8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 21, 1961 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Couple Weigh Pros and Cons | luntil they were in their 80s. I| 0 | |own the house but the neighbor-|a mistake to leave this house| | recent and this neighborhood, which ' | |youngsters play in their yard. /W" Hl [Their children are unbearably|lain an accustomed pattern of H |noisy. Also they have a vicious living. '| |dog that jumps at everyone who | [comes along and throws his foo control over this situation and|travel, ! {|doesn't try to correct it even|improvements on the house, in- {lat all hours. We've notified the| ! police who don't do anything. Of Moving From Neighborhood and my parents lived here, too, to do. hood has in years. changed are both so much a part of the The family next door, resi-|fabric of your life. In general, dents since last year, has six older people are better off in children and from 12 to 18/familiar surroundings especially Dear Mary Haworth: We have know. We are financially able to i lived in our house for 50 years choose, so please tell us what 5 Dear F.C.: I think it might be| | when they can afford to main- Since you can afford the lux-| d/ury of life as usual, I feel you -- very probably ought to stay where has no you are. Spend some money on| health care and certain] pan over the pavement annoying. The mother stead of spending it on an ex- perimental move to a new ad- dress at this late day in your when we complain. The dog's barking awakens us In large part you are suffer- ing not so much from the neigh- The same problem exists in an- other house, where a large New- foundland dog barks all hours of {the night. | | bors' noise as from the cantan- ! kerous disposition that over- takes many older persons, and | [FEELS IT'S TIME TO MOVE |flares more noticeably in those |" 1 have to sell the house. My|who have some financial in- | {husband wants to move to Flor-/dependence in their dealings "lida but I don't intend to buy a With other people. {house there. We are 70 and too THREE SUGGESTIONS old Jor a major change; but I In a three-room apartment \ r To- [can't remain here or I'll land in closer to town, you probably I Goods, | J estmount ronto, and Mrs. a mental hospital, os would be up against as many T 2 ans nih = old | oad, Belleville. I would like to have a three- environmental irritants as you Penny Anne. Penny is the room apartment closer to town,|are at present, in respect to granddaughter of Mr. and --Aldsworth Photography but my husband likes a house neighbors' children and dogs. = for the storage space. He has And in Florida there would still so much stuff on hand, things pe these irritants, plus tedious that are left from his business climate, rootless loneliness, etc. (he's retired), that he wants an-| 74 make your present situa- other house. But there are al-'tion more tolerable, I suggest: ways house repairs. He can't 1 ypgtall air conditioning units do much any more, and hiring jn the living room and sleeping repairmen is so expensive. rooms (and possibly also the Floridians are plagued by in- kitchen or dining area) to How To Deal With A Child Who Balks At Picking Up Toys sects, I hear, and I am allergic screen out street noises and give to gnat bites and, as my hus-'you climate-control. By G. CLEVELAND MYERS really solve anything because hand had a cerebral thrombosis 2: Ask your doctor, or a good If you have a child two or the next day we just start all/last year, I think the hot cli- geriatrics specialist, for tran- three, you will hardly cultivate/over again. She just doesn't/mate would be unsuitable for|gyilizer-type medication to relax in him the habit of picking up learn him. Our doctor hasn't advised your nerves when you are edgy his toys by commanding him to| "Cutting down on her re-\for or against a move to Flor-|anq wakeful. This new therapy do so and then trying to make|sponsibilities just starts trouble|ida but he doesn't favor it, Ilis a tremendous boon to older him obey. You might succeed at|with the other two children." folks this better when he is five, six] My reply in part: oss or older. I think you are iri the THE STARS SAY ai get RVSY rom he Jouse Although it is desirable to|impossible. It is fine to By ESTRELLITA weekend, a week or a few weeks A WINSOME MISS Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. William = Gooding, Edward Mec- CHILD GUIDANCE The heavy coat, left, of dark gray and sand-colored Shetland wool, is worn with a small hat of the same sand Lower Heels, Modified Toes Welcome Footnotes For Fall OTTAWA | Wallpapers Can Make Conversation Pieces By ELEANOR ROSS (tion cowboys and stage coaches. Amusing wallpapers are con-|Another bright design goes in for realistic figures from the | [room or foyer. ~ |warmth and comfort. versation pieces that perform : important decorating services | [behind a gay and diverting fa-| | |cade. The same design that i levokes a smile or a chuckle world of sports. Almost any hobby or interest you can name is included in this 1 galaxy of whimsical, highly or- brightens a dark kitchen, bath-|jginal wallpapers. VARIOUS HOBBIES The narrative paper that tells There are musical instru- an intriguing story can make a small room look larger by giv-/ments, there are china and shell ling it an extra interest and im- motifs, as well as checkers, portance that transcends a tiny guns, dominoes and chess ' |space. The fool-the-eye design Pawns. ' {that amuses by taking you in All these would be naturals : |also has a job to do -- richly for a den, a "rec" room or for * |furnishing bare walls, giving|any person addicted to any of such items. Folks interested in transpor- The market never offered 50 tation would welcome a spot of many playful papers. There are wall done in a paper that fea- baseball players, antique post-|tures old-fashioned steam loco- ers, sports cars, French bal- motives or ancient or modern loons, bottles of different size sports cars. and shape--in fact, almost any hobby or interest you can think| PIONEER DAYS of. And you can enjoy the fun| America's pioneer days are i them the illusion of more depth, MILANESE MODES | color, Dress at right is of Legler velvet, striped in vari- ous shades of light and dark blue. Both fashions, the cre- | | ations of the Enzo salon of (CP) -- Canadian|with emphasis on the shape is for a tiny price, because a little delightfully evoked by a block of this eye-filling paper gives a print of Mississippi steamboats big effect. and other symbols of 'early SPECIAL PAPERS American navigation. vy i wee.._s» One important rule to remem- Closely allied With He fun ber when using such papers-- papers are the "special" papers gon't overdo. Novelty papers, i which find themselves particu-| jive good stories, are designed larly at home in such rooms as the den, nursery, a child's room [30 hola attention, io nts gue 3nd or the kitchen. _|they are not the usual unobtru- A pussy cat design, for in-|gue packground papers intended stance, with two delightful kit-lag 5 foi] for wall decorations tens purring contentedly in ai ch as mirrors or pictures or eld of posies, would delight | pric.a.brac shelves--they are by any girl, toddler or teen-ager.|thomselves, the entire wall dec- i [Nice for the teen-ager, t00, are gration. ' [papers with school motifs. Milan, were among Italian autumn and winter styles dis- played at the big Florence show recently. --AP Wirephoto occasion or a woman's en-| semble. I Stacked heels for day - time| shoes and illusion heels are: in-| creasingly popular. Pleat 5, | drapes and fine stitching are some of the more interesting] fashion details. One paper sports school ban- ners, tennis rackets and such. PRISONERS' GIFT Another paper has a design, LONDON (CP)--Among pres- made up of authentic college ents received for Princess Mar- seals. And a boy is sure to be garet's baby, expected in the mighty proud of a room that is|fall, is a set of clothes made by quite "back at the ranch" with! prisoners in the Holloway a wallpaper complete with ac-|women's jail. Oshawa's ONLY QUALITY Fur Store women will be less foot - weary permeating the scene. Now no this fall if they follow the trends one shoe shape will take a being established by the fashion woman round the clock. have a pick Pn his toys, es-/your children to pick up their & 1 be. tak look pecially before bedtime, you get/toys and the like but not many occasiona'ly maybe lake a l00K y FOR TOMORROW at Florida out of season, or go best results with the youngster, |children can be easily trained, ; , Now you can expect all the to Atlantic City for the sea air, two, three or four by helping|through punishment, to take '4 ink him' put away his toys and thus|such responsibility. co-operation you need from busi- or to the mountains for the experts. While the needle - pointed winning his hearty co-operation. i a ness associates as well as happy view. Give yourself the chance] Lower heels, modified toes toes are stil! in demand, the ex- Even so, if you try to force CAN'T BE FORCED domestic and social situations. to lift your vision from too, t00/and subdued autumn tones set|perts say they will sell more a child so young to accept this When you say No to a child Make the most of these fine in- narrow preoccupations. M.H. |the fashion news, according toof the pointed or pin - toes As is customary, fall colors| for shoes tend to the blacks] and browns with some interest| in greens, magenta, darkened] wines and a lightened navy| blue. Patent leathers are al-| ways acceptable as are swede responsibility, helping him only her age, 2 3 easy 2 make bef fluences! Mary Haworth when he refuses to pick them/stop what she is doing, or not . , 1 up himself, you will only com-|do it again, by a few sound FOR THE BIRTHDAY : i smackings. But no matter how| If tomorrow is your birthday, plicate the problem. 8 4 dy {severe you might be with a your horoscope indicates that PROBLEM WITH DAUGHTER little child three or four you|you have just entered a highly | A California mother writes of would still not make her pick| auspicious cycle and the next her daughter, almost three, wholup a toy if she decides she year should see the achievement has an older brother, four and won't. of worthwhile goals. a sister, one: 3 If I were you I would help| Job, business and property "The middle child does not those children a bit at regular|matters will be at their best| seem to respond to. anything. times to put away their toys, | during September, October and For example, she maintains she|hoping that by and by they will the first three months of 1962; 'can't' pick up her toys. Some- do this themselves. Praise them |financial affairs will be excep-| times it's she 'won'. {when they do co-operate in this tionally favored in late Septem-| " eye have ying helping her| way. {ber, October and December. ut she just sits do -| : i Tero anything Wo have| PARENTS' QUESTIONS | Romantic and domestic hap. tried just leaving her in her| Q- My girls, eight and nine, Piness, as well as unusually ' i .lare supposed to practice their|stimulating social activities, are room until they are picked up; are Sul I | d in September, but you she will hold out a full day|Piano lessons half an hour each. | presage P ' without meals but the toys are must avoid speculation in No-|2 in care of this newspaper. still on the floor. "We tried removing most of the toys and promised as soon as the toys she had on the floor were picked up she could have They stop after 10 or 15 min-| utes A. Be on hand. When either dawdles or stops, require her to sit unamused doing nothing for |vember. | | Look for news of a business| nature in late December--news [which should get you off to a the remainder of the half hour,|splendid start in 1962. During not being allowed to practice the early part of the new year, more on that day. Imake use of creative ability, Say as few words as possible. gince inspiration will be at a 3 RE a ~-- |peak then, and even a hobby| | could prove remunerative. | A child born on this day will be ambitious and self-reliant, {but may have a tendency to be too aggressive. some of them back, but that didn't work, either. "The only way we can man-|_ age her at all is to stand over Cnt ie her and practically spank her| PROMINENT GUEST in between each toy. The prob- Gamal Abdel Nasser, presi- lem is not too great for her to|dent of the United Arab Repub- handle. It is usually five or six|lic, is the guest on CBS-TV At toys. Spanking her doesn'tithe Source program Aug. 24. Rid Your Garden \0f Shrub Despoiling|€ " Red Spider Mite The red spider or two-spotted mite has been causing trouble for gardeners this summer. 5 These minute spiders are pale or reddish colored, with eight legs. They suck the sap from| the upper and lower surfaces of | # the leaves of young, tender plants of almost every variety. | Plants which they attack be- come gray, the foliage takes on a dried appearance and may even die. Sometimes a fine web- {bing covers infected parts of the . | plant. 3 The individual mites are so % [small that it is difficult to see them with the naked eye, but ? they leave revealing traces. {With a magnifying glass you can| see the whitish skins they have| shed and globular eggs or egg | shells. | Once you know it is the two- : lspotted mite that is attack-| ing the plant, spray with 113 | teaspoons 50 per cent malathion {emulsion in one gallon of water | lor 2 tablespoons of 15 per cent | |aramite wettable in one gallon | of water, suggests Professor W. {C. Allan, entomologist at the i Ontario Agricultural College in| : |Guelph. Apply this when the] [spiders are in evidence. | | The red spider spends the win- {ter in protected places, among the buds or crowns of various perennials and weeds. Then it is ready to attack the new growth early in the spring. So clean up the garden. Burn lit- ter, leaves, weeds, and dying or heavily infested plants. GRACIOUS Helen Graham, wife of mil- lionaire financier F. Ronald Graham, has opened the doors of her beautiful 20-room man- sion near Vancouver to hun- dreds of charitable organiza- PEARS wages LACY PULLOVER sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4; the dolls clothes will fit an 11-inch doll. If you would like to obtain the Every little girl loves a dainty sweater. This charm- ing lacy pullover has com- fortable raglan sleeves, and, | , . to make it easier for her to | knitting instructions, simply put on and take off, button | Send a stamped, self-address- closings along the raglan | ed envelope plus ten cents for shapings. Included with the | handling, to the Needlecraft | instructions are the directions | Department of this paper, re- for making the doll's outfit | questing Lacy Pullover with shown in the photograph. Pull- | Raglan Sleeves, Leaflet No. over instructions are given for | 8-61 J FOR BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS 40 King E._ RA 5-0151 counsels Canadian footwear representa-|which are slightly modified and through her column, not by mail|tives here, And there are shoes rounded. The narrow and elong-| or personal interview. Write her |for every occasion. | A "threesome" look in toes R-- lh wm and day-time classics. ated look is kept intact in this new style designed for evening The crescent shape is another i look for daytime, casual and HOSTESS tions. Well-known for her hos- pitality, she believes in shar- ing her home with the com- munity. --CP Photo |dress wear. It retains the long, | tapered line but widens to a rounded tip as the heel drops in height. CHIC LOOK A new semi - tailored young chic look marks the square or Platypus toe which ranges from one-half inch and broadens as the heel lowers. Generally, designers are ac- centing the curve or straight look in heels. Variety and and calf. Shoes will also be features in a polished finish. VARIED TOUCH Women no longer must match their shoes with their ensemble, | experts maintain. Mix-matching| gives life to costumes and al-| lows women individual expres- sion. However, complementary| bags and shoes are still in good taste. | Canadian men will be shod in a modified though tapered ver- sion of the once-popular pointed toes. Soles are not as wide and the appearance is much neater. Slip-on shoes are gaining in popularity. And even shoes for children are affecting a tapered look, es-| AUGUST FUR SALE 75 KING EAST -- Opposite Genosha Hotel GLECOIY SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA fashion sense are part of lower- heel styling. The height of the heel no longer depends on the pecially in little girls' black| patent leather party shoes and sandals. OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. Pre-School, 91 CENTRE ST., Information: SCHOOL OF DANCING Ballet, Tap, Toe, Baton, REGISTRATION: SATURDAY SEPT. 9th 10 am, to 1 p.m. | MASONIC TEMPLE D.E.A. Character, Acrobatic AT THE OSHAWA 723-7253 Specials for Mon., Tues., Wed. POTATOES 119 ». B4* BUTTER avon 3.09 YOUR CHOICE BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIALS ON ALL CHILD- CIGARETTES REN'S CLOTHING IN OUR DRUGETTE AND CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. $39-LB. BAG FIRST GRADE LUCAS BRAND -- SLICED BOLOGNA uw. 39% FULL STOCK OF PRESERVING SUPPLIES AND SPICES SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S FREE PARKING--FREE DELIVERY Want to know about GAS HEATING? ASK YOUR NEIGHBOUR Ask the man who's enjoying the quiet, carefree comfort of completely automatic gas heating. He'll tell you there's nothing like it for real luxury--and for real economy too. Ask your neighbour--and then install modern gas heating right away. CONVERT YOUR PRESENT FURNACE Replace your worn out burner with an inexpensive, easy-to-install Conversion Burner. 5 RENT for only MONTHLY on your gas bill For Complete Information Call (Jonsumers' (Has 48 SIMCOE SOUTH REPLACE WITH A NEW FURNACE EASY TERMS No Down Payment -- only If a new furnace is required install a modern, low-cost gas furnace. $940 A WEEK on your gas bill 723-3468