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The Oshawa Times, 29 Sep 1961, p. 13

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| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 29, 1961 13 | ision Comi Order For Metal Sti | Metal Strike Talk ver person. Mother Decision Coming | lications in all provinces American company's unexpurg-| DY... Polineabe 'labor ry. If : \ " : ox nat | |upjies P lated paperback edition of Lady| CHATHAM (CP) -- Police ATC ertification battle between two|tification rights it will have TAWA (CP) Dniers Man | Which began 18 days ago, were| Make A Man illionai y yi ce temporary ; 5 amen Millionaire Toronto hotelman Who were made MmPOTATY |y akes. {nadian Great Lakes ships. ling companies to change the|for the Canadian Mechanical] Octobe Reader's Difest harges of stealing money, CAS executive director R. Lr ansport and General Workers/,, . aT ee ry i d he has asked Canada to supply|chouid be banned on grounds) Now Yorker the CAM Weligre ot, / ' ! ' [Police Seek Great Lakes F Large Glass | - Recommends 'Lady Chatterly' [Police reat Lakes Fray large Glass | -- °c = = cr seme rea ee TORONTO (CP) -- Talks OTT >)--Ni De-| s whi H ar AWA (CP)-nNigerian De heads a list of 44 appeals which seeking the mother of five) ion "over the crews of two|gained an entry into the SIU's dl Will Ts Col ity Gbroken off Thursday. ommend to his government pur-|~ opening next Tuesday. lion an, J "hildren's Aid So- n . ; Canada opening Ben Smith and two others will|wards of the Children's Ald So" "oo ole 0 Ca A rival marine Workers' ull-itype of bottles in which beer|Construction Association, said October ReatErd lt ce illand Aircraft of Canada, LAW J rel Ladyjon ¢ § AS v , Do D. XH. Lawrences nove land securities worth $960,000 Whittington said he has charged (or oy and the independent Sea-| tecent cienifc findings show | tha r i igeri it is A {lawyer Stanley I. | ; a { ii ale | : : i ES ne 0 Sonal iat it is ghsceve under the and i Stuart, Northpolice were unable to locate] The brotherhood wor a 35-to-0 One Extra will also be orders for packag-| The union insisted on a con-| choose the one that's right for Average annual coffee con- C di {sumption in Canada is 480 cups anadlan | : a Will Face Court | OIChildren oo orem. so on New Bottles 2 Tullo OTTAWA (CP)--An early de- have far - reaching eff w t t : | o or 4 ) + 3 i fs | % ns rt OTTAW PYiih p2 rit chee court decisions that an cision is expected from the Can-|the Great Lakes shipping indus. {the Sheet Metal Workers Inter P Tra po 5 AWA (CP)=d tas Ni Bue +h lada labor relations board on a|try. If the brotherhood wins cer- {national Association (CLC), (Can erfume fence Minister Mohammadu Ri-| > before the fall|Chatterley's Lover represents ™ : {un ] gained a J badu said Thursday he will rec- wy Son. bind Court of|an undue exploitation of sex. young Wallaceburg children); operating on the Great jurisdiction over seamen on Ca-|00Ch, Wot S05 0 by brew.| George Fergusson, counsel Fall In Love? chase of about $6,000,000 worth! "rye wage involves the distri- J ; ition ciety Thursday. : of transport planes from de Ha-ly tion and sale in Canada of|appeal against their convictions Clely 3 {dian Brotherhood of Railway,|ion is being formed to carry onland ale are sold, the Dominion the employers called off a] bose for sou ; Downsview, Ont. |Chatterley's Lover. The court ' : k= | oT x . : {scheduled meeting because the | Recent scientific findings show He also said in an interview|yin decide whether the book from Brilund Siines Limited Joie He esti We laters International Union ofthe SIU. -- | Initial orders are for some 24,- Union was not "bargaining in| that the right perfume COO} St. | tjanada, 000,000 dozen bottles and there|good faith." pings Wb ig s Rott be how to armed forces and to train 30|c.imi "ode. . i "Tews : re | 0 8 Criminal Code [vote of support from the crews ing materials. tract settlement based on the| you? Why do some tiny student officers in this country Montreal newsstand/Bay businessman, were con her. . lof the two ships--the Northern P Sel shange in| t often cost more than each year. es will appeal to a full vicled by an, Omtatio Assis The children, aged sx monte venture and the Wheat King, . Iborte pinks cramer majority report of a conciliation | of week's salary? What's the /OUHL. Jury ito 11 years, will be wards of, uy "on q by Island Shipping Session [in Ontario and Quebec but it is{board, which recommended a| difference between natural and ances? Read Mr. Ribadu, who conferred ine. 3 ain ) L , ] 2 bench of nine judges agai ¢ years each in| el here with Prime Minister Die-|"*""7 7 ~~ ~° 7 2 ~~ 13, 1960, to six years {the CAS for one year, Limited subsidiary of Upper| Qu rst gl eb ini ! antiary. to i sith Limited, a subs Ty pper; understood a similar change in|three - stage. 20-cent-an-hour Sy™ 2 Te fenbaker and Defence Minister penitentiary. Their appeals 10|youngest, taken to hospital with] "5 a8 3 ; ers in "Ah, Sweet Mystery 1 the Ontario Court of Appeals chest cold when the five were, <akes Shipping Company of |the rest of Canada is under con-|ywage increase over two years. of perfume!"in October Harkness, said Nigeria will need| T b P H e | 1ari | Toronto | je resi " ' » instructors | were dismissed. ] Wallaceburg welfare! : gaa | sideration. i 4 ; 3 's Digest -- now on many more" instructors than 0 aCCo Ic { found by Walla 2 The northern venture is tied| ugges eo The new amber-colored bottie| Employers offered 15 cents in, Reader's Diges officials Saturday night, has) ; {will replace the present green|t¥O sta 508. at the 30 Canada has sent to] . a ie, Mite. Uy a Ghana, another African mem-| T lks F ] d | {been released. up at } te, ] .» Dy aj ber of Commonwealth. | a al e | DEATHS | The children are believed to labor dispute that threatens to, WINDSOR er - Sugges- hotles used Tor sle £4 the pre He said there is every indi- RG (CP)--Twelve |have spent three days alone ex-|hecome an international inci-|tions that General Sessions of|® y : [ ion Niveria's request will re-| TILLSONBURG ( aye ; © CANADIAN PRESS | sot vith bv 'thete] : {the P be held three times|for lager. They will be three] cation Nigeria s request will re tobacco buying companies and By THE CANA {cept for a brief visit by their). HE tee a vear and that | inches shorter than the present] ceive sympathetic consideration. 0 avi Flue - Cured To. Vancouver--Charles A. Banks, roihor "who lives in the United "62%: ic 3 i R A The next step would be for a|the Ontario Flue a 77, retired mining magnate and|giatec' before their plight was| Earlier this summer theloounio "oourt jury cases be bottles and a 24-bottle case willl C. . . Er srowers' : : Ign ; ok n | C S wei i s . Canadian areieq forces team 2 Ah er Tmrstay to reach 4 Jorhes lieutenant governor of discovered. er in. Tt" away. finally dealt with on an avpointment LE INE Port Jess, thought FALL PROGRAMME 1961 0 to Nigeria to asses iat; 794 An ritish Columbia. i : . 2% ui, | . as Y|basis were made Thursday by| ! A / f 2 y's needs and what Can.|agreement on crop prices. Zurich -- Hilda Doolittle, 75, Wallaceburg Councillor Wil-lioaded by super visory dock pcos "County lawyers. {beer, One of the objects is tof The following programmes are being offered by the C.R.A. ada can do to supply them. The board had called Ino Pennsylvania-born poet who won liam Davies, head of the town's workers after the brotherhood Eric Silk. Ontario's assistant oe © papa through shortening | ond The Oshawa Recreation Committee He hoped the Canadian team meeting in an attempt to he oo acclaim under the nom deyoifare committee, said hefthreatened to boycott the Sul on Bond mpn ow A e present long, tapered} |... NERY SQUARE DANCING would leave for Nigeria by the|tiate minimum grade prices fori je «yrp > went to the two - room house|l-AWrence Seaway against. all deput: y- 5 ond ing 1 ART adult) WRESTLING end of October the province's 1061 tobacco "ppipging, Spain--Jose Maria X American ships {has been holding hearings| The new bottles have already POTTERY & CERAMICS "We are a young mition and crop. Prices have been set ev- ;.--g a. 67, noted Spanish after receiving an anonymous {EEPING WATCH throughout the province on been market-tested in the Peter WOODWORKING (men, ladies & TABLE TENNIS we have to move fast." lery year by arbitration pia ht and poet: of lung telephone complaint. He ound KEEPING ternal af-'court svstems. was told that|Porough area of Ontario and the children) JUDO (adult & Children) -- -- - tee the children had no food, were TI Canadian external af- court sys , Was at| Abitibi region of Quebec. They APTI, CAFS (children WEIGHT LIFTING y. ala 2 " ial. 0 aid! fairs pariment and the U.S.!General Sessions of the Peace! yi : vad i Jakarta -- Col. Dahlan Djam- inadequately clothed and said' ent anc General Sessions {will be introduced in further se- 9 : "deplorable." (state department are under- might be held in February.|jected areas of Ontario and Que-| ALLEY Tr ALUMINUM CAKE GECORATING * bek, Indonesian rebel leader; (sanitation was 3 n 3 Wholesale Firm in a skirmish with government : -- -|stood to be watching the case June and October instead of in|hec this fall and the general ED BOX-LOOM WEAVING of the Northern Venture, which April and November. changeover in the two provinces| forces . ( 4 raw | London--Sir Wiliam Bentley 9000 Men Will Get is manned by a Canadian crew| mppomas Zuber, secretary of |will be made next spring. 3 REGISTER NOW! 3 h bl ears co- and is registered in Canada, {the 'Fi ssay > Association, | -- = ---- M N H Purchase, 70, for 31 years co . iv : , [the Essex aw | ton, | | Ss Nurbe.. OF Puritciotmn W S one Nor ,ondon and thus | The vote on the brotherhood's|yrged that county court jury| AINFUL M r " Limitations Must Be Set On The Number articipan akes e 19 Ton ro ob London 4 a fall Survival Training 'application for certification as ged heard by appointment be-| PANT] IALADY GL CLASSES WILL COMMENCE EARLY IN OCTOBER fr he roof of his home DON y agent for Island Shipping em-|cause of difficulties involving Tetanus, commonly known as For Further Information end Registration Oshawa Wholesale Limited|under construction glongside from the roo of hi LONDON. on {( P) Pion ployees was conducted by the witnesses. lockpaw, is a painful disease CALL C.R.A. 725-1111 ales and iors Jose 1 ae a NEW RAIL LINK day militia units in western On. |1abor Telations board ited She Frank Chauvin, president of Which can resuit from being| ending Aug. 12, Ray D. Wolfe, (and other discount department [JSBON (AP) -- Construction tario will train 9,000 men this ST ited 2 ou Saunp [hie Assoviation, said Essex scratched by a rusty nail, President, reported in a semi-|stores are expected to be inlof a railroad linking the British|winter in six - week survivai| The boar a e Y Bly al ounty court ju ges mre over- | ¥ M hareholders to-|operation by year end. East African protectorate of|courses to be held at Windsor, |legations of rau and misrep {burdened because they also sit SUNS] TROL 10 Shi - pe-- Swaziland with Mozambique Chatham, Brantford, Galt, Lon-|resentation against the brother-/in division court. He suggested i reached $30,776,176, an . will he completed in 1966, Por-|don. Guelph, Kitchener, Strat.hood and the jompany, hot of that a lawyer of at least 10 increase of 19.2 per cent over White Slavery tuguese officials said. Cost has/ford, St. Thomas and Wood i hich denied the charges vents Drofessions Standing be the same period last year, and heen estimated at $22,000,000. 'istock a The inter - union battle maylused as a divisiona court judge. net profits rose 31.8 per i to ~~ 286,218. Net earnings per share R k t P bed 4 the 544,213 combined Class ac e IO A and Common shares outstand-| CLEVELAND (AP) -- Police ing was 52.6 cents for the 28-land FBI agents are investigat- week period compared with 41.5/ing what they described as a cents last year. | possible link in an international Volume for the full fiscal year|white slavery ring using Cleve | is now expected to exceed $60,-/land as a source of girls. | 000,000, a $10,000,000 increase) my, girls 18 and 19, said a over 1960, the report indicated. woman had sent them to Tor- Earlier this year, Oshawalonto to engage in prostitution, Wholesale Limited, which sup-iSgt, Sam Levy of the police : plies 128 Central Oatly IGA vice squad said Thursday. i ; ) \ : markets and 63 non-affiliate MEE 3 | *'% 0 0s ees se" cots "were made. Monday fi The ECONOMY READING PLAN: A VERY SPECIAL READER SERVICE! . markets, pioneered a new form " ' . of food merchandising when it| Dents were made Monday for 5, irr TY te fi them to fly to Toronto to meet opened Food City, Canada's first| man who 'would establish in PE foi : ! . ; » # 4 % si » . company highs in the 28 weeks discount supermatket adjoining] : . : a Tower's Marts Discount De. them in a vice resort. They partment store. According to| said the plane landed in Lon- Mr. Wolfe, consumer response/don, Ont, en route. Immigra. was so encouraging that two|tion authorities there became| select any magazines ! | more Food City stores are cd ong them to -- : . i 5 ™ ? : ; | Re-Elect Russ, | Toronto's Casino fm 4) | i : = : (8 PLUS he Oshawa Times WINNIPEG (CP) -- William| TORONTO (CP) -- The last Russ, Toronto, was re-elected shout of "Take it off" will rin president of the 49,000-member|out at the Casino Theatre in a National Union of Public Em-|couple of weeks. ¢ a week ALL for only H0 ployees before its four-day con-| rhe theatre opposite city hall vention closed here Thursday. |i opi itima 3 a a going legitimate after a quar- . > . Duripe fhe gins] gessions dele- er . century of variety and bur- : ¥ OZ IAA mm CHOOSE ANY 4 MAGAZINES from this GREAT LIST ates agre 0 co : : rt i : pie Se hn 0 Af Mh Bh Jesume, 2 Yu Son eiale on "N BY STUDEBAKER or--LIFE and 1 other MAGAZINE from this list Cat of he Ing. Sie 2 To re even it te Ot. 12 | oa ds: NUPE locals would use CPR|and reopen two weeks later as [ - ow. Renewal hotels for their functions untill the Civic Square Theatre. |} O O REDBOOK [J INGENUE (Teen Age Girls) ... 3 the Royal York strike was set-| TRUE STORY . [J MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY ... 3 tled. LOOK (every other week) . [0 CHILDREN'S DIGEST (Ages 5-12) 3 CHATELAINE [J POPULAR SCIENCE 1} The NUPE executive board Won't Protest McCALL'S [J HUNTING & FISHING ...... also endorsed "the principles ' and ideals" of the New Demo- A a sates L cratic Party. A resolution] Cour? S Action GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ..... [1 [0 FREE PRESS WEEKLY . passed by the convention, how- G i U.S. CAMERA can MOODY MONTHLY 0? 3 LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Mr. Sere ever, allows locals to decide for} oy "te ker do nt ARGOSY (The Man's Mag.) ... TRUE ROMANCE LIBERTY PRLS SATURDAY NIGHT themselves on the degree of| HI FI/STEREO REVIEW ...... (Every other Week) : : oie {intend to protest court action their political activity. _ which put their newborn son in AMERICAN GIRL end FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE .... GOLF DIGEST CHRISTIAN HERALD ~~ {the custody of the Children's . » {Aid Society so he could be 1d 1Z {given a blood exchange, the {child's grandmother, Mrs. Ma- FLOWER GROWER .......,. CANADIAN PHOTOGRAPHER POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY ,.. HUMPTY DUMPTY (Ages 3-7) |deline Neville, said Thursday. SPORT Cashiers INSIDE DETECTIVE Medicine | The Crockers, Jehovah's Wit- . octane oy. wa wive to PHOTOPLAY .... ATLANTIC ADVOCATE ..,... » {operate on the baby, who had| >» arnin {an rh blood factor, to save his| {life. The operation was per- ; GLAMOUR FIELD & STREAM .......... ww formed successfully after a spe-| MADEMOISELLE HOUSE & GARDEN ........ OTTAWA (CP) -- A whrning| cial court made the baby a ward| STEIDIPBAKI IR LiFe AMERICAN HOME ......... vA PARENT'S MAGAZINE CANADIAN HOMES ........ tat jocialized Tedicue would of the CAS for two months. | TODAY'S HEALTH HOMEMAKERS Yhe anger the national economy| mw. .ovents said after Wed- SPORTS AFIELD yas head Thursday by the octay's court action that they| BETTER HOMES & GARDENS qe mmission: On want the baby after the CAS] te custody has elapsed. Of five CAR AND DRIVER .. HOUSE BEAUTIFUL POPULAR BOATING : yrs. A statement by the Canadian BO | ROD & GUN in CANADA .... 5 yn. Chamber of Commerce said 45| children born previously to the| § : couple, only one survived. | POPULAR GARDENING LE SAMEDI (Every other wk.) 3 yrs, per cent of federal taxes now NUPE President Going Legitimate \ 2) : 2 i | a 000000000000000000ooooooogooaon 0 00000000g = -- O00oOoOoooooooo 30 aa re Ol ] { 00000000000 ooo O0oDpoooa 10 oooooo WEEKLY SCOTSMAN POPULAR ELECTRONICS LA REVUE POPULAIRE 5 CATHOLIC DIGEST : LA REVUE MopERRETT T° ya ALLING ALL GIRLS h burden such as socialized med- | (Ages 7-14) ' 0 WS ATELAINE ranch Lisathip im icine might be "unbearable." A. arometer MACLEAN'S Hendy (Monthly) "The chamber suggests that (every other week) 5 ym. *[7] [J LIFE (Weekly) any further oblizations of a we!- D I 1961 ; i 4 = a 8 fate naire should be. consid Tops n | z : ol gs nl Li ; * Please Note: If you choose LIFE -- select only 1 other magazine from the above list. pin Bo iE or the Eon of LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit J : i i PLEASE ALLOW 4 1s 8 WEEKS FOR FIRST MAGAZINES TO ARRIVE payments becoming unbearable ain's biggest industrial complex, | x / GE EE OWE GER GER BN SEE ONE GEE EE GER GED SEE EE Ge a in the national economy," the|Imperial Chemical Industries, Do Not Write Here ; statement said. {rocked he London Stock Ex- ee . . The royal commission is con-|change Thursday with the news 3 - ting a national inquiry to re.|that its profits for the first half £7 ort Carrier's N. Ee aoa, "UY 10 Te of 1961 had dropped 27 per cent we et big carcom vier Nome on measures which would en-| 10 £36,700,000 ($102,760,000) | ie oh sure first-class medical care for| ICI figures are often regarded) at compact preces You need not Carrier's Rowte No, all Canadians. as Britain's economic barome | ' : : It wound up two days of pre-|ter. Its products go into almost compromise when you buy a new car. This '62 Lark is | hereby agree to subscribe for or extend my present subscription at liminary hearings here and ad-|every British industry. i " ily" the present rates to THE OSHAWA journed until Oct. 30 at Halifax.| The company made a £50,200, | foomier than any other family car yet lops all for P i h indi TIMES for 36 montis ond the The commission will £0 on 10/000 profit in the same. poriod handling, parking, economyand convenient size. Examine magazines chosen for the term as indicated. | agree to pay 60c weekly other provincial capitals later. |last year. the new classical styling, the new tasteful interiors. for 36 months with the understanding that this amount represents full | Paul Chambers, head of the test the new limousine-like ride; thrill to the new Lark payment at present rates for not only the magazines but also the Awarded Damages |55 for"; "9 ac! had lost £5. ; ; newspaper { g 300.000 in sales to bring the power, and smile at the new low price. The '62 Lark-- per. . sales total down to ,000, : From Truck Driver for the first wait of this ves: ENDURANCE-BUILT BY STUDEBAKER. TORONTO (CP) -- A former| One bright spot -- a record-- Ee Tr oy Paras, Convertible snd hardtep, welder with the Toronto Transit! Was the export total of £49,000, 6 cylinder engines « 5 axle ratios « TWIN TRACTION (limited slip 7 rd WHWWWWW WL WW WW WW WwWwWwewwNwwwwo ww w La aooo go into welfare cost and a new 0 w or differential) « Head rests « Reclining seats « Wide range of options PHONE NUMBER Commission Thursday was awarded $118,943.13 damages for . These Lark Dealers (Guarantee Your Satisfaction: injuries which have crippled EXPAND OVERSEAS : him Jor, Mire TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- Mr. Justice S. N. Schatz of dian fashion house of Holt Ren- the Supreme Court of Ontario|frew and Company Limited will NAGY MOTOR SALES GRAHAMS GARAGE made the award to Raymond open its first overseas branch. 4 w / Smith, 48, hit by a truck Feb probably early next year, in 88.KING STREET WEST HAYDON scar ra" "TE GE Vai RAY GEBBS SALES & SERVICE ~~ KNIGHTON MOTOR SALES | nL. MASALINES IST BE GELIVIRED 73 THE SANE ADIfsSS PROVINCE ORDER TAKEN BY LY Big was Morsis Davis, [wil Jedlure Canadian fashions| BOWMANYILLE BLACKWATER | Please let us have your renewal today so that you will not miss any copies

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