4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 28, 196) Lloyd Ayres Sweeps CNE Sheep Event TORONTO (CP)--Lloyd Ayres of Bowmanville made a clean sweep of Southdown sheep judg- {ing at the Canadian National Exhibition Saturday. : He had the grand champion ram in Ayre Acres 89R and the {reserve in Ayre Acres 66S. "le also had the grand cham- pion ewe in Ayre Acres 76R and reserve in Ayre Acres 65P. | The best mare any age in| heavy draught horse judging was Flossie, owned by Alex Dol- son of Norval, Ont. In the percheron class, Victor Cookson of Bowmanville showed the best mare, three years or over, in Justamere Stylish Stella, which was also judged the best mare of any age. The grand champion steer| was Ross, an Aberdeen Angus| shown by E. P. Taylor of Wil-| lowdale. James Daly of Good: wood showed the champion shorthorn and the champion] Hereford was shown by Bert| Gardhouse of Unionville. The| reserve shorthorn was owned by | George Lasby of Guelph and the reserve Hereford by C. F. Pat- terson of Norval. The junior champion in the |landrace sow division was] Socreds Strike Optimistic Note By GRAHAM TROTTE! of support, he expects his party Canadian Press Staff Writer to do well in Ontario, particu- OTTAWA (CP)~If confidence|larly around Toronto and in the wins votes, the Social Credit north. party will be back in strength| In the next election, he says, in the House of Commons after Prime Minister Diefenbaker will the next federal general elec-|find a good number o: former tion. Conservatives running as Social The confidence of the party, Credit candidates. whose Commons representation] One will be Philip Kelly, for- was wiped out by the Conserva- mer mines minister in the On. tive election landslide of 1958, tario Conservative government, is personified by Robert N.|a 1961 Social Credit convert who Thompson, Social Credit's new |will run against Trade Minister national leader. Hees in Toronto Broadview. He says the next vote could] Mr Kelly has been placed in produce a minority government, charge of the party's Toronto- like the Conservative adminis-| area" organizing. Social Credit tration between the 1957 and| gig expects to present a num- 1958 general elections. And he per of candidates representative sees it a toss-up as to whether|,¢ the ethnic group in the Tor such a government is formed|onto area, where there is a by his party or by the Conserv-| heavy immigrant population. atives or Liberals, | In the matter of ethnic appeal, Much of the Social Credit con-| yr, Thompson plans some hard- fidence is based on heastenifi | hitting speeches to answer alle- reports of the response to its| gations of anti-Semitism within stepped-up activity in Quebec|§ocia] Credit. As well, some province. At the recent New| jews will be party candidates: Democratic Party founding con-|pe says. vention one Quebec delegate] + i talking to a reporter mentioned| Social Credit k Jutting och that on the basis of new signed. | MPNasis r h e To ig up memberships Social Credit Pa18ning. as been 2 good deal of this, especially over privately-owned stations and particularly in Quebec. It now is a fund- campaign to finance a regular national TV program this fall and winter. "For the first time, it now is within the realm of possibility that we can field a full slate of candidates whenever a general election is called," National President Martin Kelln of Re- gina says in a letter being sent to Social Crediters across the country. Mr. Thompson, 47-year-old ed- ucationist from Red Deer, Alta, has a bent for organization and plans to spend three-quarters of time on the road organizing and speech-making. Working up to 18 hours a day, he is pumping new vitality and confidence into a party which he says will stress the best of orthodox Con- servatism and Liberalism in free enterprise government. PRISON EXPERIMENT TRIVANDRUM, India (Reut- ers)--A prison without bars will be set up on a 500-acre rubber planation here as an experi ment in penology. About 200 good-conduct prisoners will be housed on the estate, with only a skeleton staff to maintain discipline. cannot be dismissed in election | reckoning in his province. Virtually all of Social Credit's | Actress Died Bottle By Side HOLLYWOOD (AP)--Actress Gail Russell, who a year ago said "I'm an alcoholic" but in- sisted she had put drinking be- hind her, died with an empty liquor bottle by her side. The 36 - year - old brunette beauty was found dead on the floor of her west Los Angeles apartment late Saturday night. In addition to a vodka bottle, there were other empty liquor bottles throughout her quarters. Police said Miss Russell's death apparently was from nat- ural causes. They said she had been in hospital in recent years with a serious liver ailment. Eighteen-year-old co-ed at {Santa Monica star of tomorrow" . . stardom in pictures like Lady in the Dark and Our Hearts were Young and Gay -- these were some of her life's highlights. The low points were mostly a series of drunken driving ar- rests in the 1950s. SUGGESTS EASING QUEBEC (CP)~The Quebec and district labor council (CLC) has suggested that the mini- mum required to pass French in the French-language schools be restored to 60 per cent from 70. The council made the suggestion after a large proportion in ele. mentary and high schools failed. FEATURE TODAY AT 2:00 - 4:20 - 6:55 - 9:25 2-FIRST RUN SENSATIONAL THRILLERS! [COVER i |G KILLER! A FANFARE. FINS REUEASE - BOTH ADULT shown by Lloyd Hagey of Pres-| former Commons membership ton in Sunny Cedars Connie| came from British Columbia 404%, which also was named re- | and Alberta, where the party serve grand champion SOW. |forms the provincial govern- ments. Q Doron delight for everybody! THE BIG JEAN MEETS International Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto Saturday. Mr. Diefenbaker, who official- baker at the opening of the | ly opened the hall, announced | A SouNA___ Integration Gets Deeper In South Yellowlees who will observe By JIM THOMASSON BIG JOHN the government would make | an annual contribution of $5,000,000 in grants to ama- teur sport. NEW MOVIE BID A. & > LONDON (CP) -- Elstree TAKE LION'S SHARE Films, a new production and Mr. Thompson confidently | distributing company, has been predicts his party again willl « TET S---- set up to boost British movies | grab the lion's share of seats in | a 4 and encourage young talent.|those provinces--all now held by | 4] 1 § M 0 [+4 3X TODAY and TUESDAY 3 Title of the first movie the com-| Conservatives. Besides looking v pany will sponsor, appropriaet,y | to the two westernmost prov-| is The Young Ones. inces and Quebec as the pillars ' wns TERENCE MORGAR MAZEL COURT ... ROBERT BEATTY Hockey star Jean Beliveau of the Montreal Canadiens greets Prime Minister Diefen- "ENTERTAINMENT Added Thriller! GARY COOPER SUSAN HAYWARD "GARDEN OF EVIL" hnicolor & Ci a 6 Nei | A BE WISE ||| their 10th wedding anniversary on August 25 were pleasantly surprised on Friday night by im- mediate relatives who gathered | of the Negro from slavery, 10 after their arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Blackstock. During the evening they were presented with sev- eral gifts and a lovely lunch was enjoyed by all. Those at- tending from here were Harvey, Lois and their children; Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Mrs. Wes Yel lowlees and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis. Mrs. Ralph Davis, Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Rod Simpson left by 'plane from| Malton Airport on Sunday for| Regina where they will attend Graduation Exercises at the] RCMP Barracks. Ross Kossatz| was among the graduates on| Tuesday, August 22. Alan Taylor arrived by "plane from Duncan, B.C. last week- end to join his wife and sons at the home of Mrs. A. J. Balson. On. Saturday Alan, Tleen and Mrs. Balson attended the wed- Miss Pat ATLANTA (AP)--Slowly, but|carefully screened Negro pupils | relentlessly, public school inte-| Wednesday will begin attending [gration has pushed deeper into|the 11th and 12th grades of four the United States South in each|previously all - white Atlanta of the seven years since the U.S. (high schools. They were ad- |Supreme Court made its his-|mitetd under a grade-a-year de- {toric desegregation decision. segregation plan evolved upon | When school doors begin open-|order of a federal court. |ing next week for the eighth) {time since the 1954 ruling, the| TEXAS FOLLOWS | traditional pattern of racial sep-| Likewise by court order, Dal- {aration will end officially in two|las and Galvesotn, Tex., will in- {more of the South's major cities| tegrate teir schools Sept. 7, but --Atlanta, Ga., and Dallas, Tex,|have not disclosed how many It also will bring additional| Negroes will be involved. Negroes into previously all-| With the benefit of seven white classrooms at New Or-|Years of hindsight, Atlanta and Jeans and Little Rock, where in-| Dallas officials hope to avoid tegraton began in turmoil. | disorder such 2s Hat wiles ac {companie e beginning of oy tree of the ate) schon negraton in some other Te ee iar Of thee other [ajo southern Mississippi and South Caroling cos, sre sthool deseghesa: --will there still be no white and| 3or. "Tittle. Rock, Ark, and| Negro children occupying the n.o : id LET THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS PAY YOUR "BACK-TO-SCHOOL" MAR addy Lon Legs CINBMASCOPE + Color by D1 lum The greatest high adventure ever filmed! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents Nashville, Tenn., appear to be ding of their niece and grand. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Balson, Oshawa. i Wes Yellowlees is convalesc- ing favorably at home after be- ing confined to Oshawa General Hospital for awhile. Mrs. Don Taylor was at the same public school Sassronns: lun the way to accepting more RESISTANCE INCREASES | integration quietly this year. 1 Resistance has increased as ppAN PRIVATE SCHOOL i integration has reached otward|conflict, however, still grips the deep South areas of denser|New Orleans, where two ele- / ] Negro populations. Violence and| yontary schools wree inte! / f | Jisonter have flared even in the| grated last year to the accom- | order areas i i i . paniment of demonstrations and RR OF es on A wide assortment of legal|boycotts. President Louis Riecke , | Je : {barriers have been thrown up, Sr of the school board has dis- | | | EXPENSES. | nn THE GUNS OF NAVARONE ut ay 5 " | STANLEY BAKER: ANTHONY QUAYLE- IRENE PAPAS GIA SCALA ES DARREN Gi FORtubkle aa] tues foun | ef Tiron si FOR THE FULLEST ENJOYMENT OF "THE GUNS OF NAVARONE', WE RESPECTFULLY URGE YOU TO SEE STARTS IT FROM THE BEGINNING FREE LIST SUSPENDED og Jean BE a VEY to be overthrown. closed that four additional white Taylor and Mr. Edgar Thorn.| Georgia, one of the last four schools may be desegregated ton on their marriage on Au. | hard-core states, had a plan of when schoois reopen Sept. 7. gust 7. massive Jedstance, 1ogethiel, to- Meanwhile, a Sobperative pas Fra N gether with overnor Ernest begun construction of a private Mrs. love Blooms 1S PIO|Vandiver's campaign pled ge school for white children boy- gressing avora yo owing dry that no Negro and white child cotting the integrated schools. gery m Bowmanville ospita t would ever sit in the same|There apparently has been nb in Mr Is, d ig Be "| classroom during his adminis- some reluctance on the part of Somers: af an kd Tore tration. But when forced to de- Negroes to push the issue in the, ayior an tami y atiende Clcide between integration or three states which still have no Montgomery family reunion at| closed schools, Vandiver and! public school integration--South Springhill Park near Whitby. | Ry i righ 4 : d Missis- Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor at.ji5e Georgia legislature capitu Feros, Alabama and Missis : { de- tended a reunion of the Hoar Outside this hard core, family at the lovely home of segregation has been more ex- Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Bow- tensive, but it still is somewhat manville, who entertained: their spotty. It ranges from substan THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401 , . . PHONE 723-4972 TONIGHT ! BOX-OFFICE OPEN 8:00 SHOW STARTS 8:35 - PLUS SPACE THRILLS! Tony, PERLBERG-SEATON Curtis [PREG So, in this 100th year since the Civil War brought emancipation ut ER Se ACE PLUS I's the same old story every year. isn't it? School bells for your children mean school bills for you. This year, make it easier on the family budget -- use result -- getting Oshawa Times Classified Ads to bring you the extra cash you need. PROOF POSITIVE that Look around your home. Make a list of the worthwhile articles you : Ingrid Bergman -- Yves Montand -- Anthony Perkins -- "GOODBYE AGAIN" "A Woman -- And Two Men! One Devoted, The Other Unfaithful, How love is; and always will be ! aren't using any more. With the school year about to start -- other families are looking for musical instruments, typewriters, bicycles, desks, encyclopedias and much more. Of course, things like furniture, Oshawa Times Classified Ads Do Get Results! appliances, tools and good clothing are always in demand. When you have your list, just dial 723-3492 anytime between 8 a.m. and $ p.m. for a helpful Ad Writer. It's inexpensive, a 25 word line ad costs only .62Va2c per day on the special 6 day rate. Boys' Sports Jacket, size 16 -- lke Other outgrown boys' clothing, 1 Dial guests at the Flying Dutchman |enezer, David Ormiston, Bow-|i01 qocaoregation in Kentucky sins, Dean, Boyd and Darrell Brougham, holidayed at John, . i Spiritless Scene | a cottage near Minden. Greer, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe. Carol, Marilyn and Nan cy in the London theatrical version R. Crouse, in Oshawa. Miss Helen Dechert, Toronto,| Since last Thursday Jeanne Mrs. Sam Dewell, Mr. and Mrs. attended the Gilbank reunion at the bedroom scene in the nude. tawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Rainey, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. now the Moral Law Defence As- fate family enjoyed a picnic at; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryder- man, Ray Nawby, a Conserva-| Y new, Balsam Lake with Mrs. Bryce, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice! The actors decided to play the $13, Motel. manville visited at Tom and J. » barest token integration Carol and Marilyn Knox en- Baker's. jig. he are Dien Jries joyed holidays with their cou-| Donna and Debbie Pascoe, | ee tes rtm ---------- Knox. Harry and George Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Greer and family spent last week at and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon N ! ow Done In Nude Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gifford and E. A. Werry and Betty Jane, 2 children, Taunton, were Sunday Enniskillen, visited the Werry's| LONDON (Reuters)--A con- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rae at Roselandvale. [troversial nude bedroom scene Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires, Larry Knox are holidaying with Mr, of Lady Chatterley's Lover may and Sharon and Mrs. Arnot Wot-'and Mrs. Ken Pascoe an d|get covered up by a 137-year- ten attended the funeral of Mrs.|daughters, Brougham. {old law. | Mrs. I. La Pointe and scn'is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Moody as Lady Chatterley and James, Chatham, Mr. Weslc Knox and family. {Walter Brown as her game- Powell, Miss Mabel Powell,! Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman keeper lover have been playing Harold Potter, Hampton, visited "ouchiching Park near Orillia.| The nudity was thought to be Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Wotten. Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, |within the law because it was Mr. Donald Yellowlees, Ot- Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. E.lacted in a private theatre. But Hockaday and daughters. Pavl Snodgrass and David, sociation claims it breaks the Mr. and Mrs. E. Hockaday Rochester, visited Mr. and Mrs. Vagrancy Act of 1834. | and daughters with their immed- E. Cryderman. The association's vice - chair: Darlington Provincial Park. [man and Jo-Ann attended the!tive MP, has written to Home| Mrs. Tom Baker, Jean and Stainton family picnic at En-/Secretary R. A. Butler asking! James spent several days at niskillen. that the 1824 law be invoked. Brown. ; and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryder-|scene nude after critics said the Mr. Maurice Baker, George- man had a pleasant motor trip bedroom scene lacked the spirit town, Mr. Edwin Ormiston, Eb-'to Windsor recently. {of the D. H. Lawrence novel. Show your family how really wise you are. Teach them this easy Baby Cerriage -- pink and white, chrome trim, convertible. Best offer. Telephone 12 formula -- Your no longer used items -- plus a fast working Oshawe Assortment of Girls' Clothing, size 10-12 st like new, very reasoncble. Tele- p Ny Times Classified Ad -- equal the extra money you need for those phone 7 "back to school" bills. Do it today. NOW PLAYING Over 93% owned in Canada! i | | AIR CONDITIONED [A Nn 4.) 0 1 A n Ol L ADMITTANCE E § COoOmOU® PADI LI MI TE O Quorn 18 YEA MAKERS OF pooh Ad WHITE ROSE GASOLINES « MOTOR OILS § STARTING THURSDAY " "The Guns of Navarone" THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Where wise families find cash for "Back - To - School" expenses 86 KING ST.E. 8 am. -5 p.m. Mon. - Fri. - Sal. 8-12 Phone 723-3492 THE WINNER IN ODEON THEATRES' FABULOUS 20th ANNIVERSARY CONTEST BARBARA J. ROBINSON 315 WESTMINSTER AVENUE, LONDON, ONTARIO.