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The Oshawa Times, 28 Sep 1961, p. 23

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Eppeaimatem pas ER i Sai J Si v ae A |27--Reol Estate For Sale |27--Reol Estate For Sale _|27--Real Estate for Sale _[27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 28, 1961 23 25---Apts. & Flats for Rent|26--Rooms for Rent we; pais F rr E= ily urged, a1 Sh Eamace, Aviigion near Brin. Sim Kansatow wi ulin stove and oven |ed. colaze on 1. Manchester Serves "3m: |29_ Automobiles for Sale |32--Asticles for Sale BI 0 ms oom] rn f ar no - {1 with in stove ge on . Manchester . | * Street North, Telephone oR od fam oem Saang space oe bus and A Telephone | wall nw wall carpeting in living | from White Rose Station. Hydro, MO utomobi r to 5 p.m. Albert Street. 725.3770 or 723-3537 for Inspection. ox Aig oore, tile 4294 or WH 23145, 8 0 ry STUDEBAKER. © ro. Goon Bardion, les, ailinn. ch vis Sound DUPLEX ~Upper three rooms, range pyRNISHED, bright light housekeeping PRIVATE sale -- storey ad half, five. [Plus two other ation $800 DOWN -- Jrivate Jixroum, three. Gr two-tone, or offer. 'phone , rentals. Oshawa Hardware, 8 poly 331 Kingeanie| Toon, Clea, central, close Realtors veneer, he pstais Sad 3 oiled i678 728-1727 or 192 Tresane. Church Street. 723-7624. and refrigerator. A ating, | outside en- hone 725-2395. Eifatie: Telephone ng, Jor 40" % 212" 138 Burk Stveet. ------ |§1095, "57 CHEVROLET four door | na hospital. Sai Ge in, 67 King St. East Tu. rue. 70 Eaalis, 7d {anes fo bassimen!, double garage and radio, heater, whitewalls. This is ry 30--Automobiles Wanted [TYPEWRITERS cash BACHELOR apartment, stove and frig. 725-5 lots of other extras, strictly residential. THREE-BEDROOM ranch home. new, automatic Washer and dryer, $75 month. TWO fumished 1vbma, 18wndev, Zk 725-4701 $600 a buys SeVen-room |$10,06¢ <own and take over | Hardwood and $he Sin tlaoringFouriecs piece | SWEET a5. Must be sen Tg > Bock LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want ly. Apply to Montrave Avenue, Ing facilities. brick home, close to downtown. in need money for other business. th, | for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 1 ping Centre. 378 King Street West or COMMERCIAL repaie, ol hea and low, taxes | soo ean Ly 3 two-piece 0.0 ih Street North, Whitby, MO 88001. a TWO unfurnished and i - full price. Call 728-5 a , garage, asp) veway EE S00 Te Took es Sar seeier: kitchen with pit ore I sink, pir SIX days weekly, $16, suit two, girls or] Ritson Rd. S. 6-room home, |Horner. Lloyd Realty Oshawa or He phd My Wooded el Taras years oid i hosts sas for Have $300 for Sood used Sar, eter. ing, bus at door. 622 Bloor East. 725- gentlemen, single room, TV and laum-| "39/00 o 107 ideal for |Bealtor. Land, Good ri : sh prop Chadb | clean, Telephone 728-1 pall YT Joon. aowh decortte oH . Couttal,* Sei beauty salon with living able marsh farming. Call Don Strades- Riu P i BR Jeventoom wm ~ is, bedroom apart paren enh, stove FURNISHED room, with double bed, in| quarters, Store front could SPECIAL: 3 ME Sehofielts, 78.3088, Evenings | ed. $15.90. Will sell for $10,000, CARS WANTED * iaundry Tncilitis. oe Vaca clean home, $6 weekly. Apply 105 Mary| be added for extra space and $600.00 DOWN ZONE Mib, large six room bungalow, (725. Dance 18,8 per vent & Buying ¢ New Car? Sell your used Cor to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New oy Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS appearance. Call Earl Allen, 3d $10,000. Low down payment, low month. ere Se apartments for : rent, ies Broom, Bousekeering priv-| 725.7782. On this four-bedroom brick iy pavinenis low (exes; ons open m re ort: STE ROOM Bh bus. om. Reasonable rent; ample parking; leges, Py i atmeet east or call house. Oil heating, low taxes, Siri. ki at Schofields. 7234365 even even. Sacrifice $1 $15,000 Cr Cash to mortgage. 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 SE BRT $ALL CASH$ Fe Som Ad hye pairs. 108 Miso Nori. 125130 | yoors old. Cal Bob Johnson, SELLING YOUR 330. Poli onsiter car 'au 'down pay: (montnly. Gerald Barrow Bi ; ro er ~ Ee LAR Goan urls cooks pav| 4/0 1282548 even PROPERTY? RT RR or clean ears we deal up or five minites from| Ings. : Somerville. Immediate possassion by Hobe N 3 ua Chg location, wh 3 . Liens paid off. conveniences. WH 32-3047. _ |723.7814 after 5. CROMWELL AVE.., close to schools. Asking price |ings' 28-6423. Dean Avenue. two room apartment, een-| pen siting room, furnished, cooking| Low down payment for this $9,400.00. See this ex- mw RICHMOND Street East, full twe.| TWO storey frame poise, wilh six water fres, tus for Be Apply 165 | eses elophone. 74 Four Comers. Teiephone T5723 Millar 728.3123. L107 dthree bedrooms. nt loeaSions : ; Verdun Hoad. Telephone. 753. our Comers. Ph ROXBOROUGH ST. USE fealty (Oshawa) Lid. Re 7 Payment. 'shs00. 'NEA $100 NICHOLS MOTOR SALES FURNISHED A | rooms; zal, conveniences, heat, lights, vasing, facilities, room telephone, washer and| poo tiful 3-bedroom brick treme value by calling Ro- siatey fey, 3x loom Ercole Du, or ap: [fide and A Te heavy oe Pi Py FOUR . parking facilit Excellent home for retired CLOSE to Lake Simcoe, pid 'acres, 7 [per month will carry including inter- 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Fib bain."s siose go Dus, $50 monty. (BARE (3coR Street Bouth or tele. Ea oly, ay PHOTO CO-OP Lush, 4 farming land, will exchange est and taxes. Tel. 728.6396. 729 Glenfor- De MO 8.8001 7 A fi: 8 HE gh Ul HE Hi] | : HH i i { i : £2 | i i i i 3 Fi HH] I 2 ff ih Al i : ¢ ir oi - i -5207 or 729-9180. lephone 723-5307. bungalow, forced air oil heat: lande Tierney, 725-5. tient to see or terms, telephone with | pp SM. Telephon double room, single| ing, storms and screens, Howe and Peters, Realtors. R. Elliott, 728.0581 or Holmes Real a. Seni, three bedrooms, | " yy relrigerator, chesterfield and beds, hot water; also small] walkout basement, only 4 Estate, 725-2363. large living room, In spotless condition. HE § E53 children Telephone 725-4386 or dryer; close to hospital, downtown, phone 723.9433. for bungalow in Oshawa, near § ng oom and board for| to downtown, modern kitchen rts OF sell. Write Rox M9 on PRIVATE two-room % partment, Hilly y | Ntleman, in clean. quiet home which| and bathroom, garage, fire- Times. FROM THE HOME . SPOT CASH furpshed rd private bath. 7253243 or 855.13 centrally located, abstainer. Tele-| place hot water oil heating. FOR FOUR-room frame dwelling, sewer, ' poe 725 3979. Call Ossie Martin 725-4701 waier and hydro, located 'Bicor Street OF Fond condition, $308 cash. rivals, PAID FCR ACTION a Ban Tees PHOTO CO-OP [a it bor Tagg So ps fg UNFINSHED house for sale, H - C dition, mew tires, Fado, twotone, auto. DODD MOTOR SALES ATTRACTIVELY furnished bedroom, A d | re ee ee ce Candy" 3g Brivate home, Wilson Road, bus at door'| Of 725-1215 evenings. | Bond Street East or telephone 7259303 30's tu fiers, © OSHAWA BLVD. | ; 1. ONE- SL Sia apartments for rw Tarsisheg ho EE Warotor,] L070. 2-storey brick home | CALL feat Selion! $1500 Ca or hear offer of] THE BELL'S ARE LEAVING Faaicpardion, $300 gash. Telephome 314 PARK RD. S. ers and sloves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- , - refrigerator, 4 2 guaranteed gent in new apartment building, refrig. [loon (*0, BeOS tance, cen:| close to King St. and Public | 798 51 07 Oshawa Times. And we ore sorry to see them [1955 CHEVROLET wiih new tires, radio, 723-9421 Singer electric port: water, Maple Grove, on half acre lot #fator and stove supplied, laundry fa-| "0 East. hools. 3-bed tai SRE seat covers, paint job. Excellent condi- of pply 253 Athol Street Eas schools, edrooms upstairs, a 0. They have only been in al y P: eellent con able, excellent condition, $40, Ajax Sew- aities, Eelephons MO 3.8540. TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and| extra bathroom in basement, 4 TOR LR if Sion turoughout. hone 728.3605 any. | 31--Automobile Repairs ing Centre, WH 2.6561 or MO 8.5467. AVAILABLE October 1, four-room and |i; nen with mew refrigerator, builtin g4ra0e Conta ct Roland e ts in private home, TV priv mi cupboards and sink. All L Sovesienees, Tierney, 725-4701 or 725- paved driveway; siuminui storms: their new, Beou Valley home lime, Tap qa a , $11,200, ; SAE EE ANTIQUE furniture, walnut sofa, a RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS [phone 7258158 after 5. a little over a year and now iss FGNTIAC coach, body, motor and| HOUSTON'S GARAGE chairs, chins cupboard or Chookense: outlets, equipped kitchens, utilities in-|4so510 807 Ritson Road Sou have been transferred to [tires, A-1 new paint, seat covers and sideboard. Modern beds, double ¢luded in rent. Apply 17 Elena Avenue, AN seal Foom, gentleman prefers. | 5207 evenings. 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA | Montreal. When we sold them |inside trim. Must be sold. Price $395.| and SERVICE STATION [beds, dresser mirror. Apply is king "unfur a 'elephone MOBERN troom unfurnished apart: CLEAN fest "North " General Motors, i PRIVATE their home the street wos pn. i CE BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. [Street East. n nice quiet new home, con- | a rking. For further details telephone | Six-room custom built home, p A : is wee rake jobs on PLETE BRAKE SERVICE UNPAINTED furniture at discount veniences. Private entrance, near bus, |b i Arid just being serviced, bulldozers |g5 ct ears, $16.00, Jan" 40 : : JS sonable es, Abner, adults, AE ad Toom, use of Kit- EXECUTIVE OPPORTUNITY storms and Soreans Iwo iy ond mud everywhere, Now Albert Street, Telephone 125.83 Garage, MTOR TUNE-UP AND ees dent ares . - Handy t i el dshe rooms in sement, y DELUXE Chevrolet, all ENERAL REPAIRS. er, $19; large desks, $26. Ed son's JUBNISHED basement apartment. Got 0un tna Noth Ary oars] 315,000 -- iis bequlitul home Of the vider tre is well 18. | so yee, builin wove, [STS lows reach 19 the (37 DELVRE Chil ol ri oe 67 KING ST. W Discount Furaiiure Marl, 20 Chueh rooms, parking facilities, Reason- |; "rolonnone 725-8150. cated on a good Whitby residential street, close to business { oven, exhaust fans, near all curbs, road is pave «Wir [SO price $1,250. Apply 122 Keewatin, 7237823 . Street. ie Jens to reliable tenants. T section. The basement is full size with oil fumace hot air | schools wall-to-wall carpet ing is underground and their "61 PONTIAC two-door hardiop, black. - DISCOUNT prices on quality bedding. Foto eri sivas | 2T--Real Estate for Sale heating. The ground floor is comprised of a large dining room, | 70 FOC Co seven-room split level with a engine 3 by oo cromaiobs, Packs 32--Articles for Sale Smotthioh sstiresses; better quality, AUAROUS svariment with Srivate |= OWNER leaving for USA, must sell] a spacious reception hall, a screened verandah that leads to @ | 993 extra powder room and af- |posiraction, three.speed She LL] pd di ula Ye otors® south plant, parking. Telephone [this attractive five-room modern bun-| 'well kept lawn at the rear. The upper level has four bedrooms 725-3 tached garage is in complete |missok:, radio. white walls BH OL NOLE television, mo pairs foam flake pillows, discount price 31.39; 725-1168 for further information. galow, three bedeoms HA oe (one a moster room), a bathroom ond a screened verandah, . harmony with the setting. | GHEvROLET Tm =i en ow |One vais table lamps. A aering filled an attresses, $17; Nagin. FURNISHED or unfurnished basement To oe screens. large wellland-| Hardwood floors throughout the house. This is a grand oppors BUYING OR SELLING But move they must ond mileage, V3 automatie, radio, nite, after 6.30. ik i ea "sii Ea Wows in Shied, close to souin' General Motors, |icaved lof. Close to all schools, Ter| tunity for o family man fo secure o well kept home at o price | "EDWARD DRUMM? | 10in us in inviting you fo [walls reasons PIANO, upright, in A-1 condition, just| count Furniture Mart. 20 Church Street, rific buy -- see for yi visit their home priced at recently tuned. Price $275 or best offer. USED furniture and appliances cost 855 monthly, parking space. Telephone about half what it will cost to replace. 28.8016. phone 728.4861, LIST WITH LLOYD replacement cost ot $21,900 | PONTIAC Laurentian four doo Telephone 1284507 for information. _|less at Superior Resale, 140 Simeos eather mie -- . bun- | THREE ROOM unfurnished apartment. $2.00 400 DOWN = Five doom i THEN CALL YOUR MOVER EE No 22, Soius, dark whoo, trSrimatic Sh BOAT, Squipped with controls, paddies. Sed } Soul 4 ., We g Buy and sell. nh second floor, with private bath an " lights, wind a ner SAX: De ry good cone H oil furnace, all conveniences and ga. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. mileage. 1 Make Elto and trailer, MO 8.5156, Telephone MO 88308 © "om |rage. St. Eiol Avenue. No agent. 'ie 101 Simcoe Street North IF | WERE YOU offer. Telephone 7284317. 5-8 pm. Sa Toscalis, Auk. for Bob, wl Benin Telephone MO 85709, ig home TESS REAL ESTATE BROKER, WHITBY 728.5123 I'd look at several homes, [SMITH Corona typewriter, in perfect ELECTRIC mizor service. Surber, SPACIOUS three-room apartment, OUNTRY living, near Ashburn, one yaa bai, new' home, "heavy wel, | COTNLY SOM tuck ru reer PHONE MO 8-2874, EVENINGS MO 8.2473 investigate different locations VOLVO [sien sinol" sew rasbuuhy Remineios, Sock Pratave: as 5 King Street Neat and water, laundry facilities am. C: p Ale storage space. Telephone 725-6956, _|livestock shed, STON forms. wel FOR REAL ESTATE before | said yes. I'd look Most depardable information. .: West. n | 2p > DINING room suite, in excellent condi- [PAINT -- all kinds. Manufacturing 05 OLEAN, fhfetroom aparimiehl| omer oe fong and hard at 110 Kee- The leader on the road end i 1 heavy wiring, private bathroom, kitch- | D Ww M QUAY REALTOR watin Street (that's in Grand- e lea Sion, walt nish, consisting of mine prices, Sale hours 4 - 6 p.m. Parrott four bu ¥ foundry facies, parking. TEOSTO0. JOHN A. J. | . . C / DON S. SMITH view Gardens) and chances JAKE & BILLS GARAGE reasonable. Telephone 125.2907, ove Fey pany, a1 Neos 'Sesh. 'BACHELOR apartment, furnished, for BOLAHOOD Whitby Plaza 313 Brock St. S. Vickery Rec! Estos are saying yes would come FINA SERVICE LAKGE double cement laundry fubs. (CHIP truck or sale. dolly eapipped: t. Janitor riment 1. Apply Matin i | easy. The fine school " " r Apaitments, 21 Simeoe Street South| Open 9am. «9 p.m. Dail | Business 728-6228 Shboreod . pre in 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 Size bed springs. in good eondition. (for more Particalars, further information. M H | 3 " otrie iE Tatar Salipped, LTD. [ance Whitby MO 8-5868 Toronto EM 3-9603 | ,, 728-4879 | 9nd six-room design are all BUYING OR SELLING SEE |WESTINGHOUSE TARE LR RT TR wih stove, _ refrigerator, "chesterfield 167 Simcoe S. : ABER plus features. If it were my wringer type with timer, in good con: console, 309. All sets guaranteed Meag: and ehair, 'close to bus, parking facili-| Office Hrs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SOUTH-EAST WHITBY home I'd ask $17,500. Let TED CAMPIN dition, reasonable. Apply to 407 Glen- hers, 5 King Street West. fies. Telephone 723-105, adults only. ; if fit it i castle Avenue or telephone 725-5314. _ |55rviNG or disposing of used farnifurs THREE-ROOM apartment wilh stove, $1,000 DOWN Attractive six-room brick bungalow with attached garage and JOHN F DEWITH us see if we con fit it into DOUBLE ved Tor sale with so0id oad BUYING Or IT 38 sed faite separate entrance and bath, shower, Lovely s brick bunga- poved drive. Large panelled Jereation room with fireploce. > Ge your program. { MOTORS boar are Soiilg fllec maltresy, in experience. COlfax 3-2204. App! itson or 7 after $Y. .O-ro0r ceptionally roomy kitchen, Stone front with large concrete Realtor and nera bo ©2*| PIANO, new scale, Wiillams upright, 8. low, brand new, very nice porch ond iron roiling. Just a block from the newest public ee Insurance A CHANCE TO TRADE sonable. Telephone 725-3489. = 607 KING ST, = OSHAWA | mahogany finish, first class condition, THREE unfurnished ro rivate en on. Must be seen; asking : ' ; x N 5 : GIRL'S white fur coat, dresses, skirts, | lete with bench, lovely tone, $150. grance, 'S60 monthly ncluds, Deo, ple $12,000 full price. To school in town. Asking $16,900 with terms. To inspect, call Wanted: one North - West (Just East of Wilson Rood) Telenht a: | oveiy 'ous sweaters etc. Sizes 4 to 6. Also girl's 8 | Telep! ts and Rater, Adults only. Telephone | inspect call Mr. Siblock at after : » Keith L 5 Newcastle Phone 3341 brick bungalow (preferabl: a \ Y dresses, bo , coats, skirts, i" unney eis thr Py 723-4494 Res) 725-5574 aren i Jumis swemer Souls Phone | TELEVISION, 24" Motorola eomplete 728-6544 Wi wi i d fire Evenings. 723-2798, with stand, new picture tube, recently i : NORTH-WEST HITBY 150-acre farm with stream, place) valued at $18,000 or Trade your boot on 6 car-- . c-- overhauled by reputable technicians, in : 5 : MOTORCYCLE 5 ¢ ; BROOKLIN Beautiful six-room ranch bungalow with carport end paved on highway, L-shaped bam; under in exchange for three New or Used shadow. loos og, am orginal ba Site sendin, P10, Pelerile - Il conven rly i . : drive. A high location with 75' frontage and fully sodded and 5-roomed home, o bedroom, hillside, brick home age new. 728 : mam Sentral location. Apply. 31° Nas-| $12,500 -- $2,000 down. | landscaped lot. T.V. antenna and other extras. Asking only lnces. Price $13,000. | yith separate three-bedroom SMITH'S SPORTS ATTENTION Brides-tobel Wedding | chair. stirrups and stretcher bar. $150, sau Street or telephone 725-7022, I ched garage and $14,900, Call Keith Lunney to inspect. erms, apartment obove two cor SUPERTEST erinoling wht: Woop Ih. Srignal pr price, In p perfect condition. Telephone Orono TWO light housekeeping rooms, sink ; ¥ f just east New garage in choice East End North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. te tt ree ' ,| breezeway, all aluminum 160-acre farm, just eas BROWNIE uniform, size 10, full - - 2 SLi Rg Tele: storms ond screens, water COCHRANE STREET castle, 130 acres workable, location, overlooking city. RA 8. 2 plete, scarcely 'used. "Telephone 31726 BA Ey moo Shook : Must sei i Bou. 307 phone 725-6805. softener, and many other ex- Excellent building lot 59°4" x 165' with town water. Residential 100' x 36' bankbarn, etc; Find out how easy and satis- Open evenings ot weekends ELECTRIC stove, Viking | Oshawa ES {ANGE furnished h tras. Call now and ask for Priced ot $3,000. Call Keith Lunney. 7-roomed home, Funiing hot fying exchanges are, 2%" 3" suomatie oven, mer, "warming ousekeeping Buin exphosrds snd SE paring Ts: WY Zia, 725.6844 or RESIDENTIAL -- ACREAGES -- TROUT STREAMS -- nl ne. 728-5107 SEPTEMBER sonable 725-4955. PRIVATE SALE Apply 320 Frontenac Avenue. 728-0569. RMS we -- --- -- , OU. . TUMBLE, i . Eh AVNUS, mit FARMS «= LOTS = INDUSTRIAL ~~ COMMERCIAL After 6:00 p.m. igi he lili. Open trom of dase: of entire bedroom and kitchen, all BUSINESSES, -ac rm, near New- ROOMS . 75-acre farm, ¢r N mie onan 9 $1,300 A castle with large stréom; Corl Olsen .... 725-3412 ( LEARAN( k a. rr rere Houeshold Furniture ne 2a6eM. | Asking only $1,300 down. 10-roomed home, 4-piece Hilda Ristow .. 725-3605 teed standards at low prices. Bill Ham« clean quiet ho first| good 2-storey brick home; y Toy Del p MAY BE SEEN Home a y J J. VAN HERWERDEN, Realtor both, garage. Price $15,900, YORU. cous 720-3283 Son, Asien) Brooks AT sg om is 4 served, ypstelrs / gy hor 365 | [rant Terms arranged, Paul Ristow ... 725-8152 |ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED FURNACES, forced oi ten year guar Suerte. Avply of Park Rosd w ond oe or rope. Col 741 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA 723-4 471 Ices fom, sen New. Howard Forder .. 728-2155 "se co evroLer : mooie ment | Package deal "sis. "Tomphone 3 } NARY STReEt : , 80' x , : vertible, radio, auto- 4--6 ATTRACTIVELY ELMGROVE AVE. RICE LAKE FARM hen house, garage, etc: 8- Ristow & Olsen mati, power brolces, ofc, . [FoIUING fwbiisey Well buy 1b Re 100 acres, wonderful lake-frontage, tl h roomed home with all mod- stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact FURNISHED ROOMS | veer Odtows Suping Con. | 100, scres, worker) view, lake-fravsage, spotless Trou house, | Somed, Fore ith of mos, Realtors 89 PONTIAC Sedon, outo- [19 Frisce Street. Phone Tiss T.V. TOWERS Avgilable in private home. tre -- $1,500 down, lovely doubl ft terms arranged. 19 Athol St. W. matic transmission, CASH register with tax control buf towe ctu . 14 h 2 Kit le garage. Asking price $32,000 with terms. CASH, tollstes ih tux contre] Bub) 40.5, r' structure with 82 PARK ROAD N. 2-storey home. * Members Oshawa and District and. new, snap. Also| oll-channel head, hot-dip gal- chens, 2 baths, separate 17 ACRES 147-acre form, near Port Real Ctr Bord "58 MERCURY Monterey Se [000 FNIDtcs, oe vise, vanized. Guaranteed one Call Pe 5 and 7 p.m. meters and heavy cable, oil Hope, on highway, with ex- dan, automatic, radio. ELECTRIO sewing machine, "Arrow", year. 8.8671 heating, rec-room sorted, Loam land near Teunton, nice high land, Asking $6,000 = cellent set of buildings, large ee, ' table, good condition, 4 6 beautifully londscoped. Owe with $1000 down. Make an offer. stream. All modern conven. 2 Automobiles for Sale 56 CHEVROLET Deluxe is "Telephone for further Tes OSHAWA T.V. ATTRACTIVELY ner will take back morte ences, Price and terms ar- |' PONTIAC Parisienne four-door Coach, leather uphol- --~ goge on reasonable terms. 50 acres farm, 10 miles from Oshawa, barn with water and ranged. re meen ved, oviside, Tele: Ho tery, new fires. |TYPING paper ] sale, letfer size, SUPPLY LTD. FURNISHED ROOMS inspe: Mr. hydro, 6-room house with bathroom and furnace, tile and hard- 236-0 0 phone 728-0222, '56 CHEVROLET Del Se- nave, aawprit, $1 A , Baik oe end 361 GIBBONS STREET Available in private home. Sole," 725. 6544 4 723- wood floors. Price includes hay and machinery, $18,000 with acre tam near Lrono, ARDIOF, 'i Powtias, o syindi, den, outomatic Te Department. 0 Times. 728-8180 26-=Rooms for Rent @LEAN, large fully equipped house 2 streams, large L-shaped [aut ti terms. omatic, radio, etc. Reduced 905 i " ke - 82 PARK ROAD N iis bankbarn, drive shed, bulk- [for quick sale, "Nicos Motors. 4d, hi] mission, Immaculate Es opmCH Gi A fe : Call betw 5.and 7 pn Members O.D.R.E.B. A "HAS TO BE SOLD" FARM cooler, Re 10-roomed home To Street North, Whitby. MO 8-8001, Condition' vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-454; LATEST » Call between .m. with all modern conveniences. |TUMBLER-FREE with $3 worth of| VACUUM clea irs, all me Ri 4 Sey 728.8671 Mortgages Arrenged, Bought 100 acres, 90 acres workable, L shaped barn, water and hydro, Price and terms afranged, gasoline at The Hilltop, Open from 56 CHEVROLET Four-door parts, attachments, brushes: guaran: MODERN DESIGNS and Sold silo. 8-room house with water and hydro. Asking price . .16,000 Io am. unt widnivh Hardtop. ' "lifterior. ited tebujlt machines. Estimates free, > . 4 51 PONTIAC : ' Rentals, Vacuum Cleaher Repair Ser " with terms. 200-acre DAIRY FARM os a lB kl naar a Joa Like New". 788-0991 anytime, In living room drapery ma- going concern with all mach- hone 723-1302, or 149 Burk, be - terials -- 79¢ a yard and up. 10 MILES FROM OSHAWA, 150 acres farm, 135 acres work- inery, cattle and crop. Large " hd TRANSPORTATION FA rr cx oh oo Bedroom donry in satins able, 2 barns, 1 mile road frontage. 8-room stone and stucco L-shaped bankbarn, drive THE HOME OF SPECIALS awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Chureb| and rayons 1.49 ond up J house. Full price $23,000 with terms. shed, etc; 10-roomed brick 158 CHEVROLET 4 .¥ a = me em | | Kitchen drapery materials. ; ome, all modern ¢o - «Ton res, on FOR SALE: Three bedroom brick bun-|TO RENT) 1% storey house, in Brook-| BUNGALOW with garage in Manchester; all conveniences. Ask 'iences. Price n $33,000, GOOD USED CARS Pick-Up . 893 [BF Goodrich Stores, 725-4543, Drapes made to try - Ealow on landscaped lot, large kitchen lin, § rooms. Central. Phone MO 8-4822. i 1 : TENTS, eamp cols, sleeping bags, Ian. m Al Oe ng price $10,500 with terms, Terms, " cam J gd "Before You Buy -- '52 {aan lo Pick, (less. plenic jugs, camp stoves. Hest! Pperts of nominal cost. Also 8 Md [ving rooms area and sehgos Tn | 1 LARGE bedsifting room with kitchen. rices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 48 | hoppil a 0 y of E Photie MO 83664. _ ci; for Jeab comical, Sultable for {9 WE URGENTLY NEED LISTINGS FOR FARMS AND HOUSES | 100- acre form, north Bow. Give Bill A Try" . $145 (Bond Street West, 725.511. Terms 18] spesas ot durour o)omode drapes at discount prices. FOR SALE: Whitby, large modern clap. | 8-151. manville, with stream, large s suit you. hed th e L-sh Iba 51 MERCURY Sedan, «foact Oil heated. Near schoo), stores Hei Loy med house; hey ME ( A LF Longe] enki g ] ye BILL WHI | I ICK di $139 COMPLETE SALE OF M & C DRYGOODS Tar adully preterred. MO S370), homme, running hot and coid MOTORS LTD. OTHER CARS Jo CHOOSE [ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 74 Celina Street FROI tral; adults preferred. MO 8.3 "PHREE-room unfurnished apartment water, Consider house for Wi : E: 3 id m p ferred. Phone MO 5.3355. 30ulls pres piel SR om oan ome: a trade. 146 BROCK ST. N. oll ig aly $40, 723-7827 Che buldibg ole, Ime, Real Estate Limited S5-roomed split-level new WHITBY MO 8-4741 FOR AN ones DEAL Install Canada's finest awn- FOR RENT: Four room apartment, |i te et of ore Toulage. To . v oe Hy spacious ¥ ard, 363 Bt se » ea ren, i io 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 home with attached garage, SEE "TED" ing nd Pareh 4 roiling, Very LATEST MODERN ve Helen Allan, | No. 5 Hi 2 reasonable € Pr a Mendelssohn piano with ee A MO Ba. | $1,000 DOWN BURK STREET $1,000 DOWN tion Do ghey Wh WwW | L L | S TED CAMPIN ALEX VAJDA. 753. 9851 DESIGNS month, including heat, Tight, Cant McAuley Rea] Estate, representa. | [SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Walter Ward. In living room drapery mat ""bench, full key, recently tuned, $80 cash 904 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8.2363. 5-room bungalow, decorated, eluminum storms and Soleshy & on ond terms arranged. MO 3.4008. Brock Street South or Phone | FoR RENT -- Spacious thresroomed| O 207° deep lot that is all landscaped; close to shopping, bu HARDWARE STOR M OoTO R S 1 V TOWERS Srials 79¢ ¥d, ang. up. "THREE-ROOM apartment, for rent, self . contained apartment, central,| schools and on a paved residential street, for only $ 6,006 E and M R «V., Bedroom dra in satins ; » | parking. Reasonable to a good tenant. | 0 shoe repair business, $350 . pary 'very central, Would suit business couple. | Telephone 655-4471, with $1,000 down. Vendor will hold the balance on a first TAUNTON RD, EAST : 4048. structure with alls and rayons, 1.49 end up. Telephone MO 8-239, SEVEN-ROOM house on 7 acre of iove.| Mortgage with very reasonable terms, Just listed, so hurry for weekly turnover. Take house Y AUSTIN Deal NG ST i hannel " ~ I I FOR RENT -- Three-toom seli-con-(ly grounds, just two miles north of this one, it won't last long. Phone now for an appointment to for trade. Price $7,500. our ealer 607 Kl . channel antenna, all galvane ined apartment, $50, Mr ! ized, guaranteed | year. Say, 209 whithy, Three very large bedrooms, inspect, Terms rock Street Soufh, MO 85947. four-piece bath, oil heated, $12,800. We 'tave © Sood cesrment OSHAWA H FOR RENT $60 monihly, three snd 85100 down carries $90 monihy includ SUBURBAN LIVING 4-APARTMENT BUILDING, of Used Cars. TRIO TELEVISION apartments, baleony, Resi. |ind iitetest. Call Helen Simpson Mo brick construction, in Bow- (Just East of Wilson Road) 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 nominal cost. Also room pa tial Are newly d decorated, laundry « Sehstzman Realtor Bro Beautiful ranch bungalow on No, 2 Highway -- extro large manville, which could be 725-0331 723-4494 -- RES, 725-5574 ction of ready made facilities. Parking, close sarhosis, Buiiding, dren's ri id Hih | HOUBE Tor sie. seniraily io landscaped lot, attached garage, breezeway, laundry room, easily made into 6 apart- drapes at discount prices. y all) P N arge bedrooms, natural stone fireplace, dining room, finished ts. Pri a ' S FOR oa two-bedroom apartments, | vember 1. 339 Berry Street. MO 83904 recreation room. Truly a beautiful home in a choice sefting. borin ve orl. term or SELLING OR BUYING "STEW" IS WORTH TRYING ALE ern and $100, in mod after 5 p.m i Bl refrigerators. MO 8-3591. FOR RENT -- Two.room apartment, | elim $18, 000: Shawn by sppointment oly, S5-roomed house with 2 OSHAWA'S LOWEST PRICES NOW ON M & C Dry Goods i I EL Ll eg mena ok | APIER $130 CALL cottages at Pontypool. Asking | p 74 Celina Street paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap [Phone MO 8.5467. Dick Borrioge 725-6243 Joe Maga 725-9191 $6,000. Terms 55 Chev. -- $495 55 Plymouth--$295 Now is the time to replace 723-7827 nfl}, Ohaus Sime iiice, Winby ROOM and board for © wo, willing | Merion Drew 728: Frosh Elliott 723. yn. Kemp 728-2392 V2-roomied brick home. in A car to be proud of, will Savoy. Radio, two-tone those draughty wooden doors ORESSMAKING, suits, coals, dresses, For further informaflon call MO 82500 n id Bowmanville with all modern stand any test, sharp cor fo rthe money. and windows with the best szalterations, slip covers. Gowns and 4 $900 DOWN $15,100 full price six. room | conveniences. Down $1,500. 52 Chev $195 Alumirim; products obtain CLEARANCE ting our specially. Mrs. Toms, bungalow, screens, fenced, sodded, | Price or d. . Any make, Any Model new able. "RUN other improvements. MO 09-5428, | - e -Urrange ny. Fie, YN H a: 5 : "WOR SALE = Boys CCM Bleysit: |LoM¥ -- Lady's pink goriGruer ris CAN YOU SPARE 1 2 HOUR GARAGE, SNACK BAR, New tires, muffler, brakes, or used at Oshawa's lowest Reid Installations KROES SE re green and white, Boy's Junior cou teh, brown cord sirap. vd, 318 etc, Real Value prices. ( bicycle, red and white, Girl's CCM bi. Mary Street § West or 'hone MO 84294.) If so, don't miss seeing these homes, Values like these sell GROCERY STORE, ec., os a 725-4344 Wine 29 Green. 3 ble bi d and white. All agree to mon Also Prowl i ACToT modern two-bedroom apats. quickly, don't delay -- call our office today to inspect. going concern on No. 48 WILL SELL YOUR CAR AT YOUR PRICE } ts fi f , Call J Highway, excellent buildings, Er ai 15 ak "ost Dame hp Boy Tom 90." Cal OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS -- for the person wonting on 8 room | over $100,000" yearly mu: YOU DRIVE UNTIL SOLD WRECKING 36" CONTINENTAL BED I FOR SALE: La over. Pri d - complete with box spri + FURER 1afte oor unfurled apart mite dro a brick income home. Monthly income $137.00, Easy terms. iad, Hee one terms or GOOD QUALITY OIL 40¢ QT. TAX PAID OLD BANK BUILDING an or ng eleonone MO 35160. B00 mmomenly. 4 avy duty Gurney stove. 4 BEDROOM SPECIAL == close to King on LaSalle. Priced for EXPERT WELDING, REPAIRS, BODY WORK AND PAINTING $32.50 Tele 30 > wu. | EROORE Tier quick sole of $13,500 == terms. 8-roomed home in Bowman- AT LOWEST RATES IN OSHAWA, ESTIMATES FREE. TIME KING AND SIMCOE STS. Ee ee Pll apartment mw iE yille, all modem conven | PAYMENTS IF REQUIRED. ALL MATERIALS Deluxe Maple-fnished 08-5305. room, Hydro, heat included fent INCOMES -- 6 nr 2 st brick. Th ences. Commercial zoned. location, parking space: MO S900 | Sowras' rents for $70" oT SOD te loom Spar. | Akirg $5,000 sown. ROCKER PANELS REPLACED AND PAINTED FOR SALE full-size spring-filled mattress parly furnished, conveniences. Ap- |BC SERVICES, Complete bookkeeping | : ond bum uards after 630 p.m. Mrs. Bates. 303 service for small businesses, weekly, . NORTH-EAST «= 6 large rooms on Leslie St. -- close tc high 5-roomed home with "extra $9.00 EACH Sone, Licks, sted] beams, $34.95" t Street West, Whitby. otis Frat school and hospital. $10,900 -- immediote possession. fot in Newcastle, furnace, FULLY LICENSED GARAGE. CLASS A MECHANICS Stairs, windows, doors, ook Kitchen drapery materials, "for rent, ' electric. water heater, newly flooring, oak panneling, ATTENTION HUNTERS decorated." P! $6,500. | WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF GOOD USED french doors, plumbing, hot er, Bae | aA | WILSON R It Toms. 670 15 TIRES $3.00 UP waar aizatoty | FURNITURE on Bg Ti i Bg Br CalTOl | sign, in Tourn | ORDER YOUR SUBURBANITES NOWANDSAVE! || overy Geiciphion. Sleumon CENTRE : 88 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Tools, Garden ond Lown Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon | eg Sh ¢ 0 : Equipment. MO 8.3226. awa Shopping Centre pen 'til 9 725-6588 | Frank Hi . 725.20 ST. CLAIR WILDE RENTAL ERIC C. BRANTON | ken Hann 723-7963 Charlie Rankine 720-3602 | Donald Mowmins, eon or3v50 STEWART MOTOR SALES HOUSE WRECKING PHONE 725-9332 SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY MO 8-2660 | Doug Wilkon 725-5628 Lome Perrault, Clarke 2231 | 822 KING ST. W. (at Thornton) 725-1667 ANYTIME CO. LTD, (Continued on Page 24) '

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