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The Oshawa Times, 27 Sep 1961, p. 4

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PREFER MALE MC for a BBC television program LONDON (CP) -- Paul Max-|for women. Officials say women well, 39-year-old Canadian actor|prefer a male master of cere is to provide the commentaryimonies. Bowmanville HS Has Swim Meet By MRS. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE -- The High School held a swimming con- test at Cream of Barley Camp undér supervision of Mrs. E. Michailovits, assisted by H. Lewis and Mrs. H. Jeffrey David Milne and Murray Wal- ker acted as officials. Winners were: breast stroke, junior girls -- Dianne Biggs, Carolyn Meadows; back crawl, junior girls -- Betsy Phillips, Carolyn Meadows; crawl, jun- ior girls -- Virginia Slemon, 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 27, 1961 BECOMES COURT ISSUE Nothing In Writing To Take Blood Test BOWMANVILLE (Staff) night that a sample of my blood If a doctor takes a blood sample had been taken." from a man without his permis- Magistrate Baxter said he sion, is this sufficient grounds thought Szatmari's evidence for an assault charge to be laid "typical of that of an injured against the doctor, if: accused involved in a car acci- The doctor is unsure if he has dent -- loss of memory". --|key in the gas cap," the police- man continued. Upon arrival at the Bowman- ville Town Police Department| the accused motioned with his hand and elbow. "I asked him if he.wanted a Lik "LOW RENT HOUSING SCHEME IS OUT. INED a Low Rent Houses | "Wentto Fair..." Bowmanville Plan, BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A low rental housing project may become a reality in Bow- manville if within three days, 20 requests are re- ceived by the Department of| Commerce and Development (Housing Branch). official went on to supply de tails: the _next/ BRICK UNITS | With the financing carried over a 50-year amortization pe- { ma inville riod, the brick units would either of rural design or semi- be | detached. "Few Drinks... raws $30 F ine | BOWMANVILLE ff) - "We went to Pon faly and had a few. drink William J. Mall ey, Scugog Bow told Magistrate Baxter in ar p arge of impaired drivi the man's consent and under-|blood test. He said yes. Around standing of the purpose of tak- ing the sample. Some aspects of the blood test 8.30 p.m., off we went to the hospital where Dr. Sylvester took a sample," added the con- Addressing Mr. Lovekin the magistrate continued: hearing this man I find it hard to believe that in an open "After |gi Dianne Biggs; rls -- Jane Oliver, relay, junior Dianne Biggs and Anne Ferguson. Breast stroke, senior girls -- [fence was Leslie Szatmari, of court you have made allega- tions implicating the doctor. Taking it. one step further it might be said that some people would think Dr. Sylvester a servant, an agent, or even an ally of the police. I am satisfied that prior to conducting the test, the doctor satisfied him- stable. Under cross - examination by defence counsel Richard Love- kin, Dr. Allan Sylvester said he was satisfied that Szatmari wanted a blood test, but that"he failed to secure written permis- sion from the man because "with the language barrier be- for police use were aired in Bowmanville Magistrate's Court Tuesday in the case of an Osh- awa man charged with drunk driving. Charged with the June 3 of- Athol street east, Oshawa. Magistrate R. B. Baxter re- served judgment on the case {until Oct. 10. | Ronald Luke, the driver of a lear involved in a head-on col- lision with the accused's car on | Preston road, told the magis- trate that after seeing a car coming towards him on his g| (Tuke' s) side of the road, he | switched sides. "So did he," IL uke. { A Bowmanville Ontario Pro-| | vine ial Police constable said he [found Szatmari in a state of un- {dress: "bare 'feet, blue cover- {alls and no underwear" "Looking for liquor, 1 asked him to unlock the trunk lid of his car. He tried to insert the | testified Mr. | after pleading to a charge of days in jal guilty, I guess" ing what it was he would be signing something he didn't understand". "In any case the only stipula- tions made by the Attorney- General's Department are that no alcohol be used to swab the arm and that the person gives the sample on a voluntary |basis. I have never obtained a s jeg direction," Dr. Sylvester sald. Mr. Lovekin contended that since the doctor's moral obliga- {tion (to ensure complete com- {prehension of the significance of the test) had not been fulfilled, here were grounds for assault, The accused, under -cross- examination by Acting Crown Attorney Harvey Brent, said he remembered nothing of the test, and very little of the accident, "I only asked the policeman [impat red driving Aug. 30. if my own doctor --Dr. Miklos self that he wasn't taking the test against the wishes of this| Margaret Rahme. Margaret Pickard, Evelyn Hughes; back crawl, senior girls -- Margaret Pickard and Lorraine Brock; crawl, senior girls -- Margaret Pickard and Margaret Corden. Relay -- two teams tied--Margaret Cryder- man, Leslie Ewert and Mar- garet Pickard; Lorraine Brock, Corden and Ileen accused. Frankly, I disbelieve the evidence offered by Szat- mari." Mr. Brent, in summation, said the results of the test indicated 2.1 parts of alcohol per thou- sand. "An amount, upon past cases, drunkenness," he said. Mr. Lovekin raised a general question of service of notice, and on this the case stood still. On this point, judgment was reserved until Oct. 10. which, based indicates HEART REPAIRED Highland, | Tap, Baton | Twirling REGISTER NOW IRENE HARVEY ACCM, RMT, C.D.T.A, NBT.A, 424 KING ST. WEST PHONE 725-6122 Sandra DEE John VIRGINIA GREY JULIA MEADE we Cecil Kellaway Beulah Bondi Edgar Buchanan Gigi Perreau Juanita Moore Screenplay by OSCAR BRODNEY « Directed by MARRY KELLER Produced by ROSS HUNTER + A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURE [iz seon LAST DAY: 'NO LOVE FOR JOHNNY" (Restricted) VANCOUVER (CP) -- Judy Chivas, 17, rejected by the air force because of a hole in her| heart, had the hole sewn up| "like you would darn a sock," | The 52-year old warehouse They are built with up to five/man was fined $50 or seven| Constable M. C. Joynt, of the RL [days in jail after pleadir 1ty | Bowmanville Town Police, told Rent would be geared to in- io 'the charge in Mag ¢'s| the magistrate that while driv | come; tenants' rental would be Court Tuesday. ling off-duty on Highway 115 he {20 per cent of gross monthly > observed the somewhat erratic income, at a minimum of $30 Sowsianile Town, Polis course ("just missed a large per month. [te agistrate he investizated an transport truck and a couple of The three level finance break- accident in which a cat driven Cars') of an auto driven by federal by the accused had sideswiped | Mosley PIO-| another car. The policeman and a fellow | an n ' fficer stopped the errant ve- Malley he found to be 'un. |officer i steady on his feet and heavy|hicle and asked the accused to in speech." step out. ; ADULT In the same court, John E.| "He almost fell out," testi-| ENTERTAINMENT Mosley was fined £100 or 15! fied Constable Joynt. f Now Playing ! EET BULLETIN St. Gregory's Young People's Club Z A YE: 246 4 & ANOTHER STEINBERG MONEY SAVING NATH DOLLAR SALE ~could be summoned," Szat-| © i mari said through an inter-|said her father, Douglas Chivas. | preter, Judy was in the operating room 'Somebody told me Sunday'3%4 hours. In town to plumb the feeling| of citizens and hand out ques tionnaires is attractive Miss] Lynne Wallace, a. DCD repre- sentative. "We started this study in August, because statistics indi- cated a need for low-rental housing in this area," Miss Wallace told The Times Tues-|down is the normal: day. |government, 75 per cent; "But due to people being away vincial, 174 per cent; on vacation and such, we did|municipal, 714 per cent. \ not receive the minimum num-| Miss Wallace stressed that ber of qualfied applicants." the low-rental study has noth- And how many eligible fami- ing to do with any commercial on Rin i io Senta "I am here, not to sell houses, roject? but to find out if Bowmanville p wp . lied Miss Wal- residents, including senior citi- wenty," repli iss Wal-lzens, want low-rental accom- lace. odation. "We build a minimum of ten| "So far the response has been units; therefore, we need twen- | surprisingly small for this proj- ty families to say: 'Give us ect -- it is amazing.' lower rents." | Questionnaires may be picked re MELINA "THE APARTMENT" Jack Lemmon. a) THe re ne or Delvae - = GE ANTE © LAST TIMES TODAY eo "WAKE ME WHEN IT'S OVER" "CRIME IN THE STREETS" (Adult) Gong ris on = Sovemment Inspected. Ontario's Top Qualty Inspected - Ontario's Top Quality The pert young government up at Bowmanville Town Hall. Ajax Has New SUN,, OCT. 1, 9 P.M. MATCH'EM WITH [kkk kkk hk RRR RE RRR Rh hhh kkk kk kk® Pat Riccio's Orchestra CHRISTIE'S PLAIN OR SALTED SAVE 11¢ ge. / vi AT St. Gregory's Auditorium | PREMIUM CRACKERS _ 1u no 3/41 SIMCOE STREET NORTH | KRAFT PLAIN SAVE 5¢ { CHEESE WHIZ 8 OZ JAR DAVID'S BAVE 5¢ 3 / J | | PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT SAVE 17¢ $ | DEL MONTE DRINK ozmad/ °0 BRIGHT'S SAVE 11¢ 3/41 48 OZ. TINI FIG BARS 118. PRG. | APPLE JUICE Choral Group AJAX (Staff) -- In keepingjover a period of four or five wih the fine musical tradition | months, each year, to present a of Ajax, a group of musically-|major choral work to be per- | inclined citizens have formed|formed in Ajax for the pleasure | themselves into a choral group. |and inspiration of its citizens. On Monday seven representa-| EST | tives of the Ajax Community BOO) IA that there is cone] Choir appeared briefly before siderable musical enthusiasm in Ajax council to elaborate on its CUT town to warrant the forme. plans for the future and to seek ton. of this group. KINSMEN THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO FRIDAY, SEPT. 29--8:30 P.M. Pork Loins LEAN 'N TENDER RIB END 3 rounn avizace | OIN END council's moral support and pa-| tronage. Formerly, the new organiza- | tion wrote to council announcing | "In discussing this with var- | ious people it is quite apparent | that, given proper direction and support, a choral group in ex- 8,300.00 TOTAL PRIZES INCLUDING HUNT'S CHOICE HOLE APRICOTS SAVE 11¢ 28 OZ. TIN /1 | ORCHARD KING FANCY SAVE 16¢ $2700.00 SNOWBALL JACKPOT (56 Nos.) 1961 FORD or $2,000. IN CASH PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE KINSMEN the formation of the choral | cc group and its intention to ad- dress council at Monday's meet- ing. The letter states as follows: "We, the undersigned, have great pleasure in announcing to you the formation' of the annual project to be khown as the Ala] only be a wonderful choral ac- wOIINUMLY 0M tivity to the large number of | This choir will be formed | people participating, but also an asset for those, in and out of town, who enjoy and derive pleasure from listening to great New 0il Furnace music. In United Church "We further believe that peo- By MRS. H. M. RICHARDSON |Ples' enthusiasm is such that no PONTYPOOL -- The mem- | outside finances will be required bers of the Official Board off, this project. =~. the United Church here met in| ) t io To but n the Church basement recently|3 Place to rehearse but we are {happy to report to council that th 3 : With Rev. George Richardson as| | the Recreation Committee is do- ng its utmost t vi The new oil furnace has been 8 50" Ge provide us installed. |GIVE SUPPORT The treasurer informed the «we would respectfully ask members that it is paid for.ithat His Worship, the Mayor, There is to be a door to door|ang the Town Council grant us visitation in the next few weeks. their moral support and patron- Mr. Richardson then read ajage in this undertaking." part of the last will of the late| The letter was signed by Mr. John Wood in which Mr. Wood|J, O'Neill, Mrs. M. Harman, of 100 voices will quickly Se eDalize, and indications even suggest that there would] be instrumental activity as well. "The town of Ajax is becom- ing noted for its activities in many spheres and we believe that this choral group would not 48 OZ. TIN SAVE 5¢ 24 OZ. JAR SAVE 30¢ 118. PKG. SAVE 16¢ 300'S SAVE 8¢ 100 FT. ROLL SAVE 3¢ 20 OZ. TIN SAVE 3¢ 15OL TIN SAVE py 150Z TIN SAVE a 11 OZ TIN SAVE 5¢ 20 OZ. TIN SAVE 5¢ an a 5/1 a1 an 5/1 meson 5/51 5/1 6/1 6/1 "6/1 7/1 TOMATO Juice PICKLED BEETS SHORTENING GLAMOR PAK PINK, WHITE, YELLOW FACIAL TISSUES RAP RITE '2¢ OFF" WAX PAPER SPAGHETT poo RED "PITTED CHERRIES ORCHARD KING CHOICE BARTLETT PEARS MANDARIN ORANGES ORCHARD KINO CHOICE TOMATOES ORCHARD KING CHOICE (NEW PACK CUT GREEN BEANS _ 20 02, TIN VAM CAMP SAVE Wey / BEANS with PORK Hr 15 OZ. TIN GOOD TASTE CHOICE SAVE "7 GREEN GAGE PLUMS voz m 7/41 LOMBARD PLUMS norm d/ 1 VEGETABLE SOUP SAVE 8¢ 8 [IVE ORCHARD KING ASSORTED wor. m § CHOICE PEAS 8/1 "merc CREAM STYLE CORN 8/ SU THE TER varones "G8 SAVE 16¢ 15 OZ. TIN WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF TWO 4 OL TUMILERS SCHWARTZ PREPARED MUSTARD STEINBERG CALIFORNIA FINEST FLAME TOKAY GRAPES 3s. 20 eA 39 &. GREEN CELERY a Qc CALIFORNIA SUNKIST SWEET & JUICY ORANGES BONELESS ROLLED FRONT Veal Rolls: Eg FREEZER BUY) NO WASTE RED BRAND MAPLE LEAF . SLICED ASSORTED (Jiojice gr Sandwich Meats 21r49¢ « NUTRITIOUS BULK 49 : LB. Pork Sausages 65 39 CONTAINS: Porterhouse, MocRAE . TOP QUALITY CEERI FABRA R ERE RRR RRR REESE DOLLARS. Smoked Kippers JOSH LOGAN PRODUCTION MAURICE CHEVALIER HORST BUCHHOLZ LESLIE CARON CHARLES BOYE! / ! "ZIP 'N SNORT' New Color Cartoon & Roosts, Rump Roasts, Round Steck , Mince, ETC. Custom cut & wrapped for your convenience, TECHNICOLOR® WARNER BROS. IMPORTED U.S. SWEET LUSCIOUS LARGE HONEY DEW MELONS ONT: GROWN NO. 1 FRESH ~ COLOR-PHOTO RECIPE FILE GLEAMING TREASURE CHEST! WITH 1,400 TESTED RECIPES AND FOOD IDEAS Tours in 8 units of recipe cards ive handy colnet UNIT 1 ONLY nits 2 YO 49: 99¢, | jar rons 99¢ PTT. rrr rr TTY TY OPEN THURS. | yond Road DUNDAS STREET AND £8l, | Rouge Hill | Whitby 3 LB. DECANTER BTL. TO 9 P.M. 49¢ CAKE MIX SOFT RITE ASSORTED OURS 2/37¢ TOILET TISSUE o:- % ? \ DOORS OPEN AT 1:30 FEATURE TODAY AT.., 2:00-4:20-6:45.9:15 i -- Mil SHf Sth Hi oh hr CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP CATELLI READY CUT MACARONI Sache SPAGHETTI PILLSBURY CHOC. OR WHITE 19 OZ. PKG, | 31¢ 2S STARTS THURSDAY *girse,orms ar zoo IT'S LAUGH WEEK AT THE DRIVE-IN! FORGET YOUR TROUBLES AND BE HAPPY! WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF AND PURCHASE OF TWO 15% OZ TINS OF CHEF BOY-AR.DEE PLA SPAGHETTI SAUCE COUPON Expires OCY. 4/81 WITH THiS COUPON ao Pinch HASE OF A402 ec OMNOLATICOL COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 4761 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF TWO 15 OL. Tins OF PENN STANDARD Peach Halves s COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 4/81 WITH THI COUP) ano fuacurle or Aiko OwWDIRD san Mik o A 20 OF JA% OF 8 Cot ape' CLARK'S OVEN CROCE BEANS WITH PORK Ss WITH THIS COUPON AND Al WITH THIS COUPON PURCHASE OF OZ 1x0. OF SEITY CROCKER WITH THIS COUPON JHREE 15 OL TNS AND P TWO Mi 01. PROS. OF BETTY CROCKIR FLUTY wien Fi LEMON 1 M Ld i 2 Pie Crust Nix ¢ COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 4/61 eT Vv Frills D0G FOOD COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 4/6) © WV couron 1h 3 am AND # WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 318. BAG OF WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 16 OL 81. OF EASY OFF Glass Cleaner; COUPON EXMRES OCT. wd 'WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON WITH 1s COUPON AND PURCHASE OF AND FURCHASE ¢ oF ONTARIO GRO! CARROTS WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 18. OR MORE OF FRESH TASTY CHICKEN Legs o Breasts TONIGHT ONLY! THE FACTS OF LIFE ADULT -- BOB HOPE WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 18. OR MORE OF WITH THiS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 38 m0 oF BLUE JET POWDERED DETERGENT UPON EXPIRES OCT. 4/61 PLUS WHITE WARRIOR 5. PXG OF 1ST. QUALITY JACK SPRAT? BACON s COUPON Expires OCH. 4/61 FRESH - LEAN HAMBURGER 3 OCT. 4/64 gave a liberal sum of money to|Mr, Wm. Hewitt, Miss 1. the Pontypool United Church.|Smythe, Mr. L. Davis, Mrs. O. John Wood as a boy lived in|Robertson and Mr. D. Karry. this community but for several Speaking to council for the years has resided, in Peter- | deputati on, Mr. Davis said the| borough. choral group was planning on -- presenting Handel's "The Mes-| a» . siah" early next year. Visitor Spending "I am thrilled by the new cultural activity," tad Mayor . William Parish in addressing| Rises In Canada the deputation, "and you are to OTTAWA (CP) -- Visitors to/b¢ congratulated for your) Canada spent a record of $420, fl g S 000,000 in 1960, an incrosse off 7.4 per cent over 1959, the bu- reau of statistics reported today. | Trinity WA Has However, for the 10th straight| ear, Canadians spent more in 'S M bi countries than ita] ept. eeting travellers spent in Canada. Car| BOWMANVILLE -- Group 5 nadian spending in other coun-fof Trinity WA held their Sep- tries was $627,000,000, an in- tember meeting on the lawn of crease of 4.9 per cent over 1959.|Mrs. R. Gill's cottage overlook- U.S. travellers to Canada in ing Lake Ontario, with an at- endance o 1960 spent $375,000,000 compared The group agreed to sell to $351,000,000 a year earlier.\yhe heavier cups and saucers Canadians travelling in the U.S.!at the church and replace them spent $462,000,000 compared toto match the open stock cups $448,000,000 in 1959. Jad Saucers now in the cup-| oar A total of 29,703,000 persons) The members were asked tol visited Canada during 1960, in- bring to the October meeting) cluding 29,655,000 from the U.S. | their money donations because Re-entrjes into Canada by Cana-/of a fall fair. dians Qesidents numbered 29,- The next nieeting will be at hy ------ W. Munday's. | LIGHT ss COUPON primes OCT. 4/80 sy

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