© THE OSHAWA TIMES, . Monday, August 28, 1961 Won't Fight Debate On Red China UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The United States has dropped its 10-year fight to keep the United Nations General Assem- bly from debating whether to seat Communist China. In the assembly's 16th annual session starting Sept. 19, the| United States will not introduce | the usual resolution to postpone consideration of the question for] the session's duration. | Informed diplomats said the U.S. delegation advised others that to do so would be useless because the resolution could not | get the simple majority needed for adoption. But they added the United States is still set against sub- stituting Communists for Na- tionalists in China's assembly seat and probably can forestall | that, at least this year. | i iid » a The Chinese Communists, | p SS pa 9 5 AT rd | YOUTHS SHIRTS and SHORTS | YONI > Y., oN STRETCH NYLON ave said they will never sit in| ) ] ol / 1 . Jiave said ghey will never sit in} .¢ ow © ATHLETIC STYLE COTTON RIB TROUSERS <r, "fy 'CHILD'S LEOTARDS stronghold of the Nationalists. oa S ; % While it lasts, this all-or-noth- : b CANADIAN MADE WASHABLE id thas CARDIGAN |cuuos 36 1.29 ing attitude is exvected to heln Sp hs YOUTH'S SIZES FABRIC 4 | 49 the Nationalists keep the seat, | i b/ | SMALL MEDIUM « LARGE SIZES 8 TO 16 1 { J, HI-BUIK | GIRLS 7-10 o because many countries that it pong 4 BD TE y ORLON MISSES 12-14 1 69 would like to see the Commu- \ Lf WOOLWORTH Cc Wag vd ] bi . @%° PATTERN FRONT 4 1.99 A } ' ; LADIES S-M-L }, nists come in would also like| , . to see the Nationalists stay in. | 3 i PRICE g | 4d: ] STUDENT LAMP | ] WITH FLEXIBLE STEM DEATHS | > . EE BRASS, BROWN OR SIZES 2-4-6 rr] Nm _ YOUTH'S LONG SLEEVE T SHIRTS jo REG PRICE 299 WHITE AND 5 actress who anpeared in sucht ig yoo QUALITY COMBED COTTON KNIT IN iE rk WOOLWORTH POPULAR FALL COLORS / ie movies as Lady in the Dark. : ; EW Our Hearts Were Young and 2 COMBINATION STRIPES 4 PRICE SCHOOL-OPENING SPECIAL Gay, The Virginian El Paso and ee Song of India. sag SOLID COLOR CUFFS Montreal--Abel Vosburgh, 62 laborer scheduled to be fried bE ; this fall on charges of murder- A SIZES SMALL-MED-LARGE ing his wife and 11 of their 15 ' BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIAL children, of cancer. el Vancouver -- Mal Gen, foun 3 P. Mackenzie, 76. one of Can- io: Bo ¢ y ada's most decorated army of- a py <4 \ YOUTH'S WASH AND WEAR - ficers, whose career extended Yh abs through two world wars, f 2 RAYON FLANNEL SHIRTS Grand'Mere, Que.--~Jean Guy) : ATIRACTIVE i . 2h Cardinal, 38, president of Car-| : Ge ¥ PATTE : dinal Air Services Limited, by ' pl , CANADIAN. MADE RNS YOUTH'S JE RiaD NYLON | drowning. A XOX SHEENO COTTON p IC STYLE CARDIGAN- UN | Pasadena, Calit--Dr. Howard HR SIZES 8 TO 16 9" | GAMBLER STRIPE LUNCH «i7- BOX SIZES 14 70 20 BAD i RIS : rtson, 58, scientific ad- : obertson 5 i p bs REG. 1.99 VALUE TROUSERS MATCHING 8 Oz, COLORS: WHITE AND SIZES 2o4+8 NEL viser to President Kennedy and professor of theoretical mathe- , 4 : " WASHABLE FABRIC VACUUM BOTTLE POPULAR FALL matics at the California Insti- : SIZES 8 TO 16 REG. VALUE 2.39 SHADES tute of Technology, of injuries - . suffered in a traffic accident. East Hampton, N.Y. -- Louis Rice Wasey, 77, advertising ex- ecutive and co-founder of the Barbasol Company. ' & SRT TAL g i iy . ul ; ' on YOUNG MISS 10YearDM Gil | gh i ceips a Roy a Fra Raped In Cemetery " - a | fa 8 : ied Bae ess TORONTO (CP)--An 18-year- ; 3 1 ; old girl was dragged f ; =. ; i cot # : parked Pio ll gy 2 { ; COE : A 4 1 i GUARANTEED FIRST QUALITY Po a Ro nearby cemetery Saturday after || | : Sa i ¥ i 400 NEEDLE BOYS STRETCHY STRIPED SOX YOUTH'S COMBED COTTON HOSE I era vas shgged win] 4% : "i age, : 100% NYLON FITS 6 TO 8 AND NEW FALL PATTERNS, SIZES 870 10 a hammer. | iin pls El i ER go: " Ro 5 2 Beis, v % 15 DENIER : Police later charged Robert! TEENAGERS SODA POP SHO SHAGGY ORLON FLEECE } - 8% 70 10 44c PAIR 2 FOR 85¢ 36c PAIR 3 FOR 1.00 Marcotte, 22 - year - old truck || STRETCHY ELASTIC AROUND TOP, SOFT , SLIPPERETTES, ELASTIC ALL AROUND ¢ { = § © driver, with rape and wounding LEATHER UPPERS, COMPOSITION SOLES. Ja TOP. SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE. NEW = "gee i and added three further charges P FLAPS, 7 FALL COLORS 99 1 ¢ Sf Tepe after further Invest | SIZES 470 9 1.99 5 ® ESPECIALLY MADE 9} TRIPLE ROLL CUFF tion. 7 BOBBY SOCKS on oo 5 " Police said the other charges | BOYS ano YOUTH"S FE / bors "J 59 FOR THE JUNIOR MISS y ELASTICIZED CUFF involved two teen-age girls in prs 7 . NYLON RE-INFORCED Markham Township last March BETTER GRADE D4 Th :} YOUTHS 11-2 UNIQUE NARROW ; ay i HEEL AND TOE and a 26-year-old woman in the | ort 5 g @ vy 1, Metropolitan Toronto area about | BASKETBALL * SER, rT ' 1.79 ANKLE CONSTRUCTION ; : 34 SHITE ONL SN So n a month ago. | IT reer ASSURES i |. SHOES {771 [5 Mens 3-81.99 WRINKCEFREE FIT LE HTN 4 36c PAR 3/1.00 . | N if Sissi Ua BIS I SS pn : # : $300,000 Fire 1s. BEIGE, SPARK, CAFEE AND - : " " i A : : : Ba SPARK O' SPICE SHADES In Lumber Yard CNR doin Sune | INTRODUCTORY OFFER TORONTO (CP) -- A three- hour fire caused an estimated A » 2 bee. i RL } hi $300,000 damage Sunday when |f © < w ; i oR isi SU SAVE it swept through two eastend J ¢+ Ge ey gd lumber yards. go Py " i ; er? : 2 PAIR 34 Two firemen were overcome || ; Bid Er -- 2 : 3 op 5 by smoke as the flames swept | CHILDRENS PLAID CORDUROY SLIPPERS FL = ] 44 " BANLON STRETCHY LONG HOSE YOUNG MENS COTTON HOSE through a city block of piled | | LONG WEARING FOAM R COLORFUL CORDUROY OXFORDS Ld ! lumber. Some 4000 spectators [| | SIZES 6.15 AND 11.2. RED AND BLACK. HEELS RUBBER SOLES AND WHITE RUBBER TRIM. ly FNS £10)%.A0D 911% NEW FALL PATTERNS. 5/265 10 te 12 hampered firemen. R BLUE AND BLACK PLAID $1 99 GREEN - BLACK - GOLD = AND OTHERS Ge FOUR POPULAR COLOURS 78¢ PAIR 2/1.49 3 PAIR FOR $1.00 The flames were prevented Nest EE EE ma Ea . . PEN EE EE BEEN EE _-- W. -_ UNE NEN ENN GEE DN DE BE DOE DENN AEE GREE EEE Ge aan from igniting a 5,000-gallon ga- ps " AL : : A bs = > soline storage tank in the mid- : "ne \ ! \ die of one yard. 5 NEW TYPE PLUNGER John Karol, owner of Colum- is ber Limited, estimated his loss ih ma / F VISIBLE INK SUPPLY 4 : LOOSE LEAF SIZES 518 1 16 $1.00] o at $250,000 but said it was cov- 3 Hi ERA STRONG Cup ered by insurance. Loss at Vic i ) toria Building Supplies included A 5 COLOURS TO : REFILL a truck and several piles of pro- | CHOOSE FROM Sessed Jamber. | HI ESR Re BACK-TO-SCHOOL * 00 3 | PACKAGE NET EARNINGS | 1 Eh SPECIAL $1.00 Awl ion 250 SHEETS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | : FRE i i] South American Gold and | 4 REG. VALUE 98¢ Bi : : : GENUINE Platinum Company, § mos. ------ BUDGET PRICED STUDENT PEN la SOLID LEATHER! ended June 30: 1961, $334,000, 17 cents a share; 1960, 3100.16, ol : ATTRACTIVE - RELIABLE = INEXPENSIVE : Ea GIANT 3" RINGS AND > ACCESSORIES cents. ' Se A ; A QUALITY BACK-TO- | : yg 3 : os LEATHER LINED! CARTRIDGE PEN 3 SCHOOL ; Best Decorated ATA NEW LOW PRICE gr A " ' 4 SPECIAL S rly. REG. VALUE $6.98 $4.66 --] : WOOLWORTH WOOLWORTH se : . : REG. VALUE 1.00 « Officer Dies - PRICE PRICE Si hy I Ne ¥/= 2505 en. John P. Mackenzie, 76, . i -- one of Canada's most decorated & 3 Lo BIG VALUE REFILL BOOKS army officers whose career ex-# WITH LONG $ = tended over the two world wars, || LASTING INK . # INSTEAD OF PENS vb i na a 8 REGULAR SIZE 82x11 BOOKS died unexpectedly here Friday. | SUPPLY J i alr 3 ; The Manitoba. + born, general CHL NF SC : at YC | 3 HOLE PUNCHED WITH RULES AND MARGIN | . ries | REG. VALUE $6.98 who rose from the rank of lieu- tenant at the start of the First y ' 4 § World War to Inspector-General | J -- . for Western Canada at the time va va REG. VALUE $1.20 of his retirement in 1944, died LR \ while eating dinner at a Van-| / 7 couver club where he lived. SH WOOLWORTH In addition to his army posts, 3 A PRICE Gen. Mackenzie was co-ordinn- ator of regional construction councils at Ottawa and served | for the last year of the war as pJatruction controller for Can- |