WEATHER REPORT Sunny with cloudy intervals Saturday, with a chance of a shower. THOUGHT FOR TODAY You find it hard to keep up with the Joneses? So does the bill collector, probably. Oshawa Some OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 provi IRL LLB i pared. STICK TO NATO repared MOSCOW (AP)--The Soviet|clared they will remain in West government told the, United Botlin under their war - won ghts. States, Britain, France and West Germany in a note today that| In addition to warning the it is ready to negotiate a settle. [Kremlin of the dangers pre- ment of the Berlin question, but|sented by Moscow's proposal warned against military threats./on Berlin and Germany, the The note made no specific| Western notes pronounced Brit- /OL. 90--NO. 180 SIXTEEN PAGES mention of calling a conference|ain, France and the U.S. ready to reach a German agreement |to consider "a freely negotiated although there were rumors in|settlement of the unresolved {Moscow that the Russi hope | probl of Germany." to see such a conference before] Moscow Radio said Russia's the West German election and three notes urged the Western | perhaps within two or three powers to conclude a German | weeks. The West German elec-{peace treaty '"'on the basis of [tion takes place in mid-Septem-|agreement." : [ber. This treaty, the notes said, | The notes, delivered Thursday| 'should lead to the normaliza- 'Ito the embassies of the United| tion of the situation in West Ber- | States, Britain, France and West|lin." | Germany, reiterated the state-| The 15-page note addressed to ? ments of Premier Khrushchev the U.S. stated that a separate %. 3 __.....that unless an agreement is Soviet treaty with East Ger- "MRS. T. C. DOUGLAS AND DAUGHTER JOAN reached the Soviet Union willl many will be signed "provided sign a peace treaty with East|that the United States and other Germany without Western parti-| Western powers do not cease im- cipation. peding the solution of the ques- ® The note was a reply to paral-[tion of a peace treaty on an omin ou as 1 {1el notes delivered to Russia by|agreed basis." |the four Western powers July | 117. | The Western nations in their C t t notes insisted that a peace on Tac ea : ew emocra ie] treaty could be signed with a united Germany only after free Douglas' Democratic Party today over-|s with NATO. On the heels of appeals by new |s showed ' its sentiment in two One defeated a motion to re-|t accepted the section. made plain he believes Canada had no apologies for interven- I ing. After all, as leader, he would have to preach the party platform approved. Party Endorses Stand OTTAWA (CP) -- The New|vention to endorse NATO and upport the progressive govern whelmingly endorsed sticking ments of Europe. "We should not repeat the ame mistakes of the CCF be- leader T. C. Douglas and elder/| fore the First World War" when stateman M. J. Coldwell, the|/the CCF adopted a neutralist party's founding convention |stand, said Mr. Coldwell, David Lewis, reitring pres- votes. ident of the old CCF party, said he agitation to get out of NATO fer the disputed NATO section| Was hysterical, and leaving the back to committee. The other| collective security pact would not end the threat of nuclear war. Mr. Douglas, who had already H.W. Herridge, CCF MP for should stay in NATO, said he|Kootenay West and deputy eader of the party in the Com- mons, appealed for withdrawal from NATO "Bring the boys home from ° Europe," he said. "Do we want ATO was not an NATO ge our Canadian boys to march be- cision. Can we use Ol hind a man like Heusinger (Ger- work for a new system of col- man general leading NATO lective security: Ne asked, . i ground forces in Europe)?" "Booing is the last resort of WANTS FRENCH LINK LONG ROAD HOME persons bankrupt of ideas,"| Michel Chartrand, leader of . all-German elections and de- N S t OTTAWA (CP) -- Social re-jman -- as he had insisted it] "The New Democratic Party eee 0 ecre former T. C. (Tommy) Douglas|should be. is a group of people who be- CP)--A judicial was plucked from his Prairie] But once confirmed by the|lieve a planned economy will w ans Tt JOP) od ot ioial premiership Thursday night to/convention in the new office, stimulate Seonotiie Sowth and] ass ane Bh Sy received hear the ofl wins bane of tie the Prairie spellbinder, 2 Bap ie of th a boo Bie evidence that the winning bid New Democratic Party intoitist preacher who turned poli- " s a for a construction contract was ita ih gpg i icfan, Aare accepts | What Canada has now as a Id 1C common knowledge before tend- snapped the Saskatchewan pre-|the Quebec wing of the CCF, ith a jaunty grin, the pint- Prime Minister Diefenbaker's Bde S ned last April 22. Shaking and sobbing, Linda | when she was abducted by a |mier. "I say we haven't tried." |gaj sized, Scots - born premier of challenge to fight the next elec- result of the former Liberal and ers were ope P! aang 8 y y said Canada must try to reg: S : ; resent Conservative gov- | Mayor Hugh Griggs testified| Ashton, 13, was returned to | man in the Toronto suburb of | If NATO rejected Canada's|ylate the conduct of naitons, and Saskatchewan stormed io. thejtion on the issues of free enter-]PT 23 i iin n | Thursday Councillor Cecil John-| her Toronto home by police | Scarborough. She was located |ideas, then Canada could getito leave NATO would be to leadership of the new political|prise versus socialism. ernments -- is a Mooi of Tac ow movement with an overwhelm-'" poyortyl rich forces are|UNrelated measures brought in {ner and the price--$46,000--be-| day ordeal that began Monday {son told him he knew the win-| Thursday night after a four- | near Belleville, Ont. leave France. Canada was one ing victory over CCF Leader piece-meal under public pres-| pJCTON (CP)--The Ontariofc = "0 ccooret" tenders were out, (CP Wirephoto) | Mr. Coldwell urged the con-|of the few countries that could ustering against the new » ) : r gain respect among underdevel- Hazen Argue. party, he said, but when the | Sure: government cannot and will not| ened at a town council meet- "Tommy is our leader, [people really want something Mr. Douglas said he will re-|allow the highways to be used | " = | Pry oped countries by showing it chanted 3,000 New Democrats|ihay can beat money any day Sin as Saskatchewan premier by irresponsible motorists, High- Robert Walton, spokesman for ew 1mi S | Hijac orts hopes to co-operate with other as the man who has heated! vy the week." in November -- barring an ear- ways Minister Cass said today.|,, "ari nieo Ratepayers' Asso- nations. Orville Braaten, a CCF dele- gate from British Columbia said Canada should "get 'out of NATO now" in order to "pre. serve our lives, preserve hu- manity, preserve 'Canada and North America's only Socialist lier general election call--and| Speaking at opening ceremon-|ciation which initiated the in- . | government for 17 years was|STATES ISSUE then devote his energies to the jes of the Harmsworth Trophy |cuiry. also testified he had re- On Berlin | borne to the platform of the The issue, in its proper terms, on-to-Ottawa march of the new|speedboat races, Mr. Cass said: ceived an anonymous telephone Alarm ( 'on TesS party's founding convention, he said, is this: A planned pro-|party, based on a political alli-| "The terrible toll, which disre-| call naming the winner a day or | amid showers of streamers and gram to provide full employ-/ance of the CCF and organized |gard of common courtesy and! two before bids were opened. confetti. ment and higher living stand-|labor. safety takes on our roads over a Mr. Douglas, 56, won 1,391|ards, or an unplanned economy! However, if a federal vacancy long weekend such as this, is . 6,000 Jap Police votes against 380 for Mr. Argue, with every man for himself "as|«yith prospects" occurred indefinitely criminal." | a 40-year-old farmer-politician. |the elephant said when he was|Saskatchewan, he would seek a| He said the licence to drive al . It was the office seeking theldancing among the chickens." |seat in the present Parliament. |car in Ontario is a privilege and T'o Combat Riots TT |There are 17 federal constituen- not an inalienable right. | Commuters | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Amid, cause some of the early reports Our new party." Berlin city officials today| or a : ing airliner hijacking, a Senate|Electra plane with 33 passeng- wanted to protect his family ost Of . : C ti the other by Mr. |government has raised the max bilized t "onservatives, the other by Mr. |! lho "16,000 police were mobiliz 0- Berlin by ordering them to pay |. i | C | i Argue. |imum speed limit on most On-| ossible recurrence of | 1. ? , imprisonment. {to Cuba. The passengers and i lone. 1ving {day for a poss their bills in West German That's the penalty for piracy|crew were returned the next Wry of being alos | i i " 3 | mons. parallel between controlled Police said that in the three|public services." |saulting, threatening or interfer-|tion that Cuba might not have|slavia, Wherever he went he stopped Canadian living costs vention. ir West German g | The lev TALE OF HORROR change their the foreign office there told him These price reductions offset| available--was 181.5. c : : : ee! -9, compared savings, could invest in the de- , oti ies in i The new restriction applies attempt over Texas Thursday to|ing patsy to a pipsqueak and circled the convention hall car points above the level of 127 5/Mained unchanged at 132.9 in|resour ses, Canada must als v}4 al SONV «find » iq X st aso or-|A 219-pound Watsonville bar in-law," she said. "I smothered), yan "14 1953, law. This law|(Dem. Okla.), sub c o m mittee|act Of war and should be dealt|ordered to stop the demonstra- creased in Juné to 124.9 from|costs advanced sightly due 4o/abroad. Georgia Rutledge, 28, sobbed out| month-old son in Houston, Tex.,| The new order followed a As first reports of the hijack- These increases were parti- higher for dishes, glassware, join the "nuclear club" while gave this account of the slay-|, hospital when a highway pa- munist paper, Neues Deutsch- [in a Dallas, Tex.. orphanage, be-|the hospital. It was dead." T . F G : 1 smothered it--it was a girl-- Miss Rutledge said the second NEW YORK (AP)---Is it pos- They are weighing and meas-|term view: in electing a new|dair: is : Wl 3 45 weig os 2 ax mee |Saity gwner, 2 72 probably the {than 100 policemen and FBI|fied a deserter May 29. stagecoaches of the old west? 2 S > | g party - alld da | agents poured onto the estate of| Authorities rushed through the| Possible, but not imminently | ments from a number of friends Since the 65-year-old premier, Others mention ible|to se i we "] t t | ! joned as possible, seek the candidacy--but "I er u {rine charged with desertion. [shots were fired crews only as a last resort. arty this fall, spec-|Cas . i 3 Be servative party p ass, Attorney - General Kelso| who entered the cabinet in 1958, rifles. lently and was restrained with|t0 Cast suspicious glances at It has also been suggested that, Some observers give the 62. - - - We are still faced with|Henry Patrick McBryan, 2, of|the gate with marine Dion Da-|hiding in a tunnel leading from| lL "0 4h oot new leader fo be cliosen at alieadership in 1949 when Mr. Youngest among the possible chin, 23, of Oshawa, who es-| The Clay county jail here was| siege. About 100 rifles and sev.|avoiding air travel because of] : to say|was firs sted i most brilliant minds in the ca-| U.S. border police are also on| marine corps. First cabinet 'member y| was first elected in 1943 and has Pp Thursday authorized the arming ; { mounting ¢ on gr es sional de- (said the hijackers were Cubans.| Louis Roberge, delegate of clamped new restrictions Ono. no ohens today on legisla-|ers and five crew members was knew that 'protection could be Mr. Douglas said he would not tario highways, the over-all ac-|ip,, house" riots which have|m aris. , Xt" Mr. Coldwell said in Europe R " St on the high seas. day, but the plane was held in |speed competitions and the un- |ing with crew members of com- been involved when Monroney|found a great interest in Can- | elling - off in living] marks there at the rate of four| Government officials and high pitch: Trail Of Death seasonally higher prices for|with 181.9 a month earlier rai eat - and p ey : py il p |velopment of he country. even if only one member of the [hijack a Continental Airlines|call a halt to continuing dis- rying a picture of the late J. S. Pan : June. A slight increase i RET : . Fide : on July 1 last year. The index, | increase in the|ganize jts human resources, he|maid told police Thursday night|her with a pillow. She had been|p. 3 not 'heen stringently en-|chairman, before the harrowing|With accordingly." tion. 123.5 due mainly to seasonally higher repair costs and pricse| As in earlier speeches, Mr. her story after telephoning po-|in 1951. spate of letters in the East Ber- in West |ing made the rounds here, con- ally offset by lower prices for'household help. : striving for world disarmament. |ings: trol car stopped us, and the po-|!and, claimed today that the { West Berlin jobs and taking em- | tween 1946 and 1948. Miss Rutledge was booked for|ployment in East Berlin is in- in lial {with a pillow. . . . I think they eae ie UJSE@ Armored Car TORONTO (CP)--Political ob- date was Energy Resources the department in slaying occurred in Mineola, servers in Ontario are acting| Minister Robert Macauley. lits FOURnet var Owing | Tesx., in 184) after she had mar-| jg state ttack sible that jet airliners soon will "Not just the next two years igi y | members. | religious leader John R. Harrell|gate as the armored car scat- probable. Most of the hijack- announced Wednesday that he|successors to Mr. F' i {reall : : : rost include y haven't made up my | An armored car crashed] Davis was found in a cabin at Officials at U.S. airports, ulation has run high that his|Roberts, Health Minister Mat-|is 44. He indicated he is ready their fellow-travellers, indicate the cellar of his mansion. The convention this fall. Party exec- Frost was named and is an ex-| contenders is Mr. Macauley, 40. caped lasi Saturday from Col-filled to capacity with Harrell ara] thousand rounds of ammu.|fear they might find a hijacker outright that he'll be a candi- been attorney-general since 1955. binet--equally adept in art, an-|the lookout for the iwo men who| mp1 agent Manley Hawks,| Harrell, unsuccessful candi- of crews following the af avis to leave Harrell's well-|tion for the U.S. Senate, founded BERLIN (Reuters) -- East; oqo tor action aimed at halt-| Less than two weeks ago, an|the. Montreal Labor Council, East Berliners who commute 10/4; "so" nae such offences fed- | hijacked after takeoff from Mi- obtained only through strength. dictate policy to the present|cident rate has decreased. [flared for three nights in the| The order, effective from Aug. | recently he talked with many lied by Mr. Argue in the Com- Tac pointed up an important| yo and gas bills and "charges for Provide stiff penalties for as-| Senators came to the realiza-|tional, and also visited Yugo. OTTAWA (CP)--Lower prices|a variety of fresh fruit items,| He pledged himself to carry|controlled attitudes of some mo- days 457 policemen were injured| One of the advantages for East) 0 io oiviners and for carry- announced capture of the hi-|ada's attitude towards NATO reation and reading material strawberries. |party $s five-day founding con-| TTT lin has been that they could ex-| po 4" jane But, while tempers were at a|neutralist, and senior officials of from rising in June and left the . : "ri a costs followed a slight decrease PEOPLE COULD INVEST or five to one for East German [spokesmen for the airlines and| Edgar Hiestand (Rep. Calif.)|Canada could perform its best unchanged at 129.0 for a third|ef av. i i | ; m i i |of average industrial wages and|speech, Mr. Douglas said the The official exchange rate is|nesses by the Senate aviation|President Kennedy saying the|Sive influence to bear inside foods and a slight increase in|1754 a vear a i : : ! 3 go. The index is| "The equity capital which J i al « t yc family works in West Berlin. |707 jet. The pilot was quoted ar|graces by Communist Cuba." |\oodsworth. founder of the Duron of ar at I 01 r : My a id 4 oodsworth, founder of the CCF ear the hands of the people of Can- eft By Woman | In addition, the order stipu-|saying the gun-wielding hijack-| If it is established there is a|arty "a pacifist who voted in ° Th ve x--yardstick i . " i a e price index--yardstick of commute to work in West Ber-|' The hearing had been. set by the hijackers, Senator Clair En- entry into the second World War. based on 1949 costs equallin | shelter component was balanced! said in advocating a Canadian!s i : {hold ar She lag Silieg Det son: het | suffering from heart trouble. . . .toreel] for years, but East Berlin events at El Paso, Tex. where 1 and Dec. 1. oC operation. costs, nurses, agronomists and en-|Texas. heart attack." irli i held an airliner for nine hours. higher prices for most freshiof new homes. Prices were|Douglas urged an anti-nuclear|lice on the advice of a priest. "He wouldn't stop crying," lin press protesting against the prices for some meat items and niture, carpets and cotton|which Canada could seek to quoted Miss Rutledge as saying.|ouvict court. Some neighbors Berlin. gress members expressed anger Most then assumed his regime hh. a "To | The first victim was a child|lice took me and the baby to|number of commuters giving up "I was caring for a smaller|investigation of homicide. creasing daily. Possibility much like horse-racing fans siz- Mr. Macauley, 40, said it will| treasurer in 1958. A former ag.|Tied James Otis Hanson. cial cabinet, comparing them pu the next 10 i i years will have, H 55 ha RIE | : e said he has had encourage- | today and seized Harrell, 16 fol-|tered more than a dozen young|harrassed United States airlines was giving up the leadership of| Provincial Treasurer James Al- mind definitely." through a heavy wooden gate de-|the rear of the estate. Hawks replacement will come from thethew Dymond and Education|to make a move for the party] TORONTO (CP)--A Canada-| Two FBI agents had pleaded handouffs and leg irons, they aren't sure what measures Mr. Frost would give up the|vear.old attorney - general the|@!! the problems that great/Toronto and Grand Prairie, |Vis, 18, to return to Camp Le- tunnel apparently had been de-| There have been no indica- utives will meet here Aug. 17 t0| perienced administrator. Mem. |He is a Toronto lawyer and is|lins Bay penitentiary near King-|and his followers, charged with| nition were confiscated. in the next seat. He said In sn interview he tiques and music as in compli-{eluded a police dragnet in the|who tried for two days to get/date for the Republican nomina- tempted hijacking of a Conti. CITY EMERGENCY | said any family man who |cies in the province--16 held by| However, he said, although the/ Reuters)--More than A re P y |, SORYOL ) work in allied-controlled West|, ,) ime " punishable by life|ami for Tampa, Fla., and flown Canada could not afford the lux- nine-man CCF-New Party group| Ihe minister said the boat). = "jicirict of Kamagasaki in 1, applies to rent, light, water| Ihe proposed bill also would Cuba. members of Socialist Interna. fi i i % i : h licies i i i i i or clothing, transportation, rec-| particularly oranges, grapes and|0t the policies adopted by theltorists, and $5 persons. arrested. Berliners working in West Ber-|, "ony 'tue of deadly weapon|jacking team. Yugoslavia was trying to be consumer price index for July 1}; ; : h s in industrial wages. The index| In his 29-minute acceptance nnd pilots were summoned as wit-|Sent an angry telegram to|Service by bringing a progres- straight month, salaries at June l--lates | Janz i e l--latest date/people of Canada, through their one for one. subcommittee in the wake of an|United States should "quit play- After his speech, a delegate health and C 1 items, | i personal care a pased on 1949 wages equalling | gives ownership ought to be in day. fr ¢ ; : ay The biggest item in the price ada," he said. lated that East Berliners wholers ordered him to fly to Cuba. conspiracy between Cuba and|the Commons against Canada's consumer livi wosts--was 114 |index -- housing costs -- re s p is atura 3 ? Cali rn bias Felina iving costs--was 114 As well as mobilizing natural] WATSONVILLE, Calif. (AP) This time it was my mother-| in will have to register under|Senator A. S. Mike Monroney|gle (Dem. Calif.) said, "It is an| The sergeants-at-arms were ' + Nov |PY a similar decline in h -| i i i 100, hit a peak of 129.6 last Nov.| Ouse-| youth service to train doctors, -iff1a hi i C mother-ifftaw and an orphan in\lt was assumed she died of a officials began rigorously apply-|a father and son from Arizona The index of food costs in- Rents and home - ownership, gineers for service a thome and| Police Chief Frank Osmer said] She said she killed her six-|iN8 it recently. | EXPRESS ANGER vegetables and eggs. High er|lower for most appliances, fur-|posture for Canada, a role in| 'I smothered them all," hel che said. "We were living in a commuters working coffee also were recorded. sheets. How ever, they were|persuade other nations not to| The chief said Miss Rutledge| are taking the baby and me to| The main East German Com- at Cuban premier Fidel Castro. fse was behind the hijacking be- : S | child, It wouldn't go to sleep, so {had swallowed her tongue." 0 Pl ing up the field. |be important to take a long-|ri ; iv x a g-|ricultural re p r e sentative and LOUISVILLE, Ill. (AP)--More|of Greenville, Pa., was classi- carry "shotgun" riders like with Premier Leslie Frost. to be considered," he said. : lowers and a United States ma-{men defending the entrance. No|indicate they would arm their rovincial Progressive Con-{lan, Highways Mini ; : ; the pi 8 ghways Minister Fred Mr. Robarts, a London lawyer or urc n fended by young men carrying said the youth struggled vio- where ers are cabinet. Minister John Robarts. leadership. |wide alert has been put out for|unsuccessfully Thursday through| Hawks said Harrell was found) "7. 5 fp Be 0 Foe fp 00g" premier's office in favor of the|edge. Mr. Roberts sought the 8roWth brings," he said. Alta., and William Michael Tur-|jeune, N.C. signed to withstand a military|tions, however, that citizens are set a date for the convention. (ber for Toronto St. Patrick, he|credited with having one of the|ston. harboring a deserter from the tisk SOUGHT NOMINATION The Federal Aviation Agency cated nuclear and electronic! Kingston area. PHONE NUMBERS | POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-657 HOSPITAL 723-2211 has "indications" of "very strong support' if he becomes a candidate. says, however, that he is "feel- ing like a young colt." He has named highways min- lister in 1955 after scandals in power programs. His father held |five portfolios in Conservative | cabinets before 1934. | Mr. Allan, 66, would be the| "I know many people think I oldest of the contenders. Helam overly ambitious," Mr. Ma-| after their escape. cauley says. "Frankly I don't understand this. I think any| | man without ambition is a veg- ietable." Irobbery with, violence. {them as' dangerous. The pair was believed headed for Toronto McBryan and Turchin were . ' \ D Police said they believed the|gyarded 100-acre estate, said the men were armed and described) group would be arraigned foday before a U.S. commissioner. TOLD OF DEBAUCHERY Harrell said he gave sanctuary both serving long terms at the|to Davis after the youth told medium security institution for|tales of immorality, debauchery and a theism in the corps. Davis, the Christian Conservative Church and an anti-Communist school on the estate. His church movement has caused much controversy in|lines, said it was "against arm- Louisville in the last two years.|ing any members of our crews." Pranksters have burned crosses|The Airline Pilots Association nental Airlines plane at El Paso, Tex.--the third such incident since May 1. One company, American Air- Mrs. Bill Knapp of Phoe- nix, Ariz., and her two chil- dren, John, 9-months-old and Rebecca, 20-months-old, were passengers on the Continental on his lawn, and authorities once|also lined up against the sug- had to quell a small riot there. gestion. Arilines jet passenger plare that was highjacked, sit in the | the ordeal. Interdational Air HAPPY IT'S OVER port as she was interviewed by reporters. Mrs. who was pound for Beaumont her former home, said her two youngsters slept through (AP Wixgphoto)