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The Oshawa Times, 27 Sep 1961, p. 27

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|30--Automobiles Wanted /32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 27, 1961 27 SPOT CASH |ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes. No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates PAID FCR sr JO free. Terms. Order Good clean cors. Trade up USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, 1 hp motors, or down. Liens paid dff. DODD MOTOR SALES $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- 314 PARK RD. S, 723-9421 (27--Rea! Ustate for Sale _ 27 --Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale wr ' ' ; LARC room custom built brick'8® PONTIAC Parisienne fou ba ight gp TOA nl Ane "with builtin stove and oven, hardtop, fully equipped, noi I three bedrooms resale:, wall to wall carpeting in diving and |AL Sade, amide apd outside. Te per cent i alumin'tr 1 [dining room, ceramic tile bathroom | . B bri e welldaii I+ (plus two other washrooms, fireplace 3 quiet, central, close to COL or Close" 10 Pog ry ~|upstairs and in finished recreation [32 CADILLAC, seqsn, Xadie, hii) ephone 728-5984 or 728-4401. | MAPSL T SCCE for "yourself. Pleiu ie room, split level entrance, outside en- 3200 br Des , seping 100m oa 728.4681. trance to basement, double Sarage nd or fu mation. = ot eee ee + = | l0ty of Other extras, si y residential. |... CHEVROLET deluxe, sedan parking f. . 52 CHE L WN -- Five.reom brick bign- 510,000 down and take over mortgage, ' t after 4. Sltles, Cane kien 2 Gouvenitees. picid DOWN oa and tile floors, vd w|i. money for Tele. Apply 567 Devon Street a er App Tontenat: 2 oil furnace. all conveniences and {a phone MO 83119. TUMBLER-FREE with $3 worth of FURNISHED bedroom and kitchen. all paoo gt. Eloi Avenue. No agent. 1..e: pr -- -- LE 'The Hilltop. Ope from FURNsnen very sentra), 2 Per | phone 725-8188, SIX ROOM hous, Sadecerated, ariie. a.m. until midnight h usekeep- | -------------- oi ce, 4 Sim- cu Bos ai. ci -- a Tas r coe School, bus and churches, Telephone '5; PONTIAC standard; 6. Very good ns - 7253770 or 723-3537 for inspection mechanically. Clean. Many extrac. Tele $600 DOWN buys this seven-room 27 --Real Estote for Sale phone , or 149 Burk. [ODERN on opp {brick home, close to downtown, in 800d 52 NASH Hambler, convertible, will he | 26--Rooms for Rent TWO rooms eompletely furnish , parking space. Apply 202 this galow. EE Produces Canadian Charcoal SOUTH RIVER, Ont. (CP)-- Practically every time a drool ing, apron-clad Canadian male FURNISH i Tight housekeeping | ou cl hospital. Telephone LARGE furnished housekee built-in cupboards and sink, ton, CO 3-2241. FREE wallpaper at Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper. Ready pasted and regular patterns to choose from. Buy eme roll, get one roll free at Edgar's Sale, 3/ King Street West. BLUE baby carriage, Thistle brand, 1961. Only five months old. Telephone | 725-3068 after 4 p.m. [SEWING machine, Singer electric port: able, excellent condition, $40. Ajax Sew. 0. p.m. other business. 3i--Auiomebile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- FOR REAL ESTATE near | DONS. SMITH | Centre and schools, excellent Joeatian, | op, HA morte Vickery Real Estate ! 728-62281 728-4879" Soni Bibel 00 per month will carry including inter est and taxes. Tel. 728.6896. 729 Glenfor- treet, Business Res $13,175--$1175 DOWN $12,700--$975 DOWN These ore for custom-bui'h homes only, featuring thas highest quality three-bedroo yn bungalow with oll the lotus t in new homes for eosy oul comfortable living JAMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 BUYING A HOMR?? If you"e looking for e wew home, or perhaps you've al- ready seen the one for ¢you we will assist you with extra cash for your down p ay- ment UP TO $5,000 | with to 60 Mo at 4 - SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY/ of Canada Limited] 29Y2 Simcoe 5 7348 6283 PRIVATE Six-room custom built home, storms and screens two fin- } ished rooms in basement, | two fireplaces, built-in stove, | oven, exhaust fons, neor all | schools, wall-to-wall carpet throughout nouse. 7253993 | SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? USE PHOTO CO-OP FOR ACTION CALL 728-5107 RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA sTEPHEN MACKQ REALTOR 187 KING ST. E. 728-4456 ROSSLAND AND STEVENSON AREA, better built ranch bungalow with attached garage in this fine resid enitial area, Large living room with stone fireplace, L-shaped dining roo. valence boxes and loads of cupboards and closet space This home is now reduced to ${il 6,900 Truly a good buy for a homey of this Immediate po session Up to Repay bo - room Three spacious bedrooms with fair down payment type See for yourself Please call Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd. 340 King St. West 3 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ¥ lus extra . room $1.000 down brick bungelew ph L attie, high dry basement Oil heated, monthly $75.004 or less if necessary Open for offers DONEVAN HIGH SCHOOL AREA -- S.room brick with, carport. tiled kath with Balonie: NH.A several extras 728-4661 6-room n . New home -- list price $13,850 Very modern kitchen, 3 good-size bedrooms vanity. Garwood $1,258 down mortgage 5% MORTGAGE--NORTH WEST Newly painted inside end out -- 5%%-room brick rau ch bunge- low with ettached gorage, 3 large bedrooms ra z-room == professionally landscaped lof. One block te shoprang centre, high, separote ond public school: J AFTER 5:30 CALL a ; '%. 4840 Don Stradeski 728-8423 Russ Reeves 725-484 Bil MeFeeters 725-1726 Henry Stinson 725-0243 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 KING ST. EAST Just reduced in price -- neor Adventist Missionayy College -- 7-room 1V;-storey home decorated throughew it with self. contained, rented, apartment upstairs (separate en trance), main floor consists of o large living room, modern kitcha n end adjoin- ing dining room, 2 good-size bedrooms and 4-pc- kathroom with sliding gloss shower doors. The furnace is brond -new and the jot is large ond well londscoped. New reduced g rice $11,900 with substantial down payment SENECA STREET i Trade in your alder home on this modem bungaile w or will sell for $2,500 down furnace FOR RENT in good district $90 .000 monthly 3.bedroom bungalow -- large and modern -- stovig October 1st ocuuponecy, frig, washer, Call S.reom apartment dryer $100.00 725-2191 monthly. AFTER | Drew 725-7610 John Kaq mp 728-2392 Dick Barriage 725-6243 Joe Maga 725-9191 Everett EM.iott 723-9290 WHITBY CLASSLFIED rent, SEPTIC TANKS /d'eaned. Walter Ward 204 Chestnut Phone MO 8-2563. FOR RENT -- |} acious three-roomed INT -- ree-room _self-con. 3€lf contained, = apartment, central, JOR RE cnt bi Mr. Say, 209 Parking. Reasomiil le to a good tenant Brock Street South, MO 8.5847. Telephone 653-447) NEW able now MO 8.2786. 5:30 CALL Marion THEREE-ROOM apartment. for very central. Would suit business couple Telephone MO 8.2398 SEVEN-ROOM his ise on % acre of love- Iy grounds, just two miles north of Whitby. Three "a'ry large bedrooms, four-piece bath, il heated, $12,000, $2100 down carrids) $90 monthly includ- ing interest. Call Helen Simpson MO dential area, newly decorated, laundry a Schatzman; Realtor Broek facilities Parking, close to schools, - . - children's playground. Apply 300 High HOUSE for sale, centrally located, all Street conveniences. sa; 'rifice. Possession No -- - - - vember 1. 339 Perry Street. MO 5.3884 FOR RENT: two.bedroom apartments, after 5 pm and 2100, in medern building; I -- refrigerators. MO 3391 -- with stove and ¥ efrigerator, other with STUDENTS! super value, approx) bed and chest, closets, private bath mately 630 sheets of ister size typing Available immediately. Apply 310 Kent paper (news priat) for only $1.00. Ap- Street, Whithy, ~~ * ply Oshawa Times Office. Whitby. yor RENT -. Two.room apartment, 1111 Dune Street West. ___ private entrancy: heavy wiring, built-in DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresses, cupboards and sink, $40 monthly. Tele. alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit.|phone MO B-7IRN7. ting our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO goo and Iiiard for two willing fo #2372. a share with sir 4 le beds, lunches packed FOR SALE Boys' CCM bicycle green and white, Boy's Junior CCM gu00"nOWN +/82,J00 full price six.room Lg om ay Cite Fir bungalow, screens, fenced. sodded, very good condition. Also Brownies |".ner_improve ments. MO 85428. outfit, dress, tam, belt, pouch, panties and tie, size 8. Apply 112 Kent Street. watch, brown, cord strap, reward. 313 THREE Targe room unfurnished apart.| MALY. Street §\ 'est or phone MO 8-4204 ment, heated. stove and frig, also pri- SPACIOUS nay vdern two-bedroom apart: vate hathreom. 210 Trent Street West. ments for rei. from $85. Call J. A Telephone MO 3.3160. $60 monthly Daly, MO 8.477 EXPERIENCED shorthand typist de. FOR SALE: | .ate model Crosley auto. sires two or three days work, per week. matic defrostd ng refrigerator: four ele Phone MO 3.5305 ment, heavy" duty Gurney stove. MO FOUR-ROOM ent, {Oe gane parly furnished, Ap- GROUND fYofw, two room unfurnished ply after 6.30 p.m 305 apartment w¥ h kitchen and bed sitting Trent Street West, room. Hydro, heat included: convenient FOR RENT av) .ing space. MO 8.5188. room house, garage and carport > SERVI 'S, Complete bookkeeping eonveniences. Apply 1339 Perry Street. service for small businesses, weekly, MO 83984 after 4 pm monthly or a 5 desired. Statements pre EH M-------- ~ pared, ineoryu s tax returns. MO 8.8252 GRAVEL - LOAM Cement, six-room house for rent, av Centrally located. Telephone FOR RENT -- $60 monthly, three and tour room apartments; balcony. Resi- TWO furnished J rooms, one complete apartment for all conveniences Mrs. Whitby two-storey ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top Baats, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, alse Power Tools, Garden and [av MC 3226 WILDE RENTAL BERVICE & SALES, WHITBY Gravel ond Fill Nea Drivew:y y Gravel Ye! y Nlondo ERIC «C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 . to Set n Equipment BR ~. ment | repair, oil heat, and low taxes, $9600 nome evenings. Bert Whyte, Maple full price. Call 728-5123 and ask for Bill Grove Road, Bowmanville. Horner. Lloyd Realty Oshawa Limited, Pi Realtor $1095. '57 CREVROLET four door n. -- em - radio, heater, whitewalls. This is a one- $1350 BUYS 50 acres wooded level owner car. Must be seen to be appre land. Pigeon River winds through prop- ciated. Nicol's Motors Ltd., 512 Brock erty. Good hunting and fishing. Suit- Street North, Whitby, MO 83-8001. MOTOR GENERAL REPAIRS. LETE BRAKE SERVICE TUNE-UP AND 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 le marsh farming. Call Don Strades- .;"yv A NGCUARD, good condifion, m a, Schofields, 723-2265. Evenings tires, $150. Apply 33 Colborpe St 423 = [East after 5 p.m 142. =~ ZONE Mib, large six room bungalow, ses pypL price. 'S5 Chevrolet s-door |; $10,000. Low down payment, low mon ih deluxe sedan, radio, ready lo go. Just | One ey ene Cal a Jeeds pRImL job. Cash, ig oF terms, after | : Nicol's Motors Ltd., 5 Sepes |Btradeski. at' Schofields. 723.2265 even- Mors oN 2ot) Brae | 8423. So i *s ape ---- or put - PRIVATE 59 FORD station wagon, A-1 299 RICHMOND Street Bast, fon tue, condition, power steering. power breaks. T storey, six rooms, bark brick, paved Three speed automatic, radio drive, large lot. Excellent buy. For AP: | heater, MO 8.3006. pointment to see or terms, telephone ---- be ---------- W. R. Elliott, 728-0581 or Holmes Real '52 FORD, rebuilt transmission. recent motor job, excellent tires, Estate, 725-2: 4 3500 DOWN, three fo choose from, sro a aaea lc: Asking $150 owner will consider car as down pav- - - - 2 ines on two bungalows, s'tuated on CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car Harmony Road, storey and half on radios. lowest prices in town. Try Do. Somerville. Immediate possession by minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West, | VAC calling Bill Millar 728.5123. L10yd warDTOP, '56 Pontiac, 8 cylinder, ole, Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor automatic, radio. etc. Reduced to $995 00 CLOSE to Lake Simcoe, 200 acres, '3 for quick sale. Nicol's Motors Ltd.. 512 GI bush, '4 farming land. will eschang. Brock Street North, Whitby. MO 8.8001. | sw for bungalow in Oshawa, near ShopPing says WILL huy a 5) Cheveolet two. Centre or sell. Write Box 349 Oshawa door sedan. Just traded in, runs like a kT imes Nicol's Motors Ltd, PRIVATE sale North, 'Whitby. bedroom brick doubles garage 725-5270. abl ki 7. cond pi i ete, sewing machine - storey and half. five. 512 Brock Street veneer, oil heating, |8-8001 : 29 Eulalie. Telephone 5" MORRIS Oxford, excellent body. nearly new tires. in good running or- ATT sale. Whitby bungalow $9500 der. $200. Telephone MO 8-2528 oo full price, three bedrooms. sewers: Zar | ing PONTIAC Strato-Chief, light metal. | |age, near schools. Immediate posses: jie green, four door, automatie, 7.000 lete, sion. Telephone 655-3990 miles. Very reasonable. 725.7809. p FOUR-room frame dwelling, Sewer, ss pONTIAC four door sedan, xood water and hydro, located Bloor Street $125. GE smal] range; East Full price $3,500. Telephone storm windows. 90 shad age. 728 1 PRIVATE condition erator 725 UNFINSHED house for sale, H C3595. "55 METEOR tudor sedan water, Maple Grove, on hall acre lot paater near school $4500 cash or near offer or Motors consider good tenant. Write Box 401 Whithy 9stiawa Times #0 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, ho 60 LKSWAGED eluxe, sunroof, PRIVATE radio. leatherette, all extras. paved driveway, aluminum storms, relephone 725.1777 after & pm near schools and bus, $11,200. om phone 725.8158 after 5 FOR SALE -- White frame winter cellent for commuters ized cottage on lot. Manchester across! phone 728-2039 from White Rose Station. Hydro, MO po ER hy TAKE your choice. '50 Morris 8:429% or WH 23143 Mis 52 Plymouth sed 49 De |joeg ---- ---- - | Minor; 'S ymouth sedan or * i $800 DOWN -- private six-room, three. sedan. Nicol's Motors Ltd., 512|ihec Soto bedroom. two-storey house, gas heal. ' Brock Street North, Whitby. MO 35-8001 ing, lot 40" x 212", 155 Burk Street sind WORTH it to the last penny THREE-BEDROOM ranch type home. tiac V-8, radio. signals. windshield wa Hardwood and We flooring. Four-piece ers colored bath, All decorated. Recreation Arp! room and two-piece bath. Oil heating, door laundry tubs, garage, asphalt driveway - . Three years old. Ill-health reason for 1951 PONTIAC. exceptional sale. Apply 216 Chadburn Street dition, new tires, radio, two-los np pce. matic, hardtop, $200 cash. Telephone $2,000 DOWN. New seven-room split- | 728.2758 CAS level brick, tastefully decorated, ap. ... . . .-- i ton praised $13.900. Will "sell for $10,000, 1952 CHEVROLET with new tires, radio, 5g balance one 6 per cent government. Stal covers, paint job. Excellent condi. ,,. 725.1343 y ¥ "%1"an throughout. Telephone 728.2688 any. °°" . , t: SIX-ROOM three-bedroom brick ve- neer bungalow, near schools and bus. Sacrifice $13,000 Cash to 721 Private 507 Dean Avenue Must be sold. Price $395 Telephone 728-1890. TWO storey frame house, with six rooms: large yard: newly decorated in side and out; heavy wiring and gas Telephone 725-6934 refrig- pap BUSI radio, | nog Ltd. 512 MO 8-8001 Brack Street North, son ~ Three-bedroom bungalow Private, | gsi One owner Private, Tele, line until " |men! South, side SEL y 184 Simcoe Street ood con- fone, auto. abn opin pint t * coach, body, motor and Jor . meat covers and yg hit "54 Laurentian Pontiac, excellent condi. wa. tion, low mileage, Arthur Street '61 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, black 348 engine, 3 by 2 carburetor, 4.11 |posi-traction, three.speed. Corvett, trans. -- mission, radio, white w wheel | VAC dises. Can be financed, 725 part et -- | teed | Ren BUYING OR SELLING SEE | vice | TED CAMPIN | MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Rood) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 BUYING OR SELLING | "EDWARD DRUMM" LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., 101 Simcoe Street North 728.5123 SPECIAL: -- $600.00 DOWN On this four-bedroom brick | house, Oil heating, low taxes, | close to schools. Asking price | $9,400.00. See this ex- | treme value by calling Ro- lande Tierney, 725-5207 or | Howe and Peters, Realtors shee! ers, | Law! Trade your boat en a cor-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe ot Conlin Rd. RA 12 Open evenings or weekends VOLVO Most dependable The leader on the road and track JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Riteen 5. 728-092} THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS 3? Fa MUST SELL HOME, CENTRAL. PRICED AT $8,900. $1,000 DOWN BALANCE AT $75 MONTH LY. HAS NEW MODERN KITCHEN, LARGE LIVING ROOM, 3 BEDROOMS, 3-PC. BATH (TILED). HOT WATER HEATING WITH OIL. HOUSE HAS INSUL SIDING, GOOD GARAGE HEDGED LOT PHONE HENRY STINSON 725.0243, SCHOFIELD ASSOCIATES, ---- Stor 6-ROOM eral USE' B. F free Clevs "Before You Buy -- - 32--Articles for Sale PIANO, upright, in A-1 condition, riced. Telephone 723-4245 for (information dresses, |Evenings MO MOTORCYCLE erinoline with hoop VICT overhauled jate model, $119. Terms $10 BUYING or disposing of u 5 K Str aopliances, etc Telephonic | want Wing Stwet aDpliane x Ideal car for someone. Nieol's 13:00 quantity bags. ELECTRIC oven, i Volkswagen, nine-passen. sonable A-1 condition. EX- \xyMBER free with $3 worth of gaso | TYPE "URNACES, 'ss pan. FURNACE h. good condition, $395 cash. Private. zac 470g ~--|frigerators, stoves, can be seen at 373 cine iot B. F + leries, vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543 INBOARD engine, 4 AWNINGS, REFRIGERATOR, stove and CONBOLE television, {wo drapes, white background, pair table lamps. 569 Masson St., 6.30. | 'elephone 728-8587 for Information and BOAT, equipped with controls, paddles, (lights, horsepower Elto and trailer, MO 8.5156, y 3-8 p.m. Telephone SMITH Corona typewriter, In perfect windshield and Jife jackets. 22 ition, almost reasonably further new, UUM cleaner. Viking 500, 214 vears good condition. Offers. Telephone 476 for further details. 'S white fur coat, dresses, skirts, ers etc. Sizes 4 to 6. Also girl's Jumbo sweater, coats, skirts, like new 723.2798 '52 Vincent, 1000 CC. 4.000 original 728-1394 Brides-to-be! ow, Like new ENTION mile- $18. original price, Like new. Apply 76 Bond Street E WNIE uniform, size 10, fully com ,» scarcely used. Telephone 725 OR 21" television. completely month. Meaghers HEL hampers, one thousand, al t new with tops {i "ceded. Also of potato and turnip Glecoff Supermarket 174 Rit Road South stove, pushbutton, Viking automatic oven, timer, warming timed plug. New condition. Rea 725-4955 at The Hilltop. Open from 10 a.m midnight ITERS for students. Guaran- standards at low prices. Bill Ham . Ashburn, Brooklin forced air, ten year guar §2.25 per week, no down pay t. Package deal $130. Telephone LING furniture? We'll buy it. Re. TV's, washers, planos. etc. For top cash offer contact rince Street. Phone 728-1131 register with 10-key electric multiplies able tax control but adder, subtracts Like new, snap. Also typewriter 4434, a ELECTRIC sewing machine, "Arrow" ble, good condition, never used, ielephone for further TYPING paper on sale, letter size, e newsprint, buy in bulk lots and 2 Ib _pkg $1.00, 9 1b pkg. $2.00 ion Department. Oshawa Ti GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat Kelvinator refrigerators, tele UUM cleaner repairs. all ma s, attachments, brushes, gua . rebuilt machines. Estimates free tals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser 728-0591 anytime TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground ts, rentals. Oshawa Hardware, 8 {Church Street. 723.7624 |TYPEWRITERS, 'cash registers, add sales, service, new, used. Bill | Hamilton, Ashburn, Brooklin HP, cheap, St. rence, in good condition. Telephone 728-2333 for further information | PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 |All colors, 'guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osh. awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church | Street. 723.7624. | TENTS, camp cots, sleeping ba terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 48 {Bond Street West, 725.6511 Best Terms to e, 723.3271, 444 Simcoe South. trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683. D tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. Goodrich Stores, 725-45 canvas. Prompt estimates. Chair, table e Fox, 412 Simcoe North mervice, "OR Rawleigh good health products hone 728-5888 VHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car radios only at Parkway Street North. Your authorized RCA Vie tor service depot for Oshawa | RM windows 3414" x 56"; 22" x 44" x 40; 144" x 37%". 81 Central uth ashing PAIrS Discount Furniture Mart, 84", gp size 11 to 13. Phone PAINT A v Wedding for more 726 console, $99. All sets guaranteed. Me particulars, FOOD & FREEZER mes | used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniturs FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib-| For further i11i'ormation call MO 8-2500 -- Lady's pink gold Gruen wrist LARGE FAMILY SHERIFF A Realtor Drastically reduced for quick sale. Owner has purchased other property. 3-bedroom brick bungalow, neat as a pin. 2 years old. Just fine for small family or couple Now only $11,900 with $1200 down and payments of $88.00 monthly which includes Principal terest and taxes. See yourself - call now spect, 25 ONTARIO ST PHONE 728-1473 After hours call Jan Miller 725-2993 Sid Goodfellow 723-7335 Jack Sheriff 723-3775 only In for to in- JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD LTD Simcoe Realtor 167 Office Hrs. 2 am. to 9 p.m $900 DOWN $9200 Insul stone, 5 rcoms end sun- porch, 2 bedrooms ing, full basement, private drive, good qarage Call Mr, Ratcliffe, 725-6544. RESTAURANT Downtown, Owner. has and must sell $8,900 with To at Insurance oil heat- good turhover, other interests Asking only $2,000 down inspect coll Mr. Siblock 725-6544, /2 HOME Shopping Centre location This is fine brick with 3 baths, one on each 2 basement aportm $3.000 down and one long-term mortgane, For further details Mr, Zurba, 725-6544 728 0569 a home floor; roon call or ODREBR Arranged, Bought and Sold Members Mortgage 28--Real Estate Wanted soms land, Oshawa, Bowmanville area. Will do repairing. Trade for hun {walow, Write fe Box 344 Oshawa Times, | Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-4741 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 TRADE-IN YOUR OLD CAR! If your car needs repairs perhaps it last you ean borrow the it in shape or trade on a new ane. We will be pleased to lend you money for any worthwhile purpose. Drop in tomorrow ond discuss your floen in complete confidence. From $50.00 to $5,020.00 SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY of Canada Limited 292 SIMCOE § 728-6283 or 3 on it's legs money to put tn 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers cars for wrecking 25-1181 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Cor to "Ted" Talk Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725- SALL CASHS lean cars we deal up or down. "Liens paid off ARGE home ix or more bedrooms, NICHOLS MOTOR SALES L} wi 512 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY MO 8-8001 nt Highest prices paid ~- BICYCLE machine, all for $2490 or best offer. Will sell separately. All In good conditi 725.2962. on $10 DOWN. Take over payments on a Singer sewing machine 728-2391 for further details CRESTERFIELD and two chair and turquoise colors, good tage, $25. Telephone 723-9504 -- CCM Girl's full size, n 1960, used very little, like new. 725.3 [) - 5.30 p.m ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm Windows and Prime windows and doors only $40. Install Conada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable price. Cal I ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure all- channel antenna, all galvan ized, guaranteed | year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond 5t. East, 728-6781 with | SALE | NOW ON Now is the time to replace those draughty wooden doors and windows with the 'best Aluminum-products sbtain- able Reid Installations 725-4344 WRECKING OLD BANK BUILDING KING AND SIMCOE §T5 ALL MATERIALS FOR SALE Stone, bricl steel beams, stairs doors, oak flooring, oak panneling, french doors, plumbing, hot water ectional boiler radiators, pipe, lumber every description job ST. CLAIR HOUSE WRECKING CO. LTD, windows square of Salesman an Telephone win condition, | suitable for recreation room or cot.| ow 581 | { ing Centre, WH 2-6561 or MO 8-5467. places a steak on the backyard barbecue, this town's economy ANTIQUE furniture, walnut sofa, chest, bookcase, chairs, china cupboard sideboard. s, dresser mirror. Street East. UNPAINTED furniture or at $13; chest of drawers, $18; vanity er, $19; 20 reet DISCOUNT prices on quality bedding. --- Smooth.top mattresses, better quality, just regular $69.50, discount price $28; con. (recently tuned. Price $275 or best offer. tinental beds complete with legs, $24; | foam flake pillows, discount price $1.39; wagon- r £119, Dis spring-filled mattresses, $17; wheel bunk beds complete, regula discount price, $76. Ed Wilson" count Furniture Mart. 20 Church Street, . Modern twin beds, double Apply 151 King discount prices. Bookcases $3.99, student's desks, dress. large desks, $26. Ed Wilson's Church gets a boost. Almost all Canadian charcoal is produced in South River, a small community south of North Bay that bills itself as the Charcoal Centre of Canada. More than 400 people turn out sacks of charcoal at thé Beaver Charcoal Company. Hardwood unsuitable for lum-| ber because of flaws is shunted into the company's yards where it is dried for one year. Then it goes into 12 huge ovens where USED furniture and appliances cost Simcoe Street South. 728-4873. We buy and sell less at Superior Resale, 140 Bat tenor saxaphone, very dition, student forced to sell. 725.4265. Ask for Bob. CTRIC razor 3 service, Sunbea: ELE R Schick, P Meagher's, 5 King Street West. Tall kinds Sale hours 4 1051 prices 6 p Paint Company black 728.3622 con ep) i A + Ron. son ete. Cords, cutting heads in stock, it is exposed to extreme heat while being carefully kept from direct contact with the flames. Wood tars, alcohols and other residue are burned off, leaving ,jonly the basic heat-giving ele- ments of the wood. Then the red-hot charcoal is wheeled on] Manufacturing | Metal carts from the ovens. To prevent it from bursting] into flame when it comes into] CHIP truck for sale. fully equipped, contact with oxygen, the cha riced particulars. TELEVISION General pletely overhauled $69 y Electric co; Phillips hers, 5 King Street West Call Elmer, 2204 experience. COlfax 1 PRIVATE SALE entir of Houeshold Furniture MAY BE SEEN AT 281 MARY STREET T.V. TOWERS 40.ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized Guaranteed one year OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 361 m 2 ag | sed furniture 30 years ~|sifted, packaged and shipped 728-7602 | coal is immediately placed in| - | sealed steel coolers for 24 hours. It is transferred to a second set of coolers for another day. after _{which four days of air-cooling . complete the process | The charcoal is crushed. | ~(CP Wirephots) PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better tor less, 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pre. ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. Ne down payment. Call now for demonstration -- no oblige- tion. Zenith 9-6100. LATEST MODERN DESIGNS In living room drapery me- terials -- 79¢ a yard end up. Bedroom dropery in satins and rayons , 1.49 and up Kitchen drapery materials. . Err ass vnensns 096 UP Drapes made to order by ex- perts at nominal cost. Also a selection of ready-made drapes aot discount prices. ul M & C DRYGOODS |= 74 Celina Street 723-7827 OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS TV, 918 Simcoe ~~ Lt. Col. Paul Garneau of | Scottish Regiment in Windsor, Nothing is wasted Vapors) Montreal (left) looks over | ont. Lt. Col Garneau is co- (given off by the distilling pro-| news stories about the famous | grdinator for a return trip be- cess produce oil and tar used| pieppe landing of the Second ing planned for 1962 in heating the ovens. Charcoal| world War with Major Ernest {dust is compressed into briquet- Wilson of the Essex and Kent fes, popular with many outdoor|___ % chefs for their long burning (although they do not provide as . wis deli" " Slides Shown At Suggest Look | { i Area Shower At Divorce Law By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT |awa General Hospital, on Sun- HAMILTON (CP) -- Elliot R.| BROOKLIN -- A community|day, September 17 Funeral Pepper of Toronto, Queen's shower was held on Saturday|Services were held on Tuesday, [proctor of Ontario, suggested evening, attended by a large|September 19, at Gerrow Fu. {Tuesday that it might be algroup of friends and neighbors, neral Chapel, Oshawa, Inter. {good time for an official review|at Spencer School, Brooklin, . [ment at Groveside Cemetery, (of the province's divorce laws. | mp. gathering was held in Brooklin, | He told the Men's Canadian honor of Mary Suzanne Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. R. Butler, Ciub that many people are|dqaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd|Montreal, are enjoying a vaca- {clamoring for revisions to the/Sianley, whose marriage to] tion at the home of their son, {Divorce Act, which allows di-|Styart James "'remblay, son of{REV. A. M. Butler and family, vorce only on grounds of adult-{ny and Mrs. Fred Tremblay, of| Winchester road, Brooklin ery. | Whitby, was solemnized on Fri-| Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Spencer Because of this force of pub- day evening, September 22, at/were guests on Tuesday at the {lic opinion it might be a good|Brooklin United Church by Rev./home of Mr. and Mrs, Carl time to look at the act, he said,|S. J. Hillier Spencer, Toronto although he would not venture] (ing presented from the com- Speedy recovery is wished for his own opinions on the issue. |... nity included an aluminum Mr. Percy Hawkesley, admit. As long as married people sandwich tray and pair of bou-jied to Oshawa General Hospie could not dissolve a union atl doir lamps tal following a heart attack. will within the law, there would} "always be a temptation . . . to obtain by some device or pre- {tence the relief which the law, -|denies,"' he said. During the preparation of re-| Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bunker, « freshments, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kinsale, were callers on Mon- Lee, Brooklin, entertained the|day at the home » Mr. and Mrs, group by showing colored slides Arthur Elliott. : _iof a trip to Nova Scetial™ 08 and New Brunswick. S » 0STS t 0 TAPE, Fonsoes {AP)=Tye{ WOMENS INSTITUTE utte vwners it administration has re-| Owing to numerous altera-| Shy ue a ruling that any of{tions and renovations made at| ant uyers its 700 women bus conductors|the Township Hall, Brooklin,| [who get married will lose their/the Women's Institute meeting] VANCOUVER (CP) -- Many jobs. The agency said married scheduled to be held on Wednes-|0of Vancouver's posh and costly women "are likely to become|day afternoon, September 27,. at|seli-owned apartment suites are expectant mothers and this con-(2.30 p.m. will be held instead, 20ing begging for buyers. "For dition is incompatible with their 3 the basement of ona road. {are going up of "for sale" signs ins." ¢ Library, o ond road. " arduous duties." . --r Y: op VD The self-owned apartment, the PERSONALS buyer of which has a say in Welcome home to Miss Alice|running the apartment block, Olver and Mrs. W A, Ormiston was introduced to the Van- |after two months' vacation spent couver area 15 years ago. Now at Olver Island, Point-au-Baril. [there are so many that vaean- Miss Kathleen Hilliary, To- cies have forced the builders to ronto, was guest for a few try renting them days at the home of Miss I, B., There are more than 2500 Mowbray. such suites in the Greater Van- Congratulations to Mr. and|couver area. Real estate men Mrs. Ron Gambell (nee Loreen| Say many building companies GENERAL TRADES IMPLEMENT SHED SELL | | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th, | 1961 comrLere sate or MOST ANYTHING 34--Lost & Found LOST Wallet, containing $60, foundland auto licence, identification. Between Whitby. September 15, Reward. , New. black leather, | Oshawa and | MO 8.3078. FOUND -- Bond coupons Patte's Paint and Wallpaper for identification. 35--Legal as IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. IN THE MATTER of the CHANGE OF NAME ACT, being Chapter 49, Revised Statutes' of Ontario, 1960 And IN THE MATTER of an Intended Application by GARY ROBERT ODERKIRK nee Gary Robert Douglas. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that Robert Oderkirk will application to His Honour, Judge . Alexander C. Hall, Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario un- der the provisions of the Statute cited above for an Order changing | his name from Gary Robert Douglas to Gary Robert Oderkirk; AND TAKE NOTICE that said application will be heard in the Judge's Chambers on the 20th day of October 1961 in the County Court House Whitby, Ontario, at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as the appli- cation can be heard DATED at Oshawo this 18th doy of September, A.D. 1961 GARY ROBERT ODERKIRK, nee Douglas 504 Colborne Street East, Oshawa Gary make Solicitors IAMES .A. MACDONALD Barrister and Solicitor, 286 King Street Wast, Oshewe, Ontarie, | ment | | ONTARIO HOSPITAL, COBOURG, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- ERS properly endorsed, on forms supplied by the Depart- ment, will be received by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, until 3:00 p.m. (ED.T) on for the General Trades Work { (no Mechanical or Electricol Trades required) which in- cludes the demolition of the existing hen house and the | construction of a new Imple- i Shed at the Ontario Hospital, Cobourg, Ontario. Plans, Specifications, Tender forms, Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements, may be obtained from, or viewed at Room T704 (Tower), De- partment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Build- ings, Toronte 2, Ontario, (Emp. 3-1211, Local 2.2943) and may also be viewed ot the Builders Exchange at Oshawa and Peterborough, Ontario, A $1,000.00 Bid Bond and o 100% Performance Bond will be required es specified Tenders will not be consid ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the terms and conditions os set forth therein A Deposit of $2500 CASH or CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be refunded if documents ore returned in good condition . within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise forfeited to the Treasurer of The lowest er any tender not necessarily accepted I. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works. Ontario Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. September 22nd, 1961, Stanton) on the birth of a son,|2re operating at a loss because on Tuesday, September 19, at/0f vacancies ranging as high as Oshawa General Hospital. 50 per cent The suites cost buyers from Pleased to report Lloyd Brad-|g19,000 for a small, one-bedroom ley convalescing at his home, , 8 |apartment to $95,000 for a pent- after two weeks' stay at Oshawa house. Rents will run from $140 |General Hospital. to $300 a month. | Sympathy of the community] Despite the glut, more sich is extended to the Mowbray|apartment blocks are going up. {families, on the death of Ora-|A $1,000,000, 13-storey apart- |villé Stanley Mowbray, at Osh-{ment building has been com. 1 sessed ----------Ipleted in West Vancouver. | 'MAJA' BANNED | Another 36.90 000, 13 - sforey ERIE block with ultra-modern con HASTINGS, N.Z. (CP) Hig Po veniences is nearing completion lice here caused a stir in art|in the same area and will sell circles when they told an art|cuites anywhere from $68,000 to dealer to remove a print of thels top of $95,000 each for two {Goya pa inting "The Naked| penthouses overlooking the en- {Maja" from his window. After|trance to Vancouver harbor. {protests came from artists and| Those renting suites are being {gallery officials, a police inspec- given an option to buy later. {tor said the print should be But tenants are hard to find shown within the gallery where| because there is also a glut jonly genuine art lovers would | of cheaper, unoccupied rental {see it. In Spain the painting|suites in regular apartment has been reproduced on postage (blocks which have mushroomed stamps {in the last few years MERRY MENAGERIE Walt 1961 Dies Pr World ts ¥ q sans

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