2 and 4 PAID $16.50 i a ague betoy ayvane |and the bases full in the 10th ng to manage Mobile of the|inning permitted pitcher Larry Sixth Race TSUN DAN 22.00 12 510 Soden League late in August |Sherry fo score with the Dod- §.CARTERSVILLE 870 > * gers' winning run. The itter{ 3% Turlongs Purse yearolds. Allowances. Horse wt Pp Str. Fin. Jockey Owner Sun Dan ns 7421 2% 1-13 Remillard ~-- Farr . ° @ Rea! Hickory lg 3 2-415 Dalton -- Hoitsinger-Davis | Cartersville - - .3 3-244 Gibb ~ Luro s Sardonyx 3 - 2 4-2'4 Harrison XX -- Stafford -1% 5-2 Robinson -- Smythe 3 1 Regent Street 5 x Admiral Gano b 3 .3 6-4% Gomez -- Ross ° Warferd 2 - A .1% 7-% Dittfach -- Burton Bullrullah . 3 8 8 Fitzsimmons -- Windfields His | ast Show Winner bg 2 Talent, Trainer W. Thurner xx-7 Ibs AAC Arivi Yooh S5000 wi vin, 00! a a > - AGS Sat god, won drivind By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS|1-1 tie for the Leaf victory.| 3-BOLD SCHOLAR 420 330 270 Johnny Lipon won a baseball Steve Ridzik was the winner! 23 Seventh Race pity TL 680 330 game as manager of Toronto). . po. washburn the I years and upClaiming all $3500 {Maple Leafs Thursday night, ay Was urn e loser. Ye Se Fin Jockey 5 Owpar [then was relieved of his job. Joe Bonikowski came within . 1% 1 omer -- rs. r i iad v% 22% ag Gomes, -- i a ris Shortly after Leafs defeated two outs of a no-hitter for Sy- 2 but yielded two of three 3 6 Furlongs, Purse 5200 4 Horse Wt PP § Bold Scholar 115 Vogel's Victor 115 Rash Decision . 117 Star Gun 12 Sundry y Ink 3.% Dittfach -- View Hulls |Charleston Marlins 31 in their Iacuse, 43% Parnell X -- Seagram International League skirmish, hits to Columbus before Bert Queen's Tour ... 107 1 "8 © 6 6 Gibb - Latimer |Lipon was kicked upstairs to a Cueto came on to preserve his Winner br h 3 Education -- Bolaris Trainer, Da Chris scouting post sixth victory of the year. A di 00 of - oe A Start good, won ridden Ou - aia ____| The 39-year-old pilot had failed, Jim Bronstad pitched a three- Ei hth Race EE AT o> 340 280/t0 move Leafs, defending league hitter for Richmond, the Virgin- 1g 2RED SPRAY (B en.) . . 3.20 3.60 champions, into the upper/ians' fourth straight victory. 5 1-16 Miles, turf course, purse 81,900, é-year-olds and up. Canadian foaled, reaches of the pennant race. Bronstad fanned six men in get- claiming all 82,503 Pin. Jockey OWher Their victory Thursday night|ting his fourth win in 11 deci- 1-3a Parnell--Thorndale Sta gave them a record of 51 wins|sions. Fred Valentine homered sing oo I he Ba and 56 losses. They are in sixth|for Richmond. 315 - 1 ; i 4.nk Cosentino Smith = Place ii) gemes heliind the, Dan Morejon drove in two 5h yright--Mrs C C King {league-leading Columbus Jets. [runs with two doubles and a 6-1% Rob'son--Mrs J W Hunter | : i ateher Tim i + hy " 7% Despirito--T E Hays | Leafs appointed catcher Tim single as the Bisons were foiled ¢ 22% Coy--G B Heintzman {Thompson to manage the clublin an attempt to take over sec- Bull A Tate 7 JiComb~-C B Edmonson [for the rest of the season.|ond place from Charleston. Don 0) ly . A EL 1 conti ETT if Wiane: 4 5 won driving Pool 56,236. Total pool 411,802. Thompson will continue to play. Mincher homered for Buffalo, Attendanoe 7,679 Syracuse Chiefs beat the Jets which got eight hits off winner 3-1, Richmond Virginians edged Marshall Bridges. - . | Rochester Red Wangs 21 an -- Sailors Win Over | "FIGHTSLAST is sts" """somserwiey... Be a BB St. Catharines A Ss NIGHT MAKES ANNOUNCEMENT By THE CANADIAN PRESS | PORT CREDIT (CP) -- Port Toronto's managerial change, Phil Edwards, British Gui-| Credit Sailors defeated St. Cath-'By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS," 2% shouliced BY Generel Wan) sian running fo; Canada at the arines Athletics 15:12 here| Dallas, Tex. -- Curtis Cokes, 122% elt. the chil Sond Bose LoS. Angeles Olympics 20 years man oui Se Thursday night in a Senior On-|147, Dallas, outpointed Luis Ro-|peen in the pennant chase all 28% set a blazing early pace] tario Lacrosse Association|driguez, 145, Havana, 10. |season. He said he thinks Leafs in. the men's 1,500-metre run! ame. : Los Angeles -- Orlando de lajcan still make the playoffs with only to finish third. Lu Bec- Top man for Port Credit was Fuente, 145, Los Angeles, out-/the personnel they have. cali of Italy was Bry os Larry Ruse, who scored six| pointed Ralph Moore, 139, Los| Lou Jackson's {two-run homer | winning time of thr t } 4 and got three assists. | Angeles, 10. lin the seventh inning broke a'5l 1-5 seconds. Yee ny ii enjoy the mellow flavour of Q quality ale! 3 6 o LE = 2 -nk 117 4 51% 53% 5.4% Coy -- Stafford Farm Spray Smirlys Rouge .. Tadenac 1 |m~oaunPua 8 { s