¢ v= oonawA TIMES, Saturday, Septemmer x, vvel 7 HE SE ____ BALSAM $~Consult 2 | . ~ 9:15 AM. se, Stooges' : TELEVISION LOG) ci ie pier [FES _---- _- 3--Movie Long John Silver THEY'VE \ STOP CAN ONLY HOLD By MRS. LORNE JONES - 6-3] CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto =F layin Five HEARD SUCH | THE GUERRILLAS [PB , ° \ HTILE MPORIAN Ee BALSAM and MT. ZION -- WGR-TV.- Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo| -¥ Time 2--Yogi Bear CARRIAGE The Mt. Zion Intermediate "D" : 6:00 P.M UNDRED MING POOL | BE "THE MUSIC ROOM. THE TROOPS SHOULD : WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester bs 9 Whirl pasebail team) Inotored is Waar, . p : Chan n 3----Barri 6~Ni > CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto - CKVR-TV ol W dan ol Show 3Bert Chugehin club on Saturday and won 2-0, 5. Leven ony SHEETS Pd. The return match to be on Mon SATURDAY EV aL AM. ak Up ides VI ar sid 6--Father Knows Best wy evening; Sept. 4. od. Pal 3:0 PM. ne House BP: 6:30 rs. Errol Carson a a uss-Outete Bross | BH AM. i : ry S00 BM. fis da WE Stell are visiting at Ottawa with "3-torse. Racing' ay AE Adhd wy 6:45 P.M, Mrs. Jack Thompson, while Mr. s i Gard #0 | International Law ble Exposure vie 1962 , b i pt 4 1 : : Thompson is attending the fu- A hi, Bunty 9:00 A. S-Chot Huntley : rion me News: Sorts ' / 2 ih : ' neral of his father at Kenora. mM Amateur - S--Huntley Brink] : + ToriprIy Show 7--Window on the world Ama Hour 7--Lovi E-News aa Sports untiey Brinkley ¢ K y 4 = Mrs. Lloyd Wilson spent sev- » . Gallant 5--Casey Jones nM ty 5-2--Con, 3:30 Pv | 7: M. i 2 G 4 i) HR 3 eral days with her mother, Mrs. Ee on Hour |-Rarents Ask About Eo ryeisy $3 From These Roots [111 lave. Lucy : \ ---- -- Thomas, Galbraith, of Toronto A-THe Gatnolic, Hour Sengol 12:00 Jr Ni Do Tw Tout : Miss Lenora Jones of Clare } .M. C 'ours > ti--Capt. Andy and 4:00 P.M. 5--Victory At Sea mont spent a few days with her v ients wiv 11--Popeve With Capt. | $--News-Weather-Sports grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, BUZ SAWYER 5p Toth tl she Hideaway Men of Annapolis Cecil Jones. 3 : SW AM. S~Disuey "| Profents -- Weather; | S5--Danny Thomas . Ca 7:15 P.M. YES TIVE DON M ARSH + HH ? Wii VOL MUST HAVE LOOK Me a Mrs. Glen Manderson S--Christian Science | é--County Executive Spies P.M. «The Brighter Day ; STILL GOT THE | | TVE KNOWN HIM FOR MISUNDERSTOOD ) THERE'S entertained the family at a pic- Lamp Unto My Feet| E A. Rath J=15 pi. 2--Make Room For 7:30 P.M. TICKET/ HERE IT 1S/ HIM / NOTHING nic on Sunday, at their home. 2-Internationas - Zone | 3--Pivarce Cowtt teBpelkel of Wo Houst | "paddy 11-63-Singalong Jubilee - -- E EVER - WRONG WITH, Mr. Norman Lehman of Al- 10:15 A 11--Donna Reed Show 7--Number Please 52--The Americans ; = |wAs oNE/ > ME HEARING, tona, took the church service on 9--Glencannon 5-2--It Could Be You 4--Death Valley Days = = Sunday, taking for his subject op | 7S Walt Disney pre- 4--Search for Tomorrow 4:30 P.M. 8:00 P.M. "Belief". $--Youth and Relig sents 12:45 P.M. 5-2--Here's Hollywood |(1.6-3--Spike Jones Show Supper visitors on Friday eve- ning at the Jamieson home JANE ARDEN 7--The Answer 4-1 Love Lucy 4~The Guiding Light 6-3--Junior Roundup 9--Theatre nels Jerre © ol Rr Sr 1:00 P.M. 4~Edge of Night Pete and Gladys De Jamieson 2--Cartoon Playhouse HEY : were: Mr. an rs. Lewis Lo AM. Soe Meer" $--Free And Easy EVENING 183 Wille We're Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Man- 9--Around 5:00 P.M. 7--Surfside Six d 0 of 8 Round Table [US Navy Presints Cee Tgmple Show "Chios: Toe Millers | 1Family Theatre 53-Wells Fargo erson and daughter, Mr, sod = 7:30 PM H-43-Some of Those 0 SWORD 3 : Jon, D.C. and Mrs. G. Briggs of 11--Sea Hunt 2-The "sia i Days shawa. 9_King Ganam Show 11:30 AM. 3-Dona, Reeq CR 5 ; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson ~The Roaring | 7 --The Christopters ot The Post | m---- ) i spent Sunday in the northern S=T00 7 Buns, | 4-Cariera Turee 8:00 P.M. ACROSS 3.Let it . Sh ! Hen of Avayelis ee] Sltivan 1. Not the a ABCA] ; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones and | 9--Bravo Theatre Academy Pert winner (print.) iS i amily motored to Wiarton on | 7 ~Church In The | a= Aaten °™ | 6.Shot in Sn eagle 25. a ; - Saturday to see the Mt. Zion | 5--Rocky Jone: y P! OLA OIE A . | News; Weathers tad sid 11. Costly blue 6. Transport 4 ANI EIST ILL ? 17) ; ------ weekend with friends, 2nd of Sports 5 =a Hater Show I. Fortify 3 - Tempe 11--Movie Matinee MONLY 8:30 P.M. Mrs. Tommy Crist of Washing- it 4 s ie Twenties | 5--Congress 4--Dennis The Menace . on " country Home sa-National _ Velvet |. piliras 5. Sun god RIOAIRIEIOMAISIETA boys play baseball and spent the U--Father Knows Best 12:15 P.M 8. Vex age ALIA] oy I WORKED A LOT LITTLE HARD SOX RECALL SCORE 3-Two Faces West 4--Congress : ity -6:3~GM Presents 14. Bracelet 9. Single units 30. Potato, ; Ne OF NEW IDEAS CHICAGO 7--Leave It To Beaver A | 9--Academy Perform- WE INTO THIS (AP)--Herb Score, ave o Be 2:30 P.M. 15. Kettle 10. Apportion for the former fireballing pitching 2 Part UI Seal Man. 7--Sherlock Holmes 7-- The. Rebel 16. Blunder 12. Female one DRT star, will return .to Chicago White Sox after his San Diego 3--Sea. Hunt 6--Good Life Theatre' | 5.2_Mystery Theatre 17. Compass horses 32. More Yesterday's Agewer 9:00 P.M. | EE ne on [ OE Theatre direction 16. Formerly wan b fini ; i 1363--Great Movies Drama {rh Aco Jungle (abbr.) (archaic) 33. Bishop's 39. Travel ge finishes its Pacific Coast ol rence Welk 12:45 P. 4--Holiday Lodge 18. Threes, 18, Colors title (East) - 41. Mandarin apne et to San Diego May 26, Score has a 7-5 record. He had a 1.1 record with the 52--The Deputy {-Diva and 'Gos 10:00 P.M. in cards slightly 34. Plunder White Sox before manager Al ' 1--Mr. and Fig North 11-6-3-_Bringing Up 20. Great 19, Oyster 35. Golf S=AleD Lage Ticats [S-rorere i--Candid Camera 23. Conceal 21, Knock 38. Genus of tion Lopez sent him to San Diego to 8 _ Gunsmoke 9--Douglas Fairbanks | | 7--Editors Choice moon : RY pers, eralled by Chicago \ Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Tajepss MOUSE S--Featurama Canada File English shell stroke A--Have Gun Will Travel Sunday Playhouse soPhindn, Show actor 20.Donkey ~~ 37.Skidded 44. Exclama- 3--Boxing Be sects 10:30 P.M. 27. Holy person 22. Fib lly (slang) : : ! " improve his control. 7--Silents Please League 11--Debut This Week 28.0f the Nyy: a ] < WW, Others recalled by Chicago ! : 4 o y "i 10 F.M. Presents 6--Art In Action hr, AN oe I TSea Hunt 7--Premier Playhouse | 5--Hot Off Che Wire 29. Small : Gary Peters and Alan Brice, 4--Blue Angels 5--Tales of the Vikings | 4--What's My Line barracuda also from San Diego; outfielder 3=Butts Rood i P.M. { 3-Meut McGraw 30.To amuse Dean Look from Charleston of 9--Johnny Esaw Show-- | 6--World of Sport 11:00 P.M. 3 Spi ) the Sally League; and pitcher on | &=Burns and, Allen 11-; 3 Josllog. Ed Drapcho from Mobile of the 11:00 P.M 3--Popeye and Pals Weather: Sports . Lofty Southern Association. " 2 League | fn Th i ---- % 1-97.6-4.3--News: oY IA mountain GEE, BUT T HAVEN'T SEEN HER EAT) | | eHE'S EITHER ..OR SHEE WAITIN' Ea Weather: Sports 36. Presidential > p ' 2:30 P.M. --Late Sh GRANDMA A BITE FORDAYS/ ON A DIET... O' THOSE ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT- . 3-AVEY Habe: In #3~Good Lile Theat $=Nighe Metro wos: | gg TASKS LOOKS THIN/ E FOR-A DOLLAR GUPPERS AT TH SALLY'S SALLIES {1 M. | 5=~This Week's Worl « Max % 1 AR / Sports 1i--Rev. Oral Roberts [ 3=Movi 40. Kind of [ : -- 7 ummer jowcase . ake: Shtetro | s--Family Playhouse | : curled yarn 4--Late Sports | 3--~Canada File 11--Late Show 42. German 3--Movie 3:30 P.M. 9--Movie | river | 5--~Feature Movie 11:30 P.M. 16am 0%" | 4" starlight Theatre Lodate an © 4:00 PM. 'SSaturday Night 1163 Holiday Editon | {ime 'To Remember 4 ase ge 7----Our Miss Brooks JuNDAy starlight Theatre © | 4:30 P.M. 8-90 A 12:00 P.M. | 2-Tspoes and Answers | 1= News: Sports or Film Feature News: 5:00 2.0, | 3=Today ow li--Late News [Aa aka ne | 7--pBuffalo AM. Epilogue | Funnies | 4--Captain Kangaroo SJ WDA 1 9:00 AM, 8:00 AM. gt Pd #--Rin Tin Tin 2. Hodgepodge 2-This Is The 'Life 4--Accent; Winston §5--Coffee Break Pre-Fall SPECIALS Only At The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS! | peed written any pleys, lately?" FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT "9, LL) BRAKE ADJUSTMENT including park- LUBRICATE UNIVERSAL ) 95 ROTATE TIRES 1 05 FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS 1 05 : FRONT WHEEL BALANCE. . ing brake -- Check Fluid Level 1 50 JOINTS (Pontiac & Chevrolet) (5 Wheels). . anavsvasesn in 'Repack and inspect bearings He a THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. SCOTTY'S PARTS EXTRA © GOOD UNTIL SEPT. 30, 1961 266 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 723-4634 11--News. Weather: Wed righ reserved. "© 19, King Fratvres Syria, oie =HE DREW A MACHINE ME FRAN, YOU SAY YOU'RE THE LIL'S MEN APPROACH LAWYER LARKINS HOUSE... MISS LIL WANTS 70 SE& THE ARSENAL KX ENFORCER'S" FRIEND- os A YOU, LARKIN. FOSDICK?-AS SOON AS HE (4 THE POLICE. CHIEF? ~ LOOKS LIKE LARKING ak HE DOES LOTS or . HEARD THE RUMOR THAT | IL: ENFORCER"" WHICH POLICE CHIEF, STUL UP. READIN'AT THE "UNTEACHABLES" HONEY ?--THEY'RE ALL HIS FRIENDS 7- Sl LIl ABNER BARGAINS THE LONE pl SLIDING L-- I SAW SKEETER USING A IN WORK OR PLAY YOU SHOULD GOOD ADVICE, PA... AND SPEAKING : 3 IF YOU FELLOWS ARE SERIOUS ABOUT NO.5 IRQN WHEN HE ALWAYS USE THE 'RIGHT TOOL. OF SPOONS, .. WHY PONT You J 1 IMPROVING YOUR GOLF, YOU'LL HAVE SHOULD HAVE USED A MUGGS USED A DRIVER ON THE sz, ONE TO STR YOUR 7 } | R A K S TO LEARN TO USE THE RIGHT CLUBS... NO.3... FAIRWAY WHEN HE SHOULD HAVE a CoerEE!! Bo C Re BY A wt USED A SPOON... I ? ( fe oR 2 For Closet Sliding Doors. Complete with all hard- | ware. Uh APOE 3.60 5 ft. 3 sn... A830 5 YOU MEAN , WE ALL HAVE TO START OUR URES ) . a ACTUALLY p YOU MEN ARE TRAVELING E, DEAR: CAREERS SOMEWHERE: rE ------------ DON'T KNOW i [2 WITH A REAL V.LP. ARE YOU IN BUSINESS IN - : te ; DEVON, MISS JONES 2_4 ' Sin 4 A : : = ZU TAB LE LE S Ss g ---- 8 (7 : From 4" to 29" In matching sets complete with all hardware. Maho- gany, Birch and Walnut finishes. from 2.33 and up LOOK, DEAR, I'VE | | YOUR HANDKERCHIEFS, YOUR SHIRTS, . IT WAS MORE FUN YOU MIND YOUR y COME, DOKTOR, CASH & CARRY ORGANIZED SOCKS, UNDERSHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS AND DRESSING 'WHEN ALL OF PAJAMAS HERE -- 5 . uSness i WE MUST NOT & Building Supplies YOUR ; SWEATERS, DOWN WASTE TIME. OBOLOV OR ERNST, a | WN olf " ; wHY DONT You HAE NaC AS i SE : 1279 SIMCOE NORTH TANG More ream i i ' { 2 Open Daily from 7:30 - 6 p.m. PICTURE OF HILDAZ qr es RY | RY an : Friday till 9 p.m. 728-629" 52 ACTH DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES LARRY BRANNON