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The Oshawa Times, 28 Sep 1961, p. 5

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" WHITBY And DISTRICT | fence of Tadeusz Niemiec, 38, of #8 being sued for alienation of 2 |Camp in 1948, When they were told in Whitby on Wednesday iby a witness that she would 2h | ~|spoke to his wife on occasion. ALIENATION SUIT A Supreme Court jury was ave left Roman Wiatrowski, f Oshawa, if he had spoken to her in the same manner he he was testifying for the de- 11002 Simcoe street south, who is |atfections by Wiatrowski, 46, of {217 Johnston avenue. | Mrs. Mary Raczulski, of 281 |James street, Oshawa, told the jury that she had first met | Wiatrowski and his wife Sophia, now 38, in a Displaced Persons 1 Witness Tells Of Arguments In Home with Mr. and Mrs. Wiatrowski ever since 1951. They had visit- | ed back and forth on many occa- sions, he said, and on nearly § every visit he had witnessed quarsels between the Oshawa couple. He said that on one occasion] Wiatrowski told him and others that he would give someone a hottle of whisky if he would take! his wife. He said that Wiatrowski als told him that Niemiec was his best friend and had given him money to help build his house. WAS BOARDER Farlier in the trial, which gogo op Engg EERIE He ES Sl Th i a 8 hd % LI La 040, 5000 lh, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 28, 1961 § LIKE NEIGHBORS MONTREAL (CP)--Marg Os- singer with "Don Mes- an engagement here, believes the success of the show lies in in the group could be anyone's next-door neighbor and seem to like the feeling," said. "I don't think there's any- body on the show who could be glamorized anyway." TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Whitby, Ontario. To Wit: By virtue of @ warrant by the Mayor of the Town bearing date Whitby of day of June, 196), @ lands in arrears the Town of Whitby, held in the Council Cham %\ first married, she sald, she and|opened before Mr. Justice Park- er and a six-man jury on Tues- wl fr " 11 lived in one room : \ 3 tlle Suuple 1 Bred | day, Wiatrowski told of meeting | During those early months of |Niemiec on a neighboring farm |§ marriage, she said, there had|in 1949, after arriving near been arguments |Ottawa from Germany. He said between Hebd " & jizzt Niemiec came to live with Lab fried WHITBY CAR An Austin Healey 3000, own- ed by Ted Mitton of Whitby will be driven in the Mosport Production Class race at Mos- port this Saturday. The car will be. driven by Peter Curtis of Toronto, who has been driv- TO RACE AT ing for the past 15 years. The | 1960 Healey has been raced in | the U.S. and Canada and has | won many trophies. Owner | Ted Mitton believes his car | will stand a good chance in Saturday's race which will cause Sophia wished to have a [the MOSPORT | cover 20 laps at the Mosport Track. Shown here are driver | of the trophies they have won | with their car in the past two years. --QOshawa Times Photo Rochester Overcomes 4-1 Deficit To Win By GERRY BLAIR The question of which classi- fication is superior between the American Hockey League and the Eastern Professional Hock- ey League still remains a stale- mate regardless of the 6-4 ver-|four Kingston goals were scored| °° ° on Cheevers, in his first year|8€neral dict registered by the Rochester Americans of the AHL over their adversaries, the Kingston Frontenacs of the EPHL, The number one club of the|placed Cheevers, held the Fron-|Cl0se eye on the progress Toronto Maple Leaf organiza- tion with superior conditioning|fans witnessed the well-played| overcfme a 4-1 deficit, to fire home five unanswered tallies in the final 30 minutes of play. The Frontenacs, taking ad- vantage of the slow start by the Americans, built up their com- manding margin in 21 minutes. - Gerry Cheevers, who started in the nets for Rochester was a little lax at clearing loose pucks around his crease, and aided the Frontenacs on two occa- sions. Randy Miller, Tommy Wil- liams, Don Blackburn, and Tom McCarthy accounted for the four Frontenac markers. Stan Smrke scored the lone Rochester goal, amidst the King- ston outburst The majority of the Ameri- can's line-up had seen previous action with the Toronto Maple Leafs in pre-season activity, and come the middle of the second stanza, started to control the play, having accustomed them- selves to the smaller ice surface of the Whitby Community arena. Successive tallies by Ed Law- Bruce Draper, Dick son, {Gamble, Wally Boyer, and Jim| |Pappin provided the margin of|the Bruins in the person of Pat | {icans. | GAME COMMENTS . . | victory for the Rochester Amer-|Star *|Smith as soon as Ted Green| Alp recovers from a broken hand.| Senior Citizen jing of the EPHL. . . . Defence help is also on the way from Stapleton, Ed Westfall or Dallas | Milt Schmidt, assistant manager with the of pro competition up from St. Bruins, was a special guest in {Michael's College Majors. IGerry McNamara, who re- |tenacs at bay. . . . Some 1,000 exhibition contest. . . . 16 minor |penalties were meted out by {National Hockey League referee Vern Buffey, but no serious outbreaks were in evidence. «+ + The most Impressive forward unit for the Rochester Americans was comprised of Wally Boyer, Dick Gamble and Gary Jarrett. . . . The player of the game award would have to go to Boyer, who displayed tre- mendous speed, and fine play- making ability. He was runner- up in the rookie-of-the-year award, with the Rochester club in the AHL last season. . . . Boyer would appear to be des- tined for a fine NHL career with the Leafs. . . . Wayne Rutledge played the entire game in the nets for the Frontenacs. John Henderson was slated for half duty, but a mix-up in where his pads were situated prevented him from seeing any action... Ed Chadwick, currently accom- panying the Boston Bruins in their exhibition itinerary, is expected to join the Kingston Frontenacs in time for the open- Install O fficers i At Kinsmen Club By CLIFF GORDON Tuesday night was installation of officers night for the Whitby Kinsmen Club. The Deputy Gov- ernor of district 8 Jake Brown, fellows of the up and coming {Bulb drive that starts next Mon- day. We will have more on that later in the week. Kin Jack Robertson showed! the Community box. Schmidt was arena press keeping a of {future Boston prospects. . . {Johnny Crawford, a 12-year vet- eran of the Boston Bruins, is the coach of the Toronto spon- sored Rochester club. is Crawford expects further help from the Leaf organization as soon as Bert Olmstead mends. . . . Either Bill Dineen or John MacMillan will join the Ameri- cans in the near future. .. . Kingston next see action "on Monday night at home against Doug Harvey's New York Rang- ers. . . . The Frontenacs are still seeking their first pre-sea- son victory. . . . Rochester plays the Hull - Ottawa Cana- diens of the Eastern Pro circuit tonight in Peterborough. On Thursday of next week, the Americans tangle with the Pitts- burg Hornets in Niagara Falls, and meet the Cleveland Barons the following evening in St. Thomas. ROCHESTER -- Goal, Cheev- ers and McNamara; defence, White, Howe, Sly, Cote, Kraft. check, Brown; forwards, Drap- er, Boyer, Gamble, Smrke, Calder, Pappin, Lawson, Jar- rett, Kozak, Ehman. KINGSTON-- Goal, Rutledge; defence, Ashbee, Treen Sinden, Stephanson, Hook: forwards, Gagne, Williams, Tessier, Le- Clair, Panagabko, Ferguson, Leiter, Attersley, Blackburn, Miller, McCarthy. SUMMARY First Period Kingston: Miller (Williams, LeClair) ... | 2. Rochester: Smrke (Draper, Pappin) .... 2.02 13.31 | Curtis, owner Mitton and some | Wiatrowski and his wife be- ichurch marriage in addition to ithe civil marriage she had had; lat the camp. | She told the court that shej had also been married while at camp and after coming to| Canada she and her. husband had a church marriage, too.| She added that she and Sophia] Wiatrowski had come to Can-| ada on the ne boat in 1949. | {She mei the Wiatrowskis again| n Oshawa in 1951, she said, | when she was living six miles| rom Oshawa when the couple| moved here from Ottawa. | When they came to Oshawa,| she said, they were still quarrel-| |ling because her husband would {not allow her to have a church | marriage WOULD HAVE LEFT She said that Wiatrowski| used abusive language in these] arguments and that "I would| {have left him if he spoke to me| in that manner." | Walter Jacek, of Collingwood, who is married to Niemiac's sister, said that he and his wife had been social friends of 'READER'S VIEWS him and his wife in Oshawa in 1951 and had lived there as a boarder until July 19, 1960. On tnat occasion, he said, he wakened from a nap after sup- per to find Niemiec and Mrs. Wiatrowski in a chair in the liv-| ing room, kissing each other. "I told him 'you have broken my life an d my home'," Wia- a trowski told the court and his counsel Z. T. Salmers. | Nicmiec le't the house two) days later and on Feb. 28, of this year, Mrs. Wiatrowski| moved out, after purchasing a| new home on 205 Grenfell ave-| nue. In reply to a question by de- fence counsel George Boychyn, Wiatrowski said "I loved her and I still do." Evidence was given by Ger- ald Olch and two of his asso- i/ciates of the Crown Detective Agency that they had spotted] emiec and Mrs. Wiatrowski| in September and October of last vear parked at Lakeview Park, in Oshawa. On some occa- sions, they said, they had watch- ed them kissing each other. The trial continues today. ' Rocker Booster | The Editor: During our vaca- |tion last July, we spent several |hours a day in an old-fashioned rocker on the hotel porch. It wasn't long before the stiffness |had entirely disappeared from our leg muscles. An acquaintance of ours, who is 92, complains about his dull hearing and his poor eyesight, but never a word about aches WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. George Archi-| bald are spending their three-| week vacation at thelr cottage on Georgian Bay. Tony, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carswell, is celebrating his third birthday today. Friends of the family are wishing Tony many happy returns of the day. | Mrs. T. A. Bradley, of Ottawa, has returned to her home after spending one week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. McCaffrey, of| Ontario street west. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gallie of Hull, Quebec, and Mr. Jim-| mie Carson, of Howick, Quebec, | were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. McColn, of Peel street. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forth, of | {Callander, are house guests of | {Mr. and Mrs. Howard Souter, of | Dunlop street east. | Mrs. R. McCloskey and Mrs. and pains in his legs, for he spends a great part of his wak- ing hours in his rocking chair. Sensible parents do not wait for their newly married daugh- ters to snitch grandmother's rocker from the attic for their apartment as an antique piece of furniture. No less a person than Dr. Janet Travell, President Ken- nedy"s personal physician, states in the current issue of The Readers' Digest in 'Ladies and Gentlemen be seated": "Our ancestors . . . discovered that one of the best chairs in the world is the now old-fashion- ed cane seated porch rocker hi tario ceived a cool reception at one Whitby restaurant where cus- tomers deposit their pennies e enforcement of the On- | in a jar labelled "Frost Bite". Retail Sales Tax re- | Lorne Silver, operator of Sil- | FROST BITE JAR ver's Grill on Brock street south is pictured above with his tax-gathering jar of pro- vincial coin. Like many mer- chants in town, Mr. Silver thinks the new tax levy is "frostrating". --Oshawa Times Photo First Dance Successful At Anderson By DEREK BETTY Four high school students, calling themselves "The Shad- ows," comprised the boys' band that supplied the music for Anderson High's first dance of the season last Friday. The turn-out was greater than expected as students from both Anderson. and Henry High Schools came in large numbers in cars, on buses, or just walk- ing. During the "break," school records were played, supple- mented by privately - owned records, but everyone was glad when these able musicians, The Shadows, returned. Two of the boys, Doug Swain and Tom Molyneux, are Anderson stu- dents. Their playing of the re- nowned Bunny-Hop seemed to arouse even the shyest person to join in. The winners of the two spot- light dances were Anna Mary Anderson, and Pat Munro of Anderson and Bob Lewis of Henry. All in all, everybody had a grand time. We hope that the newly elected Students Council, Notice is hereby the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being pub- lished in The Onterio Gazette on the 1st day of July, 1961, and that copies of said list mey be had et my office. Treasurer's Office this 20th doy of June, 1961. JOHN R. FROST, Treasurer, Town of Whitby. WMS Conducts Church Service "To Build a Nation" was the subject of Mrs. C Lovey's mes- sage at the annual WMS serv- ice held in the. Whitby United Church on Sunday morning. The lesson was read by Mrs. Harold WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY Whitby Motors Lid. : Appointment DUPLICATE BRIDGE North and South: Mr. and Mrs. Winter, 77; Mrs. Frost and Miss Lawler, 66; Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. P. Irwin, 65%; East Hare, local WMS president. Promotion Day was observed in the Sunday School and schol- ars received their certificates and were assigned to their new classes and teachers. Regular classes begin next Sunday. Next Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be ob-| served and new members will be received by transfer of cer- tificate. and West: Mrs. Beaton and Miss Forsyth, 80; Mr, and Mrs. Wells, 71; Mrs. Chubb and Mrs. Maundrell, 64. What Women Want In The Men They Marry -- in a husband? Strength? In- telligence? Sense of humor? the sponsors of the dance, arranges another such enjoy- able evening in the near future. ROSS SHEYAN Whitby Motors Ltd, declers Mcllveen of Anderson and her| partner, Jack Holliday, also of| in Buick, Ponticc & Vauxhall Cars ond G.M.C. Trucks ere happy to announce the ap- pointment of ROSS SHEYAN to our sales staff. Ross is widely ond favourably known in the Automobile field and looks for- ward in his new position, to meeting his many friends. Good earning power? Good Koks? No, none of these! Learn Finance The mame to remember for MONEY! 101 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY BROCK BLDG. MO 8-3881 TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY 1961 TAXES with high back. This rocker has low enough arm rests. It gives support to the upper shoulders and neck. It has a firm flat back to fit the lumbar region by add- ing a small cushion. It can be tilted back to insure sufficient 'slope'. And the motion of rock- ing favors circulation, by alter- nately relaxing and contracting the muscles so keeps them from getting stiff." The old-fashioned rocker is worth its weight in doctor's pills. So, gentle reader, if you have a senior citizen in the fam- ily, why not fix him up with one of these rockers? S. A. BRETT. The second and last instalment of 1961 TAXES CHAS. A. BRADLEY & SON LIMITED |PAINTING & DECORATING | BROOKLIN | 655-4441 | | ARE DUE on or before MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1961 TAXES moy be paid ot the TOWNSHIP OFFICE COLUMBUS, ONTARIO or et THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 27 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO PENALTIES WILL BE ADDED TO UNPAID TAXES AFTER OCTOBER 2nd, 1961 GEORGE FARNCOMB, CLERK AND TAX COLLECTOR Columbus, September 22nd, 1961 WESTHILL AT 2-0961 J TAILORED UNDERWEAR 3. Kingston: Williams (LeClair, Miller) 4. Kingston: Blackburn (Ferguson, Leiter) Penalties |A. C. Smith attended the month- 13.48/1y meeting of the Women's Aux- liliary to Catholic Church Exten- . 19.00/sjon at the residence of Right of Bowmanville, was on hand to| , : : : | tod , » | ome very enligh slide officially install the new officers. | Australia onlightenjug stdes onl The mew slate for the Kinsmen| the Kinsmen Clubs down there. | ub is as follows: President|lt showed some of their rolling | FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Howard Jeffery; 1st vice-presi-| dent, Jack Robertson; 2nd vice- country land much similar to our own, also some of the fine home Howe, Ashbee, Brown, Cotte. Second Period | Rev. J. A. McDonagh, 90 Rox- horough street east, Toronto. Quality Underwear that fits better,' president, Jim Gartshore: - sec- + retary, Ciifl Gordon: registrar, down under. Another. ora ve0. Munns; treasurer, Cec!shpw i ar ae) Thomas; Bulletin editor, Clare Slowed ve Of sels jine vegohes! Hewson and the four directors| nv _ , DiaY. { are Howard Souter, Max Hamp-| 1 "¢ local club was most for- son, Herb Walton and Geo. Carr, |tunate in having no less than 14 Deputy Governor Jake gave a|members who received 100 per very interesting talk to the club|cent attendance pins. They in- and outlined the responsibilities|cluded Jim McTeague, | of each new executive member Mikicel, Reg Stuart, Max 17.40, Ashb. | for the coming year. Hampson, Bob Heron, Clare| ~~' oroce. Guests at the meeting in- Hewson, Geo. Carr, Geo. Munns. Third Period cluded Deputy Governor Jake Bill Dragomatz, Cec Thomas, | J Rochester: Boyer Brown of Bowmanville, Gus|Jack Robertson, Jim Gartshore, |): Rochester: Pappin Brown and James Cherry of Howard Jeffery and past presi. (Brown, Kraftcheck 10.18 Whitby. The evening consisted dent Murray Silver. Kin Clare! Penalties -- Pappin, Sinden of the regular business with Kin|Rich was the lucky winner of Panagabko, Lawson Hook, | Doug Windstanley reminding the the sunshine draw. Brown. : | BROCK Evening Shows aot 7:00 and 8:25 WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:25 THRILLS GALORE! TWO ACTION-FILLED FEATURES! 5. Kingston: McCarthy ... 1.10 years longer, Save You ony Rochester: Lawson (Calder, Jarrett) .... . Rochester: Draper (Pappin, White) . Rochester: Gamble (Sly) 1 Penalties -- Cote, Boyer, Ste- Mike phanson, Draper and Williams, A.WATSON'S 372" Athletic S'Port Shorts--shorts and support all in one. Sized for perfect comfort. Soft combed cotton, Jerseys to match. B. WATSON'S "396"-French Style Shorts--double front fly. Long Wearing. Launders well, Jerseys to match. €. WATSON'S *555" Criss-Cross Shorts. Patented self-closing front. Reinforced elastic leg. openings. Jerseys to match, 12.40| ET 2 : For soothing relief from rheumatic, sciatic, arthritic pain use Ruma- caps. Disturbing pains caused by Kidney and Bladder irritations quickiy relieved by Rumacap's anti- septic action. See Your Druggist. D. WATSON'S Tailored Underwear -Briefs and Jerseys--specially sized for boys. E. WATSON'S Bikini=Two styles-- 100% Stretch Nylon Yarn--Finest Combed Cotton, Extra brief for extra comfort, sure support. White, Star Blue, Red, and Black. £. WATSON'S Short-Sleeve Topand Elastic-Top Drawers--in finest quality combed cotton, wool-and- cotton, and wool-and-orlon mixtures, . | WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale at . . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times HOUSE OF WINDSOR LOD.E. |One Day Blitz | | RUMMAGE SALE 120 DUNDAS ST. WEST | WHITBY Fri., Sepl. 29 FROM 12:00 NOON | ------ AFTER TT WATSON'S also have a complete line of Tailored Underwear for Women, Girls and infants. DOLORES 477,77 ium 'omecreo av HERgIwT Cole wan SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS 1.30

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