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The Oshawa Times, 28 Sep 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 28, 1961 i os Vl Dief Starts Election Talk On Two Issues ' By DON HANRIGHT OTTAWA (CPI(--Election talk intensity that perhaps there is|particular course would be fol- in truly combative terms burst|an election in the air." {lowed" in the event upon the Commons Wednesday.| "This would be a good elec-| amendment by Prime Minister Diefenbaker tion issue," said CCF Leader Liberal majority. left no doubt that he would be Argue. "It will be an election | Through all of this there was, prepared to fight an election on|issue and we shall take it to not the slightest mention by the new Dominion - provincial|the people of Saskatchewan to anyone in the house of a pos- tax scheme as well as on the demonstrate that this govern- sible election date. There has controversial "class or kind" ment has overlooked them, for- been published - speculation of tariff issue. {gotten about them." |general federal election in No- On the latter issue, Mr. Die-| Paul Martin (L--Essex East) vember. fenbaker said the government said the bill is good reason for| The two issues cited could cannot accept the Senate's "throwing this government out| BE | A | hardly be more complex. amendment of the tariff bill and/of office and putting. someone The tariff bill was desigiied the proposed legislation will be else in who can govern." " gn . x ei to provide stronger protection) allowed to die with the end of There was less chance for for certain Canadian: industries! the session. He said the Liberal-| comment on the prime minis-| otabl hi nol S dominated Senate will have to/ter's statement that the govern- a Y aciinery manhulac. accept the blame for "the thous-|ment will not accept the Sen- TT ore rg aw Jo Laid ands of jobs which will remain ate's amendment to the contro-| Y'C€S two tariff rates: 18 ted" by its action versial "class or kind" bill duty for goods "of a class or mores Yue ; Se : kind made in Canada" and a His government's proposal. on CALLS IT STRANGE low rate for others. the tax-revenue split with the| 1nere was no immediate Lib-| One provision would have| provinces, Mr. Diefenbaker said|®Fal reaction but Mr. Argue given the revenue minister it will restore their rights to Said the prime minister made a power to decide such classifi- n strange statement after "having | cations without having such de-| {levy their own taxes and end' Deut : | ithe. *"'zimme gimme" an {cisions subject to appeal. After| {proaches itz ra. . bitter opposition in the Com- res fo gave 6 ait. MORE LEISURE ow, 2'Stvat domi 'FOR LONGEVITY | er the tunity comes, will v ! / ever the opportunity comes, wi |sion and this was accepted in ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) {I am sure, not listen to the whin- | lers and the wailers but will re- {the Senate proper where the |grew within me with increasing led the nation to believe that a #8 of an 2 the Senate's § re I J Jo J See CNS A Te Pe 'Mine-Mill Local Wins New Victory FELLOWSHIP Dr. Ettore Mazzoleni, prin- cipal of the school of music at the Royal Conservatory, University of Toronto, for the last 15 years, has been elect- ed to an honorary fellowship of the Royal College of Mu- sic, London, England. The award is made for outstand- ing service to the cause of music, | | | --(CP Wirephoto) TORONTO (CP) -- Rebellious, victory Wednesday over national officers of the International Un- ion of Mine, Mill and Smelter| Workers (Ind.) in the union's effort to gain control of the af- fairs and assets of the local. Mr. Justice G. T. Walsh of Ontario Supreme Court ex- tended a previous injunction which prevented national presi- dent Kenneth Smith froin hold- ing a union trial of charges that officers of Local 598 promoted a secession movement, The United Steelworkers of America (CLC) now is cam- paigning to sign up the 17,000 Sudbury members. The local, largest in Canada, represents| half Mine - Mill's membership| and at least $1,000,000 in as. sets. Mr. Justice Walsh said he would seek to expedite a trial of the injunction but extended it until the trial. { REPLIES TO LAWYER When national union counsel Aubrey Golden argued that the constitutional rights, Mr, Jus- local leaders and the steel un- {Local 598 in Sudbury won a new jon, Secession is the most serious act in the union calendar, Mr, Golden said. By retaining lead- ership of the local, the local officers could strangle any op- position to a raid by the Steele workers. Final Reading For NW.T. Rail Link OTTAWA (CP) -- A bill to build the first rail link into the Northwest Territories skipped through Senate committee ap- nroval and final reading Wed- nesday and awaits royal assent to become law. The me a s ure, subjected to considerable criticism in the Commons and some Tuesday night in the Senate itself, was passed without amendment but on division -- dissent recorded lopposition was seeking to de.|Without a formal vote being |prive Sudbury members of their called. The 438-mile line from Grim- {shaw in northern Alberta will {run to Hay River, a south shore {port on Great Slave Lake, and Liberals hold the majority. i . The bill setting out the tax DENIES CHARGES | "Don't get righteous -- it's split between Ottawa and the| LA CORUNA, Spain (AP) --|ihe assets. If they had nothing : } |provinces for the five years|Bishop Eduardo Boza Masvidal |yoy wouldn't be after it." {to huge lead-zinc deposits east |starting next April 1 is even said on his arrival Wednesday|" Sydney Robins, counsel for|at Pine Point. more complicated. night he and 131 Roman Catho- |10ca] 508, argued that national] The government would pro- In brief; it would end the tax-|lic priests were expelled from president Smith was not compe-| Vide the publicly-owned CNR up rental system whereby in most/Cuba purely because they de- tent to hear the charges against|to $86,250,000 for the line. Pine provinces the federal govern-|fended the cause of their reli-\jocal officers because he has al-|Points Mines Limited, subsidi- ment has occupied exclusively gion. He denied Castro accusa- ready expressed a bias. |ary of Consolidated Mining and the personal and corporation in-{tions that he and the priests| Mr. Golden, urging the earli- Smelting Company of Canada {come tax fields, paying the were involved in Cuban politics est possible trial, said that ev-|l.imited which in turn is con- |provinces rental for a field or plotted against the Castro re-|ery day the injunction is contin-/trolled by the CPR, would be which is constitutionally theirs. |gime. ued works in the interest of theithe main immediate customer. 37 FS al {alize that here has been solid tice told him: |achievement on behalf of all Ca- {nadians." FAVORS TAX BILL historic emblem, bought by He spoke before two days of ) MacMi in London last 'opposition criticism of the new Mr, MacMillan in Lon on tax deal ended with a vote of May, will be placed in the i497 {5 34 to approve the prin-| against the French in Canada | National Archives. ciple of the measure on second --(CP Wirephoto) reading. in the mid-18th century. Th ne Conservative MP joined > the Liberal and CCF groups in [J i | voting against the tax bill. Ro- tt © |bert Lafreniere, member for -- 1 er 1 Quebec Montmorency, said he| regrets the discarding of a for- Eighty-seven years 0° smok- ing apparently hasn't hurt Rocco Disderide. Anyway, his doctor rays he doesn't need to quit. Disderide puffed a slender cigar Wednesday as he ob- served his 104th birthday, | and attributed his longevity to '"'not having worked very hard." He said smoking is his only vice. FOR THE ARCHIVES badge 'of a Knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath given F. Jeffrey Am- herst, who led British troops Prime Minister Diefenbaker is presented with a heavy gold chain, the emblem of | knighthood, by Vancouver | lumber magnate H. R. Mac- Millan. It is the collar and {mula In which Quebec received | federal grants to universities by 4 y iS |being given leeway to levy a By ROBERT RICE OTTAWA (CP)--A bitter fight with far - reaching implications for organized labor on Great Lakes Ships continues today be fore the Canada Labor Rela- tions Board. involves the Inde Seafarers' International Union of Canada and the Cana- dian Brotherhood of Railway, Transport and General Work- ers (CLC) The unions cl years ago over marine en- gineers on the west coast, a fight that led to the SIU being ousted from the Canadian Labor Congress. Now both unions claim the right to represent the crews of two freighters owned by Island Shipping Limited. The ships are the Northern Venture and the Wheat King The Northern Venture has been lying idle at Marquette, Mich. since Sept. 19. In Minne- apolis Wednesday, a spokesman for the U.S. National Labor Re- lations Board said it is investi- gating a charge of unfair labor practices lodged against pickets of the freighter. WON FIRST VOTE The brotherhood, a 35,000. member union that has been ex- ashed several tended into new fields from its bers saying they have been un- higher cornoration income tax. Before the vote Lionel Chev- traditional rai'way jurisdiction, der threat of reprisals from the rier (L -- Montreal T.aurier) got its bid in first and won a|/SIU for retaining brotherhood said that as he listened to Mr. 35-to-0 vote of support from the membership. crews of the two ships. The bal lot was conducted by the Labor Relations Board. In its counter-claim tification as bargaining company up the which crew members ued pay their brotherhood initiation fees The brotherhood and the com pany deny the allegation. The board hearing started Wednesday with evidence of waterfront violence and chican- ery arising from the two-union fight for the Northern Venture crew. put for cer- agent, the SIU has alleged fraud and misrepresentation. It claims the money to - COULD BREAK HOLD If the brotherhood wins for- mal certification as bargaining agent for the crews, it will be the first outright break in the SIU's monopoly hold on inland seamen. Labor observers say this would set the stage for an all- out offensive against the SIU by a new marine workers union that has the tacit support of the Canadian Labor Congress. The charge being investigated by the U.S. "Labor Relations Board involves secondary boy- cott. McCabe, a Duluth, Minn., law- yer, for Upper Lakes Shipping Two SIU witnesses, former | Limited of Toronto, agents for Northern Venture crew mem- bers, testified that Captain Clyde Clattenburg gave $5 initiation fee. Capt. Clatten- burg testified that the money was a straight cash advance to Island Shipping Limited. The NLRB spokesman said them | the freighter originally was reg- $10 out of which they paid their istered in the Bahamas, but within the last two months changed to Canadian registry. He said the charge alleges the new crew members, such as picketing is designed to disrupt often is paid on lakes ships. The brotherhood introduced three signed affidavits from Northern Venture crew mem- COOL ALL OVER WEATHER FORECAST Continuing Cool Over Ontario Forecasts issued by the Tor. onto weather office at 5 a.m.: Synopsis: A great mass of| Northern Georgian Bay, Al-|1ondon 3 southern| itchener North Bay, Sud- v cold air has pushed southward from the Arctic and covers On tario. The surge of cold air was marked by extensive snowflur- ries in Northern Ontario and by showers in the southern and Sunny with cloudy periods Fri- central parts of the province, 4a¥, continuing cool. Winds Freezing and near - freezing Northwest 15 to 25 and gusty to- day, becoming south or south- temperatures will occur in Cen- tral and Northern Ontario to- night. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, rane regions: Cloudy with snow- Lake Huron regions, Niagara, flurries this morning, becoming scattered showers this Windsor, London, Hamilton, Tor. noon. Sunny with afternoon cloudiness Friday, continuing cool. Winds northwest 15 to 20/to northwest 15 to 20, becoming Wilf and gusty today, becoming southwest 15 Friday. X Lake Ontario, southern Geor !gian Bay, Haliburton regions and gusty today, becoming wes! 15 Friday. goma, Tima ga mi, White River, bury Sault Ste. Marie: Cloud with sunny periods today Chance of scattered this afternoon, much cooler west 15 to 20 Friday. Northern White River, Coch afte with a few sunny periods Fri- day, continuing cool. Winds west west to southwest 15 Friday valid until Lake Huron, Marine forecasts 11 a.m. Friday Georgian Bay showers r- onto: Sunny and cooler today|noon, changing to snowflurries _ with cloudy periods this after- overnight, much cooler. Cloudy business relations between the Northern Venture and ore dock owners, the Lake Superior Ish- |peming Railroad Company. creasing to 15 to 25 knots this evening. Partly cloudy. i 'Lake Ontario: Winds west to northwest 20 to 35 knots de creasing to 15 to 25 knots this evening. Cloudy with showers east end this morning. Partly cloudy this afternoon. Forecasts temperatures Low High Tonight Friday an 60 | 40 60 40 55 | 40 55 38 55 40 55 42 55 40 55 45 50 45 50 42 48 38 48 30 45 30 42 28 40 22 40 32 38 30 35 Windsor St. Thomas Wingham Hamilton * St. Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay {Sudbury Earlton Kapuskasing | White River | Moosonee REFUSES TO QUASH OTTAWA (CP) -- Mr. Justice red Judson of the Supreme Court of Canada refused Wed- nesday to quash charges laid It was filed by Thomas|P€.Y Diefenbaker's speech "a feeling Jury Conviction On Manslaughter HAMILTON (CP) A Su-| preme Court of Ontario jury Wednesday convicted two Ham. ilton men of manslaughter in| the beating death of Ettore Ben-! venuti. Edward Bennett, 22, and Fred Sweet, 23, were remanded in! custody until Friday for sen- tence by Mr. Justice J, P. Don- lly. Benvenuti, 51, died 13 days| after being struck down by the | pair July 16 on a downtown stree | ~-- BILLS. Clean, fast caulking. Si drop in a cartridge, squeeze plated metal. (Less cartridge) INSTALLED IN YOUR CAR 9.89 GALLON 78 ar ~~. NEW, LOW, TAKE a 4 HOME PRICE ou. ® the better the vinegar... the finer the Only the very purest of vinegar can hring sul the full flavour of your favourite pickling recipes, Use Canada Vinegar for naranteed purity, full hodied strength and aged. in-wood flavour. Costs less, too, because it's made in your own region! White Apple Cider Malt in Bulk, Bottles and Jars GUARANTEED uP TO 4 YEARS 45 up N Weste rm. iv bd 48 | CANADA PURE against Regina lawyer M. C. |! Winds west to Shumiatcher in connection with Cloudy this morning with occa. Northwest 25 to 35 knots de-|a Saskatchewan Securities Com- siona] showers in eastern sec- creasing to 15 to 25 knots this|mission hearing in 1958, He re- tions, becoming sunny with cloudy periods this afternoon cooler. Sunny with afternoon cloudiness F rid a y, continuing 4 evening. Cloudy with howers Georgian Bay ending by noon Lake Erie: Winds west 4 scattered to eool. Winds northwest 15 to 20 northwest 20 to 35 knots de- law. jected an application by the well - known Regina lawyer to quash the charges on grounds that the counts are wrong in » . MUD 'N' SNOW .88 RETREADS '" 23". WITH CLASS "A" TRADE | SP | ( W# cauLkinG Gun COSTS SO LITTLE . . . SO EASY TO USE . . . SEALS COLD OUT. . . KEEPS HEAT IN . . . CUTS DOWN ON FUEL trigger and it's ready to go. Sturdy CAULKING CARTRIDGE -- REG. $1.29 10 DAYS ONLY 88 White or Gray - .39¢ mply the PLASTIC STORM WINDOWS 19¢ = 10 DAYS ONLY ba 10 DAYS ONLY AUTOMATIC HAIR DRYER "PRO" |FOOTBALLY 99 $5.98 VALUE 10 DAYS ONLY MU HOLDS OVERSHOES, RUBBERS, -- 10 DAYS ONLY REG. $14.98 ETC., KEEPS FLOORS CLEAN 5 MOST SIZES YOU DON'T NEED ALL CASH NOW. JUST SAY CHARGE IT! Its as easy as that with Western's own financing. No embarrasment, no red t ape. DRIVE SAFELY FOR ONLY $1.00 DOWN and $1.00 Per Week. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT WESTERN TIRE. YEAR ROUND PROTECTION Western LTI-GRADE 10-W-30 MOTOR OIL 10 DAYS ONLY TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO.--ASSOCIATE STOR 0 145 KING ST. W. SHAWA STORE JOHN KENT, PROP. NEXT TO BREWERS' RETAIL 728-1607

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