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The Oshawa Times, 28 Aug 1961, p. 2

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2 THE UINMAWA TIMES, Monday, August 28, 1961 Full House At CNE Grandstand Macmillan Too Cool To Suit UK. Press LONDON (AP) Britain's Macmillan threw out the re-|by the press. Nobody is going| morning newspapers boiled to-/mark that aroused the editors to fight about it." day at Prime Minister Macmil-|during an impromptu chat with| PAPERS OUTRAGED lan's golf course dismissal of|newspaper men on the 18th hole, Comments the right - wing the Berlin crisis as somethinglat Gleneagles, the Scottish re- Daily Express: "That really is 'got up by the press." |sort where the prime minister intolerable, Does Mr. Macmil- The editors' ire was little mol- is on vacation. : lan really know what is going lified by a press conference| Tc a auestion about Berlin he lon in Berlin?" Sunday at which Macmillan said |replied: "I think it is all got up| "The Berlin crisis can be the Berlin Situation is setious Sfived by Setting round a con- and there is a danger arising HAMLET SOLD erence table as soon as pos- a FOR $100,000 from rash and provocative ac- sible," the Express says. "Mr, tions such as have recently Macmillan will not solve it by been taken in East Berlin." { making foolish accusations Macmillan said he and the| against the press." Earl of Home, his foreign sec- McKEEVER, N.Y. (AP)-- | "Is Mr. Macmillan living in : |retary, believe negotiations on| This tiny hamlet in the central the same world as other peo- Berlin and Germany should take| Adirondacks was sold at pub- |ple?" The pro - Labor Daily place but to be effective, "'these| lic auction Saturday for more |Mirror asks. "Everybody else must be held in the right atmos-| than $100,000. knows there is a Berlin crisis." phere and at the right time." Two of its three families The pro-Labor Daily Herald eee | were able to buy the homes |says Macmillan was right in re- in which they had lived for many years. The third was outbid. The sale, which attracted a 0 rt {fusing to be an alarmist but crowd estimated at 5,000 per- adds: "Coolness is no substitute for| leadership. And what is now | READS THE RIOT. ACT Sheriff Laurier Lamoureux (with speaker) reads the riot act to members of Local 598, International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers at Sudbury, Ont., Sunday. Stone throwing and fist fights had broken out after a crowd of about 1,500 persons had gath- ered at the mine, mill union hall. The dispute was brought about when representatives of | the national body moved into Sudbury and took over the local's offices. --(CP Wirephoto) Teamster Revolts Royal York Stall Hoffa Plan Strike Talk : WASHINGTON (AP) -- Some revolting developments -- liter- ally -- have stalled James R. Hoffa's ambitious five - year plan for the Teamsters Union | the Teamsters would rise to the challenge. 3. A federal appeals court has Teamsters' to subpoena Breaks Down TORONTO (CP) -- Talks be- upheld broad government pow- tween union and management ers aimed at settling the four- before it really got under way. books and records in a search| month strike at the Royal York Hoffa emerged from the|for possible corruption. Hoffa Hotel collapsed Saturday after Teamsters convention in early will carry the case to the Su- the sixth meeting in a week. July with considerably/preme Court. Hotel manager Angus Mac- increased powers over the larg-| 4 Arthur Goldberg, President Kinnon said in a statement the est United States labor organi-|gennedy's labor secretary, said|International Union of Hotel and zation and a new five-year term/ihat if anybody wants to know as the union's president |where he stands on Hoffa, it is| He promised to take in 'allithe same as in 1957 when, as an unorganized workers regardless| Ap..CIO counsel, he helped ex- of where they are" and either |e] the Teamsters after sensa- force an end to the Teamsters|tional Senate rackets committee expulsion for corruption from pearings. the AFL-CIO or start up a rival federation with some of the AFL-CIO's own unions { But events since the conven. | tion have nevertheless been al hack sort of thing for Hoffa: | Teamsters ranks in Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco. ' 2. George Meany, AFL-CIO president, welcomed the Team- 1. There have been revolts i tions? Is Hoffa in for more defec- The Teamsters say no and add that before long they'll squelch those that already have one-step - forward, two - steps-|gocurred. Labor circles outside] {the Teamsters say, perhaps wishfully, that more such bolts | are due. NAME MAT CHAMP | TORONTO (CP) -- The Na-| Club Employees (CLC) indi- cated they would accept the ho- tel's offer of a 2%-cent hourly wage increase but insisted on a three - year agreement with a further 2%-cent increase for the last 18 months of the contract. Mr. MacKinnon said the ho- tel's counter-proposal was for a further increase of one cent for the last 18-month period begin-| ning March 1. 1963. { Also contributing to the break down of negotiations, Mr. Mac- Kinnon said, was the union's de- mand that employees be given| at least seven days notice of a layoff, as was the case before the strike started April 24. The hotel agreed to the de- mand, he said, but only for em- sters' defections and in effect|tional Wrestling Alliance Satur- ployees with 15 or more years encouraged others. And as far| as Hoffa's bid to re-enter the AFL-CIO was concerned Meany| said bluntly: "The AFL-CIO is not going to submit to the domination of the underworld in the name of la- bor unity. Hoffa blasted back at Meany in telegrams to heads of AFL-| three CIO unions. He asked whether) they were going to stand for| day night recognized Buddy seniority. The remainder of the Rodgers of Camden, N.J., as|staff would be subject to four- world heavyweight wrestling champion. Rodgers won the title by des |feating Pat O'Connor of New Zealand at Chicago June 30. The alliance, concluding its day annual meeting, elected Fred Kohler of Chicago Meany declaring "an open sea.|President, succeeding Frank son' on the Teamsters. If so,| Tunney of Toronto. hour notice. Archie Johnston, Canadian vice-president of the union, said further meetings would be futile. "Management offered what they alleged to be two conces- sions from their previously un- conditional surrender ultima- tum," he said. '""The union doesn't believe these conses- sions change the picture in any material way." SR rm | | 'night Quadros' resignation was {| Brazil's affairs." For Channel Link Talks | | By JOSEPH E. DYNAN 'sons, included about 30 pieces of property spread over some 100 acres. The property included about a dozen homes, most of them vacant, a hotel that had been turned into an office building, needed. is a positive move 10 beginning at 2 p.m. and running bring about negotiations with] the Russians." | The Daily Mail, Conservative, says Macmillan's "'unflappabil- | ity" can be carried too far. TORONTO (CP)~The Cana- dian National Exhibition, gam- bling this year with an all-Cana- dian production at the grand- stand, drew its first full house in four years Saturday night. There wasn't a vacant seat anywhere as 20,50 persons con- tributed to a box office take which topped $39,000--a record for the show, shorn this year of United States big - name enter- tainers. Attendance at the CNE Sa. day was 294,500, an increase of 6,500 over attendance at the second Saturday last year, At. tendance has been down gener- ally though it is difficult to com- pare records because the CNE opened earlier this year and runs for 15 days instead of 16 as last year. Today is Women's Day at the CNE, featuring fashion shows throughout the afternoon and evening: Autograph hunters mixed with e thousands around the Hockey Hall of Fame Building which was officially opened Sa- _|ban Prime Minister Fidel Cas-| |turday by Prime Minister Die- May Produce Bomb ititier A host of hockey] stars, past and se -| But Hard To Send [ici figures were their targets. PARIS (AP)--France has de-, Some glorage buildings and a cided Britain's application for, lumber mill. membership in the European All had been owned by the Common Market makes it a| Georgia Pacific Corporation, BRAZILIAN VICE-PRESIDENT Fant Brazilian Vice - Pr Joao Goulart, right, en route | home from Far East, talks with unidentified official dur- | ing stopover Sunday at Zurich, Switzerland. The armed forces | have d control of Brazil but Goulart hopes to fill the gap left by the resignation of President Janio Quadros, --(AP Wirephoto via radio from Frankfurt) WASHINGTON (AP) -- The! chief U.S. negotiator for a nu- clear test ban believes Commu- good time to win British ap-| a giant: lumber company with proval of the century-old dream| headquarters in Portland, {of a bridge or tunnel across the| Ore. Charles Vosburgh of |". © # ote English Channel. | Cortland, N.Y., bought the jist China may produce a bony This is the meaning of a ca-| hamlet after the lumber com- thi 0 ff bat may | binet decree calling for explor- | pany ceased operations here pe an erleciive means 0 | atory negotiations with Britain] about three months ago, and hi i | on such a project. | cut it into parcels for the auc- Arthur H Dean said ser the | France will make a contact] tion. Chinese get What io t be "a with British officials soon to get| The price Vosburgh paid for | C™Y eXponsive om if 3 vers their reaction. At roughly the| the hamlet was not disclosed. dirty bom vahi Shey ave & : tat : | 4 : to invent a vehicle for its de- same time, Britain will be en-| After buying it, he named | vith "curac tering long and complicated ne-| himself mayor, and his law- |i aivs much more difficult." gotiations with the six-couniry Jor, Leroy Hodge of Hamil- | 'Dean appeared on a television | ton, justice of the peace. program Sunday just before re- Jommon Market on London's turning to Geneva for three-| New Leader Shocks G {important objective -- captur- |ing the hearts of hundreds of| {British girls. between the two concepts, but the French have evidently de- ing in the Welsh town of Pem- | broke Saturday. Welsh Welcome ermans . CASTLEMARTIN (AP) -- The'old girls clustered round de- first Germans to soldier in Brit-| manding » and, ain already have attained an|bare arms. "Amazing," said a Britis hl Army captain who came along| Feminine fancy took strongly| to take care of liaison. "I have day killing an Algerian and a d there 0 the grey uniformed troops been asked for my autograph, {when they made their first out-| {oq signatures on | their and one small boy de- | manded to see my Iron Cross." During the weekend nearly| 300 girlish letters were deliv- ered to the German quarters at! | Castlemartin camp. join the Continent in economics it might as well also do it phys- ically. Assuming that Britain does join Euromart, the construction of a bridge or tunnel is a log- ical sequence. Direct and Offers $10,000 For Her Photo |cided that if Britain wants cs tinental economic community. | today. Is Tougher Denise Therrien, 16-year-old youthful soldiers of the West official request to join the con- There is no direct connection power talks to be resume In Algeria MONTREAL (CP)--The uncle brought a mild shock to the of TUNIS (Reuters) -- The Arab Shawinigan, Que., girl missing] PAY-AS-YOU-GO BARKERVILLE, B.C, (CP)-- Fred Peterson charges tourists The warmth of their welcome at this old gold rush centre 25 cents to wash a pan of dirt on German 84th Panzer Battalion his placer mine. But they can MEIGHEN HONORED ANDERSON, Ont. (CP) -- A |plaque in memory of the late | Arthur Meighen, former prime | minister of Canada, was un- veiled Sunday in a schoolyard a few hundred yards from the {farm where he was born. TERRORISTS KILL TWO METZ, France (AP)--Alger- ian terrorists shot up a bus be- tween Metz and Thionville Sun- Frenchman and wounding two other French passengers, in- | dudive a young girl. | | cheaper transportation would be | world today watched for signs|from her home since Aug. 8,/Who came here for tank train-|walk off with any gold dust they necessary for the two sides toiof a tough new line toward |pas ing on emote Welsh range. | as offered a $10,000 reward for | M2 ar 14 reap the full advantage of the France from Ben Youssef Ben an authentic photographic nega-| The 5l-strong advance party removal of tariff barriers. {Khedda, a battle-hardened 41-|tive taken of Denise since she|arrived here Friday with clea find, and he says one visitor got r/@ $5 nugget for his 25 cents. SEER year-old nationalist, who has re- disappeared. forewarning that they could ex- U S D . Placed Ferhat Abbas as leader| pepise's father, Henri Ther- Jeo hostile demonsisgtions om) of the Algerain insurgent gov- rien, announced the offer Sun-| Sections 0 le ritish pubic nahin enies | ernment, day on behalf of his or Sun hat objected to receiving the Intrusi In Brazil The change in leadership was Jean-Paul, 37, of Montreal. | 2Emed forces of their enemies iu {announced Sunday in a commu-| 'The negative must show my x nique that did not name a new daughter so that she can be rec-| DEMONSTRATIONS FAIL post for Abbas, who has been ognized," Mr. Therrien said. "It| Attempts to stage protest de- premier of the provisional gov-/may be a picture of her dead monstrations were made. But ernment since its formation in or alive they fizzled out amid scenes of 1958. Abbas is 62. The girl has not been seen wild enthusiasm when a group { WASHINGTON (AP)--Robert | Woodward, assistant secretary of state for Latin American af- fairs, has called absurd the Communist accusation that the United States helped engineer thé resignation of Brazilian RAVE ARRANGEMENTS since she left home almost three|of 10 soldiers made a semi-of-| President Janio Quadros. 'Room Size RUGS! Wall-to-Wall Broadloom! Choose from the largest selection dn Oshawa Discounts up to 50% NU-WAY RUG CO. The communique was issued |weeks ago to answer an ad for|ficial appearance in Pembroke shortly before Ben Khedda ar-l; ¢95.a.week baby sitter and|Saturday. "Our relations withe Quadros administration have been very The new premier was. sched: uled to accompany the other leaders to the 24-power summit conference of non-aligned coun- tries that opens in Belgrade Friday. {EXPECT TOUGHER LINE Observers believe he may an- nounce at Belgrade that the in- surgent regime will follow a more severe line in the rebel lion against France, now in its seventh year. rived in Cairo for a meeting of |}, ,usemaid. A few members of an organi the leaders of the six '"'casa-| Meanwhile, Denise's father|zation known as the Campaign] blanca powers' --the insurgent! on orted the third ransom de-| Committee Against German] government, the United Arab| o.q in ac many days for the| Troops in Wales glumly dis-| Republic, Morocco, Ghana, ips safe return. | tributed leaflets while crowds of Guinea and Mali. The latest demand, made by| giggling girls surged past them telephone Saturday, came from to _get near the troops. friendly and co - operative," Woodward said Sunday on a television program. "We can only hope our co- operative relationship will con- tinue as it has in the past." | Shortly after Quadros quit, | p Soon, the astonished soldiers a man who asked for 51.000. were besieged by girls and the Communist press and Cu-| small boys demanding their isg- INLAND PORT natures on books, scraps of pa- Though Houston, Texas, is 34 per, parcels and, in one case, miles from the Gulf of Mexico,|on the top of a child's white its channel to the sea makes it sailor hat. one of the busiest U.S. ports. One group of 24 Uncommitted Nations To Meet BELGRADE (AP) -- Oratory countries such as Germany, in the summit conference of 24 Korea and Viet Nam to be re-| avowedly uncommitted nations united on the basis of free and opening at this Yugoslav cap-|fair elections. A Nehru pro- 10- and 11-year-| _---- . | fro began leveling charges that| {the United States played a part] in the resignation. { Moscow radio said Sunday, Ben Khedda is considered a much tougher leader than Ab- bas who was regarded as the leader of the moderates in the rebel government. Ben Khedda's friends say he is not a Communist but that he will take arms from either East or West to carry on the war in the North African territory. (The Associated Press de- scribed him as a tough pro- Communist who was a militant {the result of "crude interven- tion by the United States inj The Communist suggestion of a U.S. role. Woodward said, was in line with the "regular pro- | |cedure of making us the whip- | | ping boy in Latin America." | In his seven months in office |Quadros pursued a policy of} three ways -- with some com-|lin crisis was that access to the| ments favorable to the West, city, threatened by the Russians | some favorable to the East and |and East Germans, "should not | not a few distasteful to both be changed." ital Friday is expected to split nouncement Friday on the go {neutralism in foreign affairs. |Brazil accepted aid from the| | United States and signed the SLICED LEAN, MEATY member of the early nationalist (blocs. The words of Nehru and Si- | | movements in Algeria before| Diplomatic sources said Sun-|hanouk point the direction of a UNSETTLED WEA the Second World War. At that day they believe a few dele- | possible appeal that the Ger-! T WEATHER FORECAST Light Winds, Some Showers Official Toronto at 5 a.m. Synopsis: The weather prom- ises to be mainly sunny and sea- sonably warm over most of On- tario today and Tuesday, al- though unsettled weather will continue in southwestern coun- ties along the boundary between the relatively dry air over On. tario and the more humid air in lower Michigan and Ohio. Lake Erie, Lake Huron, West- ern Lake Ontario, Niagara, Windsor, London, Toronto, Ha- milton: Variable cloudiness with widely scattered showers thundershowers today and Tues- forecasts issued T | | in night and Tuesday. Warm with generally light winds. Algoma, Sault. Ste. Marie, White River: mainly sunny to- day, becoming partly cloudy with a few widely scattered showers or t hund e r showers Tuesday. Little change in tem- perature and winds light. Cochrane, Timagami, North- ern Georgian Bay, Haliburton, North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny with a few cloudy intervals today and | Tuesday. Slightly warmer with light winds. Marine forecasts valid until or|11 a.m, Tuesday: Lake Erie, Southern Lake day. Warm with generally light| Huron: South to southwest winds winds. 15 to 20 knots this afternoon and Eastern Lake Ontario, south-| Tuesday decreasing to 10 to 15 ern Georgian Bay: sunny with overnight. Scattered sh ow ers cloudy periods today. Variable and thundershowers. cloudiness with a few widely showers or thundershowers to-|10 to 15 knots { Lake Ontario: Variable winds revi 15 to 20 HER CONTINUES SHORT RIB LEAN, TENDER CLUB STEAKS LEAN, MINCED BEEF FRESH MADE LAMB PATTIES 54 SIMCOE NORTH SENSATIONAL MEAT FEATURES TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY! Breakfast BACON SKINLESS BROKEN 39 29 459 4% 3 Ibs. 7 19: Ib Forecast temps: | Low tonight high Tuesday | SNAKE-KILLER Windsor 67 87 The mongoose in India is a St. Thomas 82 small animal, related to the| London 82 lcivet and noted as a fearless| Kitchener .. killer of the largest snakes. Wingham ---------- -- : | Hamilton St. Catharines .. Toronto > > 70 82 86 Edmonton Regina .... Winnipeg . longs to a major alliance, such PPV VVVVVVVYVY WOOLWORTHS Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN ! A REAL PEACH TREAT VVVVVVVVVYY, Peterborough ... | Trenton ......eus Killaloe .covvvves Muskoka ... North Bay ...... 5i | Alliance for Progress program,|.. : f ip ati time he often spoke at meet- S BL © man - Polish border be recog-| under which Latin American | the Algerian Commu- gates, especially from Africa| oq" ac final (something the {a 10-year period. Western meeting. |Germany through free elections | Quadros also expressed Retum Money But Prime Minister Nehru of | (which the Russians oppose). . | sociation with Russia. His rosie) To Embassies others, are expected to exert alaj4 Jikely to be a key topicd--| nation statement Friday al- moderating influence in discus-| ith the final resolution going | Brazil, but did not specify any | mediately all funds deposited by | Each of the participating na-|West's hesitant attitude toward country. foreign diplomats and .embas- , LINKS HAZARD Widely scattered showers and Ya said Sunday night. | thundershowers. WEST VANCOUVER (CP)--® Diplomatic faformants saiq/@ NATO or the Warsaw Pact. |winds 10 to 15 knots today be. guards on the links perimeter|paq protested to Foreign Minis- a final pronouncement from the {coming east to southeast 10 to to ensure that flying golf balls|ter Raul Roa the government's conference, already has been| : fz n, | | showers. buggy, with the baby inside. |qover during the exchange. racism, colonialism, disarma-| a Informants said the govern- ment, aid to underdeveloped | each embassy and return the reorganization and a definition rest at the rate of 100 pesos a of the basic principles of non- 0 > positing well over 10,000 pesos BERLIN IN FOREFRONT when Premier Fidel Castro sud-| - Although only two of the par- new pean, the Berlin issue is. ex- b They subsequently complained pected to figure extensively in > Lakehead ....:-... White River ...... 50 S.S. Marie ......s. 35 Kapuskasing ...... 58 North Bay .... Sudbury Muskoka Windsor London ... Toronto ... Killaloe ... 50 71 67 73 70 67 1000,000,000 in U.S. loans during nist party) - {day gathering into an anti- in 2 oan) for unification of avd doy Biayil Sos 1 35 {hanouk of Cambodia, amongiine ynited Nations secretariat is | "inside and also from outside' |regime has agreed to return im-|,. te to Berlin. | three.power) proposal and the this . afternoon and Tuesday exchange, informed sources side of the cold War. None be-|-- {ian - Bay: South to southeast have urged additional safe-| .1a.005 d'affaires of 26 nations résolution, forming the basis for scattered showers and thunder- balls were found in a baby|Cyban currency they had turned|to cover such subjects as Berli immediately only 10,000 pesos t0|Congo, Bizerte, United Nations Most embassies reported de- currency and exchanged it for prus--can be considered Euro- 4 operate their embassies for Just! pjnce Sihanouk said he will a few days. _ support the right of divided Kapuskasing .... ! White River ..... 5 Moosonee .. ' S. S. Marie . TORONTO SOME CONSOLATION NOTTINGHAM, England (CP) | Nottingham brewers are- going to increase the strength of mild beer, the British working man's F. R. BLACK 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Contact Lens Consultation or FRESH PEACH SPONGE ROLL 48¢ SPECIAL HOME STYLE PEACH PIE FLAKY PASTRY SPECIAL OVEN FRESH 43° Eye Examination BY APPOINTMENT . . . PHONE 723-4191 136 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA I Ottawa .... Max. Montreal .. 57 Quebec .... . mn, (Halifax +veavtaeres temperatures drink, as a consolation for the extra penny put on a pint of beer by the austerity budget. idates from the 15th century. Dawson countries would receive $20, | ings of and Cuba, may turn the five- West may not like), coupled |friendship for the Castro regime | India and Prince Norodom Si-| mpe question of reorganizing luded to pressures on him from HAVANA (AP) -- The Castro gion that will range from Bi- against both Russia's troika -- ---- |sies in the Aug. 13-14 currency tions claims to have taken no|any change. | Northern Lake Huron, Georg. Gleneagles golf course officials, week ambassadors and| Reliable sources say a draft 15 tonight and Tuesday. Widely don't endanger passers-by. Two|decision to withhold most of the|drawn up. The draft is reported | ment's first offer was to return countries, Algeria, Angola, The nth. alignment. » denly called in all old Cuban ticipants -- Yugoslavia and Cy- to Roa that 10,000 pesos would the talks. 4 : (Victoria soviveness A SPECIAL PRICE SALE THIS WEEK!!! ALLA ALAAAAALAALAAAAALAAAALAAAAAAA A

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