i H % rt So v , he OSHAWA RESIDENTS OFF TO EUROPE the American - Holland Liner Rotterdam just before sailing from New York for a iwo- Wilson, Glen- and Miss Elinor west Miss Linda cairn street Wilson, Rossland are pictured as they posed on John Michael Ruskay Takes Bride at Niagara Falls, Ont. In St. Thomas More Roman Miss Peggy Silliphant of Brant- Catholic Church, Niagara Falls, ford, Miss Jessie-Marie Ritter Ontario, Mr. John Michael Rus-/and Miss Gillian Robertson, kav of Oshawa took as his|both of Kingston as brides- bride Miss Eileen Borse on Sat. maids : urday., The Reverend M. J The bride's' atiendants were Clifford celebrated the nuptialjall gowned in short frocks of mass at the 11 o'clock cere- aquamarine silk organza over mony. The wedding music was silk taffeta fashioned with scoop| played by Miss Margaret necklines and three ; Drago, who accompanied Mrs. length sleeves. Crushed cum- P. Lococo, soloist merbunds were accented at the The bride is the only daughter back with pouf bows. They wore of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Borse matching petalled headdresses Lundy's Lane, Niagara Falls, trivined wii veiling. The maid the bridegroom is the son § as- and te Rom, Sr.. Cur- cade of pink shasta daisies and rie avenue Oshawa. and the rosebuds, and each of the late Mr Ruskay. bridesmaids carried a cascade A a 3 of pink shasta daisies. Given in marriage by her fa-| "apo" maine Jamesty, cousin ther, the bride chose a full-lof the bride and Miss Therese length wedding gown of white[Ruskay, niece of the bride silk organza and chantilly lace. Srooin, were the Junior' bride - . : maids. ey wore entica' It was. fashioned with aN AP: hort frocks of mist aquamar- pliqued scoop neckline, a prin-|ine taffeta featuring wide eess style bodice and long lily-|sashes of organza caught at point sleeves. The houffant skirt|back with butterfly bows. They featured a fitted front panel of (Wore matching headdresses and h carri iniature cas- chantilly lace, and a double 2 Spied B an A French rose detailed the back sig od which ended in a chapel train.'; "ar. iad he Her four-tiered scalloped veil [DY Mr. Joseph Rolodzie} of Os ht t iestic| 2Wa a8 best man, and Mr. Nich- eu 0 Re ny olas Pilipec, Mr. Edward Kolod-| road | month European vacation, --Photo courtesy Holland-America Line - quarter The bridegroom was attended |i WED IN Oshawa will be the home of 4 Byrns '|lval Andrew McCaughey, son of 1lGola McCaughey. The wedding '|September 30, 1961, at 3 p.m. SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. John Albert of Oshawa announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Dorothy Ann, to Mr. Or- Mr. McCaughey of the late Mrs. Mr. George Hampton and will take place at St. George's Memorial Church on Saturday, 1 H-S Executives 1 To Meet In Cobourg Personnel ¢f Home and School Councils in Area "C" will be 4 |converging on Cobourg on Sep-| & tember 9 for a Leadership Train- ing Course in Burnham Street { School. The aim of the course is|& {to improve the effectiveness of {Councils through discussion| | groups and symposiums. Among those present will be Federation and Mrs. Gariepy, vice - president "CC", Some of the topics to be cussed are: "A Critical Sur- yey of Council Programs," "For-| ation and Function of a Coun- il" and "A New Awareness of {Home and School." This course is for execulive| members of Home and School |Councils only. | SOAK PANS As soon as using baking finished fill them with warm water and about half a teaspoon of water soften- er. They'll be easier to clean. There are a few exceptions to this rule -- use cold water for cereal, flour, egg and milk dishes. you've dishes, | | CALEDON | daughter of Mr. and Mrs | | [ Old-Time Favorite, Rocker Has Undergone A Change By ELEANOR ROSS The rockers are of sturdy Because furniture designers hardwood. and manufacturers are always, Whatever the style or type, looking for something new to whether for indoor or outdoor establish a trend, rockers use, today's rockers are plastic starred at the recent fall furni- covered and have cushions of ture show. And, as was only to}foam rubber. Might as well rock be expected, that long - time| in comfort! American favorite, the rocker, There are changes in other has undergone quite a change. familiar furniture pieces, too, as Many of the new rockers are|for instance, storage pieces. of the platform variety, set on| mu. (adar chest has under- stationary stands or on legs.| ,.0 yagi changes, and is now And trying these chairs out, it is a handsome piece of furniture evident that they bounce back much more likely to star in the {and forth, rather than rock. And living room or foyer than be § ie 2 dome hat nt, oleae i war. to te at Ps » 100-1 6p gee ' 4 Al A television| 0 oc look like custom jobs, "| One such chair is a channel they are that attractive. backed platform rocker with Oiled walnut finish covers a clean, modern lines. It is set on|handsome chest with a cutout four flared, metal-tipped legs, is| front of half ovals. It is styled upholstered in a super-soft, easy like 2 buffet and could double care vinyl and has a reversible, |i the dining room. zippered, three-inch "T" cushion| There is a wide variety of {--all of which spells comfort modern sectional chests and | deluxe. pieces, designed for stacking or | Not so fancy, but extremely to be used side by side. comfortable and good-looking, is| As room dimensions decrease, a rocker on the traditional run- there is a wider emphasis on ners. Fashioned of rattan, with| hanging sectionals. Wall-hung a curved cane back, it has a|pieces include a bar, a stereo, jcomfy. polyfoam - filled seat hifi speaker cabinet, a vanity, |cushion. 'sliding door cabinets as well as |the usual open shelves. NEWS IN BRIEF | Then we noted a contempo- |rary piece, straight-lined, fash- lioned of teak with a cane front. SPECIAL TALENT |A triple buffet, it would be at MONTREAL (CP) -- In the home in either dining or living operating rooms of Royal Vic-lropom and it has a fine, roomy toria Hospital, Helen MacArthnr|interior, may be seen standing behind| py i paired with a hutch-type the surgeon and making iinet that, instead of resting sketches. As chief of the de- : LA Ihr on the buffet as is usual, hangs partment of medical illustrat-| the wall overhead. ing Miss MacArthur does il-| 4 # RICKY AND ALAN of Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Pike and Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Pritchard and great-grand- sons of Mr. Sidney Turpin, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Ireland Bonnie sons of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Pike, Park road south, are Richard William and Alan Wayne. Ricky, four- | teen months old, and Alan, | four years, are the grandsons THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA {FOR TOMORROW Things may seem to be going smoothly with other people; don't be too sure, however. Look for unexpected developments and events. Arrange things so that tonight you concentrate on Joctal matters and enjoy your self, FOR THE AY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope for this month indicates that star-patterns sup. port your inborn courage and ambition. You have great likeli. hood of making up financial set backs you may have had in pre. ceding months. Those who plan vacations during the fall will be glad to know that there are two separ- ate influences prevailing at that time; one will aid sailors and the other will insure success in traveling. | Whether or not you stay at home or travel, your drive and energy are likely to be noticed, so put your best efforts into festivities. You will gain from this. Be original. During the rest of 1961, you may change your basic ideals Sympathy can be channeled into constructive measures, and you can help your friends. A child born on this day will be rather blunt and have to learn to put himself in another's place. CUT OUT OLD CANES Raspberry patches need clean- ing out now, says Professor W. D. Evans, horticulturist at the Ontario Agricultural College. Cut and burn spindly and dis- eased canes, or old canes that lustrations that are incorporated in medical textbooks. | MAIN NEED MONTREAL (CP)--Good food| is a major requirement of a suc-| cuessful camp, says Daisy L. Gass, retired summer camp] owner who was honored at a reception given by former campers and counsellors. An- other requirements is that the | camp program be geared "to the actual needs of the chil David N. Flett "" wowex » WOMEN DRINKERS MONTREAL (CP) -- The na- tional president of the Women's Marlene Mayne, Wed In Candlelight Ceremony adios drvbe (emer Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 RAAB Ng REE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August y WIFE PRESERV 7 Stubborn twist-off lids on jars |can be removed without special |tools by letting them stand up- |side down a few minutes in hot |tap water. Unscrew immediate- can harbor disease organisms, Eelectrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. MARIE MURDUFF Over 15 Years' Experience will be in Oshawa at the Genoshe Hotel, Aug. 29th, end 30th PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dates at 2lly after removing from water. carnations mingled with problem because the 'stigma once attached to women who The marriage of Marlene Di-|pink anne Mayne and David Neallivy and flowing streamers. Flett was solemnized on Fri-| The flower girl, Miss Elaine| V.| day evening, August 25, at St.|pjett, (Watson of Vancouver said| 2 the bridegroom, | Paul's Presbyterian Church. niece of the brideg some suburban housewives are| wore a short dress of snow|,. i : | {even substituti e ; The bride is the daughter of white silk shantung with shorty co Ee toeckialls for| Mr. John L. Mayne of Oshawa puffed sleeves and a full crino- and the late Mrs. Mayne and|jine skirt with a wide sash of PREFERS BRITAIN the bridegroom is the son of {the same material. Her flow-| LONDON (AP) Princess Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Flett of Osh-|ered headdress and nosegay | Valentine Ghika, a great-grand: awa. {matched those of the senior at-| daughter of Napoleon, is to be- {come =a British citizen. The The Reverend Derek Allen|tendants. officiated at the candlelight| Mr. Laurie Bain of Agincourt|princess, who lives in Cornwall] ceremony. The wedding musiCy.¢ pest man. Ushering were after coming from Romania five | Mr. James A. Flett, Peterbor-| Years ago, says: "Britain is the was played by Mr. Frank Wal- fer and Mr. Robert J. A. : ough, and Mr. Gerald W, Bur- S07 Couey in the world worth rows, Oshawa. - -- Henry sang "The Wedding Prayer" and "'O Perfect Love". - emia A reception was held at the Flying Dutchman, Bowman- | New Food That ' Can't Fatten You! Given in marriage by her i father the bride wore a BOWn| re where the bride's aunt of pure White chamtaly lace Mrs, Joseph Spencer, received over silk. The sma stooped wearing a lavender sheath| oie | neckline featured appliques of dress with panels of crocheted A at are the facts about | cotton. Pale pink roses compris- {iviesl; -- the new "non-food t may enable you to eat almost anything you want and drink is disappearing. Mrs. Ww. HI silk and the short sleeves were complemented with wrist-length ide. gloves. The very full skirt bil ed her corsage. The bride Lillian. Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING Ballet, Tap, Toe, Baton, Pre-School, Character, Acrobetie REGISTRATION: SATURDAY SEPT. 9th 10 em. to 1 p.m. { Elgin Laughlin of Caledon, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. John Matthews, Osh- | awa, and the late Mr. Matthews --Photo hy Mr. and Mrs. John Brant Matthews, whose marriage was solemnized recently in a double-ring ceremony in Knox United Church, Caledon. The bride, the former Miss Marion Doreen Laughlin, is the erystal. She carried a cascade | 4}: and Mr. Roel Ran wil nrrk a ro "lof Oshawa as ushers. Mr. Frank! 8 Pill esther Josehuds In Borse, Jr., brother of the bride| otis . and Mr. Ronald Ruskay, nephew : of the bridegroom, were the Attending the bride were Miss 2 : 155 junior ushers Marianne Brown of Port Col- borne. as maid of honor. and The bride's mother chose a ---- : sheath model of moss green eyelet silk organza over blush pink taffeta. Her ensemble was Chinn Studio, | Brampton groom's mother wore a two- piece slate blue dress: with a corsage of white carnations. Later the couple left for a cruise of the St. Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers followed by a stay in The Laurentians. For going away the bride wore a lowed out from a *'V" waist and swept into a chapel train which was enhanced by a scat- tering of tiny silk bow knots. Her short tiered veil of tulle illusion was caught by a petite crown of seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of white roses still not gain weight! Read in September Reader's Digest how a laboratory accident with a cousin of sawdust may soon have dieters eating one-calorie cookies -- even low-calorie chocolate cake! Get your articles of lasti Ithree-piece suit of Italian knit in entwined with ivy : a shade of peacock blue, a tall attendants Reader's Digest today -- 34 | lasting int I MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST. Information D.EA, AT THR OSHAWA 1723-7253 accented by pink accessories and a corsage of pale pink sweetheart roses The mother of the bride- groom wore a cotillion blue silk sheath-style dress with white accessories, complemented by| a corsage of deep pink sweet- heart roses and white feather- ed carnations. \ dinner was held at 1.30 p.m. for 100 guests in the Geor: gian Room. The wedding recep- tion for 200 guests at 7 p.m was also held in the Georgian Room. the bride butterfly suit with a hat of pink For travelling donned a two-piece pink Karachi knit matching picture chipped straw. Her accessories were white and a corsage of white cymbidium orchids com- pleted her ensemble After honeymooning in the Georgian Bay District, Mr. and Mrs. Ruskay will board the SS Assiniboia for the Lakehead where they will take up resi- dence in Fort William Out of town guests were from Kingston, Oshawa, Ottawa. Brantford, Hamilton, Courtice, Gall, Sutton West, Scarborough, Agincourt, Shelburne, Toronto, Oakville, Port Colborne, Wel- land, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, N.Y., Grand Island, N.Y.. Conemaugh, Pa. and Johnstown, Pa. SIZES 36-48 NEW WARDROBE PERSONALS | Oshawa the Lee- Hibbard Chili. New guests at wedding in North York on Saturday included Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marlowe, Mr. and Mrs. N Verne Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. James Aldous," Mr. and Mrs Jack Stewart and Mr. and Mrs Mendel Smith. From Pickering were Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith Guests also attended from Kingston: Ontario and many points in neighboring states. Gloria. Ellis to Mr. Leon Miss Ruth whose marriage Keith Bowser took place in Albert Street United Church last Saturday, was honored at a pantry shelf shower recently at the home of Mrs. Walter Bowser, Gibbons street Assisting in serving were Miss Ray Bahan, Mrs. Donald Talbot and Mrs Wallace Perron Teas, birthday parties, wed- ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests and your own holiday plans are always of in- terest in this column. Write, telephone or visit the social de- partment with vour items of news for which there is no charge, Telephone 723-3474 Out-of-town guests at the Flett-Mayne wedding were Mr and Mrs. Donald Flett, Mr. James Flett and Miss Shirley Rogers, Peterborough; Mrs. Thomas Flett and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flett, Columbus; Miss Ella Flett, Toronto; Mr. Ger- ald Grundy, Kitchener; Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Keenan and family, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bradley, Whitby Mr. Laurie Bain, Agincourt, Miss Lillian Mae Marsh, Pat- ricia avenue, has returned from| a two-month tour of Europe dur-| ing which she visited Dublin and Killarney, Paris, Rome, Florence, Venice, Lu- cerne and Zurich, returning by way of Portugal Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chap- man were in Stratford at the weekend and attended the Sat- urday performance of The Can- vas Barricade at the Festival Theatre. Mr Chapman spent | last week in London, Ontario, attending an advanced course in theatrical direction conducted by Dr. Robert 1. Schneiderman | of Northwestern University, Ev- anston, Illinois, and sponsored by the Ontario Regional Drama) League, the Ontario Depart] ment of Education and the Pro- vincial Drama Council FRENCH LACE The old French seaport of Calais for centuries has been an important centre for manu- facture of lace and tulle. By ANNE ADAMS Smart pace-setters! Wear the brief, easy princess jacket with the front-pleated skirt one dav --vary it with the slim skirt next day. For now and Fall Printed Pattern 4922: Wom- en's Sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44. 46 48. Size 36 jacket and full skirt take 57 vards 35-inch fabric Send FORTY CENTS (40 cents) in coins (stamps cannnot be accepted) for this pattern Please print plainly' SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS. STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS €.0 The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario Fall's 100 bset fashions separates, dresses, suits sembles, all all new Pattern Catalog Sew for your elf, family, CA en zes n our colo 33 WATCH - FOR - IMPOR NEWS RELEASE SOON! TANT Nice, |= The bridal Mrs. Alan Garrard as matron WEI pill box hat in graduated | og shades of peacock blue, white| phanor and Jes Ge rald Bur acessories, and a gardenia cor-| I re gowned Injc,on Mr, and Mrs. Flett will| snow wiiite silk shantung fea-\;; oc a¢ 87 Oakes avenue in Osh-| turing scoop necklines and short awa | sleeves. The bell skirts were complimented by very full cut- away overskirts of the same Foet Sting? maybe it's | material gathered fo a wide e® ™ 9, ] waistband and secured in front, AT HLETE'S Foor . in va : : m swest when you have sore by a tiny bow knot Nestled IN| gat, Help your fest feel fit again by using their hair were shocking pink |Scoot--a cooling, sosthing foot cream. Re- carnations. They carried nose. |lieves fishing. buering, Rose gral an 5 effective fungicide that kills Athlete's Foot gays repeating the theme Of | fungus at Its source. Prevents re-infection. | their headdresses of shocking CRYSLER FURNITURE OFFER EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS ON CHESTERFIELD SUITES MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLES DIRECT FROM LONDON FURNITURE SHOW, UP TO Handy tube $1 at drug counters. 12 -- -1 GLECOIT | | SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. Specials for Mon., Tues., Wed. NEW CABBAGE" 2 r= 19° FRESH DAILY. FULL SUPPLY OF PRESERVING CUCUMBERS, 29+ BUTTER ™™" . 64° CIGARETTE «3.09 VEAL PATTIES ™" . 39° SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S FREE PARKING -- FREE DELIVERY ONTARIO 10-LB, BAG New Potatoes ® EASY TERMS ® FREE DELIVERY ® FREE STORAGE REMEMBER . , . You Can Always Do Better At, , . CRYSLER FURNITURE At the Corner of Celine and Athol Sts. 29.371 CELINA ST. YOUR CHOICE 725-6184 BUY NOW -- ONLY 3 DAYS BEFORE TAX DAY