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The Oshawa Times, 23 Aug 1961, p. 26

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 23, 1967 WHITBY And DISTRICT WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS New Name Proposed By Fire Department A resolution from the Town of | Fire Department," "The Whitby|Commission advised council of Burlington regarding the financ- (Volunteer Fire Brigade" and their application for their Hydro Ing of sewerage projects under |several other names. |Devastment sD beniares » the entral Mortgage and Housin : amount of $60,000. The letter Corporation re g ul ations Nog PENSION FUND [stated that power lines in Whitby passed on to the bylaws and| The Ontario Department of were in top condition and that applications committee by Whit. Municipal Affairs suggested that a)] sub.stations were amply by Town Council Monday night,|2 change be made in the pro-icarrying their load. : posed Whitby bylaw governing KIND TO ANIMALS WEEK [their pension fund. Council re-| BUILDING PERMITS Whitby Town Council author-|ferred the letter to the bylaws| A list of building permits for ized the request from the On-|and applications committee. [the month of July was an- tario Society for the Prevention [nounced at the council meeting. of Cruelty to Animals to set| PLUMBING CONFERENCE [Tota] permits so far this year aside the week of October 2 to 9| The Ontario Association of|amount to $695,000 worth of con- as the "Be Kind to Animals Plumbing Inspectors and Affili-|struction. Week." ates advised town council that an annual conference will be| WORKS SUPERVISOR OFFICIAL PLAN PETITION |held in Niagara Falls from Sep-| R. Montgomery who had been A letter in regard to the|tember 12 to 15. Council decided chosen as Whithy's new works Whitby Official Plan from Mar- that the assistant town engineer supervisor wrote council that his in Qhizen yas set aside for will attend the conference. |services would not be available eputation. etition protestin {until October. Council withdrew the zoning hy some Tand pid EDUCATION PROGRAM Hrs and Miu supervisor enclosed in the letter. | Information regarding train-\has been named. ing programs and courses have| LABORATORY EQUIPMENT [been requested by town council| SCHOOL COMPLAINT | The Sanitation and Welfare from the Ontario Department of| Whitby Public Schools com- committee was given the power Education. The department said plained to council about the con-| to act on a letter from Gore and |in a letter to council that they dition of the area around Hill-| Storrie in regard to payment for were willing to assist in exten- crest School. They claimed the| some laboratory equipment at|sion courses. |area around the fence was a the sewage treatment plant. The | tangle of weeds, bottles and| bill amounted to $83.33. Al PIAZA FLOODING {stumps. The matter was refer-| etter of complaint was re-|, p ittee. CLEAN.UP REQUESTED [ceived by Town Council eo |red to the streets committee Frank Maycock, of 1023 Mc-|the Toronto law firm of Kaye, | ATHOL ST. SIDEWALK Cullough drive, protested in a|Bjarnson and Copeland regard-| The Whitby Public School letter to town council that no|ing the basement flooding of Board in a letter to Town Coun- action had been taken to clean some of the Whithy Plaza stores.|cil has requested that a side- up the property lying between It claimed the flooding occurred walk be installed on Athol McCullough drive and Highway because of lack of an adequate street in front of the Kathleen 401. He stated that people were storm sewer system. The letter Rowe School along the length of still dumping fill on the field.|was referred to the streets com-|the street. Council referred the The matter was referred to the mittee with a copy to the town's request to the streets commit- streets committee with power to insurance adjusters. tee. act. SIDEWALK PETITIONED WEST SIDE PETITION SIDEWALK REQUESTED : : Property owners on the east| Ratepayers on the west side of Mi) Whitby Doble, School side of Cochrane street sent a Corr repas street protested rag ie wh Ti C 4 fh petition to council protesting the through a petition the installa- had hi = Sunet on ho ac i construction of a safety sidewalk tion of a sidewalk along the for a pero T os Oo uestito be constructed on the east west side of Cochrane street. walk along Cochrane|side of Cochrane street between Council decided to construct the Sfreet. Tey requested that a Beech and Gifford streets. The sidewalk on the west side after sidewalk be constructed before petition said that the sidewalk|yeceiving a petition from the school opens in September. {should be constructed on the east side. INTY west side where there were 33 The coun HEALTH ealh residences as compared with 19 HAZARDOUS TREE Unit informed Town Council|on the east. The matter was| The Imperial Oil Co. Ltd. re- that they had re-located their taken up by council during gen- quested permission to remove a office. It can now be found in|¢T2l business and the sidewalk tree at the corner of Brock 'and the Brock building. Council filed| "ill be built on the west side. [Flore streets claiming that the t { I tree is hazardous to viewing he lener. EYESORE PENCE | motorists. The committee for TOWN ANIMALS [pe iter, Was Tocelve Hy om the protection to persons and The Ontario County Health| of 319 : Co WO n& |property will review the matter. : E "ochrz : | Util 1914 council nat the were plaining about the area around | COUNCIL THANKED regard to the keeping of goats, | jcrest School Sisting saat the | John McLellan commended ponies and geese within the lcnc' around the OO a th own council on the action taken town limits, They suggested the Cea Of IEPA And ound io combat beetles in the town's town get a bylaw to control the | Schoolyard and the area A ounc elm trees. He said the beetles keeping of animals within the| lc, fence Was a Jungle olhad abated considerably since town limits. Council referred the Jools, The phigh dei {the trees were sprayed. suggestion to the bylaws and|y,e ares were diseased. LEVELING REQUESTED Bill Gribben of 202 Craydon application committee. | FIRE COMPANY A TFT BEACH in re road requested that a ditch be- A request from the Whitby sara to the condition of the! tween his property and the road Fire Company to stabliize their Whitby beach was ruled out of P¢ levelled by the town. He name was granted by council order hy Mayor Martin because Said that the ditch did not carry) Monday night. The company re-|the letter was unsigned. off water and was just a water| {hole when it rained. The matter | quested the name "Whitby Fire| Company" be used. Previously PUBLIC UTILITIES {was referred to the streets com- | Weaving On Highway Driver Fined $100 A Whitby man, John James pointed out that the accused had |that the door had been broken Young of 700 Brock street south, | voluntarily gone to the Whitby into and his welding equipment | was fined $100 or 10 days by|Ontario Provincial Police office had been stolen. Bryant then| Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Whit- when he found out they were notified Sergeant Gerald Robin-| by Magistrate Court, Tuesday,!looking for him. son of the Whitby Police De- on a charge of impaired driving.| Taylor said he had purchased partment. Whitby police corporal, James the skirts from a man he didn't! Mrs. W. Anderson of 814 Barter, testified that on Aug. 8 know at an Oshawa hotel. Byron street testified that while at approximately 1.40 a.m. he| A charge of break-in and en- she was eating supper at about observed a car going south on tering against Frank Welling of 4 p.m. on June 9, she looked out Brock street south in Whitby. |500 Centre street south, was also 0f her window and observed The car was swaying from one dismissed by Magistrate Ebbs. [two men carrying something side of the road to the other and| Welling stated he had entered from the shack that appeared to he was unable to overtake him [the pumping house at the Whit- be a stove-pipe. Her son then in- until he passed the CNR bridge by waterfront on Aug. 11 by formed her that it was welding | in the south end of town. He breaking a window with the in- equipment. She said one of the then observed that the driver tention of calling a taxi to go men was Ronald Harris. | was Youpg. home because he had been Sergeant Robinson stated he Young" then turned west on drinking. had investigated the broken lock | Watson street when the police] Whitby Police Constable Hook-|{on the door on June 13 and had cruiser attempted to cut his er arrested the accused shortly found the welding equipment path. after the break-in when Welling under some bushes along the] Corporal Barter stopped the Was walking along Water street. Whitby Base Line. He said he) cruiser and sent Constable Terence Crawford, of no fixed arrested the accused under his Erickson, who was with him, to 2ddress, was remanded one bed on July 23. the Young residence. He then week for sentence on a charge, Harris testified that he had continued the chase and found Of entering, by Magistrate F. S. asked Bryant for a loan of 50 the accused's car parked on Ebbs in Whitby Magistrate cents at about 4.p.m. on June 9. Charles street. Count Lip X He then went to Oshawa with a/ | Crawford, who has been ab-|friend at about 4.20 p.m. and Corporal Barter was search sent from the navy for about|did not return to Whith until ing for the accused in the reeds >. ; Or 'eboul i y and cat-tails on the side of the 5 weeks, said he hitchhiked Saturday. { road when he heard sounds Mere from Nova Scotia and has| He denied stealing the equip-| coming from the Young. rest. been sleeping in tents with some ment and breaking into the| dence. friends. shack. He said the shack was! When Corporal Barter arrived HAD SCREWDRIVER goed by 3 ruber of people for at the Young residence Con-| The Pickering Township ---- -- | Sisble KHickson had the accused Police found the accused in the | andcuffed. front seat of a car on Altona N I B | | Young escaped from the road on Aug. 20. In his posses- ote n ott e police but was caught by Barter §on he had a screwdriver, ditch on Charles street. ston avenue, Whitby was re- A charge of assaulting a : y | police officer was withdrawn byjsianded Tor Jvagment mn qne B bhi OP orgy toa igh |week by Magistrate Ebbs on|a1dwin, 13, of the Harrow area the crown. The original charge charge: f: Dreak threw a sealed bottle into Lak of drunk driving was reduced to| Te 5:0 reak, enter and Erie May 1 ate impaired. Terence Kelly, an . The bottle contained a sheet Oshawa lawyer, was counsel for of paper un which Susan had the accused. street north in Whitby, owned wirtten her name, age and ad- lby dress and a request that th CHARGES DISMISSED {by Ross Bryant of 315 Palace; q . that the A charge of possession of|street and stealing a welding finder of the bottle write to her. | : Harris is accused of breaking in a tool-shed at 810 Byron ® LOBLAW QUALITY MEATS o SPECIAL "ALWAYS TENDER" FRESH GRADE "A" PRE-DRESSED FRYING or ROASTING CHICKENS ..:. SPECIAL | LEGS or BREASTS - 49 119 SPECIAL | MILK FED BONELESS VEAL FRONTS . SPECIAL | "IDEAL FOR MEAT LOAF OR HAMBURGERS" EXTRA LEAN MINCED BEEF .. SPECIAL! AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS SPECIAL | CHOICE HADDOCK FILLETS ............ CHOPPED BEEF STEAKETTES .. ® FRESH FROZEN FISH -- PAN READY © 118. PKG. PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 23, 24, 25, 26 49: 39: 11 33: LOBLAWS LEAD WITH OUTSTANDING PRODUCE VALUES ! THE ARISTOCRAT OF THE GRAPE WORLD! BIG BLACK BEAUTIES! RIBIER GRAPES 2 -.- 39: FIRST OF THE SEASON | FIRM GREEN | TASTY AND TENDER! BRUSSEL SPROUTS... 23: ONTARIO GROWN No. 1 GRADE | SOLID GREEN HEADS! FRESH CABBAGE - 2 .. 15: GARDEN FRESH | LOCALLY GROWN BIG THICK-WALLED BEAUTIES) GREEN PEPPERS - 4- 15: ONTARIO GROWN TOMATOES TOP QUALITY | WONDERFUL FLAVOUR SERVE THEM TO YOUR FAMILY OFTEN! NOW AVAILABLE IN ABUNDANT SUPPLY | ® SUPER SAVINGS o SPECIAL! SALAD DRESSING KRAFT : MIRACLE WHIP ........ rk 39: SPECIAL | CHOICE TOMATOES... die 3S SPECIALI ALL VARIETIES CLARK'S MEAT SPREADS .. 4 Tg E14 He SPECIAL | LEMON, CHOCOLATE, CARAMEL BETTY CROCKER PUDDING CAKE MIX 2 Pak E21 SPECIAL WITH FREE TEA TOWEL Be Be ER Took Tong Tr ditch on Cnarles street. | Ronald Harris or 135 pamer.| 4 00K LONG ITIP BLUE BREEZE .......................... wr 83: SPECIALI FURNITURE POLISH JOHNSON'S PLEDGE recaereseasennsns., AEROSOL TIN . SPECIAL! LOBLAWS MADEIRA CAKE WACH 33: HOSTESS OATMEAL COOKIES 29: LOBLAWS GOLDEN LAYER CAKE wor Be ® FROZEN FOODS eo SPECIAL | McCAIN LUCKY GREEN STAMPS EXTRA Giiix STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 16-01. BAG Humpty Dumpty Twin-Pak POTATO CHIPS S81 Coupon Exp. Aug. 30 EXTRA G:iix STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ONE PAIR ANY SIZR BEAUTY SHEER Seamless Nylons 83 Coupon Exp. Aug. 30 { EXTRA Giiiy STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 19-0X. PACKAGE BETTY CROCKER LEMON VELVET CAKE MIX 88 Coupon Exp. Aug. ¥ EXTRA Giiiv STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 13%-0Z. PKG. McCORMICK'S GRAHAM WAFERS 87 Coupon Exp. Aug. 30 EXTRA Gv STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase TWO 9-01. PKOS. POST OAT FLAKES $9 Coupon Exp. Aug. 30 EXTRA G;iix STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase TWO éFL. OZ. TINS OR ONE 12-FL. OZ TIN TIP TOP Frozen Lemonade S11 Coupon Exp. Aug. 30 EXTRA G;iix STAMPS With Japon Fy Chass LINCOLN CALIFORNIA Orange or Grape Drink 818 Coupon Exp. Aug. 30 t EXTRA ix STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ONE QUART BOX FRESH PEACHES 815 Coupon Exp. Aug. #0 EXTRA Git STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase VOLUME 12 DO-IT-YOURSELF ENCYCLOPEDIA 82 Coupon Exp. Aug. 3 EXTRA Giiix STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ONE REG. SIZE BOTTLE BROMO-SELTZER 84 Coupon Exp. Aug. 30 EXTRA Giiiv STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 24-FL. OL. PLASTIC BTL. FELS Liquid Detergent $8 Coupon Exp, Aug. 30 EXTRA G:iix STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 20-FL, OZ. TIN WETHEY'S Cherry Pie Filling $8 Coupon Exp. Aug. 30 Lucky EXTRA Gyitx STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ANY TWO PACKAGES Cherry, Orange, Grape CICLE SUCKERS $10 Coupon Exp, Aug. 30 EXTRA Giirx STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 12-0Z. SQUARE TIN MAYFAIR Corned Beef Loaf $12 Coupon Exp. Aug. 30 EXTRA i iiv STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ONE 5-LB. BAG NAVEL ORANGES $14 Coupon Exp. Aug. 30 EXTRA civ STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ONE QUART FRESH PLUMS 818 Coupon Exp. Aug. 30 BE SURE TO VISIT LOBLAWS TEA and COFFEE CENTRE In the Food Products Building et the C.N. E ENJOY A CUP OF LOBLAWS PRIDE OF ARABIA COFFEE OR LOBLAWS RED LABEL TEA : served with Loblows Madeira Cake ONLY 10c¢ When You Purchase Your Cup of Tea or Coffee at Our Booth You Receive « COUPON REDEEMABLE at Your Loblaw Store for 50 "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS On the Purchase of One Pound of Pride ef Arabia Coffees or Loblaws Red Lebel! Tee. FANCY ald Taylor of Oshawa was dis-| Ross Bryant testified that the ler from Denmark. Torben Jo.| SEFCIALL LOSLAWS SKITEHEN FRipge : ; " i J han 5 { missed by Magistrate Ebbs. accused had asked him for a wrote that he had foun we von BLUEBERRY PIE PRICE 49¢.............. . PEAS Taylor was in court for pos-|0an of 50 cents on June 9. Hetle Aug. 6 ® bot- LOBLAWS LB 41 : BAG e sessing two fender skirts be- had refused the loan because he -- ------------ longing to Donald Pugh of 63/did not yet have his pay-cheque CRE I Tas H q LB. ° 7 Hogarth street, Oshawa. The cashed. The SRpaY SlUSEUR L Pride of Arahia COFFEE ki3 (4 Le ° Avaliable In Most Markets 4 | | Museum at Lon-| . charge was dismissed when de-| When Bryant returned to his don was opened to the public in fence sounsel Terence Kelly 'tool-shed on June 13 he noticed|1759. stolen goods against Gary Don-|outfit valued at $267. Monday Susan received a let:

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