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The Oshawa Times, 28 Sep 1961, p. 1

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Bre mrt wy NE We Wien. We WW WR WEEN Pe A CR a ee pe wr wee ew Oshawa Tanes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 WEATHER REPORT Sunny with afternoon cloudiness Friday, continuing cool. THOUGHT FOR TODAY Most things that history repeats weren't woth doing in the first place, he "price Not 10 Cents Per Copy C BE a Dodane TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES lass Mail Ottawe EIGHT OF FAMILY BURNED TO DEATH VOL. 90--NO. 225 MEN WERE LAST SEEN IN THIS BOAT l Find Body In Lifejacket Miles From Empty Boat BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|and drowning", said Bowman- The first break-through came Floating face upwards, the|ville Police Chief Bernard Kit.| Wednesday around 1.15 p.m. body of Ross Prescott, 23-year- ney -- in charge of the in-\when an RCAF plane spotted Another GM employee, Sel lick, is a spray painter in the chapel this Saturday at 2 p.m. | Interment will follow at Beth- |esda Cemetery. Syrian Revolt Against UAR. BEIRUT, Lebanon--Army of-|broadcasts said the situation | ficers in Syria mutinied today had returned to normal, but did in an apparent attempt to break not explain what that meant. away from Gamal Abdel Nas-| Cairo newscasts ignored the ser's 3Y;-year-old United Arab|communique, however, leaving Republic. in doubt whether anyone had| Nasser called the revolt more vet gained a victory. serious than the 1956 British: | prem IN STREETS French-Israeli invasion ofl" 'mighiine was reported to have Egypt. taken place in Damascus' A few hours after Damascus|streets. Telephone communica- Radio proclaimed the revolt, ations with Damascus were cut communique broadcast quoted immediately after the . revolt by the Associated Press from phroke out, and gates were shut the Syrian capital indicated op-|at the Lebanese-Syrian border. posing military factions might! Observers believed the revolt attempt to negotiate. was aimed at ending Egyptian It said the revolutionary com- domination over its partner in mand had met with Field Mar-{the U.A.R. It followed unrest in shal Abdel Hakim Amer, the|Syria and discontent among far- Egyptian who commands allimers and traders over agricul- U.A.R. forces, and worked out|tural policy and U.A.R. nation- an und e r standing. Damascus|alization orders. Folly To Submit 'To Red Bullying UNITED NATIONS (CP) --| Home said it is understand- Britain has told the non-aligned able that uncommitted coun- countries it is folly to submit tries wish to avoid being caught to "bully" tactics by the Sov-|up in the contest of rival ideol- | iet Union. Foreign Secretary Lord Home, in his major policy: address to the United Nations General As- sembly Wednesday, said Russia is able to get away with things through a double standard of judgment. i While Home didn't say so, he apparently referred to the re- cent conferénce of 24 non- ogies. "But if the United Nations is to be the kind of international body which all of us wish to see, namely one which guards the weak and guarantees their in- dependence and integrity, when they must not yield to the temp- tation to put public on the reasonable nations . . . that would be to deny the justice to HARRY KNIFFEN GM Begins 7300-Man Call-back General Motors of Canada at| Oshawa today began the call back of approximately 7,300 hourly rated people idled last week by material shortages re- sulting from strikes at supplier plants in the U.S. i Company offifials said that| 5,000 men would be called for Monday work and an additional 1,500 would be needed by Tues- day. By Wednesday all of the 9,200 workers employed at the time of the shutdown, including the 1,900 who remained at work during the past 10 days, would be at work and cars would be coming off the line for shipment to dealers. The company also reported that an additional 100 workers with seniority who had not yet been called when the shut | | | One Daughter Escapes PORT DOVER (CP)--Fire en- gulfed a frame and tarpaper home near here early today and wiped out all but two members of a family of nine. Mary Roswell, 16, escaped| with serious burns to give the| alarm as her father, mother, three brothers and three sisters were dying. The blaze devoured the crowded home that Port Dover Fire Chief Alex Spain called "a tarpaper shack." The bodies] were found lying on their| burned-out beds. | Joseph Roswell, 51, his wife] Pauline, 41, Robert, 20, Shirley, 13, Joan, 11, Ella, 9, Joseph Jr.. 4, and Terry Allan, four months, apparently died in their sleep. Only other surviving member of the family is a married daughter, Mrs. Murray Anthony of Simcoe "We'll probably never know exactly what caused the fire," said Chief Spain, head of the eight - man volunteer brigade that fought the blaze vainly. Joseph Roswell turned 51 to- day and the family had planned to celebrate the birthday, neigh- hors said. GIRL IN HOSPITAL Mary was reported to be in "only fair' condition in Simcoe Hospital, suffering from d Blaze "I looked out of the window but didn't see anything when I arrived home," he said. "I went downstairs and shined my shoes {and when I came up 1 saw a glow in the sky. I said to my wife, 'it looks like the town dump is putting on a show to- night' (Refuse is sometimes burned on the dump) "The glow grew brighter. I went outside and saw Mary run- ning up the road screaming." Kniffen said the girl was naked and burned about the head and shoulders. He hustled her into his car and drove to Port Dover police, who calléd the fire department while he took the girl to hospital. Kniffen has no telephone at his home. By the time the eight volun teer firemen reached the scene the house was well ablaze. Fire Chief Alec Spain sent a call for assistance to the fire department in Simcoe, seven miles to the northwest, while his men tried to rescue the occu. pants. The fire was not put out until about 5 a.m., and for several hours it was not known how many persons were trapped in- side. Chief Spain said the re. mains of all the victims were brought out shortly after the flames were doused. degree burns on her hands, arms, shoulders and right thigh. The blaze broke out after mid- night and levelled the 114-storey house on the Radical Road, four miles west of this Lake Erie community and bout 25 miles south of Brantford. The five-room Roswell house measured about 25 feet square. Chief Spain said the roof was burned away by the time his men arrived. Bowmanville, for service in the nuclear tests in the atmosphere aligned nations in Belgrade, where the news of Russia re suming nuclear tests received others which they themselves down began would be called by ; expect to enjoy." y {the end of next week. All GM| There was no water available Home accused the Soviet Un- people with seniority in the(at the site and it had to be | and covered the world with fall-| out would the voices of criitcism| have been so hushed?" Bid For Support By Doc' Dymond Talks With NEW YORK (AP) -- Seven days and two meetings after the start of his talks with Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, State Secretary Dean Rusk does not know whether the Soviet gov. ernment has any intention of ne- gotiating a compromise settle- ment of the Berlin crisis. But he still hopes to find out and will make another attempt Saturday morning. Gromyko for his part appears to be playing the classic game of Soviet diplomacy. In private talks he is sticking to the hard line of Premier Khrushchev"s public statements for a change in the status of West Berlin. If he intends to give ground in or- der to get agreement on nego- tiations, he is expected to wait as long as possible while press- ing Rusk for all possible con- cessions. It now is apparent that both Rusk and Gromyko are as in- terested in sounding each other out on the results of possible ne- gotiations as they are in find. ing a formula to get negotiations started. c Ry trucked out from Port Dover. only restrained criticism. : i % _|plants would then be at work. 1 "Is there growing up a code jon of Secaption in now + eo} is 'expected that some 400] A neighbor, Harry Kniffen, i ional behavior in obs : at Kk vill be hired over|whose house is about 100 yards of internationa {with the U.S. and Britain about new workers will be to the Communists and another|" yo" eq a resumption | of Production schedules are in-|shortly after he arrived home [to the Western democracies?" over-all BS aan A creased. from work about 12:15 a.m. |Home asked. tions to continue the work in-| "One attitude to the bully be-|¢ . "Ti'West committee fell apart | i 5 H | [for the democrat because his|through a Communist walkout! 2 1COP er e stock in trade is reason and|{5 months ago. "For instance, if it had been| |Britain or America who had | [lately conducted a series of 16 . | BERLIN (AP) -- Flying over| This new pofential escape Former Traitor hatch for East Germans devel- army helicopters rescued seven/oped as a dozen others found MONROVIA (Reuters) -- Po-|East German refugees from |lice today hunted a former con-|Steinstuecken--the hamlet that|flee to the West. | 1 1 Most made their escapes out |an alleged plot to overthrow the| symbol of Western rights in Ber-\of windows from apartments | Liberian regime and instal alin. 3 | Communist one with the help of] The Communists made no at-| Berlin. The Communists are {the Russian embassy in nearby| ! strengthening their wall by de- { Guinea. | lift Wednesday from the isolated stroying houses on their side of | The hunt was launched in the| Enclave a mile beyond the bor- the line to {wake of an announcement Wed-| i . "I am not offering myself as|nesday night of the plot, which! An army Shokesman sid the {Ontario Conservative party lead-|Said that the Liberian justice) 0 Steinstuecken--a com- which one rule is to be applied|; han on nuclear tests. the next two or three weeks as/away, said he noticed the fire i : errupted when a 10-nation East-| {cause he deals in fear, another compromise? | 1 - . Police Hunting E. Germans Flee | Communist territory, two U.S. holes in the Communist wall to | victed traitor in connection with|the United States has made a lining the border of divided | tempt to interfere with the air- | N the line to create a virtual No | er of West Berlin. r|department had a "conclusive" | hree in connection with the $24,000 robbery of a Bank of Nova Scotia branch here Wednesday Four carloads of police bore Glen Falls armed with sub-ma- sue use A third man was picked up ater in a house near the bank of {North Plant Sheet Meta! Dept. old Bowmanville man, w a s|vestigation. {the inverted boat 14 miles| The deceased, Ross William lucked from the chilly waters, Still missing and presumed) south of Port Hope. {John Pres po p! i hn ~|J0hn Prescott, was the son of of Lake Ontario, 16 miles south/dead are: Lonzo R. Boyd, 21,! The crew contacted an RACF| prs, Lilly Prescott, and the of Port Hope on Wednesday af-|of 21 Warren avenue, Oshawa|launch which picked up the|jate' Charles Prescott, of Bow- ternoon. (married with one child); Sam|body two miles south of the| an ille He was found clad in a regu-|Sellick, 31, of 189 Court street, |boat. He is survived by four bro- lation lifejacket, floating about|Oshawa (married with two Prescott's body and the boat| poe. Roy Lloyd, Earl and two miles from the overturned.|children); and Donald Terry, were later taken aboard the Kenneth: and four Sisters: Mrs 14-foot white pleasure St, of RR 1, Hampton. RCMP launch Shaunavon II. { John Mallette (Marion), Mrs, missi i men aboar: A , Mrs, i |57 MPH WINDS | COMPASS MISSING Lawrence Gray (Stella); Mrs. The boat was found earlier] The intensive search for the, The boat was said to have/David Baker (Audrey) and Wednesday afternoon by a|missing has been carried out/been in forward gear with the/Mrs. Carmen Stokes (Eva). searching RCAF Dakota plane. [since Tuesday after 57 mile-per-|ignition turned on. A gasoline] The remains are resting at "Prescott died of exposure(hour winds lashed the lake tank, the compass and backithe Morris Funeral Chapel, {Monday night. seat were missing from the Bernard Perry, 51-year-old craft. Lay 200 Charges Bowmanville man who was the, Lhe search has been officially n ino | Called off, Chief Kitney said to- . T B last person to see the missing day. The police chief spent 11 f spent all day looking %ay. 2 > + ih Against wo oys our thoy Spel Be cabin ung hours on an Oshawa tug yester: TORONTO (CP) -- Metropol-| cop RT day searching for the men. t olice have laid =~ A brother of missing man Yan atau Lm four 14. Perry said he left the four Donald Terry is searching the year-old boys in the last few men in Sellick's boat on Mon- Bowmanville - Newcastle shore- : ys day afternoon because the lake line today, added the chief. Nineteen additional charges of| Was becoming rough. An RCAF spokesman in Tren- robbery were laid Wednesday. | "They wanted me to go on 10 ton said they stopped searching Two of the juveniles face 64 Alcott, N.Y., with them, but early last night. Fit.-Lt. J. charges each. The latest/told them I didn't want to go Giles said the search went on : tab ss charges include purse-snatch- because the small craft storm|longer than is customary. OTTAWA Special). Aathew ings, some dating back three warnings were flying. They in- "We usually stop looking|B- Dymond, Ontario Minister of 7 Oat cath k ¢ years. Police said 19 purse sisted I go. Sellick tied his/once the missing craft or per-/ Health, made a bid for support|er out of any conceit, but ra |B against Booker T. Brace. munity of only 200 inhabitants-- thefts netted more than $400. !boat's towline to mine." son is found," he explained. (among Ontario members of|out of my faith in this country, wel ; : |and agreed to fly the refugees One of six charges of arson Mr. Perry said he slashed Boyd is the son of Mrs. T. J. parliament here Wednesday in| Dr. Dymond told the gathering. Bracewell was: sehtenced tolt0 the West. o against the youths involves a the tow rope with a piece of Gladys Comber, of RR-4, Bow- his campaign for the provincial|"Canada and Ontario gave me a death in 1955 on treason charges| The East German authorities $150,000 fire in northeast Tor- glass from a bottle which he manville, and is employed as a party leadership. Attending the|great opportunity and it is op. connection with a plot to as. permit only the residents of onto. Most of the other charges/had broken on the bulwark of paint mixer in the truck-cab hearings of the Royal Commis-|portunity that we can offer sassinate Prseident Willia m| Steinstuecken to use the one involve break-ins. his boat. division at GM here. sion on Health in Ottawa, the|through the provincial and fed-| nm, man. road leading from the hamlet to is 2 -- ~ |MPP for Ontario riding played é . host at a luncheon and spoke briefly to about 30 Ontario Con- e 3) IO ( e i ire servative MP's and Senators. 1 - : 'Machine Guns or or eI1S1011S | Bssist Poli UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- tween the NATO and Warsaw| This document which ran . The Soviet Union sought today powers, renunciation of use of nearly 6,000 words portrayed the Making Arrests to counter President Kennedy's|atomic weapons, withdrawal of United States as the master- - peace appeal with an eight-point foreign troops from alien soil! mind behind the colonial powers, SAINT JOHN. N.B. (CP program billed as a cure for in-|and measures to lessen the dan- and accused the Americans of | Police were questioning t {ernational tensions. ger of surprise attack. pushing colonial schemes of men early today The Soviet proposals--mainly| Kennedy's statement to the their own. a restatement of earlier ones|United Nations Monday on "gen- 3 Rl out by the Kremlin--were|eral and complete disarmament LISTS MAIN POINTS 2 submitted to the UN Wednesday|in a peaceful world" contained The latest Soviet arms pro- night with two other memoranda several ideas which U.S. offici-|§ram emphasized these main dealing with the nuclear test is-|als said could be acted on at/Points and colonialism once. They included an offer to] 1. A freeze of military bud- chine-guns and tear gas but met The eight - point plan, prom- S80 2 nuclear test ban treaty. gets; 2. a Renunciation of the with no resistance when they ised by Soviet Foreign Minister yGNORES IT of atomic weapons; 3. A|l00k two men, searched their Andrei Gromyko's policy when| i pe ' . vers f room and impounded a 1961 J ) he Soviet memorandum on ban on war propaganda; 4. Aly... « wi ari o A he G 1A : : : blue sedan with Ontario licence he spoke to the General Assem-\myclear testing ignored this. Itinon - aggression pact between! rinse bly T day, included such!y, San. msi k Ad f n|plates. nd ues y, m ! repeated Russian insistence that|tie countries of NATO and the Kremlin favorites as 'under the present conditions|\Warsaw treaty: 5. A withdrawal A non - aggression pact be-jits proposal to resolve the ques-|of foreign troops from alien ter- and police began a search tion of a nuclear test cessation ritories; 6. Measures against|the. building. CITY EMERGENCY | the basis of general andifurther spr e a d ing of nuclear| Earlier, Bank Manager L. W {complete disarmament is the weapons. This echoed Kennedy's Roberts 10id police two men had PHONE NUMBERS [sole correct and practical sug-|proposal that nuclear powers Theils IDld police lwo men ba ; gestion." hi ; POWETS entered the bank shortly before i» ay i pledge not to give nuclear weap-| closing time armed with revolv- POLICE 725-1133 The Soviet memorandum on ons to other nations: Estab-lers. He said thev grabbed the FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 7 colonialism would set up a UN lishment of atom free zones IN money, herded six customers committee to supervise and con- Afri and Central Europe: 8. and a staff ht into the trol all colonies and dependent Measures to lessen the danger vault and fled. No one was in- (territories. uf a surprise attack. ljured. a of eig eral Conservative parties to the est Berlin. ) --|ernments and the federal down on a motel in suburban] He was pardoned after spend-| West {people of Canada." ing two Ah in prison. Pen! " with guards along the road.| He said that the Conservative] The announcement said a con-| the East German police were in| party was the only party that|fidential source reported that a position to seize the refugees {had the know-how and the vis- Bracewell had attempted to should they try to enter Berlin): ion to give the country the kind| make contact with Russia. 'by land. A Blood For Child, = Court's Decision energy and the initiative the country deserved from its gov- ernments, Dr. Dymond declar- ed {ernments. The grants the fed: LONDON Ont. (CP) Ajcials from the witnesses and eral government gives to On- newborn boy, taken from the|the CAS, that disease can be| {tario play a large part in our|custody of his Jehovabs ite] ransmitiod through blood. ! programs. We will continue to!nesses parents Wednesday when o nag for more help, but you ex-|they refused permission for a SAY Went DE. =. {pect that," he commented. blood exchange, was in satisfac.| | oalors it Sle was ig Dr. Dymond was introduced|tory condition today after a suc- Sirong ie de Por 168 |by Clayton W. Hodgson, MP for|Cessful operation. Ne nies Vie S00 nS i Victoria and was thanked by When the baby Mat So, to ol : 2h | Labor Minister Michael Starr,|MIS: Frank Crocker, 27, doc. l {have an operation 12 hours af-| 11 Rebels Killed, div- 4 'We can't tolerate any |isions between provincial .gov- ov- REMOVE tors told her he had an Rhjter birth. | blood factor and recommended, Judge Fox ruled the baby was the blood exchange to save his neglected under the Child Wel-| {life. Mr. and Mrs, Crocker re-|fare Act. He said he felt the|§ Including Leader : se a emergency court session was | this, the welfare of the child is PUEBLA, Mex. (AP)--Mexi- held at St. Joseph's Hospital| of paramount importance. can military authorities re-/and Judge W. H. Fox made the, Mr. Crocker, a shovel opera-| : ported today army forces had|boy a ward of the Children's|/tor, was ordered to pay $10 a; Firemen and rescuers re- Among them was 63-year-old from the Bible to support his' Hospital officials told Mr. and| today which destroyed a Ubaldino Gallegos, leader of the stand that blood transfusions are Mrs. Crocker 1114 hours after| frame and tarpaper home at group. The fighting occurred in contrary to the belief of his sect. birth that the operation was al Port Dover, Ont. The vic- the High Sierras bordering the He also maintained at the 1'4|success. The parents then| tims were Mr. and Mrs. Jo- fused. parents were sincere in their| Seven hours after birth, an believs, but "in such a case as|@® clashed with rebel remnants of Aid Society for two months. [week towards the child's ex- move one of the bodies of the Sept. 15 uprising, killing 11. Mr. Crocker quoted passages penses. | eight victims of a fire early Istates of Veracruz and Puebla. hours hearing, attended by offi-| named the child James Paul.! seph Rosweil and six of their » S seven children, ranging in age from four months to 20 years. Only one daughter sur- vived the fire and was dd. mitted to hospital with serious burns to her head and shoul- ders. ~CP. Wirephote n

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