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The Oshawa Times, 27 Sep 1961, p. 2

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ee ite i \ ma mm | 1 WO Debates Lengthen Legislation He » Sidetrack Session To 173rd Day ic Failure OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com-, 3. Three measures recently tem is Mr. Fleming's "moun-| OTTAWA (CP)--The Liberals mons hit two political potholes|passed by the Commons were|tainous deficits," Mr. Pickers-\were unable to sidetrack gov-! on the road ot prorogation Tues-/approved by the Senate. They|gill charged. It would change|ernment legislation in the Com- day. concern increased funds for{nothing to have the taxes im-|mions Tuesday for the first rail- One was the bill financing the|loans for housing, sewage dis-|posed by say, the Manitoba way to the Northwest Territo-|: Pine Point Railway -- passed/posal systems and university|legislature, and collected by Ot-/ries but their Senate colleagues| over Liberal objections that|residences; an overhaul of the|tawa. signalled more criticism of the|! | public money will be risked in|Civil Service Act, and machin-| But Mr. Fleming would be|measure, a way that will benefit the priv-jery for observance of Canada's|able to say he had '"saved"| Agreement in principle, but|: atelyowned CPR without anyjcentennial in 1967. $2,000,000 or $3,000,000, '"The|reservations on detail, materi- solid guarantee of return of the) Topping the ( OIONS Spends yy yister will go around boast-|alized in the two houses, both money. today is debate on an internal|; is i i i { The other was the bill financ- committee's proposed changes, 8 that Lar le the kind Nghe ong ra $0 ing the provinces--the new tax-(including one revising the me It is a cheap olitical dodge » day or two k distribution and e qu a lization|thod of debating private mem- Walter ap X (NDP--Peter- Liberal MP: ete defeated deal, labelled by the Liberals bers' bills and resolutions. : . re MPs were deleate fr po ry on 5 rr . |borough) said the Conservative|136 to 30 in an attempt to sus- _ |as "a political dodge" that will . Then it's back to the Domin- overnment in the new propos- d legisiati ti | |benefit Ontario at the expense|ion-provincial tax bill. gon oS vevealed an "Historic pen Poin i act.on on the of other. provinces. {WOULD LEVY TAX 'blind spot" from the days when Th iy 2 ay 30 in thi Inconclusive 'debate on the| The bill would require the Sir John A. Macdonald viewed ote hen Jost 3 23 ny e new Dominion - provincial tax provinces to levy their own per-| {he provinces as merely big mu-|rp CCF New D Teacing. {deal Tuesday night sent theisonal and corporation income! picipalities : The CCF-New Democratic Party Commons into a record 173rd|taxes, with Ottawa doing the, 15. .. iq : group, after siding with the Lib- sitting day, at least one more ting if they wished, dur.| He said the federal govem-|erals in many of the earlier ar- than government House leader,|ing the five - year period that ment has given up certain fis- | guments on the issue, voted with Veterans Minister Churchill, had| starts next April 1. cal powers to the provinces and/the government. foreseen last weekend. Main objection of J, W. Pick- may be i a very serious Po In the Senate Tuesday night, RETR ITN AV ersgill (L--Bonavista - Twillin. Sition" when it comes to adjust: |second reading -- approval in SEEMS UNLIKELY gate), chief opposiiton critic of|iN8 the - economy. Fiscal "and|principle--was given with reser- Prorogation before Thursday now deal was on 8 change| monetary policy would not be Vatlons BY oral members .lin the equalization system by five, nha _|who hold a big majority in the Other developments Tuesday: | op. = less - wealthy prov-| {upper chamber. The bill goes to FINAL FLIGHT FOR DAG |, Trade Minister Hees, in, le ar wires: : Sere commie shu ob. | Fig ape colt of he | Tuesday ater 8 inal eu | at Upp, some 50 mis "FTL SEL ll Flori ca or PrOPOSING rxenss rans | DIES IN SLEEP 8 Ki J] tary-general | the Swedish capital. House that more than two-thirds : Hs bids 0 siti . re late Dag Hammarskjold is | to the UN secre from the Swedi I : US| He said the srs of the pposition centred on ex-| wh 1osded aboard airliner -at | LY the Rhodesian government. | AP Wirephoto via radio |0f Canada's export market injHe Sad, engi Bh pressed fears that the 438-mile] Charles E. Wilson, 71, for- received in Detroit by Gener. The body is being flown to wer p {the United Kingdom will be * se condemning it. Shorter railway, from Grimshaw in| mer secretary of defense, | a] Motors, the corporation he [northern Alberta to Hay River| died in his sleep at his plan- | =o poo 404 Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, | Stockholm for burial services | from London) riously affected" if the UK.| {and Pine Point on Great Slave| tation at Wilson, La., Tues- | eosin | / % | adopts the Common Market tar [the federal treasury an extra iff system. $17,000,000 next year, he said. | Debates Lake, will provide more benefit| day. News of his death was | --(AP Wirephoto) {seemed unlikely. The new scheme would cost| Final approval was given fo iopiosould get $18,000,000 to the Canadian Pacific Railway| ee . Pati Waning Testi i to 351 Quebec and Newfound- / no | 7 . | a 1ence aning es 1 185 jand divorce bill which for Jute nd the thee $1,000,000. OTTAWA (CP) -- MPs in fu- et from $75.1 Trading Future 2 p iting com- : f months had been awaiting | This was far from what On-tyre sessions may have to do|000,000 to $86,500,000 on present | » ti y P H Friend] iti Tp cessfully be.|tario had sought in extra reve-|some faster talking on their pri- estimates. The government will nn 0 um 1a an hind the scenes for a way to/nue. The result was that retir-lyate members' bills and mo-/loan the publicly-owned Cana-| meet CCF objections over di-|ing Premier Frost announced ations in the Commons. ~~ |dian Railways the funds to build WASHINGTON (CP) -- The] However, it would be made vorce-bill procedure. irce pas arent Sales MAX 125 3 The House rules committeeit and the main immediate cus-| e858 a] n erms United States is slowly losing|clear to the Canadian govern- 0 ccuse - ---- memoria Ee proposed Tuesday to shorten|tomer will be two CPR com-| atience with Canadian delay in/ment that unless Canadian ra- 8 & hy {the periods for such debates, panies. ARVIDA >. (CP)--Defence hopes to mak ther trip t p in: : ion i : i 2 /ithout reducing the total time, | : » Que. (CP)--Defence hopes to e another trip to ratifying a joint treaty to har-|tification is obtained, the United jn ponmo (CP)--A smartly t | BLAMES DEFICITS winows reducing t1e 4 on| Consolidated Mining and|Production Minister O'Hurley|centre that in future Canada ness the huge Columbia River|States would withdraw from the Aesstod wonan of 50 testified] £ yers and to limit speeches. on Suen | smelting Company of Canadalsaid Tuesday night the future of| for power and flood control. [treaty and seek to develop al-im camo "pot che kept up a geoasions to 20 minutes instead yi i104°at Trail, B.C., which is|Canada's trading interests in|Must be prepared to stand on y y {controlled by the CPR, holds a|the British market will depend her own feet in a world that is Qualified informants said that|ternative projects to meet the .. ooo. Jv +16 n ship with a a . . : a o y 3 z : g One effect of the change 3 , ? : i a Bnadian federal provincial stewing power shortage in younger man after the man had lose Two Americans Woe Try port at A & | majority interest in Pine Point|on the terms Britain negotiates becoming more competitive ev- squabble over the $458,000,000 northwestern states. been accused of killing her some debate on private mem-| Mines Limited which has huge|for its entry into the European ery day. iead-zinc ore deposits at Pine|Common Market. project is not settled within a] Before such a step is taken,|q. opiar | I G J . e ueb ) | 8% " PRAT oT ities. 'w g|daus . | | m bers' bills and motions often far 2 : jew outs, Be us nay insist US. aporities Youd kin Bh Mrs. Dorothy McDougall ap-| | n er an dal down on the agenda, ene | Point. | He told the Canadian Club of t anadian government com. las \ the trial of Lowel uar e BERLIN (AP) -- Six persons they die at prorogation without] "It's a calculated risk that the|the Saguenay the British gov- 4 a A Dros ,--to| peared at 4 Pele is Side DE theiay gain 3g at Casing air.| (Guy) Widdifield, 38, charged) lincluding two American stud- ever having been discussed in|people of Canada will feel that|ernment has assured Canada cation: of the pact ferences with the B.C. admin. With capital murder in the rifle] KILWEZI (Reuters) -- The ents and a Briton, were sen-|the House. the government should enter|that it will do everything pos- HOME. oe cation, they figure, istration and prevent destruc-| Slaying of Donna McDougall, 14, two most closely - guarded tenced by an East German| Specifically, the proposaljinto," said Transport Minister sible to maintain its present will allow the United States to|tion of the treaty. (at Mrs. McDougall's summerimen In Katanga province today court to prison terms Tuesday would wipe out the eight spe- Balcer, engine ering the bill trading arrangements with its Means More with roceed with construction of the] Among some U.S. experts, cottage south of Keswick last are the flyers of the littlelon charges of attempting to|cial days now earmarked at the|through the Commons. Commonwealth partners. Proce jt Sons bb is Ds 18 opinion seems to favor a settle: June 25. Fouga jet which single - hand-\smuggle women out of East|start of each session for private | "To the degree that it is suc- CARPET is a in ment on terms proposed by Ben-| Mrs. McDougall, who col- edly played havoc with United Berlin into West Berlin. members' business -- six Mon-| ' cessful in persuading the Com. qa tie haggling be. nett -- a revision of Canadian lapsed at one point in her testi- r ions forces during recent] Victor Searles Pankey and|days and two Thursdays. WHO S TO SELL mon Market countries that this On The Floor nier "A.C. Ben. federal policy to allow ~long- mony and caused a brief ad. /Hghtn 2 here, Gilbert Page Ferry, both 20, of| The equivalent amount of should be done, our trading in- 4 iors "of surplus Cana-|journment in the trial, said she Reporters saw one of the fly- Tustin, Calif. were sentenced to|time would be provided in 40 THE SALESMAN? terests in the British market will If you can't afford a te iofenbaker's | diz w U.S. buyers. The received letters from Widdifield ers in this West Katanga min-|two years in prison. They were one - hour periods between 5 ; * remain unharmed," the minis- new home give your ster Diefenbaker's dian power to yers. The I' i TS I Alans | 's. Tues.| LONDON (R aid. "T give y Diefenbaker administration is|while she was in hospital re-/ing town Tuesday but were not charged with trying to smuggle and 6 p.m. on Mondays, Tues-| LOI N (Reuters) -- A ter said. "To the degree that it present home a d to this, maintaining Ca-|covering from wounds in the permitted to speak to him. |a gir] through Communist con- days and Wednesdays. This British public relations publi- lis unsuccessful, our trading in- "New Look" with employ the most influ ential nadian power should be devel-|chest and left arm. : He is 8 fim, spare Belgium- trols in the luggage compart-|would not affect the other pri- vation, wants the public rela- (terests in the British market 15 + N means possible to get Canada oped mainly for use in Canada,| She said she had visited Wid- borg South Alvican ealied Deu- ment of their automobile. vate members' hour already ex- Viens industry Po hire a full- | wi) he damaged. carpets from Nu- to complete its side of the treaty|to attract new industry anddifield regularly until August, ey a iE inn: ar ping yi En on hindi dig relations, % hades role i OHutler Seid the goyorn ID oy. Choose fom Ta 3 al sion. indi : ; 8rey ne ' + s+» 113 days ag y > mast Ger- so prese y | ri bs : ment is following Com Mar- ie largest selection Baran, rans mas bp PRIME, pep 1100 ht her ennai with" "uh "iw i HE A HE Eh nt oi oP nan atari in the ESE AE Conon Rar BH Le "igmatum. Officially and pub.|a big market in northwestern | him since the slaying had been South Aftican Air Force during|was barred to an Associated tinue to fall to the bottom of | current issue, said the public doing the 'utmost to ensure that | lily, the U.S. government main.|states which can absorb all sur-| friendly. the Second Bagh War, is inipress reporter by Communist the list if debated inconclusively| Yelelions of public relations |canadian interests are safe- Jiiy: the U.S. 205 policy on Ca.|plus Canddian power. While] Mrs. McDougall testified that charge of the French - made gythorities. in any one period. But with| needs improving. | guarded." ' U- ay fan. interns ii | ' sed export price|she lived with Widdifield, 38, Fouga twin - seater jet. Also given two years was Jo-|more periods of debate pro-| The editorial said there c 0 : ic andi. nadian internal politics. Bennett's propose I p { hii a The Fouga was the mainstayic ! 5 ; bes es vil seemed to be a wides d | Mr. O'Hurley told his audi -- of five mills was considered *a|earlier this year but they had Nga was mainstay seph Collett, 30, of England, vided, conceivably many could| seen widespread |". "ic 0 obec aluminum decided to live to-|of the Katanga forces during|charged with having tried to/be debated more than once--| Jeeling Smog British MPs |; c.. "oarlv next vear > ug 0. iat .punlic_ relations Pople Informants said Mr, Hees, 174 MARY ST. ittle high," there were indica-|split up and Sauangs i : little hig could be gether again about a week be- the eight - day battle launched|smyggle a woman in his sta- something which rarely hap- ! Z were using "dubious methods" M tions a firm deal | i IN 12 Hao peo i To |S! | Identity Plane worked at just below this price. |fore her daughter was shot. by Ine IN 12 aays ago 18 3 Bidition wagon. pens now. en I who has just returned from & yanted her ELD Ox ' roWeelk tri : C h Vi - ay bo vig ted itld She sala She with her but|the rest of The Congo "Complaints have heen [\WO-Week trip to Ghana and five | e officials sugges aug ' 1 > The 1; Ohe ' ; 5 i i Western European capitals, ras 1ctims |woule be economically feasible| that Donna had refused if Mys THe lie Jlzhe flew sorlies INTERPRETING THE NEWS Mede Bum URCHONS riick p aprass,| TORONTO (CP) -- Two 34-|for simultaneous construction of| McDougall "continued to keep won Bea Aid a] Sy ani vp hg ht year - old RCAF pilots werelthe Columbia and the Peace that man" under her roof. |, 70" ng Boies Weirated UN ' ° about free trips abroad," it | d Monday night when their|River power projects. There| On the night of the shooting, Toadquarters in Elisabethville said J f TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY -33 jet iner crashed in a|would be sufficient markets t0|1ast June 25, Mrs. McDougall|\y." Katana capital causing owe 1 e ""One would have thought | wooded field 10 miles north of|absorb surpluses. said she was awakened by the yy representative Conor Cruise that PR firms would have T ; an Toronto. Some attempt to persuade the sharp crack of the .22 rifle. |G prien of Ireland to dive into been only too eager to answer | 1 4 6 1 A X E S CAF officials in Trenton Canadian government to revise| «y gnrang from the bed," she|y ditch. . these criticisms but they have Tuesday identified the victims|its approach to the power ex-|...q «pom was standing in the] Deulin sits in the back seat Ol | 1 TOI | 11S maintained a stoney silence up || The second and last instalment of 1961 TAXES as Fit. Lt. James H. Johnson, port issue may be ade when| om. His eyes were wild." of the plane, navigating and to now." : | { 'hose parents live Sastend. | James sec- : ; a Te Te Dan a a on) Undersec Mrs. McDougall was wounded commanding the flights, In| po gAROILD MORRISON gvment that Western powers ARE DUE on or before Sa ri Ry Minist TE De Fulton. Jugice the same night at the Keswick|front of him sits a scar - faced) 0.4 p Staff Writer reed t ke West German P E I Gi 1 Di MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd 1961 3 ose Je 1d three chil-| Minister k. . Fulton at » po- 4 had b o nn iA a ont anadian ress 2 |agree 0 make es ermany = x : A cottage. aman called Magain, who| p. °° tung det: aide . SON am Cine 1 Wtas i 1r 1€8 n was RCAF publ dtl gr iy agree-| She testified she was told that actually handles the controls. i den le, sve Geran y Slie in Inter. ' ' ficer for the Toronto area. Both|ment to develop the Columbia Widdifield had a drinking prob "tions appears to have contained/of a NATO membership deal, After Car Crash TAXES may be paid ot the TOWNSHIP OFFICE were stationed at nearby Downs-| was signed last Jan. 17 and ra-|lem but that she had never seen " a willingness to compromise|the prospects are for a settle | COLUMBUS, ONTARIO or at riew. the destination of thei fifi dbythe US Se ate March! evidence of it | o 2. But ciong y rital | ment along the lines of inf | HAMILTON (CP) -- A 18. : view, the destination of their|tified by the U.S. Senate March - | no er 1 with the Russians on the vital ment along the lines of informal| yaar - old girl from Summer-| THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, light from the Lakehead. 16. | The trial continues. German issue. {recognition of two German] ide. P.EI. died in hospitall re -- = ---------------- - 04 | tates sige, ha isd Sp! | 27 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO | | Kennedy had to speak cau-(S Bios 1 Premier Khrushchev | Tuesday: three days after she mn Art, Jewels [einer mmm, ie 0 ont more of cour He a, red in ® tafe sec PENALTIES WILL BE ADDED TO UNPAID | ' |gaining po sition before the| Wants to oul 2x yest Belin Donny Dymet, who was work- TAXES AFTER OCTOBER 2nd, 1961 | |Rast-Wes ap ions .{from a possible closer link-up Streetsvi ras i . 'Robbery {East-West negotiations get un- pos I |ing at Streetsville, was in a car GEORGE FARNCOMB, CLERK AND TAX COLLECTOR northern doesn't tween Pr of ish Columbia and|term export of administration. While the U.S. may seek to OPpose |der way and he did not want to|With West Germany and there- that failed to negotiate a curve, | |give the Republicans a chance| fore has suggested turning itimounted a boulevard and) Columbus, September 22nd, 1961 i . [to accuse him of appeasement, into a free" city--its freedom |. ashed into a light standard. | PALERMO--Two new thefts| p.i in fact some elements of guaranteed by the presence of yn critical condition in hospi- |of art and jewelry with an es-|, easement may be involved {token Soviet and Westernjia) is Ronald Hunter, 17, of] sg. timated value of more than Pp ag ay fuze ty ,¢| troops. |Streetsville. Lester Fulotte, 21, | Fort 152,000,000 were announced Tues-| Despite all his warnings that ------| described by police as the| '|day as the world-wide rash of|the United Stause You a {river of the car, was reported art and jewelry robberies con-|INg to eng. recovering from injuries. tinued with unprecedented War to protect the freedom of} ury u es idk TL i a : - scope. West Berliners, Kennedy is | N M 0. ine 1'ass 1X ure plaron Gabriel Ortolandi di Ware that Jie average a war. M d | ow Many Wear Jordonaro, 53 told police thieves |""* ' 4 | Contains: 359% Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, escaped with 23 paintings, ce.|much less a war that doesn't] ur er, | FALSE TEETH | Creeping Red Fescue, Highland Bentgrass. ramics and antique silver from result from any direct threat to) | his villa on a outskirts| American territory. | . . With Little Worry last weekend. They were re-| Those close to him say he UicCl e yoy (Ak, Jug on sueese wiehous | 148 80¢ Yo.LBE 7 50 ported valued at nearly $1,000-/also is aware that, despite talk] sipping or srovbling. PASTEETH . § | g £ LEE are | 101d > ws merle 3 of North Atlantic co - operation| SARNIA (CP) -- A five-man foriubly. This pleasant powder has io FOR THE BETTER BACK LAWN OR BOULEVARD At Monte Carlo in Monaco, |and strength, there is no cohe-| nv onar's jury" ruled Tuesday gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. masked bandits made off with sion and determination within py" {har 3 middle - aged] (emma Chee Lin Al : gems and watches Monday in athe alliance to fight a wari, o.. ang her 10-year-old son| (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at one-minute jewelry store rob-|simply over German political were murdered Sept. 9 by the drug counters everywhere. 0 hal { bery, taking objects valued at/boundaries. women's nephew : I- -- : y : 9 4 : more thar $1,010,800, the store | ye) ENCOURAGEMENT | The jury's verdict said Mrs. | ON A LAXATIVE I [4 177, L/7 $8 En : : 4 manager said Tuesday. Thus, while Kennedy empha-|Evelyn Moore, 45, and her son MERRY-GO-ROUND? . Baron di Bordonaro said the| ized that the West is prepared Danny died at the hands of take MR Tonight... Tomorrow Alright! 16 CELINA STREET 723.2312 WARMING TREND IN ONTARIO thieves took only the best of his >" Thomas Crawley, 26, of Sarnia, For over seventy years, NR . .. Nature's | RA RA i lain ihe to use all its strength to pro-| h A | . . | -- paintings, including works by | ect West Berlin, 28 who later committed suicide. Remedy . .. has been giving folks | "Garden Supplies Since 1909" WEATHER FORECAST scattered showers and much Titian and van Dyck. la [refrained from giving any en- Coroner Dr. Douglas MacKin- pleasant, effective overnight relief. No | cooler Thursday. Winds west to| ~ |couragement to West German) ley told the hearing Mrs. Moore rest! no sudden ity. A de- | | |was "definitely raped" during| R all- laxa southwest 15 to 20 today, be- -_ ™ al G a. 4 ' laxa- ots No Religious [i.e Comin fi ih, Sod wiih a Sk dm y r. C. N. Partington, pathol-| Helps you | : coming north 15 to 20 and gusty "hur: . ' tpr, C. h S uniy, W armer | Thursday. Kennedy's personal represent-| gist at Sarnia General Hospi feel better... | and look better! | C R A | . ° '] | Western Cochrane, northern P ti ative in Berlin, Gen. Lucius|a] testified he believed Mrs {White River regions: Cloudy ersecu on Clay, has already made clear|yoore died fighting and the boy! Recuiak + CHOCOLATE COATED » JUNIORS | ° . {with showers western sections the West Germans must come|yn.s strangled when he came { With Some Rain |today. Increasing cloudiness fol- In Russia |to understand two German iid SI in the Moore | FALL PROGRAMME 1961 {lowed by showers eastern sec- | ates exist and Jil contime tol hackyard. } The following programmes are being offered by the C.R.A. years ad. | and The Oshawa Recreation Committee Forecasts issued by the Tor-|day, becoming northwest 15 to| tions. Temperatures today much| , BRANTFORD (CP) -- There|®X Dr. Partington said Mrs. onto weather office at 5 am.:(20 and gusty Thursday after-|like those Tuesday, but turninglis no religious persecution in| But most of what he had to|Moore was first knocked uncon- if Yi ' TIRED MILLINERY SQUARE DANCIN Synopsis: Cool air which has|noon. {much cooler overnight. Cloudy|Russia and such stories are jus was obscured in the lang-{scious. He guessed she must ou re ART adult) Q '4 pushed into northwestern Onta-| Niagara, Lake Ontario, Hali-| Thursday with showers in south-|propaganda, a Russian church. Ua8€ of off-the-record remarks have revived, at which time she ALL THE TIME POTTERY #5 CERAMICS WRESTLING rio will continue to move in a/burton regions, Hamilton, Tor-iern sections and intermittent man said Tuesday. which became more deeply ob-fwas strangled. WOODWORKING ( ladies & TABLE TENNIS southeast direction and byfonto: Sunny and fairly warm to-{rain or wet snow in northern| Rev. Dr. Yakov Zhidkov, 76, scured by weak diplomatic at-| Police went to Crawley's home| Now and then everybody gets a children) men: adie JUDO (adult & Children) Thursday night will cover most|day. Sunny and a little warmer sections. a vice-president of the Baptist tempts to deny them when they that same day but he refused) "tired-out" feeling, and may be ARTS & CRAFTS (children WEIGHT LIFTING of the province. The invasion|Thursday. Cloudy periods and] Marine forecasts valid until World Alliance and president of pn. directly attributed to/to let them in, as they forced| bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- BALLET (children) ( ING will be accompanied by wide-/scattered showers in the after-|11 a.m. Thursday the Baptist Union of the!' 125. ; Mave | the door they heard a shot. | ing seriously wrong, just a temporary COPPER TOOLING & ALUMINUM CAKE DECORATING spread: shower activity. incon. Winds 'sonthwest 15 i t Seopiis IER G7 lio} i. a. In line with Clay's remarks| Crawley was found dead, a condition caused by urinary irritation or BOX-LOOM WEAVING p y 2 s » ex-| Lake Huron and Georgian US.S.R., said religion is as|zng with a rather significant|12-sauge shot round his| bladder discomfort. That's the time t ETCHING ; Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, cept light overnight. iBay: Winds southwest 15 knots|strongly respected in Russia as|yse of the wi rd i sition. | sauge STi gull Work In 'is take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's b re Lake Huron, southern Georgian | Timagami, Algoma, eastern|shifting to southeast 15 to 20 this|in Canada. IKennedy in his Un 5 ini said: | sat " incomplet te in which| stimulate the ys to rr this Bay regions, Windsor, London: | Cochrane, southern White River, (afternoon and to northwest 20| Dr. Zhidkov, visiting here dur-| "we To is that Foops 'and he admitted Killing Mrs. Moe | condition which may often cause back- Sunny and fairly warm today.|Northern Georgian Bay regions, [to 25 'overnight. Fair turningling a two - week tour, said the|tanks bi for a time, keep aand Danny lay ne by nd | ache and tired feeling. Then you feel Increasing cloudiness Thursday, Sudbury, North Bay Sault Ste.[cloudy. Showers northwest por-|Baptist church is growing in nt on divided nst its will ; Craw lev's wife Judy was one! Detter, rest better, work better. Get followed by showers in the after-| Marie: Sunny and fairly warm|tion this afternoon spreading to|liussia and now spreads its ir however gO nwise that policy of two Wi omen who found the Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the noon, 4turning cooler Thursday today, becqgning cloudy with|south and southeastern portigns| fluence among 3,000,000 per-{may be." "bodies of Mrs. Moore and her blue box with the red band at all drug CALL C.R.A. 725-1111 eveniag. Winds southwest 15 to-|showers tol'ght. Cloudy with| overnight. ¥ |sons. | Despite the West German ar-|son. i counters. You can depend on Dodd's.g0 "Parklawn" "REGISTER NOW ! Limitations Must Be Set On The Number Of Participants CLASSES WILL COMMENCE EARLY IN OCTOBER Far Further Information and Registration

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