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The Oshawa Times, 29 Sep 1961, p. 15

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CE -- a ------------------------ 26--Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale |31--Automobile Repairs 32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 29, 1961 15 LARGE single room, in clean 25---Apts. & Flats for Rent COMFORTABLE basement apartment, if Restred. five Do pe with avy duty Bg g TV outlet, private) ileges bath, close to store and buses. 728-5455. |Four Corners. Telephone 723-7237, IN new home, two-room furnished FURNISHED oom, suit two apartment, for gentlemen, private entrance and bath, P: space. Apply 314 Elgin Street West. THREE-ROOM wal walk in, heated, ment apartment, se- ate sutranes gentleman, phone 723.94 in clean, quiet home which|g, Tele- located, home 133 ACRES, sheds, ) arking ply 193 Simeos Soeoct South or tele.|garden, raspberries SINGLE room or room and board for oiier Apply owner, 5. Hussel, RR Omemee. PRIVATE sale -- storey and half, five bedroom brick veneer, oil heating, 100 acres workable, bal. ; 3 double garage. 725-5270. 290 Eulalie. Telephone Boulevard South. [1954 CHEV. sedan, good condition and {new paint, $395. Apply 302 Oshawa HOUSTON"S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TUMBLER-FREE with $3 FOR SALE -- White frame winter- worth | BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- gasoline at The Hilltop. Open PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. 10 a.m. until for cash crop. Plenty of water and large ized cottage on lot, across from White Rose Station. Hydro, MO/' 45. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. '51 PONTIAC standard, 6. Very good mechanically, Clean. Many extras. Tele- strawberries, som apple trees. For sale or will trade for 84204 or WH 231 fliness forces sale; b make) yREE- BEDROOM ranch type home, is centrally phone 725-3879. ATTRACHVELY furnished bedroom, vate home, Wilson Road, | bas at door. iy , Bar landscaped. Three years old. orth end. Peal i Ps sale. Apply 216 Chadburn Street, it one or two single girl 728-9780 after 5. Lo TRADE oz sell pey #is rooms, | 1. e for home or pits Write -plex, 1500 down. Call Walter Frank, $55,000 with $14,000 down or ex-|1"\y *NcQuay Realtor. MA 3.3393 Bow: Balance | py nyille. Box S11 Kitch SE-RO0N three-bedroom brick ve- in Flog rivate entrance, cen. tral. Apply 253 Al Street East, alow, near schools and bus. buflt-in and sink. Centrally located. brcraiy Bant. Sacrifice $13,000 Cash to mortgage. Dean Avenue. ing Avenue. TWO rooms, and Private 507 THREE-ROOM modern with new I ON | cupboards and gy All conveniences. en Aah 256 Eoinauty parkng| Apply 887 Riison Road South. d . rma Eulalle Avenue of |g, GIE furnished room, wee of WE |FIVE-room bungalow, |1arge living room, in spotless condition. {Om 38.200 with forms, chen and Handy TIREEXOM th and Noxy 6 GM. unfurnished, three-| -piece bath, sep- T op ing. 2 516 Wilson Road Socth > A" LARGE furnished house keeping room, built-in cupboards and sink, parking fa. | on. "Mo g3119. monthly, Gerald Barrow Broker. 725-3852. Hardwood tile flooring. Four-piece colored bath, All decorated. Recreation FEIVATE sale, five Jou br brick ick bunga- room and two-piece bath, Oil heating, bedrooms, laundry tul asphalt driveway in th reason for sale. Apply 216 Chad i0-ACRE lots near 401 Highway, $5000/51055, "57 CHEVROLET four door sedan, three bedrooms, $395 WILL buy a Balance $50 phone 723-1302, or 149 Burk, '53 AUSTIN, green, good running order, 67 KING ST. W. tires in fair condition, extras. Tele. GO-KEART with two 2% HP Panther motors, mufflers, live axle. In good con- dition, $150. Telephone 728-5869. REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, in excel- lent working freezing com- partment, white enamel, loads of stor- age space. 728-8317. 723-7822 phone 725-4441 for further BABY carriage, grey, Thistle, coach Siyte: in vers #obd eondition, $25. Caf '52 NASH Rambler, convertible, wil be 32-- Articles for Sale home evenings. Bert Whyte, - Koad, 21" CONSOLE television, two poem x Grove Koad, Bowmanville, Noel Saray Wha background, ow radio, heater, Sue alis, This is a "one rer yar, asym. Bly tind Camper trailer, sleeps four or five, spare wheel and tire, directional signals. Telephone for further owner car. Must be n to be aj ciated. Nicol's Motors ge 512 Brock PIANO, Joi, in A-1 condition, just . Price $275 or best offer. Street North, Whitby, MO 88001. for 'ormati BENDIX automatic washer, good con- dition, $50 or best offer, 728-7009 after 6 p.m. for further CUSTOM (in the dash) LARGE double cement laundry tubs, |radios, lowest prices in town. Try De. |minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West, with taps and stand. Also full in good LADY'S suits, dresses and fall coat, size 14-15. Like new. Steel double bed, also sink. BRITISH BRIEFS Veterans Visit Linked Outfit By M. McINTYRE HOOD eigen t, DH 18. TW i a i Special to The Oshawa Time: | niles - per - plus sho ABERDEEN, Scotland -- A|"200 Cll transport aircraft of | party of 86 veterans of the 48tt onary y seats. The RAF plans to use the Highlanders of Toronto, Ontario |°2 has been in Aberdeen on a good | ident as a flying classroom *53 Cl two- (size bed 0 will visit to members of their] °F Ravigator training. door sedan. Just traded in, runs like a|T sewing machine. Nicol's Motors Ltd,, 512 Brock Street North, Whitby. MO pans, Fri A ae, MODERN bungalow, Bie payment $4,500. #12. WEEKLY -- two-room apartment, com Plately furnished, Suit lady or gentleman. Parking space. | Apply 15 Colborne Street E: housekeep- | &' ver THREE-ROOM urea OS week. Man furnished light centrally located, $55 Inonthly includes |ing room. T 728-6844. cilities, close to bus, all Apply 320 Frontenac Avenue. $ | FURNISHED bedroom and kitchen, all a central, $12 per level est and taxes. Tel. land. Pigen River winds through prop. £8 ad tu Taiz. {per month will carry including | inter- 1750 BUYS 50 acres wooded 38.6896, 729 G rty. near Shopping nd schools, excellent location, enfor. heater. Ideal car for Nicol's 8.8001, Apply do Bit a FALL gown, full length, car- nation white silk faille, chapel train, 1961 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, light metal. Fre ig Avenue or lic green, four door, automatie, 7.000) h solid d- miles. les. Very re reasonable. 725-7809, Board and spring fled ie "in $505. '55 METEOR tudor sed sedan, radio, |very good condition, Jatdly sonable. Telephone 725-3489. Wedding | w Li ATTENTION Bridesto be! with hoop. $10. Like new. Motors Ltd., 512 (rose Street North, Whitby. MO' 8-60) Crinoline ble' Sood farming. Call Don Strad at Schofieids, 723-2285. Evenings| 29--Automobiles for Sale heat and hydro. Children Telephone furth orma- | NICE, i uiet home with tion. or or informa. pis nome utd meals served, lunches packed, ample parking, close RESIDENTIAL district, North Oshawa, |to everywhere. Apply 81 Park Road close to hospital, 10 minutes downtown, South. first ZONE Mb, large six room bungalow, $10,000, Low down payment, pons, low month. ly payments, low taxes, one open $495 FULL price. needs paint job. Cash, trade or terms. open mort Nicol's Motors Ltd. gage, Lot 414 feet Call Don at 2265 North, Whitby. MO 8-8001. basement apartment in building. Built-in Kiesten, stove, Frigi- daire, lots of space, living room, dining room, room, colored bath, TV outlet, garage, private en- trance, $65 monthly includes heat, hydro, water, use of washer 354 dyer ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED: ROOMS Available in private home. 209 RICHMOND Street East, full two. storey, drive, large lot. Excellent buy. For ap poin tment to see or terms, tel W. R. Eliot, 728-0581 or Holmes Real | Estate, 725-2363. even- HARDROZ, ao Pontiac, 8 cylinder, dio, ete. Reduced for quick hing Nicol's Motors Ltd., 512 ings 728-8423. rey, six rooms, bark brick, es and many extras. Available Please call 725-8880. THREE-ROOM unfurnished main floor apartment, private entrance, heat, light included, 723-4052, 82 PARK ROAD N. $65 monthly. 116 Summer or TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe g Street North, Telephone 725-6343, 9 a.m to 5 pm. DUPLEX Upper three rooms, range and refrigerator. Apply 324 Kingsdale Avenue or 725-2395. 27--Real Estate for Sale $2,000 DOWN -- Five.room brick bun: galow, hardwood and tile floors, new| oil furnace, all conveniences and ga. | phone 725-8188. $500 Lm. owner Coll between 5 ond 70 ment on two bungalows, situated on 728-8671 Harmony Road, storey and Realty (Oshawa) L Ltd., Realtor. CLOSE to Lake Simeoe, 200 acres, % bush, % farming land, will e<change {for bungalow in Osha rage. St. Eloi Avenue. No agent. 'Lele (Centre or sell. Write "ox 349 O SEPTEMBER CLEARANCE ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED | '59 CHEVROLET Impala Convertible, radio, auto- matic, power brakes, etc. Se three to choose from, will consider car as down pay- half on omerville, Immediate possession by alling Bill Millar 728.5123, Lloyd a, near Shopping awa BACHELOR apartment, stove and frig. automatic washer and dryer, $75 month. | ly. Apply to 13 Montrave Avenue, Apartment 1. COUNTRY living, near Ashburn, one lacre, four rooms and bath, fruit trees, [livestock shed, $7,900, terms. Call |655- information. No agents TWO unfurnished rooms and emai oa In wu chen with cupboards and sin racks | ing, bus at door. 622 Bloor East. 725- $1500 OOWN, buys 110 Affes=of cet 7617, id 5 {land, with Ganaraska ie Rowing 17 miles from Os THREE room apartment, equipped Rr only $Ea00 ful price. Call Walter stove, Ieftiferater, ehesterfisld Frank, D. W. McQuay Realtor. MA chair. Close to bus; parking facilities, 3.3393 Bowmanville. T 23-1052, Adults only. Ee era adcadd apartment, al conveni- 126 ACRE farm, "only six miles "from FOUR-room frame dwelling, water and hydro, located Bloor Street East, price 723-9490. UNFINSHED house for sale, | water, Maple Grove, on half acre ot near school $4500 cash or mear offer or consider good tenant. Write Oshawa Times. PRIVATE -- Three-bedroom bungalow, paved driveway, near schools and bus, phone 725-8158 after §. '59 PONTIAC Sedon, outo- matic transmission. '58 MERCURY Monterey Se- dan, automatic, radio. '56 CHEVROLET Deluxe Coach, leather uphol- tery, new tires. '56 CHEVROLET Deluxe Se- Full $3,500, Telephone Box 401 aluminum $11,200. Tele. ences, laundry, separate entrance, hot|OShawa, seven-room Noyse, Was nod. water free, bus at the door, Apply 165 Verdun Road Telephone 723- 3096. FOUR - room unfurnished apartment with bath, close to bus, $50 monthly. 'Telephone 3 or apply to Fairbanks Street, TWO heated apartments, second and third floor, private entrance. Apply 74 Bond Street East or telephone 725-9303 for further information. ern conveniences, barn, large pigpen, gravel deposits, two streams. full price with Frank, D. 3.3303 Bowmanville, $13,175--$1175 DOWN $12,700--$975 DOWN These are for custom-built $30,000 |}, terms. $2,000 DOWN. Call Walter| praised $13,900, W. McQuay Realtor, MA balance one 6 per cent government. -1343. {5600 DOWN buys brick home, close to Sowhiows, Fi 4 repair, oil heat, and low $9600 full price. Call 728.5123 and iy Yor Bill Horner, Lioyd Realty Oshawa Limited, Realtor. New geven-room split: tastefully decorated, ap- Will sell for $10,000, dan, automatic trans mission, "Immaculate Condition" '56 CHEVROLET Four-door Hardtop "Interior Like New". TRANSPORTATION evel brick, this seven-room homes only, featuring the highest quality three-bedroom bungalow with all the latest in new homes for easy ond comfortable living. JAMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 DOUGLAS L. AVALLABLE October 1, four-room and two-room flats in private home, TV outlets, equipped kilchens, utilities in- cluded in rent. Apply 17 Elena Avenue, MODERN 4.room unfurnished apart. ment in nice quiet new home, all con. veniences. Private entrance, near bus, adults. 725-9297. FURNISHED or unfurnished basement | apartment, self-contained, newly deco- | rated, close to south General Motors, | $55 monthly, parking space, Telephone | 728-8016. | rent, Ss, SPECIALS '58 CHEVROLET 12 -Ton Pick-Up ween 3895 '52 FARGO Pick- Opa PRIVATE Six-room custom built home, storms and screens two fin- ished rooms in' basement, two fireplaces, built-in stove, oven, exhaust fans, néar all schools, wall-to-wall carpet throughout house. 725-3993 Va-Ton PA 5 eid '51 MERCURY Sedan, odio .......... $139 20uchooms Yor Row house- | GOWER REALTOR ing room. Would suit one gentle- | man, central location, Apply 58 Nas- sau Street or telephone 725-7922, 204 BOND ST. W. 728-4651 Our - model homes will be OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM FOR AN HONEST DEAL SEE "TED" TED CAMPIN MOTORS BUYING OR SELLING EDWARD DRUMM" LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Lloyd Realty (Oshowo) Ltd., 101 Simcoe Street North 728-5123 Ve light housekeeping rooms, sink cupboards, open this weekend in the , parking privileges, a home, close to downtown. Tele: 725-6805. Taylor Ave., Poplar St. dis< trict. Accept our invitation phone FURNISHED bed-sitting room with hot to inspect them, see for your- self the calibre of workman- plate and refrigerator, on bus route, North Simcoe Street, sul gultale for sin- ship and the sound value. Doug Gower, Mary Clarke, gle girl. Telephone 728-6! Sally Wollace, Vic Hullatt COMPLETE use of IR: Tv, SELLING YOUR FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estote Business 728-6228 728-4879 OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 -- RES. 725-5574 55 Chevrolet 4-door|Soto sedan. deluxe sedan, radio, ready to go. Just| 512 Brock Street to iid | door. Brock Street North, Whitby. MO 8-8001. | | ant 607 KING ST. E. | 27--Reol Estate for Sale $65 TAKE your *50 Morris|Apply 76 Bond Street E. a-|sell for $10, 28 Gl LADY'S coats, size 20, dark grey and mint green, Orig! over $80 each, Avenue. DRYER Westinghouse, in very good orking order. 119 Banting Avenue or telephone 725-7690 for further details, Minor; "52 Plymouth sedan or '40 De|ELECTRIC stove, pushbutton, Viking Nicol's Motors Ltd., 512/95» automatic oven, timer, aE Brock Street North, Whitby. MO 8-800L|oven, timed plug. New condition. Rea-|rwprwe | WORTH it to the last penny. 53 Pon. | sonable 725-495: {Hae V8, radio, signals, windshield wash- grap; rth of ers, good condition, $395 cash. Private. |;ine at VER foe SCE So how Apply 10d Simcoe Street South, side lune; midnight. tudents, Guaran- 1951 PONTIAC, exceptionally good con- TENE ERS or ae Bill Ham. ion, new tires, radio, two-tone, auto-(jjon ~Aghburn, Brooklin. ti hardt 201 h, Ti Ci ior, S200 cas TELEVISION General "Electric 5 =| pletely overhauled $69. hillips PGHTIAC coach, body, motor and Lie A $99, All sets guaranteed, Lis A-1 new paint, seat covers and|y... "5 King Street West. i side. trim. Must be sold. Price $395. bf NG or disposing of used furniture, ne 728-1890. BUYI r ep. 0 OF ter Call' Rimer, 30 years | s week, brake jobs on Ifax 3-2204. Jan® experience. Co | Albert Stoset. Terephone reson s - TELEVISION, 24" Motorola a complete §i whol a ~ with stand, new picture tube, recently 51 DELUXE Chevrolet, all extras, one overhauled by reputable technicians, in owner, Must be seen to be appreciated, $100. T Full price $1,250. Apply 122 Keewatin. |795.0449, 88° |frec estimates, TENTS, camp cots, ground sheets, rentals. Oshawa Hardware, § Church Street. 723-7624. TYPEWRITERS, cash registers, add. ers, sales, service, new, used. Bill |Hamilton, Ashburn, Drovies. WE pay highest prices the city for used furniture. Pretty's Vier d Rurnitara Store, 723-3271, 444 4 Simcoe South. FILTER Queen Sales and Ser Service, lib 1ib- eral trade-in allowance. demon stration. Telephone 728-4683. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fok, 412 Simcoe North. FOR Rawleigh good health products, Telephone 728-5888. radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your authorized RCA Vie tor service depot for Oshawa. REFRIGERATOR, stove and washing 61 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, black, STAUFFER posture rest with plastic e v2 carburetor, 4.11) hair, stirrups and stretcher bar, $150. | for $250 or best offer. Will seh an fo All In good condition. 25.2062, "white walls, wheel eo financed. 725-3652. Impala, two-tone, low tomatic, radio, white. excellent condition. | nog sneed Corvett trans. In perfect di Teler Orono 642, AINT _-- all kinds. Manufacturing : prices. Sale hours 4 - 6 p.m. Parrot Paint Company. 1051 Nelson Street. 728-3622. T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vonized. Guaronteed one year. OSHAWA T.V. The leader on the road and SUPPLY LTD. track. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 361 GIBBONS STREET FINA SERVICE 728-8180 | 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 LATEST MODERN DESIGNS In living room drapery ma- terials -- 79¢ a yard and up. Bedroom drapery in satins ond rayons . , . 1.49 and up Kitchen drapery materials. . 69¢c up Drapes made to order by ex- perts at nominal cost. Also a selection of ready-made drapes at discount prices. M & C DRYGOODS 74 Celina Street 723-7827 FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats, Laurentian, four door sedan, d blue, hydramatic with | power s ng, less than 10,000 original Imileage. Immaculate condition. Make |offer. Tel lep hone 38317. VOLVO Most dependable. PONTIAC | | Trade your boat on a Care New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. -5912 Open evenings or weekends | THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS "Before You Buy -- Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-4741 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST stove, laundry, s or one or PROPERTY? USE PHOTO CO-OP sonable, 725-2757 FOR TWO nicely Taha rooms for rent, lose to _ hospital for nurses CALL 728-5107 FURNISHED, bright light housekeeping RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS room, clean, quiet, central, close to Bospital. Telephone 728-5984 or 728-4401. 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA FWO furnished rooms, laundry, park- Ing facilities. Right across from Shop- ng Centre. 378 King Street West or lephone 728-1127. SIX days weekly, $16, suit two, girls or gentlemen, single room, TV and laun- dry privileges. Central. Telephone 725-9807. FURNISHED room, with double bed, in clean home, $6 weekly. Apply 105 Mary Street or telephone 728-0764. FURNISHED room, housekeeping | priv- ileges, near hospital and downtown. Apply 23 Elgin street east or call 723- 7814 after 5. -sitting room, furnished, cooking s, room telephone, washer and close to hospital, downtown, north 'aM, Telephone 728-5507. ONE single and one double room, single beds, continuous hot water; also small apartment, 105 Ritson North. 725-1300. WHITBY CLASSIFIED $7750.00 Easy Terms. Solid brick 6 room Town home -- with attached apartment or workshop -- hardwood, tile, or surfaced floors. 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen and bath. Large living and dining rooms. Oil heat. Quiet street, centre town. Double garage. Large corner lot. $3500.00 Full price -- cash -- buys nearly new 20 x 30' ultra modern summer home ot Little Loke -- Lakefront lot 50° x 100' open road. Picture windows, fully furnished new Heavy duty stove, frig., chrome suite, open counter bar kitchen, 2 bed- rooms, new bunk beds. Finished interior, landscaped lawns and plantings. Excellent swimming, fishing, boating. Other demand- ing interests forces immediate sacrifice sale. Contact and Mrs. Jack Armstrong PHONE 172-COLBORNE for these and dozens of other listings of Town Homes, Farms, Vacation properties. Representing J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. 46 EGLINTON AVE. E., TORONTO 12 Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration = no obliga- tion. Zenith 9-6100. Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment sed Cars. 725-0331 2 DOWN. Take over payments on 8 Singer sewing machine. Telephone t| 728 728-2391 for further details. BICYCLE -- CCM Girl's full size, new (2 0, used od ties like mew. 725-3581 am, - FREE pr radls = Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper. Ready pasted and regular patterns to choose from. Buy one rofl, get one roll free at Edgar's Sale, 34 King Street West. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, COyi3-2241. USED furniture and appliances cost less at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe Street South, 728-4873, We buy and se! B-flat tenor saxaphone, very good con. dition, student forced to sell. Telephone 725.4265. Ask for Bob. ELECTRIC razor service, Sunbeam, Ron- in , $e. Schick, P son ete. Cords, cutting head Meagher's, 5 King Street West. BANKRUPT stock of rugs and broad- loom. Many sizes. Must sell, Box 507 Oshawa Times. CASH register with tax control but. ton, 10-key electric adder, subtracts and multiplies. Like new, snap. porfable typewriter 723-4434, TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 4% Ib_pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $2.00 Cir Department. O. Times B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat: teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Repair Reals Vacuum Cleaner vice, 728-0591 anytime, PAINT. interior, exterior, All colors, Euaranteed, flat, sinus, & Osh- awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. 723.7624. CSED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. . F. Goodrich Stores, 725-4543, pr camp cots, Sleeping bai aga, lan. terns, picnic jugs, camp Best prices in town. lind he 8 Sore, 48 Bong Street West, 725-6511. Terms to suit you. COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm Windows and Prime windows and doors only $40. Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable price. Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 ckline _e Highlanders, They travelled by WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car bi 11. |is being considered by the Agri- ser.|TO SUE FOR BOOKS gal {the Lambeth, London, borough sister regiment, the Gordon TURKEY DISEASE COSTLY * chartered plane. John Brannan.| WESTON LONGVILLE, Nor. leader of the party, presentec|0lk -- Fowl pest at. the turk the Gordon Highlanders' Clut| 'arms of Europe's biggest b with a copy of the 48th High. = Bernard Matthews, has cost - landers' History, and several|l people their jobs. The 150 -- .{half the staff -- received tis. mugs Sul Yies bearing the Teg! cen] notices following the de- ~ struction of 170,000 turkeys at . HONOR 21-YEAR-OLDS Mr. Matthews' farm at Weston - LONDON -- Certificates sign- ml tani gull ed by the mayor and town clerk|Matthews t! ease of JT ew ayo now being pre-|outbreak as a complete disaster. . red for every 21-year-old in od the borough. The certificates will{SUB IN TRAWL NET {ed be presented at a key-of-the:) BRIXHAM, Devon -- Trawler door party at the town hall on|skipper Derek Oram and his ® Nov. 25, when young men and/mate had to cut free their big. ~ women on the electoral register|gest catch, Trapped in the * for the first time will be enter-|trawler net, it was running away ° tained by the mayor and coun-|(with the boat, Guess On, of! il. Brixham. Only afterwards did Mr. Oram see that the one that. got away had been a Dutch sub- marine exercising off Devon. PUSH BUTTON FLATS BEDFORD -- Two blocks of" flats designed for elderly people... are nearing completion in Bed--« a "thank you" gift. They hope to|ford's town centre. Each block " bring over 120 children each|contains nine two - bedroomed - year once the funds are avail-|flats and 28 with a bed-sitting ° able. This year 20 children were|room. Each block has a war- , brought over at a total cost oi|den, and an emergency button.» a $1,130. in each flat is linked to the * warden's home. FARM PAY CLAIMS LONDON -- A claim for high-| SNAKE IN MILK er pay and shorter hours for REIGATE, Surrey -- The dis- _ more than 500,000 agricultural covery of a grass snake, 15% workers in England and Wales|jnohes long, in a bottle of milk resulted in a dairy firm being ~ fined $140 at Reigate, Surrey. The firm, Home Counties' ® nearer to those enjoyed by fac- Dairies, said that an opaque tory workers. Farm hands now|jape] on the bottle probably pre- have a basic wage of $23.50 for|yented bottling-plant workmen a week of 46 hours. from seeing the snake, WORE WRONG BOOTS OLD MARKET SOLD CHADWELL HEATH, Essex--| 1 onpon 50 of East Lon- A man worked with a live elec- don's oldest markets, Blake's trical machine for 10 minutes and lived -- because he wore| Market, has been sold io a prop- . rubber boots. A workmate, John| erty developer. The price paid is * Earl, who walked near the ma-|Pelieved to be in the neighbor © id hood of $560,000. The market oc- _ chine was killed -- because he k lea thot wore leather soles. A verdict of ee oe ke lowr's : gocidentst Qoath was returned sands of people from East Lon- | a od don and South Essex shop there every week. REPAY CARE OF GRAVES ESSEX--Essex war veterans have a plan to repay youngsters for looking after British soldiers' graves in Holland and Nor- mandy. They want to treat them to free holidays in England as cultural Wages Board. The farm workers want wages and hours LONDON -- Library chiefs of BREWING UP STORM council, plan to sue more than] LONDON -- Public house I 1,000 readers for the cost of bor-|operators are preparing to de- rowed books they have failed to|fend themselves against the return, All other methods have Wrath of customers which they failed to produce the return of/expect will descend on them the books, so legal action is to|after Nov. 1. On that day the n against the forgetful|new licensing laws come into . Jo bbe g 2 effect, prohibiting the sale of al- » cohol from off-licence shops to SHELL KILLS BOYS persons under 18. For years it . DUNKELD, Perthshire --|has been the custom for mum Police and army experis believe(and dad to send one of their a 25-pounder artillery shell kill-| children to the off-licence to buy ed three teen-age boys on Bena- a bottle of beer. chally Hill, near Dunkeld. Said a police spokesman: "The hill|TO STOP SUICIDES was used by artillery during the] LONDON -- The Samaritans, * [SELLING OR BUYING "STEW" -1S WORTH TRYING OSHAWA'S LOWEST PRICES '55 Chey. -- $495 '55 Plymouth $295 A car to be proud of, will Savoy. Radio, two-tone stend ony test. sharp car for the money. '55 Buick -- $695 '56 Meteor -- $595 Niagara, Custom Radio, d ' Roadmaster, all power, good White Walls in outstanding tires, no rust, condition. '52 Chev. -- $195 Neo tires, muffler, brakes, etc. Real Value. WILL SELL YOUR CAR AT YOUR PRICE | | Any make, Any Model new or used at Oshawa's lowest prices. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, TO RENT: 1% storey house, in Brook- on second floor, with privaie bath and |lin, 5 rooms. Central. Phone MO 8-4822. heavy duty wiring. One child welcome. ~~ Telephone MO 8-570. LARGE bedsitting room with Kitchen. ette, for rent, central. Suitable for two FOR SALE: Three bedroom brick bun- girls or one. Phone after 6 p.m., MO galow on landscaped lot, large kitchen 8-3151, and living room; screen and storms; RENT: Four, sk close to shopping area and school. Im- |FOR RENT: Four.roomed house, heavy mediate possession. Phone MO 82664. |roomed self-contained apartment; cen- FOR SALE: Whithy, large modern clap. [tral tral: adults preferred. MO 8-3727 board bungalow, finished recreati |FOR SALE: Income home, 15 rooms, room. Oil heated. Near school, stores excellent revenue, $5,000 down, terms and bus. MO 8-8765 after 4 p.m. |arranged. Choice building lots, 70x165, THREE-room unfurnished apartment wi set 50 Joo id mage, fully for rent, private entrance, adults pre-|Ca)i McAuley Rea) Estate, representa. ferred. Phone MO _8-3255. |tive Helen Allan, MO 8-4065, FOR RENT: Four room apartment, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Walter Ward. ce c 5 204 month, including heat, light, water. MO Chestnut t_ West, Phone MO_8-2563. 8-4494 after 5. FOR RENT --_ Spacious three-roomed - contained apartment,. central THREE-ROOM apartment, for rent, arki - . very central, Would suit business couple. | aja ing. Ros ona le to a good tenant. Telephone MO 8-2 8-2398. hind cu ROOM I ET FOR RENT -- Three-room self-con- |), grounds, RA aa ve, tained apartment, = Mr. Say, 208|Whithy, Three very large bedrooms, Brock Street South, MO 8-5947. {four-piece bath, "oil heated, $12,800. FOR RENT -- $60 m 'monthly, three and $2100 down carries $99 monthly includ. four room apartments, balcony. Resi-|ing# interest. Call Helen Simpson MO «dential area, newly decorated, laundry 8.3338. W. Schatzman Realtor -Brock facilities. Parking, close fo schools, | Building. | ghildren's playground. Apply 300 High FURNISHED three room apartment in {apartment building in Whitby, laundry FOR TERT, two-bedroom apartments, facilities and parking. $70 monthly, $90 and $100, in modern building; |vacant now. Telephone 725-3214. stoves, refrigerators, MO 8-351. |FOR RENT -- Two.room apartment, STUDENTS! A super value, approxi Private entrance, heavy wiring, built-in mately 630 sheets of letter size typing| cupboards and sink, $40 monthly. Tele- paper (news print) for only 00 Ap- Phone MO 8.5467. va Times Office, Whitby '\RoOoM and board for two willing "3 to Street West. isharé with single beds, lunches packed. NG, suits, coats, dresses, For further information call MO 8-2500 alterations, slip covers, Gowns and fit. | 5900 DOWN $12,100 full price six.room Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd. | 360 King St. West 4Y2% MORTGAGE LOVELY 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW with garage -- lo- cated in the Cadillac Ave. Area. Living. room, dining room, modern kitchen, 4 pc. tiled bath, 2 bedrooms or dining room could be converted to use as 3rd bedroom. Nicely decorated and landscaped. MONTHLY PAYMENTS INCLUDING TAXES ONLY $56.00 NORTH END SPLENDID -- 7-room brick home located on Grierson St. in an area of fine homes. 4 lovely bedrooms. 2 up and 2 down, Sleep- ing area completely separate from rest of living area. Forced hot air heating, aluminum storms and screens oll 6:oomd, "Good terms are available, for serious buyer. LARGE & WITH FAMILY ROOM, JUST LISTED -- owner leaving an city. An outstanding brick and stone bungalow. 4 years old, featuring a large family room 18 x 23' beautifully finished. Has large fireplace and many extras. Broadloom in dining room and living, built in china cabi- net in dining room, rec room with bar. Two bathrooms, attached garage. Londscoped grounds, large lot, asking $19,900 with terms. AFTER 5:30 CALL 725-4840 Don Stradeski 725-0243 Bill McFeeters .. . 728-8423 725-1726 Russ Reeve Henry Stinson .. Pd specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO |nungalow, screens, fenced, sodded, 8-23 : |other improvements, MO 8-5428. FOR SALE -- Boys' CCM bicycle. [10st -- Lady's pink gold Gruen wrist green and white, Boy's Junior CCM|yaich, brown cord strap, reward, 318 bicycle, red and White. Girl's CCM bi: |Xfary Street West or phone MO 8-4294. cycle, double bar, red and white. All shud Also Brownies' | SPACIOUS modern two-bedroom apart. outfit, dress, tam, belt, pouch, panties| ments for rent. from $85. Call J. A. ard tie, size 8. Apply 112 Kent Street, {pais MO 8-4775. THREE "large room unfurnished apart. | FOR SALE very good condition. FOR SALE: Late model Crosley auto- ment, heated, stove and frig, also pri- {matie defrosting refrigerator; four sl, vate bathroom. 210 Trent Street West, ment. heavy duty Gurney stove. Telephone MO 8-3160. $60 monthly. | 8-8509, EXPERIENCED shorthand typist de- GROUND floor, two room unfurnished sires two or three days work, per week. apartment with kitchen and bed sitting Phone MO 8.5305. room, Hydro, heat Included: convenient FOUR-ROOM _ apartment for _ rent, | packing space. MO 3.5183, parly furnished, all conveniences. Ap- BC ICES. Complete bookkeeping By after 6.30 p.m. Mrs. Bates. 305 service for small businesses, weekly, rent Street West, Whitby. {monthly or as desired. Statements pre. pared, income tax returns. MO 8.8252. GRAVEL - LCAM Cement, Gravel, Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Conces, Car Top Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, also Power | Tools, Garden and Lawn Equipment. MQ 8-3226. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 $895.00 DOWN New 5}2 room brick and stone bungalow (1050 sq. ft.) nearing completion. Ook and tile floors, storms, screens, sodded front, Poy vg exhoust fon, etc., etc. Truly a good buy at only 4 BEDROOM RANCH Plus double goroge -- in a beautiful setting in a good area. Good sized rooms, paved drive, built in stove, oven, garburator, storms, screens. A real buy ot $21,000.00. Shown by appoint- ment only. AFTER 5:30 CALL 728-2392 Jos Maga 725-6243 Everett Elliott - Marion Drew 725-7610 725-9191 723-9290 John Kemp Dick Barriage YOU DRIVE UNTIL SOLD GOOD QUALITY OIL 40c QT. TAX PAID | EXPERT WELDING, REPAIRS, BODY WORK AND | PAINTING AT LOWEST RATES IN OSHAWA. ESTIMATES FREE. TIME PAYMENTS IF REQUIRED. ROCKER PANELS REPLACED AND PAINTED $9.00 EACH FULLY LICENSED GARAGE. CLASS A MECHANICS WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF GOOD USED 6.70 x 15 TIRES $3.00 UP | ORDER YOUR SUBURBANITES NOW AND SAVE EXTRA 15" WHEELS AVAILABLE STEWART MOTOR SALES 822 KING ST. W. (at Thornton) 725-1667 ANYTIME T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, oll galvan- ized, guaranteed | year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 war, and apparently all the un-lan organization founded two . exploded shells were not re-|years ago by the Rev. Chad » moved." Varah, a London clergyman, to : provide a rescue telephone serve. FRUIT MACHINES OUT ice to help people on the verge « SOUTHAMPTON -- Fruit ma-|of suicide, is to be developed on - chines which had been installed|a national basis. He claims that on the Cunard liner Queen Mary|about 1,500 cases have already were ordered to be removed|been dealt with by the London when the ship arrived here from|centre this year. SALE NOW ON Now is the time to replace those draughty wooden doors and windows with the best Aluminum-products obtain | able. Reid Installations 725-4344 ~ FALL SPECIAL COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS $45.00 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS New York. They had been in- stall an SEpariment, but TRESH VOTED BEST after three voyages, the com-| MONTREAL (CP) -- Tom pan y Jecidet to take them out of Tresh, flashy 23-year-old short- stop with Richmond Virginians, © a rCALTH TARY ttn is the International Baseball * --_ ren will have 0 iu fewer needle pricks in a new im- League's rookie of the year, it. : munization program announced|Was announced Wednesday. He. by the ministry of health. But|was chosen by the IL Baseball - they will De Imes io just| writers Association as many diseases. Jabs against . whooping cough, diphtheria and| Son of former Chicago White . tetanus are to be combined in|Sox catcher Mike Tresh, the one, but the polio injection and|petroit - born infielder now is * smallpox vaccination will re- with the parent New York Yankees, American League pen- nant winners, who signed him = main separate. NEW TRAINER PLANE to a bonus contract in 1958. He closed the IL season with a .315 Colonial Aluminum Sales Co. OPEN 9 AM.-9 P.M. 134 SIMCOE ST. 8. 728-4614 |S0=>Automoliies Wanted [32--Articles for Sale Auto Wreckers want| ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, 34--Lost & Found LOST -- Wallet, containing $60, Ne foundland auto licence, black leather, E ecking. Highest prices paid.|Ng. 1 quality. Measurements, free. Terms, Order early. 723-4989. . JOIN the fun! Read "Personals" in the Classified Section every day. Don't miss the messages you find there. CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? FURNACES, forced air, ten year har Osh Whitby, September 15, MO 8.3078, Reward FOUND. -- Bond coupons Patte's Paint and Wallpaper for identification. 35--Legal Sell your used Car to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 PALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or antee, $2.25 per week, no down ment, Package deal $130, Telephone 725-4729. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc, For top cash offer contact ~--------|19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131, WRECKING OLD BANK BUILDING down. Liens paid off. KING AND SIMCOE STS. INICHOLS MOTOR SALES | a) ATER Ls | 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY | MO 8.8001 FOR SALE SPOT CASH PAID FCR Good clean cars. Trade up | or down, Liens paid off. | DODD MOTOR SALES | 314 PARK RD. 5. | 23-9421 CASH In on the high readership in "Perzenals" In the Oshawa Times Clas- sified Section. Dial 723-3492 now to get your ad in this popular column, | Stone, bricks, steel beams, stairs, windows, doors, oak flooring, oak panneling, french doors, plumbing, hot water square sectional boiler, radiators, pipe, lumber of every description. Salesman on job. ST. CLAIR HOUSE WRECKING CO. LTD, "Sale by Tender" OPEN HOUSE CUSTOM-BUILT EXECUTIVE RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW 7 rooms and fully-finished basement. Bar, built-in fure niture and many added fea- tures. Large lot 135' x 135°. Beautifully landscaped. Good first mortgage, Oven for in- spection Saturday, Septem- ber. 30th, 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 108 Laracor Avenue, Oshawa. This is a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity, must be a sold regardless of cost, LONDON -- The Royal Air Force is to seek treasury ap- batting average, third highest in: = the league. proval to buy the De Haviland 34--Lost & Found Donn Cledenon, Coltime hus first baseman, and John YELLOW and green budgie, lost in Powell, Rochester first sacker north section of Oshawa, September 26. Reward. Finder please telephone were tied for second in the bal. loting. 728-2827 anytime. LOST, small grey Beagle, ear tattooed L. M. D,, vicinity of Oshawa Boulevard King Street. Telephone 728.0620. MERRY MENAGERIE By Walt Disney! - 2 Disney 2 © 1961 alt Disney Productions Distributed by Kini Features § A World Rights Reserved ~ "George is getting old ne just doesn' t have the old FIRE any more!"

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